The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 10, 1906, Image 4

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    rwK tw . rmnr-rvri jzrxnm 3& T9iPwieEiHBae ej: rw2i ., ji . l i t t - 'w,t.T1-. ph1 iwm ,. . swk ' tipi il i.,:w-Bef--rc.'"'wTPr'Trri-v 'wr' -r.. ; m,--2 " rrrv v- r
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attjajaaMfaaaa) BHU aaaaVEflar
Xlattal9MtfaVaaaaaaa "
ItfiWwi TirVtt
Far Cotn-w, Third Dirtriet J.F. BOYD
WmiiMMtitiTii.rrtri-t edleubchen
CsMt; Attonqr C.N. M.ELFBEBH
They will vote for Norris Brown
for United States senator, who will
uphold Roosevelt This is the most
important consideration, as should the
democrats succeed in electing a sena
tor he would as matter ot fact be
against the administration. They
will Tote and work for the faeform ad
Tocated in the republican state plat
form, such as anti-pass, reduction in
freight and passenger rates. These
are the major issues before people of
Nebraska today and they touch die
homes and interest of every business
man in Platte county.
Can the democratic candidate for
governor be depended on to stand for
the reforms advocated by his party?
Was he not nominated with the aid
of corporate influence over George
W. Berge, whom the railroads did
everything to defeat? Will Platte
county democrats place confidence in
the democratic nominee after he was
instrumental in turning down the
most pronounced anti-railroad man in
their party or wift they get in line and
vote for the ticket for the sake of
party. This is not the time to aban
don the great reforms now in progress
and for which the republican party,
mainly through President Roosevelt,
ia responsible. We know the repub
lican candidate for governor, George
L. Sheldon is with the people, and
no honest man, no matter what his
former political belief has been, can
afford to stand still or cast his vote for
a candidate or party whose past rec
ord has been a blank in the reforms
ow going on.
During his term of supervisor John
Swansoa has ever been watchful of
the interests of the people. That he
has the confidence of his constituents
is shown by his unanimous renomina
tion by the republicans of district No.
3. JohnSwanson, more than any
other man, was responsible for stop
ping the custom of supervisors over
drawing the amount of salary allowed
by law, and on his showing the people
turned down the democratic members
of the board and placed the republi
cans ia control. During the last year
as chairman of the bjoard he has been
conservative, and careful of the inter
ests of the county, and that his selec
tion was a wise one is shown by his
excellent record. The republicans of
district No. 3 will return John Swan
son for another term, as he stands
squarely on the record he has made
during the last two. years.
While it is the more important of
the two the elections of our legislative
candidate means more than sending a
United States senator to uphold Pre
aideni Roosevelt There are state is-sms-which
the, republican party k
pledged to carry out, and Messrs.
Saunders, Prowett-and liueschen may
he depended 'on Id stand on' the last
stateilatformadopted at Lincoln.'
The Tribune, the third English pa
per Jor Columbus, was issued last
week with F.H. Abbott as editor.
The new publication is bright and
newsy, and is republican in politics.
May the editor have all kinds of sue
esss ni his new venture.
state, together.
bow arises, which one
his views on the government
mdatil hi I iMnlr.
5aaa3aawaaa MihiiriiDiH ao met
wUk a JMj37nrtiil toMQtiwt w a
5 - aaaa f.m bba MMaJ WHS afcaSaaBBB.
.nitmlj iMfrr r"51'
ftakaanaT - UflttVHl 10 Cfefltf BMT MldraM
BSw2$iJ v i S& SnnnBnnnnnnnnnnnnBnBnBnm
nunnnnnnnnnnnnmnv: ?,N u?' 'Ssinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnma
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmn vtVjrjw. r . kSuRnRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRmnM
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wnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH Avnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr
Hon. J. F. BoTD.-Republican Candidate
A Straw
The action of the Republican Con
gressional Convention in the nomina
tion of Hon. J. F. Boyd was one of wis
dom, and a just recognition of the rank
and file ef the paity. Judge Boyd is
one of the eommon people; he belocgs
to them, and they belong to him, and
this result will be demonstrated at the
November election. He is able, clean,
fearless in the advocacy of what he be
lieves right; these and other commend
able charaeteristios have won him
friends everywhere. The nomination is
one which is acceptable to the people of
the whole district, and especially so to
the people of the judicial district whom
he served so faithfully, and 'exceedingly
grateful to his home county.
J. F. Boyd was born in Fayette coun
ty, Pennsylvania, August 8, 1853, and is
53 years of age, in the prime of life, and
with the wisdom and experience that is
only gathered by the lapse of time. His
parents were of German-Scotch descent
a race that in its rugged integrity and
force of oharacter has filled many of the
brightest pages of American history.
With his parents he removed to the
vicinity of Oalva, Illinoisin 1857, and
remained on the farm, assisting' in its
operation until 22 years of age. In
addition to attending the district school,
be had the advantage of two years
higher study in Abington college. Com
mencing the study of law at the age of
23, in the office of T. E. Milchrist, who
was afterwards United States attorney
for the northern district of Illinois dar
ing president- Harrison's administration,
he was admitted to practice by examina
tion in open court by the supreme court
in 1878, and immediately thereafter en
tering the office of his preceptor as a
partner, remaining five years. In 1883
Mr. Boyd removed to Nebraska and
located at Oakdale in the practice of
the profession for which he had been fit
ted by well directed study and practice
in court. Mr. Boyd has been promi
nently identified with the growth of
Antelope county and has been active in
all public enterprises which have come
within his sphere of influence. While
not an office seeker, and not an office
holder in the common acceptance of the
term, he has frequently been called
upon to fill positions of trust and re
sponsibility. Twice he was elected
county attorney of Antelope county.
In 1888 he was nominated for this posi
tion and elected and was renominated
by acclamation in 1800 and ran 600 votes
ahead of his ticket. In 1892 he was
again nominated, and elected in face of
a majority for the populist ticket, that
ran into the hundreds. In 1900 he was
nominated for judge of the tth judicial
district and was elected by a majority of
291, running 300 ahead of President
McEinley in Antelope county, and being
the first republican ever elected in the
district' He was renominated in 1903
and was elected by a majority of 1700.
In all of these terms the affairs of the
office were conducted in a manner satis
factory to all law-abiding citizens.
While elected upon the republican tick
et, oa taking charge of the office its
affairs were placed on the high plane
that raises the interest of the public
above and beyond self and party. At
the end of the second term as county
attorney he was pressed to again become
a candidate, but realizing that there
were other men in the party worthy of
recognition, he graciously declined in
their favor. A man's worth and popu
larity should in a manner'be measured
by the regard in which he is held by
neighbors and assodatea.. Gauged by
tins standard Mr. Boyd, is in every re
spect a model candidate. In Oakdale
and adjacent townships he has always
received the endorsement of a hand
some majority. Always easily approached
by the great body of the so-called com
mon people, this characteristic has been
retained on all occasions. Poverty in
his eyes is neither a crime nor a bar to
friendship, but always rather an added
plea for help and assistance when re
quired. No poor man ever appealed to
him in vain for legal advice or assistance
in a meritorious case. Often he has de
frayed the expense of litigation from his
own resources. Money nor the lack of
it was never allowed to defeat the ends
ot justice. Starting in life without a
dollar, Mr. Boyd has been ssMwesaful in
au am paineas enterprises and now
ownes and annessafally operates one of
the largest stock farms ia Antelope
eoamfty. Not m the least of amttssnaess
ventures which aavproved remunera
tive, is an experienca ia the newspaper
Iaeomaeotioa with his brother
for Congress, 3d Congressional District
he published a paper at Galva, Illinois,
and the two also successfully managed
the Oakdale Sentinel for a couple of
years. Mr. Boyd has always been a
close student and to this fact more than
anything else is probably due the high
rank he has taken as a lawyer. While
he has risen to high eminence in this
respect, yet to all his old friends he is
still familiarly known as Frank, a title
more honorable and carrying with it
greater respect than that which can be
bestowed by kings: For the office .of
congressman the republican party has a
candidate that is at once self made and a
credit to his creator. Norfolk Daily
With the aid of the big stick Secre
tary Taft has been holding the lid on
in Cuba pretty well.
. Makes Homely Weaea Pretty
No woman no matter how regular her
features may be can be called pretty if
her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup aids digession and clears
sallow blotched complexions by stimu
lating the liver and bowels. Orino Laxa
tive Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or
gripe and is mild and pleasant to take.
Remember the name Orino and refuse
to accept any substitute. C. H. Dack.
Acre Prooerty.
We have 160 acres of choice land
one-half mile from city limits for
sale in 10 acre tracts.
Elliott, Speice & Go.
A Cud
This is to certify that all druggists are
authorized to refund your money if
Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold. It stops the cough
heals the lungs and prevents serious re
suits from a cold. Cures la grippe
cough and prevents pneumonia and con
sumption. Contains no opiates. The
genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse
substitutes. C.H. Dack.
Pinesalve cleanses wounds, ihihgs
ly aatisepteo, aneqaaled for cracked
hands. Good for cuts. Sold by 30th
Century Drug store, Platte Center,
Doctors Said He Would Wot Live
Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa, writes:
"After doctoring for two years with the
best physicians in Waynseburg, and
still getting worse, the doctors advised
me if I had any business to attend to I
had better attend to it at once, as I could
not possibly live another month as there
was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney
Cure was recommended to me by a
friend, and I immediately sent my son
to the store for it, and after taking three
bottles I began to get better and con
tinued to improve until I was entirely
well." C.H. Dack.
County Judges Omce Marat
I wish to call attention fcfall parties
having business to transact in my office,
that I am now located in the basement
of the German National Bank. I invite
the tax payers of Platte County, to call
at my office, to inspect the fire proof
vault, for the files and records of this
Respectfully yours,
John Rattkrxak, County Judge.
Beat Be Imposed Upon
Foley & Co, Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations have similar
sounding names. Beware of them. The
genuine Foley's Honey and Tarisin a
yellow package, ask for it and refute
any substitute. It is the best remedy
for coughs and colds. C H. Dack.
A colde taken at this time
year ia generally hard to get
of the
nd of
but it will not be able to
Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That
will cure all oolds, congas croup,
whooping cough, etc, by driving
them out through the bowels.' If you
have a cold try it and if not oared get
your money back. No oniatsi. Sold
by 90th Century Drug store. Platte
Cuter, Neb.
It is a well known medical fast that
ia most effective in the
of diseases of
kidaeya. Smfsren
and otsr troubles-due to faulty
notion of the kidney iaas relief in the
use of Pine-ales. al.00buya.S0 days
t. Soli hv 90th
Swe Ia Meat? u Ome Species !
emI-4mB.estlcatea Saalte.
Throughout Cuba game Is abundant
Deer, though not native, have flour
ished and multiplied greatly. Rabbits
are plentiful; also the wild boar, so
called, the wild pig; the wild dog and
the wild cat of the Island. WUd fowl,
especially ducks and pigeon, abound,
the former crossing from the southern
states during the winter season, while
the latter remain on the island the year
round. Pheasants, quail, snipe, wild
turkeys and wild guinea fowl are alsc
numerous, with several varieties ot
game birds, such as the perdiz, tojosas.
rablches and the guanaros.
The only distinctive native animal is
the Jutla or hutia, ratlike in appear
ance and black. It grows to a length
of sixteen or eighteen Inches, not in
cluding the tail. While eatable, it Is
not especially palatable.
Cuba has more than 200 species of
native birds. Including those already
mentioned as game birds, many pos
sessing the most beautiful plumage.
but those with song are rare.
In swampy localities crocodiles and
American alligators (caimans) are
found, and, although these frequently
grow to an enormous size, but little
attention Is paid to them by the na
tives. Chameleons, small lizards, tree toads
and similar harmless Silurians of di
minutive else are very common, while
occasionally the Iguana and other large
varieties of the lizard species are scon.
Few varieties of snakes exist in
Cuba. One of these, the maja, from
ten to fourteen feet in length, is a
seml-domesticated reptile, If such a
term may be used, for It Is most fre
quently found about the huts, farm
houses and small villages, Its favorite
living place being In the palm thatches
of the old buildings, while its favorite
food Is poultry. Another snake, named
the jubo, Is more vicious in disposition
than the maja, although never reach
ing more than one-third Its size. It is
not poisonous. The other varieties are
still smaller In size, are seldom seen
and not 'venomous. Havana Post.
The Meet MeateraMe Eaa-aK-eaieal
Edwla Beet Ever PlayeU.
Edwin Booth once told a little com
any of his Intimates that the most ro
mantic, memorable and delightful en
gagement that he ever played In his
life was one In which he was obliged to
paste his own bills.
It was in the early years of his ca
reer, long before his famous hundred
nights. run of "Hamlet" at the Winter
Garden In New York, and at a time
when romance and enthusiasm were
till young In his heart He had played
with varying success in many parts of
the country, journeying even to San
Francisco and the few camps in the
gold bearing country that were large
enough to supply him with audiences.
Here he had done so well that he felt
encouraged to try his fortune In still
remoter climes and accordingly em
barked from the Golden Gate for the
Hawaiian Islands, where. In the Hono
lulu theater and under the direct pat
ronage of the dark brown royalty that
then held sway, he played an engage
ment to which he looked back in after
years with much pleasure and satis
faction. "But after the play was over," said
Booth, "I found It necessary to climb
down from the high plane of art to
common ground, and take steps to an
nounce my repertory to the public.
This was done almost entirely by way
of posters, and I could not trust the
Job to the native boys, because they al
ways ate the paste and threw away
the bills. My actors would not do it,
because they were such eminent artists
and thoroughbred gentlemen, so I bad
to do it myself. Many a time have I
taken off the costume of Iago or Ham
let -or Othello and gone out with a
bucket of paste and a roll of paper to
bill the town,' as we say here in Amer
ica, for my next appearance."
The ReMa ui the Caterpillar.
The robin hops along in the furrow
and picks up worms as the farmer
plows, which it eats itself or carries to
Its nest as food for the young robins.
The robin prefers smooth coated
worms, such as the common earth
worm, but if such food is scarce it does
not disdain the fuzzy caterpillar.. It Is
an evil day for the caterpillar when a
robin" strikes It The robin picks It up
and shakes It and shakes it until it
shakes the spines out of it the fur, as
the children call the caterpillar's fuzzy
coating leaving the caterpillar bare in
patches and sometimes all over and
shaken all out of shape. Then the
robin eats' It or carries it off to feed Its
Ia Iadta.
India Is a nation of pawnshops, ac
cording to an English authority. The
people mink the cleverest man is he
who devises the largest number of
ways by which to borrow money. They
put In pledge their lands, oxen, jew
elry, themselves, their children and
their grandchildren, and cases have
even been known where a father, to
obtain money to defray the expenses
of his daughter's wedding; has pledged
as collateral the first child to be -born
of the union.
People who make puns are like wan
ton boys that put-coppers on the rail
road tracks. They amine themselves
and other children, but their little trick
ay upset a freight train of conversa
tion, for the sake of a battered wittl-
W. Holmes.
A gnat man win make great oppor-
nt of the commonest
-. , -
te the
Vew Orl
Besldenta of New Orleans anAnortn
orn readers of Cable's stork of the
dry are familiar with the Interesting
and gracious custom of small trades
men of- giving lagniappe. The word,
commonly pronounced "lanyap," refers
to the small .present which the dealers
make to their customers as a sort of
Inducement to call again. The custom
Is so firmly established that the people
are In 'the habit of waiting for their
little present after they have made
their purchases, and children ask for
it Mrs. Hort in her book" "The Garden
of the Pacific" describes a similar cus
tom in Valparaiso. The Chileans, how
ever, call the gift a "yappa," which one
readily sees Is kindred to the word
used In New Orleans.
"I used to frequent the fruit market
which was well stocked. The fresh
figs were the largest and sweetest that
I had ever seen or tasted, and I made
a point of dally bringing- some home
for breakfast
"The first time I selected the number
which I wanted the girl placed them
between leaves In my basket and then
laid another half dozen on the top. I
supposed that she wished me to buy
an extra quantity and shook my head
In. the negative. She smilingly ex
plained that It was for a yappa. As I
had nothing more to pay, I was agree
ably Impressed by the custom.
"The ChllerfVis exact the yappa as
their due. We were In a confectionery
shop one day when a small child came
In and held up a centavo (halfpenny)
for some sweets. The man handed
them to her. She held up her other
hand and lisped out M1 yappa, and
got If New York Globe.
A Wandas Raaaer Wk BcUawa
Like a Baa as He Gaes.
The sals Is a runner who keeps In
front of n carriage and warns common
people out of the way and who beats
them with a stick If they do not hurry
up about It
It Is obvious that to do this he must
run quickly. Most men when they run
bend their bodies forward and keep
their mouths closed In order to save
their wind. The sals runs with his
shoulders thrown back and trumpet
ing like an enraged elephant He holds
his long wand at his side like a mus
ket and not trailing te his hand like a
walking stick, and he wears a soft
shirt of white stuff and a sleeveless
coat buried in gold lace.
He is a perfect Ideal of color and
movement, and as he runs he bellows
like a bull or roars as you have heard
a lion roar at feeding times In a
There are sometimes two of them
running abreast, dressed exactly alike
and with the upper part of their bodies
as rigid as the wand pressed against
their sides and with the ends of their
scarf and the long tassel streaming
out behind.
As they yell and bellow donkeys and
carriages and people scramble out of
their way until the carriage they pre
cede has rolled rapidly by. Only
princesses of the royal harem and con
suls general and the heads of the army
of occupation and the Egyptian army
are permitted two sals; other people
may have one.
When Taaclteray Straclc
A letter written by Thackeray to the
proprietor of Eraser's Magazine is
quoted under the head of "When
Thackeray Went on Strike." As a
matter of fact, Trackeray, so far from
acting on the principle of unionism,
acted on precisely the opposite prin
ciple and asserted his right to Individ
nal preference. "Well," he says, "1
dare say you will be very indignant
and swear I am the most mercenary of
Individuals. Not so. But I am a better
workman than most of your crew and
desire a better price." He ends ami
ably, "Yon must not, I repeat, be angry
or, because we differ as tradesmen,
break off our connection as friends.""
London News.
"A Barbaroaa Fetter.
After the Dutch had taken the Mo
luccas from the Portuguese they In
troduced the cultivation of the clove
Into their own possessions, cut down
all the clove trees of the Moluccas and
pronounced death on any one who
would plant a single clove bush or
gather or sell a pound of the product.
Expeditions were sent from their other
eastern possessions every year to cut
down any bushes that might have ac
cidentally started in the Molucca Is
lands. This barbarous policy made the
Islands a desert, for, deprived of their
forests, the volcanic soil was washed
away, and the population starved or
was deported.
His Fair Share.
The Chinese always have understood
the great art of making the punishment
flt the crime. Man or joss, if he of
fends, gets exactly his deserts. Vice
roy Shum, who was anxious to see the
end of the heavy rainfalls, was very
angry with the guardian joss of Can
ton, who remained deaf to all prayers
to bring about a little sunshine. A
Welyuen was dispatched to the tem
ple with orders to uncover the roof
over the Joss' head and let him have his
fair share of the rain.
She I think we should be able to
lire nicely on 53,000 a year. He But
my salary is only $2,000. She I know
it, dear, but my clothes come to $1,000
a year, and I have enough now to last
for the first twelve months.
Woman's lore.
"Which of the two do you think yon
will love the longest, Peter or Paul?'
The one who will forget me the
quickest' Paris Figaro.
Emersoa's Prayer.
Whlttier and Emerson were taking a
drive together when they passed n
mall, nnpainted house by the road
side. There," said Emerson, pointing out
the house, "lives an old Calrinist, and
she prays for me every day. I am glad
she does. I pray for myself.'
"Does she?" said Whlttier. 4rWhat
does thee pray for, friend Emerson?
"Well replied Emerson, "when I
tost open my eyes upon the beautiful
world I thank God mat I am alive ani
When You are Going to Erect a Monument
or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones
& Marble
Of Gwlumbus, Nebraska
Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Call Before Placing Your Order. - No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
E. BERGMAN, Proprietor
i To StOGkmen
iryou have CATTLE, HOGS,
or SHEEl to market, ship to ns.
We 6ell them for the high dollar.
If you want feeders, either cattle
or sheep, come yourself or place
your order with us. We will buy
them worth the money.
South Omaha. Nebraska.
Cattle Salesman Oh as. Bdbke.
Hoc Salesman Will J- Kickly.
Sheep Salesman J. S. Cos.ney.
I carry the beet of everything
in my line. The drinking pnb
lie is invited to come in and ee
for themselves.
HIS. NEVEL. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. llfr
Seal Etsate Loans.
We are prepared to make loans on
all kinds of real estate at the lowest
rates on easy terms. Becher, Hocken
berger & Chambers.
ManZan relieve instantly, itching
and prootruding piles. It is put up
in collapsible tubes in snub, a way
that it can be applied where the
trouble originates, thus stopping the
pain immediately. Try one bottle
and if yon are not relieved, your
money will be refunded. Try our
free offer. Sold, by 20th Century
Drug Store. Platte Center, Neb.
Are yon troubled with piles? One
application ol ManZan wiil give you
immediate relief. Sold bv 20th Cen
tury Drug Store, Platte Center, Neb.
Now is the time to look out for yom
winter supply of coal. We have a large
supply of hard, soft and furnace coal on
Paint Which
Painters, and all others
who understand paint
know that white lead and
linseed oil make the best
paint. Good, lasting paint
cannot be had if either pig
ment or oil is adulterated.
Many of the so-called
white leads sold nowa
days have barytes, rock
dust, silica, gypsum, etc.,
in them, and little real
white lead.
Linseed oil is also fre
quently adulterated; Such
mixtures are dear at any
Collier, '
Red Seal or Southern
Pure White Lead
(Made br the OH Date Procev)
absolutely pure,
makes lasting paint.
Ow Ava. aad 1Mb St.. St.
Far aal ay int
That Tht
We are having a special sale
on "close out" picture frames.
New car load of goods com
ing at special low prices.
Spring Wagons
Let us build you one. We
put nothing but the very best
material and workmanship in
them. The price is right.
FARMERS, Bring in your
tools and implements to be
sharpened and repaired now.
It will save you time when
the spriug work opens up.
We keep only the Latest and
BEST in -
Buggies & Carriages
All Kinds of a
..Farm Impleaests..
CguOnr Horseshoes stick and
don't lame your horse try 'em
Attorney - at - Lair
Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbns. Neb.
Attorney -at -La w
Office over
German Nat'l. Bask
of any case of Kidney or
Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medi
cine. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Bright's Dis
ease or Diabetes. There is
nothing gained by delay.
50c. and $1.00 Bottlaa.
mrwc avMriTirrin.
Sold by Chas. H. Dack.
Any person having backache,
kidney pains or bladder trouble
who will take two or three
Pine-ules upon retiring at night
shall be relieved before morning.
20U fcttitj Dnf Suit, Plattt CttUr
" tilnai frmtW BaSra Pi
fcariantecStSaa 5 "taI
aUaftha rktaaa af tka Batfta PteTtkat
ata alTalatlawlWTiagan
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