The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 29, 1906, Image 8

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If you will cat more '
Uneeda Biscuit
. - -. l
. you can do more work, enabling you to earn
more money, so that you can buy more
. '.
Uneeda Biscuit
do more work and earn still more money.
r ;
- tv
-". a
T'" rP"42 BBB
famtt OrnkjifSM. S. A
of tha Th hi
am BtlSISSkp.m,
latafc1 V -.. -J.1-aav -.. -:aaBBMaa5;v,i "
The State Fair-of .1906 will show
v many new attractions not heretofore
seen in their program.
On September 5th the people of
Nepraska will honor one of their
greatest citizens with a Home-Coming
Reception. Without regard to poli
tics every Nebraskan should feel
proud to do honor to WI J. BRYAN.
For this occasion the Burlington will hold
their Columbus train at Lincoln until 10
o'clock P. M. to enable State Fair visitors
and othersto attend this reception.
- L. F. RECTOR, Agent.,
WmtHill. ; '
Olaf Alfred spent several days of lsst
week in Omaha.
Mia. Nelson visited her ooasin, Mia.
Ostberg, n Genoa over Sunday..
Mr. and Mra. Geo. Cipaier , were Saa
day .visitors at' W. Gdliepto'si . ".
Miss Veda Jernberg js-apeadiag Mw
days with her sister, sua Fredof Welm.'
Mr. Nelson and Mr. Farnsworth are
Jurntng their surplus apples into eider.
- Mra Olaf Alfreft went to Ong, Neb., to
visit a sister.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Reardon are'entor
taining relatives from Iowa.
Mr. and Mia, Gillispie attended the
faneralof-Mra. A. Guiles,-at 0Kay,
John Zimmerman, 8r. marketed sixty
five' fat hogs the first of the week.
Tickets on Sale daily from September 3
to 14. IMS,-to SAN FRANCISCO to'
LOS ANGELES. Also $02.50 to Cali
foraia going or returning one way via
Portland in effect same dates.
Be sure your Ticket read brer this line
Iaqaire of
W. H. BENHAM, Agaak
Mra! Gailee diedat her boms tea
miles northwest of tow o Satarday
after an illness of several moata.
Mim Mami Stadlay arrived Wad.
aeedafT', morning from Oraatoa
will make her home in Moaroa.
Charles Kelley is oajoyiagaa
InSoath Dakota, the f as of his
brother Ed., who la Indian ageat oa
the Roaebad Beamiatlo, he made
the trip in hit aatoeabbUe.
Robert Talles has been oa tto eiok
list for several aayav - '
Major aad Mrs. Charles Hill Mi
son William of SpriagaeU. Soata Da
kota are gaeats of -their soa Howard.
A aamber from aara atteaded the
Biaaigaa Horse sale la Oolamhaa oa
J?. Ladd ia the proad nimior
ofjaa ,aatoaiobile,. aa haviag par
ohased William Webstersamohiaalam
WaddalL Urn-
A aarty af aU girls of 8aU Oratk
aoa of Pater
Bohmitt ia reoovariaff from ate laaaas
ilMaai aad he aad is aow n ami
D. BraakmihasaahaciaarmiIL
E. Bam aaJpaed 3. haad ef oattto
this watk.
QalMaaamkarof psaflerrom taw
loata are arraagiaa; f altwi the state
fair aaxt week.
William Behlea aai
aaw steam threahlaaj aafiaa
Fred BaafeM cama vary as
aasrioas Moldeat mat Mommy. Ha
hadaaloadad aomagraiaat the miU
aad had drivaa otT the aealss to last
aa his team, whea gatrlaa dawa or
silempHag to gat dowa from his wag
aa ha aUpaadfalhaff with hte head oa
somebrioka. Ha was ptokad ap aai
oarried iato the miU where he lay aa-
for m hoar aad twaaty
Mr. aai Mra. Fraak Wardamaa
irava to Oalambaa Sataraay.
' frai Laadtka was markatiag a aar
of aaallai aara aft Oraatoa Moaday.
D. Hollmaa of Oraatoa was ia these
'""waa aWaWwWJmwTW
. R, Waraamaa aad Mr. Smooth left
Friday far a fa w days oatlag at the
Pmtta river.
- Mra.. Pari Rasche was la Oalambaa
Oscar Laeaehaa aad Herama Oattaa
visited with the latter brother la
' A game of ball was played oa t3
Diok Dierks dmmoad aaaday betweea
the BlnU oreek aad Batter milk niaes,
asarai being 8 to 83, ia favor of the
Shell oreek boys.
Heary fliaflraa ttoartei the Braai
gaa hons sale at Oolambas Satarday.
eek to ma a
- -.eaaaaaaaaawaw - . t ..
.maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw nsv wenMiip aassnaav
ggggggggggggggggggW IkftvetMnmean.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaamfaaaaaV. lwmU.awieCaayateT aas-a.
aaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaawBBaV aMBter.TOBraMMaar.er7arsisisr. I wtM tt
ggggggggggggggggmMgM. teUymoirSuSS-iy'. J'J?1
gggaaaaaaaaWaBBMw TaaawmaaVPl ' aBerlasa What we wowam knew tnmtm
gggggggggggggggggggggrggggV' aaaamBaaaaaaaa'?! aaiataBBra- wars armvaW aaaamav aaaaaa aasaw? aaamacsaa T aaaaaaaa?
ggggggggggf"aav naaaaal thst it u I "glsyUsm sals swi r ewe for
amF bf pKgggggggBKjpJ aamaaaiCamanaaaw?waVamBBaaMaaaaaBfeaa laaaaaAamLl,aaa
.gggggggggggPv' ggggggaaav Pr" a1J : aa lis alf,
aaBBp7.BBBBBBBBBBy aSBBBBBBBBBaWk WhhK A lJ lk & m a T .k
aaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaT aaaaaaaaBaWr IWana aaaawBO WDal BaAaaaaaaaaaaalaaaalsaaBwarawmBaS
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw ma' " av w vwww waaaawsjavBWSiwejnjv ejsW
EmaWaaV -aav anMriiir tr to urete to yea aau i a ewe
EEJL 'fmnat at bonie. easilr. aataklv aa smy.
.... -1 fcaaiBBibr.thatttwmiiiHjiBaimtaitoalTStha
anotsHot a ssaammtrlal: sat It yoa aaoal wish to eootiaae, it wttteostyoaoalyabaattt
OBMJimweCk.erl1 tasaf t wmtiiT. Itwffl not interfen with tmm- waric or oemDatiaa.
. Ik iffl bo interfen witk
teuBwaowToa saner u yon wta, snfliwm
inMajawiaoper.Dvrenniaiau. ivoialso
nf irnairn Iitt i nl Hi iili mlfk bit
Ploanaata aa ataita tJtnvti
ISVanhtdlt-titekMatalaai !
m ass waasawo m
ttthi "i'i iiiiinii irhTi ainiiirm aiTYtnrrwpi iiiiiuiituatuuni miii
'tmmmmvUamjatmmdiftmtmtyttmmltm at boaa. awerr woawaaaaal
r i onoaiioBt waawaaawawa aawa aaaaawaaa k aaKBaj w awca sam aaaacaaaxr amiFaT X CBJ aaawawa aaav awa W"aB
aavCBaaaaaBBam waaaaaam aaawaaaUlW aaaam tBrnaaaSaaaulV aTaapaaji TflaaBaWTwaaaaak ataawaaaa &m aaaal ValamrBl
T rmm wpoaaBaaa' waum ataaaaiaBvaaaiPcaai aTTasaa aaaaamaaaaaal aaaam aTaawamaaa
HmlJ IJgaai aaaaa aayaaj aaaaaaaaj afaaajaaaaaaaja; lajgaiurfaajaaaajaxu TaWmaa watmmamamaV aaaaal aamammat WwKawttl
awmt. M. ins, mas 414 - - - Hara Osama, hwA,IJ.S.m.
Dr. M. E. Qli
Priauose oae day last
mr. aad Mrs.' Fred Watts
gaests of Monroe friaads Moaday,
Joaa Smith speat
W. A. MoWilliama speat Saaday
with aia family bat left agaia Moaday
to aa some laad lathe wostera part
of tae state,
. Thtf Journatis prond of its Aagaat
sabseriptionrecbiAl.' Aogast is a btjsy
month for iieople7oa thefarirt, bnt peo
pie have aotbeen too basytb call at the
Jonraal oflce"tb renew' their' sabaerip
tiona and aciti new 'names to ' the list.
The hsadsome 'souvenir given to paid-in-advance
subscribers " has' prompted
many to call and moat of those who call
take oocas ion'to compliment the Joax-
oal not only on-its news -and editorial
oolamas bat oa the aigaof icreasig
prosperity shown ia the growth of Its
advertiaiag, "Tae ' Joaraal has bsea
seading oat statemeats to;' show sab
oribers where that stead, aai' this
pma seeau to1 please the majority who
prefer tu keep their.
-aaiCoaaayOmrk Graf.' Abasat;
Daw Sir:-Ia
property ia ta
State Board af TiaaHiatis aad aaaaav
meat, at its ragamr umlaa ia lttt. ia-
valae of the follawmg daaam af aroaar
tym Platte eoaatyaapwiati by mw:
HorsMlOpareeat,catUs 10 par eaat
Toasm Imraby aaaaramg awaraated
toaddtolaaaaaeaamaat ef eaah piaes
or paraal af preparty i yoar aaaaty af
fartadbymwawmm at ami hoard aa;
amoaat aaaal t ta par seat af marmaa!
By orderfta State Board of Eaaal-
Oa matiaa af
sama waa ordered Biased oa am aai ta
ooaaty mrk directed to add the aaammi
valaatioa of aara.
Moved by Saaoctissc Othaia. thatth
chair sapoiat a rammitlsa of three to
sabmit ta taia board the leva aeeeaaarj
to oaf ray the axpeaam af the aaaaty mm
tae cause, villages, tawaahipa aai
distrietsiataacoaaty far th
Tr. M
ad saporvmor Goats aai
OoeatyAaamasrGaBsy, a
Ooaaty AaamorQalley, bow stated that
he had aptifad P. E. McKiUip toapaear
before him aad show aaasa why h baa
not lifted oahiaaeaedaJ of si at
certain amoant of mortgages glad ta
ooaaty alark ofea waecaia ha is aamad
aa mortgegee bat as yet ha failed to
Moved ty8apsrviaor Gosta, that th
clerk be directed to aotify Mr. MeKfflip
to appear before thia heard tosaorrew
afteraooa at t oaloek, relatif to this
'' f - - - ir- . Tit
maa i.'-'aaBaafc.w.-' .-'i
a::"9MT.'VaLJ' i-.Jmm - m. -, kk f.
jPrnaaf ff matt ml
llf -wajaaaaayaaaa ' "& 'PaaWW9J J
u. .
- sr?
5f 1-
- lw(
?: -
J &&1
The f ollowiag
To the Hoa. Board of
Platte ooaaty, Nebraska. Kf
timwO lor Dm. We
mimvtfridoiwhmtmtUl n !! of
8mmlTamwr aiOOmm In littl'B COolaailaS.;
VBdFpjniihiOfPi lmvhro the iiMXmiiag o
TaaUmtOwatm. Jtmtf Jmy ill AllgOmt mOmPm
a day at anmrtxmitf to yoa to boy
OstthTJC VPd the aVCOCaavOrie of droftw mi'
Ciwrntly TdwoA iritm. It wokl pay
ytu t bay now ukL pot away wheal yon
cooaidr that mbe prioea e quote here
meanaaaving oTanywhere from a third
to a hall of ingrain But that -ant
thebrxtorittaMie are two anontha of
Summer weaihai ahead in which yon
can get taelmll wane in wear of what
a -a
r ,
t &?:
mm "
am , '
V aai f
aar r
. may -
am rV'tl
k. X ;
WamXamaamXamXXXXX "J'
"" saaiamana
!" to the nhamaaiw)r,B . of '
' naraaow, taa fallowing- "
we awk yen to buy now
ViUag of fiadmy
Vlmwayawawa Kmaavll ,
.10 mill
Mr.D.P. Mabonay and Mjat Aaua
Nalaoawaia married in the Catholic
ehareh at Praabo, South Dakota, Saa
day morning,' Aagnst 19, 1906. The
atmawStaemCrdaiaaad Aagusta Npl
eoa atteaded th bride aad Messrs Tim
Jothy J. Croniasad Fraak Biley acted aa
grooawaien. Both bride and groom are
aoooaatapaidiaadvaao,v Th Joar- "? f"J 9wn in this
aai appreciates the hearty cooper- y yawi nmnvaia
tkm aaowa both by aaaaoribor. aad Py "dth bride ha. aver
advertiaar; aad take, this opportaai- ZTHirL- T
Bvasaawai v vwn ba Mgaaj !3amVmmmmUya
The bride and groom each have a homa
steadiaSeath Dakote and they will
make their borne in that state for th
praaeat. TbeSigaal joins with their
haadreda of f rieade from Platte eooaty
ia wishing tbsm happiness sad prosper
ity ia thair journey through life.
Cbria Greisea aarrowiv sasaaed serious
iajury last Satarday. He waa grooauag
an oaUaw broacho wa ta aaimal be
gs to kjk viciously. Chm waa struck
o the right arm aad th deadly hoof of
th broacho aaaaad hie fcssd so narrowly
that the blow took some of the whmkam
Leopold Ssibler was kicksd by horse
Imt Soaday Taiag, thjma) striking
himmthtoajohad paralyxiag him
for th time bsiag. Madieal aHtsBos
wmaaauaoaadaad whim Mr. Ssibler
wfll ba noBJBri to aia bad foraometim
the iajary wUl not be aarioue.
A swell parte' waagivea last Saaday
by Mim Nellie Maher aad bar brothers
Blake and Eddie. Trttaokplaoe
at the Loap river aai the party waa
given in honor of Maw Helea Metoalfof
Lincoln and th Miasm Dortby Boa
aad Laura Earight of Chieago. Miss
Katheryn Groain aaakted th Mars ia
theeatorteiameatof th many partioi
paata, Bafreshmenta cooajstjag of large
juicy wateramloaa, ice cream, lemonade,
abarbert, pop, the flneet kind of cake and
maay other things to make one mouth
water, were served to th jolly crowd.
Fiahia- twmt ruling m.H talliav awiM
were the priaeppa) features of aatase- -& of the ooaaty far th year ltQS
cat. too 1601777 adwa raaommead the
following levies to ha amd:
Ooaaty Oaasrslfaad 4 7-10
meat books of the city of Oalambas for
the year 1908, tharam pieced oa lot 8
and the east 11 teat of lot 7 block 86, aa
Mtamsd aetasi valaatioa of f 13,100. At
taa tim whea the abov maitisasi
property waa paiaaaaad by am fram
HaghHogbss, I gave mat a amrtgag
agaiaattae said property ia taa am af
8,000 to seoare part of the pareham
price. Thia amoaat of 18,000 is as yet
wholly aapaid. thetefocs I ask yoarhim
orabl body to uadaet from.tW.aaseased
valaatioa of 18,100 the. sisnat of th
mortgage, forth reaaoa that Mr. Haghm
is assessed for the sawaat of the mort
ageaaditwoaJdtoaBJwataad doable
texatfoa if J would be laoairad alao to
pay taee oa tea ai aatoaat of. 18,000.
BaspaatfaJly yoars,
ByCma.TwdeofL .
Oa motion same waa referred to the
oommittee oa anmplaiat with iaatrae
tkm to rsfsr tea camarBBiaathm to the
ooanty ttoraey for . writtea opfaioa.
ITsmsiBJBg ia asaafcia aatil $ o'clock p.
m. the board of eqaabpattoa then oa
motion adjoaraed aatil f Va)ock a m.
Oalambaa, Mebr Aagaat 4, lOofi.
Ta followiag waatssatod(
To the Ooaaty Beard of EaaaUaatioa
of Piatt ooaaty, MaaaBam. -
Gentlemea: Yoar oomauttse appoiat-,
ad forth parpam of aabmittiag th
leviM aeeasaary ta defray ta ezpaasea
of th ooaaty for thaaaawiag year, would
report that wa fad the total
OsBsral faad
Village of Moaree
1-2 .
1-2 "
Gaasralfiad ..2
SeTlllfw) laamfaa m
Total 77a
mk A maaaawJ
Trip Rawas ta OaH.
Prom Sept. Sjto 14th, the Union Paei
c'will pat hi affect' the very low rate of
oae fare for the round trip to San Fran
eiaeo or Las' Aagelen. Also tickets on
sate te California sane dates at $1150
higher, going retaraiag via Portland.
Iaqaire of W. H. Bkhham.
, Agent.
WAKTB:-43aaiftcnt girl
f SMMral hwisewavk. Best WillfgJ
Tggptngaaslag 4SS49 Mrs.
; CX laawait, 18M Bimy St.,
ty, at tae tamabold af a Bigjall
nam to promise greater aad
effort to give - Joaaal ' readers
.tney waat aad to give'Joaraal advar-
tisers the arost-oircalacioa ia
for tbair moaev that they hve
beea able to bay ia -a Piatt ooaary
newspaper. The Joaraal'a eiroala
tiontearowiag every day aad it will
a atop growiag Tell yoaV friaads
sboatit Bemsmbm that every aaw
sabscriber aad every old saaaoribar
who pay a yaar ia advaaos getahaad
some soaveair And doa't get sore - if
yoa receive a atatameat of yoar a-
ooaat. It is simply a remiader.
Every body gets oae. Aad it pay yoa
take Bote of it '
Have for sal, Poland China male
' pigs, March, April aad May farrow
abo 10 head of fall boar, all are well
boned aacTgood siie, come and see
them, a visit is free, prices accordiag
t o age aad sue.
B. F. D. No. S CwImInw,
, Eetiet Far Pmblkattai.
LndoCoBatLiaeala, NebAuMtl
StMeo-ihinW-mrtm that ttw follmriec
juuBed aattlarteM filed Botioeoflii iafejation to
Biake final prooirm'rapiinrt of hU ekia. aad
that Mid prwtf wttl beiswde bufot a M. Qmrn
tter. Ckrk of District Coait, at CelaabM. VUb.x
n nM a 1M icr Alvla Bum tt W W
facta ti Bee. .T. 17 a. Blsw. Id.b. " SfBaaU Watk 11
Heaaa thetoUowiawitaiiMia toaretoiaa Mr. rar BM BBB Of Wl
eakifatiaa of visltiag ta faBHtar af
I J - - - V. ... -
Mtmmuvmwwm Mcat w Mmmmm, Bwa: Ulaa BBaaaMM - -- t
cfDai .aab.; Fraak Boi
Aar aeraoa who detbm to
Wiiaaaia of eh proof. or who
Mra. Joaa Htniaar gad
aforawcra Oolambas visiters
Mtems Katarya Oroaia aai Ha
WeAleU aad ateaars. Joaa Riley aai
Baary ffssms maft aa aatomofeite trip
who baa basa
mat la
Ooaaty Road faad... 18-10
Ooaaty Bridge faad 18-1 -
Ooaaty Bsfaadpagfioadfaadl.l -
Ooaaty Poor faai...... .JWr i
SoldiaroEsaaffaad...., .g
Total Ooaaty Levy ...40 J "
We also raaommead that a levy af 2
millaapoatha dollar b mad aaoa all
taxable property ia Ooiumbas towaship
fortaapaymaatof th iatrast aad iv
per osat ot th priaeipalof taello.WXOO
Oolambas TowasaipBridga Beads
Rsspeetfally sabmittei.
Job Goetz, Was. J. Newmaa, Joaa J.
Galley. Cosamittee.
Oa aaatioa aam was adopted.
Th foCawsag waa preasated:
To the Board ef Eaaalisatkm of Pmtta
ooaaty, Nebraska.
Geatleama: Yoar coauaittee appoiat
d for the naraoas ef aahauttiag th lev
ma aaesasary tp defray the eypeaaea of
taaeitmvMlaamaaitowasUpsaf the
aoaaty, nwiBiBiBBdij t)ml th foUpwmg
levies bafeved aad made:
City af Oolambas.
Gaaaralfaai' 7 faUllm
OityParkparposm 8-o
MtetaiamgPaalic Library, 11)0 "
Iatersstaa Water War H .
faaamgBaaaa. 9
htereat oa Leap Biver
Boaas 2810 -
aa ptette Biver
fLIfl "
..... ... a xo
Oiaflfi IIMates .!
Awwap f
qraad Prairie To waskip .-
fVBavVaal JwaaaVal a a a aawaaawl
. Hamaaray Tswaahip
IfjBaafaU Cafaaff aaaa aaaaam
. Batler Tawaahip . .
UwXMbTM Kaawaff aamam
A04fl lHawte ! av M
T Wttwt f ? ? ? ??? ?
Lap Tawaahip
UwmPawTsal Wmltstf J Paaaal
AwObbwI SaaaEaS X
aTavwaU. )
.Last Osaak Tawaahip
JrwmBBawmm SmmaWalwa -A aaBamB)
maaTlUpBSa Aaawaal
Total " 4
To the Hob. award of aaalmatiea ef
x .-
nasaa ---- - - ? -.
'hrniB- " - -.
faaat ta He a wnttea aasaA' maaai
toihasttashii emaaammBa, I bag- I
Uadaroarrevaaaelaw it ia a watt'
sw"w' mT aa gap bb aaaajBax
de alsay. that all real preperty a!,
msaasi at im aatoal vatee ia taa aaaraat
ia th nrimimj aoaraaof traaV
famphai stetatesbf Eek,Oa77Saa, latji
It is asm a wall aettledaam that amrt
gaamaaraal Bfaparty eaaowted by a1
parBkamrtomearatha snishms (prioe,
nniatstatea pansaal prapmlf t aaideea
aaiBaawy aia texabte ta tW aoaaar.
Maah fcaa bua isil hi regard te daphV-
whataessastebea amaam tagatiaa. af-
taa earn irspsitj ta twa mwividaals; v .1
I twa
fks laishsmi af tha aiiintr
ia maai aa am faB vaaaaaaalc
is taxed ta taa aaate amsaat
aa aha debt. Whether then hi nlaataaa
. wai aa awv aaaaaaaat aa
a it aaa beahoaa that ) af dal
has beea duaalv taxaat hsa aa vur-
bsea direetty teaad hie da y
tnate,m auastioa wahavea
toaamvaa, "' '
tasaow that tha
taatlBTStammaat anaaal -
ysaehBBsaaai taaaHs. t
teoaaaaatiyhaaaa aa
" Kj '
avmi that aay 'it
jaswitahly jradan aaaajaal aai aajaat , I
aaadte ia haaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaa aaa i ami 'W
naaana aa aaavaaaaaB aaaaaawa, aam ax aa- m
aaaaaBBBMBBaaaa aaaa SkMMakBa aaaaab gai- . fc. m if1
aai iajaaraamaaa mast fall bask apaa iLJ
mbitimy lasttiiaa. Bat mr mt imt-J;
I "y- Tiniaaaai a- VnaiaTa Tr' J
Gaaaralfaai ......2jajaaT praetieaL The lagialatare maat jaig -
QraaviaW Tn WBahir " fUMgeaaralreaalt aad whea tha la . Jfl
Xwlmj jj ha anamlnasitaa tav. mmfiilaal hard- 1
MiiriaKraahip shiaa asaat be ragantod as aamag tha ia- - -M
Gaaaralfaad ......... mtta wwImsm, wbrnh ar iaaiaiat ta --djKk
-"- mrZ.jh- m NMralar aanwi'i ""w-WEbRi
avjaa. avbv. ..................... .& .ihs b waaaaaiaa -aBBBia
.', . . , aam
........... - laarjSsrilaBmtatha aaava aai tha ' M
EtaawBBaaafaaaaaaalaaaaaiS. " tJ
aaaaataat-tfc. ... 1' - " 2r " l"'T
- vi " aBaaaaraaaiaauaaBaaani a
Johat TiaajihT,
Meaerap f.Bo- -... .......3
...... ...
a-ieaaaaaiiiaaam 11 fast ef lot T
.lMSB,mtaaamaf i..jaai
. cm
Bridge faad ...1
1 aaavasmanaaaeetivaaf aay aaartaaaaa ; -?ZM"i
Tatal , 5- -- - - - """ " !f I
" """ aavJ aaVafaaV wZavBTavaVwaMBi em amaaBBwaaw - " awa X
Oeaaral faad...- auH I R Lathasm. Uammy Attorney. Hy
Eaai faai ........... .1 By C H. ateBaTreaaulaaamtv v "yis.
XMTMBga, maai.. ........... ...1 vmi aaaaaan aaaaa aaa araHMaaf ta aa kSfJ
ivaai ai rl apaa tha laaari. """ laW 1
Waairilm Tawhahip., ' - ' "' ' - M
Oeaaral faad .1 nam HHMMHiBBaaBm, tji-S
aaau raaOl. ............... BBBSBBBBBBBaBBBB?MBBBTaB3 $& ?
Bridge faad.. ;-.l aBmaaBwaaawamBBBBBBV --'1- 4 vl I
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Total 3 "aaBBaBaaa
Walker Towaship . .Tarawa!. - ' -t'
ilil " -" Vg;l JSKi.-wl
Bridg faai.
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WATBTmam . Aft
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lammmV awaTwl aTBBaaaavEBaaaa. ItVawaaawaaaV bbbbbbbbbb BaaaarBawaaT ffafat aaaazgaaaaaajaM M I IIW atu .. ' T i
FntakHagaas. . "f1 . aatad te red iakaa taa Mats siassssdW "Jaaaaa rvta?T UZ T" ' Tli
ik.1. -.' uaaarm raaa iwaaaas - ' - - - -- z "vnam:. .?-
OrkBaorOeaaaa.llabriaBkDaHaaaaa. ..TT " - '"aag . aa a a Osaaay aaBBW uaaaw, aaa K was -Wmmillir aBaBLWaaBaaaaaaaaVi-'l
- -m w .- aa aaa: amaaa aa jaaaaw nam waaiL - --- - -- - - ...-.. .1 jt. . r - r---
.or laaMsa, aaa, niia fin t itaa S iBBBal'aBa BaaaaaBaaamaBBBBamm. aaa 1 nk.aaaiawBa'QwaBaiBBVBr tr
-af aaaaa. aav 7 w.... iaaa ar aaaraaaBaa aavaaai a aaaa aaai a nanattAaaa Bmam . . r
kaoaa af aay VBaaB Xaaah. Total .'... 21 n , .. HataaHaaW aaaaa aMaTaWV Jtisan rtar ani 1 -.i .$g'-
",ll ."?' V?"' " . " iambi gaa Bar af aaaaai aaat aritbaaaatv Tillasr af rWttt Caattr ma, m wnala than aaaaal aar - - a Ma? !!
Uum rfianTaawiiaTtaaaitsiiai. aj asukainji J - mM aaaai wwa BBBsy vauaaaraa ' , aar. ajaaBBB) iaaa aaaaa aar nraasr rrawa - - - alaw 1as fBB' 'BaaT " r
ateaMaoiteauaam.wPteaiia7aB ear. Obj 200 tea af Gaaaralfaai M " bbbb ta ptapar a aBaaaaatery aaawar BaUTB mt ai'ia SMf
taaataaiaiais.iuaatea, t, may. All wll faadaalgesihiaaa. bt oa Water Beads 212 " aBiM.twat.taa aaaaa ta tha aaaaty PsaVeka DraTrn ---'.: . A
atoeaavaaaaBa faaaaaaaai - - - Fac aBBsBjaavy aaa Total ............ ....... 12 14 bbbbbb. Uraaa BBRet fmaaaaamtBamv BW BBB l? 'i'
BBsWaa mm aaBBwai awaaDaBa, w aaamwawaam aaa bbbbbe bbbbbh aaaaaam mm a m .m &. w ai m aw av a a aaaa . . ' T aaaaBy
aaaitelTi.iih rJTT. "" TmaaaafCtamaa Bmaaaiaawawamy 1 , iiwaajay wmt Wilmii l aa ! awam at taaVW -i
. -.. - w aaamBma.aahL .-J 7aataa .... .- .!.: , ?T?"?,v
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