5 WWi' i .Z.?1V 7" 5eufcr.Jft.Tvi.!.5 V- ' .v . n:'F" " l C nW (,& r: . &r v lp. R 7 &9 'Snmmmnev v- . n- -w- -!.ar? r4. w 1 "? wtjcri bsh lc fifed r .33 " Vf V .( 1 lS'V SEI ,f j tj J IK & ..-; i' --. J i-. tf h tlt- - arox iSi iAnV -AV-S tlie Oolumbus April 1, 1904; with the Pl-ttf Oouftr Qp 1, 1906. v - --r., 02 v. .-; R5SHgg' JWPtfl,'t" MP Cis-- vib-wk-: V0L1 .COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEltpa '5, 1906. :-r IHSIUl WHOLE NUMBER 1,814. YS , . " .Tar. 'j'ss t a. . M 'gnj --v ' - - am, -V m nul nW BSkS.'BV dhl Bfe. BBVBBCmm Bat .BVi.BL.Ba. im nV-mY war l''vWWW sBBwn&snarnK 'jflfl nm aaam nanal BH BbV- m mH H 1 H ' 1 T BBm mmmmmr $WrLf H "" B H aaV H h "" .mbV h mb ear ann! f -fcl " "" """s ST " sw F mv warn nfr 3HHnri '1 ":-;MB hV'-I r f r j- n- - ,'"j"7 tf " 5 M, , t 5i . i i" 0 FINANCIERING od "judieions mnVrnicnt ooapled witk eiturteons and gwtrow serrioe kas brought the Colanbaa SUte Bank to ita present trusted and pros peroaa poaitioB. We have depositors on our wko nave been with us siaoe oar charter was granted. Ask tkeee about our banking aaetbods, if yon are not fam iliar with tketu peraonally. We ahall be pleased to give yoa any desired information ourselves. Open an account and get acquainted. The Oldest State Bank in Nebraska. GsIumImis State Bank OOLUMBU8 MARKETS. FoUtosa, new-ba 45 Batter V t. 14 to 16 Wigs y linann 14 Springe 1 Roostera 3 Hogs 5.40 Hn. Olark f Kesraey was a gae at last aight of Irs. Edgar Howa rd. 8. T. Pleaaiag and Ed. SteMis of Oraataa were is this city Satarday on la ouaaty coart Theodore Wolf baa fled aait agaiaat Eraest Gigax oa a proalasorr aite for ffiiM 70. AaajaoUt aiaatiag of Hjdera Wood- will ba hld aert Taaaday night for a log-roUiag picaio. A V fm fall attaadaaoe la desired. Jaha Jeldea f roaa tea miles aorta of Oalaaihas was here oa basiaeas Taas I day. Mr. Jeldea is the aaue good rV aatarad, straight laoed repablioan aa of jars. Mrs. Rath Keayoa, seoretary of the PsattaaaaatT rami carriers aasocia jT". tiaa wai elected at the state meeting -at "rV-ir hat week as delegate to theaajioasi sseetiag of rami carriers -to he held la ladiaaapolis la October. Mrs. D. T. Martya aad daaghter acooaipaaied hoaae by Mm. M. A. PhiUipps, of Mrs. Martya's sister, who will reaaaia for aa ezteaded visit. Dr. Harry E. I-uab of Haatphrey waalatae city yesterday. He sold hla acactioa whioh he boaght three agofmsaDr McKialey to Dr. Ha will start aext week for tela Ia-ka from whioh place he will laak lor a lecattoa la the west. ArtharGray, Jr. entertatned about twenty i ve of bis boy friends last Wed nesday afternoon the occasion being his adth birthdav. The large lawn at the Gray home was ased for a play ground by the little folks whose merry laughter reminded the neighborhood for blocks aroaad that some small boy was having a birthday. flelkViM aaf old its amay attraeti 'toyaaladiffereat ways, bat ao . spot holds saore attraetioaa thaa the cozy home a person cam call their owa. There are y nomeiiae couagaaaaa V l : .-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsX. BBBBBSM 1$ ". I ' m - . - :-- ? -' AnL-TlWl?. - - - . I Oalambas that yoa, can bay- SmfraaT Bnrhe .tallawesnnaV h Sn7w m thtaagh aa at low anees ami lMLtM.aftkm .aV, trim, t-i . "i5: nu . - ' " - r I lata and slots to build them on. ami mu other nmn isoaasi The man -aA?V . 777u .Tfrr-r-!r-rrg. ?- an .SImanK '"lBn:'naasaaBmm''- ' afcvapfi hainaane no WmmSSBf -1 &&&? ' ' VITwtrfmiL k 1 r-WjnW:nBBBBBBBBBBncLr:i,i. i T-WSITTrTrJ1 -Vv.'. HaEfSfy!? ?- S. fA".!-t M.BjiHdA1aaBis1aaBMaBBaBBBBnnl saaBs" '"'C -J"j8r'''''ff!''Wr ??t?. j.-S.yK? r- 'TnT'P)i(eJnpBBBfcte"-"0 IvaMB 31 : j. 1 MeMl f Silver ek kT with bar sister, Mrs. E. Petersoa. s. Miss Floreace Kramer eatertaiaed a few yoaag ladies ac tea Moaday aight la honor of Miss Helea Batler. L Glack, Jadge Saaadera aad E. H. TifTaay of this city atteaded the Rosewater faaeral ia Omaha Saaday. Birth aad deaths report for the 10 births, aad 14 er, local regis trar. ""tfot K 1? Mrs. J E. nterson aaaF daaghter. Virgie retaraed home Thursday after a visit of two weeks with relatives in Silver Greek. M. Bragger left Satarday aight for Goldea Colorado where he weat ;to help his soa Albert enroll in the Co lorado school of mines. Dr. G. A. Ireland of St. Edward was ia Golambas Tharsday to meet aa old friend Dr. McViokera of Heat ingtoa. Weat Virginia Eraest Boaaer, from soath of the Platte broke his arm ia some way last week. The Joaraal has beea aaable to leara the cause of the accideat. Mrs. Hayaer of Rochester, N. Y., aad Mrs. H. M. Kintz of Washing toa D. U., who have beea gaests for three weeks at the home of Jadge aad Mrs. Saunders departed for their homes last Friday. Dr. G. E. Leach, who has been as sociated for more than a year with Dr. J. E. Paul of this city has liought a dental business in Fairhiiry and will dissolve bis business relations with Dr. Paul altout September 15. Dr. Leach has made many friends in Columbus both on account of his professional merits and his business integrity. He is sure to make good in bis new location. George and Bun Turner, Ijee JenkinB, George Fairchild and Pete McCaffrey, constituted a hunting party that left Thursday morning for Loup City. The McKinnie ranch which will be made headquarters, is in good prairie chicken country and ia situated near the Loup where fishing ia good. What meat the other boys fail to supply from the prairie grass and wheat stubble George Turner and George Fairchild will sup ply from the river. W. L. Gheaoweth retaraed last Tharsday from a two weeks' trip to Ohicago where he weat to select the aeweit styles for fall and wiater for bis dry goods departmeat and the cloak aad carpet departmen ts teoaauy aoaea w tne unj uepmrs - eat 8tore. While there he also employed a aew head milliaery for the milliaery departaaeat, Miss Lael la Kremeer. aa artist ia her line. war has beea here about WOOmw The atteadaaoe at the State Fair this week from this part of the state is a record breaker. Ageat Rector of the Barliagtoa has sold dariag the first three days of this week 3C8 tickets to Liaoola aad will probably sell a haadred more tomorrow morn ing. While the Union Pacifiohasaot sold many tickets from Golambas to Liaoola,. the crowd from the breaches whioh tmasfetred over the Uaioa Facile here has beea sack that the email waitiag room here was iaade- qaate to acoommodate half of the omea aad childrea, aot to meatioa the And now comes a Preach stadeat who digs iato the soarces aad finds at Napoleon, whom every aoaool boy for a haadred yean has beea led to beliewe was a great on the contrary, a careless. rider who sometimes i and children and fell oft every tii his horse stopped saddealy. In the light of this anhappy discovery, who knows bat that aome fool American stadeat a haadred yean heaee, will not rise ap with "soaroes" to prove that Williams Jennings Bryan aeither a farmer nor n phrophet? The timely interfi Offlcier at the night, in the Burke prevented a when two weald-be anigJam to effect aa entranee by way af the baok door. The soreea door waa ant aa aa to permit a hand to to nnfaaten the assotteaof ef the wiaaaw near the 4h key mm the 1 aside or a yam coald be aadooked fra Jaet a4 this smge of the 1 glass waa oat from " mo out fttHalf PrlwO w Our entire stock of Jap-a-lac, Roger, 8 Stain floor finish, Locqueret,' Davies Varno floor stain and Campbell Varnish Stain,, to make room for CHINA-LAC MtSretft Ghas. II. Hack ..Drugglsfc.. -"mBmmmmmmmmBmmBmmmmwmsawmwamB Mtaaiagr taraetJUe)aKMf n. Of all the varied Mwfcial eater prises eagaged ia by groaps of people. the oae aadettakea bv far the greatest aamber is that of home maklag. It is therefore very straage that leas geaaiae systematic etady ia gives to the difflcalt problems of the home thaa to those of aay other iaatitatioa or business that may be named. It is, however, aa eaooamgiag siga of the times than maay people are awakeaiag to a realiaiag sease of the importaace of the home. The eeati meat ia favor of the introdaotioa of domestio scieaoe aad art iato school aad colleges all over the coaatry ia growing mpidly. Ia addiitioa to this, there are hoaae departments ia maay of the womea's dabs. The womea ia all kiads of organisations are becom ing more aad more iaterested ia the study of subject relatiag to the home. There has arisen a demand for stady aad readiag courses aloag these liaes. These requests come from the Womea's Departments of the Farmers' Iaetitu tes, from the Women's Olabs, from the Young Womea's Christian Asse catioas, from the Nebraska Girls' Do mestio Soieace Assooiatioa. aad from the Women's Ohristlaa Temperaaoe Uaioa. To meet this demand ia oar own state there will be issued from the Home Economics Department of the University of Nebraska the Home Itady Series. The first series will be Readiag Ooarses for Homekeepers aad will consist of five bulletias to he is sued ia September, November. Janu ary, March aad May. The first aamber will be "Ooa lat ITibiluu These balletins will be seat free application. The University is piling a mailing list new. If yon wish these bulletins, address The Re gistrar Station 'A", Lincoln, Ne braka. - Tke Wnato Inrji Family It cost the Borys family of Duncan something over fifty dollars last week to find out that it does not pay to resist an officer. Deputy Lachnit in company with Captain Wagner drove to the Borya farm two miles weat of Duncan, armed with an execution. When Lachnit de manded the team designated in the writ. Victoria, the mother, and Katarya. the wife of Charlie Borya proceeded with dubs aad pitchforks to drive him off the premises. The stalwart depaty proceeded gently to disarm the and depatised Aagast Wagner who held Charlie and, Frank Borys at bay with a gun S It however, far them to ant the aad they proceeded to. Oolambas and swore oat warrants sfaaat, the fbnr be fore Jadge .Reitenaaa who aedjaem 13 th,e North, opera house next Tueeday night. Sept. 11 th. If you cant remember.thedate, 'phone to Mary and askiiar if. ahjeknQwji ban you are to'come aiter.ber to ssa Kaihrya Dale in the Octoroon. " ' I BL. - M low mm m w mm AU $3.50 low 3l3LO8 now $3.00 AU $2.&b low jtoes now $2.00 All 42.00 low noes now $1.75 AU $1.75 low ""- tr, These are clLHw are also miBaRin a stH ,r - '&&: msummman, "raT P sLabor day . bs Iqaaw U Oolanv has aa Firmaaa'a tmyv wae. calahcatad Maaday with uaasaal ins gnus oredit to the rUmimt Rwt I4a1Iav mA nthmw m , M T " , ! There was. not a bltah in wM.pregram from the time of the street parsde, aft ip.ni. tiU the dose of thVeu?Boe haU at two o'clock the aext mtrulng. At oaeo'deokthe firemea foltewed by huadreds of Hti teas, from the dtyand coaatry and headed by the dry and a carriage oonveyinc the and city coaaoil and spaakars of day inarcbed -to Fraakfort Park where from the. band nland, Leak iiigktaer made a brief addrem of W oome and O. N: Meirreeh sjaoke elo qaeatly for ten miaaai to'wthe fire mea.' ' Masio faraiahed hy the. airy band waa one of the aiuat pleanlat f eatares of the program, fttaeolom o tM literary program the of laWta waa pulled oJT oil JC jfrfwnisaeV and in the evening one .of J1 dances ever held In ea Joyed a Orpheas Hall,. the hovs jaet aboat breaUnf even on. expenses. Prises were awarded for the varioaa. coatests la the afteraooa aa tollowe: Boys' Foot Race. 12 aader, 1st L. Oassioa. Boys' Foot Race. 12 aader, 2ad, A. Bordy. Boys' Foot Race. 15 aader, l O. Abts. , Poya' Foot Raoe. 15, under 2, L. Oassinn, Boys' Foot Raoe 15, ander. 3 P. Elsoa. Girls' Foot Raoe 1 Mary Heatyses. Girls Foot Raoe nnder 2. Aaaa Boyd. f Girls' root Raoe aader 1. Francis Gatzmer. Potato Race. 1 Heatzea. Potato Raoe 2 E. Lowerv.. Potato Race. S. L. Camioa. Shoe Race 1, P. Bbton. Shoe Raoe. 2. E. Grabb. Threelegged Raoe. 1st, StanaUBnnv Threelegged Raoe tat, Aheggler and West brook. Ladies Foot Race. 1 Anna Heataes. Ladies Foot Raoe Sad, M. Gereea. Foot Raoe, let A. Karth. Foot Race, 2nd Joe Firemen's Foot Race 3rd. 'Uliam J Firemen'a Foot Race, 4th. T. VogeL Relay Raoe 1st, Hose Go. Mp. 2, Karth, Moersen. Glnr, Moersea. Relay Raoe. 2nd, P. H. aad L. Haaey VogeL Boettoher and Lang. Labor Raoe. 1st, A. Karth. Uaioa Labor Raoe, 2nd, William Union Labor aoe 3rd, Joe. Haaey. Hub aad Hah Raoe ay Hose Go. No. 2. Baseball by Hose On. No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. M. & Nsadham. of Omaha are gaests this week at the of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rabin- CurlofTneAke. We wish to oar thanks to our Manas and neighbors. who so kindly hoar of sorrow as in oar for the maay pretty flowers Mr. and Mrs Gas A. Bernhardt A strong Southern drama appeals to the most fastidious of play goers when you see the Octoroon yon will ad mit that it is the strongest Drama yoa ever witnessed. Kaihrya Dale as Zoe in this bill, will be something to talk of for a long time afterwards aad yoa can't afford to miss it. Oae aigat oaly. Opera house. Oa., with their wives the twin sisters of Rev. William to visit the mtter on occasion of his tOth birthday. r 9. Messrs. Benrer aad Hitse- are prosperoas mrmsrs ia sas bat' they admit t crops took finer thaa they do ia they are thinking af keying land in this state. sboea now $1.50 Snappy Late Styles. iction on all fa and aiar49 After yo(U have 5uffqrie4 ey aci6 it For a while yon,wUl epprecjate the iinuujsr relief that oomea'Xrom the weariag of properly fitted glasses. All. thje burning sensations cease. Aad all the aches and pains. Aad, where discomfort formerly waa ia bow absolate eye pomforU t , Thja ehange can bev brought about ia a vary short t$me, indeed aad' we pre "ready to undertake it at .any time you say v " J No charge for aaythiag bat the glassea. E4. J. Nlpwoftner jler aM OaUtlan Xante 3 Mat Gottherg has parohassd a oidermilt Peter Soamltt the miller ip the first of J. F. Liaoola visitor thie those in atmadeaos at Ue fair are Henry Dejke Norbet 8hrpeder,' Braakee, William Alsers. sr.. Martia Alaers, Pete Latiaaa., William Swartaley and Fred and 'Henry Baigmsaa Wears infatawn that J. F. Diaeea parsaassil three qaarter. seetions ot land near Soatts Blaff, Neb. recently. The members of the German Bap- tist ohnroh of Shell Greek, very agree ably sarprhmd their pastor Rev. Pa Dssdwaaea last Saaday, it being 'CO years since he first saw the light of that world ia a. little berg over la 'Garaaany ay the aame of Seehaasen. The mpsahnrs msrohed ia a body from one of ,the neighbors near the ohnroh headed by the Shell Creek band, aad the pastsrs house they oriole aroaad the band, indered sosne very axoeUeat They then adjourned to the eharoh where a abort aad aloe little The paster was tJO ia cash, one dollar be lag for eaoh year of his age; 8ixty red aad white earaatioas were pre sentedjto him by' Mrs. Pspeahaaeea and aaaghtsr Martha. He also- re: eievedjaboxof fUUMB.from his daagators in the east Toa caa bet the man that oarriera there mail had s.tsawef some of the good things. Jndge Batterman's court was crowded yesterday afternoon and this morning by people aaxioas to hear the testimony ia the case of the state against George Plata, Archie Cue and Frank .Seaton. charged with assault and battery oa the parson pf Myron Wileon. The testimony showed that the three boys' followed Myron Wileon and Tom Barrows with lady eompaaioas from the park to soath Oolambas, saakiag improper re auwks. This led to a fight in which George Plata struck Wilsba. Archie Cue came to the rescue of Ptath when WUson had the, latter down. Seaton. was die charged and Cue audtfUth. fined 2. aad costs. The boys were all under aiaetoen. Peter Bender of Oornlea spent Tnssday in this oity. He had . start afhjs family to tne state fair and oame hare oa basiBiss. Among other taiagsMr. Beadermid "In twenty one yofref riding np aad dawn this rami I never havf ssan(MgoodL ereaa, as we have thhT year.' Oael third: of tne oorji erosts already past danger from frost." 8peaklag of farm mmW Mr. Bender said that; he had paid ftifiOa.day for harvest hands, this sammer. Mr. B. freely en aoUtical sabjects lanaaamnanaamm its aeon last Satarday te its., friaads. PreaideatG. W. W?Ulifps, Henry Wllokins deiag the haaky nnalartistte in its farnishiags. many. f-t'- r nay umr of the new aad to laupstt. the af the nei J One ef the feaiares aC thn opes L T. f- of a note G t-- Uthi IWettlae. School began Monday in Dist 62 with Maude Simpson of Genoa, as teacher. Rev. -Benjamin of Norfolk visited thieviointy Monday and Tuesday. in - Peter Sawaaaon and daughter who have been visiting, here the past, thee monthe returned to their Denver home last Friday. Mrs. A. Nelson of Genoa and France Nekton from San' Francisco visited at J.' M. Anderson's Tuesday. ( Mm Alios Watkias is again ia this vioinity. She has been engaged to teach the Postville school the coming year. . There will be n ball game oa the Palestine diamond beween Postville and Palestine next Satarday. The infant child of Robert Fisher u-deageroasly ilL Mrs. Alfred Peterson of Davey who has bean vimting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.- Lewie Swanaoa the past moath retaraed home last Saturday. litUawl awl Tieuity. Mrs. Minnie Hansen retaraed Satur day to her home at Omaha after a three'weeks visit here. Grandma Steveasua has purchased city property in Columbus aad will move there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trofholtz com bined basiaess with pleasare ia a trip to Oolambas Friday. Henry Sohroeder and family drove ap to Humphrey Saturday for a three nays' oatiag with relatives. Miss Bertha Smith of Schuyler, opened the hall of learning Moaday moraiag ia district 23. Ed. Yonkie visited his brother Heary at Atkinson, Neb ', this week. Mrs. John Keller paid her aged mother a visit last week; near Dworak's still. . FiasA Stevenson and family, trans- aeted'bnsiaem ia Oolambas Satarday. Qaito a aamber from here attended Lxbe Old Settlers picnic at Schuyler, Satarday. Among them were' Mr. end Mrs. Haaey aad daughters Lizzie and agaes, Mr. and ' Mrs. O. J. Wertz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith aad Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brocklesby. Substitute Clarence Brocklesby now deliverers oar mail while 'Carrier O. J. Wertz is spending his fifteen days layoff patting a new- foundation aader his hoase. -, The infant daughter of Fred and Nellie Trofholz is lying very low with a spinal disease. Carl Ewert aad Adolph Hoge graced the thoroughfares of Colum bus Satarday. Mr. Hoge has parr chased proprety inf Columbus aad after .disposiag of hisVxm imphv meats aad stock will reside tnere. - Haarv Sohroeder had amale aad a horse badly gored recently by a m ball whioh had broken through -the f eaoe iato the home pastare. The ani mal belonged to Adolph Hoge. Mrs. John Mac is confined, to her bed with illness. Barney Bodwig, held on a bastardy charge, was released yesterday upon furnishing sufficient bond. - Ray Young, who has' been working for several months in the packing depart ment of the M. E. Smith wholesale house ofOmaha, is spending the week at home. - r.. George Mostek-is Jn the county jail on the charge of wife beating. ' -. ..? , - police were called to the Moetek homer in SoQth:Csiumbus Sunday, by. neigh bore who aeard the disturbance and Mrs, Mbstek- filed complaint Tuesday- The eerviosa at the Methodist Episco pal Church aext Sunday will consist principally of the reception of members aad the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. lathe evening Dr. Millard will preach the closing sermon of the conference year. -All are invited to these services. " Lotok R. DkWolf, Pastor. . The Rev.vMonroe has begun a series of Sunday morning sermons in the Gon gregatioaal church on the general eub eot 'Standing Ground for Confidence" The first preached'Auguet 19th, was on "Functiomfof the Human Soul.'' . The seooad to" be preached next Sunday, September 9th, is on the subject "Fiad ing Oar God." t Others toj follow are .The Qod,'lConacMaSBtsn of Christ" aad "The Immortality of th'e S-mLM f The city schools of Oolambas open ed this week with the largest enroll- in the history ef the school and has stalled off la every depart with every-promise of a. saboes-' shael year.' Taeoerps of, teach- eslrasfoUews: 8aaa. E. B. Sher-wmn;prineliad-high senoel. I. H. Brited; other high; sshbol tesahera. MimimUy AatosLntfn and Gee amcUsh. MiM (, r. . J. 'Bmbvajiwl Asala. lwmmjm .-., jmm m r .-.A' -m -, -. . t xmrrow, rJasnasaa:: seooad -ward:-Miami'Oirsma;- nnabach aad MW- Thmaewon XMte JhW-v Mja, Briadkry. ami Mkm Tmsmr. kinder- SIMlnmf gbraha ia formmon and Mrs. Cast in I iyVjja- m BE CONSERVATIVE. Those, who would get rich in a day always fail. It's conservative people who are our largest depositors. . OUR BANK IS CON SERVATIVE. We treat patrons courteously, bat advise them to take no risks. In banking with us you get the bene fit of wise council. It may save yon from disaster. The First Natlwtial Bank He 4 School ia this district Moaday with Nellie Snllivan teacher. Chris Iosai attended the Gerawn picaio Saaday at a Melligers. i Dariag' the -rata shower' Saaday morning the lightning struck a milk tank and dasaagedit for Dan Done- hae'a farm. A. large aamber of yoaag friends mrprise&Mm; Herman Klaver Satur day night, the occamion being- her birthday.,. 7 , Bill Conner is getting- ready to build a new house on his farm. The Best Mi In Tom fITTHE it, GALLAGHER SIOKE H0USE:: Opposite of U. P. Depot- w Only,, the Tjest grades 1 and Leading brands sold. Have you tried the famous Nicaragua,, New YorfcH3pecials and" the Pathfindeiv ." Call ajud let us con-' vinceou. , Platte Center.' A very pleasant lawn narty given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ziag. lant .Tharsday evening. .RayMapken met with a painful aooideat wjbile visiting la CMambnt last week. He.was ridiai a biovaba ' nad ia turning5 a ooraer felL onftlac. gash fa bit foot. Ssveral Pitches weramiemsary bat s4 last reports he?"' was cettias? shmiriliiiilB " " John .Kipp wlar-MfiJmre V last '4h "- WKZYittlmm'r mU ; Vk.kl-1! . . 3r" - . .v. wwv.a uawHB niHiwi aa i . 3r-.-r . . . - .. . . . . .w . -r . k. --. finwuMier mat week and will main heTe iadeflattely. n.A m . r .' . . r , st - ' T Dn.G. F. Pngh and daaahtar Him Laura who have been visktag Je$$r " nevarai weean retaraed "m home the few part of hut wsak. r . ' -, Mr. and Mrs. F. a Lecranaad son went to Onaahs; Friday where they will remaia for a few days. mm ltinne Daan daaarieil m - ?-- x mummj mm weaWBBSB.T waere ane nas accepted a position as primary teacher in thepaMicecheel. Mim Franeas Haajaes left for, Fre mont last weak. Mim-Haghes has accepted a pesitioa in n mllttWry w grwiaomv. . ., .. y - a. mnj i r Clother wha. hu.hMa ;."----:. v " xr t rx 4tjr vkutiag relatives ia New-' xm-saF' :-Ay 4 the past two moaths retaraed "mmmt '. ':'J'''' an;vM. - .. -j -- kjJ Lj"- ' .go -farther toward err ing a man a genteel appearmethan anv other one thine. If vour'clethee are made by Iiastrmn tbeyfre right in every peJtkularrhere mndbtme-' awi mnatT J&'l&mmmmYmW "lBl " vJ aasf i .--T 3 t- $ f 't' V A t 4. 51 f j 5J- zw: t -K I: 5 -M ,v3 SZJC vc -a,.' -jiT TW -,r t I'S . v. - -il vxx V Sir. ' Xi- . & mMi J i. . 17 . - i af : ?ui " j?-"? r..fci'! ", f it- tr 3? r - r - s. V w '1 , r N m Vl ' - ..'i '. . ' S-ritV - fjar--mBf.gh - --.. - -:-i-si4.:i..r,S.tfr. &:4Z?&FH!S? T !--.r Vi Du?4 ,4 AV&J..--. TTj-A . " 1 . rr ..-wm v ry &. -7. I'&i-J-r'i r - -nmamja WVJf-C4 m?Zrfriff . r. .