The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 19, 1906, Image 1

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ConioUdated with the OolumlHis Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argns Jqaxuaj 1, 1906.
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payable uny place in this coun
try, Canada or Europe for from
a half to a third the ost of
money orders.
These drafts are jnet as safe
and easier to get than money
ontera. .
8end yonr money through
the mails hy hank draft.
Stimulus State Bank
Potatoes,' new Ira SO
Batter t. 16 to 18
Em dosea. 16
Springs 8
, : rj
RoosterB ................... 3
Hoga 565
W. F. Prawett far BsfrawtatiTt.
pkowett's platfobm.
We.the delegates to the twenty
fifth republican representative float
convention, hereby pledge the nomi
nee of the convention to unqalified
rapport of the republican platform.
Especially do we pledge him to
vote for a stringent anti-pass law and
to work for a reduction in freight
and passenger rates and for such
other legislation as is needed for the
relief of the taxpayers of Nebraska.
At the convention of the twenty-fifth
. republican float representative district
held at Monroe last Monday afternoon
W. F. Prowett, of Fullerton was nomin
ated unanimously and on a platform
which will give assurance to every voter
'in Platte and Nance counties and will
ire Mr. Prowett's election by a safe
What kind of a man is Mr. Prowett?
Will he stand square on the platform
hk Nance county friends made for him?
These questions were put squarely to
the Nance county delegates and they
answered enthusiastically and without
a stutter in the affirmative. Tho Jour
nal in recommending Mr. Prowett to
the voters of Platte eountv. can give no
stronger assurance that he is the kind
of man every taxpayer wants, than to give
the Barnes of the Nance county people
who vouch for him. Arthur Anderson
and R. 1. Cross, Fred Young and C. J.
Stockwell of Genoa and Stanley and
Fitzgerald of Fullerton were the men
who at Monroe urged Mr. Prowett's
nomination and they point to his two
terms of service as county treasurer of
NaBoe county as procf of his qualifies-
Much interest was taken in this con
vention as there was a determination on
the part of republicans from both conn-
Dr. LuesGhen,
Glasses fitted according to
latest scientific methods of
New York hospitals.
Ptfvtttttlj licatsu i Colitais.
Why not
Opposite of U. P. Depot
Only the best grades
and Leading brands sold.
Have yon tried the
famous Nicaragua, New
York Specials and the
Call and let us con
vince you.
ties to nominate a candidate who woald
be sure to stand square with Sheldon
on the repnblicaa platform. A 'large
number of republicans from Columbus
were present and all took a hand in the
pre-convention work.
The convention was organized with
R. D. Cross of Genoa chairman and B.
O. Strnther of Monroe secretary and
its work was brief.
Only one incident marred the proceed
ings of what otherwise would have been
a harmonious convention and that was
an attempt to disfranchise Thad Stevens
and Rudolph Wurdeman of Creston as
delegates by submitting false creden
tials. Ihe result of the convention was. a
clean cut victory for the square deal in
the republican party in Platte county
and was such as will inspire confidence
among the rank and file republicans and
attract support from democrats and in
dependents who are now convinced that
Platte county republicanism stands for
the same thing that 8heldon republican
ism stands for in the slate and Roose
velt repubbcanjsm in the nation.
Fred Young of Nance county "and R.
G. Strother of Platte were selected
committeemen for next year, although
a half of the Platte county delegation
opposed the re-appointment of Strother
because of his failure to give notice of
ihe convention to all the republican
newspapers of the county.
Dr. Corl E. Leach and Miss Emily
Segelke were married Tuesday after
noon at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segelke. Rev.
Monroe of the Congregational church
performed the ceremony using the
ring service. The bnae and groom
were unattended. The bride beauti
fully gowned in white and carried a
boquet of bride's roses. The floral
decorations for the occasion were pro
fuse Mr. and Mrs. Leach left on No. 3
for their future home in Fairbnry. The
bride has grown to womanhood in this
city. She has been a teacher in the
city schools for seven years and is one
of Columbus most popular young
women. The groom has been engaged
successfully in the practice of dentistry
here for several years and has won many
friends through his strict attention to
business. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segelke
of Omaha were the only out of town
gneela Dr. A. E. Vallier was the only
guest besides relatives.
Miss Kelso's Millinery Open
ing, Tharsday, Sept. 27. Masic
from 7:30 to 9 p. m.
Where Senator Hugh Hugaei Sttaij.
Hugh Hughes, the republican candi
date for senator from Platte and Colfax
counties, who was in Europe at the
time of the party conventions, and who
has been accused by several opposition
papers of being a railroad candidate,
made the following statement to the
Journal: "I was not here when the
party platforms were made. But I
want to say that I stand squarely with
every single platform declaration of th e
last republican state convention. If
elected, my vote will be with the party
on every phase of the railroad question
from the pass to rate regulation and
upon every other question. I am a
heavy tarpayer and since no corpora
tion or individual has any strings on
me, I shall work for the interests of all
the taxpayers.
This frank statement from Mr. Hughes
should insure his re-election byni larger
majority than he received last year.
Asa prominent democrat said to the
Journal "Everybody that knows Hugh
Hughes knows him to be honest. If
he says he will stand in a certain posi
tion, that is where he will stand, and all
the power on earth ooaldnt move him."
Citizenship Papers.
Judge Reader will hold court ia Co
lumbus on Saturday, September 22, 1906,
for the purpose of granting citizenship
papers. This will be positively the last
chance to beooms naturalized before
September 27th, when the severe new
law goes into effect.
Foreign born persons who came to the
United States before the sge of 18 years,
may take out both the first and second
papers next Saturday. Children not
born in the .United States are not citi
zens unless their father took out citizen
ship papers before the children were 21
years old.
Mamagt Licenses
Judge Battersaan issued marriage li
cences last week to Geo. N. Bureh of
Central City and Mattie C. Everlaad of
Memphis, Tenn.; Christian Soamitz and
Bertha E. Smith of Columbus; John C
Tschudy and AnnaSchock of Columbus;
Win. Dittrich of Platte Center and Anna
M. Weiser of Humphrey; Albert G.
Groasniekslaus and Emma Abbaglea of
Columbus; Carl E. Leach and Emilie
Segelke of Columbus.
Card ef Thanks
We hereby express our thanks to the
maay friends who tendered hand aid and
sympathy daring the last illness of our
father, John Peter Abta.
Mike Abts,
Henry W. Abts.
JohnP. Abts.
Arnold Abts.
Mrs. Maggie Stulze.
' Mrs.OdeliaPatseh.
Thank You
We thank yea for yonr patronage
and hope you will tndonr goods and
servioe so satisfactory that you will
continue to trade with as.
It is oar desira to pleaae our cus
tomers and we shall deem it 'a favor
if you will report any dissatisfaction.
We appreciate your trade and you
can be assured that we shall en
deavor in every way to conserve your
Oars is a growing business and for
that reason we are constantly im
prouing our. store and increasing our
When goods in oar line are needed
we hope you will come here for them.
Ghas. A. Dack
WANTED: A load of wood for heat
ing stove. Call at Journal oflsce.
For Rent , iry storage
rwM. Eftsjare at JtmiBal vllee.
Mrs. DanHathaaey and children went
over to Shelby last week and visited
their old friends.
O. A. Johnson and Mrs. E. A. Brad
boll of Lindsay were in Columbus os
business yesterday.
Miss Kelso's Hilliaery Opei
iag TharsJay, 8et. 27. lasie
Rev. DeWolf announces that' there
will be regular service at the Methodist
church Sunday both morning and even
ing .
. ReaaemesT ail Journal suBscribera
payine: osm year ia advanoe will ra
oeive a lsfta4sseM SMvernir worth GO
Miss Kelso bought another milHaery
store at Hampton Nebraska last week
and spent three or four days there in
voicing the stock. '
Mrs. E. B. Jarmia started for a few
weeks visit with relatives at Omaha on
Monday, and will remain there until
after the Ak-Sar-Bea festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jarmin started on
Monday to be present at the 15th wedd
ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Mickey at Osceola on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Kemp of St Ed
ward were in this eity Tuesday eeroute
to Portland, Oregon where they will
remain for a year visiting their son,
Rev. Harry Kemp.
Sermon in the Baptist church next
Sunday morning will be on The Evolu
turn of Sin" in winch the origin 'OC aui
will be explained and the elements of
sin laid bare. In the. evening this ques
tion will be discussed: "Would a dead
man brought to life convince any one?"
Columbus people are happy to have
their pastor Bev. L. K. DeWolf with
them another conference year. Doctor
MUlard, Ptesiliug Elder of the Grand
Island district goes to South Omaha,
and Bev. Doctor George H. Main late of
Central City comes to this district as
presiding elder.
The Midnight Flyer, which will be the
attraction at the North opera house on
Wednesday, September 26, is 'one of
those breezy, effervescent and mirth pro
voking plays that has made a record sec
ond to none in the melodramatic field.
When there ia not a thrilling scene or
wonderful meehaniesl effect, there is a
lively specialty or some rollicking com
edy, all served with a dash and go that
makes the piece one of the best shows
that will be here this season.
William Henry McCarl died at his
home in this city last Saturday after a
week's illness. Mr. McCarl was born in
McDana county, Hlinoia, November 14,
fifty-seven years ago. Thirty-six years
ago he married Miss Alfretta Albaugh
in Hannibal Missouri. Mr. and Mrs.
MoCarl spent much of their time in
travel. Two years ago they came to
Columbus and afiUiated with the Bap
tist church. Mr. McCarl
1st by trade.
All $3.50 low shoes now. $3.00
All $2.50 low shoes now $2.00
All $2.00 low shoes now $1.75
All $1.75 low shoes now $1.50
These are all New, Snappy Late Styles.
We are also making' a still
greater reduction on all
tan shoes and oxfords
Gas. 8peiee want to Wheatland, Wyo,
Tuesday. v
Mrs. Homer Robinson went to Omaha
Tuesday for a weskfa visit.
Mrs. George. Brown of Cedar Bapida
visited Mrs. M. K. Tomer last week.
Miss Hed wig Jaeggi entered the Uni
versity Conservatorytst Musical Liacola
last week.
Gerhard Loseke bought a new
line engine last week to tan hie thresh
ing machine,
Editor Kennedy of, the Boone County
Advance was in Columbus last night
calling on friends.
The Presbyterian Ladies announce
"A Trip around the World" September
28th. Details announced later.
, Miss Kelsa's Milliaery Open
ing, Tkartay, 8ept. 27. Masie
front 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Miss Daisy Cash returned to Albion
today after three weeks work here for
an Eastern dry goods company.
A bouncing boy took up his abode
this morning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E.G. Melons an 1120 West 15th St.
Now that the cold weather is coming
on it is time, to have the broken window
lights replaced. Leave your orders with
Echols $ Dietrich. tf
A party of land seekers from St. Ed
ward eompriaiag Joe Apgar, Tom Dress,
Mr,Yetterand E. E. Fellers went to
Deuel county yesterday.
In eounty court Dr. O. D. Evans has
sued Mrs. Stella Fobes on a note for
$104 and Theo. Wolf has sued Ferd and
Mary Steiner on a note for 9300.
Voscow Yetter, fourteen years old,
son of G. W. Tetter of Fullerton, died
in 8L Mary's hospital yesterday and
was taken home this aaoraing for burial.
Rev, Monro will preach Sunday
morning on MImnrtulity of the Soul,"
continuing his series of sermons on
"Standing ground for Confidence."
Evening subject, "Some Modern Gianta."
Bead the notice in reference to citizen
ship pspers in this issue, and if you are
not certain whether or not you are a cit
izen, better take no chaaees and become
naturalized next Saturday at Columbus.
Its your last chance.
C. A. Randall of iNewman Grove, re
publican candidate! or state senator from
the eleventh district was in this city
yesterday. Mr. Randall is on the square
and one of the most popular men in
this section of the state. His election
is certain.
W. D. Benson, observer in this locali
ty for the United States Geological
survey has received orders to send to
Washington for analysis four ounces of
Platte river water until otherwise or
dered. The purpose of the analysis is
not revealed.
Judge and Mrs. Sullivan returned
Saturday from their, European trip.
Both are in excellent health. Judge
Sullivan admits that he got sick ones
while in Ireland but that a large dose of
calomel from the hands of an Irish
doctor soon straightened him out.
Ed Fitzpatrick arrived in Gnlumbtta
from Panama last week to snead his
vacation. Ed is pleased with his posi
tion as postmaster there but says they
are short of help and that his work ia
very heavy. Ed looks well but nays he
has had frequent but light attacks of
fever from the time be went there. He
says, however, that those who have light
attacks of fever from the first generally
come out better than those who are well
at first.
The Columbus school exhibit which
won nix prizes at the state fair was
exhibited last Monday night at the high
school for the benefit of those who did
not see it at Lincoln. The high school
was crowded. Such was the interest
that Supt. Sherman decided to con
tinue the exhibit next Friday night. A
musical program has been provided and
the manual training apparatus will be
operated for the benefit of the visitors.
Every taxpayer in Columbus should be
present Friday eight to see. in the con
crete the result of his invsatssent in the
eity schools.
lommV aSKm
lot of
i who don't.
Thai's a safe atat
Qur experience has been that people
do net give the first signs of coming
eye troubles the 'prompt attention
they should.
They seem to put the matter oh? as
long as possible, and it lent the
right way to do, not by any means.
We are always ready to attend to the
examination of your eyes, and as the
service is absolutely FREE, there can
be no real reason for delay.
Call any time that is convenient.
Ed. J. Nlewohner
Jeweler and Optician
Miss Mabel Thurston of 'Genoa
here Saturday. She was on her way
to Kearney to visit her sister, Mrs. L. J.
Mrs. W. W. Mannington visited in
Genoa Thursday.
E. MeWilliams and -wife of Genoa
were guests of Monroe friends and rela
tives Sunday.
Mrs. W. W. Frank returned Thursday
from GUuiada, Iowa. On Monday Dr.
and Mrs. Frank started for Torrington
Wyoming for n trip of ten days which
will be spent in hunting andvnshing.
E. R. Dack and family returned home
Tuesday from Los Angeles where they
have lived for the last eight months.
They came bank to stay.
Robert Claybom made a business trip
to Primrose Monday.
Mrs. O. W. Hollingsbead is in the
Methodist Hospital in Omaha for treat
ment. ' .
Mrs. McFayden returned from a visit
in Silver Creek last Saturday.
Miss Lena Klauee returned Monday
from a visit to her parents in South
Bey. and Mrs. A. A. Dye are in at-,
tendance at the Northeastern Baptist
Association. They will also visit Mrs.
Dye's relatives before returning home.
Mm. J M. Anderson and Mamie, visit
ed at George Mahood's Mondsy after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Nelson and family
spent Saturday at the home of Martin
Lewis Swansea is hauling lumber for
a new granary and corn orib.
The line man was in this vicinity
Monday repairing phones.
Jennie, the nine months' old child of
Henning Bergstrom died very suddenly
Friday September 14th at 11 o'clock p.
as. The funeral services were 'held at
the Baptist church and were conducted
by A.G. Rolf. The body was laid to
rest in the West Hill cemetery by the
side of its asother who passed away last
ot. Edward.
From the Advanca.!
The annual exodus of students hss
begun.' The Misses Agnes Nickerson,
Maude Abernathy, Marion Currier,
Grace Peafield, Messrs. William Peter
son, Mertoa Bates, Edwin Currier, Henry
Dress and Earl Blackburn will attend
the University of Nebraska.
Charles Finecy has accepted a posi
tion as foreman of the Advance, taking
theplace of Merton Bates who left
Monday noon for his borne at Belgrade
where be will a visit before entering
the University of Nebraska where he
will study law.
Helen Looia, the little daughter of
Mrs. F. H. Green died Saturday after
noon, September 8, 1906, aged 2 years.
IS days. The funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon from the' Metho
dist Episcopal church. Rev. J. L.
Phillips omciating. Little Helen died
on the second anniversary of her moth
er? death. She has been-cared for by
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. & J.
Green. Her health has been delicate
daring the whole other abort life, and
there has never been much hope of brr
growing to womanhood.
Hannah Larsen was born in Denmsrk,
April.18, 1862, and died at her home
St. Edward, September 12, 1908, of
ipiieation of disrssen culminating
ia typhoid fever. , The deceased came
to America ia 18S5, sad September 8,
1870 waa married to Geo. Johnson who
The family came to Ne-
1880 and located at Hum
phrey where they lived nine years pre
vious to -storing to St Edward. Mrs.
Jehnseo was the asother of twelve chil
dren, all of. whom are 'living and were at
hosse.doriog ner last ilfaess. They are
Ida B. Fogt, Orleans. Mm. AnnaM.
Barnes, Roehealer, N. Y.; Mm. Esamo O.
Hawkins, Ravenna; Lillian E., Hannah
C George A Lewis F., Mary B., Eay-
mon R, Stewart 01, and Alfcto R, of St.
E. G. Walker sat down too heavy lest
Saturday evening opon a camp
w ..
and w now lamenting the' lues of
finger from his right hand. Astbeehsir
eollapaed, Mr. Walker ia an effort to
oaten his balanee got his hand between
thefsresabarsof the chair which anted
in a mans similar to a pair of huge
KG. says he has followed
tchines and corn shsllers
far seventeen yearn and never lost a
ager, and he feels somewhat homiiat-
ed that he came to sooh grief just
he was intending to do nothing
than niton the pool front porch and
enjoy a good smoke and a pleasant
evening's chat with the family. i
Hunters shot a valuable three-year-
old colt for Oliver Wilson last Sunday.
The colt was well bred and Mr. Wilson
had refused $135 for it as a two-year-
old. It is ossdlsni to say that such
happenings are not pleasant for stack
owners, aad that Mr. Wilson will pro
bably nuke it very uncomfortable for
in the f atore.
0.8. Moras of Creston
was in
parts Thursdsy buying cattle.
Carl Bosche drove to Creston
John Bosche marketed three loads, of
hogs at Creston Thursday.
R H. Wurdeman bought n nice team
of bay drivers at Columbus one day last
A dance was given at the home of
Julius 'Hembdt Saturday eveaiag. A
good crowd being present and a good
time reported by all.
Carl Wenek will boob start threshing
with the Case power machine which he
bought lately.
Mrs. H. Wilke who has spent ssveral
weeks visiting in these parts returned to
her home in Bismark Monday.
Frank Wurdeman attended the re
publican convention at Monroe Monday.
A party was given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Smooth Saturday evening.
BertWeddeU was a caller at the
homeofCLG. Luedtke Sunday after
noon. R H. Wurdeman and Fred Luedtke
drove to Columbus Saturday returning
Mt'jdMW ,. -
Miss Maty Cleverman of Leigh and
Miss Clara Korte of Sherman returned
home from Lyons, Neb., after a week's
visit with the formers sister Mrs. John
Ed Wurdeman of Leigh was seen ia
these parts Saturday on hk wsy to the
county seat.
Gus Loseke has carpenters at work
building a large and comndidus hog
lento 3
Some severe cases of bog cholera have
been reported to us at different places
along the route.
John Jeldon has found his pony; it
had strayed away to a neighbors, a
couple of miles west of his place. It
was notgplaced in a suit case and obecked
through from Creston by n stranger
dressed in fine clothes as was first re
ported. H. H. Pflneger is the new teaeher at
the Parochial school.
We noticed William Behlen taking
out a new double seated top buggy Sat
urday evening.
Mian Anna Brunken and Miss KBose
Rassmnssen went to Columbus Satur
day to witness the balloon aseBcion.
When William Swarteley went to
Frontier county last week he was
accompanied by John' Soalheld Jr, Fred
Bargmaaa, Adam Mark, Christ Schrader,
Mr. and Mrs. Was. Kaufman, John
Byrnes and Gene Swarteley.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baltz and Mrs.
Banze of Fremont are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Seefelde for
a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonk entertained
some of their old time friends from near
Fullerton last Sunday, some of the
guests remained over until Monday.
Mr. Walter Gromnickslaus and Miss
Jsmma Abbaglen were married today at
the home of Chris Abbaglen. They will
reside on the old Winslow farm.
A fine young daughter brightened the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bray last
Mr. and Mrs; John Lackey and chil
dren Mrs. .Thomas Farrel returned to
their homes in Cheyenne and Denver
last Saturday after two weeks visit with
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn the parents
of the two ladies. v
Laad afire at Lincoln, Neb AaMt 22, 19SS.
Notice ia hereby givea that the following
named settler ha fled notice of turn intention to
make final proof in aapport of his elafan. and
that aaid proof will be made before C. M. Jrsa-
ther. Clerk of Dhtriet Coart. at Cobmbaa. Neb.
onOct.MM,Tiz:AlTiaBoaa.H.K. No. 173BS
for the ae4 See. 28. T. 17 n. R. S w. S p. m.
He aaaiea the following witBMnea to prove bis
coBtiaaoaa residence apon and caltiTatioa of
aid land via: Fred Meedto. of Osacaa. Neb.;
(ftria Boaa. of Daaon, Neb.; Frank Diekmee,
of DBBeaa. Neb.; Frank Boaa, of rtaaeaa. Neb.
AaypefaoawtoaMreetoproUflt igniaet the
allowance of each proof, or who knows of any
snbetaatial remoa, under the law and the reawJ.
tfoas of the lateriorDepartneat. why each proof
choald not be allowed, will b giTea an eppor
taaitjr at the alTaatSoaedtiM and plana to
cross eiaaiiae the witnesses of mid elaii
aad teeter evidence in rebuttal of
v JkCaw lrl
1 a. 'P l I .anuuuuuuunu
V l i. -Jw9 lenTuuTuuTuuTunf
with all iU bother and liability to
It's a bother to count and a temptation
to have around. You can avoid both
the bother and the temptation by deV
positing your money and paying with
checks. And in addition to the conven
ience and safety it affords, n beat ac
eooot certainly gives a ohms n better
standing. . How easily yoo sen enjoy
all these advantages will be gladly ex
plained to you ! will oall at
Th! Fir. Natinal Bank
Beview of the weather in
Platte canaty for August, 1906: Mean
temperature of the month. 7&83 degrees;
Mean temperature of the same month
last year, 76,10 degrees; highest temper
ature 15th and 20th. 96 degrees; lowest
temperature on the 27th, 45 degrees;
calm days, 11; high wind, 1; clear days.
9; fair day 13; dou4y days, 8; rain fell
during portion of daya, 7; inches of rain
fall, 3:45, inches of same month last
year, 1 J5; prevailing wiade-trom south
to southeast; thunder storms on the Sad
and 13th.
ttatomentaf Cantrihntions ana B
fsr State Kit Camp hnli nt
CD. Evans $ 10,00
August Wagner 19.00
T. Friedhof.. 5.0
A.O. Stephen v 5.09
Henry Bagata & Go. 5.U0
Carl Rhode 5.00
M.C Casein &X
javvMa iwfviS - - ww
Fred Sehnltz 5.011
W.L. Boetteher 5.00
OmUHaiOS Uanoon O.tAJ
Henry Herechenhan 5.00
Felix Sehssagats 5.00-
D. Metheay 5.00
Hjakleman k Witteker .... 5.00
E. W.Byrnes 5.00
&a4cC a Gray 5.00
Columbus Brewiag Co 6.00
Ctt Jones 2.50
Louis F. PhiUipps 2JBQ
William Possch 2.50
Pollock & Co. 250
William Bucher 2.5)
Otto Mertz 21
S. E. Marty .- 2.00
Anton Vogel 2.00
Fred Ernst 2.00
Gallagher & Co. 100
J. W. Wiesostiue 2.00
Chso.H.Dack...,. 1.00
G.J. Hagel -. 2.00
C.H. Bosehman 2.00
Vogel A Moschenroo. 2L50
Proceed from dance.
Grand Total
.f 25.00
. saw
. CL20
. 5.00
. 18.05
. 12.85
. 32.00
T. a Aschler. digging trench'.
Sam Miller, range
C A. Speiee. coal
Leopold Plata, pomp
Hoagland Lumber Co.
Donee hall
Ems & Brock livery
& T. Ashler, livery 1390.
Total $182.80
Total expenses tl2.80
ToUl receipts 159.00
Shortnge $
I certify foregoing statement ia
met, September 19. 1996.
. August Wi
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