'"&?&" V""-f .. - - .';......' ,i" ' . " -apaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai '"" ' rv"- fei -V ' f4v Columbus louniaL , V L- " MUM POWDER. CJB( -yflOaT By aBanUa 9OWnl0nl JWatSjiManWa JJ L. sais nfnVnfnt a .s a CTaSrSu!! 8i iBoaths 2 ,j SLiMaM reward is offered KJSS3KA Tr, " ................ -- g jjjijpjww anyone for any sub k- l fc stance injurious to the health found - ?M0 komk4Dit. OCTOBER s.is , in Calmwtct Baking Powder. nTnHawffVNanv . AT aBia4a la a nrim aaaantinl in 4iataV aV""II aV R. G. STROTHER Editor F. K. STROTHER Manager TrtA to Feb. 1, 1WI sd so on. .will hn ttwss sooottHmrly. rHCOMTIMUAliCB-BVKiOBalblaMbMift-n. a-Ui ooatiaaa to neeifs tU Joanal aatU the pablMitTaara aotfiedbr latter todiaeootiBas. WBCBaUainaiBflMiBastbepaid.lt yoadoBot Mi tkejoaraideaatiaaed lor aaotber year af trth tine paid for hat xptred, yoa ahoald prTioaelyaotilyBetodBeeoarlBB7k. CHANGE IN AODKBSB-Wbea ortaiac jhaayiB awaaaraw.aatwrrlfMfienoBin Be 10 aive (bow ojb a WBu BwfiUiesji ISckwt STATE United 8Utee Senator NOBBIS BBOWN Governor .'....GEORGE L. SHELDON LieatraaatGoTeraor H.E. HOPEWELL SecrKary of State GEOBGE C. JDNKIN Aoditor E.H. 8EABLE Treasurer L.O. BRIAN Attorney General... W. T. THOMPSON Land CommiarioBer H. M. EATON Soi-rint-edent J.L.M'BBIEN (H.J.WINNKTT Railway CoaraaisaioBen-i KOBEBT COWKLL (J. A. WILLIAMS CONGRESSIONAL For CoagreM, Third District J. F. BOYD COuViTY ReprflBentaUve. 24th Dirt ED LEUSCHEN Coanty Attorney C.N. M.ELFRESH This issue of the Journal goes out under new management, R. G. and F. K. Strother havsng purchased the platit, subscription list and good will. In taking charge of the Journal, the new management will endeaver first tt make it a bright, clean, newsy pa per, and to maintain the high stand ing and confidence it has enjoyed for over a third of a century. It will stand for Columbus and Platte coun ty first last and all the time. Politi cally it will advocate republican doc trines as heretofore and will know no faction or clique. ' There is one phase in the congres sional situation in this district that every voter should consider. Do you honestly believe President Roosevelt's policies are the best for the nation and that there should be a representa tive from the Third district who will always stand with him? If you do, Judge Boyd is the man to send to Washington. His opponent, Judge Graves will be against all republican legislation if he stands on the demo cratic platform and we have the state ment of their party papers that he does. After using every effort to bring Cuba's warring factions together in tervention by the United States was the last resort. The Cubans will be given another opportunity to show the world they are capable of self government, but there is a growing sentiment that annexation is the only thing that will produce a settled state of affairs in the island republic. The World-Herald has suddenly become very mum about the demo cratic 'candidate for congress in the Third Nebraska district, whom it lauded as "a judge whose principles lead to refuse the railroad pass." Has it discovered that his principles are for exhibition purposes only? Omaha Bee. It is to be hoped that the building of a new freight depot in Columbus will not be the extent of the improve-' meut to ne made in Columbus by the Union Pacific A new passenger de pot would be greatly appreciated by the city as well as the traveling pub lic. The most valuable pointer of the campaign in Nebraska is that ex-Governor W. A. Poynter has publiclv an nounced that he will support George L. Sheldon, republican candidate for governor. Kearney Hub. W. F. Prowett's letter of accep tance of nomination for float repre sentative should be read by every voter. It is clear cut and to the pnnt, and right in line with the re publican state platform. . There is no doubt about George L. Sheldon being elected governor, the only question being the size of his majority, and this will hold with the entire republican state ticket It looks as though Hearst would have New York state with him when he goes after the presidential nomin ation in 1906. And the Empire state always eetnts. rJSlSSUtS W Baking Powder on the market sold at iBfll Jhjl ahM-riptioB b pw7 Tkss Jw ahow ttat fs a aderate Mice. HsssVJMHi mT .miuof hM aaiai maaiwad an to Jaa. L ISSSl. mr I "BSaBftaikSSSSSISSSm -r-" wr . ml FeleMt in in mil iiiilanf iimi inlniti a v"r?7J Wi nV lanredienta combined bv skilled chemists. I InWnWnWnwJ VBm mmmmm SSBf , " "" ' "F BWaWnWnWnWnWnWlI aWnBYaW gk and complies with the pure food laws of I JAHglL K - m all states. It is the only hieh-erade I CwnwnmlnV? k "'P?' C Ckftluaet Bakiiur Powder niv be I niF I m Wky m m m mmr m "h aa a mmpi, av - TVV T " .1 i Zj is taJ jBJBJ asKijr uam win ujo vauumj uuhuuu T'aaiTSSja'r-jiaSr W snade with it contains mm maaemtm Vw sW M ftasB no Alum, no.RocheUa Salts, ttsf - no injurious substance. PASSING OF THE LION. tee XUarntr rate 'awlns; GranaA CivfUaatiaa. The lion, like the other great cats, it a relic of a diminishing race and do minion. In flie early, stone age tb "cave" Iioa roamed throughout tbt southern half of Europe, and it Is be lieved that along the Mediterranean, at least; Its extinction was due to prehis toric man. The battle has gone on ever since. Long ago lions were exterminated from Afghanistan, Baluchistan and northern Persia. A century ago tbej were more or less prevalent on north western India, but now none remain save a few In the Gbeer, a wooded hilly tract of Kattlawar, where they are "to some extent preserved by the nawabs of Joonaghoor;" Farsistan, where the marshes about KIris lake af ford shelter and the hosts of pigs feeding on the acorns of the oak forests furnish subsistence. Similar conditions enable a few lions to maintain themselves along the lower Euphrates and Tigris, but they were long ago exterminated from all Asia Minor, Syria, Arabia, Egypt and Alge ria. From Abyssinia and the southern Sahara southward to the Orange river lions still exist except In the most pop ulous districts, and In some places are very numerous. There seems never to have been more than one species, nor. In spite of the former belief im the "maneless lions ofl Guzerat" and the "black maned ones of other places. Is any variety well lo calized. Lions with full manes have been shot In India as well -as those with hardly any, and "out of fifty male lion skins scarcely two will be found alike In color and length of mane. Ernest Ingersoll's "Life of Mammals." THE FLAG REVERSED. AFIaku t'a EaaMena That Telia Olatreaa an Bane. One of the frequent sights hi the ports along the eastern coast Is that of a fishing schooner coming into the har bor with an American flag hoisted at the mainmast head In Its reverse posi tion. To the Interested spectators that flag always brings a pang of distress, for It means that one or more of the crew are "missing" through some calam ity of the sea. But to the members of the craft Itself the signal Is not always an emblem of woe. The flag Is hoisted, from their viewpoint, to notify those concerned mat the complement of the ship is not f uft, and they live on hope for a long time before they acknowl edge that the men who have disappear ed are really lost A stranger to seafaring ways asked the skipper of one of these fishing schooners the other day what the dis tress signal meant and he was set right by the captain, who remarked In the most cheerful way in the world: "They're missing out of th crew, of course, but we haven't given them up by a long sight Te see, they may have been picked up by some other boat an carried off to th'- other side. Oh, no, we don't give them up just be cause we've missed them! Ifs more than likely they'll turn up yet" New York Press. How many men would be needed to pull a weight hauled by an elephant? Fifty. The answer Is the result of re cent Investigations made to determine the respective polling power of horses, men and elephants. Two horses, weighing 1.000 pounds each, together pulled 3,750 pounds, or 660 pounds more than their combined weight One elephant weighing 12,000 pounds, pull ed 8,750 pounds, or $200 pounds less than his weight Fifty men, aggregat ing about 7,500 pounds la weight pull ed 8.750 pounds, or Just as much as the single elephant But like the horses, they pulled more man their own weight One hundred men pulled 12. 00 pounds. The Prlntera Davit Why Is the printer's errand boy sailed tbe "printer's devil?" Accord Ins; to Moxen, writing at tbe end of the seventeenth century, because "these Boys in a Printing House com monly black and Dawb themselves whence the Workmen do Jocosely call them Devils, and sometimes Spirits. and sometimes Flies." It Is related, however, that Aldo Manusto, the greet Venetian printer of toe fifteenth cen tury, had a black slave boy, who was popularly supposed to have come from below. Accordingly he published a no tice: "L Aldo Mannzio. printer to the doge, have this day made public ex posure of toe printer's devil. All who think ho Is not flesh and 'blood may plncii him." Swift a Aatralaarr. Dean Swflt predicted the death upon a particular date. of Partridge, the chief of the astrological almanac mak ers, and followed It with the announce ment of his demise om that very date. Poor Partridge protested In vain that he was still alive, for the brilliant au- 4Gmniver'e Travels' assured by the Isgle of his own pretended he anst SAN FRANCISCO'S HARBOR. Feraaaa the Meat KotaMe ttte Barker In the Warla. Perhaps the most notable "bottle' harbor in the world Is that at San Francisco. Here is a vast reach of water fifty-fire miles long and In some parts twelve in width. Into this bay the tides of the Pacific flow through the famous Golden Gate. This is a strait about a mile In width hi its nar rowest part and very deep. The proud Californians look out over this serene expanse and tell you that here Is an chorage for the 'combined navies of the world, which indeed seems a very mild statement of the case. Aside from the immensity of this harbor fa cility it is interesting to notice that California's two big rivers after trav ersing .the great interior valley flow into this bay. Thus nature has fur nished two serviceable water roads, leading from a most notable natural harbor into -the very heart of a 'rich farming, mining and lumbering region. These rivers, the Sacramento aud San Joaquin, are of the same commercial significance to California that the Hud son is to New York. The harbor at San Francisco is the more noteworthy because it is the only one of first magnitude south of Puget sound. Between these points Califor nia presents to the orient an inhospi table cliff coast only occasionally bro ken by a little beach or minor inlet Little coasting steamers make land ings, it is true, at several points along this grim front but it is a matter of considerable hazard. In some places along this coast great cranes fixed up on the cliff hoist people and freight ashore in baskets. And the daring lit tle skipper must even then keep one eye to windward lest a crashing storm drive in upon him and forever termi nate his service on the sea. Thus It is that the two great harbors mentioned must for all time share a monopoly of theu Pacific ocean commerce. One fa miliar with the Atlantic seaboard can parallel the situation by blotting out In his mind's eye all the ports between Savannah and Portland save only New York and between these in place of the numerous hospitable inlets substitute a scarcely broken sea cliff. He will then have the conditions before him which give to San Francisco its pre-eminence. Walter J. Kenyon in St Nicholas. MEANING OF MOLES. A mole on tiie right side of a man's forehead denotes wonderful luck; on the left side of a woman's forehead, gifts from the dead. On the left side of a man's forehead a mole denotes a long term in prison; on the left side of a woman'sforehead, .two husbands and a life of exile. A man with a mole in the middle of his forehead has a cruel mind. A wo man with such a mole Is foolish, Idle and envious. A mole on the neck in man or wo man promises a long and happy life, wealth and fame. A man with a mole on the left side of the upper Up rarely marries, and such a mole in the case of a woman denotes suffering. On the right-side of the upper lip a mole promises good to both sexes. Simple Care Far Xenmlsln. . Here is a simple method of curing facial neuralgia: If the neuralgia Is on tbe right side of the face the left hand should be placed hi a basin of water as hot as can be borne, or If neuralgia Is In toe left side of the face then tbe right hand should be placed In tbe hot water. It la asserted that In this way relief may be obtained In less than five minutes. The explanation Is that the two nerves which have tbe great est number of tactile nerve endings are the fifth and the median nerve. As the fibers of these two nerves cross any impulse conveyed to the left hand will affect tbe right side of the face or If applied to the right hand will af fect tbe left side of the face. This is on account of the crossing of the cords. Indian Review. An Elastic Canaefenee. "Here, my dear," said the husband, producing a roll of bills "here Is $40 I won playing poker over at Brown's last night. You may have It to buy that dress you wanted." Reluctantly the conscientious wife took the mon ey, then said, with an expression of rigid rectitude? "I simply shudder at tbe thought of using money gained In such a way. Henry, promise me that after you have won enough for me to buy tbe bat to go with the dress yon will never again touch those awful cards. I don't want my husband to be com.e a gambler." Judge. Laaar Athletics. v The "man in the moon" must surely regard with amused contempt our much vaunted athletic records. A good ter restrial athlete could' cover about 120 feet on the moon in a running broad Jump, while leaping over the barn would be"a very commonplace feat He would find no difficulty In carrying six times as much and running six times as fast as he could on earth, all because tiie ssoon attracts bodies with but one ntxtfc of the force of the earth. To Stockmen If yon have CATTLE, HOGS or SHEEP to market, ship to us. We sell them for the high dollar. If you want feeders, either cattle or sheep, come yourself or place your order with us. We will buy them worth tbe money. G&0. BURKE GO., - Cattle Salesman hs. Bcbkk. Ho 8"1- smaii Will J. Richly. Saeep Salesman J. 8. Cobjott. SHOEING HORSES. Thla Process, Which Is Very Ancient, Is Keeessary As soon us the horn of tbc hoof be gins to be worn away faster than it is renewed by natural growth, and that Is as soon as the horse is obliged to do regular work upon ground which is not itself in a state of nature or to undergo more than a voluntary amouut of traveling under Imposed conditions a any sort of ground whatever, a shoe Of some kind becomes a necessity. When shoes of i one kind or another began to lie worn by horses has always been disputed by learned gentlemen. Nor perhaps is it of much consequence whether tli'e horses of Pharaoh were shod or how they were shod when they perished in the Red sea or wheth er Homer, Virgil, Horace and other ancient classics." when they are poets, are to be taken literally rather than figuratively in the epithets which they apply to horses. These would no doubt be considered by a farrier to indicate that reference is made to a hoof gar nished with some sort of metal. As for the ingenuous observers who draw inferences from works of sculp ture, they might as well argue that the heroes and heroines of antiquity habitually went about winter and sum mer "mid nodings on." Xenophon no doubt as a writer of plain prose and of works relating to horsy matters would deserve the most serious and respectful attention, but memory fails to recall any remarks of his about what we should regard as properly called shoeing. Certain protections for the horse's hoof may be mentioned in the works of Columella and Yegetius, and in the time of Constantine the Great there is said to have been known a footgear for horses which was fastened to the pastern. However, tbe earliest known specimen of an iron horseshoe fasten ed with nails is said to have been that which was discovered in the tomb of the frank King Childeric, who died In 481 and whose tomb was opened in 1GT3. CURIOUS DESIGNS. Ma Hesalts Mar Be Produced ny Dreatnlna; Oil on Water. A curious experiment may be made, the result of which will produce a strange natural design, and the attempt may be carried on with almost endless variety In the result The only things needed arc a deep dish of water and some oil. Any kind of oil will do, but better-results are obtained with a vari ety. Fill a deep dish with pure water and let it stand until the water is perfectly still, then let fall into it a drop of pure sperm oil. The drop will spread out forming a film circular in shape, but very ragged at the edges. If you watch the film you will soon perceive that the center begins to break up, forming ovals and circles, and the combination of these form endless designs which keep on forming and breaking up from one to another for fully half an hour, making a veritable kaleidoscope. You will see some designs that you may wish to preserve, and If that be so take a piece of glazed paper and place It gently over the surface of the water when the film Is in the desired design. The oil will stick to the paper, and when yon remove it from the wa ter, as gently as you placed It there, run an Inked roller over it or place the design on an inked plate. The Ink will cover the paper except where the oil has touched It, and when your process Is finished your design of oil will stand out white against a black background. This same exieriment made with castor oil will give a similar result ex cept that the designs will be smaller, and every kind of oil will give a differ ent design. Indeed, no two drops of the same oil wul produce the same de sign, so that you may preserve an end less variety In your collection. Land Craba. Crabs are generally supposed to live In the ocean, hut there is one species that lives on the land. It is found on the Island of Jamaica, in the West In dies. It burrows in the sand some times two or three miles from the sea. It has two long claws. In attacking an enemy it binds it with one claw, which Is then thrown- off. aud then continues the fight with the free claw. The crabs stay in the ground during the day and bunt for their food at night. They visit the ocean once a year to lav 'their'eggs. They travel by night, when they are cau.Jit in great numbers. Animals' Queer Way. Birds as well as four footed animals aud insects often avail themselves of the labors of others In home making. I have a photograph of a barred owl nest In a remodeled hawk nest. Skunks use woodebuck burrows, white footed mice and flying squirrels are fond. of build ing hales in decaying trees made by woodpeckers, and bumblebees take possession of mice nests in tbe ground. St. Nicholas. Ansvrered. There in a story of an inquisitive old gentleman who asked a cabman wheth er he thought that his horse preferred standing still or drawing the cab. "Well, sir," replied cabby. "I think, n the 'ole, he'd rather pull the cab. You see, he reads tbe names over tbe shop winders, and they makes him laugh." Strand Magazine. Madern Mnsle. She Why did Professor Scbincker stop playing at Mrs. Lard's musical? He-He said he bad to because tbe con versation was not pitched in the same key as him mnslc Harper's Weekly. 1 fl.1NI.rOST flttvrnei : at : taw Aert FroMrty. We have 160 aores of choice one-half mile from city limits for sale ia 10 aore tracts. Elliott, Spsiee A Go. Ptaesalve olsaasss wounds, iaiags ly aatisepteo, aaeqaaled for cracked hands. Good for eats. Sold by aoth Oeatary Drug store, Platte Oeater, Neb. A nearly Mew typewriter for sale. Call at Joaraal office. Cakaaars. Most calendars are given out about the firat of the year. Why don't you go the others one better, by ordering a somewhat finer one than nsual, and giving it outas aChriatmas remembrance to your trade? It would be a graceful I little courtesy, it will get the calendars in the right hands, and it will save you money, if you have been in the habit of givingont other gifts. Its worth think ing about Call and see our complete line at the Journal office. Toae the liver, move tbe bowels, oleanse the system. Dide's Little Liver Pills never gripe. Sold by 20th Oentary Drag Store. Platte Oeater, Neb. County Judges Oflce Htved I wish to call attention to all parties having business to transact in my office, that I am now located in the basement of tbe German National Bank. I invite the tax payers of Platte County, to call at my office, to inspect the fire proof vault, for the files and records of this Court Respectfully yours, John Rattekman, County Judge. A colde taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all colds, coughs croap, whooping cough, etc., by driving them ont through the bowels. If yoa have a cold try it and if not cared get your money back. No oniates. Sold by 20th Century Drug Store. Platte O inter. Neb. It is a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Sufferers from back ache and oter troubles dae to faulty action of the kidney finds relief in the nse of Pine-nles. S1.00 bays 30 days treatment. Sold by 20th Century Drug Store Platte Center, Neb. Beal Etsate Loans. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of real estate at the lowest rates on easy, terms. Becher, Hookea berger & Chambers. ManZan relieve instantly, itching ana prootruaing piles, it is put up in collapsible tubes in such a wav that it can be applied where the trouble originates, thus stopping the pain immediately. Try one bottle and if yon are not relieved, your money will be refunded. Try our free offer. Sold by 20th Century Drug Store. Platte Center, Neb. Are yon troubled with piles? One application oi ManZan wiil give yon immediate relief. Sold bv 20th Cen tury Drug Store, Platte Center, Neb Kotice. Notice is hereby given that John Rudolph Lntejeluschen will make application to the dis trict court of Platte county for an order chang ing his sarniine Latjeloschen to the surname Luschen. Said application will be heard before said court October 6th, 1906, and the prayer of said petition will be that the applicant's name be by order of court changed to read as John Ku dolph Luschen. JOHNllUDOLPH LUTJELUSCHEN. Petitioner. - Dated this 4th dav of Hentember, 1906. 5t Now is the time to look out for yom winter supply of coal. We have a large supply of hard, soft and furnace coal on hand. NEWMAN & WELCH. Old-fashioned Paint The good paint which lasted so well a generation and more ago, was simply pure white lead and pure linseed oil. Paint made of these two ingredients alone is just as good to-day as it ever was. , The only point is to buy a brand which you can rely on. Collier, Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead (Staatay tb Old Dutch Process) is guaranteed perfectly pure. It has the reputation of years behind it. If your dealer will not supply you, it will pay you to write to us. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY" CtatkATsaaaaadaarliSttaeSt.LoJsMqi When You are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones tar American Granite ft Marble Works Off GaimlMi, Nekraska Wifl do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Propritfsf PICTURE FRAMES. m I r BOTH PHONES HAND MADE Spring Wagons Let us build you one. We put nothing but the very best material and workmanship in them. The price is right. FARMERS, Bring in your tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. We keep only the Latest and BEST in Baggies & Carriages All Kinds of ..Farm Implemeits.. t&,Oar Horseshoes stick and don't lame your horse try 'em LOUIS bCHREIBER. R W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State Bank Building. C. N. McELFRESH Attorney - at - Law Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbus. Neb. JIM'S PLACE I carry the best of everything in my line. The drinking pub lie is invited to oome in and sw for themeelves. MS. NEVELS.rroprfster 516 Twelfth Street Phone No. lit Dr. C. A. Swanson Veterinarian Infirmary at Browner Barn, l'lth Street. Inl. Phone Fi. Ilell Phone '!. Ciliife.s, Ncbr. FRESH That is the only kind of goods you can find at the NEW GROCERY B. R. MtaSTER Hth Street. First deer west BuclMr's Mm. C. J. GARLOW Attorney -at -Law OateeoTsr Genaaa Mail. Bank COLUMBUS. NEBlt That Tha. We are having a special sale on "close out" picture frames. tins New car load of goods com ing at special low prices. t xo UNDERTAKING BURLINGTON BULLETIN... September, 19tX snlt this Bulletin. It will pay to con- To New England and Canada: Dnily low excursion rates during September to Canada, and on September 5 and 1! to New Enghtnd resorts. Cheap one-way to Pacific Const: Cheap Colonists rates, daily to Snn Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland. Seattle, Tacoma and other coat terri tory August 27 to October 31, also cheap oneway to Montana, Voniing, Big Horn Basin, Utah and Western Colora do September 15 to Octoher :tl. To California. Portland and Puget Sound: Round trip September 3 to 14. $50.00 to California; oae-wny via Puget Sound, 862.50. .Last chance this sum mer. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pue blo: One fare round trip, maximum excursion rate $15.00 from Nebraska September 19tb to 22nd inclusive. To the East and South: Cheap ex cursions to various destinations during September. tiomeseekers Excursions: Frequent ly each month to Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin, dry land farming destinations or irrigated sections. Free Kinkaid Lands: Write D. Clem Denver, Agent Burlington's Homeseek ers' Information Bureau at 1004 Faa- nam St., Omaha, about getting hold of a free section of Kinkaid lands now be ing restored to the public domain. Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent from time to time and see what one-way and round trip rates he has available for your immediate purpose. I. F. XXCT0B, Agent C. RJcQ. Ry. L. W. WAKELEY, O. P. A.. Omaha. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottloa. H'WM UnWrrrUTM. Sold by Chas. Jf . Dark. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. The awdidaal vktaas of the fans, aaa lasins etv framtfca aTatiTe Pine y the nMaical are- Uaf the vktaas af the Kattra Pin that nraWvahMinialkviacaa niiiT Mi HiWir TrinilM SnjnfaaaajaaajB BJBnaBBBBaa BBnaBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBB ag aa nnnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) riNE-ULI MEDICINE CO- CHICAGO 200 Ctttirj Drtf SUrt, Pbtk fetter " m tninai nave Man iBCBgaiaaa t . US--.. 1 iS- . isS'J&Sx..- -. - -!? .- ,L.i- &r C32& , V,-- s. r9rfzr,& -Vt. -io.-. ". -w V - J J V J