44JJJ!fW -2.TS . '-. 1 xiSiV ' S - -. rVii" f ! 1 ilk 'J . t I i"C v- Dx3r G-oocLs p'ti 1 ITS FUN TO BE) (vell pressed THAT WE ae. St. ewiTWwiiiiiMHMwma aiiOf I? NOT DRE-S-SINd WELL ONE OF THE BEST LES SoUS YOUR CHILDREN CAN LEARN? HOW MUCH MORE interest they will take in THEIR 500KJ IF THEY ARE NOT BOTHERED DY SEEING A -SCHOOLMATE HAVE. ON BETTER CLOTHE-S THAN THEY HAVE. &E-SIDE.S IN AFTER LIFE THEY WILL GET ALONG BETTER IF THEY KNOW HOW TO APPEAR WELL. DON'T YOU LIKE TO .SEE TIDY CHILDREN, AND DON'T YOU WISH FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE.S To LOOK TIDY? WE WISH TO ENCOURAGE EDUCATION, THEREFORE WE JELL OUR WEARABLES FOR LITTLE -STUDENTS FOR VERY REASONABLE PROFITS. GROCERY DEPARTMENT i&EBfFflp9vB mIf It is necessary you have Pure vinegar and pure spices for pickling' II you order your vinegar of us you will get HEINZ PURE VINEGARS either cider or WHITE WINK PRICE PER GALLON 30c. All our SPICES are put up under our own name which is a guarantee of purity and honest weights. All our VINEGARS and SPICES will pass our new National Pure Food Law, or any. pure food law of any state in the United States, Baking' Powder Our New National Pure Food Law is going to make a great deal of trouble in the Baking Powder business, so many of the manufac turers of cheap Baking Powders using alum and other ingredients which are injurious to ' health and no doubt you have been buying the kind that the government will condemn. We want you to try a can of RABBITS FOOT BAKING POWDER Which we guarantee ABSOLUTELY PURE and WHOLESOME and to do the work of any baking powder regardless of what you pay for it or we will refund your money. The regular price of Rabbits. Foot is 25c. for a full pound can, but to introduce it and get it started we will sell one can to a customer for 19c. Good only for this week and next Try just one can. We take the risk, Tour money back if not satisfactory. ammmhammmlBnmmanmmm anmmmmmmma anmmi aflanWmmmV oaaaac HHHHH H m aadwaa v aammmmmmasna aammmmmS MmmmmmS BsammmmW Bsammmmmv anmsaVanw aamaanB flMkllBB &-& .. . .. ,., - L i Zt'SFtI .YA.Sr,1er T,....f ... .- -i , -MMM-iii Bje Solved WHWYo05WD.VbOP- CHILDREN To CHOOL,CO0D ClGfnCS fkRE AS ESSErmU. AS CO0D JCHOOL booksoqu iwovTwn: a wcu. DRESSED CMlLTAKESflVCNIORri IffTERtJl in 1151 woitJ. WD. DEAR TOCHER SHOULD fiECIff. THE TERM UWW WEUCLOWES. go where You tfrri&eeesT VALUE.THrtlWTHAIATrc.r- UitCTTCD RDAl.fhf jjj f ar asrwwsa. - " ; "... vA-iB5 arSj - rrtriatinrrfli MaaaaMaMaaaiaaaaa PEBStHAL aai FEETINENT f te.Pal,eeata. Advertise ia the Joaraal for quick ilti. aOelasa- kea rislssr fetaiaey. WAHTED:-Giri far mini hwe-tmk.- . B. Hfcsnssa 1106 P 8k. NalaJohaaoB 'left for Dskota last weak, to ssek Us f ortaae in the wheat field, LOflT:-Jaokrt ia aark, Wsaaasnay might late will plsass istera to Miss Baptist drank atxt Seeder. 8a: j of samoa, Roll" Gall by States." everybody iavited. Harriok for faraitare. Harrlok far saby go-sarts. The drawing card ia the dairy build- is; at the state fair will be a butter sta tute of W. J. Bryan. Dr. Campbell, Dentist MeUardy left for Leigh will attead aohool at tkat plaoe this falL 8aaoka the Lasso 5 sat oigar. MiaMS Baby Biokly aad Olara Ja eobaoa retaraed aosae Friday froai their saauaer Taoatioa. Oaaia's aaarkat for freak assets. Three raaawaya ia tea atiaatoa was Plato Geatera reoord Satarday area ias. Nodaaeage was dome ia aay Joaraal ads kriag melts. Mr. aad Mrs. Byron Oockraa of Cadis, Ohio, are geests for several weeka at the aosae of Mrs. M. K. Taraer. Try a Journal "want ad" if yon have anything to bay or sell. Mrs. Maaieos aad daaghter Lydia who have beea visiting her eon ia Wyoamiag for several weeks retaraed hoaae Satarday. Rack Sprirngs slack for tkresfciag at P. D. Saiitk Co. ata aad prompt delivery at Mrs. M. K. Taraer aad daaghter Gladys retaraed hoaae Friday after a That of several stoats at their old home at OndU, Ohio aad other planes of latere Gaaraateed watok repairing ky 11th 8c Jeweler. tf Mrs. 8. H. NieamoUer riaited in Platte Oaator Satarday aad Sanday. Mr. aad Mrs. Saaberg have moved late the Robert Wilson hoaae ia the aortk part of towa. Don't forget the handsome sonvenir offer to paid ia advaace sabacribern, Sanday Fred Bears was Its years old and in honor of this eveat forty little girls aad soys participated ia a Tery pleasant tame Satarday afternoon from foar aatil eevea o'clock. Miss Lillian Keating returned last Mondav night to Salt Lake where she is employed for another year ia the school Miss Keating has spent a pleasant sum mer among her friends and relatives in Columbus. Try a game at Maloaey s. Mrs. L. W. Snow' ia enjoying a viait from her sister, Miss Vineyard of Liactoa. A bob has takea ap his abode at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wnrde- A aew line of decorated qaeeasware at Beth Brann'a. Isaac Joaas of Jollet Township pasred thromgh the oity yeaterdav on his way to the State Fair. S Or. G. A. AUaabargar, offloeiaaew Stats Beak kaildiag. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Boon returned yesterday from Minnesota where they have beea epeading the simmer among the lakes. A complete lias of school sapplies at Ssth Braaa's. tf Dr. Mark T. MoMakoa. dentist Miss Kittie Cowdery of Omaha is a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chambers. FOB SALE My two .lota on the cor ner of Murray and Eleventh streets, two blocks from the U. P. depot, including my boarding aad rooming bouse. De sirable location for private rooms. Twelne good rooms. A bargain. Easy terms. Ihgaire at once. Mrs.C Cush ing. Tad. phontfj02. 404 Eleventh street Coiambue, Neb. Dm. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con sultation in German and English. Dr. D. T. Martya, Jr., oSos aew Oalamsas 8tato Bank kaildiag. WAX UP m need by all who desire a as qaality of patent flour. The Co lambaa roller milla makes it. The Journal waata all the news. Phoaeorwriteit in. OBIBSPOB8ALE: We have the Omaha sUerator onks for sale. In" tret clam ooaditkm. Newman ft Waloh. For hlnatiag, kelnklag, soar stom ach, had breath makmimilatioa of food, aad all sympteas of iadigastioa. Blag's Dyspepsia Tablets araaproaipt aad asaolsat oorreetive. Sold by Mtk Oeatmry Dragsters Plasto Oeater, The Baptist Yoaag Peoples Union held a moonlight picnic at Stevens grove Friday night. An excellent time ia reported by all who attended. The only mishap tkat occurred during the eveaiagaenjoysaent was when the moon was temporarily obacared by a cloud, eaeot tbestardy meriymskers saving the watchful eye of theehaper- ly walked lata the lake aaly lassaai by the taaely as- of atvaralaf the yoaag aaJB&S COAL I I J The time to think aboat coal has again arrived. We are taking orders now for fall de livery for Best Lehigh and Scraaton Hard Coal at flOGO at yards, $11.00 delivered. Yonr orders will be thunk fally received and the very best coal furnished. 1 t i L. W. WEMER ft SOS .Dr. Neumann, Dentist 13 St. B. W. Hobart aad Jadge Boeder making a trip to western Nebraska this week. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. Souvenir Poatala at 8aow'8. Gas Speioe, J. C. Echola and I. G. Zinaecker went to Clarks hvt night oattleanda special meeting of the masoaio order at that place. Dr! Campbell, Dentist. Inquire of Herriok. Oaasin solicits yonr meat trade. Kodaks and sapplies at Newohaer's. A handsome sonvenir worth 50 cents seat to all paid in advance Journal snbscribers. School Supplies at Snow's Book Store. E. H. Chambers and Homer Robin son itarned last Thursday from the Oklahoma oil fields where they own land and have completed the sinking of wells on their property. One of their wells prodnces 400 barrels and aad an abundant supply of natural gas wan found ia both. The market for oil ia that oonntry is said to be unstable now owing to the Bockef eller saanipnlations. The West Minstrels more than made good their reputation last Tuesday night ah the North Opera House, of being the best minstrels aggregation that has ever visited Columbus. There is not a chest nut in their performance nor a weak spot in the whole aggregation. Manager Saleyistobe congratulated upon the quality of the attractions with which he is sterling the 100ft show season. MAN WANTED: Somewhere near Columbus to assist as in showing and selling properties No experience ne cessary if wiling to let as teach yoa the real estate business. Salary a month to honest man. willing to de vote part of his time to this business. Co-operative Land Co., Andres Braid ing, Minneapolis, Minn. Beats 4. Mrs. Thomas Farrel of Denver is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Qninn. Mr. and Mrs. John Looker of Cheyenne are visiting at the same place. W. D. Benson was on this route Monday. Miss Sylvia Mooree is ia Omaha tor one week visiting her aunt. The Moore boys, the Brays and Brokwith sons, and Walker Hitchcock went to the sand hills Satarday to hunt grouse. Mr. Albert D. Becker and Miss Pknline Bnoher. two of Golambaa' most popular young people were mar ried at eleven thirty this morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Bnoher in South Co lumbus. Only the members of the Bncher and Becker families were pros ent. Bay. Neumarker performed the ceremony, using the beautiful ring servioe. The bride was attired in a gown of olive green cloth snd carried a bonnet. The bride and groom were unattended. At the close of the cere mony an elaborate nine course dinner was served, the tables and diatag room being tastily and profusely de corated with flowers. Mr. aad Mrs. Becker departed on an afternoon train for- Chicago for a two weeka visit. Upon their return they will reside at the Becker home on West Fourteenth street awaiting the oompletition of Mr. Becker's beauti ful new residence on Thirteenth street. Mr. Becker is an employee -of the Commercial National Bank apa ia the of most substantial young busi ness men of Columbus. The bride has lived in Columbus all her life and has been a leader of social circles here. (Bixby in state Journal:) There is no place in this wide world where a criminal can find rest and peace. Paul O. Stensland lined his pockets with the savings of an army of men who had trusted him, and sailed to foreign lands to hide his crime and bis booty among strangers. If a criminal could get away from himself bnt he can't. He knows he is a criminal, a fugitive from justice, and keeps telling himself of it, day after 'day and night after night, and the winds hear it, and the rocks speak of it, and the mountains echo it. Stensland was captured, and he will be brought home and compelled to look again in the faces of those he wronged. It will be fear f nil punishment but not much more so than the fearfull looking forward to judgement that must have taken posses sion of him at the time he first took nn lawfnll possession of that which did cot belong to him. The guilty may "get away" but they cannot escape. Mr. Bryan has done the very thing which many of bis new friends aaid he should be careful to avoid. He has talked to much. He has opened his month and put his foot in it and a coarse of that kind will work tae un doing of any public man. Lincoln Star: igfeWferwi MUetC STRINGS. f Material Meet Dcmwc, "One of the most generally accepted Hat mistakes Ideas that are entertained by the people of this' country.' said a travaUag representative of a foreign kafactory of got strings, "is tnat used on musical instruments raf actured from catgut. If that wars true the cats In this world would have been exterminated many years ago la supplying the market with ma terial for musical Instrument strings. Tka fact Is that they are manufac tured from the Intestines of sheep, and m obtaining enough raw material evea from these spft"ae the manufacturers at times find difficulty. "The only string made from the In testlnes of the feline w'that used for sargksl purposes for sewing up wounds. One would be amazed to know that there are millions of mu sical Instrument strings used In North America alone, and jolt think where the tabbies would be If. they had to supply the consumption. "Another amaslng thing Is that there axe over 700 different grades of musical Instrument strings. The demand for strings In North America Is Increasing every year, especially In the sooth and In Mexico. There are more guitar strings sold In Mexico than any other rina, but through the south the banjo string is still popular, despite the fact that every year has .marked a slight but gradual falling off In the demand." Kpm City Journal. THE GOD OF WAR. auasterla Stem aa Hla Name Meath the Taraclaa af the Twelve. Mars was not a favorite among the classic Greeks, nor Is his name month a great favorite among the Gothic moderns. The god of war was a bar barian Intruder hi the Olympian circle. There was something Tbraclan, and by that token crude and unworthy In hU manner. He was more of a blusterer than a fighter, and Homer narrates with evident relish bow rallas Athene tumbled him over In combat, his vast bulk covering several acres. Of wild aspect, untutored ways and Indifferent wits, he had little to recommend him bnt hla Immoral origin. Such also Is the month that has taken the war god's name. One poet notes Its "ugly looks and threats." "A half wild creature cast from nature's lap," another calls It The proverb "mad as a March hare" says the same thing with less reticence. English people call the month "March Manyweath ers" and thereby Intimate their doubt of Its capacity for sustained purpose. It Is the Tbraclan of the twelve, as September Is the Tyrlan.- There Is something blustering and barren In Its aspect, as there is In what people call "a good war." The winds that blow from one end of It to the other are not "the winds of God." A peck of March dust may be worth a king's ransom, as a wise saw has It, but from tue aver age human It gets less grateful guer don. "Beware tne lues or aiarcn is good wisdom for our common human ity. New York Mail. Fraaca aa Ia4leatlaa. Mrs. , who knows many a prac tical thing, had a maid who was dying (or thought she was) of indigestion. Now mis mold was too valuable to lose, so her mistress determined to save her life and retain her services. "Maggie, I want you to eat every morning for breakfast three stewed prunes. Now. never more than three. If you were to eat more yon would get tired of them. But three will leave you a little hungry for some more prunes and your appe tite will steadily Increase." Magpie started in obediently and at the end of the week was the healthiest, happiest girl for miles around. Mrs. has effected many such cures. New York Press. He Met Hlat. "When you go to New Zealand 1 wish you would Inquire after my great grandfather, Jeremiah Thompson." "Certainly," said the traveler. Ami wherever he went he asked for new of the ancestor, but without avail, ac cording to the Dundee Advertiser. One day he was introduced to a fine old Maori of advanced age. "Did you ever meet with an Englishman named Jere miah Thompson?" he asked. A smile passed over the Maori's face. "Meet him?" he repeated. "Why, I ate him r lit Bav The eszs of the mosquito are fastened together by a viscid secretion from the Insect's body. From 250 to 300 eggs are laid at a time, and the itttle boat shaped mars is si constructed that It will not overset It cann jt be sunk nor In any way Injured by wind, rain or water. It Is abandoned by the insect and the eggs are hatched by the heat of the sun or atmosphere. A temper ature below freezing Is said not to destroy the vitality of the mosquito's aggs. The meant ef Hla Life. Sir William Grove, the eminent sci entist and jurist, never forgave himself for not discovering the spectroscope. "I had often observed," he said, "that there were different lines exhibited in the spectra of different metals ignited In the voltaic arc, and if I had had any reasonable amount of wit I ought to have seen the converse viz, that by ignition different bodies show in tlieii spectral lines the materials of which they are composed." Paar Walter. Hewitt Time waits on no man Jewett I guess that's the name of the new waiter at my restaurant New York Press. To do all In our power to win health and keep It Is ss much our duty as to be honest Seward. The Screvcat Test. The severest test of manhood Is never fsand In good times, bnt only In bard tunes. It la not the man who has suc cess when others are doing well, bnt It is the man who keeps np his courage sad struggles on when everybody else Is wavering or going down wno is u hero to the sight of God and men. It Is sa easy matter to make good time wkea bom wind snd tide are in one's favor or when one Is moving with the carreat, but It requires character and tfcfll aad daring to make bead in spite at apposing forces or to work snecess fauj agsiast the carreat Exchaage. .. -w r- V. HENRY RMATZ A GOHPINY GROCERIES CMGKEIY, LAiTS AH 6LASSWAIE We have a large and well selected stock of GROCERI We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades oiFlour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. . A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Prices Always Right We Respectfully Solicit a.Share of your Trade. HENRY RaGATZ & COMPANY Nifcraska PIkm 29. Iistpiiitit FfeMS 29 Mi 229. r FARMERS LOOK I have just what you want for fall work. Fuller-Lee Press Drill ) Ins Superior Press Drill Ittttr Litchfield Manure Spreader-Only Spreader guaranteed for five years Brocksmith Wagons Get my prices. SISTER: READ fi y. .. . m .. BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaav oaarnds hedges nyseiT mre earea .My"f ","",; &ZZTKZ.ZZZZ .mi. mwrtlr TO MOTnCK W "AwayiEK j wiiip.. -?-; riSJMZZ&ii taoame aad effectually cures newrTe. '7 ;i tf Aaatfiattoa era ladies. Itwilla!WarfMdJasejw' her troubles to others, numpnessanu o"'fA,"";VnowitteiirfMmtwhol Wherever yea ae I can refer you to well-knowa ladies of yoarowa sMweeromtywatM aai wWglaaVte" any sufferer that this Home Bordllatefeaialeoriranism.thorouBhlyaM"Siataii. , . ,rT SisplaeeMient. aad awkee wean weB. Write MRS. n. SUMMERS, Bn A Look In. Oae niBate of your saVaWv aWssa liaVsas) bbsVb rsvwananawafi wNaW Cssltt Iflll I. S. have sued np the wants of this coauaaaityia Vehicles aad RaraeMi are prepared to sat them. We auike so shoddy eaeriagt. We're i deat amies ageats lor the JJakfaaal STIDEBAKER LINE Yoa know and eieubudw eke knows there is built neat. looks right and lasts Ion. be afraid we haven't cot yonr style. Stade baker makes aboat everything on wheels and all the appropriate harness and trappings. If it's not in stock we're prepared to get it aad get it quick. And it will be all right whea it comes. TekaleaiaaadlYaSaewYea, P. S. If it has the Studebaker name fact vehicle. Don't forget taat the plate is a guarantee. - .S ..M'.C H. C. PERSON MY FREE OFFER he Wsnte H SsHwas Frw Saw tt Saw JP ffl 1 1 TTr mt " aiaaaai avwa aaa uvaw Bent with full instructions and tte history ot air - aVfa TT Yon can f leiawtaat home waayat ataiN amysarskisB. if Mmljina.lhlijiinlio I in treatment a trial, and if yoa ceWeto eoaUBM R will only cost yoa abort twelve ceaat a wna.lt willnotinterfere with your work oroeeapatloa. - - - .... -.- mmMa (ivil other nuBeieta at.Hr- that is all I ask. It aires all, yonng or old. i U liyoaicciaDearupaoiw!a-"0":K" tapendln evil, pain ia the hack or towhowa ingfeelinBpthespiiie.aoesireteery freaantly. hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to ariaate. rif yoa have IjeacorrheatWhites), DisplaceaMflS or KUlin of tne Womb. Profuse, Scanty Periods, Tumors or Growths, address MBS. M.. S5MMERS.NOTRB DAMR JNO , S. JLfor .. 0 ffaviwHr, nf1 VfTTJ. ifrvoaMATioa. .i..iiki ul It in ritaln wranoers. touay, as mis oner wu. , 4i4Notre Dame, Ind., U. S; A. and Take time to hoar oar at is nothing superior to it. It's the hae that Known aad used all over the world. Don't plate apoa it a'syoar gasfaatee to a I aaate -. W . ; i"'j 1 igxtaamearirri&Qi