Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1906)
u . "..I--W "&? 7?.' s ;v j'" "S . - -(V "i- WT,?i'f5?5Yt W-'.-VvVit r-'fftts C-5. -3 - ' "JfVT-v .v --' 2&& OV . .'-? &fl : - v $' N . M4U,tlNL CoIuittbttsJouruaL .......7.......... .n w KKNgWAl-The ycyr jaay. ec aiai jja atawe te ajaMlaw jnar aaj.ll OsKMTDnJAKCfl wUI niijiaaHlnaiiuin aria ma JwaJwMJ gSftg r af ivtto tea aaai far has iiliii. fem aaeakl rwrinaaU aaWmmanaaaamaak. OHANSB 1M AJHmBnVWaan aamrias a tai STATE United OrtMflwMtor :...NOBRIS BROWN Guveraar GBOHGE L. SHELDON liwnra tOowtmor HE. HOPEWELL HfcrKar of State OHOKOE C. JUNKIN Aadttar E. ML SEABLE Treasurer ...... L.G. BRIAN Attorney General 7aW. T. THOMPSON LaadCoauBiaaioaer H. M. EATON SaperiataadeBt J.L.1TBRIKN I IT J WINNrVIT Ci-orWKLL Baking S UfederJ OONORE88IONAL For Coaama, Third District J. F. BOYD COUNTY RepffMatatiTe.2ttliDiat EDLEUSCHEN Comaty Attorney C.N. M.ELFRE8H That newspaper is 'moat loyal to its party which first raises its haad against bad principles and bad men within its party. Among other things, we can't un derstand why the Signal should have been so anxious to defeat Edgar Howard in the county convention and so anxious now to elect Howard's candidate, Shallenberger. " Judge Boyd has declared himself on the issues of the republican plat form and pledges himself to stand with Roosevelt- If he succeeds in convinc ing every voter of the district that he means what he says, his election will be unanimous. W. J. Bryan's assault upon Roger Sullivan may have raised Bryan per sonally in the eyes of the public but it has been pretty hard on the demo cratic party. As the case now stands, tli democrats of Illinois have proved conclusively that they want Bryan for his oratory and Roger for his grafting propensities. The disavowal of .Bryan's govern ment ownership theories by the lead ing democrats of the country has proved conclusively that government ownership, if it comes, will come from the hands of the republican party. And any student of history should have forseen this. How could a state's rights democrat be reconciled to the centralization implied in gov ernment ownership. The Journal wants to put this ques tion straight to its democratic and populist readers: Now, honest, did nt the last republican state conven tion make the kind of platform, and name the kind of men that you hoped the democratic and populist conven tions would make and name? And don't you feel it in your bones that Sheldon and a republican legislature would do more clean, honest, effective work on rate regulation and other ques tions important to you, than would Shallenberger and a democratic legis lature put up and dominated by such men as Edgar Howard and P. E. Mc-Killip? sive party, the party that has always been quick to come forward with a remedv for every civic ill He be lieves in the stamp of republicanism that routed the bosses in the last state convention and made George L. Sheldon the standard bearer for the "square-deal" program in Nebraska. If elected he will vote to send Norris Brown to the senate to help hold up the hands of Theodore Roosevelt in his fight for the rights of the common people. He will vote for lower freight and passenger rates, in Ne braska and for the measures that will look toward the interests of Platte county farmers. Vote for Lueschen. hishaadis the hand of a. platoon. This fact the voW-rs will not fail to re member. Tbsy will sound it evrj whore "Vote for Sheldoa." You can feel ,t in tk air Vote for 8aeldoa. Children cry it on the street, Older obm the words repeat. Admonition short aad awebt Vote for Sheldon. Are yon for the people's cause? Vote4or 8aeloa; Do you favor righteous law? ' Vote for 8heldonr Are you for an honest deal? Would .you punish those who steal? When the time is right toapeil, Vote for Sheldon. If yon be a democrat, Vote for Sheldon; He is not, bat what of that? Vote for Sheldon. If you want a man who cares At the head of state affairs One who bravely doss and dares Vote for Sheldon. C. N. MCELFRESH. G.N. McEIfresh, the republican candidate for county attorney, is one of the best lawyers in Platte county, one of the straightest, cleanest and ablest young men in the state and his republicanism is of the kind that prompted him to stand up in the county convention which nominated him and declare; "Gentlemen, I will do all I can to be electdd and if elect ed I will do my very best to transact the legal business of Platte county taxpayers honestly and economically. The county has considerable business with the railroads and other corpora tions. I do not believe that an attor ney can act with a free hand in this business while accepting favors from the corporations concerned. I there fore pledge that I shall not accept a railroad pass or other favor while-1 am in office." The duties of county attorney are for the most part a mass of petty matters particularly adapted to the energies and ambitions of a young man. These small things in the aggre gate are of importance to tax-payers, but in detail they are apt to be deemed insignificant by the older practitioner unless his habits are especially ener getic The greatest tribute was paid to Mr. McEIfresh by Judge Reedor who said in the convention "Mr. Mc EIfresh is one of the brightest, ablest and most promisieg young attorneys before the bar intthis district." C. N. McEIfresh is thoroughly qualified both by education and prac tice. He is a graduate of the West Virginia State Normal and of the col lege of law in the university of West Virginia and was admitted to the Ne, braskabaron examination in 1903. He has practiced successfully before all the courts in the county and is now acting as deputy county attorney. Faith in a Jones, a Pawaee ooaaty far-, this week shipped sixty foar haad of oattle weighing on the aver age 1,681 pounds each, and worth in the neighborhood of Ire thousand dollars. The news item making this ft contains the farther t that Mr. Jones came to Pawnee ooaaty thirty-Ire years ago with a capital of forty-Ire cants. He adopted a policy of working steadily aad patting his savings into land, and iaaow possessed of 1,600 aeaas of Pawnee ooaaty soil, worth at least $100,000, together with the usual ap purfaneaows in the way of live stook and other personalty. The state of Nebraska is fail of like cases. Saoh fortunes are based as a rale Irst upon good farming aad second apoa a faith in the oountrv that leaves now their possession land worth fromhtty to a hundred dollars an acre whioh cost them originally, say, one tenth as maoh.' Mr. Jones fortune repre sents In average saving during his residence in Nebraska of about $8,000 a year. A considerable proportion of this represents, of ooarss, not earn ings bat a rise in land prions, yet men of superior ability will begin now and repeat the performance in the next thirty Ire years whether land risss farther or not. It will not be so easy to start now as it was than, on a capital of forty-five otnts, of knowledge to draw upon now that there was then, a fact that ought to eqaalise advaatages to those willing to learn. State Journal. THE GERMAN NATHHUL BANK OF COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA CAPITAL fJSJO.tOO.OO - We do ageaeral banUag traveler eheeks and drafts Iaterest paid oa tune deposits. Letters of eredit on tall parts of Notary Pabtie in aad G. W. PHILLIPS, lYmUiar THMO. FKIEDHOF, Yim a H. 8CHBOED10, Caaaiar HKHKT WILCKKMB, To Stockmen If yon have CATTLE, HOGS or SHEEP to market, ship to as. We nil them for the high dollar. U you waat feeders, either cattle or sheep, eome yourself or place your order with us. We will buy them worth the money. OBO. BURKE 60.. 'Cattle Sjalaaaaa-CH4B. Bean. Hon Halmaaa Wnx . nuncur. n.cosamr. II. M. POST AttwrBw : at : Law WhtnYoa are Going to Erect a or Maxtor at the Grave of Tour Lost Ones TlMt Tfet. A mamtathgtmsmtanaflm Granite Marble Works Of GeftMlHi, Nebraska WUI do Yoar Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your.Order. No Order too Large or too Small f or ns to Handle. Who was the and do, it is evident that he is nana without simplstona to work up on. The voters should beware of the polltloiaa who promises lavishly, but it is not safe to count everybody a gae is any man with a better proposal than they are willing to mate. State Journal. It is a well known asedioal fact that is most effective in the it of diseases of the bladder kidneys. Sufferers from back aohe and otar troubles dae to fealty action of the kidney tads relief in the use of Piae ale. S1.00 bays SO days treatment. Sold by 90th Century Drug Store Platte Center, Neb. leal Itsate Learns. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of real estate at the lowest Who is a Denugefue! A political campaign is upon District Attorney Jerome ap with a volley of verbal grape shot, but the wheels are straok until a de finition is established. At a time when the woods seam full of leaders Mr. Jeroaaa remarks that v Baal arahip is nowhere in sight, what passss for leadership seems to ooastat of demagogic denunciation of existing conditions. " Ho campaign oaa go on intelligently till herger Chambers. what "demagogie" means. The dic tionaries are easy. There the damn agdgae is originally a parson who sways the people by oratory or per- W. F. PROWBTT. W. F. Prowett of Nance county the republican candidate for float re presentative is recommended most heartily by the Journal to voters of all parties in Platte county. Mr. Prowett was a successful far mer until his neighbors induced him to become their servant in that most important of all county offices, that of county treasurer, And they liked him so well that they re-elected him for a second term. Mr. Prowett is vouched for by Nance county people in both parties. The big majority of voters in Platte county want legislators who will stand by Sheldon. They know that parti san reasons would induce a democra tic representative to try to ftmbarasn Governor Sheldon. They should therefore vote for Prowett who will bring earnestness, honesty and exper ience to the aid of Sheldon in his struggle to bring about a square deal to the taxpayers of Nebraska. Vote for Prowett. aaanaaaanaaaaanannananwnnn PERSONAL and PERTINENT InthelsnguageofOra Shannon, my democratic friend, haven't you got a "hunch" that you" ought to vote for Sheldon and the rest of the republican tjeket? How to begin with "young husband's was the topic of conversation among a group of young Oolumbus wives one day lt week. One suggested that the husband from the beginning should be made to aewon his own buttons. Another insisted that he should not be psrmit ted to awing in the park, walk oa the street, row on the lake, drive ia a baggy er be found m embrace ia the dance or elsewhere, with any other wossan than hie wife. A third, who had a sweet baby boy, added that he should not be permitted to fondle any baby but hia own. The discussion ended ia aa agree sssat to write a statute of limitations agaiast Columbus husbands to take elect at onre. Young husbands will please take actios. ; than an unprincipled orator who endeavors to curry popular favor by pandering to their prejadloss or wishes. There was one William Travers Jerome who last fall ssade a whirlwind campaign for dietrtet at torney in New York ettv. aad nmeVs many votes by playing upon Ithe "preindios" of the people against the ssea who had been caught tampering with life insurance funds. "Beet aseand I will sand them to Jail," said Jerome. They elected him. He did not send anybody to jail. Hera the simplicity, of the word vanishes. Is Mr. Jerome a dsmsgogne? Ho da oWedJy thinka not, but hints that Governor Folk of Missouri who really did send soma monied man to jail to the great delight of a 'preJndioai" MaaZaa relieve instantly, itching and prootrading piles. It is pat np ia collapsible tubes ia saoh a way that it oaa be applied where the trouble origiaates, thus stopping the pain immediately. Try one bottle if yon are not relieved, your y wui he refunded. Try our free, offer. Sold by 30th Century Drug Store. Platte Center. Neb. Farm Far Sale Would like to eell my 80 acres one mile east of town. Good improvements. Prices and terms reasonable. R S. Dickinson. Are you troubled with pirns? One aapUoatiba of MaaZan will give yon Immediate relief. Sold by 30th Cen tury Drug Store, Platte Center. Neb. We have MO half mile into of city limita far Uiett, Speioe Oa. far Good far eats. Sold by 90th Osatary Drag More, Platte Neb. calendars are given out about the first of the year. Why doa't you go the others one better, by ordering a aomewhat fner one than neual, and giviagitoutMaChristmaarenismbrsnce to yoar trade? It would be agraeefal little courtesy, it will get the calendars ia the right hands, and it will save you BMaey,ifyou have beeaja the habit of giving oat other gifts. Its worth thiak iagaboat. Call and see our complete line at the Journal omoe. Tone the liver, move the newels, olsanse the system. Dado's Little Liver Pills never gripe. Sold by 90th Oantnry Drag Store. Platte Center, Neb. Ak-lar-lcn Festivities. Omaha, September 36th to October 6th. Great Indastrisl Parade Tnssday afteruooa October 2nd, and Electrical Float parade Wedaesdsy night. October 3rd. Automobile Flower parade Thurs day af teraoon, October 4th Coronation Ball Friday night, October 5th, besides many other special attsntiooa.- The Union Parife will sell tickets to Omaha at $335 for the round trip. Dates of sale October 9nd to 6th iaela- sive, with return limit to and including October 8th. Inquire of W. H. BsNHAK,jAgent. Dr. Finns lestimeoy Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 83 years, sava ha has nasd every pre scription known to the profession for treataMut of kidney aad bladder diseases, aad says he has never found anything so effective in both ohronio and acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Oars. It stops irregularities and builds np the whole svstom. Onus. H. Dack. I Ei BisBSIIANg Piipiitnif "fchfcaianaaWaaaSafcaaaaafcaMea PICTURE FRAMES. We are having a special sale on "close out" picture frames. Bargains New car load of goods com ing at special low prices. . ERRIC BOTH PHONES UNDERTAKING SFF HAND MADE Spring Wagons Let us build you one. We put nothing but the very best material and workmanship in them. The price is right. FARMERS, Bring in your tools and implements to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. aTetice. Notice is hsrabj ctaea that Joha Rudolph rwlnjalnaoaea will mato appUcatkm to thedia- trioteoaitot Platte eoasty for aa order chaa iacaia aaiaime LatjetaaeheB. to the aaraaBae fiiwrhew. Said appltoatioa will be beard before aid ooart October Sth. 1908, aad the prayer of aid aetitiom will be that the applicsat'a same be by order of eoaiteaaaaed to read aa Joha Ra dolpb Laaoaea. JOHN BUDOLPH LUTJELU8CHEN. ' Petitioner. Dated tMalfedaT of ffeotraber, MSB. St ED LUESCHEN. Ed Lueschen, the republican can didate fix representative from this county can be descrioed best as a plain, ffogrennve, honest German mrmer. He is a man who reads and Bderstands the questions that con front the tax-payer He is a repuVi- he believes that the re- the aaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaan OTHER EDITORS. people, oaa not my so maoh for self. Once on n time a New York alder maalo oandidato want into a Bowsry saloon aad "set 'am up to the crowd. "Is there any opposition tomeiathislooalit7,"he asked the It happened that the bar himself in opposition. "Sea here,'- he shouted to the orowd, "tele fallow ia onlilng this a low oality. Lets drive him out aad let him hunt a hiffh-oality for his votes." And the candidate had to ma for hia life. Was the bartender a The Original. Foley Co., Oaioaao, originated Honey nnd Bar ia a throat and Inns remedy, nnd en account of the great merit aad poaplarity of Foley's Honey nnd Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worth leas imitations have similar sounding names Beware of them. The genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar ia ia n yellow paokage. Ask for it and re fuse any substitute, it ia the remedy for coughs and u. Various other dentitions aad Ulna rations oaa be found. There ia the politioinn who contracts to deliver to the "pse-pal" goods Genoa Timsa; Edward Msggi, at one tune prominsnt in politics in this eon ajmuioBsl district, has aaaounced that aewiUtsktlmatampfor8hetdoB. He has always been n democrat, hut when Barge was tamed dowaby Thomaaoa, Howard, Hitchcock aad Graves, be de eliaed to baled into the railway camp. Btxbyia State Journal: Ashtoa O. iadeutiied with the iateresta of the conn try; ho iaia natural sympathy and ac cord with the mesas by whioh preda tory wealth reaches oat aad tana the Ibnntamaef mdastry aad gets safely away with most of it. He is n etaad pattar aa to bemg eatirely eatiefed with the methods whereby the rieh grow richer aad the poor, poorer. H he is eutof harmoay with corporate wealth aad the way it ia maltaaaed, he fcv only poraruy. His voice amy he" the of the great common people bat lag a oae oeet a-aule railroad knowing that this to impossible. James O. Blaine used to tell a story of Thomas Oorwin when he waa a candlaate ia Kentucky against an Ig. sho waa aa excellent left neldler. The stamped the district wUspeaklag, hia by the tve seaat Oorwin was ia straits. Oae nay aa the Mdler to play before a large ratal Oorwin stopped him nnd the Bwopleisaid: "In the eity wl we wen yesterday thia man did the psopls the courtesy to amy with hia right haad. I demand that there be no dieorlmiaation agaiast this try naiiaaos aad that he play aim with his right hand." Tb dtonos agreed and iaaistsg. The id dler, being name! to play with hia band, but being without wit to right, was art at BtTRUNGTON BULLETIN... September, 1906. It will pay to con sult this BulkMin. To New England and Canada: Daily low excursion rates darisg September to Canada, and on September 5 and 19 to New England resorts. Cheap one-way to Pacific Oosst: Cheap Colonists rates, daily to Saa Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Taooma and other eoast terri tory August 27 to October 31, also ehesp oneway to Montana, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Utah and Western Colora do Ssptembsr 15 to October 31. To California, Portland and Paget Sound: R -and trip September 3 to 14, tSOtOv to California; one-way via Paget Sound, fG2 50. Last chance this sum mer. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pue blo: One fare round trip, maximum excursion rate $15.00 from Nebraska September1 19th to 22nd inclusive. To the East aad Soath: Cheap ex euraioaa to various destinations during September. Homesssfcers' Excursions: Frequent ly each month to Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, Big Horn Basin, dry land faming destinations or irrigated ICotnty Judges Oftee Msvei I wish to call attention to all parties having business to transact in my omoe, that I am now located ia the basement of the German National Bask. I invite the tax payers of Platte County, to call at my omoe, to inspect the fire proof vault, for the files and records of this Court. Respectfully yours, Joan Rattkrxan, County Judge. A oolde taken at this time of the year to generally hard to get rid of bat it will not be able to Bee's Laxative Honey nnd Tar. will cure all oolds, coughs croup. whooping cough, etc., by driving them out through the bowels. If you have n oold try it nnd if not cured get yoar ssoasy back. No onlatss. Sold by 90th Century Drug Store. Pmtte Oanter, Neb. Now. is the time to look oat for yoai winter supply of coaL We have a large sapply of hard, soft sad f uraaee coal oa band. mtwxAX& waxen. Wo keep only the Latest sad BEST in Btfs&CaUTiagfs -All glass of ..Farm IsiplfRieits.. nah.Our Horseshoes stick and doat lame yoar horse try 'em LOUIS SCHREIBER. Lew One Way Rates Every day from September 15th. to October 31st, 1900, inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one-way-tickets he follows: 320.Q0 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20 00 to Helena and Bntte, Montana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatcbee, Washington. $22.50 to nuntington and Nampa, Idaho. $25 00 to Portland, Tacoraa anil Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and' Victoria. 1 1$25.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon via Portland. $25 00 'to San Francisco, Los Angelee and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon, Washington. Montana, Utah, and Llttbo points. Through Tourist cars run every day via Union Pacific to the Pacific coaot. For fall information call on or address : W. H. Benham. Agent. R W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law 10 and 11 New Columbus State Bank Building. C. N. McELFBESH Attormey - at - Law 7-j B'Mg, Columbus. Neb. JIM'S PLACE I earry the best of everything ia my Uae. The drinking pub lie ia iavited to eome ia aad set for TO REPUBLICANS: We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch, aad work ing in harmony with the Republican National Congressional Committee in f avor of the clectiosi of a Reptdnscaji Congress. The Congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's personality must be a central figure and his achievements a central thought in the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscrip tions of Oae Dollar each front Repub licans. To each subscriber we will send the Republican National Cam paign Text Book and all documents issued by the Committee. Help us achieve a great victory. Jains S. Shxxmak, Chairman. P. O. Box ao63, New York FOLEY'S i an- Free Kiakaid Lands: Write D. Clem Denver, Agent Bariington's Homesssk ers Iaforniation Bureau at 100ft Faa aamSt, Omaha, about getting hold of a free section of Kinksid lands sow be ing restored to the public domain. Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent from time to time and see what one-way aad round trip rates be has available for yoar immediate purpose. L. F. 1ICI01, AgeatC.a&Q. By. Ii. W. WAKELET, G. P. A.. Painting Time Is -bound to come around once in a while. Even the best paint will wear off in time. But painting time will come around least often if, when you paint, you use A Collier. RedSedorS3tiieni Pure White Lead nf Twelfth Street No. lib Dr. C. A. Swanaon Veterinarian Inflnaary at Browner Barn, 13th Street. lad. Faon ns. Ball Psoas 7. HONEY CURE kftaeOM mized with Pure Linseed Oil. It is the accepted standard paint. Looks best, lasts longest, and costs least in the long run. FRESH That is the only kind of goods you can ind at the NEW GROCERY B. It. tiKSTEIt wast WHJ.CUHEYOJ of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that ia not beyond the reach of medi cine. Tains it at once. Do not risk hawing Bright' Dis ease or Diabetes. There ia nothing gained by delay. . and $!. Bottle). Sold by Chas. H. Dack. C. J. GARLOW Attorney - at - La w COLUMSU8. NEBK Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Plne-ules upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. aWaj-fThsmiMrlsilihamaaftae " tilsillsmnm mntfta Man hatn hssn anumnTast ay the mamaal ana. alaf una twtuss af tne awhwo fans nmS ameffsulasinnnmmagaa "" Dfaaw atJ HiiiarTrimllai ntMJLB MEDtciNS co, cmcium muttitjiniUKirHku sF V Is tm ... V9hfcm n ay oaa rerv id ;rBtify J&$$Z&'isi -. - l-lH wvi5jwj? "- '"V-wV-V- -V , cr..v "-k iw