The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 29, 1906, Image 6

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Maay Inquiries show at the mum
tie latere la aad ignorance of de
natured alcohol. . In S word, deaa
tared alcohol la alcohol,' so changed
by the addltiem of aeme other tmb
to prevent its awua tev-
wage. Ooaualaaioaer Yerhee la la
Burope .
Mhods there.
T"JtelJS. .!5 rfl-
amuer Tw
must see that sufictea'., wood, agohol.
la added. Twenty percent was meu
tkmed la congress as the proper quan
tity, bat la Germany tea per cent la
esasidered sufficient la Great Brlt:
ala Ire per cent of wood alcohol and
a1 still aaudlar proportiom of aaptha
ereiised. Dr.WineyreccntBMjaes ten
' per cent of .wood alcohol and one pei
ceat. 'of pyridine. "The tax oa alcohol
' la now SLlt a gaUoa. This makes its
nse for mechanical purposes Impossi
ble.. Bat free from tax and denatur-
ised it la thought that alcohol caa be
made for less thaa tea cents a gal
lea, aad could be sold at a prolt for
a few cents more than that. In that
event Its use In place of gasoline and
kerosene as a power producer and
for light will undoubtedly be very
great as la Germany. It wilt be a
hoon, says the Indianapolis News,
Especially to the farmer and small
mechanic for small power engines.
"With a maath its vse for light Is
economical. Alcohol can be distilled
from any number of things, as po
tatoes, beets, corn the .stalks as well
as the, grain the waste of molasses
'factories, etc. The agricultural de
.pertinent thinks that potatoes will
be a chief soarce of oar supply. A
yield of Set bashels of potatoes to the
acre will produce 255 gallons of al
cohol, la Europe; a kind of potatoes
.grown for cattle will yield-nearly 500
galloBs to the acre. -
. . 1 -
CeraMlity of' Leprosy. '
Uana, of Eambarg. like many oth
er coaspicaoas dermatologists, Is of
the opakm that there is a possibility
of 'curing leprosy. In his report read
before the International Medical con
grass at Lisbon he states that he has
successful ia attacldag cutane-
leDrosT. not macular or anaes
thetic leprosy, and gives his experi
ence, galaed-from treating 0 lepers
during a period of 22 years. His suf
jferers wet. private patients, more or.
teas well do. all leading a useful
life' and wishing most emphatically to
be cured so that they - could again
take ap their . several occupations.'
This fact la importaat,- Unna thinks.
in contrast to .what Is observed In the
'patients of leper hospitals, for ex
ample. In Norway, who are very poor
people, coming from the worst 'sur
roundings, shunned by their, neigh
mors and finding in the hospital' "an
jasylam with all possible comforts
cleanliness, sympathy and freedom
tfrom the cares of poverty'. aad the
daily fight agalast hardships. Ex
(teraally. Uana advises hot. baths of
jnatural waters containlag sulphur
land sodium or potassium, but espe-.
(dally his so-called Ink bath4 (IMaten
tbad), containing ferrous snTphate
and tannic acid; the washing with
carbolic add or green soap; mas
sage and pressure upoa the. akin;' the
use of pyrogallol and resodn, chrys
arobin and ichthyol, and later the
aae of Paquelin'a cautery. Iaternal
ly, the author uses ichthyol, cam
phor, sallicylic add and chaulmugra
oil, which he calls the specific7 par ex
cellence for cutaneous leprosy. ,
Do Englishmen Dislike Usf
'As to the English, however, the
facta would seem to show that they
have more liking for Americana than
dislike of them. Or, in other 'words,
more English are friendly to 'Ameri
cana thaa' otherwise. Daring the
civil war enough of them were friend
ly to prevent-' their government .from
taterfering la that contest and from,
breaking our blockade. During-, the
' Spanish war, while, taeu benevolent at
titude of Lord Salisbury waa uadoabt
jpdly a matter or wise policy, the cor
dial approval which it received from
the British people as a whole -waa stg
alficant of much. Since that time
nothing aae occurred to change this
feeling. Many Eagltshmen, says The
Bookman, no doubt, detest us. .But la
a general way, Americanism has 'be
come aomethiag. 'of a passport - to
British lfldag. Oar coaslaa may, be a
little Jealous of oar astoaisaiag pros
perity; they may not tank our man
pers very good; they are convinced
that, we are moat ecceatric. But
when an ia aaM, tbey. recognise la us.
aa ia ao other people,- a htaahlp which
la very real. .., .
A sew eoaamerctal treaty has
signed .between 8paia and the Ualted
Statea. The people of this country are
well-wishers of Spain, aad trust that
its people wfll advance steadily ia
tommwrlal prosperity aad all the arts
- a Pittsburg milUoaalre has settled
'a breach ot promiee suit.out of. court
thue hnsfrr off what might have
a Beneauoaai case, ine Tjcanwi
wffl.find It hard to ever for-
give am.
would like to have
pubUc tan. Ttta attention - front
long enough to notice that
ithey are having aomethiag of a rev-
htto popular literature
to make amy adeach as
la a
In Ithaca, N. Y.,
time it rains
Along the Rio Grande a
r.Mexkm are told, bat ae, ro
caa equal the adveatarea of a
Texas youth who haa'ibeen broaght
back to his home from the hospital at
Moaterey. Daring his visit- teethe
southern republic he fell under the
spell of a fair eeaorita, aad afterwards
hecame the victim of her fary. That
he escaped with his life -waa due
largely to the devotion of Cherry Mell
note, said to be oae of the moat beau
tiful girla ia the world. ,8be reaeaed
him from the deadly clatchea of. the
minotaur tree aad nursed, him hack to
life and. love. , ,i
Wben-Arno T. Savry a handsome
Texaa youth of ample means, found
himself ready to accept-an invitation
of a' friend to visit Mexico, he recalled
the stories of other gallant. -.young
Texans who had gone down intbjhe
lead of the beautiful to find sweet
hearts and return no more forever.
"But I ao not so soft as others,' he
said. This confident young maa had a
aweetheart In a cottage under 'the
Lone Star, and he vowed over aad
over that there was not a girl la all
Mexico with eyes ao bright er face
ao fair as. his Texas beauty, nor any
who could make him forget for' a mo
ment little Fannie Frayae. - He had
known Fanny all his .life and loved
her when they- were schoolmates, aad
If there waa a girl in all the world
who could blot her name from his
heart she would have to: possess su
pernatarai powers. "
That was about- the way this' self-,
reliant youth talked .when he had his
foot ia the stirrup and set oat to visit
Don Diego .Montemoran' at his haden
da aear Sabtnas, In the state of Nueva
Leon. Republica de Mexico.
' Senator Montemoran had" anticipat
ed, the coming of ala son's friend an
he stood at the great front gate of the
hacienda -to welcome him. Arno -was
delighted with the warm reception" exj
tended by the fine looking old-: mahj
In another matter he -was. disappoint
ed, for he soon learned that his friend
was away from home. He had
aummoned In aa affair of law as
away as Chihuahua.
The daughters of the senator
hurrying .to. welcome the young man
Of whom their' brother had told-them
so much. Selma, Leona, and Mer
cedes entered together with extended
hands. "Three Graces" were; - the
words uppermost in the mind .of the'
astounded visitor. ' Never before had
he looked upon such charming young,
glrlal .
The evening . was spent .walking
about the grounds ot the halcenda.
The young Texan foaad aomethiag .to
admire and excite his curiosity;' at
every atep. ."".
Levera Vewa Breken.'
When night came Savry waa left
alone' in ala room. He. found (hls
nerves '. shattered.- - Trembling, he
threw himself icto a great chair' and
buried hie face' la his hands. He waa
violently la love with Leona ' Mbate
moraa and. his heart amote.alm. He
had lied and his solemn vows to Fan
ay Frayae so longer held him.
At met an evaalak'came when he
went to his room ao happy that' he
could aot aleep.' ..-Leona had told him
that he might hope. -
. - ' , 1 Z-m.mmm
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I i . aar
I faSSBSSt 2&S0 LmiWPaaBSEaaSJea sJS . ,
T4H949gHpK'i SIL "'Owi I f J t assBKvtv bbbbbhbbbbp "BvAaasm bbbbbi aai
BmWm S;'-. eigggggggW bbbbW ubbbV BssESBssssssssWCt
I- V1' " - ;- " -- "" , " ...u-" ' '- ' t
BX Striae Beg m Aljgct Fe rf LittJe W Dtp TWl Were
He might have been Intended for,
rild, fierce beast, this tiger of Ceylon,
which' yesterday came to port on the
Vandalla. a '.British steamship Just
from the' spicy east Bat although
aa brave as Bengal'a kings, he -would
have looked made into' a rag. .he
feared a little hear .who could only
grin and hug, says the New York Her
ald. And worse than all this creature
from the 'jungle wDd was weeping
Uke the simplest child becanse two
tmy dogs had torn him whence once
he smiled. In abjectfear this tiger
lives aad eutvera Uke one In hia cups
if he hat sees a hair of these
generate pupal .
It happened that a amlllag
guile, a Ciagalee who lied when ht
was worth the while, had sold this
whelp to the skipper of the
- ru i
gy-TT. ,i
"I think I love you a littler see
said.. Then she-gazed fixedly at him
and pbiated toward vtTexaa. He
promptly placed Ms head over ala
heart aad shook his head.1-The Mttle
pantomime was full of meaning. She
accused him, of hariagl. aweetheart1
at home and he lied with alacrity, and
without ahame. i V. V '? ) Z
The next day Selma said to hlm
"Ton' are too rapid; you should-have
waited until Cherry comes.
,MWho is Cherry?" said Arno.
The most beautiful girl in the
world," was the reply.
"Impossible! There can be no other
like Leona." '
Selma laughed. "Leona could not
hold a candle by the aide of Cherry
Mellnote," she said.
"No matter;
with her.'
"Rofnn roaaarlls: the dustrajg her
feet W2Udf &M
"Cherry ;.MejIae?win arrive to
day," exclaimed Mercedes, clapping
her hands.' "I have a letter." This
was at breakfast one morning
-When Cherry Mellnote swept Into
the: greathall of tlmvhactea
termVVwlth Jewels,
Uentlnijiuifeyea and acatteji
.aa4saiIriaV in aMmeaMl
ef Leoaa fbald hliae : rested vto one
position and gasping for breath. He
felt that they had hardly half de
scribed the beauty aad harms of the
young woman who' waa passing.-before
him; .
Savry infatuated. i
Scarcely a week had passed beake I
Arno found himself - devoting all, his
time to Cherry, to the utter neglect of
Leona. - Blinded by his infatuation, he
failed to aee the look, of burning
hatred and thirst-; for revenge -. in
Leona's sparkliag eyes. ." ; , ;
The devoted Mexican girl had loved
and -trusted him. Now she thirsted
for his blood. One. bright' morning
there waa a new look in the dark eyea
of. the girl whose' sorrow all had'ao
ti'ced. Her pretty face 'sparkled with
animation.- and she danced and sang
as one who baa always Hvsd. amidst'
scenes, of pleasure. - - '
"Senor Arno,? she, said.- "I have:
planned to make this a . memorable
day, one that we' can -'never -forget
I have., sent some -peons to Ava U
vestre springs bearing baskets of good
things to eat and 'drinkl. It is riot
far.. We will have a day long' to be
remembered." ' k J ! '.''. j
- When the lunch had' been spread
under, the 'shade of the' trees', Leona
said: There is one thmg 'Jacktag.
but it Is within easy reach, if Arno
will come with me, we will add favor
to the occasloa.7 i . . .
' The girl led the -way,' singing a love,
song, 'and Arno followed by, her aide.
Cherry Mellnote sat choking, and her
pretty face waa aa watte ai her dress.
Five mlautes had passed when the
party at the spriaga heard- a shriek
that caused them to .spring, to their
feet -. -
Lmm'i Vengeanee. ,
.This ia what aad happened. Ap
proaching a" peculiar kmktag plant re.
aembllng-a large cactus -with.
thorny anna, Leoaa said: .
'. "There, cut a leaf of that it
t r
"But what oh, ten me, maa of ate,!
asked the skipper mild, "what ahall
I do whea this striped beast doth.
rage while'. others sleep?" ' w'-. ..
. Then quoth the knave of far' Cey
lon: "On; captain bold. It Is a simple
thmg. If this yeuag tiger roars again
and hm cries for1 gore yeuwoeM re
strain, give. Mm ea ef
red dogs which, eaten one by
will aeon induce the peaeefal snore."
It happened then that that tiger one
night when rotied the' mighty waves,
let forth a. yawp which drowned the
rush of tides in ocean wavea. He aot
the teeth ot ail on edge with hm rasp
ing, amlatlve wan aad fined the
fo'cale with the Uvalyiheaentiait atom
there would he time for .nee of i that
MgUy rfeammmOad dope. . Into that
cage the skipper cast those' pappias
"I fi
tt " - J if
a deUddas.fraaraacei'' The, youth
waa staadiag by the terrible minotaur
t r- "enralvoroaa blast ' that' lives
w "V
gesh of birds .and anl-
He had no -sooner f touched one of
Ue sterna than a long arm, like the
horrible tentacle of the octopus,
hissed through the air aad wrapped
about his body.. He Lad only timer to
seeth-vsaaUe-im'Leona'e face when
other long thorny arins grasped him.
Powerless" and screaming for help,
he felt himself .being drawn Into the
awful tangle vot. crushing leaves.
Cherry Mellnote was first to answer
the cries' for help. Others quickly fol
lowed, and fortunately a company of
vaqueros who were passing galloped
upon the scene.; . , .
nifitHN &"?;
firing, their guns' at the main 'trunk of
ahef piaat,aoplag tomake It release
htfWa;;Some slashed, the. leaves
and etheraVthrew' ropes to the' atrur-1
ilanrSn.t' Arno' aaaaaged' to get
noose upder his arms, and when a
.Mexican had caught one. of his lege
they all united their strength and the
mangled yeaiCh was drawn from the
embrace of tie terrible plant.
&ffef faexldina declare that In its
anger. Its awaying arms hiss the word
,Satev4a,tofwaIch means 4,I see you."
Ttw.asoVMntfof the. unfortunate young
man waa' torn to shreds, and his body
waa covered with blood.
MLeved and Forgiven.
The vaqueros' made a litter, -and
Arno waa -hurriedly carried to the
where a phyateiaB waa sum-
moned. From the doctor Cherry
learned that though.(the young man
was badly hurt' and poisoned with the
Juice of the .minotaur. it would be pos
sible to save his life if he. could be
moved to the hospital at Monterey.
She did not hesitate a moment A
carriage was ordered and only-a few
moments passed before the sufferer
was on the way to the station.-Leoaa's
smile had passed. '
-The unfortunate Texan lay for
many weeks unconscious in the hoe
pitaL At last one of the' doctors said:
'He will open his eyes to-day. and
probably know you." ' Later in the day
Cherry saw a look of intelligence in
his .facei' and .'when Arno tried to
sit up he saw some 'one. disappearing
from the .room". 'Finding a ' note
-pinned to his bosom, he read: .
- "The doctors say you can get well.
Profit by- your awfm experience and
be true to your-first love. From one
who- well, .it. might have- been
Cherry;" .--"
When the young Texan again opened
hia eyea after. a long rest he looked
Into- a sweet smiling- face,, and he
heard -the whispered words: "Arno,.
are you not glad to aee me?" . He
struggled to hold out his arms, say
ing: "If you can forgive'- me, I will
love you forever." Hia eyea' had
filled with, tears, but through them he
recognized "hia first kve-"-little Fanny
Ge Back- to 9n Frahcieco. -Many
of the' firms which crossed,
San Francisco bay after' the fire and
established' themselves in Oakland,
thereby raising metropolitan hopes In
tha bosom of San Franclsco'a Brook
lyn, are returning to their old stands.
m!ghtrwttness naught of pain. There
was a lull and -then' that box gave
forth yelp aad roar and snarls were'
echoed once again. Whea they looked
behind the bars where once that tiger
yowled they aaw a shred' ot striped
fkln where once a raging-beast had
"They certainly did do their duty."
said the skipper, winking o'er the
glass' rim, "for when those red dogs
began they didn't do a thing to him.
It was said-by that aom ot a Ciagalee
that the pup would pat ' an tigers
to aleep.' He lay ia a trance three
days and more. - Since then he
dee their 'bidding and has
when they gave their leave, aad a
tiger more subdued 'I never yet have
:.l It-X.
It appears that Maine Is atiU la
ef farther measures to protect her big
gaate.- Tae'stato caanot hoM her own
much longer as a haatiag ground ma
t steps are taken to Omit the
For the last few years about
Ma deer have -been killed taaaaUy
VV -? ! kr .dWgamaaVgCwV
Be mJm JgaT maBBBBsalaBT m
- Taf VV - A larV' ' bbbbV JGt
labor Most Figk
Open Shop Policy
Clearly and dlstincUy,
once 'arid for
ill, I desire to reaffirm my unalter
able opposition to the open shop! Its
tendency, as all who have studied the
problem can plainly see, is to lower
wages and lengthen hours. For ftis
own. protection, the workingman must
join hands with his fellow worker and
all stand together firm and steadfast
in a common cause.
-The open shop means disunion, dis
organization arid defeat' Too much
attention cannot be paid to It aa' It is
a factor In our economical system
which must be brought out plainly to
the attention of the workingmen.
Their homes and their means of earn
ing a livelihood are at stake.
Anything which win Interfere with
the good work now being carried on by
the labor unions Is deleterious to the
best Interests of the community. 'In
the past two or three years wages of
workingmen were, much higher than
before. Their condition has been Im
proved and when you improve the con
dition of the wage earners of a com
munity you begin at the foundation:
for Improving the conditions of that
entire community. It can safely be
stated1 that labor . ia the basis of a
country's greatness and', the wage
earner Is' .the bulwark of her advance
ment and her prosperity. The-only
logical: conclusion - is that anything
which tends to benefit the wage' earner
tends to benefit all the people.' Re
member, the wage earning class is
also the distributing class. - The more
money a man on small salary has' to
spend the more he will spend. On the
other' hand, those with large fortunes
.spend- about the same each year. ' In
this 'way the union promotes a great
er distribution of coin which results
to the satisfaction. of alL '
The working man. is a medium of
circulation. With him the luxuries of
yesterday have become the necessities
of to-day. His union aids him In ob
taining these luxuries. Standing alone
'or on the open shop basis he must
auction off his skill, his brain and his
muscle to' the highest bidder. With
.his union there is a minimum set and
he will not work below it This mini
mum Is a living wage, regulated to
provide a maa with the common neces
sities. of life and some of its luxuries.
2 The open shop is its' direct antl
thesis. They are as widely separated
as .the poles. . There is one remedy
ito break down the open shop-the co-operative
store win do it These co
operative stores have' been established
extensively throughout the eaast, and
they are gradually growing .in strength
and favor. ".'
. Let the workingmen, instead of Idly
'talking, -open a rival shop, no matter
what the business of the concern, may
-be, make It more attractive, each '.take
a little 'stock in the concern, and see
what will happen to the establishment
I which locked them out
. Strikes are .always to be deplored'
and are always expensive. . The money
spent' in strike-benefits win' frequent
ly pay for the opening of a rival estab
lishment, which win put the other man
out of business quicker .than anytfitagf
else and will also provide employment
for many men. .
I have repeatedly, said, and I have
always ' consistently endeavored' to
Uye'up-to the declaration, that capital
aad labor, employer .-and- employe,
should - have, equal - consideration aad
equal- protection; that capital ' must
have safe .aad steady Investment In
order that labor may have constant
and .remuaeratlve employment; that
the Interests of both are for a con
servative and 'frieadly. recognition by
each of. the rights. of the other, and
under an circumstances and condi
tions I propose to abide-and to ef
fectuate these ideas.:."
Important That Membera ef- Every
- .Craft Be Banded Together.. . ,
la am address aot mag ago Presideat
Samuel Gompers, of the American
Federation of Labor,. aaM:-. "In mod
em industry, with its great machines,
which have specialised and 'subdivided
labor, the workman 1b deprived. o hia
individual liberty the moment he en
ters a modem Industrial plant aad
the individuality which the workman
hat that lost has been regained la the
economic aad social , Importance
achieved by associated effort of the
workmem la. their ualoas.! '
. This, la. my opialoa..lB oae of the
great thiags. If aot the greatest, ac
complished by the labor unions
the first Labor day.
Ia the future I think it la
portent that the labor bbIobs should
strive to tatfoaghly organise every
craft so that there caa he complete
ladivMmal liberty for ail workingmen.
AU the people would benefit by such
action. William H. JTrasler. Secre
tary-Treasurer Atlaatle
gggggggggmasl -' CV
9faaBBsssssssssssaaw I i m
bbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI I A 1v3
aaaagjgpBjgSgJgga't aJ3gf &F
T,i "BssBaiavav
Opcm Sbop Means
End of Unworn
For the peat year we have
much of the opea shop policy oa
the part ef employers. The employer
In setting forth his reasoas for in
auguratiag the so-called opea shop at
tempta to convey, the idea that the
unions am eadeavbriag to control and
dictate the policy by whjch the em
ployers' ahall operate iieir x various
factories and workshops.
' The reason given by employers may
be accepted by the ordiaary thiaklag
man, but those who have givea seri
ous coaalderatioa to the conditions
under which working mea and .women
are employed fully realise that the
reasons set forth by the employers for
the inauguratloa of the open ahop are
absolutely absurd and ridiculous. The
nigger ia the woodpile la the employer
hopes by hia ao-caUed open ahop policy
to break up the organizations of labor
so. that he would be fancy free to in
augurate any condition of employment
most pleasing to himself,, regardless
of the wishes or desires of the wealth
producers of our country.
The position of the employer be
comes stiU more ridiculous when the
represeatativea 'of am association of
employers announces that the asso
ciation represented by him proposes
to inaugurate the open ahop policy,
and In future win refuse to meet the
representatives of organized labor or
treat with the employes as organized
wage workers; thus the very men
who axe attempting to inaugurate the
open ahop are denying to their em
ployes the same right they have takea
to themselves of forming an associa
tion, whether the association be called
a labor organization or an employers
The employers associations through
put North America have attempted to
induce their employes to form various,
kinds, of associations among, them
selves and they (the employers) be
come part of such associationa with, a
view to dictating wbatlinea ahan he
followed aad outlining the policy, so
that the so-called association shall be
directly under the control' of the em
ployer. All the increases, all the reductions
in the hours of labor, all the protection
given to women arid children in fac
tories, all the legislation inaugurated
in .the varoius statea and the national
government looking toward the pro
tection of wage workers, has beea
brought about either directly or ia
directly, by the. trade unions of North
America, and no matter what attempts
may be made by the employer to in
augurate his so-called open shop pol
icy, --no matter -what success he may
temporarily 'meet with in .this direc
tion, organized labor la .going to pro
ceed practically la the same lines ia
its endeavor to sectWatiU further im
proved conditions' of 'employment, and
if it ia found that they can best be
secured through the policy of
closed shop, the trade union Koye
ment will be found fighting m that di
rection. . ,Ba '
."The open shop"-pdScyr therefore, on
the part of the .employers is, to- my
nind.extraeBoip jfsoesTl' and ' win. not
tend toward bringing employer aad
employe closer together, nor win It
result in' adjusting' differences com
plained of by either aide under the
present industrial condltloaa. Them
is but one way to my. mind, by which
this, caa be brought about, aad that
ia not by the employer rrfmalag the
employee the same right he aaka far
hlmuelf, nariiely, to organise, hut hoth:
sides should thoroughly organise aad
recognize 'each other aa such.' Them
when questions arise affecting either
aide, representatives should meat at.
the round: table and satisfactorily ad
just such .differences, aad' aot, at la
proposed by the employer, declare war
upon .the union. ' "'
Tell .Taken ef Life.
What tell de 70V take of. life, of life
'Twixt the cradle, ataa-and-th enure.'
And what la the gala of your toll aad
. strife?.
Aad Mines' tato answer gave: .- .
"I gather the fniita of a aUlMoa's tott.
I revel' in seas ef sold,
I reap the bercesta from leagues ef sol. .
Bat. alas! I aat growfag old!
"Aad'wbea I coaslder the things I baton
The thiags-that I.ean-aiy own;
r aeem to fael that my work's 111 done.
for these I have ga'aed aloae:
A palace and 'shelter all men clalnv-
-Purple aad liaea and gold.'
Floe - raiment mlae. hut no better than
thlae - -
' Te award the hedy froai caM. -
-Three steel a 'day aad. a-frteadly reef.
.Aadsaruwats to wrap bm ia.
TlMM.oalr ajtae. Tnr.melr uae'e preaf.
The Jt la the price of ala.
Three steals a day and the clothes I wear.
Aad a Teor shelter .tae.
Thto Is tha gala ef life's toll aad nam, .
As all Im late I see. , ,
TBeagn sMi
say whan I
Sack aad auch- waa he worth.'
amt I read say title, aad aadly trig.
Ta-sevea pear feet ef earth.
The thiags I bato wen far the
have done
analter. dethlag and
whatevar year
am or atattoai
ma-tW mr.
'ug-weBf smnasm mm?
lfti. m 114 it wn
British aaeVrebmilt la lilt
Another of the errors ha
tm tha aaamu
paint ai meed em
should seated om
smiMincwhea aO
pum white lead aad Waaawd eat aaahe
It so happened alee that I hmew
white lead aad mmteed oO not ready
mixed pamt were seed mm tat Watte
Houee. becaase I had Jmat read a
let published by a arm ot
patat nuusauctarem warn alta maau
factam pum white lead. Ia that book
the manufacturers admitted that for
the White House. nothing hat "the
aad purest of patat could be
" aad said-that their pare white
lead had beea selected.
Above aU people, those who attempt
to write oa historical subjects ahoaM
give aa facts, evea if It to only a date
er a statement about wood, or brick,
or pamt or other bulWIag
Flmt Use off Medem Tr
Tiunteia. Im their
introduced late the British army
ha 1813. aad tolerated aa a
psrtioa ef evening dress ha UK.
Another Trlnmph far XJUye-V .
80 successful has the application ot v
the X-rays beea la the tratmemt ef
chlldrem suffrlag from ringworm, that
the MetropoUtaa Asymme Board, Loa
doa. hat beea enabled to dhKoatiaae
the aee of oae of the twu laatMuttaat -
. With a smooth irea aae! Ptfiamm
Starch.' you caa laaader year shirts
test as wsD at home as the
laundry caa; it will have the
stiffness aad fiaJsh, them vriD .
mmmaas Wamy wy asmia f CMMTtm.
be lest wear aad tear ef the gauds.
aad it win he a positive pleasure to
um a Starch that does not attck to the .
A CaHforala ostrich farawr it about
to opea a branch oflee la London.
where he win have a eoHectiem of os
triches, aad incredulous emutomers
win be treated to feathem eat direct
from the backs of the ostriches, man
ufactared aader the customers eyes.
sad sold to them across the
"at a price they never heard
llrAinfJiaBPml aaVaawmS wi
The palm family
leavet thaa any other kaewa tree.
The laaga palm, growiag ea the
banks of the Amazon, hat leaves
which reach from 35 to at feet la
length, aad It to 12 feet la breadth.
Specimens of the talepot palm, a na
tive of Ceyloa. has beea met with 28
feet wag aad 18 feet broad. These
leaves am used by the aativea to
make teats, and. thus employed, they
make very efficient shelters from rain
The feavea of the doable ceeoanut .
palm are eftem 3t feet long aad sev
eral wide. The leaves of the eaaal
bal tree of Australia resemble broad
Bleaks aad are frequently 15 feet
long. 2t Inches broad . aad 1 feet
thick at the base These boardlike
leavet an shootout iJ&nteaaf.
JtoptWfeai" mf form a sortd
BSpmgTwaround the stem. The-um-
E-S-aim tree of Ceylon lias- leaves of
such enormous size tha: a single
will cover from 15 to 2t ama,
often serves as a canopy to a
or a teat for aeldtera. A
leaf, takea m
ajp aTteiisimt at
Lyias awake algats mahee K hard
to keep awake aad do thiags hi day.
Ubm. To take "teales maa ataav
ata',mader such iliimmiiliBi 11s Is
uke settimg the
at.yoa caa pat it
- naiavmerietaarstBnass re
-Tnaaaitg sleep at might
awaae lmdrrldwal
A mdy rhatgad
to Oraae-Nata, mmd
ctae. the. doctor
off aerateee. 1
hatim a few mays that
aad a wide
the day- -.
est way at
w.wMi imiwe yeart
After frvhaa imtMi -- 1 m
mfffmmsml wmtaamaJd V rV - A
vomklac topped, ami the llsaJms
eemag which was am dapamammmTemv
topeami entirely. 7
"My mother was very mwaah hath.
erad -with tlsnhst hedsre tsBsammmc-
ettM lira amtatrnt-tt.. . -
Graae-Nnts ae la the etg ganm waa
kg a read at sihJ Tamm TTm
msdfcms at hwaatsail to amrats asal
braat at a vmiaigatJa atoaxaaumam
MatoT .
QJamhyMtoB, , . ';
r ..ti
- ?!
1 4
C '
T.1- -
- . -3TS
- 'J'
ht the local
a distant
twain aad tamed hm fate that
mad Mt meese.
.Li ''
.... --'Ml
.-' . . ;
.v. J
-t '
-t .
'W - .
ru "3-
.tfd .i. a Si- .'.ft. 't.
. 3