The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 17, 1906, Image 7

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- Tii
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iir .
of DoMltty ta
HaaieVedsef Ciiifct
ao, says Mrs. F.
,of Jhx 1929 Carson street. Soatb
Side, FStmbarg, Fa., "I took a cold
which tarnedinto the grip. This trouble
left me all ma do we. I was thin, had
backache snach of the turn
petite, say stomach was oaft
I felt Bervons and ttutnuc.
Wkile I iMd the cri I had a
amt I really seJTered more lrem the
dittos ia wkick the iaflaeam left
thanl did from the disease itself. I felt
generally wretched and Busershle aad
theksatexposare to coMireshl Basks
aewotM. I coalda't seem to get aay
setter aatfl I began to tahe Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills. I very qaickly noticed a
beaett after I began taking them aad
they restored me to good health aad
strength. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
a wonderfully good mediciae. Thanks
to thent I am soar ia fins health and
have had no retain of my fonser troable.
I recommend the pills to everyone who
is ailing and take every opportunity to
let people know how good they are."
Dr. Williams .Pink Pills cared Mrs.
Morrisoa because they actually make
good, red blood. When the Wood i red
and healthy there can be, bo debility.
The relation between the blood and
nervous system is each that the pills
have a rery decided action apoa the
nerves and they hare cured many severe
nervous disorders, such as partial pa
ralysis, locomotor ataxia and St. Vitas'
dance, that save not yielded to ordinary
treatment. Their double action, os the
m niooa ana on tne nerves, makes them an
'ideal tonic.
All druggist sell Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, or they will be sent by mail post
paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per
box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
Dudekiiw Has Yet to Get Even with
Witty Charmer.
She had been having faa with poor
Dadeklns for a long time, and he was
wishful to get even with her. His
Idea took the form of a brilliant conun
drum, whose answer Dudeldas
thought sas locked in his maaly chest.
"I have a conundrum for you. Miss
Prances. ha said, whea ha next mat
"Ah!" she respoaaed. "What Is It?
Who gave it to yoa?
"I made it up myself!" hi
bridling somewhat.
"Indeed! What Is itr
"Why are my clothes Hks
She hesitated a moment.
kins began to look triumphant.
"You may think. she said, slowly
and Dudekins somehow felt the sand
slipping from under him "it is be
cause they have a maa la them, aad
you have a perfect right to thlsk as
yoa please. But. Mr. Dadekiss, epla
toas differ r
Adept American teess.
The Russian military authorities are
considering the adoption of khaki
uniforms, the czar haviag bees
.daily interested ia oas recently
.by aa American army representative
at St. Petersburg. The military
therities are also considering
can accoutrements, inclading web car
tridge belts aad cavalry saddles, with
s view to their adoption.
A Man of 70 After Finding Csffss Hart
Him, Stopped Shsrt.
When a man has lived to be ? years
old with a 40-year-old habit grown to
him like akaot on a tree, chances are
hall stick to the habit till he dies.
But occasionally the spirit of youth
and determination remains la some
mea to the last day of their Uvea.
Whea such mea do find aay habit of
life has been doing them harm, they
surprise the Oslerites by a degree of
will power that ia supposed to batssg
tomea.aader4Soaly. .
"I had been a aser ef coffee aatn
three years ago a period of 4s years
id am aow 70. writes a N. Dak.
"I wss extremely aerveaa sad
debilitated, sad' saw plainly that I
mast make a change.
"I am thankful ta say I had the
nerve to salt coffee at eace sad take
ea Peetum without aay dawdHag, aad
aaaerieaced ne Hi effects. Oathecea
trary, I commenced to gala, losing amy
saess withia two months.
Tor a sua ef my age, I ass very
ast made their
right aad deat like It Bat I
tell them to boil it
call their atteatiaa to my
and before I ased it. that
"New, whea I have wrttiag to do,
I feel esaal to it sad can get
my. work without the fagged
iajLef eld.- Name gives by
Co., Battle Creek, Mteh. Read the
y A well-known Rochester lady y
L says: I stayed in the Adirondcks, L
9 away from friends and home, two w
7. winters before I fouad that by 7
L taking - L
I Kemp's Balsam
S I could subdue the cough that
7 drove me aay from homo and 7
w seemed lilctly to sever allow ma v
X to live therein winter." 5
7. Kemps Palsam will cure any 7
V cough toat can be cured by any v
X medicine 5
7 Sold by all dealers at S5C sod 50c
hlf lTBB mrmkB
kmg saoagb. sad.
looks aow.
Road to WellviBe,- U
sisisuiir i
I WlJtf
Bsa9sL .mmmsP'ssBmmmmacSVwV
Look to the winter quarter for the
poultry if yon want winter layers.
The farm without its apple tree Is
a reproach to any fanner.
. After the long, hard day's work the
horse Is entitled to a good clean, soft.
dry bed. Does.he get it?
The Dure, clean water nail Is a
large factor in successful dairying and
stock raising.
Water the milk by all means. Be
sure the water Is, pure and that it Is
introduced into the milk through the
Quick, nervous moves among the
hens scare them and tend to make
them wild.
Cheap salt should never be used In
butter, as it contains impurities which
are apt to injure the flavor.
The man who plants a tree is wise,
but the man who plants an apple tree
is doubly wise, and thrice blessed.
Arrange it so that the cattle can
have free access to salt, as it will then
be eaten in smaller quantities at a
time as they need it
Fall work is necessarily heavy, but
have a care that yon do not tax the
muscles to the point where recupera
tion is difficult
It is said that the new rate law Is
workiag to the advantage of Califor
nia fruit growers, as each road must
provide its system of refrigerator cars.
The cause of mottles In butter has
been attributed to various conditions.
among them the presence of butter
milk and the uneven distribution of
Many a farmer has selected his seed
corn with care, only to neglect its sub
sequent care, so that the vitality was
decreased and the hope of next year's
crop materially lessened.
Corn ground, cob and all, will give
better results than when the cob is
left out, as more nutriment will be
gotten out of the feed, than when pure
ground corn Is used.
The winter hen needs exercise.
Make her work for all the food she
gets, and don't forget to see that she
has something to take the place of
the green food of the summer time.
Some level-headed enthusiast of the
apple has said that what iron is to
the metals, and Michel Angelo to the
artists, and Shakespeare to the poets.
the apple Is to the fruits.
Out on the farm there does not seem
to be much need of spending money,
but the wife likes to feel a little in
her pocketbook when she runs up to
the town with you. And don't be too
particular about knowing just how
every cent goes. Wife is an equal
partner and is entitled to as much
freedom In the spending as are yoa.
Name the farm. Of course! Why
not? Let some striking feature of the
farm suggest the title. In some sec
tions of the fruit belt of Michigan one
will find that the farms have not 'only
been named, but these names have
been tastefully lettered upon sign
boards and placed in the front yard,
so that the passer-by may read ss he
Ever had a shoe that pinched and
nagged you until your nerves were all
oa edge, and you were unfit for physi
cal or mental work? And did it ever
occur to you that that chafing part of
the harness, that poorly fitting collar
that presses on the windpipe, that bit
that Is drawa up too tight ia. the
mouth, that Illy-shod hoof making
painful almost every step, may make
the horse feel the same way. The
comfortable, well-fed horse makes the
best worker.
While batter is sbaadant aad prices
low Is a good time to put up some for
wiater ase. Here is the French meth
od of treatment: After working out all
the water, the batter is slowly heated
to the bolliag point; then cooked 30
mlaates. After' coottag a little the
scam Is skimmed from the top, sad
the batter Is poured late a dry, sweet,
clesa jar. Whea the jar Is fall spria
kle the batter with salt, seal ap the
jar with paper aad paste, and store
It away from the Ire. If the batter
Is sweet and good ia the beginning, it
wui not Become strong, or lose its
yellow color, taoagh kept aatU
Accordisg to the report of her ba-
B Of labor Statistics. Missouri Baa
great strides la horticulture dar
ing the psst yesr. her aursery prodacts
selling for SS29,577. Nursery stock
proper weighed -4.3M.0tt poaads;
valae. $471,03; cat Bowers, 196.71S
poaads; valae. S,674. la cat Bow
ers, Cass county led the others 111
having shipped oat llt.ttt
St Louis couaty Is credited
with 18,tt7xixmBds, Jackson with 18,
SS7 poaads, aad Buchanan with l&Mlt
poaads. IaBursery stock Pike couaty
took the lead with l,711,tfi poaads.
Fraaklia comes next with S5C4t
and SL Louis third with, 45.-
Aiuiy Jasper coaaty
. Save time U the potato fteM by sav
lag oae gang of lackers gather ap the
marketable potatoes, another the seta;
aad a third to clean ap ererytatag. .
The practical traialag ia
methods which the soys jeceive os
the farm shoald be jrapplemeated by s
course at some good agricultural col-
' Learn something' about the sdeace
of horseshoeing so that yea will know
whea your horses sre properly shod.
Many a good horse gives poor service
because poorly shod.
Experimests at the West Virginia
university experiment station have
demonstrated that the manuring of
meadow land -pays, whether stable
manure or commercial fertiliser Is
used, although the former gave the
fiomt - - amS 1ia mm iImiiimIsit a
I tv?at, aaouataa, suiU Ult? UJJJ uacwanaaf v
I stable manure left the soil is better
condition agriculturally than the dress
ings of commercial fertiliser.
The way the cows receive their own
er in the open field is pretty good evi
dence as to. the kind of treatment they
receive at his hands in the barn at
milking time. If they wheel and ran
at his -approach yoa caa rest assured
that he relies on brute force to rule
his cows. It pays to be kind to the
cows and to win not only their confi
dence but their love.
By growing leguminous crops nitro
gen can be restored to the soil, but
when potash and phosphorus sre need
ed it is the common practice to supply
them by means of the commercial fer
tilizer. However, there Is a theory
gaining favor that by the prorier rota
tion of crops and the changing of the
pasture from one part of the farm to
the other the phosphorus and potash
can be maintained. .. . It.
- - - r "
Mediaeval Spain, as she is called so
often, is not so far behind the rest of
the world when it comes to agricul
ture. There, as in America, they have
learned the value of agriculture, and
recently a gigantic siphon has been
completed by which the waters of the
Aragon and Catalonia irrigation canal
are carried across the valleys of the
Sosa and Ribabona, making fertile
more than 247,000 acres of land. The
siphon consists of two main tubes,
fivejeights of a mile long and 12 feet
5 inches in diameter, lined with steel
plates three millimeters thick, bound
with iron hoops snd encased in con
crete. These tubes have a capacity of
7,700 gallons per second. '
One of the most significant signs of
the times is the rise of agricultural in
dustries and the awakening of general
interest in rural subjects. This and
the eagerness with which the universi
ties and colleges' are seeking solutions
of agricultural problems is turning the
attention of students' in the direction
of agriculture. There Is a
to which Prof. L. H. Bailey calls atten
tion when he says that "the student
who enters this field will most assur
edly not succeed unless he has good
talents and 'efficient training, and
properly estimates the problem. But
it is evident," the professor goes on
to say, "not onlyt that an educated man
can succeed in agricultural arts, but
that in time this type of man will be
the only one who can hope for the best
The Speculative Farmer.
The speculative farmer! Does he
exist? He certainly does if the reports
are true that "bucket shops" and
"commission rooms" are being estab
lished in the larger villages and towns
of the west, for such places would not
be opened up if there were not farmer
patrons to keep them ' running. But
one thing is certain, the "speculative
farmer" Is not the "progressive farm
er." The latter trusts to skill gained
by experience and scientific study,
and' to hard work, to make money,
while the former takes to the get-quick-rich
road which ends, inevitably
in the loss of farm and stock and self
respect Here is the picture as the
correspondent of the World's Work
has seen it:
"When In his. slack time a farmer
visits the 'village to meet his neigh
bors and talk over family doings and
crop returns, he sees a newly-opened
'office,' with spacious entrance, double
doors, and a plate-glass window. He
stops and looks. Within he hears,
'Wheat 82K .. 83 .. 84.' He
enters, and Is greeted by the neighbor
seated In a comfortable leather chair.
The place begins to fascinate him; its
8mokingroom and fresh cigar are se
ductive baits. He feels good, and finds
himself at home among neighbors. The
blackboard and its columns of chang
ing figures are entertaining; his neigh
bor tells him of a neat turn he made;
and as he watches the fluctuattoss in
wheat, oats and corn he thinks,
'What's the harm ia taking a try my
self?1 "He bays wheat; wheat rises two
points and he sells. From that hour
themaa Is changed. His spirits sre
Tight that alght, aad as be sits at the
family fireside he takes out aa extra
cigar and smokes with, the enjoyment
of a man who feels that the days of
'easy money have come. The drudgery
of farm life seems a hage mistake;
too slow for one who caa hire help
sad pay them oat of the easy profits
of the tnding-room. Yet his thoughts
find no expression that his wife may
share his aaticipatloas. All bis life
she has seea his safe counsellor; bat
this little venture Is bis owa. aad ha
gloats over it
Whea the telephone rings he dare
not let his wife answer it The mes
sage is, 'Bead dowa iStt to sastsia
your manias. Wheat is off twe
potato.' He lies to his family. The
farm mast csrry a mortgage at mst
. "Moaths pass; the interest Is not
paid; the foreclosure actios Is la the
weekly paper.. Six moaths
the family look for the
broken-hearted, oa the old
they stop to gase back at it.
dors why sach a fate. shoald overtake
him whea tsespecalators of the 'ex
change' aad the street' heap ap wealth
by the same process. He does aoT
know of Jbe anremembered teas of
thousands whose rain, Uke his, hsc
been courted la Ustealag Wheai
82H .. 83 .. 84.'"
Aad perhaps he realises stfll less
that the real rata occurred whea hie
ragged'character gave way to the se
ef a
Avsv, Iadlaaapolis, lad.
says: "I had been
.kidney troable -from
the time I was bbs
. tered out of the
I army, bat U aU my
fHfe I sever saffered
ss Ib 1SS7.T Head
aches, dixxlaess aad
sleeplessness, first,
t'sad thea dropsy. I
was weak and self
less, haviag run;dowa from 1M to;125
pouads. I was saving terrible pals is
the kidneys, sad the secretloas passed
almost involuatarily. My left leg
swelled -antil'it was 24 inches around.
aad the doctor tapped it Bight sad
morning until I could bo longer stand
It, and then he advised amputatton. I
refused, and began Bsug Doaa'S: Kid
Bey Pill. The swelling subsided
gradually, the urine became natural,
snd all my pains snd aches disap
peared. I have been well now for nine
years since using Bonn's Kidney Pills.
For sale by all dealers. W cents a
Foster-MUbum Co., Bwfalo,X.Y.
Belief Firmly Held in Many Parts sf
ths Country. ...
- """""".
This matter of superstitions is a
queer thing," said the man as he care
fully avoided walking under a ladder,
"for even those of us who sre skeptics
have at least one superstitious(fsiling,
and mine Is walking under ladders.
Ta the country this summer I met
bsw one, which was firmly believed
Ib by. several' farmers, and that was
that a thunder storm never passed
over a copper mine or copper vein.
The old fellow who told me about It
pointed out again and again that al
though black.clouds might roll up and
lightning flash, the storm always went
around a certain spot in his farm.
"Such actions on the part of a thun
der storm could mean but one thing, J
he said that "there was a copper vein
there. 80 sure was he of it,. that he
was putting by a little each year to
have the spot investigated to see If
there was copper enough Ib it to
Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow
derUnder Physicians Grew Worse
. Cuticura Works Wonders.
1 suffered with eczema six months.
I had tried three doctors, but did not
get any better. It was on my body
and on my feet so thick that I could
hardly put a pin on me without touch
ing eczema. My face was covered,
my eyebrows came out, and then It
got in my eye. I then went to anoth
er doctor. He ssked me what I was
taking for it, and I told him Cuticura.
He said that was a very good thing,
but that he thought my face would
be marked for life. But Cuticura
did its work,, and my face Is now
just as clear ss It ever was. I told'
all my friends about my remarkable
cure. I feel so thankful I want ev
erybody far and wide to know what
Cuticura can do. It Is a sure cure
for eczema. Mrs. Emma White, 641
Cherrier Place, Camden, N. J April
25. 1906."
With the exception of the stage vil
lain every man has his good points.
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a rich
aste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory,
Peoria. HI.
A laying hen is better than a stead
lag milL From the Scotch. '
Sba. Wlaslow'a WwtSlar Srraa.
Tflrr ckJMiaa. tcctkinr. aof una the gmtm, tMoeca -
mumjm jam.carea win ooiic. aoimm,
Some people even covet the gold ia
their aeighbor's teeth.
When you boy
you want
sshsj my sSBsr
Wm ci t irm.
Mnk. Jakaar
iryaaafavunasaa aSSrSar
W raSUaWT aasjBasl
B. Fraak
' sbbCV
1 R
wB'SSSSw .
s astam hVhlikihiSii AIL 1MB
LlWvFm " I IT "'tfias' avaai a4ar aaaaaa.
"I''JLy slSTiSR1 fclt mj kqn
gr i yseiarcBaBBBiyw.lDoeglMassB
-fiT il erssBaajoawoBsitBoaamderBtSBd
and long
. servicer
IIbbm SAdsBwry
1H ' ' W - mr-m
waaeaaaia aaiaaaia aa .
111 mill 1 1 1 SOS AAA.AA SMBI lAIMTt -- --
aaaaaniM wi yw aalaa. laisf
bYA do
mt, their owa. ss they get married.
have to caa far Lewis' Single
chjsrto -set- it,
Lewis Factory,
TJaIess a maa has pleaty of ssad he
seldom leaves footprints oa the sands
eftlme. , .
x Dsfiaacs Starch Slxteea eaaces for
tea? coats, all ether brands coataia
oaly 12 oaaces for
Bat the
who thinks he has a
am ef his owa Is spt to marry ; a wo-
whs knows she has a won't of
m Dm Tar Over' se Yeats;
Shees-Killint Parrot.
The kea iss greenish-brown parrot
ef New Zealandwhich is ss dangerous
to the sheep of that country as wolves
woa!d,be. These carnivorous" birds
fastest themselves oa" the backs of
graxmg sheep, tear through wool sad
skJa'te the kidney fat; which they
devour, leaving the aaf ortanate animal
to perish ia agony." " '- -
'it. -tf:-.vv:fA
: ?.-.-
""" "'.V. I
. - - VI
3.50&3.00 Shoes
WPBT im thb wobld
PUrfllll sAbaUJ!b
sBMsrtse bssss or sent Ik
I Sil AV'-T.T- A T - BamUHJ'aaart f &A
1 tfsaSF f (mama -':T'-s?i.- " --aamBa aaama 1 . ai? - j
h. awsmsm6r r Bh aBmBBmBamT m. Baa I 8 " iv a3 ab. ssa.taBBm' BBTBrTaTPaBmBBmBBmwBmBm wwssbbt" sy
r "tbw .mmm f . -sr s -pam,, MaaJw m r BamBBr? STbv
kv. . I'm m" - Ji- I ft? - : -5lA-l ' v
. 1
i... an
i. ' .1
--. , j.------aVta-iaj
kS - .::
B.. '81
amia maai aQ
ftmBBBBBalfaABaMBBaBBmllstBBBBtrBBBh K "jbbVV
, 2SES&22BS l mf .y
tivlR hgxeBH Br gagBgSv
LW 1 ILJSJ-W jWrL Kao?.
1 .11 way tasy MM tBaar sbbbbc Ht tettCT
1 1 faVaBBaas BaBBaBBaVaml BBBaaml BaaTrma aBsaf aS,BTBBaBKkBaB VaaflaBBaBl
IJ a ..J..'??-' ------ fiT Jin iliia
' VbbbbbT asm sWaamam BBamfl mBaBtBTBaaB sbbbTL. Vssa aBSB jBaaiaaalMaT
STfcfaTn fj taaaam asBBBBBBBBBBjBass- BBSBBasma, JTSsaTfV sVS asWefaTSSeT
B sJ!bbs aBBABl BaBBaBBaBTaasI Basaml BBSJSBaBl-
.- - a
waifcfaraMta f ,W.W W 2 'T
suffer every month In sUence, tortures mat would drive
pair. The aliments peculiar to women are not only painful but dangerous and
should receive prompt treatment before they grow worse. If you suffer from pain,
Irregular functions, iallmgleelins headache, side ache, dizziness, tired feeling, etc,
fouow the example of thous
ands of women who have
been relieved or cured, and
SBBBBMiaiii 11 mmatm
ami msfVamarBBMammamBBt '
mas .
ami "PmnshBBBm
BTnwTasBBtiVSSirn'm ' ml
Hgll Loafed Black Powder Shells!
NGfl :.' "NEW mvjk I
At eHSnasz: Jss I
RJ Hard, Stroog, Even Sbooten, I
PSrOI TheHuntcr! Favorite, Because I
u Tbcy Always et The ane. I
aK iE j I
A vlCxl Fsr Ssls Evsrwlisrs, ' I
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of ths
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in s remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and 9 s rea
sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to
the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It is all important, however, in selecting a laxative, to
choose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system
effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant
after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal
organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance,
without 'griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in
any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious
nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in
the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to
act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met
with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well
worth considering in making purchases.
It is because of the fact that SYRUP OP PIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the
genuine -Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the
company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on
the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle.
alif?rnia Rg Syrup
gawa franc!T CaJ.
)Torctaac. we
rauniir taoaa wao aaeara saMertotl
iwo sieatast sacasla elaakiac oSmoz taa 1
Wumtmm'a Wi Ct !!. m f
inn raar. u;Bctf.wgmwn Hem finiiw
m4Krti? Bmw.aua. PrlanaralaaSaiUoa
toalib9fleiHBaiiiOBeaackordar. TacaaekiaB
alaMMt Mil iMmHwi 801a nib SS a wait.
maya asefe aa S. Can ue all yoartlaM ara
pan of Ik Wfttata-aa7forpanlealaia.aafarayoaT
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 42; 1S0S,
bbW 1
Tat Emergencies ar Honie
Sloaav Liiumeivt
Is si whole medicine chest
Prices 25c 50c 6 1.00
Sml for Free BooMef en Horsss.Criat.Hso Sfostry
Addrmss Dr. Earl &loeMK Boston, Mass.
Thousands of Women
LI111" . ... . ,rBifaaaBBaaaaBjBaaa ,-j
- J., -i - . - t-m -M
ilAssaMpBBpaV4PaBBV ' ' C?
.. -:
f'. .. -
. --W-J
m "?.. iV- . .yzi
aHaiaiaa la I ill laaallty wlta nsaait awai
fcyyjyrtatMaSiat aaira VH1lZA
teaaTlaai. AaUMMraimaiaawtyatawajS
haaMaaafaUraaaiplviaswItklaaafaaMralM. It
(mismn ta TCfaaCaMna:
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