The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 19, 1906, Image 5
r-H?&5 TT? s vJVi 7 a, L ' w .?! M E -v. J" ' jCI . .3 i f PBEStN AL ui FEETIM IHT VVf -THE UP STAIRS STUDIO- Bart tii Photography HENRY mm a GOWUIY CMCEMES, CMNKUr; LAWS AH HJtSSWAhT 4. Dr. Amu, - nWaWawaWnmWi TawaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV- . anBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB v anBBBBBBBBar eaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV 'bbbbbbbbbbbbi VWV SSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs SSaBBBBBBBBBBBBr aBBBawSSaBBBBBBBBBBBnw IH bbbbbbbbbbb ft eBBBBBBBBswl HIV 0-AtSEE STORES .' Y 4 v-. ' 3Dx3T G-oocLs Dep'l FALL OPENING SALE! Ugm Friday, Sept. 21; Ends Sitiriiy, Sept, 29. Of Dry (Joods, Notions, Millinery, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Hosiery,' Underwear, Ladies' Suits, Cloaks, China and Glass Ware, Hardware, Groceries, Men's Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Etc. This fall we have bought larger stocks for every de partment and can assnre you the largest, most desirable &nd up to date merchandise in this part of the state from which to make your fall purchases. Yew Earir taptcfiM tf ear Stock is Ctttfally hiRstf the Or. MMk Ossata'a f il far freak Fill Millinery Opening Friday & Saturday, Sept. 21 and 22.. ii Here's the department near est to the affections of every woman, and with full knowl edge that it is to play an im portant part in the opening, every eff ort has been put forth to collect for the inspection of the ladies of Columbus and vi cinity the very choicest of the Season's daintiest and highest class productions everything that fashion approves and pop ularity demands. Your pres ence at this opening is desired. SfH flHrv .btBbw. mwK9' bbbbbbbbbw MWwi v . V 1 1 - ' -"-V ""tP Now is the Time.. To look over our long line of Hard Coal Burners and make your selection before the line is broken. We will hold and put up the stove of your selection any date that you may wish. iiBj S.l r tK M a mlL " am if PENINSULA BASE BURNERS The stove that saves you money in fuel is the kind for you to buy. The stove that produces the greatest heat from the least fuel is the one that saves you money. The PENINSULA Hue of Base Burners do both. When you burn a pound of coal you generate a certain' fixed quantity of heat. The stove that retains this heat the longest by making it travel over the greatest amount of radiating surface, is the heater that has the greatest beating ability. Price $30.00 mnd up. k vhIB mmmmm umBmmm mmmT mmmm ia th Jowaal for idr IU. 8clil BmnMrn at 8aw'a B k Store. Qf Hil wtah nprirlM J UA 8. Jtwalar. - tf Gray's Hilltaery Opeaiig this week. Supt. Stomas wrt to LimoIb Moa day ombmxaaam. Trir to afroftdaUTTj at OMriB'a mmtkH. WANTED-AJoad of oob. Fhoa 161 W.H.Kia Or. a A. AOmhmrfr, iaaaw 8taM Baak bmtUUaff. v Trfm Journal "mtrntwi It yom hare aaytaiajr to bay or aalL Reek Sprivgs slack fer threshing at P.D. SaiithCe. Doa't forgtt taa aaailwan aoaraair offer to paid ia advaaoa oaaaorikara. Wanted Gir) for gaaaral aoaatwork, nowaakuff. E. B. Saenaaa, 1808 P. Sf A Iwadanaio aaaTaalr worth fiOeaati atattoaU aaid ia advaaoa Joaraal aaioriaMn. WAT UP MMd by all who dorira a Am qaality of aataat Soar. Taa Oo- lambaa roUar aulla aurw it. Gray's HilliaeryOpening Fri day aai Sataray ef this week. Den'tfallteatteri. OBIBSFOB8AUE:-W aava the Oawaa Elevator ertae for aale. Ia liat olaai coaditloa. Hewaaa ft Weloa. InvitatiobB have beea issaed for the marriage of Mr. Harry Hinmaa, who ia well known in Oolambaa, to Miaa Zola Maude Londy of Loup City, September 19th. Mr. aad Mia Albert Becker returned last Saturday from their wedding trip toOkieago. Their beaatifnl new reai denoe on west Thirteenth street will soon be roady for oeeapaney. At the party given by lire. J. B. Geitzen aad Mrs. F. A. Roberta last week, Mm. Baeehe and Mia, Brugger won the favor, silver epooaa, Mrs. Roefhe at euchre and Mrs. Bragger at flinch. F.T. Walker added aaotber braseh real estate office to hie last week at Bird City, Karn Mr. Walker had al ready established branch offices at Cambridge in Furnas county, at India nola in Red Willow county and at Wan nets in Chase county. byte Gregory, well knows here, was murdered at Denver, May 15. 1904. and it appeared to be impossible to find a clue to the assawnin. Gregory was a detective employed by the mine owners. Last Saturday, Steve Adasas, a witness in the Steunesberg case, was arrested for the crime, but is not known what the evidence against him is. Silver Creek Sand. Every friend of the Colambas schools is proud of the sbowisg made by Co lumbus in the educational exhibit at the state fair. Out of six entries, Columbus is credited with five first prizes sad one second. The first prises were won in manual training, olay-modelling, draw ing and individual water colors. The second prize was awarded Columbus on collective exhibit of water colors. The individual water color prises were won by Rose Leavy and Mabel Pueschel. This is a most excellent record sad it reflects credit to the teachers in oar city schools from Sapt. Sherman down. Charles Wurdemaa recently complet ed a echool house in the Jenny district sear Leigh which will probably become s model for other school districts ia this part of Nebraska. In the f root are two vestibules, one for girls and' oae for boys. These open into a school room 25 by 30 feet which is lighted entirely from one sids so that so pupil k re quired to face the' light. One whole wall is given to blackboard space. There is a small teacher's room ia oaa end of the building aad the Wfti??"g is of steel. The building sad cqaipment oosttlSOO sad the district raised the mosey by taxation before starting the building. Miss Lewis is the teacher ia this sew school boats, this being her third yesnin the same district. Dr. CampheU, Dentist. Kodaks aad supplies atVsweaasr'a. Dr. D. T. Martya, Jr., Oalasabas Bftsl Baal Taa Joaraal waats all Fhoaeorwriteit in. , Mrs. RH.Caambn left Moaday fer Lincoln for a visit of two weeks. A earlj bow typewriter fer sale. Call at Jearaal eaUe. A haaifim soavealr worth SO to all paid ia ad' W. E. Cole of Monroe was ia the city Friday enroate to Chicago for a weeks' on Atteaw the Fall Oeeatae ef Milllaery at Gray's FrMay a Saturday, Sept. 21 am 32. The "Murder of Edgar" at the last democratic ooaaty eosventioa will stand out in history as the "Crime of 1906. Mies SueieRoea entertained seven of her girl friends at six o'clock tea last Thursday in honor of Mies Helen Butler. Stoekmes wanting feeders should eorresDond with George Burk Co. South Omaha before buying. They make a specialty of buyiBg them. Guy Slaughter of Genoa passed through Colambas Friday enroute to David City for a short visit before his return to the Philipjsea, The Misses Anna and Hattie Bratt and Miss Matson of Genoa were in Co lumbus Saturday on their way to Lin coln to enter Wealsyan University. W. A. Wav left Saturdav niirht for 'Seattle, for a two weeks visit among the mines of the west. Hewilletop off st Idaho points, to make investigations. Miss Helen Butler of Evanston, 111 whohaabeen visiting her aunt, Mrs. Homer Robinson for eeveral months. returned home Saturday, going by way of Cedar-Rapids, la., for a brief visit. William Poeech is preparing for an unprecedented wholesale candy trade this fall. He will enlarge aw manufac turing rooms and put two travelling salesman on the road. He himself will ottOhtcigoin a few days to get the latest ideas of ahe trade. Miss Helen Shannon has been serious ly ill with typhoid fever in Canon City, Cola Her mother and a trained nurse have been constantly at her bedside Her father, Ore Shannon received word recently, that ahe had passed the danger period and is on the way to recovery. K.C. Kuadson. one of St. Edward's most prosperous business men was ia this city last Thursday returning from abusines trip to Omaha. While here Ifr. Knndaon called at the Journal offiee and added his name to the large list of St. Edward subscribers, FARM FOR SALE: Booae ooaaty, Heb,. 10 scree 4 miles from Loretto, 10 miles from Albloa, 10 miles from Bpaslding, on R. F. D. aad phoae Has. All good soil, 135 scree ia owl ttvatioa, 5 acres ash timber, halaacs haylaad. Price low aad terms rea sonable. Samuel Maaood, Oolsmbss. Heb. Were you pleased with that pretty little souvenir which we gsve you for your wife and daughter whes yon paid ud vour subscription? If you were, tell vour neighbor shout it and urge him to subscribe for the Journal. Tlie Journal is swing to add 500 more names to its list before January 1. With a little aid from all its friends it will reach that mark sooner. A number of Columbus young people left the letter part of last week for col leen. Mtron Gray went to Chicago to enter St Albone; North Evans left for Culver, Ind- to enter military school; Miss Gwendolyn Garlow went to Bell vue oollege to etudy music; Joha Early, Fin Howard. Dora Weaver, Eliee Brug ger, Mamie Elliott and 8.-A. Mabood will eater the State University. Ii. F. Rector, aocompanied by his oldest bob, will leave October 1st for a month's visit in North Carolina, where his aged father lives. He will also visit point in Kentucky including the Mam moth Cave, and other places of interest ia Tennessee and West Virginia. Mr. Ractor has been closely devoted to his business ss sgent for the Burliagtoa aad has not taken a vacation sinos the Buffalo exposition. Iaaaire of Hsrriok. Mawm Kaaaaaaaaaaaaa! XXaOaaaaaaaaaaaawB sv w arsaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaB ,r inaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaaaaaaaaaawBaBBaaH aaar'WPi?!1' IF TW WaTT UW HHT-. Gall on us. We sell the well known Staver nuke and can save yon money on a good job. L.W. WEAVER & SON, Dr. Nasmaas, Deatist IS St. Swavwalr Postals at Saaw's. r Oasala soliotai yoar auat trade. ' Dr. W. H. Slater, veterissrian, phone FOR BALE: 100 tons ice, Norfolk Ios Ox. Norfolk, Neb. - A swaveair far every ad alt thia week at Graj'a. On. Martya, Evans Evans. Oon aaltatMa ia Oermaa aad English. The Man's elab of Ones ohuroh will bo satsrtained Tharsdsy evening of this week at the home A, Anderson. Mies Mary Mahood began her first tana of school Monday in the Hahn district ia Folk county. For high prices, light shrink and quick returas ship your stock to George Barks Co.-South Omaha, Neb. A.H. Ives of Carson, lav, formerly s resident of Platte county is visiting for oas week with Mr. Nay of this oity. Is it sot shout time for chairman Johannes of the democratic Central oommittee to write soother letter for John Swanson.7 la s recent issue of the Omaha Bee there appeared an article concerning the deans of the different colleges which con stitute the Creighton university, end referred to Dr. Condon of thia place as follows; UW. M. Condon D. D. S. (Humphrey, Neb.) may be considered as assistant dean of the Dental college. He is secretary of the board of regents and professor of crowns and bridges and were it not that bis residence and prac tice are in Humphrey he would he dean." Humphrey Democrat. Csmaty Judges OMce Moved I wish to call attention to all parties having business to transact in my office, that I am now located in the basement of the German National Bank. I invite the tax payers of Platte County, to call at my offioe, to inspect 'the fire proof vault, for the files and records of this Court. Respectfully yours, John Rattrrhan, County Judge. Haw U GstaSetafHaviland Ckima. Maay people can aot afford to bay a whole set of Haviland china at onoe. In order to eaable every nousewife in Platte ooaaty to buy a set of this beaatifal ware. I have bought some asw sets which I will sell a pieoe at a time at the same prioe that a fall set woald oust. Seth Braan, tf Baal aetata Trsjufen. L.L, Esston to J. J. Galley, It 3, in blk98, Columbus $280000 A K. Parker, et si to E. W. Steenis pt n nw of 18 20-1 e, qcd 170.00 Ed Steenis to R. B. Webb, wd, same land 24O0.0O W. H. Clark to Body Clark, It 1 snd2,blkl41, Columbus, wd 1.00 Ed Marek to John Rimlisber, It 2, blk 5, Lockers 1st add to Humphrey, wd 1200.00 Joe Wells to R. H. Dickinson, It 3, Highland Park add, Colum bus 1.00 H. & Elliott to S. A. Murdock, Its 1, 2 and 3, blk 1. T. &U. add toCoIumbus 2500.00 MoUie Ball to F. T. Taylor. It fi, blk 126, Columbvs GO000 U. Langenegger to G. B. Spice, . It 1, 2 and 3, blk "B' Co'nm bih Square atld to Columbus. . lto.OO A C. Erb to Henritth Scbolz, It 5 to 8, blk. 76, Cidumbne 800.00 F. J. Wittier to Marin Wittier. It 7, blk 9, Lookners 1st add to Humghrey, Neb GM).t0 A D. Becker, et al to Htti Doll, It 1 and 2, blk G9, Colum bus 40000 R. S. Dickenson to Calvin Nel- sOa, It 5 and 6, blk 37., Capitol sddto Colnmbus 500.00 Union Land Co. U C. M. Gruen- ther,lt3to6. hlk 19, Tint to Gentrr.wd 2(10.00 E. H. Chamherf to D. D. R.berta o 44 ft. It 6, blk 12, Platte U. 8. to A. W. LaBun, bw of 34- 17-3 w.. patent. Bee's Laxative Hoaey and Tar the origiaal laxative ooagh syrnp acts aa a oataartio oa the bowels. It is made frost the tar gathered from the pine tress of oar ova ooaatry, therefore is the best for childrea It is good for ooaghs. colds, croup, whooping cough. sco. Try our free offer. Hold by 20th Oeatury Dag Store. Platte Center, Neb. aBvPsBBBwSfiaBS;--'haj Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN BettEaipae. Ohtiral Ofliftw la The West in the front rooms over Pollock Jr. Co. 's Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday , 6r day, Tuesday and Wednesday of, each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE -.We luye a1 large andt '..,"' well selected stock of GROCERIES aW"" " v n We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades ol Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the ; Summer Season wehave WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA MP GLASS Prices Always Right We Respectfully Solicit a'Share ol your Trade. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY Rtlraska Plmw 29. Iiiipulirt hum 29 at. 229. FARMERS LOOK I have just what you want for fall work. Fuller-Lee Press Drill ) Ism Superior Press Drill itfftf Litchfield Manure Spreader-Only Spreader guaranteed for five years Brocksmith Wagons (Jet my prices. A. c. PERSON SISTER- READ MY FREE OFFER bUYaa iai kaMsW aw aCAHAHSk Wats wsras n Mntfifv SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBawBBBBBw BBBBBBBBBBBBr aBBBBBr Frtaia wff BwaTt IirUaIl.awelaaTCBarte,tlus Bm Tree swat with fall iastnetioaa aad the history ef sir own ease to any lady saSerlac Iraa feaale troahle Yon can cstsysMMat home wMhiat the aMS snyaHysidas. MwaicartyaasMsaaajteclTethe treataaentatrial.andUyo decide to ceaUase H will only cost yon about twehre s a wi It villnotlaterfere with yonr work or eceaaaUea. Ihavesethlaate acM. Tell other suSCTera aCtl that Is all I ask. It cures all. yoamr or old. yri r von feel a. bearinedowa sensation, sense ef - Impending evil, paia la the hack or howela. cree insreelinffaptnespine.meesueiocry ireaeeeuy. hot sashes, weariness, frequent desire to ariaate. or if yon hare Leu con-hem C Whites). DisptaeesMBt or railing or tne womn. rroiuse, sacanty or raaiiu Periods. Tumors or Growths, address MRS. M. SUMMERS. NOTRK DAME. IND.. U. S. A. for the Fbkb Thkatmkht and Feu. iNroaaurios. KmIAm mmH kM - -" AfaiwlwMi with it- 1 send it in nlain wraDDers. to MOTMess OD UAlKltmS win osnlaia . itimnlA Horn Treatment which MCCdlly and fhart inllT mm f nfr'nr vrttmetomusmuarfnnju or irrmmur yi an .bales. ltwillnvyewciiziyanaujM"iaaaiiave9v-asyHrr. " w her troBbles to others, nampnessanaaeaiinmiwaysresnwironiiui Wherever yma Hvelcaa refer yoa to well-known ladies of your own stateorconnty who aanlwIMsJaaYy tea aaysoftrer that UisBonMTreaaMt esTdelliatefesBaleorinnisnkthoitoehlyaUia1hiiMrtlanSawnicleaaawBgaB dlsplaecaaeat. aai . w nen weM. Write today, as this ofer will aot be sudearaia. MRS. IT. SUMMERS, Bas 4MNotre Dame, Ind.v U. Si A. Icicles and Take A Look In. Oae awaata of yoor time to hear oar at bVwwJbw aawTa IVBwaaj Bjaak wwn4aaaanVw'a awaaaj Catfar iTttt 1. 1 nw steed ap the waats of tins coBtaMBkyinVeekles aad Hamtati i prepared to a them. We make no shoddy oBariaga. We're i dent sales agents for the Cdebraki STDDEBAMER LINE Ton know aad ererybody ebe knows there is nothing taperior to it. It's the Kae that it baut right, looks ngnt aad lasts long. Known aad ased all over the world. Doat us airaia we aaven'i got yoar srjie. ataoe Dakar makes anoat ererythmg oa hull and all the appropriate harness and trappings. If it's aot in stock we're iwepaied to get it ana get k que. Anait wuiDeaii ngnt wnenitcome Take a Leek ia and UVS Shew Taw. P. S, If it has UwStndebaker name elate neoa it. it's i actvemcje. won t forget taat taa aawe siata is a gaaiaatee. ?a &Ja 3k SSi &&X ?1 il H HARNESS, COAL AND BUGGIES. v S 2&-, --1 -. t5;a t&v& i-,-: Ar.,i&iZst, - 8iaj.??Jr&'.t'iliif-- GL ,;!- A-5 rvas? iJSaiCihAJiafc.t!V .v'L,, yrJ Jk -ia . i . .-7tJ J Jg-y Jtj . jif -S