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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1906)
KiUUf ! H-WMIKll LUL .U &. S?s je-jF j. . tr- liiV-ji K'l -WVT1 ' . ... PIWPPI"' 'UJP er w---wi&a-?ipp-5g .?, : -ts $ --s . r ' ( H v r -.-. -- W'K" a c. - H'3 m -iU, . JtftW--4Mfr '-.l: r t?C N. & rj - 3 sav" ' "nn. - " ConoUdated with the Oolumbu Times April 1, 1904; withftle Platte R2b COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, SEI Ocranty Argus January 1, 1906. '" o j i VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1906. WHOLE NUMBER 1,817. 4?1- Wir" '" '" ' w- "" ' --- lWJJ'llfaiWlilllUrJMgUyiM-L- -v i , . maamsaf ' -am J snaV 'Tsaaw m W7M - T- - s m MIMM mxLXvm. namsssBsaBas' . 4' R. l ' & are not always heeded when given. When we tell you that a bank draft ia cheaper than a money order, we believe that you will be wise and save the difference in cost when sending money by mail. Adraftisjast as safe and more convenient. Celumbu State Bank! OOLUMBUS MARKETS. Potatoes, new y bu 35 Batter- 1. 16 to 18 Egim dosen. 1? Springs 8 Hens....; 7 Roosters 3 Hogs 5-80 Iamlt ' E-'itor Journal: The following communication having been denied admission to the columns of the Telegram. I ask you to print it in the Journal: Editor Telegrem. Pear Sir: In your issue of the 7th inst, describ ing the Hon. W. J. Bryan's reception in New York city, there is such a gross austatement or facts, that in the writer's opinion, the mutter ought to be rectified and the truth stated in plain English to the readers of your valuable paper. Refctrring to the riles of the New York custom house regulating the in spection of imported goods you make ' the following statement: "So suspi cious is your Uncle Sam that he com mands that every American woman coming home from abroad shall be care fully searched, even down to her stock ings, for concealed laces, silks, gloves, diamonds and other dutiable goods. What a buss slander of Uncle Sam by an American citizen, when it is admitted even in foreign countries in the matter of custom house rules and regulations Uncle Samis the least suspicious and the most generous of-alL. The fact of the matter is that only in rare and exceptional cases, when the custom officers have good reason to sus pect a lady of being an expert smuggler is she compelled to undress in the pres ence of a lady attendant and have her wearing apparel searched. In the name of fairness and justice to Uncle Sam and every man in this great country of oars let us have the truth, and surely after the dire predictions of ' the great W. J. Bryan that did not ma terialize, democracy is sadly in need of being square and truthful in politics. Respectfully, Albert Stenger. Dr. Lucschen, Threat Specialist... Glasses fitted according to latest scientific methods of "New York hospitals. Pcmamtlj located i" Golmbis. Why not Smoke flTTHE "GALLiGHER SIOKE HOUSE55 Opposite of U. P. Depot Only the best grades and Leading brands sold. Have yon tried the famous Nicaragua, New York Specials and the Pathfinder. Call and let us 'con . vince you. Tom Dress and Joe Apgar of Wood ville were in this city Saturday ntui ing from western Nebraska where Mr. Drees bocght some land. There will be communion service in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath at 11 o'clock. All members are request ed to be present. The usual service in the evening. The pews are free to all. Mrs. John Schram, of Seattle, accom panied by the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schram of Ballard, Wash arrived in this city last week for a brief visit with Mrs. J. P. Becker and other relatives. Spontaneous combustion started a fire in Fred Gottechalk's new bouse last Wednesday which did some peculiar stunts. It burned a round hole through a step of the stairs and died out with out igniting a quantity of shavings which were just under the step. One of the painters who had worked in the house the day before had left some waste cloth in his overalls pocket and had thrown the overalls down on the stair way. Sometime during the night it is supposed that the waste cloth was ig nited by spontaneous combustion. The overalls were all destroyed except the suspenders. "You are not dead yet, because your chin is warm." This was the language of the half-drunk stranger who picked up J. Wagner of Belwood last week, after the latter had been run over by a team and wagon and suffered three broken ribs and many bruises on his face and body. And, indeed it looked for a while as if Wagner was fatally injured. It is not known how he hap pened to get under the feet of the pass ing team. He was taken to St. Mary's hospital where his fractures were re duced and his bruises treated. Mr. Wagner, who is an insurance agent at Belwood, was taken home Monday. W. II. Swartsley, the well-known Platte county poultry man was judge of the poultry department of the Madison county fair last week. Mr. Swartsley spoke in highest terms of the exhibit at Madison but says that the heavy rains almost ruined the fair from a financial standpoint. He also said that Mm. Luther North, who had some Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds in the exhibition won the lion's share of the prizes. Mr. Swartsley says that a good many entries will be made at the Boone county fair at Albion this week by Platte county poultry raisers and that be anticipates a '"'large 'attendance' at Albion from Columbus. Owing to the anxiety of the incoming students at the Creighton Dental col- M6?0 to Ket to work, the infirmary at that institution will le opened Monday morning, with free attention for all who apply. Secretary Condon of Humphrey arrived in the city and Friday and im mediately took charge of the affairs un der Dean Ryan, and the school will open on October 1. A meeting of the faculty was held as soon as Dr. Condon arrived and it was decided to open up the infirmary at once. The roll of stu dents at the college is double what it was at the opening last year, and the success of the school is considered to be phenomenal by Dr. Condon and the faculty. Omaha World-Herald. The young people of the Presbyterian church were entertained by the mem bers of the Christian Endeavor society last Friday evening at the home of Dr. E. H. Nanman, A short entertaining program was given. Among other things, much merriment was occacioned by the discovery of four of our promi nent and professional men. Dr. Luesch en, Attorney McElfresh, Dr. Campbell Carl Becker, each holding a fluffy white apron and holding a pan ef potatoes, ready to begin to pare at a given moment. The purpose of the contest was to see which young man could do the neatest work in the shortest time. They were stimulated to do their best by an excited and admiring audience of young ladies. The palm of merit was gracefully won by Mr. MoElfresh and justly awarded by competent judges composed of married ladies. Miss Olga Rasmussen carried off the honors in a guessing game entitled, A Romance in Song." Candy was served during the evening. All present expressed them selves as having an enjoyable.time. Deaumd Crtttsj Infply. People who want to improve the theatre should go to the theatre. The demand creates the supply, but no amount of supply will create a demand. There will be good plays and bad plsys according to the audiences attending. The play should teach the ethics of life by example. It can and it does. It appeals to better instincts and husbands our endangered ideals. The cry today is that the play is not what it should be. Just how great it shall be rests primarjly with the public that can come or stay away. If it allows the stage to be ruled by the vulgar and the licentious it will get that kind of plays. There's no need to say much about "Monte Cristo" which comes to the North Opera house, October 22. The Dumas play has been before the pablic for over seventy years. Its admirers will flock to the theatre just as they have always done in the past. And with good rea son, for "Monte Cruto" -is one of the "bully" good plays. It comes with a sterling good actor in the tkle role. Eugene Moore aasuaMS the part which 4 he ia said to do STceUsaUy. B. P. S. Barn and Roof Paint For moderate outlay, will wonderfully improve the appearance of your Barns, Fences, Out-Buildings, Brick and Iron Surfaces. Protect from decay and in crease their value. Ask for color card.' 6has. H. Dack -.Druggist. Mrs. W. N. Hensley gave a Kensing ton last Saturday afternoon in honor of Mies Nell Evans. Hiss KelM'sMilliaery Open ing, Tharsiay, Sept. 27. Haste from 7:30 For high prices, light shrink and quick returns ship your stock to George Burke Co. South Omaha, Neb. See the great production of "Romeo and Juliet" Friday night, September 28, as presented by the Sanford Dodge Co. Miss Lillian Ernst returned home altera three weeks visit with Leach at Lincoln. Miss Leach was the guest of Miss Ernst here for several weeks last month. Ed Williams of Monroe returned last week from a fonr month's trip to Europe. Mr. Williams was delighted with his visit, but he expressed himself as being glad to return to, his Nebraska home. O. D. Vicent, a well known farmer and stockman of St. Edward called at the Journal office yesterday on his way from' North Dakota where he bought several thousand acres of land three years ago. Mr. Vincent has just sold his Boone county land and will invest more in North Dakota. Land which Mr. Vincent paidVTan acre for three years ago he is refusing $13 an acre for today. Mr. Vincent managed the big Brainard ranch west of St. Edward when he first came to the state. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Woodville returned Tuesday from a three weeks eastern trip. They visited Niagara Falls and went down the St. Lawrence to Quebeo and Toronto. Mr. Clark gave the Journal a very vivid descrip tion of their trip. They enjoyed espe cially their trip through The Thousand Islands in the mouth of the St. Lawr ence where every habitable island is made the summer home of one or more wealthy people and they were impressed by the Pilgrimage to St. Anne, from Quebec, where ten thousand thrown away crutches mark the cure of the thousands who have gone to the shrine of St. Anne and departed free from disease. Mr. Clark was especially in terested in the methods of agriculture whioh he found in vogue near Quebec. The land, originally owned by the old French families has descended from father to son, being divided and sub divided until the farms in many in stances are narrow strips of land run ning back from the rivers, the river frontage being made the basis of divi sion. On these small narrow strips of land Mr. Clark was surprised to see the primitive methods of farming practioed by our grandfathers. He saw women cutting grain with scythe and cradle and instead of the up-to-date steam thresher ofNebrasks ha saw the little separator run by the one-horse tread mill. Mr. and Mm. Clark return with greater faith than ever in Nebraska. During their absence they visited the old home of Mr. darks mother at Coopers town, N.Y. Mr. Clark's mother was a niece of the great novelist, J. Fenimor, Cooper, whose Indian stories will de light the children of. all future LOW PRICES ON LOW SHOES' All $3.50 low shoes now $3.00 All $2150 low shoes now $2.00 All $2.00 low shoes now $1.75 All $1.75 low shoes now $1.50 These mre all New, Snappy Late Styles. 4 We are also making a still greater reduction on all tan shoes and oxfords COLUMBUS, Bora to Mr. and Saturday, a son. Mr. and Mm. H. B. BebiaaoareUraed from Omaha Saturday night. Jay Hastings and George Diauok of Osceola spsat a day hare last week. Miss Petoet Martja left Monday ,for Omaha for a visit of tea days with Mm. Hulst. . . Mrs. George Hulst of Omaha arrived hare Saturday for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. D. T. Martyn. Ei nest Bonner who had his left am broken a couple of. weeks ago, still carries the arm in a sling. Magnificent stage settings, elaborate scenery ana costumes are features with the big city production of "Romeo aad Juliet September J8. Hiss Kelsw's Millinery Open ing, Tharsday, Sent. 27. Mnsie from 7:30 1 9 p. m. Mrs. Helen West, mother of Mrs. Homer Robinson who has been visiting in Columbus the past week returned to her home in Clarka Tuesday. Albert Ryan who sold out at Osceola was here during the past week! He has landed interests in Greeley county and other parts of the state. F. T. Walker returned last Saturday from a trip to Bird City, Kail, where he his Sam and Merv Elaton employed building barns on several of his farms. A car of merchandise was scattered about the tracks ia the Union Pacific yards last Friday morning as the result of a small oolusioa. The car was also splintered. Governor J. H. Mickey was here on Friday. The Governor had been over to Norfolk as a witness in the Norfolk Insane Asylum examination, before the grand jury Liveryman Custer of Shelby bought out the livery business of Louis Btun ken on South 11th steeet, and will take possession at once. The Journal has not learned Mr. Brunken's future plans. The mails have been late the past week on account of the floods at other places. There have been no floods here, neither as much rain as at other places around us. . The precipitation here for the past ten days has been 3.5 inches. Miss Nell Evans left Monday for Washington, D. C where she will' enter the National Park Seminary, a school for girls. She wis accompanied by her mother. Mm. . CpJEvans who will visit friends in Chicago and New York for ten days before her return. Dr. Doming of Chicago, who spent several weeks here last snmmer with his old college classmate, Dr. D. T. Martyn, died very suddenly last Satur day night while he was making a pro fessional calL Dr. Martyn left Monday for Chicago to attend the funeral. Special services were held at Grace church last Sunday. In the morning a harvest home was held for the benefit of Olarkson hospital of Omaha and, in the afternoon the Sunday School gave a flower service and the flowers were sent to St. Mary's hospital in this city. Mr. and Mm. Alfred Hood or 216 Third St. announce the engagement of their daughter Rose Elizabeth to George Louis Swartsley of Bloomington, III, The wedding will take place in October. Miss Hood is a bright young woman who has a large circle of acquaintances. Mr. Swartsley is a salesman for the National Biscuit Co. Fort Wayne In dependent. P. E. MoKillip received a telegram Wednesday afternoon advising him of the death of Edward Ryan, father of Mert Ryan in Los Angeles, at 11 o'clock in the morning of the same day. Mr. Ryan's death was a great surprise to his friends and relatives here, it not being known that he was very ilL The caase of his death, we understand, was from a stroke of paralysis. Few people are compelled to endure the sorrow which has come toMm. Ryan during the past two years. During those two years her two sons and only children Charley and Mert died, and now hardly before the dirt on Mert's grave has had time to settle, Mr. Byan ie also called to the great beyond. Mrs. Ryan has oertaialy a sorrowful lot aad her many friends in Humphrey and Platte county sympa thize with her. Humphrey Demoorat. NtfeTettka A lot of people 8bould wear glasses who don't That's a safe statement to make. 0 Our experience has been that people do not give the first signs of coming 2e troubles the prompt attention sy should. They seem to put the matter off as long as possible, and it ient the right way to do, not by any means. We are always ready to attend to the examination of your eyes, and as the service is absolutely FREE, there can be no real reason for delay. Call any time that is convenient. Ed. J. Niewohner Jeweler and Optician Mm. O. T. Roen has been seriously ill during the last week. Stires Millinery Opening. Thursday and Friday of this week. Romeo and Juliet, September 28, by Sanford Dodge and his talented com pany. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fix, seven miles north of Columbus Septem ber 18, a daughter. Hiss Kelso's Millinery Open ing, Tharsday, Sept. 27. Music front 7:30 to 9 p.m. Charles Stillman of Lead, S. D, sailed on friends in this city last week. He was on his way to San Diego, Cali., to visit his mother. Joseph Gleaner, of southeast of town was a caller at the World-office Monday and when questioned regarding the pro posed new railroad through the central part of the county, said that a party of surveyors were working on bis land that day. which is about eight miles south-; tmA of town. There are thirteen or. fourteen men in the party. They are going west at the rate of about two miles per day. The object of this sur vey seems to be to straighten the pre liminary survey as much as possible The stakes that they are placing now are not grade stakes. The nearest point to Leigh from this survey is about ' five and a half miles. It crosses the south road from town at Dasenbrock's farm. Leigh World. TbeTilden Citizen last week made the following comment on the proposed partnership of Dr. Paul and Dr. Matzen mentioned in last weeks Journal: "Dr. Matzen has made arrangements to enter into a copartnership with. Dr. J. E. Paul a life-long friend, for the practice of dentistry at Columbus. Dr. Matzen came to Tilden in June 1901 and, being provided with a first class equipment, soon secured a profitable connection He soon demonstrated his professional ability and a highly satisfied clientele brought him constantly increasing busi ness. His genial and courteous person ality made him a host of friends outside his patients, and when he determined to leave lilden for Norfolk nearly two yean ago, general regret was expressed throughout this community." Patrick Regan whooe serious illness the Signal mentioned last week, died at his home near Madison, about ten o'clock Wednesday morning The fu neral was held this, Friday, morning at Madison. Deceased felt the first symp toms of the disease, locomotor ataxia, which terminated his life, last fall, and from since early in the spring he has been confined to his bed. He was 67 years of age. Mr. Regan was born in Ireland and came to the United States in 1863. In 1871 he came to Nebraska with his brother Dennis, from Illinois, and settled on a homestead a short dis tance northeast of Platte Center. He lived in that vicinity until two years ago last spring, when he purchased a farm near Madison. His immediate family consisted of a wife, two sons,-one daughter and a brother. Platte Center Signal. Platte Center has had a 'Modern Woodman lodge for several years. But of late interest in it had waned and but little was heard of it until a couple of weeks sgo when Deputy W. C. James, of Norfolk came here and began to work up and interest and list new applicints for membership. The result of his efforts was manifested last Saturday evening when twenty new members were.iaitiated. The working team of the. Monroe lodge was here and did the work, which consumed nearly the whole night. A number 'of visiting members from.Colambus and Monroe were pres ent. A substantial supper was served at the Clotaer hotel. There were sever al other applicants for admission, but their esses could not be attended to be saase ot lack of time. They will be ac comodated at another time. Platte Center Signal 5 S2 " P 9 Jf (From files of Journal, June 19, 1873.) Two individuals in Colfax county have been threatened with the lynch law, for "jumping" claims. The first new potatoes of the season come from Abel Coffey. Charlie Miller has opened a confec tionary store on 11th street. One of the citizens of oar town has kept track ot the emigrant wagons that has passed his window on 11th street since June 8th, and has tallied thirty eight. And he has not seen all that have passed through town, either. Roll of honor, district No. 13. Serena Olson, Eva Coffey, Lillie Smith, Charles Compton, Lohn Coffay and Hugh Comp ton. Mary Lawrence teacher. - Married, on the 17th, by Judge J. G. Higgins, Benjamin Marshall and Miss Sarah J.Pureell, both of York county. On the morning of Jnne llth the office ot the Omaha Bee was buratod down, supposed to be the work of an incendiary. ' - The Congressional college is to be lo cated at Crete. . The endowment con sists of 700 acres of land adjoining the town, 50 lots in Crete, the Academy building and the block on which it stands, besides a cash subscription of $8,000. (From files of Journal June 26, 1872.) Guy Barnum has wheat standing five and a half feet high, on his farm south of town. Judge Higgins performed a marriage ceremony at the Clother hotel the 18th, when Cyrus Riohmond and Sarah Jar min both of Polk county were united in nrirriage. . On the 27th, Rev. Elliott joined in marriage. Albert Rose of Omaha aad Miss Emily Redfield of the Pawnee Re servation. Last Wednesday evening a portion of our county was visited by a destructive hail storm which wrs accompanied by a high wind, and in the track of greatest destruction, by a fearful whirlwind. The storm came ft-om the southeast, leaving Columbus, as it were, between the prongs of a fork, one part of the storm going south, and one north along the Shell Creek valley. John Early's place seems to have been at the junc tion of the hail 'prongs. ' It is a singular fact that the same localities have been visited by similar storms for several years in succession. Last year Mr. Early's crops were partially destroyed by hail, and three years out of four, his crops have been wholly or partially destroyed. The storm Wednesday damaged crops and buildings on the farms of the following named persons south and west of town: Wright, P. H. Kelley, Hendrick, Chapin, Scbaeffer. Robinson, Stevenson! Clark, Dietriohs, Grant, Mayberger, Routson, Lent, Kin nie and Pinsen. Last Thursday a match game ot base ball between the "Shoo Flies" of Co lumbus and the "Jack Rabbits" of Schuyler drew many to our city. At the end of the ninth inning the score stood 64 to 37 in favor of the Columbus boys- The game lasted three hours. George Turner umpired. Mr. -Finaie scored- for the Rabbits and William Rott for the Flies. Ex. Gov. David Butler and Senator Tipton will address Lincoln attizens in favor of Greeley and Brown. To Organize Caauisreial CmV A meeting of men of Columbus aad surrounding territory will be held at the council chamber in this city on Tuesday nighi, October 10, for the pur pose of organizing a Commercial dab. Farmers in the territory tributary to Columbus as well as business men are requested to take note of the date. Come out and push for Columbus. Superristr CsavsaUsa. The republican electors of supervisors districts 6 and 7. are hereby requested to meet in mass convention in the city council chamber at Columbus, Nebraska, on Monday October 1st, 1908 at 2o'oclockp. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination one candidate for said districts, and for the transac tion of any other business which may properly come before the convention. By order of the committee. Clinton C Gray, Chairman. Farms far Salt. Improved farms for sale, Platte and Boone counties. First National Bank. leties Far Pmslwatinn. Lawl office at Lincoln. Net, Aagnat 22, 190S. Notice ia hereby siren that the following named settler has filed notice of hie iatratioa to make final proof ia rapport of hie claim, aad that said proof will be made before C. M. Uraea ther. Clerk of District Coart, at Colambaa. Neb. on Oct. 6,-1908, via: Alria Bom. H. E. -No. 1728S for tbe aefc 8ec 38, T. 17 a. K. S w. 6 p. He aaaies the followian witnesses to prore his cohlinnoas residence upon and coltiTatioB of said land Tix: Fred Meeil'e, of' Daacaa. Neb.; tThris BoaS. of Duncan, Neb.; Frank Dicknrson. of Daacaa. Neb.; Frank Boas, of Daacaa, Neb. Any person who deMics to Bfot at agaiast the allowance of saca proof, or- who knows of any eabstaatial reason, aader the law and ib regmls tions of the Interior Departmeat, whj each proof should not be allowed, will biriTea aa oppor. taaity at theaboTe mentioned time aad place to cross examine the witnesses ef said Mto ofer evidence ia nbattal ef mitted by claimant. CbsslF. ' flHLaLl ' ' ' Lmamaa naaaaaTnaaamananaanaannnV BnanananananananH for M A GOOD FOUNDATION iabasiaess requires some cash aad the prudent expenditure of Jime and talent. Yoa add atoremoaey to what yoa have through good banking connections. Ac commodations are required aad we great them. Advice is as 'eatery aad wa give ii. For ,etting on in the world ear hank is a great help. .We'd like y oar account. Give it to as. The Fires NatlMal Bank Becker, Hockenberger 4b Chambers, Real Estate Agents, report the follow ing real estate traasf era Sled for record in the office of the County Clerk dariag the week ending September 82, IMS. - William Kaefer to Anna Sat, It 8, blk 260. Columbus, Neb. $ Kath. Hecker to Mattie aad Katie Hecker, It 3 and 4, blk 110, Columbus Union Land Co. to John Po droa, It 14, blk 6, Tarnov, wd Union Land Co. to John Podro- M 1.00 5H00 za, It 11, blk 6, Tarnov, wd. 66.00 Hugh Hughes to Vine Lane, It 7, blk 6, Highland Park, Col. 13000 Marion Roen to N. . West brook, It 11, blk 10. Highland Park 50.00 H. J. Hill to F. B. Kelley, It 3, bile D, Monroe 130.00 Wm. Webster Adas, to J. B. Fellers, It 13, 14 and 15, blk B, Monroe 335.00 L. OL Draper to M. A. Stevenson Undi It land 2, blk 85. CoL JskUU i 5000,00 A. Paprocki, Br., to A. Paprocki. jr., se ne of 15-19-2 w qcdf . . . . Ida McCone to J. B. Fellers It 13, 14 and 15, blk B, Monroe, qcd . l.Oo 1.00 Mary Korta to B. Brozovsky, It -7 all blkrlS, Hope add,Liad "say 1450.10 C. & Watts to Kelly-Potter Mere Co., It 6, blk D.Monroe 9 235.00 W. Soawarz et al to M. C. Stevesoa, It 2, blk 98, Colam- bus 1500.00 L. Everitt to R. P. Bodmer, s s of 36-18 2 w., wd 6100.00 M. Krzycki et al to M. Dura siaski. It 3 and 4, sec 27-17-1 1.00 George Durasinski to M. Dura sinski It 3 and 4, section 37-17-1 w : 1.00 M. Duransinslri to J. Darssia skj It 3 and 4 sec 26-17-1 w 3000.00 Rose Burke to Anna L. Archer It 1 aad 2 blk 166, Colambaa , 2300.00 AlbKozato Cfaas. Jareeki, It ' 11, blk 13, Duncan 31.00 a A. Speiee to Hy Weuwflak, It 2 blk 2G, Columbus 25.00 H. 8. Elliott to Hy Weiswfluk It 5,6,7 aad 8 blk 269, Co- lumbus.... 9P.00 T.F.Stevens to Frank Hagh et al It 21 to 35. blk 5, Cres ton 3300.00 F. J. Ottis to Thorn. Ottis, ae of 11-302 w -. 11200.00 N. J. Steffea to P. E. MoKillip, se nw of 20-19-3 w wd 3000.00 Harry E. Lamb to G. W. Lame. Und inav ot 25-19.3 w 250040 G. W. Phlllipps to Clara A. Palmer, It 3 blk 2, Phillips add, Col 125.00 Caroline Speiee to F. E. Mat thews, It 3 blk 149, Columbus loOO.OO R. J. Taylor to W. E. Cole, w wd 5520.00 W. E. Cole to H. S. Elliott, w nw of 6-17-2 wwd 828000 Hy Weisenfluoh to C. A. Spake It 4 blk 213, Col., qcd 1.00 C. A. 8peice to Hy Hsrebenhaa lt5blk212,Colambns 360.00 TaaaV-Mlaa Clismtt xnrtbar ingja man a genteel appearance than any othar one thing. If vour clothes are made by Lmstrum they're right in every particular.There ma'distme trre difference between the tailored suits aad th radjmadr To wear one of oar nuts is to aasjredata the OXK CrlUKIMpl m yiMsaamaaanssaai snaamaH'-S'ISnnmV u 5 - - -J4321 , MX j. 1 - 1 -SS r r: i ; -a ,vs..r.i-' w jvu-2Uf,.t vT ?c-A.y.-4-;t,?1Ji r-rr-- gw.saag6arc S -1 ,.'' - V -. .. ,V- ..yri -TfrS.? 'lJXi I'f ' r. ju t.M ; W ." 3S ' W&r .. viV VrfAV JtT d&r