- 'f?' sJ-ryfiC3 2-V-"?- 5f-! k t I- j t SS?"., -j - ,-. -. SE--!''--' y- -; i- - - - -? h-i' 'i'ri'7r f-VsT'l"'eT'f!;' TV 0 ra n i r--v . k. aa aaaaar aaaaavcaaa- taaa Maaaa BBflBSBjBSaaaaSr.. aaaavMSBBBBa aaaaJsa'""'' a aaaaaavSaV HiHHK KHv aaa ...Dry Goods Department... Children's Day at Gray's "Where are you going, Oh' maiden, I pray? As you hurry along through the crowded way. Your eyes shine bright, 'your face is aglow With smiles and sunshine you're happy I know." "Oh, indeed I am, and so would you be If you were a little girl just like me I'm taking my mama and dolly so sweet To Gray's store, which is on North street, "For October thirteen is little girl's day, And to all who bring dolls they'll give away A cute little vest, either pink or blue, That will keep her warm the long winter through. My mama is going and perhaps she will see Another one like it to just fit me. But we're in a hurry to be on our way And must not stay longer, so bid you good day." Special Opening Sale of Underwear, Saturday October 13th, 1906. w E HAVE the largest and best as sortment of low, medium and nigh ff in our stores, and intend to make prices tnat will sen me gooas eariy m the season. If you want warm, com fortable, satisfactory underwear that is reasonable in price, it will pay you to investigate our stock. We have all kinds and can please the most fas tidious, and at prices that will suit every pocket book. Buy early while onr assortment of sizes is complete. Sale Commences Saturday Morning, October 13 We are going to make this store headquarters for underwear, because our good? and prices are right. They Can't Be Beat Ladies' Union Suits, Open across the bust; good heavy ones at 50c, C5c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25. 2.50, 3.00, and 3.50 per suit. These come in gray, ecru, white, pink and blue. Ladies' Vests and pants. Fleece lined, well made, - some ask 30c and 85c, here only 22Ac. Very heavy fleece lined vests and pants, worth 45c, our price 30c, Very heavy fleece lined vests and pants, bargains at the price, 50c and 75c Ladies' Union Suits Open half way down the front " an(j open across the bust. Suits made to sell at $1, are finished with the same care as the higher priced garments. The best foundation for tasteful dress is a perfect fitting suit of Munsing underwear. Misses' Union Underwear Give maximum of com fort at a minimum of expense. Made for children from 3 to 14 years of age in several different qualities, in light, medium and heavy weights, open front. Prices 50c to $1.50 per suit Misses' Vests and Pants Heavy knit kind, each - 19c to 25c Misses' vests and pants, nice, heavy ones, each 25c to 40c. They fit well, wear well and are perfectly satisfactory to those who don't like combination garments. To Please the Little Folks we will give away 600 doll's vests made by the manufacturers of the celebrated Munsing underwear. Let every little girt in Platte and adjoining counties bring her doll and come with her mother or some other grown up person, to our Underwear department, Saturday morninsr, October 13, between the hours of 9 and 11 o'clock. We expect to see more little girls and more pretty dolls than any one in this town ever saw before. We have only Six Hundred Shirts and may hav,e to disappoint those who come late. Each lady will receive a nice little Munsing Under wear Booklet. Sole Agents for Ladies' and Misses' Munsing Underwear in Columbus. Only place where you can get the Doll Vests 0& t sy Mi I J III I V if GRAY'S Hi Battle Not far from St Thomas, a matter of perhaps a anadred miles, -was fought the most wonderful naval battle" In all history. The Dutch, admiral detected the enemy In the early seraing, when the sea was covered with a thick mist; and his gans opened fire at eace with out warning. The fire was returned with Interest, the ocean fairly quiver ing with spasms caused by the shock of frequent discharges. Somehow or other the enemy's snots, which sound ed like a bombardment; seemed to fall short or go wide of. the mark, for not even a splash of a ball was heard, and the Dutch ships remained unscathed. On the other hand, the Dutch could not see the terrible execution their .guns were doing until nearly the middle of the forenoon, when the fog lifted, re vealing to their astonished gaze not the vessels of the enemy, but a great rock standing out of the sea. They had been firing at it for five hours, and the sound of the return shots they heard was the echo from the solid wall of granite. They named-the place Bedonda, which means sent, rolled or driven back, and Bedonda it is to this day. Oae of the FaaUljr. James Seymour, the artist, was bora in XiOndon In 1702. He displayed s fondness for drawing and painting in boyhood and subsequently gained ce lebrity by his skill in designing horses. Once the proud Duke of Somerset em ployed Seymour to paint a- room at his seat in Sussex, with the portraits of his running horses. Having admitted the artist to his table, begone day drank to him, saying: "Cousin Seymour, your health." The painter replied, "My lord, I real ly believe that I have the honor of be ing of your grace's family." - This hurt the pride of the duke sc much that he rose from the table and ordered his steward to pay Seymour and dismiss him. Finding, however, that no one in England could complete the pictures begun, he condescended to send for his' cousin. The painter re sponded to the message in these words: "My lord, I will now prove that I am of your grace's family, for I won't come." Sea Otter Slcla. The furrier was taking his stock out of the cold storage room. It came forth frozen stiff and coated with glis tening white frost But there was one beautiful skin that though just as stiff as any of the others, had no frost on it "I want you to look at this skin," he said. "It is the kind that the richest Russians, grand dukes, and so on, have their overcoat collars made of. It is a sea otter's 'skin, and it is so expensive that often one coat collar of it will cost 300. It is unquestionably the best skin in the world to make coat collars of. Why? Look at this one, and you'll see. AH my other skins are covered with frost while on this fur no frost whatever appears. And that's the rea son why sea otter skins make the best coat collars. The breath, for some un known reason, doesn't freeze on them." New York Press. X las aa Oata. Bronzed by foreign suns, he entered the office of his colleague, but the cash tor's chair was vacant "Is Mr. Smith outr he asked anx iously. "I am an old friend of his." "No, sir," returned the clerk. "Mr. Smith Is not out He won't be out for sixteen years." Here the clerk smiled grimly. "The firm is out though," he went an, "one hundred thousand, just" New York Press. i The Oaly Way. A person of little tact once remarked to the octogenarian Auber, "What a sad thing It Is, this old buslnessr "Yes, agreed the old musician, "it la sad; "but" he added, with witty philosophy, "up to the present time no surer way has been discovered, to live a long time." A SUBMARINE FOREST. A Caatlaaa Daauel. "Dearest with you 'by my side, I would willingly give up all L possess wealth,' position,, parents everything.'! "I know, George, but In that case what .would there- beleft-for-me." Milwaukee Sentinel. Ifs a queer fact that the higher a man rises the less chance he has of be ing above suspicion. Pock. Dtotlas-alshed fcy Mavemeata. Observant and far sighted persons distinguish at great distances a man from a woman, not by dress, face or figure, but by movements. The mo tions of the most graceful of men are ungainly when compared with "the sinu ous lines that most women Instinctively assume. It often happens that a single motion of a distant figure, and especial ly a motion of the arms above the head, will instantly determine for a trained observer the sex of the person. If any one doubts this let him note the awk ward, windmill-like performance of a man arranging his hair and the grace ful curves and deft touches with which a woman accomplishes the same thing. Caatlaaa. Jacks Townley is an exceedingly cautious man. don't you think? Johns Cautious! Why, he wouldn't pay a compliment without getting a receipt forlt The song that we hear with our ears Is only the song that Is sung in ow hearts. Ouida. bapreMive ErMeaee. The constable is an observant man, and his observation had its reward 'at Marlborough street one morning. It was the case of a hansom driver who had run Into a four wheeler, and the constable maintained in the witness box that the hansom driver was drunk. "There was a bit of a dispute," said the driver," and the constable admit ted as much. "You was a bit doubtful about me bein' drunk, wasn't you' now?" continued the driver solemnly. "I was, Just a bit," said the constable stolidly, "until I saw you taking down your own number on your coat sleeve." London Standard. Raddr. Artist's Friend My dear Harold, I like your picture very much, only I fancy the original doesn't look quite so red as you have painted hini. He hasn't a ruddy complexion; quite the reverse. Impressionist Artist Who on earth are you talking about? Artist's Friend Why, your uncle, of course Impressionist Artist Gracious, man but that isn't my uncle. It's a sunset! Proper Secarttlea. Jinks Johnson wants to borrow 10 from me. Do you think be is good for that amount? Binks Yes, with proper securities. "What securities would you sug gest?" "A chain and padlock, a pair of' handcuffs and a dog. That would be enough to hold him." London Mail. Sarfclcal. The Professor Now, suppose you had been called to see a patient with hys terics, same one, for instance, who had started laughing and found it impossi ble to stop, what would you do? Doc tor Amputate his funny bone. IIIus trated Bits. Aa Expert Opialea. "What do you think of my daughter's execution on the piano?" "Good name for it, for she certainly does murder the time." Baltimore American. Hardware Department. . . HuskingPegs and Mittens The biggest assort- ment we ever had in cotton flannel mittens and gloves. You can't afford to make them at the price and quality we are offering. You cannot afford to go with cold hands at pur price. Stove Economy It's money in your pocket to buy m from us. Our years of experience in buying and selling stoves has gigen us a reputation it is absolutely reliable stoves at reasonable prices. We guarantee you bigger, .better values for your stove money than you can find elsewhere. uaKSttOVes brood, heavy soft coal heaters, hand-. somely nickel trimmed, big values, up from $7. 50 . Agents for Cole's Hot Blast Heaters The genu . ine costs no more than the imitation and here is our strong guaran-Tee 1 We guarantee a savin of one-third in fuel over any lower draft stove of the same size, with soft coal or slack. 2 We guarantee Cole's Hot Blast to US) less hard coal tor heating a given space than any base burner made with same heating surface. 3 We guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two hours each morning with the soft r 0irhard coal pac in the stove the evening before. 4 We goareotee that the tove will bold fire with a th,ry-U" hcurs without attention. 5 We guarantee a uniform heat day and night with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. .6 We guarantee every stove to remain absolutely air tight as Ionjas used. 7 We guarantee the feed door1 to be smoke and dust proof. Prices from $12.00 up. Sole Agents for the Genuine Bound Oak Stoves and Ranges and Peninsular Base Burners. aSviSXz&vaaaal BaH'51 '"iBBSSSI iaKaflaHfiHBrBS NEBrlBSSr HSSaT ten ef aa OCaaara Caaat Kama 1 Call Along the great blue ' current of Japan that sweeps 'down" the Calif or nla coast Is strung a. chain of telanfls. They are the summits of offshore sJer res, a coast range of California that has been partly overwhelmed by tat sea. All have a peculiar beard, or pro tectlng growth of weed, that consti tutes a -perfect forest about them,' a giant seaweed growing In water sixty .or more feet in depth and forming a natural wave break and a home for countless marine animals. The vines are sometimes 100 feet In length, vast cables, with broad, dimpled leaves ef a dark olive hue, which assume grace ful shapes In the tide. When the visitor peers down Ints the turquoise water the scene Is often a revelation. A new world Is opened up and the real beauties of oceanic of submarine scenery are appreciated. The great leaves are carried by the fitful currents that sweep these islands In every direction. Sometimes they are extended-attag length and appear like a horde of green snakes. Again they lie down upon the surface; list" less and drooping, taking myriads ef shapes and, forming nooks and corners of great beauty. So attractive are these forests tint what is .known as the water glass has been elaborated Into a glass bottomed boat; which has several large plats glass windows through which the pas sengers may look down into the -kelp forests and view a panorama of the sea. These boats range In size from rowboats to sidewhcel steamers, so ar ranged that they can Scat over the forest and view Its wonders up and downline coast Chicago News. Beta PiaaaataJ la Ceaaeaaeaae. Father-in-law Extravagance, ex travagance! You offer me a fifteen cent cigar! When, I was your age I couldn't afford anything better than a fiver! Son-ln-Iaw (who has Just got a girl with a fortune) Exactly; other wise I could not afford anything better now myself. Fliegende Blatter. Plata. Lecturer on Woman's Rights Wo man has risen. We will no longer be the slaves and playthings of the tyrant man. Am I plain? Unsympathetic -Male Voice You are. London Mags-sine. They Deat Sacak Haw. Jess He hasn't got sense enough to propose to a woman. Tess Is that sot Well, he and I are engaged! Jess Well? Cleveland Leader. There's nothing makes a man mad der than to know he has made a fool of himself after having his own way about It Vaarafeaataaal "You say she's only an amateur nurseT "Yes. If she had been a professional nurse she wouldn't have married the first patient that came along. She'd have looked around a little first Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Sara Talaar. Stella Did you try to see whether he loved you with a daisy? Bella Ne; I counted with a three leaved New York Times. Proverb nt Aaaaai. Here are some rather clever proverbs of Assam: "The best crops grow on others' fields, but the best sons are at home." "A bird Is a Utile thing, but It builds its nest on a lofty hulung tree." "Buy land which slopes to the middle, and marry a girl who has a good mother." "The biggest jack fruit always hides under the leaves." "If a man slips down it is always his eldest wife's fault, but if his youngest wife makes a mistake he says he will see about It" "A hasty cook, a hasty broom, and the husband goes fasting; a slow cook, a slow broom, and the husband eats three meals a day." Mexleaa Cacti. Mexico has a cactus which grows toothpicks; another, ribbed and thick ly set with toothpick spines, which fur Ulshes the natives with "combs. There Is another cactus, the long curved spines of which resemble fish hooks. There Is another which Is an almost perfect Imi tation of the sea urchin. Still another resembles a porcupine. There is anotb erjrovered with long red hair which is nicknamed the "red headed cactus." Mare af HIau Miss Mugley The idea of his calling me homely. I may not be very pretty, but I'm certainly not as homely as he Is. Miss Pert No, dear, but that's simply because he's bigger than you. Philadelphia Ledger. He Went. "Like most men," he said, "I have my shortcomings, I suppose, but" . "Oh, it isn't your shortcomings father objects tor' Interrupted the girt. "Ira your long staylngs." HI Fatal Blaaaar. "Why did you think he had been drinking? He didn't show It" "Not until he went out of his way t prove that he hadn't" Philadelphia Press. Dr. J. W. Term '.OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN BegJiippei Optical Ottiees. li The West in the front rooms over Pollock ft Co.'s Drug Store. Wfll be in Columbus offices Sunday , on day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fittesr and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE mm mm & company imcuies, eneiuY, lamps ami slasswaie j --. jwi.-v n " f !? UTa navA m. lawsm amH' 'yssf? vv.MW a mm0w warn, -va &-l well selected stock of GROCERIES We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All . Grades of Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly - Pore Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and , Vegetables. A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS -Always Right. We Respectfully Solicit alShare of your xTrade. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY Nrimka fttu 29. Mipnfeit (tons 29 ail 329. Don't Do Your Fall! House Gleaning Until you call at the Gass Furniture Store and pick out one or two pieces from our new stock of Up-to-Date Styles. If you want to make that old piece of furniture look like new, try a bottle ol our new FURNITURE POLISH H. GASS, BWNtfcSfrMt CttaaSM, Itbraska ai aj aj W W m a t ''Fa.F Fa" I Advertising Whether it is on your business stationery or in the columns of the Journal. If you don't think y HI l) YOU 8' caU and let us convjnce yu- 51 It will be dollars in your pocket. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gaSlMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBa . IV '1V I BaaaaaaaaaaV alBaaaaaaaaaaaaU'IOIl'v'X IF YN WAIT I MM WfifiY. .. -- Call on us. We sell the well known Staver make and can save you money on a good job. . x f L. W. WEAVER & SON, HARNESS, COAL AND BUGGIES.. - l M "i . - 3 . y -.-" 'fZL .,' i M . - "- . c-XV . v. . . . , v eSSf?. ?i il & - "-&1. V X" CtSi. C - '-.-V&-. .AlT'-V r &mfr&kG4 ?&$& s?ii ivAii a-iSJ3t.-ur'J4S kSo . t.-. ' -. ,..' I K. liZ T. i fc ". 0- 4T PLiiTt --.. " - t , im .. ,---' ZlJ&xriJ?;'..?. -i.