? MrT$rV-' T ' fcfcaw'y w m amy, an. we iMuwae ?. V?"' ' " '- N ..J ,,, . . tf..J.,Ji .-,-.'. -. -w-k,A.T ', .k.JJrn '.I ?-.- &2Z: Kr.vr.jU-c. irt 3' U,aWljrr-w3Jf-:.: r-Tv-wJP3s 'JW -Ll tft '. ""1' i -H, rJSB r. " 'f TS?P ; -.."-'- f''r.rrt:- " ' ,3-J'Ws3Sntfe3 ----r-rr;?,- - '-' -. - aj ". -- -'- - -f4T-. r a s;.-- t. r t. . . . . , . . -i" . r v vrj - - v j.- 7. -xFr--j - x t' p. BROWN AND SHELDON '.! - " ' fix t Base ire Haws Iftat Were Ufferatst M the State an fffiST FOR SENATOR AND UTTcR f OR COYEMOR V Edward Rosewmter Fails in Senatorial Endorsement by Four Votes Ticket in Full as Nomln " ated and the Platform Upon Which the Party Will Go Before the People of Nebraska mf' ff m -V Senator ...MORRIS BROWN, Buffalo Governor . ...'...GEORGE l SHELDON, Cass Lieutenant Governor ..M. E. HOPEWWELL, Burt Secretary of State ..'. GEORGE C JUNKIN, Gosper Auditor E. M. 8EARLE, Keith Treasurer L. J. BRIAN, Boone .Attorney General W. T. THOMPSON, Hall .Railway Commissioners :".9 H. J. WNNETT, Lancaster '.'.'......ROBERT CO WELL, Douglas ;-.V. J. A. WILLIAMS, Pierce -.Land Commissioner H. M. EATON, Dodge Superintendent of Instruction J. L. M'BRIEN. Fillmore v. . -"Chairman Warner of the state een- r :"-.-. tral committee called the Republican ' state conventloa to order at 2:10 p. . ' Tax.: He introduced Rev. J. H. Presses " .-.'..as the chaplain. y ' '-. Secretary- A. . B. -Alien Tead' the'eon- .. -Veritioh call. -" - ' Chairman Warner intfbdacpd Tern- '" ..-notary Chairman Andrews.. Auditor oil - '.".-.tho treasury denartmcnjt,and a JSl .' -.-. : deat of Hastings."' Mr,AndJews-deliv- : ; '.ered his address, asking lea- to ab ' " .Jbreviate.and -prin hat he omitted ; becausj of flic tempera lure. The audi torium was packed with a sheltering Norris Brown. V mass of humanity, undaunted by the beat and eager to witness the pro- ceedings. Bert Minor of Omaha, and -George "-Tobey of Lincoln, were name J assist' ant secretaries. On motion of J. P. A. Black of . 'Adams county the temporary organi zation was made permanent, after it . vras announced that there were no contested delegations and that tiie " -list cf delegates announced would be recognized as the membership roll of the convention. . On motion or H. H. Baldrige of Or.aha a.-ralo was adopted makine it ihe daly or ih chairman, in the event of a nomination being made on anv 3Jir!r'vJl for theayes cad" nays -to uialre the noi2ff!r&"'aaxaijaous. In the event "of no nomination to Droceed with the roll all . On motion of E. H. Kiatba-w of xurt. me enwnnan was -empowered xo appoint a committee of seven mem- uer&..uut5 ju. large ana one irom eacn juLitJiu- 1 Tljl1 i:nI.- ... l..a. congressional district, on resolutions'. The chair announced the following, staling that some of the members of the provisional committee, who were delegates, had been named on the new committee. Charles B. Anderson of Saline, chairman; E. J. Cornish of Douglas, Alien W. Field of Lancaster E. H. Hinshaw of Jefferson. D. E. Burnham of Madison, Dan JJettleton of. Clay - and Clark E. Perkins of Howard. The first roll call on Senator result ed: Rosewater. 857; Brown, 272; Curtis, 401; Meikeljohn, . 55; Evans, 21; Millard, 46; Crounse, 16. The second call disclosed no Impor tant change, bat Brown and Rosewat er both aaade gains. Before' the vote was announced the -delegates favor able to Brown aad Rosewater tilled . the aid witaaaouts for .their favorites. The result of the second roll call was:' Brown, 406; Rosewater. 288 JC; Millard. 40; Meikeljohn. 33; Car rie. 39; Crounse.-18; Evans. 18. Third ballot: .Brown, 400; Rose vater. 28fil&? MeikelfnWn SI? Millard - 53; Croaaae. 13; Evans, 23;.-Carrie; 6L The taira oauoc reveaiea some changes; bat there was ab final resalL la the fourth ballot there -were numerous ehaages, bat ao choice The fifth ballot CartJa. 53: Brown. 407; Rosewater,' SaC 1-2; Meikeljohn. 21; Millard, .39- ,; Evans. Id; Croaaae, IS.. Sixth ballot: Brown. 461; Reeewat ar. 29; Bvans. 17; . Curtis, 45; MeikeUoba, 18; Millard. 3t. .. . After aaaoaaclng' 433 votaa' 4br Brown. Chairman Andrews asked If the aoatlaatiea shoald be atada ana faaoas. H. H. Baldridge of Omaha aaavad ta stake it so. aad the aurfloa carried la the midst of' great coafa- The calls for Attorney Genera! were renewed, aad a asosteBt later be appeared. Chairman Andrews 1 ted to the coaveatioa tta aaa-1 ididate, who ambit J i PKtt iriaBBBBaBjBBBMBBB 1' -KiVjg9amJBmJaBaJaV --lamav ama? ' annnB'mnnnnnnnnnnn'i faamnmnmr Bannnnnnnnnm BBBBEmn HnUBBBBBBf - SMmBMBMBMBMBH nfBBBBBftr. mBBBBBBBBBBBBj . Baammmmmtt.'''dSKk .-?' mnBBBBBBBBBBl - BBBBBamBBBBv UBBh v BaamBBBBBBBm mnanmenua?" ?!! v vajBjaji amnamnfa? '"" ' -:' V AlmBafJ "' WKtmr '--manananann1 BnBmBaBmBBsaSBT .BKm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm . Si f' i. . i - - M?i 5V "It took yoa men of this conventloa a good' while 'to get unaaiaKNM.- I want to say that I thank you for fhls honor. I -appreciate tha comslIiaenL I feel deeply grateful to those anen who made the fight for ana aad.woa and I feel ao resentment against those who made the fight against meaa lost Bat the fight that has' joatJaaaV ed was bat a preliminary skirailaI am ready to go oat now aail aaSaMa real fight -. S At tha conclusion af Mr. ;BcqwaB remarks, Mr. Rosawatar was kindly c.-t'led for and ataaagthr aaipaadaa; be ing given' an aratleo. as he appeared on the plataam. Ha-said, In part: "I neef JMunBy wy to' you. that I apprecJatetah' osramlgreetlag you have glvaa rao"herAat this - parting, for K istl aartinj-oar for me In. this eoatee I wesdesiroos of the place J ta Washington; hat now shall "go back i-f .. . s . - . , 1 . 1 to .tne pjace ra umana 10 moor wiu 1 the ae'whieh Is- .sometimes mightier 1 thsc.tbe sword. In thercampaign that I now closed, there have been no diflrences between Mr. Brown and my self which-would call, for a commit tee of conciliation.- I have endeavored to treat him fairly and I think he has no cause for complaint, or will have In the coming campaign." It required but two ballots to nomi nate Sheldon for governor. The first ballot 'gave Sheldon 402 votes. . The next ballot, was a band wagon. pro cession with a rush to get in. The vote stood as follows: Wall, 29; Miles, 66; Harsh, 9; Rouse, 33; Sheldon, 71. Steele, 11; Conarvay, 4; Weston,, 37. Sheldon was called for and briefly addressed the convention. He spoke earnestly,.' solemnly, and with little show of exaltation over the victory. A recess was taken until 8:30 to enable the resolutions committee to complete its work. I E. Wettling acted as reading clerk The chair announced- the roll call on the nomination for lieutenant governor. , The -vote resulted: WI1 say, 187; Hopewell, 390; Laidden, 46; Cunningham. 26; Young 203. There was no nomination. In the ballot fol lowing much of . Wilaey's strength went to Hopewell. . . ., .Lndden's strength In the. second bal lot consisted, of two each from Ban ner. Blaine and - Kearney, and one I from Valley. Hopewell, was declared nominated.. He was called for and he thanked the -delegates and promised to perform 'the. duties of the office'tto the best of his ability. Judge Frost moved that in voting for railway commissioners the three candidates receiving a majority be declared- the nominees. This carried. ' The . vote announced . showed the nomination of Dr. H. J. Winnett of Lincoln for railroad commissioner, he being the one successful candidate on the first ballot.- The vote stood: Winnett, 954; Harmon. 272; Co- well, 253: Caldwell. 180; Whit more. 1C8; Mortenseh. 204; Sadiiek. 354; Williams, 250; Parker, 41; Steele. 8; Andrews, 3; Cad. 4; Mathens, 17. Dr. Winnett was called and thanked the convention for what It had done for Lancaster, county." Other" nominatitins for railroad com- wjteIOr: followed as given In the n J -Wivqte on rallfqfad commls- ssoner. was mUfjt tabulated Chairman Anderson .ntJaTi;caUazcODmitr tee was pretfeweaa e -reaUBa-nro- .m ' a a it at J fc - . posea piatiorm. air.-AnocTsroi.TRcwea' the adoption of the resoIutfopjLThe platform as .presented was adcntedl- It will be found printed .elsewhere. 1 Secretary of State Galnsha was de feated on the second ballot. The first ballot showed a pretty- race- between Galusha and Junkin. in which -they tied with .409 votes each. Douglas voted 50 for Galusha and 33 for Junkin on the first ballot. Lancaster. voted 3 for Galusha. 20 for Junkin and 11 for Boslow. There -was -much .changing about oa this ballot from ballots cast on other candidates. . Oa .the second ballot -Junkin was nominated, 473 votes to 377 for Galusha.. The nomi nation was made: unanimous. Mr. Jun kin appeared and thanked the convea-. ttkm . - - On the vote for auditor of Ed. G. ISearle of Keith conaty moved to make' it unanimous. This carried. Lawson J. Brian, of Booae county. had. a good lead oa the first ballot oa treasurer, bat not sufficient to poll him through. A perceptible gain was iadicated early hi the -second ballot (The' first ballot resulted as follows: Kyd, 176; Good, 201 1-2; Brian. 363 12; BothwelL f; Steele. 58.' On the second ballot Mr. Brian was aomiaated. . Superiateadeat J.-1. McBrien l it .h looltnuttmi Ifr- tin. ilied.as followsHBriea thanked the conveatloa, blddiag Itaa delegates "good .morning.'1. : . A delegate froai Madisoa. -county loved a.suspeaskarof the rales and that the aoadaation of Deputy Attor ney Geaeral William T. Thompoon of Merrick'be atade by accJawatioa.- The lotioa was carried with earhnsiasm.' c A aiaUIar amtma was made oa'the commissioaer of lands and bafldiags, bat a roll can waa oemaaded.' .Uad was sprung on the conventloa by Boyd county, and Judge Wflsbaof Sarpy by Cass county, bat Eaton had a good Ifead and was aever In danger. The vote was Eaton, 553 1-2. Liad, 154 1-2 Wilson. 140. Jadga Reese of Iineoln moved that tte taaaks ot taa .ct corded to the caainua. amrrlaa by aockunattoa. Tha eaeirmaa calted for the list of aew aMaaban of tha state central coav jaittaa. A Doaslas ooamty delegata wrad that tha ooaTeauaa aaaie tha aaerataryof tha roaiajlitfff. hatJadaa lYost of Laacastaras a smbstitnte. aTcd that tha caadidates aelectod by .tha coaTaatloa raama tha otlcers, of tha atata coauaittaa. , Tha sabstltnU carried easily.' , . Jadsa J. H. ftroda of Laaeaater, ajored that tha caadtiafaa selected be aaipowcrad to lU the Tacaaciea ia tha ticket whteh.arisbt occar. Tha aao t)oa carried. ' ix' Notaii ?bel left for the coaTea tloa toLao except submit the names of tha aew,coaualtteeaea, adjoara- it ras taken while this was belag Tha oonTentioa adjommed al- George L. Sheldon. most to the minute at 2 o'clock, lost twelve hours after It had convened. THE PLATFORM. 1 We, 'the republican "delegates of Ke braska. in convention' assembled, con gratulate the country upon the splen did achievements of our party during Its fifty years of history under- the leadership of our Illustrious statesmen, from the immortal Lincoln to the in vincible Roosevelt. We declare anew, our adherence to the principles enunci ated in the republican- national plat form. We also reaffirm all the doc trines and declarations pf our last state platform. " We especially, commend the inspiring character and undaunted leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. It is with ex ceeding pride' "that we "contemplate the confidence reposed in him by the peo ple of our own 'country, and the admir ation he commands from " the whole world. Nebraska' rejoices in the fact that the, president has received the united support of our entire delegation in i. both houses of congress for 'the many v.bcneflcial-measures he has .rec ommended in direct line of. Interest and advantage to the people, which they have, assisted in framing Into whole some laws.- Among the most note .worthy -are: The- railroad rate bilL ' ' The Panama canal bill. ' The lock level canal system. The-pure food bill. - The Irrigation bill. .Tho employers' liability .MIL The meat .inspection Mil. The denaturized alcohol bilL ' The. Oklahoma statehood bilL The- naturalixatioa.-bHl. Our country Is at peace' with' all .na tions of .the earth and. is experiencing an unparalleled season of genuine pros perity. Never before In our history as a nation has- our credit been better than it. Is tcday. Money is plentiful, the wage earners, the farmers and the business people are prosperous, owing to the wise, judicious and careful ad ministration of the laws 'enacted by the republican partv f-'g its control of our national Ciitura, We 'declare, our unalterable allegi ance to the principle of protection, un der the beneficent -operation of which our country has grown both rich and great. While. yielding nothing- from our adherence. to this principle, we be lieve that changes in schedules ''should follow, changes in conditions. . The his tory of the republican party ' demon strates that such revision can safely be trusted only to,. the party which. hon estly believes in protection and ear nestly endeavors' to justly apply.' the principles, to conditions as 'they exist. We most heartily approve the action of. our. officers, botn of the nation and in the state, in their splendid efforts to insure justice .for the people ? against conspiring .trusts .and combinations and all forms of graft, that all -may have a "square deal." The glorious record of the past is the party'a best .pledge for the future. We' indorse and commend the econo mical ' and - law-enforcing administra tion of the affairs of the state under Governc John H. Mickey. P-'lng the. last six years under the republican ad ministration the state of Nebraska has been well governed; all of Its qtate In stitutions have been ably and econo mically managed and .are sustained at a. rate per capita unusually low. We believe that the Union Pacific and Burlington railway "companies should have accepted the valuation S laced upon their property by the state oard of equalization and assessment, and paid their taxes, as all persons and -other corporations -have 'done. ' We ap prove, the action of "the . legal depart ment of this state In Its efforts to en faces the provisions ef the revenue Tluw and. secure the payment of taxes -ana measre our sunnort in comDeiuncr I, the railroads to pay their just share of taxation at me same time ana in tne samemaneras a private Individual. We demand that the next legislature enact -a direct primary law, providing for the nomination of all state, county and district officers, including congress men and United States senators, by di rect vote; ana, until sucn ta.vr is enact ed, we favor the nomination of United States senators by state convention, and we pledsre the repnblicans.elected to the legislature to support for Un'tod States senator the republican candidate who may be nominated for that office by this contention. .We favor the amendment of the con stitution of the United States provid ing for the election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people. . We declare ourselves as unalterably opposed to the domination of corpora- ,t ions 1 la 1 public affair, .and '-urge... the enactment, by. the next legislature of an anti-Dass law that will prevent the Is suance of any free - pass, free ticket. iree transportation, or transportation known as newspaper or editorial mile age, excent to bona -fide emnloves of a -railroad company and to 1 members -of tneir immediate iaraiiies and caretak ers of live stodf , : . - We are. heartily ila favor, of and our party unreservedly' pledges Its indorse ment of. the proposed constitutional amendment providing for three railway coremiaaibBera to bet elected by direct vote of the people, and demand that the next legislature shall confer. upon such commission -power to prohibit re--bates, discriminations and special rates to corporations, persons or localities and to see;to It that any and all- abuses are corrected, and equitable, freight had passenger rates obtained for the people We hereby direct the officers of this convention to certify this reso lution to the secretary, of state as pro vided for. in the law submitting the constitutional amendment relating ta the railway commission. W-. confidently believe that the' ?SX 'JU,, "tate will .adopt the coa stltutlonal amendment providing far a M,w wwnminuiiq, one HUM MI Uiey I Jail to do. we demand that ear next railway commission, but should they legislature snail frame each u will give to the people ef this state the same -advantages that congress has al ready given the nation under the "rail road rate biir la matters ef Interstate commerce. .1 . , We alsp'vledge the enactment by the next, legislature ef a-.law along the same Hues aa has been adopted by congress touching the liability ef em ployers to their employes, te the end that such employes may recover for any Injuries suffered, notwithstanding the negligence of- a fellow servant: we eemane aa impartial enforcement af the revenue la- by county, and 1 state officials to the em a inai an nrrm. erty, both corporate and individual. shall be assessed at Its actual eaaa vi. ue. thereby assuring a fair and-eouat- 1 soa ue nuauar emur er . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BaaaaaaaaaaSBoaaH ut BBBBBBHFPBSJffaajH I IHammjBaaaBH BmBaaniBlfaBaBaaBMBaaaaaaaaaaasI ' BwPaaBBaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I ' 1 aBBH each revenue, as la needed to meet., tha I currrat expenses of oar-sfaJe .aStararl awnt trader the most rigid eceaoaiy. " I While we believe that : the. irwiaaj SMthod of assessine; railroad areaerty 1 la elttee and villages and aftttribatsa taxes tbereirom tnrovan uw..ranon counties is Just and fair la sa far as It relates to county. atat-.;-aa4 school taxes, we demana teat tae be so aacMea tnax iae n artv within, cities aad v: also he taxed the same.a erty for city and village. Iff. M M l.ttAl 'mmt aui -- as' will laaare ! saeetlea and uniform tests of . dairy, arodacta. to the end that the grewiaaT dairy Interests, ef the state ataythe better be protected and eneouraged. The republican aartr of Nebraska la proud ef its record and achleveaeata and appeals with eeandeace to the pea ple.of.our great and .growing common wealth for a continued, approval ef Its policies, as bringing the greatest bene flts to the people of our state and ualea. BIOGRAPHICAL. Norris .Brown waa 'born at Maaeo keka, Jacksoa county. Iowa, May 2. 1863. When he was six years old ala parents removed to Woodbury county, and took a homestead. The family re moved to' a farm in Green county, Iowa,' In 1876. Mr. Brown, tnen a youth, rode, horseback eight mllea each -day to attend achooi at JeaTersep, academy to prepare for' the university: He entered the state university at Iowa City in le9, was graduated from the classical course ta 1883, receiving the B. A. degree, and two years later re ceived the M. A. degree. He read law and was admitted to the bar October 15, 1884. He opened a law office at Perry la., where hie lived until 1888. In April, 1888, Mr. Brown aad his brother.' Frank, opened a law otlce la Kearney, Neb. Judge M. R. Hopewell, candidate for lieutenant governor, was bcrn in Mon roe county, Indiana, sixty-ope yeara. ago. He received his education there and graduated from Depew university with the class of 1869. The following year he came to Nebraska and settled . in Burt county,- where he has .resided ever since. He was a member of -the constitutional convention of 1875. He was appointed judge of his district by Governor Thayer in 1887 and held the .office until 1S96. Since' his retirement from the bench he has been engaged in 'the practice of bis profession in Tekamah, also engaging extensively in stock raising.- Judge J. A. Williams, nominee for railroad commissioner, was bora in 1860 in Galena, 111. He is a graduate of the university of Wisconsin, taking a degree in the classical coarse In ,1885, and in the college of law In 1886. He was city superintendent of .schools In Galena for several years. He came to ; Nebraska ta' 1893.' residing 1for a time in Omaha and then - In Pierce county, spending some time' abroad- in the meanwhile. He was county judge of Pierce county for four years, and since retiring from that office, has ben practicing law. He .is married and is the father of four children. , Edward Rosewater. George C. Junkin, nominee for relary of state, was born, in 1858 In Fairfield, la. His education was re ceived in the Red Oak. la., public schools. He came - to Nebraska ta 1886,' and settled near Smithfield. Since that'- time he has 'lived on the same place he settled -on engaging In farm ing and stockraising" He was a mem ber of the legislature for two terms, his work in that capacity being chief ly responsible for his candidacy for secretary of state. He was the author of the Junkin anti-trust law, and of the commodity rate law. . WORDS FROM SHELDON. Sheldon being called upon after his nomination for governor, spoke as fol lows: ."Chairman Andrews, -Gentlemen of this Convention Republicans of the State of Nebraska, Ladies and -Gentlemen: I am not at this hour going to inflict upon you a speech. This magnificent ovation would have de prived me of making a speech If I should have. preferred to at this time. .I.wish to say that I appreciate this great honor which. I consider tha high est honor that the republican party of Nebraska can confer upon any citizen. (Applause). For this great honor I thank you.. I have endeavored in this campaign not to thrust a thorninto any man's breast and I bear no aialioe toward any man who .has opposed ma in this, fight here In, Lincoln-or any where throughout the state. I staad before yon acknowledging this great honor. I.wish to say simply that, in this campaign I have also not pledged myself 'in any compromising manner whatever. (Voices "Good, good." Ap plause.) And I was determined that If I should Denominated, that It sanaM be with ao strings attached to it. .IT I am elected governor of Nebraahn, and believe I will be (Voices 'Of coarse yon will be'). I win be the governor for all of Ahe people of Ne braska: yoa know that I wUI. and I .. m V.- . . . - want all of the people of Nebraska to know that I win carry-out tha square deal policy (Voices 'Good, good.' . Applause) by the aid of the light of the IntelUgeace of tha people of the great state and by the help of such wisdom as . God .win give -me. (Applaase.X GeaUemea of this coa ventkm, again I thank yon." (Long continued applaaaa.) Sea Water Drawn Into Claude. Th la-ver of the apa talroa m W clouds each year Is now estimated at I 14 feet in thickness. I revenue -law lllejfg shaU l.rt.lllM.J aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk ' aaaaaaaaaaaa maBBBBBB3TTlBBBBBBBn. mamamVT'amammV . 1 -amamav'i -; 'JwBmamaaV AmBBBrv" .OiBmeaamY - 'mamanfrWiBmamaamV 'aamamfPamamamBm ' amaamn" i:mamiamamamamm mamamm3SBBmamamaam aaaaaaaaav ' 'xBr'x'SBBaaaaaaaaaa amamaFM amamanman aaaaaaaaa - ardaaaaaaaaaaaaa naaaaaaaaW " - wBBaaaaaaaaaaaa i, - in - , :-f SkSii:iB.lA fi ttr M f?fcaf "aiTajf - aaBaBBBrnvkh. " aaal r ""aaBji sfwa"afaB a" aw afaBBBBBB ? amBBaTa? A FOOL FOR LOVE 1 ; 1 j By PIANOS LYNDC . Atrrwoft or ?Ttnx,fePTBBs." rra 9 ? 1 awuaht. OKAPTBm VCaatlnaed. ;H knew bar beat said it waa a waraiag to be headed la Virginia Carteret when her eyes were dowacast, atd; bar veka sank to Its softest cadence. "Why, certalaly; bow simple! " aha aald, taktag her eoasin's arm agaia; and the aaerc'tary went in to aet the wires at work In Win ton's affair. . Now Mias Carteret waa a woman In very fiber of .her, but among her gifts Abe might have counted some that were, to say- tha least, super-feminine. One of these was a measure, of discre-Jioa- which, would have been- fairly creditable' in a hast master of diplo macy. So, while the sympathetic part of her was crying oat 'for a chance to talk Winton'a threateaed danger over with aome one, aha' lent herself outwardly to the Reverend x.IUy'a mood which was one of acealc enthoalasm; this without prejudice to a growing deter mination to Intervene In behalf of fair piay for Wintpn if ahe could find a way. '-.. But the way obstinately refused to discover ttself. The simple thing to do woulrbe to appeal to her uncles sensef justice," It was not like him to fight with Ignoble weapons, sne thought, and' a tactful word la season might make- him recall the order' to the superintendent But she could not make the appeal without .betraying Jastrow. ' She knew well enough that the secretary had no right to show her the telegrams'; anew also that Mr. Somerville Darrah's first word would be,avdemand to know how ahe had learned the company's business secrets. Regarding Jastrow as little as a high bred young woman to whom sentiment is as the breath of life can regard a man who Is quite devoid of It, she was still far enough from tta thought of effacing him. - To this expedient there was an un hopeful alternative:- namely, the send ing, by the Reverend Billy, or. .in the last resort, by herself, of a. warning message to Wtaton. But there were obstacles reemtagly insuperable. She had "not . the faintest notion - of how such a warning should -be addressed; and again,- the. operator at- Argentine was a Colorado, d;. Grand River em ploye, doubtless loyal to his salt. In which case the warning message would never get beyond his waste basket . "Getting too chilly for yoa oat here? -iwant to go In?" asked the. Reverend Billy, when the- scenic enthusiasm be gan to. outwear Itself. - "No; but I am tired of the sentry-go partxof it ten steps and a turn." she confessed!. a "Can't we walk on the trick a little way?' Calvert saw no reason why they might not, and accordingly helped her over to the snow-encrusted path be tween the rails. . "We can trot down and have. a look at. their construction camp, .if -yoa like," he suggested,' and thitherward "they went There was not much to see, after all. as' the Reverend Billy remarked when they 'had reached a colza of vantage below the curve. A string of use-worn bunk cars; a "dinkey" caboose serving as the home on .wheels of the chief of construction ; and his assistant; a crooked-siding with a gang of dark skinned laborers at work unloading a car pf steel.. These ta the immediate foreground; and a little way apart, perched high enough oa the steep slope of the mountain side to 'be out of the camp turmoil, a small.'-structure, half plank and half canvas to-wit, the end-of-track telegraph office. It was Virginia who first marked the boxed-up tent standing on the slope. "What go yoa Suppose . that little house-tent, is for?" she asked. "I don't -know," said .Calvert Then he saw the wires and ventured a gue&s which hit the mark. "I didn't suppose they would have a telegraph office," she commented; with hope rising again.- ' "Oh. yes; they'd have to have a wire; one of their own. Under the circumstances they could hardly use ours." "No," she rejoined, absently. She was scanning th.- group of steel -handlers In. the hope that a' young man in a billy-cock uat and with a cigar ette between- his lips would shorty reveal himself. . She found him after a time and turned quickly to her cousin. "There is Mrv Adams down there b7 the engine.. Do you think. he would come over and speak to us if he knew we were here?" The Reverend Billy's smile was of honest admiration! "How could you doubt It? Walt here a minute and. Ill call hid for yoa." ' .'l? . 1 , He was gone before she could reply, across the ice bridge', spanning -one of the pools, and up the rough, frozen embankment of the new line. There were armed guards here, too, as well as at the front, and one of. them halted him at the. picket line. But Adam3 saw and recognized him, and' present ly the two were crossing to where Vir ginia stood waiting. . . Eheu! what a little world we live In, -Miss Virginia! Who would have thought of meeting yoa here?" said the technotoglan, taking her hand at the, precise elevatkm prescribed by good form Boston good form..- "The'shock Is mutual," aha laughcL "I must' say that yoa aad Mr. Wiaton have chosen a highly unconventional .environment for your sketching fied." "I'm down," he admitted; cheerfully; "please don't ,trample on me. ' But really. It wasn't all fib. Jack docs do things with a pencil-other thlags be sides maps and,, workiag -profiles. I bmbb. Won't yoa coma over aad let bm do the hoaora of the studio?" with a graadiloqaent arm-sweep meant to !? 2E2- S ; , """ "" "w -"" .- tlcuiar. . F""""""""" F IrtTerat of tka aorap al HfmT . I "aaamw' 'aamnmn $svc aa.er.r.ijveiaian o It was tha invitation aha woeJd have aagled for, bat she waa too wise to assent too readily. "Oa; ao; I think we anatat rat1 afraid Mr. Wiaton might aot like -ft" "Not like it? If yoall come hell aever' forgive himself for. aot htiag aere to rshoot an' tne1 camp for yoa la' persoa. He la away, yoa know; jtoae to. Carbonate for the day." "Ought we to go, CousIb Billy?? ahe asked, shifting, not .the decision, bat the responsibility for it, to broader shoulders. "Why not if you care to?" said the athlete, to whom rlghtnof-way fights were mere matters of business la ao Wise conflicting with the social ameli orations. Vlrgtala hesitated. There waa a thing to be cald to Mr. Adams, and that without delay; bat bow could she say it wltt her cousin standing by to make an impossible trio oat of aay attempted duet confidential? A will ingness to see that Wtaton had fair play aeed aot carry- witn.it aa opea desertioa to the enemy. She-must aot forget to be loyal to her salt: aad, besides, Mr. Somerville Darrah's right eous iadignation waa not. lightly to be ignored. But the upshot of the hesitant pause waa a decisioa to brave the conse quences all 'of them; so she took Calvert's arm for the slippery crossing of the lee bridge. Once oa bis owe domain. Adams did the honors of the camp as thorough ly and coaaeMBtiousry as if the hoar, held no care heavier than the enter tainment of Miss Virginia Carteret He explained the system' under .which the material was kept moving forward 10 the ever-advancing front; let her watch the rhythmic swing and slide of the! rails from the car to the bench es; took her ap'into the "cab" of the big "octopod" locomotive; .'gave her a chance to peep into the camp kitchen ear; and" concluded 'by handing .her up the steps of the "dinkey.: "Oh, how comfortable!'' ahe ex claimed,' when-he had ahown her. all th space-mvlag .contrivances of the -r 3Cfc&jne3--sr"3' "CAN TOU SEND field office.- "And this is where- yod and Mr. Winton work?"' . '.'It Is wnere fre eat and sleep," cor rected Adams. "And speaking of eat ing: it is -hopelessly the wrong end of the day or it would be in Boston but our Chinaman-won't know, the dif ference. Let me have him make you a dish of tea," and the order was given before she could protest "While we are waiting on Ah Foo 111 show you some of Jack's sketches," he went on,-finding a' portfolio- and opening it upon the' drawing boardJ "Are you quite sure Mr. Winton won't mind?" she asked . 1 -. "Mind? .He'd give a mouth's pay to be here to show them himself.. He is peacock vain of his one small accom plishment Winton is bores me to death' with It' sometimes.". . ' ' "Really?" was the mocking rejoin der, and they began to look at" the sketches. ." J-r - They -were-heads, mast of them, Im pressionistic' studies In "pencil or pastel, with bow and' then a pen-and-ink bear ing evidence of more' painstaking after-worki. They' were made, 'on bits of map paper, the backs of old letters, ami not a few on leaves torn from an" engineer's note book. - . "They don't count for much in an artistic way." aald Adams, .with the brutal frankness of a. friendly critic, "but they, will serve, to show you that I wasn't all kinds of an embroiderer when I was telling you about Winton'a proclivities the other day." "I.ahoaidn't apologise for that if I were you," she retorted. "It is well past apology don't you think?" Aad thea: "What Is this one.?" They had come to the last of the sketches,- which waa a rode map. It was' penciled on the leaf of a memo randum, and Adams recognized It aa the outline Wiaton had made and used ta explaining the right-of-way entan glement - "It Is a map," he aald,' "one that Jack drew day before yesterday -whea-he waa trying to make me understand the sltuatiOB op here. I wonder why he kept it? Is there anything on the other aider t - 1 . l . J" "e- aw !' u VZHE BVenaanannV warn an I ammmar .KlMIErinuBuuaBBmHam " mmV af M wmanr V mmmmmamaanamamannm BBrkBnmBaamw? mBBBBBBBBamlll snaami -Br j -. BO-BBnHaBnBnBnBm f aaamrSr aaaw. aamannnnnnnnnv. I ammVr BBBLBBBBr aaamBI'Z'l bbb" - 1 w revarae of the aerap af per held a vary fair which Vlrglala'a portrayed; a fcrth ta a saw viaoroaa strokes af the tie" ImtYwMtoaJet'a ideal af tha dees treah from Lie hath. "By Jove Tba aa tried to tarn it Dghtly. rTaerem-a good hat of tharartmt in Jack than I have giving aim credit fer. Don't yen knew; he. meet have ant tha between two baui recognised me on tne.ntetJorm at : aaa city, it's wuaaatfal!" - "So very wonderful that I think 1 abair keep it" aha rejoined, aet with out 'a loach of aaaterity. Than aha added: "Mr. Wiaton will probably aever mias it If he does, yon wilt',, have to axnhUa the beat way yoa aaa,? And Adams could only aay "By Jove!? again, and easy hramrlf with poariaa; the tea which Ah Foe had brought in. la tha natare of Hainan tha tea driBklag in the stuffy ?dlBkey draw- tag-room waa aot wuflyiag. Virginia's errand of waa aot yet accomplished, aad As Martha in her capacity of chaperon waa aot to be forgotten. Also, Mies Carteret had a feeilag that under his well-bred exterior Mr. Mor toa P. Adams waa chafing like aay barbarian indaatry captain at thfa an warraatable tatrasloa and interrap tkm. So presently they all forthfared lata the sun-bright naow-hlladlng out-of--door world, and Virginia gathered up her courage aad took her dilemma by the boras. "I believe I have Been everything; bow except that tent-place ap there,' she asserted, groping purposefully for her opening. Adams called up another smile of " acquiescence. That is our, telegraph office. Would yon care to see it?" Tha technologlan was of those who shirk all or shirk; nothing. "I don't know why I should care to, but I do." she replied.. with charming and childlike willfulness; ao the three of them trudged up the slippery path to the operator's den on the slope. Not to evade his hospitable duty In any part Adams explained the cse and need of a "front" wire, and Miss Car teret was properly interested. '"How convenient!' she commented. "And yoa can come up here and talk to anybody yoa like just aa if it were a telephone?" "To anyone in the company s serv ice," .amended Adams. "It Is not commercial wire." - Thea let aa seed a amasage to Mr. ALI, THATr Winton;" she -suggested, playing tha part of the capricious Ingenue to tha very upcast of a pair of mischievous eyes: "I'll write it and yoa auy sign It" Adams stretched his - complaisei the necessary additional inch gave her a pencil and a pad of blanks. She wrote rapidly: "Miss Carteret has been here- admtrlnc your drawings. She took one of them away with her. and I couldn't stop her without being rude.-. Tou sliouida't iiavc done it without ' asking her permission. She says" : ' "Oh; dear! I am making it awfully long. Does i: cost so .much a word?" "No.'?' said Adam:;, not without an efforts He' was beginning to be dls--tiactly disappointed in Miss Virginia, and was wondering in the inner depths 01 him what piece of girlish frivoi.;y he was expected to sign and send to his chief. Meanwhile she went on writing: -I am. to teH you not to get Into aay fresh "trouble not to let anyone else get" you into trouble; by which l infer sh' mcans that some attempt will -be made t keep you from, returning on tbe cveniaz train."- '. - "There, can you send all. that " she asked, sweetly, giving the pad to the technologian. ' 'Adams .read the' first ban of the letter-length telegram with inward groan- ings, .but the' generous -purpose of it struck him like a whip blow when he came to the thinly .veiled warning. Also it- shamed him for his unworthy judgment of Virginia. . "I thank yon very ueartily, Miea Carteret." he said, humbly. "It shall be sent word for word." Then, for tie Reverend William's benefit: - "Winton deserves all sorts of a snubbing for taking liberties with your portrait I'll see that he gets more of it whea ha comes back." (TO BE CONTINUED.) How did he propose 'to year "He led up to k very gradually. MVA Tt-M I Is Yesl "What is trae?" -- ..I "That he proposed ta nve other glrla ' before ha proposed ta yea. Heastam Past rniaaai afit taW I - - 5 rltAf '