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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
fc" i ev5--'--5rs?vi f-w .Jo . " U V Jt.Bi,K.'i!i'4!-V5!5ri,J 'Tr''r' Sj&Vrr' mgmzwv? & - " v -v I TSi ft- 1 . r - V i 4: j t? Si 3 ' Consolidated with the Ootumbui Timef April 1,1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. ;- VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 24. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1906. t-M WHOLE NUMBER 115. a jrv rj.-;,yy.-- tC &P (Mmramts c f i- : : m it i lft- ?r r E--T Oar patrons the benefit of lorg experience is natters financial. ye assure l hem utmost cour tesy aad as liberal accommoda tions aa are within the bounds oCaouad banking. No better guarantee of onr f ar-Boial stability can be had than our laat printed statement If yon have not sees it or are not familiar with onr banking home, we shall take pleasure ib supplying you with a copy. Large or email accounts wel come. GImiiUhu Stats Bank COLUMBUS MARKETS. Batter- IV. Xv wO 5.50 18 - Huge The loyal Hiwaiiaa land The Royal Hiwaiian Band, which played a very successful engagement at the Omaha Auditorium, in July last, will return for a second week at the Auditorium, beginning September 17th and closing Saturday September 22nd. ThU superb musical organization pre sents the most popular program of in atrcmeatal aad vocal music ever heard ia Omaha. The band alone would be a drawing card, but when the Olee Club aad soloists are coupled with it, this great organization of Hiwaiians easily oatatrip any other musical organization that has ever been herrd in this conntry. Their singing of their own nr be songs, is something that will be remembered for a lifetime. The Hiwaiians will give two concerts each day during the week and popular prices wdl prevail. Seats may be re served by addressing J. M. Gillan, Manager. Omaha Auditorium. Matti aees will be given at 230 each afternoon and evening.concerts at 8:30 P. M. Aiffwtwti Letters J. L Tombs, B. W. Durbin, Wigo Foagh, Verne Gilpin. Hamilton Hall, .A. Jonger, WJ P. Kimball, John Krumm Bart Millor, Telley Nolsban, Ben J. Person and Bwiee Reeves. Dr. Lucohen, jGrlaasee fitted according to latest scientific methods of New York hospitals. PansMwHlj keatfi it Wiwiii. Die lids Wide WoU may aafold its many attractions to you ia dif ereat ways, but no spot btilds BBore attraetioas thaa, the cozy home a person raa call their owa. There are maay. homelike cottages aad i in aad around that you can buy as-at low prices aad arms, aad maay pretty t1 lots aad plots to build them on. iKaaffftttt Kl. 4.BammmmmmmmmftmmmmmmmmmVBBaVammw9BBm mmmmmmmmmmmmm Tammmv mmmmmmmmmmmmm m .mmmm BBmmmmmmmmmmmmmV J BmM S- mvaC ymmt zl "3-" .SsWaamflsr BmBaR'ammmmaaaM " 1 II I - - II. I -LJ-UJ-.-L. I--.-. I' amvamjBWBmm HakBLBaaLsmkmaaaskm Beadqaarters Union Gaatp No. 184. Sobs of Veterans Oolumbus, Neb..-September 8, 1908. Beaoiatioaa adopted by Uaioa Gamp Wo. 184. Nebraska Division Boas of Veieraas D. 8. A. Whereas : It has pleased Almighty Ood the Divine Oommaader of the Universe,- To take away from oar raaks Brother K. H Jenkins division seoretary. Be it Reeolved: That by his death we hare lost a loyal, apright brother, resaeoted by all of his associates aad devoted to the order of the Sobs of Veteraas; aad be it, Besolved, That ia this bereave meat we aaite ia ezteadiag oar jsia oerest sympathies to his lored oasa. oommeadiag them to the Divine Baler aad Oomforter of all in this, their sad bereavement and be it, Resorted. That tne chatter of this camp be draped ia movraiag for a period of thirty days ia respect to the memory of oar deoeased brother ; Also be it farther, Bwolved. That these resolutions be entered apon the minutes of this camp, aad that a oopy be forwarded to the family of oar de parted brother. H. W. Westbrook, A. L. BoUias. Bert J. Galley. Committee. MimEIias August 0. 1900. Dear Sister aad Father: Yoa ask how the stores differ here. Well they don't have a mala place to go tradlag here. The stores are all over aad oa a small scale. The people sell in front of the house aad live ia the back aad ap stairs. The railroads here are small aad the track looks so little. They doa't go nearly as fast aa oar trains aad one car is divided into three parts. I am going maagUag tomorrow. They iron very little here. They, have a place through oat the town where the people mangle. There are two big rollers whioh the clothes are wrapped around and a heavy box the size of a wagon box, is turned over these rollers, about two or three times. One woald think it would tarn hard bat it don't. Before 1 went I thoaght they had big iron rollers, and they were heated by Are. But it is all made from" wood there is ao fire as this box 1 in, that weigh a coaple of thoasaad poaads. UroEB Schoaaa, August 1, 190?. Dear Brother Fred: We have been visiting the differ- eat mountains around here. The towaa are close together and there are roads leading from one town to anoth er; so yoa can walk to the different towns. There are guest houses on the mountains, that is he largest oaes. aad so when one is oat oa a tour from one place to aaother bae can stop in get a driak and rest. A good iy people go oat on bicycles here. I have never seen so maay. The soldiers are going to have some kiad of performances on bicycles here this month. We weat to a sammer resort called lybia. There ia aa old castle there where the Knights lived in olden times. The place is in the aaoaataias aad there is a stone walk or way called the Blag way around the castle. We hired a baggy aad weat oat there. One can get as far here ia a baggy, m with the traia. The trains are so slow aad small. The towaa are so don aad they stop at so maay places. I heard that the clothes had been stolen from some bodys Une here. They say they steal awfally here. Aroaad Christmas they amy they steal the oats, as they are aioe aad fat. to fry for Christmas. They eat horse meat here aad bologBV made from the meat. At the Schiees sea last, week they had two booths where oae ooald get horse saeat. The SohisssBB lasts three davs. They have everything to sell, aad ail kinds of shows. The second night they have fire works. We had a fiae time. The men here have to pay two and one half cents every tf me they daace. The first time I danced I got so dissy I ooald hardly stand ap. Theyjast keep a goiag round aad roand. The farms here are right ia town. The people sell right in the houses, live ia oae part. Of course ia cities it is like at home Bat they haven't nay of the large show wia dows like they have ia America. , I saw one real American store. That is, oae like the big stores where they seU everything. Here the store most ly deal ia oae line of thinga. Iaadry goods store ia Dresden you can't get stockings aad it is that way ia a good maay other things. They have aa American qaarter ia Dresden and they oslebrato the Fourth of July. We ware m Gross Schoaaa so it was as dead as ia Coiambas'whea they don't celebrate. ' Gertrade Ellas. Rev. L. R. DeWolf went to Albion this morning to marry Mr. R. S. Hatch iason and Lucilla Babbitt, Tonight upon his return he will oSeiate at the aurriage of Miss Anaa Bcyd and Mr. Fred Webber, at the home of the bride's Thank You We thaak you f or yoar patronage and hope you will lad oar goods aad service no satisfactory that yon will contaaae to trade with as. It is oar desire to please oar cus tomers aad we shall deem it a favor if you will report any dissatisfaction. We appreciate your trade aad you can be assured that wo shall en deavor ia every way to coaaerve yoar interests. Oars is a growing business aad for that reason we are eoastaatly im prooing our store aad increasing oar stock. When goods in oar line are needed we hope yon will eome here for them. wwwwif get f t 6has. II. Dack -.Dniiflst. Mrs. Charles Hadaoa has loasly Ul for several days. Mrs. Charles Mullea aad daughter of Omaha are guests this week at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. M. D Karr. Mirs Mary Higgias of Omaha who has been a gaest at the Hesudey hosse for several weeks, returned home Fri day. Mrs. Olsen retaraed to her home in Omaha last week after a visit of several months with her parents Mr. aad Mrs. M. D. Karr. John M. Dineea the hastling real estate jaaa from Madison was ia this city between tiaias yesterday renew ing old aoqaaiataaeee. All of Dave Sohaff's force was ia town the first of the week getting ready to open ap on the farmers all aloag the line, on the tree basiaess. Garrett Halst who has been in Co lambas the past week retaraed to Omaha Tuesday and will leave the last of the week for his home ia Los Angeles. Mr. aad Mrs. Walter Batter of Oe dar Rapids were visiting O. D. Bat ter and family here this week. Mrs. Carl Retake, Mrs. Batter's mother, retaraed home with them for a short visit Mr. aad Mrs. A. Height who have been liviag ia San Diego for than a year, delighted their ni Oolambas friends lastMonday by Te tanias here for a two months visit. Mr. Height's health has not been the best for 83veral months but is im proving. Mr. Maaro aaaoaaoes that next Sun day evening he will resume the even ing preaching, the subject for that time being. "Is the Bible oat of Date?" Ia the morning he will preach on "The God-oonscioasaem of Christ. being the third in the series "Standing Ground for Confidence." The evolation of the Swedish American type of drama is shown in the latest addition to the list of Swe dish plays, "Tilly Olson", anderlined for eatly presentation ia this city. Heretofore the male sex has oome in for all the heroics, bat this time the tables are tamed and the play-wright has made one of the fair sex of Swe dish nativity the principal character in the drama. "Tilly Olson" is n bright aad amasiag yoaag Swedish girl, odd and eooentrio in her actions bat withal a charming aad lovable type of oharaoter. The piece is a re freshing comedy of theNorthweet aad abounds in laaghs. A haadsome sceaio environment and a capable oast have been provided by the manage stent Miss Emily rioksoa will play the title role. At the North opera 17th. Keatiag & Schram's delivery team driven by Chaaacy Hagel became un manageable when near the Columbus Cream Co's Building on Olive St. Friday afternoon and- succeeded ia getting away from their driver. After running through the business portion of towa they were finally caught at. the. Braai- gan barn doing-no -gnu damage to themselves or the conveyance to which they were attached. LOW PUKES OH LOW SHOES All $3.50 low shoes now $3.00 All $2.50. low shoes now $2.00 All $2,00 low shoes now $1.75 All $1.75, low shoes now $1.50 These are all New, Snappy Late Styles. We .MPe also nraking' a still greater reduction on all tan shoes and oxfords T r HLt7lttMJSv Orestoa ia towa Monday. 1 William Welch of Monree was in the city yesterday on basiaess. Miss Hasel MoKelvey of FnUertoa was the gaest of the Misses Gregorias dariag the past week. Mrs. John Marolf of Leigh was a caller at the office last week, he says crops are looking fine around Leigh. Mrs. Jennie Bathbaa who has been a gaest at the Jarmia mansion went overlaad to her Osceola haaas oa 8aa day. ' Mr. aad Mrs. G. B. Ltabaagh are the proud parents of a daughter, who took np her abode at the Loshbaagh home Moaday. Mr. Franz O. Nelson formerly of Columbus, bat now located at Paso Bobles, Calif., was a caller at the Joaraal offioe last Tharsday. There will be German preachiag in the Baptist charch 8aaday at 3 p m. Bev. J. M. Hoeffln. German State Missionary will oooapy the palpit. It may be of interest to the people to know that Evangelist Lyon and singer Patterson are engaged in a series of tabernacle meetiags at Blair. Robert Pease and wife of near Osceola were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Spints over Sunday, and they report, like every one else, that their crops are immense. Mrs. E. R. Browne and little son Roger J., of Omaha are visiting in denfiitely at the home of Mn. Browne's parents, Jndge and Mrs. W. N. Hensley. Mrs. J. E. Nichol of Omaha was a visitor in Columbus last week. Mr. Nichol will spend a few weeks with his daughter Mrs. Morrow at Lindsay be fore returning home. Harry Young a former Oolambas Business College stadsnt passed thru here Monday on Jiis way to McCook, to resume work, after a short vacation with his parents at Genoa. Mr. Ed Hwoboda the "Baggage mister" and gentleman that carries the mail from the postoffioe to the traia at Osoeola was over here oa Monday visiting Holly Mills and other friends. Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Anderson, (nee) Edna Welch have been over to see the pareats of Mrs. Aaderson.Mr. and Mrs. J. R.Welch, for the first tlsae siaoe their marriage here a few months ago. There will be no preachiag services ia the Methodist charch Sanday aa the pastor. Rev. L. R. DeWolf leaves Thursday morning to attend confer ence at Central City. Saaday sohool will convene nt the usual hoar. Quite a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mickey of Osceola, who are living at Columbus, have received cards of invitation to attend their fifteenth wedding anniversary that takes place at Osceola next Monday evening September 17th Last Friday night as Mrs. S. M. Torrance was lighting the gasoline lamps in the drag store, some alcohol oa the generator fell on her face and front of her dress, in a blazing condi tion. Bat for the presence of Mrs. Art Roth, thiags might have beea more serious. As it was. Mrs. Tor raaoe was badly burned but like tne brave little woman she is, she has tried to keep her trouble to herself. Sand is glad to chronicle the fact that she is recovering from her injaries. 8ilver Creek Sand. William Gamble the lad who been held in the county jail for breaking into the drug store of L. H. Leavy about tea days ago aad who was turned over to Jadge Batg termaa last week awaiting a heariag Tharsday whioh was to determiae whether or aot he should be confined in the State. Beform Sohool, tarns oat to be aa escaped inmate of the Boys Beform School of St. Charles. UL, and Chief Schaok, apon the presen tation of the proper papers tamed. the boy over yesterday to the Illinois officers. The boy's name is aot Gamble, as he cave it. bat William Nefcraslu. Auctioneer Brace Webb of "A thing of beauty is a joy forever A joy forever is one of onr beautiful diamonds Ed. J. Nlewohner Jeweler and Optician Platte Center. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Maker of Lin coln are visiting relatives ia Platte Center this week. William Bipp and Mrs. H. Grstsen received the sad news last Tharsday of the death of their brother-ia-law. Mr. Frye of Stuart. Mr. Bipp and Mrs. Grelsea started at once for Stuart to be ia attendance at the funeral whioh was held Saturday. Messrs. Henry and Fred Bipp of this place were visiting ia Stuart at the time of Mr. Frye's death. A game of baU was played Sanday between Wattsville and Platte Center resalttag ia a score of 10 to 7 ia favor of Platte Center. The Mimes MoTajrgart of Columbus who have been visiting in Platte Cen tor the past few days returned home Friday. T. & Hoare oat two of his fingers quite badly last week while opeaing a oaaoffrait. -- - --.. . -, S. B. Alloa who has been viaitiag ia Wisconsin, Michigan aad Illinois for the past five weeks retaraed home Satarday evening. Quito a delegation of Platte Center people attended the Berge speeoh as Oolambas Monday evening. William O'OaUaghaa wiU depart this week for South Dakota where he iateads to remain until he proves ap on his homestead. Joha Maher has improved his bar ber shop by the addition of new paint and paper. The band boys wiU give a daace at the onera hoase Friday eveaiag for the benefit of the organisation. Miss Margaret Dtaeea visited at her home near Oconee Sunday. Miss Tillle Kuakle of Schuyler is vistlng the Keaaessey family this week. S. M. Bond visited in Platte Center Monday aad Taesday. Ekklaadaaa Vieaaity. Plowing. for wheat aad rye still oontinaes. Henry Smith, Charles Smith, Clint Stevenson aad John Hosner were tradlag, at Columbus Saturday. Adoiph Biokert Is all smiles those days occasioned by the arrival of his wife aad two daughters last Sa turday from au extended visit ia Illinois.' Mrs. Linda Koeger accom panied her home and will spend the fail with relatives here. Mlas Isabella Klaok is enrolled as a student at Bellvae ooUege Osaaba J. W. Kendall aad son fiaiahed pat tag ap a fiae crop of hay near this plaoe last week. John Oifchner and family enter tained n large company of guests Sun day at their commodious home north west of town Bart 8tevenson is erecting n saoond oorn orib. Otto t to Hamphrey this G. BSpeioe made a trip to Genoa this morning. Mim Amy Mahood returned Saturday from a three weeks visit with friends and relatives at PoatviUe and Palestine. Fin. Howard and his University friend, Mr. Abbott went o Genoa to day to eater the local tennis tonma- isat. Mr. Patriok Roberts aad Mim Nora eauessey of Platte Center will be married the first of aext week at the Platte Center Oatholio oaaroa. Judge Batterman issued marriage licenses last week as follows: Bernard L,' Weinboff and Anna Mary Hainan of Hamphrey; Bollo B. Laughlin of Co lumbus and Lottie Collins of Cedar Rapid; Fraak McCarville aad Kathar ine R. 8emKck of Lindsay; Alfred E. Olson of Newman Grove aad Julia J. Frederickson of Liadsay; Peter L. Muff of Omaha aad Angela G. Bedingerof Hamphrey; Fred A. Weber aad Anna N. BoydofCelumbas. Vet Ferfsttinf Tha CaiMren Provisions for the re-opening of the San Francisco schools have presented s problem of extraordiaary magnitude but the situation has been met with energy characteristic of the Ndw Sun Francisco. Twelve temporary struct ures have been erected, and ten more are in course of construction. Monday July 23rJ. was an vontful day in the history of the public schools An enrollment of 27,000 is reported by the authorities a much larger percent age of the former registration of 40,000 than was expected. The number has steadily increased this week, and it is expected that before the term is over the number of young ''twigs" under going the bending process of our public school system will nearly approach the normal figure. The reduced attendance is accounted for by failure of many children to re port immediately owing to change of address and location. Others have temporary homes in nearby towns, their parents only waiting the rebuilding of their homes to Verame their residence in San Francisco. Aid for the rebuilding of the schools is coming in from all parts of the United States, in sums large and small. The spirit of generosity displayed will make a permanent impression upon the minds of the children of the fire blighted oity, and contribute greatly to the developement of brotherly love and patriotism. J. . Baker. 9 J. N. Baker from six miles east of St. Edward died last Moaday morn ing at 8t. Mary's hospital, from a disease of the bowels after an illness of two months aad was buried at eleven o'clock this morn ing from the Palestine church, Bev. Olmer offioiiating. Mr. Baker was born in Penasylvaaia sixty-one years go. Ia 1873 he came to Nebraska and took a homestead. The grass hop pers drove him backNto Iowa but he retaraed again in 1878. He leaves four brothers. Oae of them, P. L. Baker of Oakdale aad A. G. Rolf of St. Edward came to Oolambas Taes day to accompany the body home. John Peter Ahte. John Peter Abts. another old settler of Oolambas is dead. He died at the home of hia. daunter. lira. (Vfalf Patsoh. last. Monday after aa ill- aces of five months aad will be buried Tharsday morning at a. m. from the Catholic charch of this city. Mr. Abts was bora in Basseldorf, Germany. July 5. 1833. In 1857 he came to America having married previous to leaviag. Mim ElizabeUi Greenback. He settled first ia Foaa taliTOUy, Wisconsin bun came ia 1869 to Nebraska, settling in Cedar county. In 1877 he came to Platte coanty aad has lived most of the time sinoe ia Oolambas. His wife died ia 1899. He ia survived "by eight chil drea, thirty-three grandchildren and one great graadohild. The children will all be present at the funeral. They are: Mrs. Maggie Stulze, Morris, la.; Mrs. Odelia Putsch, Henry W Abts, Mike Abts, Chris tina Abts aad Joha P. Abts of Oo lambas; and Arnold Abts and Mrs. Elizabeth Stupbel of Sioax Oity. Xiitlak Xtuuner Another Platte County pioneer has passed to his final rest. Rudolph Kummer, who settled in Platte county in I860 died of paralysis last Thursday morning at the 'home of his son, Otto Kummer, on East Tenth street, where the funeral was held on Saturday ,-Rev. Newmarker officiating. Rudolph Kummer was born on July 25, 1836 in Canton Berne. Switzerland. He was married in 1850 and in 185!), with his wife came to America, living for five years in Cincinnatti and other Ohiocities. In 1860 they came to Col umbus and in 1863 took a homestead three miles west of Columbus on the Loup river. In 1871 they moved to Polk county where they lived till 1893 when they returned to Columbus to live. Mrs. Kummer died in February 1905 and since that time Mr. Kummer had lived with his son Otto. Mr. Kummer performed military service in Switzer land, having served from 1847 to 1849 as a sharpshooter in the Swiss army. He accumulated considerable prop erty in this country. Besides his farm he owned considerable city property, having built Maennerchor Hall and several other buildings on Eleventh street. He had been in poor health for several years and was confined to his bed for fourteen months previous to his death. He suffered five strokes of paralysis, the last one causing his death.v He leaves four sons, Robert and Albert of Polk county, Rudolph Jr. of Bed Cloud, Ne braska and Otto of this city. Caribf Thanks We hereby extend thanks to our neighbors and friends 'who so kimlly proffered aid and sympathy during the laat illness of our father, Rudolph Kum mer. Robert Kummer' ' r : , Rudolph Kummrk, Jr. .Otto Kcmmkr ium Kuhjckr i , unnnnnnnnnnnnnBV b vslSksi waI 'BsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE I T ba i lnannr sbbustI w? 1 AJ aTW Smnv I v -" IsnaT snanv -1' Ma .nunnMaeBewvBnsMuJ' A LARGE SUM of moueyabout the house or omen is a constant 'source of danger. There ia always the risk of thieves or fire. Yoa owe it to yourself and family to avoid such risks. Put your cash ia The First NatrMal Bank There t will be safe from both fir and thieves and'be just as convenient to use as if yoa had it in your pocket. -Think about it. Jndge Saaaders hands the Joaraal the following report of the Method charch lor the past year: The past year baa' beea the best that thn First Methodist Episcopal oharoh hern has had in its history of mora than thirty years. When Presiding Elder Doctor Millard came here six years ago. oharoh had to depend oa the ary soslety to pay its preacher. Sinoe Bev. L. B. DeWolf has been ttm pas tor it has grown wonderfully during the conference year. They have lost by letter 14 ; by removal without let ter 5; deceased. 3; have added daring the year by letter 17; 'from other churches A; recieved from probation 9; admitted to probation 44; present total membership 364; net gain 38: paid for sapport of pastor, presidiag elder and Bishop, 11114. Benovel ences, $2344. Current expenses, 9286; Tabernacl meeting,, approximately f400; making n total of $2144. Watch it r Smoke AT THE "GALLAGHER SIOIE HOUSE" Opposite of U. P. Depot 'Only the best grades and Leading brands sold. Have you tried- the. famous Nicaragua, New York Specials and the. Pathfinder. Call and let us con vince you. Forry-foar years have the Homestead law Presideat Lincoln. y fifty years have gone sinoe the first par- ties came to Ooli ooantv. Homesteads are still being proved np on here aad the way it came aboat it that a settler taae a homestead, hold it years, tarn it into n timber hold it five years longer. render, it some one else woald take it for a consideration, and hold it jast as long as possible, no taxes to be paid oa it aatil a deed wise given by the government or the feUow proved up. The land was worth from $1.25 to S3 50 an acre, when taken bat now it is worth from $75 to $100 an acre. ri M m TsBaW-ssmil Clltntt SO txrtker 2SSLSSSSSSSZ toward giv- inga man a genteel appearance than any othar one thing. If your clothes are made by Linstrum they're right in every particular.There is a distinc tive differenre between the tailored suits and th ready-made. To wear one of our nuts is to appreciate the difference c. l lustm JMfi . ".iji"- aPBfl nnnnma .v.. J j nr.fA BEtfSii 2g.eaaW-&.fi&:-Jfe - 5 s 1 agLgg&i 2mte.!&&!Sifr. l" n .-$ i L. - a j . M. r t iV -tjs