pi1:'- ?&.&SXRf v 4.- a- f jt" r jt f ' ? J t V-J t - ) u ' s : ft m. . V- ; i 7Ay..' .. . J I V fs rvz-jut. -, ft KENTUCKY WOMMI Walahtsntf BwaimWtN byTU Dr. Wmiama ftok Pill. WeawBat forty, or thereaboats, have shear faints in their own bsnus. Tbers will be a. change for the better or wane, for the better if. the system in prilled ly sock tonic uDr. William Pink Pills. Mn. D. C. Wedding, of Hartford. Ky., writes as follows concerning the dill caltiee which afflicted her : I was serkmsiy ill and was coafined to bit bed for six or eight mouths in alL daring: two years. I had chills, fever raeomaoam. Jty scotnacn seemea al ways too foil, my kidneys did not act freely, my liver was inactive, my heart beat was very weak and I had dizziness -or swiuiauiig in my head and uervoos troubles. MIwas onder the treatment of several different physicians but they all failed to do me any good. After buffering fur two years I learned from an Arkansas friend alxuifc tho merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided that I would try them. The very first box I took made me feel better and when I had . takenfourboxcsniorelwaseutirclywcll, weighed fifteen pounds more than when I begun, resumed my household duties and Iulvo since continued iit the bust of - health. I havo recommended Dr. Wil- liaius Pink Pills to many people on no- count of what they did for me, and I fee! that I cannot praise them too strongly." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills restored Mrs. Werfdiag to heal t h becan kc they actually - make r.-w blood and when tho hl.md ia in full vigor every function of tho hotly - is restored, because the blood carries to every organ, everj muscle, every nerve, the necessary nourishment. Any woman who is in tercet ed in t ho euro of Mrs. Wed ding will want our book, "Plain Talks tc Women," which i"? free on reqne.'t. AU druggists sell Dt Williams Pink Pills, or they will bo sent by mail ii-t-paid, on rrceipfcof price, SO refits per 1kx, - six boxes for $2.n0, by the Dr. Williuuif Medicine Co., Schenectady, 2JVST. mmm it Offer Reward for Brigand. The Russian government has offered a reward of 10.000 rabies for the cap ture, dead or alive, of Murad Kisilnn. the famous Caucasus brigand. Ho Is said to have killed over 300 Russian soldiers aad policemen. How's This? We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Beward for any eatc of Crrh (hit cannot tw cored by Hall's Catanto Cure F. J. CHESET CO., Toledo. O. Wc. ahc nMenlBcd. bare known Y. J. Cheney for the Ian T5 year, and believe him perfnctlr hon orable all liaalne.a tramacUons and financially able to carry bt any obligations ntado by his flna. Wai-hino. Ki kh A3f Majtri-r. WhoJesalo Drucglet. Tolti'o O. Haifa Catarrh Care 1 taken internally, cctln; dlreetly upon the blood md mncono scrfacca o: the ayatem. Teatlnoniaia acnt f ree. rrJccTScenu pet bottle Sold by all Drnccltts. Take Hall's Faralty rill f ..r conization. Scorpions Cause Disaster. Scorpions wore to a great extent re sponsible for tho recent bursting of the KamaJapuram tank in India. There had been very heavy rains, but when as attempt was made to preserve the bank of the tank scorpi ons issued from crevicesin the earth work in such numbers that the at tempt had to ho abandoned. Over 3C laborers were stung. Shanghai Mer cury. Starch, like everything else, Is he tog constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 years ago are very different and infer'or to those of tho present dav. In the lat est discovery DeGanco Starch all In jurious rhemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient. In vented by ns. gives to the Starch a strength and rmoolhness never ap proached by other brands. Water in Epidemics. The relation of water to germs and epidemics is a subiect full of interest from the standpoint of public hygiene. In the "Revue Sclentifiquo" Dr. Mal--acjae discusses the wholo subject of the experiments which have been made from 1885 to the present day to test this question, and especially with respect to Eberth's bacillus, which Is that of typhus. All that is known of this bacillus its vitality, habits and reproduction is dwelt upon, with the result of showing that it subsists long er than -any other in sterilized water Dr. Malroejac's conclusion Is that wa ter should bo regarded as a true am bient for germs, and not as an accl dental channel, and. above all, that . pathogeneons germs may live in watei for a sufficient length of time to cause epidemics. BEGGAR WORE SILK HAT. Attire of Mendicant Surprised Vis itors in London. The visitors from tho country turn ing from a London railway terminus Into the street on Saturday stopped to gaze aghast -at a man standing in the gutter. -Look." said one, nudging the other, "even the beggars wear top pers' la London!" It was true in this case, at any rate. Here was a man of about live and thirty, dressed like a city clerk, in a good morning coat and trousers, sound boots, clean starched shirt and collar and a well fixed tie. He was crowned with a silk hat. well brushed and ironed. But there he was In the con ventional attitude of the curbstone merchant, one foot on the pavement, the. other in tba gltter. One hand held out for sale half a dozen boxes of Batches, tho other invited alms. A man keeps a nice little place la the .coontry from .the profits of bis pitch en the pavement in the Strand, but his workaday clothes would not fetch as much as this man's hat coat to iron. London Evening Standard. v MAZ.ESMBS WANTED. WewaaaIire.act'Teandtho hty expert iaeed 1 u Y. l.kM.ilf ,!. tl . fiflit Ma .11 "W BA koWAtrieut hi flf-l mUBtfTh BilKll7 OfOJfMW vry. as - - - . Mate A.I -t. A uUltiy needed i a awry fctore and bumea ufullycomui Tia;ir'ihlnMira-eni"e. W kiiiruv .bw amu wau u aw w Bra 9. man wo win i. ,...w -...- - raaran ee to refund anoney 1 1 1 ooda i " ""J" J1 Ja AW..IM..IVA c1.M Ma lit Al A lunKrpvH'? .y'"'-Ti.. ".TI lva,aaaaaiMcna lit 3. : The Abduction of a Justice By PHILIP VEEBILL MIGHELS Dressed in her brother's clothing as sh was, "Cowboy Maggie" (vault ed agala to her saddle with familiar "Seven miles we've come," she rased, as she rode by "tho widow V and guided her horse into Tarnahan road. Then it's 30 more to make. Ill beat them yet!" Fifty yards beyond the fork of the roads, her broncho suddenly shied at a dimly seen object In the brush. Maggie recognized a white calf. She assured her horse with a touch and .a murmur. Her quick eyes then dis covered a number of other calves. She knew the little band at once. There were nine small heifers, the property of Mrs. Jordan, "the widow." "They're all I've got In the world," Mrs. Jordan had told her, smiling through tears as she spoke, "for Hick ey bought up the undertaker's bills against me and took all my cows. He'd have taken the calves, too, only the lawyers made him stop." "HIckey the miserable thief!" Mag gie sputtered. "And to think of Ed. Hickcy daring to marry Carrie Downs! I don't see how she ever thought of saying yes. But she shan't she shan't not if 1 have to steal her myself and run a?sy! They must have made her take htm. . . . Get up. Brutus! What are you doing?" Almost on the moment, a curse and a shout, indicated that two or more riders had discovered the calves, doubtless through the shying of then bronchos. "Here, Skete, hold on," cried one of the ilders behind her; "ain't these them Jordan cattle?" The girl recognized the nasal snarl of youbg Hickey. What answer was made by "Skete" she could not determine. A murmur represented the conversation of the men. who had evidently halted in the road. "Branded? like hell!" came the high voice of Hickey again. In dispute; "I tell you I saw 'cm two days ago, and not a one of 'em ironed. Can't nobody swear to a calf unless it's Dressed in Her Brother's Clothing. branded? This Is the softest snap I ever seen. Here round 'em up send 'em along." "Can't do It alone," growled the oth er. "You better come and help on the Job, II yon want it done up so sud den." "Me?" snarled Hickey, as he swung his vicious horse toward a loitering heifer. "I've got to git a move on now to git to my wedding. I told you be fore it's coming off at daylight, it's got to we've got to catch that train. Bite 'cm! bite 'em! Hey there! Hush em lively!" The scurrying hoofs beat np a cloud of col 1 dust, felt rather" than seen. Maggie was tingling with indigna tion. She had caught Hickey fairly in the act of robbery; she bad heard him confirm the maddening story tna't he meant to marry Carrie Downs at day light She was thrice more anxious than hefore to fly to Tarnahan's and save her friend, but Hickey would now be there as soon as she. She would have lo resort to some other plan to stop the wedding. Maggie fancied she could see old Justice Carey cross as a badger, thin as a knife, gray as the desert, standing before Carrie and Hickey snapping out the words of the sacred ceremony. He was the only man within a radius of 100 miles who could perform the rite. If he would only refuse, Ahe trick would yet be won! But she knew old Carey. She knew, he would not refuse, not for love nor money. He was crazed on the subject of marrying anyone to anyone else. He seemed almost to take a devilish delight in tying together ill-assorted couples. Then, like lightning, a thought struck in her brain. It almost made her reel with its force. But her wholo horizon was cleared. She vaulted up into the saddle. Not a moment did she have to spare. Brums leaped at the dig of her spurs and tfiarted madly down the road. Late as shd had started, and consid erable as the distance was, over hills and through swales, Maggie a little before two o'clock in the morning rapped on Justice Carey's door. "You noisy idiot," chopped the voice of the justice, who thrust his thin face out into the darkness, "'tain't time tain't time! What do you meaa? Tain't time. I say! What do yon want? You don't want me bow. you young scoundrel?" "Yes row," said Maggie, as roughly as possible. "Hurry up, or we'll be too late!" He disappeared and slammed the door. Magie feared he had returned to his bed. She took out her pistol and was about to batter the door again, when the man came out, fully dressed. He chattered in the chili air. "Where Is m-m-my horse?" he demanded. "Didn't yon fetch me a J k-h-aorse? Do you expect me to at this" "Get up on my horse-lVs the best we can do, and the quickest way, in terrupted Maggie. She fcooste J the man astride the sad dle in a hurry, sprang ap behind him, with the reins In her hand. "Where you heading, young man?" he said, dlsjoiatedly. "This ain't the way to Tarnahan's Bar!" "No, it isn't," assented, Maggie. "Tt6n what what what what do you mean? What are yon doing? Here, you, let me " "Be still!" commanded the girt. "You can feel my pistol against your back. You are not going to the Bar this morning." "Bat the wedding," cried the old fiend; "the wedding this " "There will not be any wedding," she told him, shortly. He comprehended with pate, then, that he, the high and mighty justice of th-3 peace "in and for said county and township," had actually, been ab ducted bodily. In polyglot moods, of rapid succession, he threatened, rant ed, reasoned with his captor, and en treated that she permit him to go aad perform the wedding. Maggie was as grim as she was firm. Her horse was In a reeking perspira tion, but she could not afford to spare him cow. Straight away lata the mounts ins she rode. Three miles from Nicholl's she came upon the dim form of a shanty, In a lonely ravine, far from the traveled trails. It was ail that remained of a mining excitement which the hills had enjoyed. Here she forced her prisoner to dismount, after which she tied his hands behind him, compelled him to enter the shanty, and there secured his feet, in a manner highly satisfactory to her self. For the binding she employed a slender tethering-rope which she car ried m addition to her braided lasso. Then she shut the door on a mixture of threats, life sentences and pleadings and started for Tarnahan's Bar. She arrived there seme hours later dressed in her own clothes. "They had a great old time at the Bar," said the girl, concluding her story to her mother the following day. "Ed. Hickey rode around after poor old Mr. Carey like a rooster without his head, got horribly drunk, and you never saw Carrie cry so much in all your life when I told her about Mrs. Jordan's cattle. She cried and laughed together. I wouldn't have believed a girl could be so happy to give it; all up after getting all hose lovely dresses and presents. Poor dear Carrie It'3 funny she didn't know better herself, at first" "But," said Maggie's mother, "I hope everybody hesn't left poor, dear Mr. Carey v.p there all this time, pining to that cabin." "Oh, no," replied the girl, "he go loose and came in to Tarnahan's Bar by himself late in the afternoon. Aft er he told his story, they got up a wonderful romance about a daring young fellow who rode 70 miles, from Pizen, in the night, and stole the Jus tice tu save his lady-love from Hickey. Some can him Hickey's rival, and some call him Carrie's mysterious lover." fCopyrisht. by Joseph B. Bowles.) NORTH DAKOTA WHEAT CROP. Will Lead Sister States by Yield of 100,000,000 Bushels. Minneapolis, Minn. North Dakota has this year the unprecedented total of 100,000.000 bushels of wheat, a record never before made by any state. Minnesota, though growing in wealth and importance with every passing year, with bountiful crops of wheat and other cereals, must surren render the preeminence in wheat she long held to her sister state. The northwest showing is as follows: North Dakota. 100.000,000 bushels: Minnesota. 80,000,000 bushels; South Dakota. 50.000.000 bushels; total. 230. 000.CC0 bushels. The Jones-lnglla report of wheat production is in part as follows: "Wo estimate the wheat crop of the three states at 230.000,000 bnsbels and the tots! spring croo cf the United ft&ies at 301.000.000 bushels The winter wheat production is esti mated at 435.000.000 bushels, giving a total for the United States of 726. 000.000 bushels, or the largest yield of spring and winter wheat the United States has produced. The govern ment overestimated the crop of 1901 by 50.000.000 bushels. BUILT BY DISSENTERS' FINES. Mansion House in London Begun Un der Ingenious Law. The Mansion house in London was partly built out of money unjustly wrung from dissenters. By an act of Charles n. no one could take office under the corporation with out taking the sacrament according to the rites of the established chuh. By another act a sheriff who declined to serve was rendered liable to a fine of $2,000. A dissenter was elected sheriff, and. as he could not take the sacrament, be declined to serve and paid $2,000. A second was elected, with the same re sult This ingenious method of taxing dissenters was repeated until 45 had successively paid the fine. No. 46 was a stiff-necked gentleman and he declined to either serve or pay. He was sued for the fine, but the judge held that the disqualifying act relieved the dissenter of the duty of service. The $90,000, however, already se cured was voted by the corporation to the building fund of the Mansion house. Stray Stories. Her Bill Was All Right, A prominent physician of Dorches ter. Mass.. is noted for his ready wit He sent a bill for services In his line to "Miss Sparrow." When she called to settle it she remarked: "My name is not Sparrow, bnt Swallow." The doctor replied: "Well, yoar bfil is.al) right. Is it notr l get put the Brbttckboars atoae BABY'S TORTURING HUMOR. Cars iMtoi as If'They WeW Drop Ofr-Fac Maes af torse Cured , fey Cvtfeura In Tw Weeks far 75c 1 feel it my duty to parents of other poor suffering babies to tell yom what Cmticara has done for my little daughter. She broke out all over her body .with a hnmor. and we used , everything -recommended, but without results. I called in three doc tors, they all. claimed they could help her, but she continued to grow worse. Her body was a mass of sores,, and her little face was being eaten, away; her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised - me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the sores had an healed, and my little one's face and body were as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be without It again if it cost, five dol lars, instead of seventy-five cents. Mrs. George J. Steese, 701 Colburn St, Akron. Ohio." f When a widower marries a widow they are both unselfish; neither of them thinks of No. 1. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c. Many smokers prefer them to 10c cigars. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, Dl." I To die for one's great Ideas is glo riousand easy. The horror is to outlive them. That Is our worst capa bility. John Oliver Hobbes. Wail of the Pessimist. Life is such a poor business that the stricter economy must be exercised In Its good things. Schopenhauer. Lady Minto'a Work in India. The countess of Minto, who did so much to extend the work of the Vic torian Order of Nurses in Canada, has now undertaken a similar work to India, where her husband succeeded Lord Canon as governor general. Important to Mothers. Tfrfflrf"" carefully ereiy bottle or CASTOTJ1A. a cafe and rare remedy for Infanta aad children, and tee that it Besratbe SigBataieof IS Vm For Over 30 Years. Xte Kad Yoa Bam Alwaa Baasbt Died in Westminster Abbey. Henry IV. died in Westminster Ab bey In 1413. It is clalmetj tttat from that time to this no life has ended there, except that of a minister named Shepherd, who dropped dead in the famous old sanctuary, just as he fin ished a speech, at a meeting recently held under the charmanship of the Dean of Westminster. A Desirable Animal. "Nussah." replied old Brother Bon kum. "Dar wa'nt no nigger festival uh-gwlne en over In dat direction yis te'day atternoon. De repo't come to us dat a cullud man's mule had done whirled In and kicked de cullud man's yallah wife on de p'int o de chin, uh; causln' of de lady to bite off an inch and a half of her tongue. And uck! de puhsesslon yo seed was Imposed of mar'd culled men uh gwine over dar to price dat ar mule. Yassah! dat's what t wuz." Puck. Hindu Moon Lor. The full eclipse of the moon was ob served in Singapore on the night of August 4. According to the Hindus this eclipse is the contact between the moon and another planet called Rahoo, but the masses believe that owing to tho will of God, Baboo, or the serpentlike planet catches hold nf the moon by its hideous mouth and re leases it after a short time. At the first contact the Hindus bathe principally in the sea and anxi ously await the release. After the contact they take another bath. Dur ing the interval they are not allowed even to drink a cup of water, as their belief is that all things in the world get polluted during the contact Sing apore Times. Bird Breding Islands. During the last year the Audubon Society of Louisiana has rented some 17 bird breeding islands, located in the waters of tho gulf. Last year the islands were watched by two wardens, whose wages were paid by the na tional committee of Audubon societies, and although they were not wholly able to prevent trespassing and egg stealing nevertheless the results at tained were wellnlgh marvellous. On -their own and the neighboring islands of Breton reservation! owned by the federal government by these simple preventive measures, there were hatched and raised all of 40.000 birds, composed of the following species: Common terns, foresters, terns, royal terns, laughing gulls, black skimmers. Country Life in America. RIGHT HOME. Doctor Recommends Postunt from Personal Test. No one is better able to realize the Injurious action of caffeine the drug In coffee on the heart than the doc tor. When the doctor himself has been relieved by simply leaving off coffee and using Postum, he can refer with fall conviction to bis own case. A Mo. physician prescribes Postum for many of his patients because he was benefited by it He says: - "I wish to add my testimony in re gard to that excellent preparation Postum. I have had functional or nervous heart trouble for over 15 years, and part of the time was unable to attend to my business. "I was a moderate user of coffee and lid not think drinking it hurt me. But on stopping it and using Postum in stead, my heart has got all right and 1 ascribe it to the change from coffee to Postum. "I am prescribing it now in cases of sickness, especially when coffee does oot agree, or affects the heart, nerves or stomach. "When made right it has a mach better flavor than coffee, and is a vital sustainer of the system. I shall con tinue to recommend it to our people, and I have my own case to refer to." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book. -The Road to WeUvUle," in pkgs. "There's a reason." C6a&yf&&J&K &t&&ssJ&niz&& J-feffV-ge CURED OP GRAVEL, Mt VRmate Bftfcw Ha Using Dean's Kidney PHia, j. D. Damghtrey, music publisher. of Suffolk, Va,, says: "Daring two or tares years uuu I bad kidney trou ble I passed about 2 pounds of gravel and sandy sediment in the Brine. I haven't passed a stone since using Doan'a Kidney Pills, however, and J that waa three years ago. I used to suffer the most acute agony during a gravel stuck, and had the nthor wsnai svmntoms of kidney trou blelassitude, headache, pain In the back, urinary disorders, rneumanc pain. etc. I have a box containing 14 graver stones that I passedbut that is not one-quarter of the whole num ber. I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a fine kidney tonic" Sold by all dealers. .50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Strange World Tour. A story is told in Paris of a titled painter's pilgrimage. Ten years ago Vlscomte Jacques de Gruart laid a wager of $60,009 that he and his bride, to be married In the day of departure, could make a tour of the world, living on the earnings of the vlcomte's brush. There was no stipulation as to time. The pair have just reached Paris on their return, after successfully ac complishing their undertaking and winning their bet They have trav ersed Euroupe, America, Africa and Australia, living on nothing bnt the meager profits of the vlcomte's brush. Tips" Given by Monarche. King Edward disburses a good deal of money In tip3 every year. Each visit to ono of his subjects costs him from $1,000 to $3.000., At shooting parties the gamebeaters get $15 each md the gamekeepers $25 or $50 each. When he goes abroad he does still, better. On the occasion of his recent visit to the kaiser he gave away near ly f 10.000 In this way. When the czar visited England he left behind a check for $15,000 to be distributed among rvants who attended him. Laundry work at home would be inuc more satisfactory if the r'rht Starch were rsed. In order to get te desired stiffness, it Is usually neces sary to use so much starch that tho beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying h!cknes3, which not only destroys tbo appearance, bnt also affects the war ing quality rf the poods. This fr-ouVo ran be entirely overcome by usintr De fiance Stprch. rs ft can bo appl'o3 much more thinly because of Its great er strength than other makes. The Port of Hong-Kong. Hong-Kocg Is one of the most active shipping ports in the world, but it is not a market. It is a convenient point for the transfer of cargoes from or Intended for the different ports of China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands. Slam and other parts of. the east, but it is a small island, with a limited population, who produce noth ing and consume comparatively little buthandle a great deal of trade in transit Cheap Excursions Souh. ' On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month the Big Four Ry. will sell ex cursion tickets to most all points in Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia at rate of one fare plus $2.00 with return limit 30 days. Liberal stopover privileges. Write I. P. Spining, General Northern Agent. Big Four Route! 238 Clark St, Chicago, for further information. Bernhardt' First American Tour. Sarah Bernhardt made her Ameri can debut in "Adrienne Lecouvreur," at Booth's theater. New York, Novem ber 8. 1880. ''Jfyif -::.:( -:??f?M' N ialfii efe.- aSasirS' .-. 4-f.T -e!V7 OaOSSStM,lltOaBESBKBBBBBBaBBBBBBBa;aw Sak. .av ?V'Vr-"'BB.BnBBBBBBBBBBSBBnnBBBBBnBBaHHBBWak BV. j& i-rt--""aBnBnBBBBn BSBaaaBBaBW x M&r ."vr "" m oLV9"& S"u r j BBBBi. ; r.-..- jar bbbbbbbcv -wTjarKrzjL 5----3'--.V fiKRum. wKSJ I -gJBBI fcv'V TS'-Y &' ItK) "fiBBoBB Jr-$&z Wa bbb3 ' iruVJ KUv ilBBaBFA .JK&X-Ss&Sk tt bt'Sb'-!-' IP &kr -Br? wbV via1- -L. .2-w" F2 TliiBBjPMIBQE'BlFja7-'v? sflr a iMf'' Jfifckfm -isk. r V t 3 1 CT yj.y yft Bus " v .-j- 'iy-,S.--. IB & . -jser mm jr- -smgasazii?-mr. BBL.-ir r iltP"-- rf" i - aBggflaJaBtaBiBBKCwaBI Cleats. KbbaBS, BaHa. eta. mm hm -til to look Vkm sew with wrrr. NAM IDiT Bat BlamVrJje - t, - - - ' Occaskmany the first to reform is the last to accept It Lewis Single Binder stakjbt e d awde of rich, mellow tobacee. Y dealer or Lewfcr Factory, Peeria, TJ. latitat Sw-ma. who laid secret merit From the Cain Iffsa. B71nedmvsaBi Far cfclltfrca uuumr. fta t "P. TM " altera ata,eantawta4eoJa. s uv w otbb m v w vnM Abrnt the dearest tfciag a sheas Defiance Starch Never sticks to the Iron no blotches no Ulsters, maks3 ironing easy and does not injure the goods. Don't allow your dogs, yoar children or your troubles to trouble your aeigb bors. , Defiance Starch is the latest Inven tion In that line and an improvement on all other makes; it 13 mo:e eco nomical, does better wore, takes less time. Get it from any grocer. One Cause of Wrong. What some men owe worries them much less than what they would like to owe. " By following the directions, wMch are plainly printed on each package of Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired, with either gloss or 'domestic finish. Try it 16 oz. for 10c, sold by all good grocers. Duce Refuses Jubilee. Eleanor Duse, the famous Italian actress, has positively vetoed e plan to celebrate her jubilee as was done In England and France for Ellen Terry and Bernhardt When Tthe subject was broached io the signora she thanked her friends bnt declined tho honor. Sho enjoys the distinction almost unique in her profession of shunning everything to the shape of 'publicity. As a general rule she'also scorns the usual artifices of her sex on the stage to the matter of paint and powder, ap pearing almost as nature made .her, rapidly graying hair and alL r-aVaVaaWiB Shirt T 42. Wc MMK iJfeKSSaaawB bMJbbbHL i srJKKtm'-yStx Eh JFd Bar I " wr J Vr r i ' ase i Defiance Starch Company, Omaha, Neb. B3BB9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!nBMMMVivB The Laxative of Known There are two classes of remedies; those of knows qual ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in Iiarmcny with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rarily, tut icjnrionsly, as a result of forcing" the nataral functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Phr Svrnn fn whirii rpimBATtfct ihtk ootVvtk -nriniintaa n plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue flg3 are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti pation and the many flls resulting therefrom. Its active princi ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own, personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. Wc do not claim thai it. will cure all manner of ills, hut recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known uality'and excellence. containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. ' There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed as to the quality of what they hay and the rcasons.for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not laek courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well knows article; hut, unfortunately,, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do sot get the geindaeiTmeuy. To the credit or the druggists of the United States he It sftt that aeariy all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to efer imitations or the Genuine Syrup of Pigs manufactured by the California Fig uuj u scukuio wucib uu u gvfc nnlv to note, when'mrrhashw. th California Fig Syrup Co. plainly - tr.aago. ijk,vuipu wuk, vao j-igVe.tr jt? j?h t tPr?t li : . BWBBB8BamBOBfJ8Ba)BBq LUMBAGO I i - 5 M - ' SCIATICA t H - ' ST. JACOBS OIL Penetrates to taw Spot ttifht on the dot. Price 23c sad 50c tOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOBOaf SHNDHRM llfhayMWyaa OILED SUH or SUCKER demana fCrElt fowwcasJostMii ooiy w&ytooct ineoesc Sold averjrwhare $25 nnn nn for agents. fi ,vwv.w wurk among yoar fncotfa. freqneat sale, largo commlwUms. and btopriac I oraU. liw 1M. 18X. n B. S4U Sfc. M. XTutr. fltctedwIUit sEftVattr aatvcrea.1 emov W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 40, 19C8. ' bpBbBbbVb C4 ePi 1 bbbY aw " sbsWI vT7 wvT JxUxJUUl wtm t fV'Bwia w -J SBMB! 1 Bosoms, Collars and Cuffs LAUNDERED WITH Defiance Standi never -crack box be come brittle. They last twice as long as those laundered with other starches and give the wear er much better satisfaction. If you want your husband, brother or son to look dressy, to feel comfortable and to be thoroughly happy ase DEFIANCE STARCH, in the laundry. It fs sold by all good grocers at zoc a pack age 16 ounces. Inferior starches sell at the same price per package but con tain only 12 ounces. Note the difference. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH. Insist on getting it and yoa will never any other brand. Quaut Syrup Co., and in order to us ucuciicuu euectS, One SflBf -fall mniA nf hA rmma. printed on the front of every aoo vauy. A I .'. --ifci - .-, .. .r4-?-.sr. A,) iJe. a M 5sati3b-- r BTfr-ga?