SJJgWSS Pi5 ajjHwraRrFBareaaKa ffS- & 5aW. WUB x-r v j f . . 'WVJjr.Ti .-v-T -4, ' ' -J- aSi'TW wmm '.- & i : ;. - - TV.HiK V hS.-S . ' IJ1 T-,i- Tt W .n- ". -W r "" -"J x. "& - 1sAa - J .! 7 . I It -. il i't NO tEST NIGHT OR DAY. WMh Irritating Skin Humor Hair te Fall Out Wonderful Re sult; trem Cuticura Remedies. "boot the latter part of July my whole body began to itch. I did aot take Bach notice of it at first, bat it beams to get worse all the time, and then I began- to get uneasy and tried all kinds of baths and other remedies that were recommended for skin hum trs; bat I became worse all the time. My hair began to fall oat and my scalp itched all the time. Especially at aight, just as soon as I would get In bed and get warm, my whole "body would begin to itch and my finger . Bans would keep it Irritated, and it was not long 'before I could not rest night of day. A friend asked me co try the Cuticura Remedies, and I did. and the first application helped me wonderfully. For about four weeks I would take a hot bath every night and then apply the Cuticura , Ointment to my whole body; and I kept getting better, and by the time I. used four boxes of Cuticura I was entirely cured, and my hair stopped falling out D. B. Blankenshlp, 319 N. Del. St., Indianapolis, Ind., Oct 27, 1905 " Not What He Was Used To. Ever since John D. Rockefeller be came an honorary member of the American Pres3 Humorists' associa tion stories more or less apocryphal have been afloat regarding him. It Is beslnniag to be suspcoted that some of thczn havo been invented by his . fellow humorists. One of the latest . refers to an occasion last summer when he entertained a lot of slum children at his stock farm near Cleve land. Mr. Rockefeller gave each of .them, among other things, some milk to drink, part of it at least being the product of a $2,000 prize cow. "How do yon like h.? ho asked when they had finished. "Gee, it's fine!" re sponded one little fellow, who added after a thoughtful pause: "I wlsht our milkman kfi' a cow!" Rich Crown Has Disappeared. A richly jeweled crown, which cost 20,000,. has disappeared from the church at Mont St Michael, Rouen. One version is that it has been stolen, another that it has bccn hidden by the priests to save it from confiscation "by the govern m est. t There is an altar society in Brook lyn composed of eight policemen. Tie members contribute a certain amount every month which pays for light- and flowers on an altar of perpetual adoration. WHO SHE WAS SKETCH OF THE LIFE And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73" Caused it to be Offered for Public Sale in Drug Stores. This remarkable woman, whose maiden tame was Estes, was born in Lynn, Mass., February 9th, 1819, com js from a guod old Quaker family. For soac years she taught school, and became known as a woman of an alert and investigating' mind, an earnest seeker after knowledge, and above . all, possessed of a wonderfully sympa thetic nature. In 1843 she married Isaac Pinkham, a bnilder and real estate operator, and - their early married life was marked by prosperity and happiness. They had four children, three sons and a daughter. In those good old fashioned days it was common for mothers to make their own home medicines from roots and herbs, nature's own remedies calling in a physician only in specially urgent cases. By tradition and ex perience many of them gained a won derful knowledge of the curative prop erties of the various roots and herbs. Mrs. Pinkham took a jrreat interest ' in the study of roots and herbs, their characteristics and power over disease. She maintained that just as nature so bountifully provides in the harvest fields and orchards vegetable foods of all kinds; so, if we but take the pains to find them, ia the roots and herbs of the field there are remedies ex pressly designed to cure the various ills and weaknesses of the body, and it.was her pleasure to search these out, and prepare simple and effective medi cines for her own family and friends. Chief of these was a raro combina tion of the choicest medicinal roots and herbs found best adapted for the cure of the ills and weaknesses pecu narsothefeaia1esex,andLydiaE.Pink. ham's friends and neighbors learned that her compound relieved and cured and Ik became quite popular among these. All this so far was done freely, with out money and without price, as a labor ox love. Bat hi 1873 the financial arisis struck Lyan.- Its length and severity were too nracaioriBc largeresu estate interests of the Piakham family, as this' class of bssiness suffered most from fearful depression, so when the Centen nial year dawned it found their prop erty swept away. Some other source of laeoase had to be found. At this point Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound was made known to the world. The three sons and the daachter; soother, combined forces to Walnut a Staple Feed, la some parts of France walnuts form a, regular article of diet The peasants eat them with bread that has oftentimes been -rubbed' with gar lic The hygienic effects are consid ered good, replacing meat to a. large extent These nuts are also used to make oil. It is much cheaper and similar in taste to .that pressed from olives, and is employed to adulterate the latter. The prisoners in certain prisons are engaged in cracking wal nuts and picking out the kernels, which are pressed into oil. Starch, like everything else, is be ing constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 years ago are very different and inferior tc those of the present day. In the lat est discovery Defiance Starch all in Jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient in vented by us, gives to the Starch s strength and rmoothness never ap proached by other brands. New York's Great Ocean Trade. New Tork is the second great sea port of the world. In 1903 over $9. 000.000 tons of imports and 8,700,00( tons of exports wero-cleared througt- New York harbor. London is th greatest seaport, exceeding New Tort in imports, though not by exports Antwerp and Hamburg are third and fourth, respectively. By following the .directions, which are plainly printed on each package ol Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired, with either gloss or domestic finish. Try it 16 oz. for 10c, sold by all good grocers. Report Seeing Pure White Rook. Haymakers at work on a farm at Little Burstead. Essex. England, have recently seen a pure white rook among a number of black ones. Defiance Starch is the latest inven tion in tbat line aud an improvement on all other makes; it is more eco nomical, does better worn, takes less time. Get it from any grocer. If a man would know himself thor oughly he hasn't much time to waste in trying to find out things about his neighbor. Defiance Starch Never sticks to the Iron no blotches no blisters, makes ironing easy and does not injure the goods. Onions and whisky form a com bination calculated to put almost any happy home out of commission. OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM restore the family fortune. They argued that the medicine which was so good for their woman "friends and neighbors was equally good for the women of the whole world. The Plnkhams had no money, and little credit. Their first laboratory was the kitchen, where roots and herbs were steeped on the stove, gradually filling a gross of bottles. Then came the question of selling it, for always before they had given it away freely. They hired a job printer to run off some pamphlets setting forth the merits of the medi cine, now called Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed by the Pinkham sons in Boston, New York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properties of the medicine were, to a great extent, sclf-advertisinr, for whoever used it recommended it to others, and tho de mand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts the fam ily had saved enough money to com mence newspaper advertising and from that time the growth and success of the enterprise were assured, until to day Lydia E Pinkham and her Vege table Compound have become house hold words everywhere, and many tons of roots and herbs are used annu ally in its manufacture. Lydia E. Pinkham herself did not live to see the great success of this work. She passed to her reward years ago, but not till she had provided means for continuing her work as effectively as she could have done it herself. During her long and eventful expe rience she was ever methodical in her work and she was always careful to pre serve arecord of every case that came to her attention. The case of every sick woman who applied to her for advice and there were thousands received careful study, and the details, includ ing symptoms, treatment and results were recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, together with hundreds of thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and represent a vast collabora tion of information regarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any Unary in the world. With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the present Mrs. Pinkham. She was carefully instructed in all her hard-won knowledge, and for years she assisted her in her vast correspondence. To her hands naturally fell the direction of the work when its origina tor Dassed avtvave. Vor nearlv tmnlr. five rears she nas eontinned It. and (nothing in the work shows when the first Lydia . Pinkham dropped her pen, and the present Mrs. Pmkham. now the mother of a large family, took nop. mm irumcn ssuwms, some a capable as herself, the present Mrs. Pinkham continues this great work.and probably from the office of ao other person have so many women been ad vised how to regain health. Sick wo men, this advice is "Yours for Health" freely given if yon only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound; made from simple roots and herbs; the one great medicine for women's aumeats. and the fitting monumeBt to the asble it NOTES. KtiW MRM BfMLnlffit Stable manures do not fill the bill when a quickly soluble fertilizing ma terial is desired by the gardener, where the secret of success is quick, succulent growth. Potash jnay al ways be safely added in the form of sound wood ashes, or, if carols used in sulphate of potash, but nitrogen in nitrate of soda or sulphate f am monia often proves a tr.'fcky mate rial. One-half ounce of either chem ical to the gallon of water is a reason ably Eafe solution, but even then un satisfactory effects at times appear. The acid phosphates, either of bone or rock origin, are too actively inju rious to tender rootlets, while raw bone flour is usually accompanied, dur ing its decay in the soil, with fungus growths, deleterious to susceptible vegetation. But in guano we have a fairly soluble material, rich in phosphorus and nitrogen in accept able forms, that may ba applied sus pended in water' or directly in the soil above the roots with satisfactory results. The actual quantity needed can only be learned by trials, but it Is evident that it is batter to err on the side of under, rather than over dosing. Brands vary in their analy ses and consequent value, so that a careful study of the guaranteed com ponents should be made. For ordi nary field crops, and such vegetables as potatoes, corn,- tomatoes, etc., ani mal manures and complete chemical fertilisers of ordinary commercial make-up, supplemented by turning un der legumes and other green crops, are economically sufficient. Fair grades of guano may no be had for $40 to $60 the ton. A hundred weight would go a long way in experimental or amateur intensive gardening. Modern conveniences and comforts are finding their way to the farm house more and more and it is the rule rather than the exception in many farming communities that the farmer enjoys furnace-heated houses and has running water and electric lights or gas. And why should he not? It is not only the right, but the duty of the farmer to provide for himself and family as great comfort as is possible within his means. Let each year see some improvement in the farm house. even as you plan that the farm Itself shall show increased fortuity, and be cultivated by improved machinery. An egg is not as sensitive about having its age known as is the aver age woman, and with the former it is not as difficult to judge as with the latter. In the egg at the bread end of the shell is an a'r space, which. Is almost a certain indicat'on as to its age. In a perfectly fresh egg the air space is very small, but as age increases it extends, and when the egg is three weeks old tha air space occupies about a sixth of the entire contents. With practice tho age can be told to within 24 hours. A. P. Borden, proprietor of a cattle ranch of 200,00 acres in southern Tex as, has just brought to this country from India 51 specimens of the sacred bulls and cows of India, with a view ot developing a new breed of cattle. The Indian cattle are larger than American cattle, being on the average 16 hands high to the American 12, and their meat is said to be sweeter and more tender than American beef. The St Louis Globe-Democrat de clares that one of the first things to be done on the annual apple day. is to urge that the apple blossom be made the national flower. What do you think about it? This year's 60,000,000 barrel crop should have .some influ ence in deciding the way to vote. As an Incentive to encourage the breeding of Angora goats, the Amer ican Angora Goat Breeders' associa tion offers a special reward to the suc rssful exhibitor of the best group of Angora goats exhibited at any of the state, county or other fairs this fall. The secretary of the association is John W. Fulton, Helena, Mont Oregon claims to grow a superior quality of apple, and as proof of this the fruit is finding its way to England. The Apple Growers Union of Hood river has just made a shipment of eight carloads, and more will follow if they reach their destination in good condition. It is estimated that this year's crop of sugar beets in Colorado will be worth $10,000,000, or a gain of $2,000, .000. Farmers say it beats wheat and corn. There are more than 2,000 helpers in the fields harvesting the beet crop. It is the wasp, not the honey bee that punctures the grape. The bees profit from the work of the wasp. This is true of ether fruit, as well. After the squashes are harvested gather the vines into piles and as soon as dry enough burn them. Farm Journal tells the story of a couple of fellows out in Iowa who routed a farmer out of bed to help them get a hog back into the wagon from -which they said it had escaped. The man hustled out, dressed and tugged l!kea Trojan' to -lift the hog Into the wagon. The next morning he found that he had helped the stran gers to load his own hog, aad that tho rascals had gone beyond his reach. When you dig yoar potatoes select the seed potatoes for next year's plant- taf lpPJ'" . ' Gmt bb!bbP'Vbbsbbbbbb9?'9lJ! I A New Hampshire correspondent ot the Rural' New Yorker tells of his experience with a traveling.tree agent who represented that ha was. connect ed with a reliable and .welMraown firm. He introduced himself, jays the jwriter, as Mr. -, representing the nurseries. They are among the, largest in the country, and I have known of them for years. I told him I needed some plants, and trees, but under no circumstances would I or der before New Year's or spring plant-, ing, hut if he had plenty of time,-! would look over his ..catalogue, make out my order complete,, except my signature, .let him-indorse the or der, and I would send it in when ready, so he could get his commis sion on me saie. lie snowed me through. I found what I wanted, prices were reasonable, and the or der was made out; then he said to me: "If you will sign and give me the order now, I will add gratis so and so, and this and that, pretty near as much in amount 83 the order. I declined, and he refused" to leave the order here. During the conversation I found out that heclaimed to ba trav eling for a firm of same name, but (different initials of the well-known, reputable firm, and his house was lo cated in a d!ffereh7city, or claimed to be located there. I firmly ba lieve he was traveling for himself, gets job lots of trees and plants for a song, and will never s'ow bfs face more than cjje or two seasons in same section. Here is ancther wrinkle for catching the unwary farmer. As we hear about dry farming, and irrigation farming, and new riant life that is specially adapted to grow whore nothing else will, one b?gins to wonder if, after all, thore is any kind of soil that is not adapted to some kind of a crop. To-day there are millions of acres of land producing paying crops which a few y.-ars ago were barren wastes. It would take, many a big volume to te!l ths story of what scientific research has done for farming in the last decade. All this brings a practical suggestion to every f aimer,. and that there may be no condition so unpromising but tbat it may be overcome by s'uJy and ex perimentation. Talk about the arid wastes of the west, why, in the ag gregate there is ,encugb so-called waste land upon the farms throughout the most favored agricultural sec tions to build a state, we were going to say. Nearly every farmer has some patch of ground which he considers good for nothing, and upon which he spends no time or thought or effort. But the lessen which th scientist is teaching the farmer is that almost any patch of ground is good for something. Join the ranks of the investigating, progressive farm er, study the conditions of that waste bit of land, experiment to find what can best be done with it Let no rod of your acreage go unimproved. Make every inch of the farm pay. An order issued by tbe fourth as sistant postmaster general provides that boxes on rural , free delivery routes shall be numbered consecutive ly for public convenience and to facil itate a more accurate handling of mail by the rural carriers. Thi- will be equivalent to numbering the farm houses along the highways. Under this system mail matter will be ad dressed to "No. , Route , Caseyville." Numbers assigned tc boxes on each route will begin with No. 1, which will pertain to the first regulation box reached by the carrier after leaving the starting point of his route, traveling in accordance with official description; box after bos thereafter to be counted aaJ have the proper number in regular sequence la order of service, from No. 1 to and including all those boxes entitled to service on the route. Each number thus arrived at will be recorded in the carrier's roster book opposite the name of the owner of the box so des ignated and also opposite the name of every person entitled to receive mail in the same box. The cricket as a frost Indicator is the latest discovery of scientists. It is asserted that the shrill fiddling of these evening choristers falls into a rhythmic beat if noted, and -forms an accurate index of the temperature. In the northern latitude of the country the crickets chirp about 50 times a minute when tbe temperature is at 50 degrees. They add four chirps a min ute or abstract that many for every degree above or below that point In latitudes where the number of chirps to the minute is found to vary, the same ratio of increase or decrease is said to be inevitable and may be banked upon. Here is a new use for the old hoss, as suggested by the forowlng story from the Claveland' P.'ain Dealer: "Seems to ma a man of your standing in the community ougnt to d ive a better lock'ng horse," remarkeJ the summer bcarder. "I wouldn't trade him for the fastest roadster in the hull country," said Farmer Huckle berry. "That hoss knows just what to do when he meets an auttymobile. He cavorts around an' topples over, an' breaks - up a dollar's wuth o bugzy shaft an mebbe 50 cents' wutb o harness, and I'll bet I've collected much as 'leven hundred dollars from the auttymobile owners. The old hoss is all .right- A good thing to remember the next time your cattle get choked on' their food is that a piece of rubber hose is the best thing to remove It The hose admits the air, while at the same tlma is pushes the obstruction out of the throat Over in Europe the toad is- a recog nized adjunct to the working force of the farm and garden, being raised and even purchased by the gardeners. Toads are untiring in their search for insects,, and though they may not stag as sweetly as the robin; It must be remembered that they-do aot climb cherry trees. Hake the toad a wel come guest in your garden. Missouri has. just 'dedicated at its state fair grounds, at Sedalla oae of the largest aad best appointed lire stock navilions in the country. ' Therf was a tine vhea the obese 'woman was tbe light of other days i r STJTKAM FADELESS DYES produce the TariaMatt asd-fastest colon with km wars amuas mi BomshpwjK doesn't sound just right whea a spinster asks for a match. TflHlw'i Setaiae Srro. " Far aSliUim tuutiir. often Utm tuuta, reuoeva la- My paw.wwiaaeoiK. aciicow. ;: About two-thirds of a s friends are enemies tn disguise. Bart. Brsfae or Sprain t St. Jacobs Oil relieve from pain. When a bachelor wants to make a married man angry, all be has to do Is whistle the wedding march. Smokers appreciate the quality value of Lewis Single Binder cigar. Your dealer or Lewis Factory, Peoria, TU. ' The Alliance Israelite university has placed fire Bialystok orphans in the Ahlem agricultural school, and has as a first Installment applied the sum f 16.000 marks for their maintenance and education. $100 Reward, $100. The reader ef thl paper will be pleated to learn 'tbattbereU at lea. ton a dreaded dbease tbataeteace -k been able to care la all lu stage, aad taat U Catarrb. Hair Catarrh Cure Is tbe only positive care qjw kaotra to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh beloj a cuaMltaUoaal dUeaia, require a cocmltc Uoaal treitmeat. llall'a Cturra Core la talcm In ternally, actios directly upon toe blood and macoai surfaces of the syateB. thereby destroying tbe foundation ef the disease, aad glflns the patient strength by building op the coaulraiton and asslat lng nature In du!n Its work. The proprietors hare so lunch faith In Its curative powers that tbey offer One Haadred Dollars for any case that it falls to care. Bend for list of teattinnalals. Adlress F. J. CHENB V & CO., Toledo, O. 6gld by all Drnxriits. 73c Take UaU'a family Pill j for constipation. Remarkable Double Wedding. t A remarkable uouble wedding has ! seen celebrated in a Viennese church A manufacturer named Mnller mar ried a widow, while at the same time hfs son married the widow's daughter Thus the father becomes the father-in-law of his own son. and the moth er also the mother-in-law of hei daughter. Cheap Excursions South. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month the Big Four Ry. will sell ex cursion tickets to most all points in Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee. Alabama and Georgia at rate of one fare plus $2.00 with return limit 30 days. Liberal stopover privileges. Write I. P. Spining, General Northern Agent, Big Four Route, 238 Clark St, Chicago, for further information. New Use for Gramopnone. Drilling native Malay levies by word of 'command emitted from a gramo phone is the latest instance of modern ingenuity. Even the Zulu can now hear bis own native songs and war dances from records made by a Lon don company, who have sold more than 20 machines to swarthy warrior chiefs in South Africa. Folk-songs of the 'Pygmies were recently procured, and a machine has been dispatched to Lapland for the purpose, if possible, ol procuring Eskimo folk-songs. Laundry work at home would be touch more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varyint thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This troub'e can be entirely overcome by using Da fiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Uruguay's Financial Condition. Uruguay reduced her national debt by $1,570,450 during 1905. The total debt on January 1, 1906, was $121,455, 747, of which about 80 per cent was external. Uruguay is a prosperous country, and in her prosperity is a good customer of the United States. Exports of merchandise from this country to Uruguay for the nine months ending March 31. 1906, amounted to $2,172,276, against $1,200. 542 in the same period of the pre ions year. TIRED BACKS. The kidneys have a great work to do in keeping the blood pure. When they get out of or der it causes back ache, headaches, dizziness, languor and distressing urin ary troubles. Keep the kidneys well and all these suf ferings will be saved you. Mrs. S. A. Moore, pro prietor of a res taurant at Waterville, Mo., says: "Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I suffered everything from kidney trou bles for a year and a half. I had pain In the back and head, and almost con tJnous In the loins and felt weary all the time. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills brought great relief, and I kept on taking them until in a short time I was cured. I think Doan's Kid ney Pills are wonderful." For sale by all deal s. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo. N. Y. PENNIES FOR A COLLEGE. One Hundred Thousand Workers Each I Give a Penny te Ruskin College The British trade unions had not la their origin any direct concern with education, says the Fortnightly Re view. Bat it Is a fact of no ordinary significance that some of the leading anions should be taking very great Interest in the higher education of the workman. For the. last three years some 100, 00 workhigmen, members of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers. aave made three levies of one penny I each to help on the work of Ruskin i college at Oxford. This levy pro- aaees over 3M a year, and by means of it six engineers are maintained for year's coarse of study at the cot lege. Banner bat substantial sums have been contributed to thesame institu tioa ly the London Society of Com positors, by the Lanarkshire Miners' County Union, by the Amalgamated Assoclatloa of Beamers. Twisters and Drawers, by the Derbyshire miners aad the Durham mlaers, while a large I aaatber ef other societies appear "CeVLBaaBBBBBfc. the aoaors aad satacribers. Ffinlatnaia AebUeRpstalionrorAs sinuating ateFoodandBeguia laaVtStossBalBoybof Promo'es DigeslioaChccrful nessandlfest.Conlains neither OrjkBTi3Iofphinc rorMkKxaL Kot Narcotic. mrtOUMMJnjaQKX Smi tsJW &l S'li-Kf" Aperfecl Remedy forConsfipa Tion, Sour Stomacii.Diarrhoea and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. PyWInlRRH NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IKR1TANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN. PRICE 1 5c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF ISc IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the tocthache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external renjedy for pains in tbe chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it. and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for chi ldren. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation ef vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine. SEND YOUR 'ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY ansBnnBanaauBBnBanaBBaaaaBasi a J? BBBBBsTN. mmammgfmmggmm fnameiirte STOVE POLISH He Knows the kind of Wat. (Hied that stands hardest service JDoYooKhow? Srr4r MBaSfPSav. na rfede for ell loads rfiaarfissarfcawaaiart "y SOU) EVERYWHERE Bi Sirt Yh Are Riflt; Umi 6f Ahea. . - lz! J- ' " """ r"ii'J' Aiitaqnlni BS'erM br eziiert eoanaelonL each department braSBASlalist. Oneanaulnnl tortus KesBltwua yoir iBqnir express aaoner order, or bank dra uucqunuuniim i orSTaancstloes express saoner order, or bank draft oat Citi anlrr bTMU DrpwoaKcor ooaiaaraeir addressed stamped earetone for renlT. sua a clear and foreafal statement of tbe law bear- i2Sfi7.05r.'2iS.f,2Lba-l,,rtJE? wm aoalL rnKTAtOtKRa I.RG AL Al DAfeonATtnv. Fair Ki, Beat K. 131 1 Salle direct. CHICAGO. 1X1 $25,000.00 AGBfTs. '(" Mies, teraw Baiissina7aod Mariss for aU. Asanas Us. Ill, u K.aUsSv, TTcS! WvISm 'Ji-jyTsmri I I ;J 'aval aVZXaaM'.l sS BTafl''aSBfl a IWBBBBBTt - SB OothincrJ MM 7U3raal TOuSryaf ' 7 SumT I utcvtY i i .Bvav J9ra mrm 'li 1 1 Lir7ll I IJl u fit j i. fa iro 1)V say T W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 41, 110a, For Infonta and tnifltotaTu The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Ovar Thirty Years CASTMH Dainty, Crisp, Dressy Summer Skirts arc a delight to the refined woman every where. In order to get this result see that the material is good, that it is cut io the latest fashion and use Defiance Starch in the laundry. All three things are im portant, but the last is absolutely neces sary. No matter, how fine the material or bow daintily made, bad starch and poor laundry work will spoil tbe effect and rain tbe cjothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure, wiil not rot the clothes cor cause them to crack. It sells at zoc a sixteen ounce package everywhere. Other starches, much inferior, sell at ioc for twelve ounce package. Insist oa getting DEFIANCE STARCH and be sere of results. Defiance Starch Company, Omaha, Nebraska. j m SMOKE SMELL MUSS OR SPATTER You Cannot ! CURE aniriflamed,oJceratandc4tarrBalcoa- ' anions of the mucous membraoesuch as aasa!catarrk,uteriae catarrh cawscw by fesaialae ills, sore throat, sec foatli or laflaascaJ eyes by simply dosing tbe stomach. : But ypu surdy can care these stubborn r.tfections by local treatsseat with Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gennshecas discharges, stops pain, and heals taa ' inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most saccessfbl local treatment for femiaiae ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box r-PAXToaca. You Ought to Know BliamakMnl ihiniln.r.ininf i i isat Briar aaoia lawaauat thus Mka tjZTiZ. America? of com. oata.easH.eottoa, t falls aas a aaSr Do yoa kaow sBaitbreaawMailissiStarBmaa section a re Kotaw t aaake ttoprtwaTtSsSaw Wnte as andiet as and UiiZSmmSEmT X(Vfli r Abw Mb? tAiJ an as bt bi a aw BBSSB as a h a wm a i .IfV IU aft9 SPILL illf 1- ..?; A v i j -. - i k riyte . 5 jt&Jk& jjs&As lia4Sa 5SVJ.. ..rtJ Si- ...SL :-"fe,'fcfr .Z ?2&iJt&x& - i siv .. t. a-. j5$gilsS-ig5g H . &lzS': vffi--'' 4- ? v'Si