yf:-v -.. v - - "v"; ' v- - - - " - tr x "jr .---",3 . . o-ar sv , r -s t" JTrrirwT- -?jL-iT 'i.ifif- -'-1 Si ..-- --i v - 1-rr-sr'!j-e-Tj- . i. -. .- "JVi.'. - ."5- vr i' ', 3A.X re - v Lr bar; i r fes'r-t rSa- - -A. u - i f?DHHHHBHHHHHHil9' !?mnmmmBu .- ,- - - r ?- u-- "-"- v 7WmuU!m "flBUmmr r- -w "" ri rf-,amma3' oftgafsm - '.- - " " , v- , . " nnmm iH ",.'- '.-' f oo to woik o ii &oid to tttt Mt ' ." -vlHS anfafamfafai --3 , 'rgr- ,:. ,-ff ' - .-- -yj .H? SH - ,- - - -A irialfi kiliTT -Til i liii - M k towofk. , m -am mxwmc ?wmm-9m9mwu--'-:--,-'- - amz fl '. Uneeda Biscuit :- I ;S ftfic:4i cracker tlut contains in tte HC. ..H Btoit peopedy hafanrrd proportioni a v iK. 1 , ., ireilCT ajBottt of nstniKnt thas-aior H: .H food aa4e froa fkwr. - - fl" I Uneeda Biscuit I 'at M BBBflHBBBHBHBHHBHiPBHBBHiiHBHB HIBHHBBBMBiBBBiBkvBBIB A Uk MtoUto" wUl ba firm at tb OpWrn Bona aecfe Tharaday aad proai iaia to be a good play by a' vary good y. aaakiBaa accepted a poeitioa the nittHinViaif tin Th ",- Mr. Philip Geriagacooawaaied by hie i j ., -. .- .. -r .- mi cin hu hi niignwr aai ijiszie, waatto Johaaoa Gouty Uet weak to be ta atteadeaoe at the weedier of a Mia a F. HieaMllar aad daaghtar laa'saaaa apeat Saaday ia Hamparay. Miee Kittie Geathmaa deputed for laet week where ehe will take a aaapaaieaWfar aa OolaeibaB by bar aattaaraadaiatar. TU. WiU Baraa who bee a poeitkw ;wb a bieageOeatli Faraiahiag aataev ittaaaeart arrived ia towa Thanday tartfaWaad will vuit boaM fetks for a 'Mm. tWeoa'of Oawka who haa beea Hetieg' the etkiaeoa hoeee the paet wekfeearaed hoaaa Saaday ereaiag. Jk.:(i Parker, UJ. agaat at tbia plaee utaiail fcaaai Batarday after am eb eeaeaarabeektwaoatha, Mr. Parker haabaaaepeadiBg hie tbaaim the Joba Bobarte aad wife arrived ia Platte OeatefMoaday ereaiag to be ia attaadaaee at the Heaaee-ey-Roberte waddiag. BoratoMr.eadblre. Patriek Fuller, Saaday, a girt Dan Roberts, aeooaipaaied by hie ah ter, Mies Sara aad aieee, Miea Maaiia Souloa.arnred ia Platte Oeater Satar day ereaing to be ia attaadaaoe at the Seaaeaeey-Boberta weeVKag Taeaaay. Qaite a annber of Platte Oeaiter peo ple attended the Madkwa fair lest week. Mia.Baflkia, a aieee of Mrs. Mary Taoauuda and Mia. Thoauaia of Pierce, are visitiag at the Tboatazia hpaie tbia Mavriedat St Joseph charah la HMiaday atoraMg Man iV f 'O .-eir. of frfeada who iZ-Zl. - Uaiar Ckiaa. Haraiaa Ziaaeeker visited Maaloa Boaaar the Ant of the week. MertLiadsley ia aaraiac a brokea Wniiaat Howaer is cariagfor a eoaple of racked riba eeased by I alliag awagaa box. Boaaar aad Waa. Hawser young peo plaattaaded the Polk coaaty fair Wad aeaday with their teeober, Mies Madge MartLiBdelayia threabiag hia large orop of grain J. Hoke ia hauling ereaai. now. libetypbeidasTer. ATwert Baba has reatsil the tall fazat and ia baay pkvwiag far Hri4tuTlBBity. The rale b as eaaaadj the andsie "dry ing up aad travel Jaaaaaad. aiianiaawMaMaManal i Mm. Yoakie, aea Driaaia of tblssoa, Hebr arrived hem last Satarday. far a twojreeks' visit at the old hoaia She waa aceosBpaaied by hei child 14 aaoaths old. Mm imager of Areola, 111, who baa beea viaitwg eoaple of weekeassoag reUtivea here retaraed boaie laat-Moa-day. The lady took a saaaple ef boaie grown peaehes with bar to oaavinaa- the people at boaie that Platte eoaaty .did raker frait, that waa fit to eat. The traetioa angina threehcraiea be gan to BMtve on the roads, agaia Moaday after being mad tied for about tea daya. Qaite a number of young -people,, old eehoplmates aad friends of Bliiifi Yoekie met at J. H. Driaaia Sunday p. m. to welcome their old Mead, -where all apeat a very pleaeaat afternoon. Oaly a very little altalfa k beiag eat for seed.. Ita feeding qaalitiea are too good. resulted from an . iajwry BBf aajereNral WBBIBbf BB0I aw:aaveFatci ieatstdsv from the Swedkh aaaeb. On asiaant af the ac aarrfwaaraaatar, nail, a, nv '- - -'"- - - ..-.-. -- ..; IOMUWMI ' hhi owvwb MjmwmmnHf WaUard, the lapr-yaar-bM I son, af sad Mm. Chaa. Laraoa, .Uviageigb miles soathwaat of Iiadeey. dkd.Tajsf day from teestetaoU)aftag kicked -by aajoraa TV little : fallow was .out playaagia Um yard Jionday when- be gat too near aaw ettbe?fceraaiaste aeiveda viaieuaaJek4a thaeide. Maa cal aid was enmmuaU from the Grave, but aside from abadly braked eide the boy appataatly saaaaad all right On Moadayhasuddealy took worse and if spiteof all that eqald be (Mbe aaated sway. that aternoqu, FwMaml.aerricea warebeld yaaterday from tbe.Bwadkh Methqdiat ehareh The grief atrkkea paMeJa baveihe ImartfeH syaaUy iof aH in their sad aJaietion. -Melvera, the eighteen' montbe aid child of MrvandMia Biky Smith, liv- ing.six mike aoutaeaat pf.Liaikay, jdied Wedaeadayaight at lOJO after aa 111 neaioftweatyfauchoara from rapture of thebuwek. FaaeraleervieeswUl.be bald today from. .the eongregatMaal ebareh at Leigh. RESTAURANTS. Yom the ailvaam. .Bar. J. Lonabary Paillips retoraad to St, Edward for fereaeeyear. Thk k welcame aawa to the entire coauaaaity of StEdward. Xeuia.PenlsliI retamed bamarom Liaooln Wedaeeday, where be bed ac companied hk akter, Miss Oraee, who will attend the Nebraska eoaservatory avbtors, Maud and Btaa, left Meuday ter Loup ' City, to attend the wadding of her sow, Barry Wmmsn Wiin ailaa TliMAnM ana nff Hr la. Farie Ia IT For a long time Inns .and eatja beuaea In France were roaly intended for the benefit, of traveling,people, far the-people took their meak at home, and restanranta vrera,unknowa. The. first enterprise of the kind -waa .found ed In Park to 1765. A dtlnen by the name of Bonknger opened to the Baa dea Ponllea an eating hooae where aoup, meat, fowl and eggs were serv ed. A chronicler rektee -that meak were served there on -email, round marble tables and everything waa act u-. puloualy clean. Over -die entry to tbk nrat eating hooae the proprietor 'bad hung--a -alga upon which were the Latia worda, MVe nltead aae onmea-qnaeatomacbo'kba- ratts, et ego reatanrabavaa, ( wato'me all ye whose-stomas! attention, and I -vriU- restore them). Tbia k a parody en-the well knowsj Biblical qnataaVm, rCeane unto me all ye who kboriandara; heavy .laden, and. I will. give yon rant;'' enly'ta:Dteea e - v- flumw-H z.-. aBamaL' 4kvBflBBankl-': " "-X" -BaWrK-.-- :BaBr wamaM . - - .saBBama aanw- danffa"J " 7l!rfafMfgganBBMMMmBBB9sBfm nfhc - sfs - Je"nuafaBTBaBTaBTaBBBvw "bbW j- si jjJp .- ?fi""w,,"5!?3:; BaL;- - " 3?QunVff . wv g laiBr flg ':i fMMffc- .- namw.nw,5.t an mam anaumar. ewarimw - .B. v'iwaaiu Ku.'aBaMT ewhmsmi .aar 1 COLUMBUS M . VM ggl ' "9 - . union pacific m :M. , lftrr DAV-flMIIMT. 19TOOCT. 31, a .B W -flafl Sfll WPmiliton -d Walla Walla bL M" M! Wlto8rJmaaaadWtc. Waah. "..., t-B .itoSaa Fiaasknn, LoarAagelss Ban 'gV' B' iDkgo and other GaBfaraia poiato 'KWgV" mar &aw -aa- w4ajvafaaanraavwfvaBa vmi waa' '-gB 'MR III eoavar.Vietoria aad Astoria. l. m ifMplPI )to Aaatoad, Bwitayw. Eugene, Al- Bd k IbaaTaad Salem via Portland. 'K mnj w rKUHW er iwjdwi r m oniim. 0bbbt ifM .gaaf K aad to maay other potato. . agV' aV Iaaairaaf aV" a-jlL. Jgaf- TaBv :WiJL BBMHAM. Aawav W "ganW gnr igg-fgmganaamBfc sannBggggJe gp" IGoing East H &Iiggdttr H tttd the North-Western Line take you throufh B to Chacsgo witlMmt change of cars over aaat aalmasaaWl aaaV avmfl Caaatavmva '''ggggggggB vaw.awawMaTwarvBaWa BrvaVfwVeTBal BaraparBB- aawaBaTBBfMaBEM H Pnllman staiMtard drawinf.room and toorist aleepiaf ! enrs,conpotite obaettion cai buffed - -B attoUnf aadUbrary ears, parlor cars, .dggggggggggggf " B dinioc earn, free reclining chair cars gggnfiiH H and day coacnei. aflmnSaBBBr H Direct connection in Omaha Union QHUbbuT "M Depot with ut daily trains to Sioox PK B.CitV,.Bfankato, St. Paul, Minneapolis gggggg B and XHiloth. BBB bbbB . F11S5 tklB "f hm ''"'tun apply ta ggggQalTk asBai rUJ?m' . U8IV J jaa. Mai rSSBEtr!" WMlMcfcsia. num. JSwea -wunamauea xneeaore, sob or mr.i u ym and Mm. Cbarka Laraon, died Taesday I n ha. atteatkm." aaabo," from the iLatla "reatoa- rare (restore er r afresh), waa tba main characterktic of the new eetab- Ikhment and gave It its name. Bonv kngar smssstd n large fortune, for ak eaterprke proved eminently ceaafuU but be waa aooa Imitated, of nk Imitators bacondng ''MBry 4 LlJ .israw m m ttt mmam The Gulf ' - -M "O Batter with whoni'Toa are ;tc - mi M yoa aaal joar ftiuawh will always eajoy Beer. It k alwajS VChe saiae--alwa79 pore, pslav deHciotlS Slad WavaaWaWae. It wsU. yoa anyour atertiinitifi; Yam wiM fabjty enjoy it alieTJig tJrem fmaselc. All who know good beer wax they taste htkaow that they ly acker aw food as: btaoty ah .IIMy7 r!t is jnst asfood as4t tsatri wi loohs. Alaaolutejjare, imade from tJie jaoatest Boheinian hepaWik fi tahert amJi y fiaiirlrivfaaBaTiace, tmdmmkritkL Then fully qpdL It is she aaarwrrarat cs! peateaaisa fi Highest Art. Thats why everybody likes H best of aJLWh i- Coast of Texas. That's the name of a new eighty-page illns - trated book just published by the Rock Island Frisco Lines. It is of vital importance to you that yon se cure and read it. The region described is unparalleled in its kjs BibilitieH for home getting and fortune getting. Think of a nmntry where the climate it jut right; where there ar tftelve months of "grow ing weather er year; where the soil ia 1 1 at m rally rich; where you am get a good deal of land fr little money and where hired help is plentiful and cheap. Iff Hon know StytfiTai Tr)xasiiu wtW wasiwitw aHani In Ito prwnitPJtlaM waalaJi and a small -share would soon , make you inde pendently rich. There's nothing to prevent your achieving success in this remarkable country. The book will tell you about it and a trip of inspection is cheaply made. Are you interested? Tour same awl address on a. postal will bring you fall details and the book. WRITE TODAY. This is too good to pass by, especially since it costs you nothing to investigate. You will not regret having done so. J UN SEBASTIrVI, Paaa. Traffic Star., r H yoa have not tried . WPTj raaO.1 BeerbViinVwraitloc4wialMail dahaf aa -HyourMker am direct to aa aooVwe wilLaea that woo are Krtlied pioraprly. RocK Island-Frisco Lines 1U1 ' M JH -cV ' f&m s' jU , fi '& Feeling Nature's Pulse rhrow sable the cares of every day life aad bile yourself . amid tUaaaaTaalMHeaf the - ROCKY MOUHTAINS Th Minlaan rTT" an aa oaua .y o mm wttntmm ftaoaaerjSMaiel Rates aU Sammer. Beat liae to Salt iAha.aad Paetfe Oaast mania Elegaat Dtaiaa: Cars, Senriee aw .earta, -Thraagh Pallmaa Obaervatioa Cars. Bead Vie iaotampa and rt baadeome SJxr2i color . rearadaetioa of iharlea H. Harmoa'a tumom a-iatiag of lha-Sevea CaatlM. MFiae eaoagh for a weddlag , Tl All tiAlmm.i Aammtm nr , -Z&'- ' - i&- AlIMidbuMlAgeataor V. L. PEAHENS, Qen. Agt. 114 So. 14th 8t, " C. II. SPEEBS, . G. P. A. ,-"" uenvar, uetoraao. 9 til: 'if' - . f -"' . - ?. "-. V-" . ' -?4 -i- "i '--'i-'i j-- 1. -C-C- " w ; ". ' "" -- j?--' '"-"-"- . - jr . '3 i'.'tf'-d -z ."-''-"-. " - 'i v?":-i "? 'fr- W i -r-'371. 0 A. k'gfeJ-H MMaa-y--v,