The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 05, 1906, Image 2

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An Aged Farmer Loses Hie Life by
Burning--Reduction of Bonded ln-
.SMmm in Butler County--Mis-cellaneeue
State Matters.
'- Aged Man Fatally Burned.
NEBRASKA CITY F. M.-8aaefer,
aged 70. residing oa a xfarm seven
miles aoatk of this city, was fatally
baraed and cannot recover.
His wife and family were away
from home and he attempted to build
a ace in the cook store, asiag gas
oliae by arista.- Am exntoakm followed.-fhrewiag
Martat Said oyer
him and the room., Despite the fact
he was a mass of flames he raa oat
iato the weeds and' tried to pat 'out
his aaralag clothes. Neighbors saw
the smote aad coming to the house
pat t the Ire aad foaad him lying
iaNthe weeds suffering untold agony.
Physicians were" called, bat be Is so
badly baraed that ao hopees are en
tertained for his recovery.
Butler County Reduces Bonda.
DAVD CITY A large transaction
was closed 'here by the county board
of sapenrisorsv- which saves1 the tax
payers of this county $3,000. Tears
ago $119,000 in bonds were voted to
aid the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany to build through the county.
These bonds ran for twenty years and
drew -10 per cent interest At their
maturity $30,000 in cash was paid and
$89,000 in new bonds Issued, running
twenty years at 5 per cent interest.
The .county board, a few years ago.
began to raise a sinking fund to re
tire these bonds when they mature
and in this fund had accumulated
'about $33,000. The City National
bank worked up a deal whereby it
could buy these bonds for the county
at a price that would save the tax
payers $3,000 by taking them up now
instead of letting them run.
Case of Copper Poisoning.
AUBURN As the result of taking
a friend's advice. Homer Howell, a
young man living at Howe, a few
miles east of here. Is suffering with
a terrible case of blood poisoning.
He was afflicted with ring worms and
a friend advisesd him to use a lotion
consisting of vinegar in which a num
ber of copper pennies had been soak
ed. He tried the peculiar remedy,
with the result that, blood poison
ing has set in. His face is terribly
swollen, being twice its normal size,
aad the features have been twisted
iuto the most hideous shape. He is
ia a critical condition.
Stock Breeders Association.
the breeders of fine stock in this
county have formed aa association to
be known as the Otoe Thoroughbred
Stock association, wfth'H. H. Hanks,
president; Orln Lathrop and D. Schin
dier. vice presidents; Olin Overton,
secretary and Geonre Justice, treas
urer. The association will hold a
slock show in this city in October
and already work is being done on
the program.
To Stop Sunday Shooting.
GRAND ISLAND An organisation
is being perfected in Center town
ship, an exclusively country pre
cinct; to stop all shooting on the
Sabbath. Many of the people of the
township refuse to join in the effort,
however, some because they want to
do a little hunting themselves occa
sionally on Sunday, and others be
cause they do not want to force their
Sunday views on others.
Killed by Train.
NICKERSON Zdward Hayes of
this place was iastantly killed by be
ing run over by a train on the Chi
cago. Burlington A Quincy railroad
one mile east of Nickerson. Mr.
Hayes, in company with another man,
was riding a track' velocipede, when
the train, running backwaard to Fre
mont, caught them. His body was
badly mangled.
Pawnee County Prohibitionists.
county prohibition convention nomi
nated the following county ticket:
Representatives, J. D. Nesbitt and
Rev. Well H. Wood. Pawnee City;
commissioner Third district, A. E.
Hey wood. Table Rock.
Doesn't Favor Reform Spelling,
LINCOLN State Superintendent
.McBrlen" is-opposed to the plan of
President. Roosevelt In regard to
aaeUianv'i McBrien favors a commis
sion to. revise the linguistic rules. 'He
declares the ''president has tackled a
Job far more extensive than the dig
ging of the Panama canal.
Requisition for Walker.
luisltion was issused by Gover-
Miekey for the. return from Iowa
wot C. EL Walker, who is wanted in
Ontaha on a charge of Obtaining mon
ey tader false pretenses, with an um
brella factory as the starting point
He is under arrest in Sioux City.
Falls to Her Death.
OMAHA .Miss Lena Jefferles,
Land in Gaming county .sold
week at $108 per acre.
The schools of Nebraska are again
busy all along- the line.
There is an unusually large rieM of
pears in Seward county.
Prof. Campbell, superintendent of
the Nelson schools, died last week.
Alfred Palmer of Ulysses sold 8,000
bushels of old corn the other day for
Some sections of Nebraska that had
become rather dry got copious rains
last week.
Thirty years Aunt Rachael WlncheU
boarded at the Seward poor farm, and
then she died.
Near Steinauer the other day
hunter took a shot at a jackrabbit
and killed a horse.
.August 26 there was a light frost
in the vicinity of Broken Bow. Very
little damage was done.
Adams county boasts of having 8,302
acres of alfalfa,' the most profitable
crop grown in the state. -
Democrats or the Sixth congres
sional district have nominated JG. L.
Shumway of Scotts Bluff.
F. L. Beatty, formerly of Tc""nseh,
is under 'arrest in Oklahoma carged
with using canceled postage stamps.
Caught in a pulley, William Brass-
field had a narrow escape from death
at the Grand Island canning factory.
Joseka Sunlych, aged 15, was
drowned in a water tank. He was
found standing on his head in the
The Union Pacific company is mak
ing plans to establisn motor car serv
ice on its line between Beatrice and
Lincoln within a short time.
Towner Wachter, a 17-year-old boy
of Custer county, was arrested for
placing a tie on the track with the in
tention of wrecking the train.
A new nan of science three stories
high Is to be added to the campus of
Fremont college. The hall will be
equipped with laboratories end lecture
The baby crop in Nebraska this
year is keeping pace with soil produc
tions. Twins are recorded in numer
ous instances and triplets are not en
tirely lacking.
A farm house belonging to J. Wiltse,
a few miles south of Humboldt, was
burned to the ground together with
the contents, property of James Ged
tisen and wife, tenants.
The Humboldt Baptist congregation,
which has been without a pastor for
a year or more, has issued a call to
Rev. W. N. Hamilton, at present pas
tor of the Burchard church.
A gang of bums got into a fight
among themselves in the railroad
yards at Wood River and one of them
had his threat slashed with a razor,
barely missing the jugular vein.
The new town three and one-half
miles north of Arborville on the new
Union Pacific line Is named Polk. The
town' is platted and the erection of a
new elevator and hotel is under con
struction. Another sale of one hundred dollar
per acre land is reported in Johnson
county. Albert Valandingham has
sold his ISO-acre farm five miles east
of Tecumseh to Mrs. L. A. Graf of
Graf for $16,000.
Norton, the newly named town be
tween Stromsburg qand Central City
on the Union Pacific extension, must
find a new name; as Uncle Sam' has
said so, there being another postofnee
by the same name m tne state.
The next regular term of the Cum
ing county district court Is scheduled
to take place on September 17, with
Judge Guy T. Graves of- Pender on
the bench. At this term only matters
of naturalization will be taken up.
A man named Mungerson, employed
at Minden a month ago by the Minden
Edison Light and Power company.
who left for parts unknown, taking a
lot of tools, besides selling several
pounds of copper belonging to the
company, has been captured at Gales
burg. III.
A movement has been started at
Grand Island for an elaborate celebra
tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the
settlement of Hall county and that
section of the state in July of next
year, and in connection therewith to
erect and dedicate an appropriate
monument to the original settlers.
Henry Alberts, a well known pioneer
and retired farmer residing In the
west part of Humboldt, came near
meeting his death by accident, and
sustained injuries which may yet re
sult laiaiiy. Me went oat to the barn
to hitch up his driving; horse with
the intention of taking his wife to
churchy, and in some manner was
thrown down while harnessing the an
imal and tramped upon until he be
came unconscious.
The state board of educational
lands and funds declined to take any
action on the request of Boyd county
settlers to purchase state lands. Thir
teen hundred acres of state land In
that county are involved in litigation.
The supreme court recently held In
favor of the settlers by deciding- that
the improvements on the land should
have been appraised separately from
the land before the state Issued lease
contracts to others than the occu
pants of the land.
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Big Philadelphia Institution, With
Liabilities of S10400.00Q, Cleeod
When Death of President Re
veals Its Condition.
Dolonatlono from Nthrsoka EntnamV
aotJcally Hail Their Wolf-Ki
Chicago. The first skirmish In
the crusade of the government
against the Standard Oil com
pany to compel the concern to com
ply with the letter of the antitrust
and monopoly laws was ended Monday
afternoon when the two special federal
grand juries returned ten indictments'
against the oil company, containing' a
total number of 6,428 counts.
In respect to the scope of the indict
ments the number of counts and the
voluminous nature of the documents
all records of the federal courts was
broken and when thejuries'Were dis
missed hv Jrwtea Ttathoa attar throa
weeks, of continuous work thev had I
the satisfaction of knowing that they
had hung up a mark for future inves
tigators. The charges named in the indict
ments are violations of the Elkins
antirebate law, which prohibits the
accepting or granting of rebates on oil
and other products. The fine as fixed
by the Elkins law is not less than
$1,000 and not more than $20,000 on
each count At this rate the maximum
fine which might be imposed upon the
Standard Oil company would aggre
gate $128,560,000. I
The railroads named, in the indict
ments, but which for the present are
not charged with guilt by a federal
grand jury, are:
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy.
Chicago A Alton.
Chicago A Eastern Illinois.
Evansvllle A Terre Haute.
Illinois Central.
Southern Railway.
Lake Shore A Michigan Southern.
The ten indictments very only In the'
name of the railroad involved and in
the particular shipment alleged tot
have caused the Illegal rebate.
Liable to Heavy Fines.
Practically the ten form one big In
dictment, under which the minimum
fine of $1,000 on each count would be
$6,428,000. If Standard Oil Is found
guilty under each count and the fine is
placed at the minimum of $20,000. the
total of the fines would reach the as
tounding figure of $128,560,000.
Standard Oil promises to contest the
battle at every step, and the first
strife will come when District Attor
ney Morrison appears before Judge
Bethea to ask that the company be
required to furnish bonds for its ap
pearance to answer the indictments.
John S. Miller, who has been re
tained as special counsel by Standard
Oil, will resent the plea for bond. Mr.
Miller said:
On the earlier indictment Judge
Bethea fixed the bond of the Standard
Oil company at $25,000, which has not
been given as yet If the same ratio
Is pursued the total demanded would
exceed $8,000,000.
Laughs at Bond Plea.
"The Standard Oil company does
not propose to resort to obstructive
tactics and will not unnecessarily de
lay the hearing of the cases. It is
ridiculous, however, to ask the Stand
ard Oil company to give bond for its
appearance in court The company
cannot run away. I have never heard
of a corporation being compelled to
give bail in a criminal prosecution."
The indictments returned far ex
ceed any advance estimate of what
the two grand juries, have been doing
in their secret sessions, yet it is de
clared to be apparent that the reports
are but the beginnings of the govern
ment's battle -against Standard Oil.
The indictments referred simply to re
bate giving and receiving, and were
returned as under the Elkins inter
state" commerce law of 1887. The
vastly more important phase of the
proceedings r-Jch are now the upper
most endeavors of the Roosevelt ad
ministration as betokened by the
policy which has been mapped out
by the president and Attorney Gen
eral Moody is to bring Standard Oil
to an accounting as violding the
Sherman anti-trust law, as a corpora
tion acting in restraint of trade.
Two Killed in a Collision.
Pittsburg, Pa. Two trainmen were
killed and three injured - in a
head-on collision of heavy ore trains
near Milttown, on the Bessemer &
Lake Erie railroad.
Now Rata Law la Discussed by Ship
pers and Carriers.
Lines Have Been Unable to
Schedules for Switching.
In the republican congressional con
vention at Fremont Judge Boyd secur
ed the nomination for congress on the
aged 13. Nebraska Telephone com'i first ballot Congresssman J. J. Mc-
pany operator, fell to her death . In
the company's balldlag at Mghlnwiilli
andPonglas atxeets at an early- hoar
WemModay morning. Tne body was
foaad About f o'clock on the first
foor.ef the bailding with every bone
broken. Mies JoEeries had fallen
throne a skylight on" the third floor,
which was part, of the floor to the
is the rest room.
FoM Dead on F
PENDBR Ntek Kneel of the firm
of Knsbi A Paaach, saloon keepers.
snnd dead hanging over a picket
at, Pender. He was troubled
with heart dJeeaee and fall dead while
AUBOEN-John Clayton of Brown-
in hronght before the Insanity
wd tt was nodded to return
haw to the nsyham. Mr.
. Clayton has
Carathy of Dixoa, J. F. Boyd of Ante
lope county and W. W. Young- of Stan
ton were the candidates.
A. T. Connor's large barn, about tea
stiles northwest of Valparaiso, was
discovered to be on fro during the
night, hut was too nearly destroyed
to save any of the contents. Roy Con
nor, a young man aged 29 years, was
baraed to death. His body was foaad
after the ire.
The Jonnson county fair sssociaikm
will erect a $590'swfne shod on the
grounds at Tecumseh far the purpose
of giving hog hreeeders a better op
portunity to display their stock.
For the eoallag year C J. Piersoa of
Auburn has
at the
Mr. Piersoa is a
of the state
Washington. To discuss certain
phases of the railroad rate law which
took effect Monday, there was a con
ference which lasted the greater part
of Tuesday between the members of
the interstate commerce, commission
and. representatives of the railroads
and shippers of the country
The railroad representatives uni
formly gave assurance of their inten
tion to fully comply with the new law,
but presented their views as to the
operation of certain provisions, among
the points urged being extension of
time in which carriers may file their
tariffs with the commission.
The -shippers' representatives urged
the protection of their interests, par
ticularly against the railroads shifting
classifications so as to put up rates
and contending for the discretion of
the commission in the export and im
port changes and for the publication
of tariffs In the full acceptation of that
term. The commission reserved de
cision of the questions brought up.
Kearney state
that tana no
of the
to the
Guard Kills a Prisoner.
Atlanta, Ga. In a desperate fight
within the walls of the United States
prison here. Edward Richmond, serv
ing a ten-years' sentence for train
robbery, was shot and instantly killed
by Guard Prey. '
Seize Chief of Pulajanee,
Manila. Native volunteers have
captured Annogiaes Sanchez, a chief
of the Pulajanes, in the province of
Leyte, near Baybay. The escape of
the bandits from Leyte has. been cat
oh! by troops.
Author of Children's Books Dies.
New York. Rev. C. Winter Bolton,
rector of the Church of the Redeemer.
at North Pelham, Westchester county,
died Teeeday. He was 86 years old.
Mr. Bolton was the author of several
hooks for children.
New York. The new railroad rate
law which applies to all railroads do
ing, an interstate business went into
effect at midnight Monday. It will be
enforced by the interstate commerce
According: to the new law the roads
were to have filed with the commis
sion by midnight all their tariffs and
charges, showing not only the full
cost of transportation from point to
point but also' what items go to the
making up of this cost From now on
there can be no "extras." but the ship
per .is expected to be able to obtain
in advance a final statement of tho
charge he has to meet
It was stated that not a sinirle com-
pany has. been able to fully comply
with the provisions of the iaw requir
ing them to have 'all their schedules
on file by midnight The schedule of
switching charges was the most diffi
cult of completion, and it is said that
no road has been able' to finish it in
time to file aa the law directed.
Clothier New Tennle Champion.
Newport R. L William J. Clothier,
of Philadelphia. Wednesday won the
national tennis championship, defeat
ing Beals C Wright of Boston, the
present noioor of the title, in straight
sets, 3,
Philadelphia. Unable to meet Its
obligations because of the large
amount of money loaned on InsuHcIent
security by its president now dead,
the Real. Estate Trust company of
Philadelphia, which up to last Satur
day, was considered one -of the strong
est financial institutions in the city,
closed Its doors Tuesday. Soon after
the doors closed George H. Earle, Jr..
a prominent financier, was appointed
receiver. The liabilities of the com
pany are placed at $10,000,000 against
which there are quick assets of about
$3,500,000 and collateral of about
$8,000,000 which is not negotiable or
readily convertible. This doubtful col
lateral is held mostly as security for
loans of about $5,300,000 made to
Adolf Segal, a promoter of this city.
The man responsible for the fail
ure was Frank K. Hippie, one -of
Philadelphia's - best known citizens,
who died suddenly last Friday morn
ing In his country liome at Bryn
Mawr, near here, under circumstances
which,, In the light of developments
lead to the suspicion that he may
have committed suicide.
Mr. Hippie, in addition to. being
president of the Real Estate Trust
company was the treasurer of the
board of trustees of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian church in
the United States and of several oth
er church funds, and was a director
of the Franklin National bank.
In addition to the deposits of the
General Assembly, the Real Estate
Trust also had about $25,000 of funds
placed there by Dr. Roberts as stated
clerk. The Presbyterian hospital of
Philadelphia and the Presbyterian
board of relief, also had sums of
money In the failed institution.
For the loans to Adolf Segal Hip
pie accepted as collateral securities
of the Majestic hotel, a big new apart
ment house, operated by Segal; the
Swedish Steel company of Lancaster.
Pa., and the Pennsylvania Sugar Re
fining company of this city. The steel
company and the sugar refining con
cern have never been placed in op
eration. Segal claims the collateral
he gave is good and that he will meet
all his obligations. There are others
to whom Hippie loaned money on in
sufficient security but their names
have not been made public and the
sums are not believed to be large.
How far Hippie benefitted in the loans
made or whether he was merely the
tool of others is yet to be determined.
Philadelphia. Receiver George H.
Earle, Jr., Wednesday took charge of
the affairs of the Real Estate Trust
company which failed Tuesday be
cause of the haavy loans made by
Frank K. Hippie, late president to
Adolf Segal, a promoter, upon Insuffi
cient security.
John H. Converse, a director of the.
company, and -one of the foremost
Presbyterian laymen in the country,
upon whose petition the receiver was
appointed, said he was satisfied that
tne securities of the various Presby
terian church' boards are safe.
The presbyterian. hospital, of which
Mr. Hippie was treasurer, elected the
Fidelity Trust company as his suc
cessor and through that concern
learned that the institution's securi
ties, amounting to $1,500,000 are in
tact Hollidaysburg, Pa. Adolf Segal,
of Philadelphia. Wednesday sold
the town of South Altopna to Bor
land A Waddell, of Pittsburg. This
town had been developed by the
Knickerbocker Contracting company,
of which Segal is the head, at a re
puted, outlay of $1,800,000. The price
paid by the purchasers was $500,000.
Mr. Segal Is the promoter who figured
in the failure of the Real Estate Trust
company. N
New York. Under gray skies hut
in exuberant spirits aad bronzed by
the suns of many enmes during a year
of travel completely around the world.
William Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska,
twice the nominee of the Democratic
party for president of the United
states and already Indorsed as the
candidate of lots, steamed up Now
York bay Wednesday afternoon oa
the steamer Princess Irene and re
ceived aa ovation from large welcom
ing parties which went down to quar
aatine to meet aad cheer the incoming
vessel' and its distinguished passea
ger. Mr. Bryan did not enjoy his usual
health during the voyage, but he was
much better Wednesday and said
that he felt sure he would be able
to carry out the plans which have
been made for him during the next
few days. He waa very much fatigued
when he boarded the steamer and
during the entire voyage suffered
from indigestion and severe headache,
tils illness was not serious enough to
interfere with his work, however,
and he devoted a large portion of
the nice days at sea in prepariag his
speeches and in keeping up his corre
spondence. Mr. Bryan did not land in New
York city proper until Thursday aft
ernoon when he was received at the
Battery by delegations of prominent
Democrats from ail parts of the coun
try aad escorted to. the hotel where
he will make his headquarters while
here. He was taken off the Prinzess
Irene by special permission of Presi
dent Roosevelt shortly after the ves
sc. had anchored in quarantine. First
he went aboard two tugs which had
been chartered by "Bryan's Nebraska
Home Folks," where he was exultant
ly greeted and hailed as the next
president He then went aboard the
trim little yacht "mini," . owned by
his long time friend ana schoolmate,
Edward F. Goltra, of St Louis, and
where such well known Democrats as
Norman E. Mack, national committee
man for New York, and Daniel J.
Campeau, national committeeman for
Michigan, were awaiting him. In the
"Illini" Mr. Bryan was taken to the
landing of the Ocean Yacht club at
Stapleton, Staten Island, where he
landed and was whlrleu away In an
automobile to the home of Lewis
Nixon, "Ben Braw," on the heights of
Tompkinsville and overlooking the
The Madtoan Sauare Gordon Prawns to
no .SaaadhMj of Dtmecroac Call
Outline of What the PoMleal Policy
Should Be.
Daughter of Premier Stolynin
Killed by Bomb.
St Petersburg. The daughter of
Premier Stolypin, who was Injured by
the bomb explosion in the premier's
summer home Saturday and who was
erroneously reported to have djed,
was still alive Sunday, having passed
a quiet night under the effects of an
opiate. The premier's son, who also
was hurt, is better.
Two more: persons injured by the
explosion died Saturday eight bring
ing the total number of deaths up tc
32. Twenty-six persons were- killed
Saturday's unsuccessful attempt on
the life of Premier Stolypin with its
sickening, useless slaughter of 32
persons, was followed Sunday night
by another revolutionary outrage ia
which Gen. Min, commander of the
Seminorsky guard regiment and whe
since liLs promotion to be a general
has been attached as a personal ad
jutant to the suite of the emperor, was
killed on the station platform at Peter
hof by. a young woman, who fired five
shots into bis body from an automatic
revolver and then, without resistance,
submitted to arrest The capture ol
the girl wes effected by Gen. Min's
wife, who held her until the arrival of
an officer.
NEW YORK William
uryaa or Nebraska, who arrived ia
New York harbor Wednesday aftor
noa aad speat the Bight with friends
oa a steam yacht down the hay. load
ed ia New York City Thursday after
aooa at 4 o'clock aad waa the recip
ient of marked atteatioas from that
hour until late at night whoa he had
finished a notable eighty-mlauto ad
dress before 2,Mt persons gathered
la Madiooa 8aaro garden. Mr. Bryaa
outlined clearly aad vigorously the
priaclpJes he thought should guide the
democrats ia their wyfgw.
Greeted by nearly every premineat
democrat ia the country aad accom
naaied by them, Mr. Bryaa was driven
from the yacht landing at the Battery
to the Victoria hotel, where he was
called upon for an Impromptu speech
and then shook hands for more than
an hour with aa apparently neverend-
lag liae of citizens. He diaed with
his family and friends and then was
driven in an automobile to Madiooa
Square garden, where his welcome,
home was made complete by demon
stration. The garden meeting was presldedq
over -by Mayor Tom I. Johnson of
Cleveland. There were brief ad
dresses by Governor Joseph Folk, Mis
souri; Augustus Thomas, the play
wright; Harry W. Walker of the Com
mercial Travelers Anti-Trust league.
under whose auspices the reception
was given, aad 'Mr. Johnson.
There were several outside meet
ings, the principle one of which was
addressed by Representative Sulzer of
New-York, Governor Glena of North
Carolina and. Mayor Bahlmaa of
Omaha. When Mr. Bryan had con-
eluded his garden address at a few
minutes after 10 o'clock and appeared
outside the hall, he received another
ovation. He needed no. introduction
to the vast crowd which bad waited
to long to hear him and spoke briefly,
Mr. Bryan was then driven with
Mrs. Bryan in an automobile directly
to bis hotel where he was greeted by
W. R. Hearst The party went to the
reception rooms where they talked
for some minutes.' Shortly .before 11
o'clock, Mr. Bryan, much fatigued, re
tired to bis apartments.
The night reception, which was
given under the auspices of the Com- .
mercial Traveler's Anti-Trust league,
proved really to be the sounding cf the
democratic campaign calL Mr.
Bryan's speech was a dear cut out
line of his Ideas as to what the demo-
cratic policy should be. The election
of Ualted States senators by direct
vote of the people, regulation of the'
trusts by the government a universal .
eight-hour day. settlemeat of all later-
national disputes by arbitration rather
thaa by resort to. force, and revision .
of the tariff were his chief points. Mr.
Bryan declared, however, that he was
merely expressing his own opialon
and not attemptiag to forecast the .
policy of his party.
Russian Consul Shot
Tientsin. The Russian consul here.
M. LapteWj was shot-in the stomach
Wednesday by a Russian concession
contractor named Leriasky, who fired
his revolver four times at the consul
aad ait aim once.i
Annual Report to State of Missouri lo
Thrown Out
Jefferson City. Mo. Pursuant to the
Missouri statute requiring each cor
poration doing business in the state to
file an affidavit once a year with the
secretary of state, that it is not a
member of any trust or combine, attor
neys for Armour A Co., and the Ar
mour Packing company, of Chicago;
asked permission of Secretary of State
Swager to file affidavits for .their
companies that "they were not mem
bers of a trust or combine subject to
the decision of the courts in the anti
trust proceedings now pending against
Upon advice of Attorney General
Hadley, the secretary refused to allow
these qualified affidavits to be filed.
Sues for Quake
New York. T. C. Watkins institut
ed a suit for $38,500 against the Trans
Atlantic Fire Insurance company, of
Hamburg. Germany, for alleged looses
in the earthquake fire in San Francisco.
W otSjIwoI 0 LtlwtMft DaMMaw
. S. 8. Wells, one of
fan trot civil engineers employed by
fan Burlington railway, aad a friend
of Abraham Lincoln, when both bred
71 years.
Crown Prince Baptized.
Potsdam. The son of-Crown Prince
Frederick William was baDtlzed
Wednesday in. tne : so-called Jasper
gallery of the new palace, which had
been arranged as achapeL The child
was named William Frederick Francis
Joseph Christian Olaf.
Fairbanks and Cummins May Talk.
Kansas City, Mo. An invitation was
extended to Vice President Fairbanks
and Gov. Cummins, of Iowa, to make
speeches at Fairmount park' Septem
ber 8 by the. Missouri Republican
Racine Judge Holds Unions Liable for
Damages to Employer.
Racine, Wis. Union labor was dealt
a heavy blow by the decision of Judge
Chester A. Fowler In the boycott suit
for $25,000 damages brought by Baker
Otto B. SChnltz.
By the decision the contract exacted
by the boss bakers by the union' men.
by means of which the' workmen
sought to. enforce the closed, shop. Is
held illegal,' the trades council and
the individual members are enjoined
from using the "unfair list;" the boy
cott is declared an actionable con
spiracy to accomplish a criminal or
unlawful purpose; Baker Schtiltz Is al
lowed to recover, damages of $2,500 for
the loss of profits from the time of
the commencement of the boycotting
acts up to the time of the trial, and
$3,500 in damages for the amount of
Injury to his business and property in
relation to its selling value.
Sensational Developments Coma Thick (
and Fast in Philadelphia Failure. .
PHILADELPHIA Examiaattoa of .
the list of securities held by the de-
fUBCt Real Estate Trust compan de
veloped the fact that Frank K. -Hippie,
president of the institution. -
who committed suicide, was an em
bezzler. .The authority for this statement is
George H. Earle. Jr.. receiver for the
trust company. Mr. Earle declined to ,
say what securities are missing, but
he declared that Hippie had hypo
thecated $65,000 worth of the paper,
securing $50,000 for the. securities',
which he never returned. Receiver- ,
Earle further declared that President
Hippie embezzled the $5,000,300 he
loaned Adolf Segal, the promoter.
Dreyfus to Retire from Army.
Paris. The Patric Wednesday af
ternoon positively announced that
Maj. Alfred Dreyfus will retire from
the army in October on a pension.
No confirmation of the report could
be obtained at the war ministry.
Fighting in San Domingo. '
CAPE HAYTIEN. Hayti. A mes
sage received here from Santo Do
mingo says that after insurgents had
occupied Dayabon, In the northern
part of the country, the government
forces made an attack upon it aad
compelled the enemy to abandon the
Famine Relief Bonds.
ukase issued recently, authorizes the
minister of finance to issue $25,000,000.
in '4 per cent rentes to cover the ex
penses of the relief of the. districts
affected by the failure of crops.
Hippie Killed Himself.
PHILADELPHIA The suspicion
entertained that Frank K. Hippie,
president of the embarrassed Real
Estate Trcst company, who was
found dead at his home in Bryn Mawr;
Pa. but Friday, committed suicide,
was confirmed by Joseph N. King; cor
oner of Montgomery county.
Chilians Off to Moot Root.
Saatiago. American Minister Hicks,
the foreign' minister aad the mem
bers of the reception committee
started for Lota, by the lead route,
to reeetvo Secretary Soot
Iowa Reports Frost -
. Des Moines, la, Frost waa reported
in Iowa-lowlands Monday for the first
time tMs season, although it is not
thought that the great Iowa corn crop
will suffer damage because of it The
mercury dropped as low as 40.
Operator Murdered at Post
South Bend, Ind. Lloyd Gynes,
formerly of Windsor. On t,. night oper
ator for the Michigan Central railroad
at Gallea, Mich., was found murdered
at his post early Moaday by the
doctor of a passing tram.
Lumber Schooner Wrecked.
Pacific Grove, CaL The - steam
schooner Celia, with a cargo of 160.
000 feet of lumber, was wrecked oa
the coast near here Tuesday night
All on board were saved with the
exception of eight persons.
' Shaw to Stump MiooourL
Kansas City, Mo. Secretary Shaw
has accepted aa iavitatioa of the Re
publican state speakers' bureau to
spend a week making campaign
speeches la Missouri. Ho will speak at
wawthai September 17.
Ultimatum to the Packers.
WASHINGTON Nothing short of
the placing on meat products of labels
which win not deceive the public waa
the ultimatum which Secretary Wilson
delivered to forty representatives of
various packing houses here. Here
after, if the packers want their needs
accepted for interstate shipment the
packages must bear labels more spec
ific than tboa used hitherto. It Will
not do, for Instance,' to state awrely .
that a package contains sausage. The
label mast dlstiactly describe the
Waa Member of Quantrell
Oak Grove, Mo.-Capt J. Frank
Gregg, who for the first half of the
civil war was ia Gea. Joe Shelby's
command, bat who -later waa with
QuaatrelL the raider, died at Grata
VaHey, aear hero.
Soldiers Going to Study.
WASHINGTON Fcrty enlioted
from various army posts through.
out the eastern part of the United
States will be ordered by the War de
partment In Wsshlagton in n short
time for Instruction in taking facer
prints and in photography, prepara
tory to carryiag out the aew IdeatuV
cation plans for the army. ' It Is the
purpose to have at least one maa at
every post who is familiar with the
fnger .print and photographic
Mea detailed to Washington
a week.
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