The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 26, 1906, Image 7
r- & j-1 lvf -J- ' l"" ft" lC TO r-rvi L" la r r V B,- W. s. p fc : ' - IV r V. ,v 1' - L V K " n .f r ; LADIES' CLOAKS, SKIRTS 4 RAINPROOF C . iV We desire to c$ll your attention to our line of Misses', Children's and Ladies' Cloaks now open for your inspection. A complete new stock of cloaks in all the late styles and colors. Ci aT bbbbybbbhsbw aaa'??"'.iJ ajlBV-- jPyf j BVE&?9ii aaa? -57 -7 BK-aaaaT aBBawavaaawaBBf wrmm'i aaaaaaT KXttu aaV 4-fWa HtegfAw KsSf "?? wiJ aH9BS"FBsMafttBaailft aaafAiJA- SBhBiSh& as Prices from $2.00 to $6.50 in Misses' and Children's. Prices from $5.00 to $20.00 in Ladies' Cloaks ...Our Pricis art Right... Also a complete new stock of Cotton and. Woolen Blankets, Quilts and Comforts. J. H. GALLEY, 505 ELEVENTH STREET I Don't Do Your Fall House Gleaning Until you call at the Gass Furniture Store and pick out one or two pieces from our new stock of Up-to-Date Styles. If you want, to make that old piece of furniture look like new, try a bottle of our new FURNITURE POLISH H. GASS, Oman SItmI CtlnbHs, Itbraska spoaooooosxxxsesoooaoaoaoossqi NEW FALL CLOTHES We won't attempt to de scribe the many swagger garments that are awaiting your inspection at this store, but desire only to extend an invitation to you and to your friends to come in, look around, and even try on such garments as attract you: This invita tion is merely an expression of our confidence in pleas- .-. ing you with the nobbiest Fall garb. No matter what your ideas of style may be, no matter what price you have figured on paying, so complete is our Fall display, that we have no trouble in fitting your purse while we ar.e fitting your person. As an assurance, just ask the salesman to let you see our new line of $15 clothes. GRIESON BROS. SQOQOQQOQQOOQOe: wkj JvlJ Ktf Dr.Paal. tor fataiftaia. ar lZ I SMktthi Dr. Mack t. MaaTrtaa. aaattot UasaU'a aaarkai for fmhanli Dr.VDkrQofrth.Dwbrbloofc. Advartiaia the Jonraal for aaidr result. Sckfll Saaaiies at Saaw'a Baak Store. Gaaxaaassd waaaa lapalriag ay 11th St. Jawalar. tf 8apk Stomas weat to Luoobi Mon day 3a bauneaa. omta aad proaapt dalivary at Dr. a A. AUaabargar, oSeaia Saua Baak aaildiaf. Try a Journal "want ad" if you have anything to bay or aalL WANTED: A load of wood for heat ing stoYa. Call at Joarnal offce. Rock Sariags slack for tkreshiag at P.D. SnftaCs. Doa't forget tha aaadanaia aoareair offer to paid ia advaaoe aabaeribera. Waited Girl for general housework, no washing. E. B. Shernan, 1G06 P. St For Rent Good, dry storage room. Eaqare at Joai aal eflee. Byron W. Way. Mandolin teacher. Independent Phone 146. Columbus, Nebr. 4t John Peters and H. a YaU of Albioa were hastiness visitors to Golnmbna last week. A haadsoaie aoareair worth GO oaata seat to all paid ia advaaoe Joaraal aabscribera. WAT UP is oaed by all who desire a fine quality of patent floor. The Co lombaa roller Bills makea it. Renumber all Joaraal aabaeribera paying oae year in advaaoe will re ceive a haadsoMB aoaverair worth 60 cent. THE UP STAIRS STUDIO Beit in Photography Iaqaira of Barriok. . Dr. Campbell, Death. Joaraal aia ariag bdaks aad sappUaa at Vawoaaar'a W. J. Bryan will be the attraction in Golnmbna October 6. Dr. D. T. Mavtya, Jr., oAoe aaw Oalaaibaa State Baak aaihtiag. A aearly how typewriter for sale. Call at Joaraal oaVee. Gass, is visiting i-, with her infant her notber ia ORIBSFOR8ALE:-We have the Oautha Elevator onbe for aale. Ia first claaa ooadithia. Newsaaa ft Welch: Now that the cold weather ia coming on it is time to have the broken window lights replaced. Leave your orders with Echols & Dietrich. tf -Rev. Monro of the Congregational church announces for his subject next Sunday morning "Ethiopia is Stretch ing Forth Her Hands." Evening, "Some Modern Giants." B. S. Palmer, the tailor, dyeeaad repairs ladies, aad rents clothiag. Hats oleaaed aad reblooked. Agaat for Geratania ateaai dye works, Olive St. Between 13th aad 13th St. Doa't forget Miss Coarteaay Morgan ia the Beraharit pro duction A Woman of Mystery, Nortk Opera Hoase, Wednesday October 3. FARM FOR SALE: Boone oonnty, bTeb,, 160 acres 4 milaa from Loretto, 10 miles from Albion, 10 miles from Spaalding, oa B. F. D. aad phone liae. All good soil, 135 acres ia cal- tivation, 5 acres ash timber, hay land. Prioe low aad soaable. Samael Mahood, Oolamhaa. Neb. Take a Trip Around the World, with the Presbyterian ladies next Friday night, September 28, from 7 to 9:30 p. m. at the Friedhof building. Trains leave every fifteen minutes. Refresh menta served at every station. You can see Germany, India, Japan and all the rest of the interesting world with the ladies as guides. The New York Life has been examined by the greatest expert accountants in Europe and America and found to be richer and stronger than advertmed by the Company. This Company is the strongest in the world, mutual, no stock holders to take your profit. Every man should have sound Life Insurance. Yon do not have to die to wia in the New York Life. Dont pay for cheap insurance, that's dear in the end. The agent C T.Taylor of Omaha ia here to see you. There was an exciting time in Judge Batterman's court one day last week when in the matter of the estate of Charles Savidge, deceased of Lindsay, certain claims of August Peterson and Sam Lang were coBtoited by the ad ministrator. The claim of Petersen was for three days care of the decaaed who died in one of the rooms of the former's saloon. Sam Lang's claim was for $43180 for nursing the deceased for three days. Judge Rotterman reduced the claim of the former to $50 and the latter to $30. Mm. Sam laughter Schuyler. A handsome aoavealr werth 50 oaata asat to all (paid ia advaaoe Joaraal aabaeribera. The Moonshiner's Daughter at the North Opera, October 4th. Extended notice next week. Miss Katie Tsehudy who has been visiting relatives here the past week re nrned to Grand Island Saturday. Miss Mabel Hamilton of Cedar Rapid visited Columbus friends last Friday. She was on her way to Greeley, Colo , to attend school. Wallie Ott of Cheyenne, Wya, who has been visiting at the home of his uncle, G. A. Schroeder, returned home last Sunday night. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week 'are Mrs. Jay's millinery open ing dates and ladiea looking for the best should not forget them. Stockmen wanting feeders should correspond with George Burk Co. South Omaha before buying. They make a specialty of buying them. Judge Battertnan issued marriage licenses last week to George Byba and Sophia Kozak of Columbea and William Rieme and Gdigine AiMnger of Platte Center. For charming hats at remarkably rea' sonable prices. Mrs. Jay ia taking the lead this season as usual. Her opening days are Thursday, Friday and Satur day of this week. Mrs. Will KaufFman returned Satur day from a two weeks visit with her mother in Farnam. Her sister, Mary Sturgeon, returned borne with her, and will attend the city schools. Misses Grace Benson, Enroae Rasmus- sen and Grace Lewis, teacbora from the north part of the county, came in Friday evening to visit home folks over Sunday. They returned to their respective schools overland Sunday afternoon. Every teacher and professional man should have an encyclopedia. The best is the only kind worth having. The New International ia the best. If yon have $5 you can get a set. For particu lars inquire at the Journal efflce WANTED: 500 tons old scrsp iron to be delivered in Columbus two blocks west of the Park on 13th St. Scrap iron, $7.00 per ton; stove iron, $4.00 per ton, copper at looperlb; rubber shoes boots 5c per lb. Cash on delivery. Sam Kavich. 4t "J. C Byrnes nominated by acclama tion for state senator. " This waa the laconic phone message which cornea from J. G. Becher as the Journal goes to press. A later moorage says that Mr. Byrnes will stand for an anti-pass law that includes editorial mileage and for the election of township assessors by the people. Miss Coarteaay Morgaa ia the great Berahardt prod ac tion "A Woaiaa of Mystery," Miss Morgaa is am old favorite with Colnmfcns aadieaees. North Opera Hoase. Wedaes- day Octoler 3d. The Gray Mercantile company are addressing the large family of Journal readers again this week in a full page ad. It will pay you to read every line of it This enterprising firm ia pushing ahead so fast that it ia difficult to keep up witli them. Those who have not in spected their fine new queensware and cloak departments shoo!d visit them this week during their big scale. The regular services will be held next Sunday at the Methodist Episcopal church, both morning aad evening- The subject for the morning's discourse will be, "When a Man'r, Foes become his Slaves;" and the evening subject, "The Justice of God." An earnest in vitation ia extended to all not worship ping elsewhere. Lotan R. DeWolf, pas tor. Dr. Naumaaa, Deatkt 18 St. Smnremir Paginal at Saaw's. aoUotti joari Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone Dm. Martya, Evaaa &' Evans. Con ultatioa ia German and Eaglkh. Mrs. Will Hall of Norfolk has been vietting frieads and relativea here for the pant week. Dr. and Mrs. Nanman will leave Sa turday noon for Leap City. They will return Monday. Mrs. Jay's fall millinery jhowiag ia now on and she cordially invites ladiea to call and compare styles and prices. Mrs. Jasper Nichols returned to her home in Wayne, Tuesday after an ex tended vmit with her mother, Mrs. Paal Hoppen. v Mrs. Clara Gibson of Spokane, who has been visiting for one year with her sister Mrs. Woods of tnia city will re turn home tonight. AN ODD BIRD SPECIES. the CravttaaT aw4 mt te Mwaerr 1 Wilson's phahuopa ia very common hi nearly all parta of the northwestern aralrlea wherever there are grassy pools or alongha. It la a quiet, beauti ful little bird, with no Immodest out cries, feeding prettily along the moist margins of the alougha and not dis tressing itself over eur presence. From nearly every atandpolnt this pbalarope, like all other apedea of its class, la an anomaly among the birds. Ap parently a land bird. It haa partially webbed or aeallooed feet and Is a good and graceful awinuner. The female le the larger and handsomer of the pair. She doea the courting and he most of the-subsequent Incubation and nursery work. He ia duly meek and obedient. aa becomea the husband of an amaaon, for so worthy and strenuous a young female aa she will not tolerate a buck hanging around Idle when there la plenty of useful work to be done. Far her part, to lay egga ao big that the chicka are dotyied and able to run at Urn la all that should reasonably be expected of her. Their marital rela tions are otherwise scandalous' from oar point of view. Two or three idle, vainglorious females are often seen devoting themselves to one little male at the height of the nesting season, and no one seems to be sure whether or not he la the husband of any one or all of them. Anyhow, they are all head over ears In love with him. Her bert K. Job In Outing Magazine. INDIAN REMEDIES. Peeallar Vae Ia Meaieal Methi the Var East. Great virtues are ascribed to the claws and horns of certain animals. Tigers claws are In great demand with the common people. One or two claws may be worn near the loins, but should eae possess a larger number the fortu nate owner makes a garland of them aad wears them around his neck. Deer's horn ground into the paste is an excellent balm for pain and swellings. A more curious use is found for the same substance; it Is sometimes made Into a powder which is supposed to aid the 'growth of stunted women. The Joints taken from the long and slender tall of the black scorpion are supposed to keep Illness at arm's distance when children wear them on their waist A red or swollen eye Is cured by hav ing It touched with the bolt or chain of a door. A remedy which I have seen applied with considerable effect In more one epileptic fit Is to place a of keya hi the palm of the anffer- I have beard It said that tha fit away aa readily If the keya are placed on the head. A rather quaint remedy In the case of a sprained neck u to use an iron measure for a pillow. Bore throat hi cured by spitting on redbot Iron, quite the simplest and least expensive cure known to the native doctor. Peacock's flesh and pig's ghee are the best medicines for acute rheu-mathun.-Madras Mail. Kst (aaaUtte. Subbubs I tboagnt you said the cot tage waa half a mile from the station. Agent TIs, but Ol nlver said how far the station wor from the cottage. New York Sun. BaaaaWaBBaBaBaBaBaaa' ai . & v Juraaaaam a XJ wXaaaaaaal k a IWi' famamsa aaBsaawCEEVvSaavSSRSSaBaa I aaaajSjpawawpTiwf y BjycyjyTaa3BP'W'fWaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallaaw. 33ta"ll?"jWHIBa??'' IF TN WIIT I UN MMY, BSBS Gall on us. We sell the well known Staver make and can save yon money on a good job. i4. L. W. WEAVER & SON, HARNESS, COAL Bee's Laxative Hoaey and Tar the original laxative coagh syrap acta aa a cathartio oa the bowels. It ta made from the tar gathered from the piae trees of oar owa country, therefore ia the beat for ohildrea. It ia good for coagha, colds, eroap, whooping coagh, eta Try oar free offer. Sold by 90th Oeatmry Drag Store. Platte Center, Neb. AND BUGGIES. aaaaafWJaaTr'is21" "Bav 'iaaaaaaPSaam W Dr. J. W. Terry OF OatAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN aVfltEaiiapea1 Optical Oafieci la The West ia the front rooms over Pollock ft Cc's Drug Store. Will be in Cohtmbua offices Sunday , on day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glaseea adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE y Min & NKEMES, tMCKEIY. LAWS Ml 8USSVAK COMPANY We have a large and x well selected stock of GROCERIES We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades of Flour, the besty Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BBBBBBSaBBBBIHBB1HaHIHBHBHBBB1BBBBHIIMBaHMMiMBaBHBaBBBBHBjapBM i A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Always Right We Respectfully Solicit a Share of your Trade. HENRY RaGATZ & CIMNNY MnskintMtt. IsMpaanl Paws 29 art 229. THE AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVAL HAS MADE OMAHA FAMOUS. 'SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TaME T I aBaaaSKNaaaBaL " BaaaKT3aa998aV TaBBBBaaXaBBBBBBBTWTaaUii ' Ka.aHHIS?KSrWj?4 ESaaaaaaaSallaaQBU&BBMr aaaaaaaaaaPal9afflaaaaaV 1 kaBBBBBBBBBBBfiaa'aBBBWaVWalH aBaaBBBaiaBW ABBABaa!.BLaBBBBBBBaa Half FARE (Otwtef 1st t 511) All RaflBtAa BaaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaBBBaaaaBaaaaaaaBBaaaBBaBBaaaaBaaaaaaBaaaaBBBBBaaal DAV PARADE TUESDAY OCT. 2 DAY PARADE THURSDAY. OCT. 4 EICTRICPAOEANTIIAT 0 WEDNESOAYNIOHTUula 0 CORONATION BALL fMIT C FRsDAYNMHT IRfla U 1 Csa?AatfSeelTttAfr-SI 1 aaaaaaaaaBaaMBaaBaaaaaaBaBaaBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiaS North Opera House. - MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 - The reputation of an Amusement Enterprise, whether for the goodness of its wares or otherwise is not gotten by chance. It's usually earned. We guarantee your money's worth, or your money back if you see Mr. Eugene Moore in his Gorgeous Scenic Revival of the Powerful MeloDrama. .... a Monte Christo" and are not thoroughly satisfied The Plan Tha Haa and Muss Outlive them UN Seats will be placed on sale one week in advance of date at Pollock & Ga'sDrug Store. Prices 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c BBBBBBBBBBBBBBvi v' aBBBBBBBal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ' 'Saaaaaaaal SJaBBBBBBBBBBBBaHMte. aBBBBBBBal BBaBBBBBBBBBBB3BBBBBBBaa BaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW 4bBbV(' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal DVaKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV Vf K SaaSBBBBBBM ah)afcaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa& J3 -'i aBBBBBBBBBBB akHK 1 'iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai aaaH-aaamaaaaaTal EBr ''' ! "IV vV"?'s,''Saj aBBBBBJ wafT'.. s vr--- i, "v.NBaal aaKtwia - :aakirA-a'Xi?.i-aaa BBBM'wTaak'' 's5afcK aaBM aaaaaaaL-x. aav'uMuaa aanKuattSai BaBaaaaaBaasaKBHBaBaaaBaaa Br . 31 l 1 s ?.ZriS- 5&' itr-FC- . irf5. t&S-'g - "rf. S1 --'.. If r"Cr-v - -"S'4"--i-f .. J. ilBBBiMBI e -y j " ...' - r - , w; ""rr. T-. -5is!!r.5SC-v5