The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 29, 1906, Image 4

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    &t '?'tyr" jjlPlPjll
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Columbus feurtuiL
Well, as wm toluvre been expected,
W.H.TBompB9aBadBmrod VJ?Z
UttctrfeMtoklligkMg. That
fret, nowerer, does not m the let
change our kim of the ama and w
-:il -.Aam kiaa AlMM Office
seeker, witk aot aa ow mpplj of
ability. We saall reserve, wywrt
upw the saatoriai mtuaUoa aafal after
the repuWicaa coutuatioa. Howelle
Tae Nebraska, democrats ia state
convention this week toraed dow
George W. Beige for gorecr beauee
he wm popli n& HOrted A.
C.8halleBberger,ofAl. banker
sad a former fosioa coagreawaa.
ShaUeabergerwiU aot awake aiuch
eathafliaeat. They pat p that per
petMal caadidate, B&ly Tpafo
Uaited States MmXor? Scuyksr Free
Laaee.(De.) Thia u m hu aample
of democratic enthoaiaBai for Schallea
qerger aad Thompson.
The democrats held their state coa
veaUoo, adoptiag their platform aad
aomiaaUag their ticket, last week ia
Lincoln aad as usual with a demo
crati: convention, it did the wrong
thing at the right time. But that
need not disappoint anybody, because
they would aot be the great democratic
prty, with' a jackass as a party emb
lem, if the rale were otherwise.
Ma Nebraska there are aot enough
democrats to elect aaybody to a state
ofke and that being the case in order
to have any show to wia the indepen
dent element of voters would have to
be secured fur the democratic ticket.
That could aot be done by aay such
convention acts as was done. That
convention could not tarn dowa
George W; Berge aad nominate A. C.
Shallenberger and hope to secure the
independent vote for the democratic
ticket, because the first act was to
show their boarbon rump and it was
shown in great style. Scuyler Free
This is what the democrats of
Platte county think: "After dis
crediting him ia every possible man
ner, and doing everything it could do
to embarrass hischaaces of securiag
the democratic aomiaation for gov
ernor the Freasoat Herald bow hasteas
to cover Mr. Berge with hoaor aad
aadyiag fame for the great work he
did ia seeariag the eadorsemeat of
Shallenberger by the populists. Be
fore the convention Mr. Berge was
' much too small a man for the position
he soaght; bow he is the biggest booster
of the bnach, aad a patriot from his
boots up. It is perfectly plaia that
the esoteric purpose of all this lavish
'comattadatioa, this vilely hypocritical
soft aolder, is to carry frvor with the
disappointed frieadnaf Mr. Berge so
they will gracefully aad gaily line ap
for the democratic ticket. The work
of the Herald is very coarse. Bixby
ia State 'Joaraalt '
"If the sentiments of the rank aad
file throughout the state was properly
ascertained, as it was ia Platte coaaty
., I- believe Mr.. Emerge would le aoau
aated oa the trat baUotr. Let as as
democrats bear la miad thai the sigas
'of the times point throatiagly to aa
era of indepeadeat activity ia politics.
itweBoauaaie au. Bfcree we
make' aa agremive camaaiga,
it is admitted evea by republicans that
he is right apoBthe vital issues of the
. hoar aad the people kaow h. As a
matter of nreniiat aad simple jastice
' between man aad man he is entitled
to a.reaomiaarioa after the magaii
ceat campaign aad splendid showing
made two yean ago. If we tarn hiss
dpwa the pesn4e will be told through
the ranablieaB press that we had a
aaadidate whose stacer Uy oa the rail
road questioB had aever been doubted,
but we refased to reaoauaate hus,
and why? They will tell as that Mr.
Beige stood for all the reform prayea
lor by the people, aad he declared
himself ia advaace of Che coaveation
oa these qasstioas, bat "we tuned him
HDMiLfAiTNO Attitude of
-jsassE- c Baking 1
M i nanawawa
i Waw
nV aWaaaar V WJaWanWaWaW; WW aaa wanwjw mamam .
WWWfWIWWWj WeBWnw arW"iy,,w'
"jTtlliti in iHlTf lr rr a ItanHM
wlaaananamwamiiaemua.hT jeunene
gaBMt jMnilMltaMlw mnBhnr W
1 - P-
This is the closing paragraph of a
letter written by Claris Grueatber aad
published ia the World Herald oa
Chris Graeather is the democrat
whe whipped Edgar Howard in the
last Platte couaty democratic conven
tion by a vote of 108 to 20.
Chris Grueather fouad out that the
raak aad file of Platte couaty demo
crats wanted Berge by writing 250
letters to them aad asking them to
state their preference for governor.
Oat of the two hundred and fifty, 237
declared for Berge and 10 declared
for a atrtaight democrat.
Oa the theory that these "ten" con
stituted the ' democracy of Platte
couaty, Edgar Howard, after pledg
ing hw support to Berge through his
aewspaper, went to the democratic
politicians of Nebraska and declared
that Gruenther secured Platte county
for Berge through a "trick" and that
the "rank and file" were really for a
"straight democrat" After his stato
ssentwas given circulation through
the Omaha Bee und otherwise, he pro
ceeded to write articles favorable to
Shallenberger. By these methods,
Edgar Howard did more than any
other democrat in Nebraska to secure
the nomination of Shallenberger and
the defeat of Berge.
If the democrats of Platte county
want to prove that Howard was right
and Gruenther wrong they will vote
.for Shallenberger and thereby, prove
to the democracy of Nebraska that
Chris Gruenther and John Byrnes and
Hans Elliott and a few other leaders
"tricked" the democrats of Platte
county-into supporting Berge.
If the democrats of Platte county
agree with Chris Gruenther, they will
prove that Edgar Howard told an un
truth when he declared that Chris
Gruenther had "tricked" Platte county
democrats to the support of Berge, by
taming down Howard's candidate,
If Chris Gruenther was right when
he wrote the Usee quoted above, -'the
only way to elect Shalleabereer is to
"explaia away" the defeat of George
W. Berge which has "humiliated" the
democratic parly in Bryaa's own state.
, It reauuas to be sees whether the
democrats of Platte county will vindi
cate Edgar Howard or Chris Gruen
ther. No candidates so far have announc
ed themseelves for float represeatative
or state senator from Platte ' county.
Nance coaaty is entitled to a candidate
for represeatative aad it is Colfax
couaty's turn to aame -the senator.
Whether or aot Calfax and Nance
will insist upon exercising their rights
ia this matter remains, to be seen.
Platte couaty republicaas .however,
will ihisjat that men be aamed for
these offices who have no railroad re
cords or afiliatioBS to explain away.
No republics who opposed the iatro
efection of aatipaas .aad rate-regula-tioa
resolutions ia the Platte county
republicaa coBventioa, can expect
aupport for' a legislative office from
'those republicaas who favored the
program that was adopted by the re
publican state convention. " No shams
or eleveaih-hour coaversioas will go
this fall. Aad so far as the Journal
is coBceraed, while having no person-,
al quarrel with the republicans who.
honestly opposed the Sheldon pro
gram ia the coaaty convention, it will
oppose both the Boauaatioa and elec-
tioa.of any maa to the legislature,
who has not been on the Sheldoa
platform at least long enough to find
room. Nebraska mj going to
some rate regulation next wia
ter whether it has a railroad commis
aioa or aot. And the Journal is go
iag to help to sead men from Platte
county who will stand right. . We
hope aad believe -those bmb will ne
v Edward Rosewater emerged from
defeat at the republican state conven
tion a bigger asaa in the eyes of Ne
hfaskaas than he woald have been
had he coase out waariag the senator
ial toga; Norris Brown was aoatiaat-H
edbecaasaha.promised. to stand for
thethiagsfor which Edward Rose-
Jbaght for twaaty years,
osewater lost heeaase he
had killed of two maay repablican
who ahaald aot have
He has paid the
price of km political iadrf fBtinacfi but
hastaadsteaay a mightisr force ia
BmsnVmeB BPaaanmv, envavs ham. lavO
tbs &ATti:6xtmJjm0K. ' .-
Long editorials' and hwtr Kch
are aot required to explain the work
of the last' republican state onven
tioa. It was a victory for the nuisses.
That is the whole story.
The platform adopted -is concise
and strong. But there will be little
discussion of platforms this year.
As a matter of fact there are no
party issues in Nebraska, this. year.
There are no differences among the
taxpayers on state politics. Repub I
licans.and democrats want the same
things. They know exactly what
they waat and will be satisfied by no
shams or makeshifts. It has been a
question of the people against 'the
bosses in both parties. At the demo".
cratic convention the bosses won out
by defeating Berge. At the repub
lican state convention the masses won
out by nominating Sheldon and de
feating Galusha. It only remains for
the masses of Nebraska to register
their approval of the work of the re
publican convention by electing the
republican ticket by' an overwhel
ming majority! ,'
When the democratic party turned
down Berge at Lincoln it divorced
20,000 independent democratic and
populist votes in Nebraska, the same
votes that Parker's victory over
Bryan divorced two years ago -
When the republican party nomin
ated George L. Sheldon it named a
man who' is entitled to every vote
that went to Theodore Roosevelt two
years ago.
All Nebraska republicans are ju
bilant and they have .cause to be.
Dr. C. D. Evans , secured 23 votes
for United States Senator in thesiate
convention. This vote compares fa
vorably with the vote cast for Meikle
john, Crounse and Currie, from which
fact Dr. Evans finds cause for
As" the Journal goes to press it is
announced. on what seems good au
thority that Frank Wurdeman will be
a candidate for the nomination for
float representative.
It there were a republicaa norrap-
tioa f aad this year it woald be easy
to.aoeoaat for tbn work; of the demo
cratic bosses at Peoria aad . Llaoola.
As it is, they nave made a republican
campaign fund anaeooeesary.
The first symptom of iatellifeaoeoa
(he part of the "Bryan Boosters' m)as
their plan for Bryan's recarn to Iiia
oola during stats' fair' week. Next
weakens Prker Snail
papers will be priatian; great boll
of figures to show shenambsk of pil
grims who went with bowed heads to
Liaoola to do homsgs to' Bryaa aad
iaoineatallv to see the "blaok boar
pigs" aad the "potted cow spsok.'
Why did the demooratlo aoaam
knock oat Berge at the state conven
tion? Ia order that taey
aught occupy reserved
Bryaa pte-wagoa two
Bat they forgot to consider that
Barge's defeat woald puncture Bryaa's
presidential airship before it could
riss above the dome of the Nebraska
oapitoL tt f
Columbus has a Twelfth & O that
rival Tenth and Oof Liaoola. It is
said that dowa at Lincoln that waea
a fellow wants a political scrap he
goes too 10th aad O where all the big
toliticiau ooBgregate, aad have it
oat. Just so it is with our 13th aa
O The Meridian hotel comer. You
can most any old time find Oaris
Graeuther, JudaeHeamey, Henry
Oarrigaad JdV Batterman there,
aad they are alwaymjeady to asset all
omen, (contributed).
It is BBjast taxation f era
a common oar dog to bo
much as his neighbor who has a hun
dred dollar bird. dog. It was this
principle for which ' oar
fought. Had aad died. If we
fight again, let as prepare to do it
Aad as a curtain raiser we pro
to amko the next mayoralty eoa-
test on the doc tax tmue. If Mayor
Phillipps does aot instantly make
paUio apology for approaching the
editor or the Journal with . a
uhwmi uonwnaiBg tae pa1
of aao dollar for keeptag.
lag aad aarboriag one ear dog of the
rsuaston," we solemnly
to raise ap imadidate
aaaiast him aad run him on an anti-
dog tax platform. ' We may oompro
mim the case if he will amnad by
oattiBg oat the word "cur" or ap
point n dog committee oa the coun
cil to praise aad grade the Oolambas
bars of the canine family.
A rare maaical treat is tae William
H. West Bic Jabilss Miastrsk It
was tae beat show la Oolasnaas last
year. There in ao speculation con
oeming the flow of meioHy aad merri
ment that the MinimrsM will hrimr to
the Horah Opera Haass, aszt Tues
day. Sept. 4th. This ovaaaisaMaa af
omlty nrtists has aa
aa the
road. Manager Riokahy
af friends last winter here by givmw
ais whols show to a very small
aad he returns this year only at
request aad assanaaos. of
Mas. Ths Journal
this stlrsetlsa as Ma
rsaasrs as aaa wscth traTSlliac aUIss
to aw. Than maa hatha?.
1 A. . :-
The Highest Art Ptiotograpte
fill photos guaranteed sattefactoru
Gall and see us
" Tlmdalegatss to the repuWicaa state
saatorml ooavsatiOB of the twelfth
saatorial district comprising Platte
aad Oolfaz eoaaties are hereby called
la amet in convention at the Meridian
Betel at Oolnmbms, Heb., at 1 p. m.,
8irtarday. September 8, for the
of plaeiag ia nomination a re-
pabUeau candidate for stats senator
roas said district.
Committee: Carl Kramer aad O.
VaaHousea. .
'ACfcmiuayef Fifty Peeple."
The Willftiu H. West Big Jubilee min
strels. The name of Van is by no means
an unfamiliar one to amusement pa
trouafor every once in awhile it crops
out from among the countless array of
comedy talent and bobs up serenely in
a most unexpected manner. George S
Van, however, has for a considerable
pace been reeognizMl as the accepted
leader in the fun monologue line and
his reputation was nut long in attracting
the attention of manager Bicaby, wno was
indeed' fortunate in adding this ex
remelyeomialVanto the William H.
West Minstrel aggregation, which is
scheduled to appear at the North Opera
House next Tuesday night Pept 4th
The advantage that George S. Van
has, and a very decided one it is too is
that he ie at original as he is funny and
that the laugh provoking, material he
uses is as wholesome andbealtbful as
it is unctious. 'There is an irresistable
something aboutthis comedian that
leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth
after the convulsive smiles they
leal Istate Transfers.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers,
Real Estate Agents, report the follow
ing real estate transfers filed for record
in the office of the County Clerk during
the week ending Aug. 25, 1906.
U. P. RB. Co. to Albert Koza, w d
$3000, 1 11 b 13, Duncan.
Rosina 8poerry to Adolph Hoge, w d
$275.00, l'fl 8 and 4 in b 176, Col.
E. A. Gerrard to Platte Co., w d $1.00,
pt 1 1 Gerrard's Add. Tarnov.
Abbie G. Taylor to J. Held, w d $10,
000. s sw 12, se ne 11-30-1 E.
.. M. B. White to,M. a Cassin, w d $2,
695, e se ee, e eenw se. 18-17-1 E.
' B. Matzke to'jos. N. Smith, w d $1.
600, To 7 and 8 b 2, Robinsons 1st Add.'
L. Everett to J. B. Babcock, w d $1,
400, sw sw 15-17-1 E.
H. Hockenberger to Louisa S. Cool-
idge, w a sum, t s o ana , otwucr mvo
Add. to Columbus, Nebr.
A. F. D. Is. 2.
There was a family reunion at the
home of Fred Laekeve, jr. last Sun
day. The families of William, Henry
aad George Bagel aad Frank Stevea-
Mrs. Olift, her
daughter, are
risitlng relatives oa
this route
Aaew granary
Home Farm.
ia being built to
. Albert Smchuia is building a
summer kitchen.
The young people of the nelghor
hood helped John Haha to celebrate
his birthday last Sunday.
A. W. Haha of Osceola is looking
far a farm Bear Columbus.
Mr. aad Mrs. F. L. Haha. Dick
Kammer aad Miss O. M. Hahu attend
ed the ohataaqaa. at FaUertoa 8a a
day. .
iNUL -n
lok Adamy is buildng a new. tra
aary oa his farm oocupied, by Fra
Adolpa Frees aad .family af Med-
ford Wis.. haVs oome to Platte oounty
to lire. Mr Kress i a sou in law of
Geraard Loaske.
..DaVid TiUWKjnen Is rabailitiaa kis
William Darkop is baildiait a new
Caaitaaqia Aujp.
24 U
On Baadaya. Auruk 6 aad Septem
ber S, the Union Pacifio ha arranged
tonmspsftial trians to FaUertoa;
leaving Oelambus at 8 a. m. aad' ar
riTeXFullerton:S5a. m. Returnln
lsaya Fullertoa at 10:30 p, m. - Tick
ets on sale for this occasion at $1:00
for. tha round anp. Inquire of
W H. Bonham, Agent.
Tae Journal wants
Phone or Write it in.
all- the .news.
The following letter from one of the
oldest settlers of Plutte eonntr is a
sample of tbs expressions receded fre
quently' at' the Journal, offloe: South
Omaha, Nek. August 21, '06 Editor
of the Columbus Journal, Dear Sir:
I incloee three dollars to pay subscrip
tion to Oolumbas Journal to July 20' '0
I hare read, the Journal continually
aiaos its fret msue. I hope the good
old Journal friend may continue to in
crease ia eirculatioa and influence until
old Platte, the Gienlter 6t false Dem
ocracy ia Nebraska wBl be redeemed.
Tours truly.
D. Anderson
We are aazious to have
Republicaa ia dose touch, aad work
ing ia hanaoay with the Repab&aa
National Congrcaiionil Cniaiwh?ff la
favor of the csktiosi of a Rcpahmsmi
be based bathe adaunmtrative and
legislative record of the party, and,
that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's
personality must be a central fgare
and his achievenwnts a .central
thought in the rampsign,
We desire to auintain the work of
this rsmpaiga with popular aabacrip
tionaof One Dollareach froas Repub
Ikaat. To each subscriber we will
tend the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all docunseats
isnaed by the Committee.
Help an achieve a great victory.
Jamks S. SasmMAw, Chainnaa.
P. a Box S063, New York,
lere Prsaany.
We have 160 acres of choice land
self sails' from city limits for
in 10 acre tracts.
Elliott, Speice Co.
A hundred years ago, tiie best
physioiaa woald give you a medicine
for your heart without stopping to
boasider what effect it might have
oa the liver. Uvea to this good day
oough aad eold medicines invariably
bind the bowels. This- is. wrong.
Beess laxative Syrup with Hoaey
and Tar acts oa tha bowels drives
oat the oold dears the head, relieves
all ooughs. cleanses aad strengthen
the mucous membranes of the throat
chest, lungs aad bronchial tabes.
30th Century Drugstore, Platte Center
and accident insurance on popular
monthly Davments. For liberal terms
address Continental Casualty Co., 621
Exchange bldg,. Denver, Colo.
Farm Far Sale
Woald like to sell my 80 acres one
mile east of town. Good improvements.
Prices and terms reasonable.
B. S. Dickinson.
Most calendars are given out about
the first of the year. Why. don't you go
the. others one better, by ordering a
somewhat finer one than' usual, and
giving it out as a Christmas remembrance
to your trade? It would be a graceful
little courtesy, it will get the calendars
in the right hands, aad it will save you
money, if you have been in the habit of
giving out other gifts. Its worth think
ing about. Gall and see our complete
line at the Journal omce.'
B. & Palmer, the tailor, cleans,
dyes aad repairs ladies, aad gea-ts
clothing. Hats oleaned and reblocked.
Agent for Germania steam dye works.
Olive St. Between 18th and 13th St.
Curat Hay Fever aad Summer Celd
A. J. Nusbaum, Batesvilie, lad.,
writes: "Imst year I safTered for
three months with a summer oold so
distressing that it interfered with my
I had away of the symp-
toau of nay feTsr, aad a doctor's pre
soriptioa did aot reack my oase. aajl I
took ssTsral asailoiass waiok sssmed
tsoaly aanrrerate my oass. Forta
asmly I insisted upon kaTing Fuley's
Boasy'Tar aad it.qaiokly oured me.,
My wifa mm alaos assa FoU,.
Tar witk tae
Okas.H Daok.
It Costs
More to
Prepare the Surface
man to do the repainting ftsel if the orig. .
inal paint was not Pare White Lead and
Pure Linseed O0. .This is the only paint:
Which is elastic enough and toagh enoah,
and ewnly right down to the sorface, kiw.,
fog it five and ondbna. all ready for the
painter to begin his work when repainting
is finally necessary. . -
A paint adolterated with barjrtes, yelTnv
oenre, xiac and other substkrtes for .Pure
White Lead, is ineritably stiff and brittle; '
and changes in teaperaawe nuke ft blister,
crack and peeL Long before sack paint
has worn away, repainting breasts a ne.
cessity, on account of the anay places left' '
exposed. Yet, before repahtfjag can be
done, the blotchy, uneven, surface most be .
scraped or bornedtill the smooth surface of '
the wood itself is reached. This requires
nwchofthepamter'saldletime,aadis .
atteDdedwkh no little risk fro ire. -
Avoid this expensive process and the
eWer whfck it ahrays&vohes, by imist-
ingon Pure White Lead in the fkst place.
lkn't leave any kophofe; SrandV
CoHier, Red Seal or Sowthen
(Mate to the OM IMcki
r cnr mmmm m
9u nr
Clark Ave. and IBB) M
St.taaSJ.BW. .
m m
umA BBj . " w B t
When You ne Gouur
or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones '7
Granite ft Marble Works
Of GwlumaHi, Neftraaka
WiU do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
Spring Wagons
Let us buiM you one. We
put nothing but the very best
material ami workmanship in
them. The price is right.
FARMERS, Bring in your
tools and .implements to be
sharpened and repaired now.
It will' save you time when
the spring work opens up.
We keep only the Latest and
Biggies & Carriages
..Farra Implements..
B$uOar Horseshoes stick and
don't lame your horse try 'em
Attorney - at - Law
Zinnecker B'ldfc, Columbun, Neb.
aarry tan assa of every thinj
m my tine, xae unnKinepr
bj saaar' w nm
lis is invited to ooaiif5?"
for themeelve
Jflm. NEVEI.PraprisMr
61S Twelfth Street Phone No. 1 ll
iiS- -.
Dr. C. A. Sw
. Veterinarian--
- - -
Infirmary at Browner Barn, 13th Street.
BU Itionfl r7.
Waara prepared to' make loans on
aUjalasmaf real estate at the lowest
a assy tarms. Becher. HocKeu
laaau cijh will! IPVI "
to Erect m MuswmsaBt' u
-, v- r-
Tha TlM.
We are having a special aale
on "close out" picture frames
New car load of goods com
ing at special-low prices.
Attorney -at -Law
Old Suite Itaak BMff.
. Attorney - at ? Law .:
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus Statu
Bank Building.
fttternei : at : Law
of any case of Kidney of
Bladder disease that is apt
beyond the reach of medi
cine. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Bright' Dis
ease or Diabetes. . There ie
nothing gained by delay. '
50c. and $l.t BttlM.
Sali ajChas.fl.DMk.
l Any person having bakachw,
kidney pains or bladder troublt
who will take two or threw.
Pine-ules upon retiring at rwfht
ahaUbe relieved before nwcTang.
20tk Ctttiry Dn Sttrvrlatte CatUt
Tae Chicnwn. an. i, '-
.. t. PaalMj. -
One-?arrp,Pir "i'tWnh
OnaaiA .1.. -w 'or 30 dav tiAt
we'WPfats in Chaada
von the lient rmS-SL"- "
r q. rItalBi.
Btaaavflu 1
me muahnaw
aad was all ran jaT '"i,
had ' - aaiaysai
thra "77 rTT ynwly- Ikad
" " i -Ai is.
--- ' ' & U
an af the awammTfas smawt'rsas
me aa roei-j ,-; ZT " .-
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