.rc.fc' - -xP;fri .'.wiS:n &- 5T- sJ ij " Kii :? - (Kjalnmtmsgmtrmit - w v; WBOJfMDAZ. OCTOBBB . 1 iltia-STROTHER. .K. STROTHHt . 10 JOUBVAL tUMCUini: We want it distinctly under stood that The Journal will coa tinueall sabacriptions and no one else is aathorised to fill them. Tfce subscription list, good will and plant of The Journal was included in the sale to the present management. STATE United Statea Senator NORMS BBOWN GHOBGR L. 8HELDOH M.E. HOPEWELL Becntarror State OBOSQBC. JUMKDI B.M.8KABLE L.G. BKIAM Atteraqr General W. T. THOMPSON iMdCommiMiaaer H. M. EATON gmperiatoadeat. J.L.lTBRnCN (H.J.WDiNnT RtUway CominiiinaW BOEEBT OOWELL t J. A. WILLIAMS OONOBEBBIONAL For Coacnaa. Third Diatxict J.F. BOYD COUNTY Bepww fHte. 84th Diat EDLBTTSCHEN Coaatr Attorney C. N. M.ELFBEBH State Bfawrnr JUDGE T. H. 8APNDEB8 Float UepreeeatafiTe W.F.TBOWETT SUPERVISOR. First Diatrict NEILS OLSON Tfciid District JOHN 8WAWBON Fifth Diatrict HERMAN KKEUVEB Wx and Senna O. C. SHANNON Every republican should vote next Tuesday, November 6. Republican candidates are pledged to reduce freight rates. A vote for Sheldon next Tuesday, will be a vote to reduce freight rates. A vote for the straight republican ticket is a vote to endorse President Roosevelt Platte county has always been un der the influence and control of the democratic party. Can anyone be proud of the fact?. Are our taxes less than in our neighboring republi can counties? Not at all. Our taxes have always been up to the full limit of the law and all the traffic would bear. Have we any fine public build ings erected by our democratic offi cials? Not any. Next to Colfax r county, which b also democratic, we have the poorest court house in east ern and or central Nebraska. Have we aay fine expensive bridges or mac adamized roads? 'Not any. It is true we have a good bridge over the Loup but that was not built at the county's expense, but by Columbus and Colum bus township. Much of the money raised annually, say by taxation, is wasted we do not say by dishonest omcial8, but by inefficient officials. For instance, some years ago an at tempt was made to rob the Platte Center bank. Itwasa bungling at tempt made in broad daylight, and the robber was easUv captured. When it was brought to trial about one witnesses were summoned. Four or five witnesses were all that were nec essary, and all that were actually called to testify, but all those sum moned -collected their mileage and per diem from the county.- Other eases could be cited but this illustra tes the point Tax payers, stand up foryour own interests and vote for M cElfresh for county attorney. THE FIGHT FOB THE SENATE The fight for the control of the legislature is on in earnest The elec tion of a republican governor is a for gone conclusion, as is the election of a republican house but the senate is not so sure. The fushionists are straining every nerve to elect democratic sena tors in order to block all legislation that aught emanate from the house to ragulate freight rates or protect the weople from corporate greed. In the person of the Judge Saund ers, republican candidate for the san- ato kt this district, we have a BIZ MMill t W?I jUsaaM wLmi JTwjpriIjnrSffiS ' wamn JeaneT" i Hi ii I gsjjimir imt ih'!."r was imperiled by the vile machine tionsofthe demscratic party, should end his nmeket and marched with the beys in bine; a man who risked his life that the nation might lire. He is an old resident of Colfax county and will he remembered by many old settlers as an honorable and upright citisen. He stands today as a candi date for the senate. He never sought the position but being chosen and be lieving it a duty to respond to the call of his political party has con sented to make the race. Does he deserve everv republican vote in the district? Does he deserve the vote of everv man that believes in the present administration? He surely does. Schuyler Son. A vote forjudge T. Saunders, W. F. Prowett and Ed. Luechen next Tu esday will be a vote for Norris Brown for United States Senator. Brother Howard of the Telegram delights jn representing the republi can party as the especial friend and champion of2 the railroads, and the democratic party as the especial friend and champion of the farmer; and the farmer he pictures as a poor and down trodden, with the railroads holding a rope twisted around the poor farmer's neck. We are pleased to say that as a matter of fact no class of people are today as prosperous and more inde pendent than onr Nebraska farmers. This f phenominal prosperity of our numersisdue to their own tireless work and energy, the assistance of kind providence and the wise and economical laws and legistlatkwf of our republican leaders. Brother Howard forgets to say that no time were the railroads of Nebraska as sessed lower or as low as they were during'the years that the democrats and populists did the assessing. He also forgets to state that the republi can board has assessed the railroads so high that they have appealed to the courts, declaring their taxes were too excessive, disproportionate, confiscat ing, etc. We have no hesitancy in saying that we consider these assess ments fair and just, and have no shadow of a doubt but what our courts will not only make the rail roads pay these taxes but will penal ize them twelve per cent on top of it We, with all other republican editors, condemn the railroad companies for delaying the payment of their just taxes, but we feel absolutely certain that eventually all these taxes will be collected and that it will be done through, the efforts of our republican officials, and not through grand stand players to the galleries. It is more profitable to reduce freight rates by voting the republican ticket than to spend election day in the corn field. TROUBLE AHEAD FOB WEEMS- NOT A BE8IDENT OF NANCE COUNTY. It now appears that the democrats have nominated a man for float repre sentative who is not a resident of the district, but whose legal residence is Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, where his family now lives. Much surprise was manifested when this fact became known and was given publicity. Mr. Weenie himself has practically admitted that he is not a resident of this county. When the precinct assessor called on him last spring, during one of Mr. Weems vis ite to his former home to look after his business interests, it is alleged, he declined to list his personal property for assessment here as he was not a resident of the county but lived in Lancaster county, where he had al ready been assessed. Mr.-Weems stated the truth. He was assessed in Lancaster county, and in order to verify his statement the republican representative committee wrote to the assessor of Lancaeter county and secured a copy of the statement sworn to by Mr. Weems at the time the assessment was made. According to this statement he is a poor man, as the figures below-indi- Household goods $100 Piano M 200 Sewing machine 15 Other personal property 10 Total $325 According to the above statement, the tax on all the personal property owned by Mr. Weems is less than four dollars. It is known that Mr. Weems is com paratively a rich man; that he owns horses, cattle, and is known to have money on deposit in banks and owns other property subject to taxation, yet he will pay into the treasury of Lan- county less than four dollars in . Redaction of freight rates will in cream tiw value of crops and the land on which the crops are raised. aaaaUUUUSaaaw .BaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUV- BvBBvBHSSBvB??BSSSnPnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV UBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaT'sSSS&2ISBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV .BaaaaaaaaDSniBBnBKSSKSvnBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV .saaaaaaaaaawSaaaVSnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanV nuBBUuuuuuBSKSBaaBBm R.w&BaBna&XBBunuuuuuuum ra &lfi2i&si$M UaaanaV "r.duGMBBBBBBBBBm VlFiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHSMll Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7Q3aBn3nBaaaaaaaaaaaa hm SnUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUaaaa liBBBBBBBVPBnaaaaaVB WjBSSnauuuuuuuuuun r vjBjK'H0BnBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yBPA$'iBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU . JBaaBrliSBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUy Judge J. F. Boyd, Republican Candidate for Congress. !i5jrl2-ttl-' rEfnaaaafaaaaaaaaaalBRBBaaaaaaaU 'sauLAjn cfe amp A.nBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanBaaaaaaaaaaaVnBVr W . vbjk! iftf tV- jVKawVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHEiraV -'--i 353 VBBaaaarfaaaaaaaaaaaaaSi etiK'5B5UaWvBBUUUUUUUU dBnBVBainBBBBBK: S--aaanaaaaaaaWBr'- ?& lbJM?31!glsaat Baa4SiViiT g-!RwjE3?aaaaV,.-v 5eBJBB3Bi & SisBfitVlBBfc X n vlSnrSJirg.V. - i,v, h4?ijsiBaaaflBaaaaariiBrL. -? uubkijv 1'BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanL: BKR&:J,i gsvBBSBBmsaispp Ste3SVf 'anaaaaaaaalki - FzS&.4bi9aBaaaaaniiSi--!r, fetSfi!.BaViSaTr7r1 9:BaaaaaaaaanC?:09 ififr- WxaaaanHwiryi lti -r 3' 3Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?BEaf ' saaaaVfBBBBBafilni iBjf J&sbbbbbbbSbsQ 'SnaaaaaaaaaaaaanKwnH'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB '.BaaaaaaaaaaanTsHUcnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB bVbVbVbVbVbVbVBBt' VTsBaWnaaa Baaaaaaaaaanm BBBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsm BPJBBBBaaa! Judge Thomas H. Saunders. Republican Candidate for State Senator. a tBm M?BbUT BBaaV laaaatlJBBBVV. dnBBwiBBK vVJislHuk VBBBBBk BBBBBBEft VOAraaaaaaaaaaaaV BaaaTaaaaaaaaaUr .BaaaaaatahBlaaaaawV aaaaaaaaaaaaBv a&aaaaaVf TaaaaaaaaaaaW BaaaaaPv BBBUUUUUUwBBjkWJ" I WILLIAM F. PROWETT. William F. Prowett was born of Scottish parents, at Portsmouth, Eng gland, March 24th, 1860. He was educated with the view of entering the medical profession, but finding it ne cessary to devote at least four years in the hospitals before a diploma could be obtained, he turned his attention to other fields and spent two years in Scotland learning sheep farming, and in the spring of 1880 moved to this country with his parents, settling on Cottonwood Creek in Nance county, where he resided and farmed until five years ago when he was nominat ed and elected to the office of county treasurer on the republican ticket overcoming a majority of two hundred against him, and adding one hundred and sixteen to his own. He was re elected in 1903 'by nearly four hun dred majority. Mr. Prowett was formerly a demo crat, but in 1896 being disgusted with the party's platform for Free Silver, etc., he affiliated with the republican party, since which time no man can justly accuse him of disloyalty to it, and his record as a county officer is an open book. THE SEASON WHY. Liacola CoRwpaadeat. In 1900 the fusionists at the state house assessed the Nebraska railroads and Pullman Car company at $26, 442,249. The republicans coming into power in 1901, raised this fusion assessment $115,000. In 1902 the republican board made another raise of $217,000. Li 1903 the republicans raised the assessment $510,000 more. In 1904 they raised it $18,893,000 more. In 1905 they raised it $1,212,000 more. - In 1906 they raised it $421,000, making a total raise in the railroad assessment for the six years of 80 per cent more than the fusion assessment of 1900. The fusionists in four years raised the assessment of these corporations $964,000, while the republican raised the assessment in six years $21,368, 701. The Union Pacific and Burlington refused to pay under the 1904 assem- ment, claiming it was too high, but instead of 'receding' the republican board advanced the assessment .still higher in 1905. Again these roads refused to pay and again the republi can board advanced the assessment in 1906. This the record of republican offi cials as to railroad assessments. While the railoads are resisting the payment of taxes levied against them it is not strange that they are also resisting the election or reelection of republican state officials responsible for the increased assessment and the promotion to the United State senate of the attorney general who has suc cessfully prosecuted the suits for en forced collection. The auditor's reports show that for four years' 1897-1900, the fusionists paid to the state treasurer $195,947.79 fees earned by the several depart ments, while the republicans for 1901 to 1904 turned in the sum of $348, 917.46, and during the last twenty two months the fees amounted to $282 096.90. Compare the records. OPEN LETTER, Genoa, Neb., Ocr. 29, 1906. Columbus, Journal, Columbus, Neb., Dear Sir I see through the Colum bus Tribune dated Oct 24, 1906, that my name is being brought before the voters of Walker and St Bernard townships in regard to Supervisor John Swanson's record on the county board, relative to the illegal salary drawn by certain, members of the county board, by stating that John Swanson was practically forced by me and others to introduce a resolution asking that these members return to the county any money drawn over the amount allowed by law. This I brand as a falsehood, and as a member of the county board at that time can positively say that it was his own vol untary act and without being urg ed to do so by me, and will further state that he was the main mover in the whole proceedings, and I also wish to add that any officer who tries to uphold the law deserves the support of his constituents. Respectfully, Frank Kiernan. 6flL NBLSON Plasterer AND Contractor Columbus Nebraska. ' Fall and Winter Fit, style and material are the three .essential things a suit . or overcoat must have. Price is also important but not at expense of these three points. r3. C0RWCHTI906 fRIEHD BROS OOTMirtt CO. MILWAUKEE Our fall and winter stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Cloaks, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps and Shoes are now com pleteNow is the time to buy. 505 Eleventh Street. MnnZan relteTe inatnntJj, itoninc and prootrading piles. It 1b pnt np in oollnpsible tnbea in anon a way that it can be applied where the tronble originates, thms stopping the pain inunediately. Try one bottle and if yon are not reliered. yonr BBoney will be refnnded. Try oar free offer. Sold by 30th Oeatary Drag Store, Platte Center, Neb. A oolde taken at this tiaae of the year is generally hard get rid of bnt it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will care all oolds, ooaghs croap, whooping conga, etc., by driving them oat through the bowels. If yon have a oold try it and if not cared get yonr stoaey back. No oniates. Sold by 90th Gentnry Dmg Store. Platte Oanter, Neb. Baal Unite Lean. We are prepared to nuke loans on all kinda of real estate at the lowest bergar A Ofcambsrs. Now is the time to look out for youi winter supply of coaL We have a large supply of hard, soft and furnace coal on hand. Why Adulterated Paint is Dear A maker of adulterated white lead sneered "Why should paint be pure? No one eats it." True, but when white lead is adulterated with barytes, sublimed lead, gypsum, whiting, etc., it loses the qualities which make pure white lead the best paint pigment. And when these imita tions are sold as white lead, the consumer is deceived into payingwhite lead prices for worthless substitutes. Collier, Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lend contains no adulteration whatever, and when mixed with Pure Linseed Oil lasts as no oaint made of cheap imitations can. - If your dealer ;cannot supply, write us. NATIONAL LEAD COMTANY ik At. 1 10 St.. St. Far sws by irst ekes Men's suits in fancy colors $lO to Men's suits in nobby patterns and styles, price From $12 to $15. EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. -ALSO- A COMPLETE NEW IJNE AND FURS. Our line of ladies' and misses' cloaks will please you. We have them in all the late styles, price from An elegant assortment to select from. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON FUR SCARFS. A NEW LINE JUST OPENED. GALLEY, Columbus, Nebraska. Wsaua Pretty No woman no matter how regular her features may be can be called pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digeesion and clears sallow blotched complexions by stimu lating the liver and bowels. Orino Laxa tive Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept aay substitute. C. H. Dack. Bee'a Laxative Boney and Tar the original laxative oongh syrap acts as a oathartio on the bowels. It is made from the tar gathered front the pine trees of oar own ooaatry, therefore is the best for children. It is good for ooaghs. colds, croup, whooping oongh. etc Try oar free offer. Bold by 30th Oentnry Dmg Store. Platte Center, Neb. A Cud This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious re suits from a cold. Cares la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and con sumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. CH-Dack. Piaeaalve cleanses woands. ihihgs ly aatissptec, nneqnaled for cracked hands. Good for cats. Sold by 20th Oeatary Dmg Store, Platte Center, Neb. Stetan laid He WeaJa Wet Lire Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still getting worse, the doctors advised me if 1 had aay business to attend to I bad better attend to it at once, as I could aot possibly live another month as there was no care for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately seat my son to the store for it. and after taking three bottles I began to get better and con tinued to improve 'until I was entirely well." C.H.Dack. A soar stomach, a bad breath, nasty oBsaalsiloa and other qaeaces of a disordered digestion qaickly removed by the ase of Bin'as Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treat ment free. Sold by 20th Centnry Dmg Store. Patta Canter. Neb. It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in the treatment of dlssasaa of the bladder and kidneys. Safferers from back ache and oter treables daa to faalty action of the kidney lads relief ia the ase of Pine ales. Sl.00 bays 90 days treatment. Sold by 90th Oentnry Dmg Stem Platte Canter, Neb. Are yon troabled with piles? application at MaaZan wiil give immediate relief. SoUbyKth yon .Neb. ClotKing and black, price $15. OF LADIES' CLOAKS $20. r rATVi To Stockmen If you have CATTLE, HOGS or SHEEP to market, ship to as. We sell them for the high dollar. If yon want feeders, either cattle or sheep, come yourself or place your order with us. We will boy them worth the moaey. GEO. BURKE GO., Cattle Sl mhw-Chas. Bcbek. Hog SaleaiBU Wnx J. Kickiy. Steep HilMMi-J. 8. Cosxkt. JIM'S PLACE I carry the best of everything ia my line. The drinking nnh lie is invited to eosM in aadaas for FBLEY'S KIDNEY CURE of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is aot beyond the teach of medi cine. Takeitatonca. Do or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 5tc and 1.0 Battle. Sal by Cans. H. Dm. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two . or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shallbe relieved before morning nftMCmB CO. m CaHirj ftxtf Um, PL. Cr JW. WEVEf.Prf)rmfff BIS Twelfth Street' Phot K. iff naawSnaawSnaawSnawkaw anw g B wawnMfl IVHB tamf) gbtfiwl Vtsaws BBBstwwfe awSnawB mwmwBnswsalnBwmi anas 49k T"" nnMan1IMte$anBM rotz-uu I? fes-s-es-r-?''- ecss? J.S.irt.iS.cfc rfSF A t--f3br rf..- JL .. , -i O V. ". . X&kf .&'?- lAsTfcpia;i3GiSA mi c j-y &. f, j&jgaafagafe . . - .- 7 vt issr .""?: ijr-i T -s r.Kit-rt--..- v. &&&msti&hu&&i II1I. Ill - rr- -- T2Iin" frW. -.?-T, SSaiiit i.- ' w gaftSaH sra&tJ iii&L. ataa virf7irtiSiiMir-ri"ir-"ii