;"' "v: w-."- J i p -i K Tlk ! .. I -i r. AV .-' j . r . . a xk. - . ;? va.; - . & -v . ) 5 - -' ' ' ?i fr? -,v - rsu K, - --$&$" , ?v IV r & -sr-. I cj .3 . I - jrr- J BEST FARM HANDtV Net Stay Ne Mi Are Battle Oeek, MJcfc. Farmers noad Battle Creak who expected am 1m- emeat ia the farm labor proposl this suatmer are dlaeppointed. Net'eaiy are hanrasfc beads -aa scarce aa they more a year ago. but they to-set. have .adTaacea to the wages, asiaaake .the i.'to coaceeafoae, oat a Tears acn woald hare created aetold laaghter. Good Carat hands, are getting high aa $L6t a day withla a tew miles eC Battle Creek, with board aadlodg lag; thrown la, and In. many cases the aee of a horse and- carriage. One farm hand, hired ia Bedford towa ahlp, demanded that his' employer give hist the ase of his piano two , hoars every evening, and the de- mand was granted, the farmer's fam ily vacating .the parlor while the bar? vest gaest practices. He is taking piano lessons ia town, driving la with the farmer's horse. The titrable does not end with the Inability to secare men to work for hire. Farmers' boys are still leaving the nine dollar a week Jobs oa the farm, with good food and beds, to .come to town and .work for less, live . Ia cheap lodging houses, and eat poor food. . The only available men we get at present, said a Penfield fanner, "are saea from town seed to clerking or naming. street care or such labor. A tew days on the farm tires them all oat, and keeps as blriag mew nam. I suppose It will shock city folks to hear it, but the best work on many farms in Calhoun county this sum mer is now being done by women .folks. The boys are anxious to go to ' town and throw on dog.' The girls are the most willing to. help their farmer fathers in the fields. It doesn't sound alee, does it? But what are yoa going to do when men won't farm out at $L5a a day boardr ' X LONGWORTHS WERE" tNUI ED. Fraa Wagner, Vents Ira.ei Campsaert Widow, TheaV In Berlin. BrMa. Now that Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Laagworth have returned to .America, the real reason for their saddest' departure from Baireuth Is revealed. At the time it was said that the daughter of President Roose velt was annoyed by the ogllag of German "dandles,' but it Is bow given oat that Frau Cosima Wagner. ..who rales everything at the Bavarian village, took advantage of the pres ence of the Longworths to veat the animosity which she has entertained against all things American since "Parsifal' was staged and patronized by the United States against, her wishes. . Inexplicably; the Longworths found the" hotels "fall. and were com- pelled to take refuge in a boarding " house. Thea Frau Cosima caused the command to go forth that the Long- worths presence should be practically .ignored. She herself arranged to anub the preaideBt's daughter so cially by ostentatiously omitting to Invite her to the famous soirees held during the week, which are attended by all the celebrities. She also ar ranged that Mrs. Longworth should . act be preseated to her and the great artists of the season during the in- termissicas, which are always gay so ' dal events. The only genuine welcome accorded to President Roosevelt's daughter came from Mme. Schamann-Heink, who scandalised Frau Wagner by rashlag ap and effusively embracing the visitor ia full view of a terrace full of people. TURN CELLAR INTO A HIVE. W Discovers a Great Deposit of Honey in Her Home. .An immense store disenvered between 'of the residence street. alatioBOf -a solid mass six eiwa. harder BraBBTB STM fBW Bfc-- vo BBretaoBBaawet iHJH&r-1 c " a & - .a r m SBBBhL SY BBBBBwBBW'BSeB eBBBnBtAflE'stt L-. nTBBBBBBBTBBTl'IglSMB' lilisdll "BBBBt.BBBBBBBnBBTSBBBBm rK'iPk")HHHPvV PSbbbbbm b-b lii i 1 1 amaaai pa ' wide and 14 feet high. ' the basement to the mm aaiastwassrTSMSiwMSMMi m 3 . i -i i m. r - vrBBBC!i.aBfeM ML NaaiaBBBBBBBBBBWi .support the first story, and coi tiling a section of the wall. The bees catered their storehouse ' through a knothole ia a board. It was this that first attracted Mrs. Nazry'a attention. With the aid of a gardener ahe Investigated. Despite veils aad gloves, both were severely stung by the myriads of which reseated the intrusion. ue many gardens la the Beigheorhood la which Mrs. Naxryre atdea, and it was from the flowers ia these aad in the adjacent park that .the bees sacared the substance. Un able to crowd any more into the space .waicn they bad appropriated, how ever, they ao longer worked. but con .tmicu wenaetves wna living Upon waat taey nad already atored. Now. aowever. tney wiu nave to start anew. RAILWAY WITH 72S BRIDGES. New Aaatrlan Line a Wander In the . Enflii iff World. .Vienna. Archduke Franz Ferdi aaad has opeaed the new Wochelner railway from Assllag to Trieste which is one of the most remarkable tugtaeeriag feats in the world. It Is the first sectloa la a new owe laroaga ine Alps ttj which aoathera Germany will be connected lirectly with Trieste aad traverai . seaatifal- hat exceedingly diftcalt aftaaatata coaatry. watch has necessi tated the xeavatioa of 47 tunnels aad the baUdiag of 7 small and 4S tare oa the Isonzo river Is stone arched railway Midge la the to. iu spaa Is haa SIS It Tear habits are disgraceful, sir. I cax you off with aai hare the shmin. Memorial Church II. of Russia BmajaBSBBas BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT ' TeBBBBBBBBB. 1-BTfyaTfyaTgW l ' J flBsBBn 'A ai Twaaav jcvt fc,it"-1 . 4aaBTr Si rf H- bw Jbbk 1 . ' Mm " " II .BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW "aIbbV. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV A BPPPPPPPpKB t , iWaSBSBSBBI BbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 1 SBBBBBBBBBb . ABBBWA BBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBalBBBBBBBBm SBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm HBIMMMMMBMBI U BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm The notable structure shown in the illustration is called the Church of the Resurrection., and ia designed to commemorate the assassination of Czar Alexander U. in 1881. It stands on the spot In SL Petersburg where the em peror was slain. The edifice Is built of chocolate colored brick, trimmed with white marble, and ia crowned with seven towers covered with vari-colored mosaics. In these mosaics are represented scenes from the life of Christ, and there are a number of panels containing the coats of arms of the fifty Russian provinces and of the Romanoff family, with effigies of the apostles and the saints. In splendor and design this mosaic work Is declared to be unsurpassed. During the last twenty years the church has been In process of construction, and it will not be completed for twelve years more. While modem materials are used, the architecture Is of the orthodox ecclesiastical style of the middle ages. Public contributions are paying for the work, the total amount collected aggregating nearly $6,000,000 from all parts of the empire. THIS HORSE OWNS PROPERTY. Equine Holds Interest in Valuable New Yp,rfc Real Estate Where He Can Graze at Will and Live Life of Ease. New York. "My horse Dick I give and bequeath to my sisters, Agnes and Elizabeth. Savage. It is my wish that they care for the horse as long as he lives.' As the result of the above provision contained in the will of George Sav age, a plumber of. Jersey City, who died on Sept. 17, 1889, Dick, a horse 33 years old; is living a life of ease and luxury. He Is a property 'owner, and holds a half interest in real estate. Dick came Into the possession of his master as a colt back in the '70s and for years he made daily tours of Jersey City in the shafts of a plumb er's wagon. Mr. Savage waa deeply attached to the animal, which devel oped unusual intelligence at an early age. He bought five lota at Baldwin avenue and Clifton place as Dick's ex clusive pasturage. As the years rolled by he disposed of three of the lots, but he reserved two for the horse's especial benefit "He's a good old boy," the plumber would often any, "and I don't propose that he shall ever want for a small WOMEN GRAOaTsXTES STAY SINGLE Par Cent, of Those from Chi Have Found Mates. issued of niaJilltPW its reestablishment toMttaaly 17LTJ or about la per cent, have TrBBaat. It is conceaeu uun uk x &iij bw uated ia the classes of the last two years should have more time, but the same considejraipBcannot be given to those who were graduated before, and the officials have no satisfactory ex planation to give for their lack of ia terest In matrimony. This failure of the coeds to wed. Is not confined to any one class. Ia fact, of the nine women who graduated ia 1894, the year following the world's fair, when all the world was attracted to Chicago, not one has married. The officers of the university deny that there is anything in the sugges- 't 'i araaaaaBB wTSlBrBTEBBBaBBBBBBBBBta wBaaat I; ""Iriir ismllii mMJZl that ZZ. , I BBBBBBBBBBBBSSrVW " .V--WSBBBBBaaaBl 'BB BBS I. . - T, ' J. sf"- - . JL . -. r . . -t 1BBBBBBBBMtk- -TaBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBmmBBRSaU . I .smaWsBBBBBSSWXS" X. "- -- "BBWBBJSWWBBWaBBBBtfc. i W m c-awa " " c-rr--.aaBSBBJWsmmc. o .i.nji c-aaa BBvareBWTsmaw4"r,, w - Uses a Million Pencils. Washragtoa. :The eaormous quan titlea of aaapttea ased by clerks in the nine executive departmaata here is forcibly illustrated by figures for the fiscal year eadad Jaae 30. It Is Ebowa that for the' 12 moaths com- prising the last fiscal year there were l,117.4tt lead pencim aee. u manaTac tared aacat these woald make a mam- peacU 142 mfles aad 13 red Placed aide by aide they woald a hoard walk 28 laches wide rrea mOes long. Accordiag to the ralea, each clerk Is anowed oae peacU every eight daya. The army of clerks ased S.C7MS1 aheeta of paper, cat letter else, every year. These aheeta placed afd by siee woald cover a plot of 2.24C acres aad 'have aome left over. The spvarameat teat year par chased aad distributed 447144 pea poUta. haylag more thaa 2St,fSt paa hoMers ia which to utilise them. . The clerks aaad M&fi ganoas of Where Alexander Wa, Assassinated. portion of this earth where he caa graze at wilL" After the plumber's death his sis. ters placed a wire fence around Dick's lots and saw to it that every morning excepting in the winter he was led from his stable In the rear of their home at 518 Mercer street to his pas ture. Fine homes were built around the lots, which are within a stone's throw of the city hospital and the zealous eyes of many real estate speculators were turned to Dick's exclusive terri tory, but all overtures for the sale of the lots were turned down by the Misses Savage and the old horse grazes in supreme contentment A few 'days ago the sisters' were offered a good price for the lots, but they said that the land will not be in the market as long as Dick lives. Dick raps with his forehoofs against the side of his stall every morning at six o'clock as a signal that he la ready for bis breakfast As soon as he gets It one of the sisters, Miss Elizabeth Savage, grooms him and washes him down with oil of citroneUa to keep the mosquitoes away. Edna Brown, 13 yean old, has be come so attached to the old horse aa a neighbor that ahe goes arouad every morning'to see him Eafe in his lots and in the evening leads him back to blsstalL tioa that the restrictions at the.unl versity against college courting and engagements between students, baa anything to do with this showing, nor do they believe that Che average ago of the women graduates has had any effect although the statistics . show the average age of the women has been veiy the men have beea TrtstBeeats figure out that the fac aa .regulations have done more than aaynlmA else to turn the girls' heads to other matters than matrimony They are almost unanimous In declar ing that the -university authorities have placed such restrictions oa col lege courtlag that younger girl eta dents go elsewhere to college. They cite the Urge number of engagements at Northwesters university as proof of this claim. They also declare that Northwestern attracts- for this girls more inclined to domestic Ufa. There is no virtue ia the innocence that only fears the wrong. 0M plate of black Ink and 6,74 pints of red Ink. The government ased 6,747 pounds of pins, which, according to coaat, raa 24,752 to the pound. This makes aa aggregate of lC7.t91.724 ptaa. Rabber haada of an alses were to the aamher of MJSaft. Taa Bad. "A horrible thing aappaaad fa froat of oar boase thJa BKxaiag.' "Aa aeddeatr - "A meet aaf ortaaate oae. Tea know that young" eoraet player la the aext flat to ours. WeU. he was strack ay "Yea r - "Aad It eJdat hart Clevelaad Leader. him a bit.- The ahoat that foal?, Is It an right? ocer Sere! There's aSaanflaW BACKACHK It KIONSYACHK. i rJi tl 7,i Doat neglect backache. 6 waraa yoa of troaWe fa the kWaeya. Avert 4 i .; -. vvtaa- aaar ay. asjp. tag the kidneys with Doaa's Kidney Film. J. A. Haywood, a wan knows rasJaeat of Lafkia, Tax, says: "I wraached my back working ia a sawmill, ap six from that time 's. - palm.- la my wTasaopei' I stooped or lifted. The urine was badly dlsbraerad aad for a -lonk time I "hadj- attacks of graveL ifter I began ving Doaa'a Kidney. ins the gravel 'passed oat, aad my bade got we J. ' I. haven't had' aaek ache or bladder troaWe Braee.' t; Sold by all-dealers. M eeata a box. ostar-MJlbora Co, Buffalo, .N. T. YOUNG COLONEL IN DILEMMA u Ways of War Were a New TMif t f His Undcratandinfl. ' At the Army and Navy club la Washington a number of veteraa, offi cers were telling stories, when Gen. Chaffee told this anecdote of Gen. Carr, who died in New York aome fears ago: It appears that uen. carr, at. tne outbreak of the civil war, had left Troy to take command of a regiment The engagement in which, aa colonel, ae first figured was at Big BetheL Hie regiment had been. halted for. rest and refreshment ia a pleasant place and had not yet experienced the ex citement of a skirmish. It happened however, that confederates were ia ambush in the immediate neighbor hood and from a safe hiding place they opened fire on the northerners Carr, so the story runs, instantly put spurs to his horse and dashed ap to a group of officers. Excitement aad bewilderment were apparent upon his young face as he approached the party. . "They are firing apoa my resl ment!" he shouted. "My God! Now what Is to be doner Harper's Weekly. Alum Baking Powder la -Wholaaanu. Dr. Herman Reinbold, the expert German chemist in a recent official report concerning Baking Powders, declares that a pure alum baking pow der Is better and less injurious than the so-called cream of tartar powders. He says that if the quantity of alum contained in a sufficient quantity of baking powder for a batch of bread or cakes for an ordinary family, be con centrated to one' mouthful of food, and taken Into the stomach of any one person, no matter how delicate. It could do no harm. On the contrary, alum Is wholesome' in proper-'quanti-ties. This is undoubtedly the reason the State of Missouri quickly repealed a law that prohibited the manufacture of the most wholesome of an baking powders. So much for Alum firing Powders. Strange Story But True. F. L. Vandegrift has a new story It is illustrative of the marveloua fe cundity of the EngUsh' sparrow. "I was pending Sunday with, the Dumont Smiths, at Kinsley," said Van, in recounting his experience. "We had been up late the night be fore and I was a trifle, drowsy. I. sat out on the front porch listening to the church bells and gazing off into the illimitable space that lies between a snortgrass town ana me nonzoa beyond. , "Presently I dropped my hat Into a bed of Virginia creeper and dosed off to sleep. I could not have slept more than an hour, for the children were passing the house on the way from Sunday school when I awoke. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at my hat la it sat an English spar row brooding a setting of eggs. While I slept the sparows had built a aeat in my hat the mother bird had laid a full complement of eggs and had be gun the work of hatching them. Kansas City Journal. .' His Only concern. ' A wen known member of the New York bar, a man of boat patronizing manner, one day met John G. Car lisle,, to .whom he observed loftily. "I see, Carlisle, that the supreme court has overruled yoa in the case of Mullins versus JenUnson. Bat,' he.added. ia bis grand way, "you. Car lisle, need feel ao concern about yoar reputation. , Carlisle chuvied. "Quite so." he agreed. Tm only concerned for the reputation of the supreme court Harpera Weekly. DUBIOUS About What Her Husband Weald Say. A Mich, womaa tried Postam Food Coffee because ordlaarr .coffee dla- I agred wtih her aad her husband. Ska writes: "Hy husband was sick for three years with catarrh of the bladder, and palpitattoa of the heart, caused hy coffee. Was usable to work at aU aad la bed part of the time. T had stomach trouble, was weak aad fretful so I could act attend to jay housework both of aa asiag cof fee all the time, aad realising It waa harmfuL "Oae moraiag the grocera wife said she behoved coffee waa the of oar trouble aad advised I took it home rather dubious ahoat what my husband woald aay he waa fond of coffee. "Bat I took coffee right off the table, aad we havea't aaed a eap ef it since. Yoa should have change ia as. never complains of heart palpttatJoa any more. My atomach troaale.waat away ia two weeks after I hegai My childrea love ft aad It good, which oaat he said of -A may visited aa who was always half sick. 1 told her Td aaake her a cap of Poetum. She said it Mas staa, hat she watched me t. hofflas; It thoroughly for IS whea doaesae said it Loac boillag briags oat the savor sad food quaHty." Name glvea BgSBBBBBaSSSJ bbbbbbbbI hy Fostsm Co, Battle Creek. Mam, s m as. auu wt. lam. -'- a THE WHITa RiyCR COUNTRY. IB the.optaloa of oae ate has trav eled much aad observed closely, the moat truly aad rightfully conteated people la the Ualted Statea to-day are taa amafl laadoaaerB hi whet" hi kaowa as the Upper White River Coaa try. anywhere from Newport, Ark, ao Carthage, Mo. They are contented be caase their surreaadlngs are Ideal astt, antfl receatly.1 the great; aaeaay, dis quieting world, ralth its artificial needs bBBfeajaatSK .compeasatioas, aaa to Uwmlawt lltOe more tangible thaa a. dream. Here;, atm aytataajr. aadby.reasoB of their very rarity at tats day andtimemore delectable jthaa la.the past; are the coaditloaa which hare ever, .appealed with Irre atsawe force to the Indepeadent-splr-Ited Anglo-Saxon. Every maa la the aapresM rater of his owa little pria- jcipaflty; ackaowledglng ao master save, we law ana possibly his fem inine helpmeet; 'cringing to no em- ,ployer; asking ao favors from the world, sere those that his neighbors freely, extend .anil expect aa freely la return. He Uvea In a latitude where the extremes of heat or cold are never known, aad at aa altitude that insures perfect health,' The richest bounty of Nature has been showered upon him with unsparing hand, but It tea question whether he 'more than dimly realizes the fact He accepts as a mat ter of course the fertile soil which produces in abundance every cultiv able growth common to the- north temperate soae, the surrounding for ests of valuable woods and the under lying stratas of precious minerals, the springs and streams of translucent parity on every hand, the wealth of fish and game at his very door, such as lees favored mortals annually travel hundreds of miles to find. He Is con tented, but small credit Is his for that for how could he weU be otherwise than coatent? It Is aad that such Idealistic 'conditions may not con tinue, but It la written that the pres ent possessors of this, favored land must sooa give place to others more appreciative of its lacomparable fea tures. A railroad has recently cat its way through the best of this region, aad the unaccustomed rustle of bank notes and chink of coin win eventually tempt the hill-dweller to part with his birthright So it has always been in the world's historythe 'good things that are ours without price invariably pass from our hands before we come to understand their value. The White River country win shortly be discov ered anew by a class of Immigrants better capable of Judging Its possibil ities the men who seek modest homes where the lay of the land" win effectually prevent crowding by too close neighbors, where their cat tle caa fatten on free range, where the wealth of forest aad mine awaits development by intelligent workers; and where the game and fish offer en joyable recreation to tali who have leisure and Inclination for sport. DIAMONDS IN UNITED STATES to the Value of $300 Found in Single Year. ', Never la the history of the United Statea has there been such a demand for diamonds as there was .in 1905. Large quantities were imported, but the country produced none. In 1903 it produced diamonds to the value of $50. in 1901 It had an output worth SlOO, ia 1900 its production was .valued at $150, and in 1899 the coun try boasted native diamonds to the value of 300. Diamonds have been discovered la the United States in four different re gions, but their actual place of ori gin is aaknown. An have been found In looseaad superficial deposits, and aU accidentally. It ia not at aU improbable, how ever, that aome day the original aoarces of this queen of gems may be discovered. The high price of dia monds has made the recent search for these precious stones ia the Ualted Statea and Canada keener than ever Before. Scientific American. BABY COVERED WITH SORES. Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Un- leea Hands Were Tied "Would ' Have Died But for Cutteura." "My Utile soa, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come oat on his face. I had a physi cian treat him, but the sores grew worse. Then they began to come on his arms, thea on other parts of his body, and then one came on his chest. worse than the others. Then I called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year aad a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at aight to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. , He got to he a mere .skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try Catkura Soap and Ointment. I seat to the drag store 'aad got a cake of the Soap aad a -box of the Oiat- ment, and at the end of about two months the sores ware all wen. He has sever had any sores of any kind since. He Is bow strong and healthy, aad I caa sincerely say that only for yoar aiost wonderfal remedies ary precioas child would have died from those terrible sores. Mrs. Egbert Sheldoa, R. F. D. No. 1, WoodrlDe, Cobb, April 22. 1905." Tickets ef Leave. the late Michael Davttra wssesiaoBa were two gilt- frames, each of which contained a ticket of leave which was granted aim after he had served a term of a anal arvltade for his beloved coun try. iBy following thedirectloas. which are plalaly priatad oa each package ef Delaace Starch, Maa's Collars sad Cats caa ha made just as stla as de sired, with either gloss or domestic BJsma. Try it. IS es, for lie, sold by all good groears. (8.0.) pet by a bird that Is as the TogsjeAead. the canaries thraaaia the Iran ef the jLaWBT ebjasjat the Ss cigar, always .best eaaaty. a Xewaf factory, Peoria, IB. Eoaeowiy ia the -mad to wealth. PUTNAM FADELB5& DYE Is Nad to i. The,, .who ptaya taa favorite alwaya'wta ay a laac ., i faaaaeri sjimklrthe aaftMy wJae et Lewis Single Binder ew. Year dealer er Lewis' ITaetery Peoria,. .BL, A girl wffl forgtre afeltew ff mV IXMwTaapal VwVIVQbVT There la a traialag school for ele phants at Apt. la the Congo State, where 2$ elephants are taking lessons. The traialag operations have prodae ed encouraging results, aaya the Trih- Coagolaise. Lincoln Dental Callage. . .. Associated with the State Ualver sity of Nebraska, where an da wan la the sdeaces take their work. Ample equipment university standards, mia$ mum tuition. Member of the Nation al, and .aU credits accepted. It will pay yoa to write for special announce ment Address the Deaa, Dr. Clyde Davis, Liacom, Neb. Seamen Given Privileges. A marriage bin latrodaeed ia the British narllameat allows the mar riage of a seaman to take place by li cense In the diocese of the port waere his ship is lying. If he has been a res ident for 16. days on the ship or part ly oa the ship and partly oa acore within the diocese. Laundry work at home woald Tee much more satisfactory If the right Starch were used. Ia order to get the desired stiffness. It Is asaaUy aeces aary to aaa ao much starch that the beauty aad fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste of varyia? thickness, which act only destroys the appearance, hat also affects the wear tag Quality of the goods. Thfe trouble can be earJrery overcome by using De fiance Starch, as It caa be4 applied much more thlaly because of Its great- er strength thaa other Beware of Servian Bank Netea. " There is dismay la the Servian min istry of finance. In the strong room la thla department ia a specific safe, were atored the engraved plates from which Servian bank notes were struck. These plates were engraved In Paris and cost a sum of 1,C0. AU these plates have within the past few' days been found' to he stoma from the safe, without any visible sign of the safe having beea tampered with. Haa' Been Buried for Centuries. The body of a young woman haa been discovered la the aadeat Priddy lead mines in Somersetshire, Eng land, some 16 or 17 feet deep ia the waterbone slit that has beea accumu lating since the days before the' Ro mans came. The hair la woaderfany preserved, aad remains la the plait la which it was worked. Beside the body were foaad five targe blse aad green glass beads. ftl'L. . I ftanausKSBSuf KBUCATI0WAL. University of Notre Dame IwDTKE DAME. INDIANA W!t fuurmmht tnm joints: Owr ttmJtwtt wttub dKrstudtwtbc3tmt titwmh Uaaaaaas TSnMitaara aaaStaaaas CoaraM la Aaalw Bad Hodera fmmti . Baa Taanaaey. vii.mj0etneai. maa ccmanteml nun. mtm tag. Aroaltt cliaa. lag. Baartaiamm, m wteaaaa. lnc,Tjprrlaina ' SPECIAI. DEPAKTOOCT VOB BOTS CSUKK TBI1CTCKS TEtlfSc CataMaaa aaa aaHBlaari wa Useeraer, hat sever If he doesat " iT.TMrTsiyiajg-aaaie: WWT w&eOTIVSngePa Ltl Stii Yti a Paskaga sf Defiance Starch with your next order of groceries- and I will guarantee N5 TOIfiaRCQMktiEl BBBbVbBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBmBaBVVBBBBBBBBBw) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBW BBBBBBBBBBmwBB' HBlHH aaHwalawaHaBBBB ' OaoftJieroBmtUlaBBiWlala at Pmkm YBeimblsCTairreai av Ko giow Ma of atamoi taaoarytaat fraqaeatly itefsseBee iaaaiaaaBaetsaV BBtfttfcxw.a4asaeaV VBBBTABBBBBBBBBBBBBm f CSJOaaBBBBBBBBBBBm BVBgYgr aBBBBBajmaBBBBarwB asssssssssssssv qjCBjbbbbsssB) '" SHDbbJ ' 'wiwNmaf wHbbwbbbbw''' ' nrBaBBKB BBBwaBBBBmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBb BBBPll,'aBL3LeBBBBBBW sfmBBBBBBMBaBBBBBBBBBBBBm aVaavYBBBBawmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT . x.N-fr.SfcmBBBBBBaBWBY mSBf BBmaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV iTl TS WaBgBnWBF ijttr mflBBmmMlWrmitMkW CqF Socalled ''wanderine; pains' from its early stages, or the. presence of danger may be mode mani fest by profu&e monthly periods, accom panied by unusual, pain, from ther abdoBsra through the groin and thSgha. If yoa imvernvsterioas peine, if there are indication of inflammation or dis placement, secare a bottle of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound right away aad begin its use. Mrs, Pinkaaaa, of Lynn, Mass., will ve yoa her.-advice if yoa-will write sr. about yourself . She is the daagh-ter-ia-law of Lydia E. Pinkhaia ana for twentr-fiveycarshas been advaaar sick women free of charge. , T mko tlw MbrrlT an tnm rilshiBi iw en taesaeoeml have had with your wonderful merlMse. Fiffbhwii mnnthKateo v risds topped. fjaortlTi sftorl feH m badly than physldaa aad jnat told amt I had a taamr and weald have to undergo aa' epsmtiea. 8coa after 1 wad one of year adeiaTsf aawsa aad derided to give Lydia K. flak ham's Vegetable Cteraond a trial. After - Ms as anreoan aw aaawr ar I have bane osamiBea av a. aad he asys I have aosfgae ef a r. mimaliSl I aroand once awr Bf ' Mk . ', weu." nuHae ik aaa 7 1 Bradford, Pa. U. S. NAVY for Hmr rearm iim ma mt a momnm rarsiou eo iiinai -mmm ef If aiad M as aaarmaUaa Mav. m --7. i.-i V mb: ospatiniitat far damuMint; 9t SWavaaoat. meir tanm. aameiatii MM av nirias, eepBcnautia. yeoamcafwwsmy term. mamaWaera. Imn. nnmlHaaa. ete..ktweea si aaa it year. aliwa 1 a t nai laHBarm ittaca IS ia foarta pay frfatsraaratcm. tTrnflaa wave! aUaaaas4 wata ar aula ia aiaea af aW an. aoaaa tear aaaam' aay aaaiaeiiaalaayayaaianwaiaawMala lamw am i am nf illaramiT OaMiuLlMtfa aaaHaaUaaaamraika. Alaa. darlaswiaMr. at Da MataMare KkMx Ct;r. In. aaartma iraiaa.B.BiafMaMaaa 37,500,000 FHIHE K EMU TEU la the TJaited'Statea, atoae. i urn ate yearly iraam GOOD HEALTH i tell ah lbre atartBer facf. eziat.- trEALTM ia Ike olaVt aeatth Joataal te tke world, a Ms aaadaoaacly niaatratcd aaJ aaly edited aamgaaiac for tbeaoaae. TteartoeiaasM onaraycsK. Siasleoavleateaotata. . SeaS ttmcaty.fi e ceats aad this iTurllif iiiaf for a trlel Urea amoatam' amhsci IpUoa. 6M1 IEALTsT RaWUM CMaTAlIT. A-rrxx CatXSJt. HICK. . You Cannot CURE tamtam tr mlrntil atxi afrMrml t ditkms of the mucous membrane such : BUaUdcsaat-rh.aterlae catarrh cat hyfcsalBlae alia, sore tlnjoat. BBsejca ar iBnamea eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But yoa sorely caa care these stubbora affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gennyaeciav (fischarges, stops, paia, ana heals the ianammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most succemfal local treataaeat for fesaialae Has ever produced. Thousands of womea testify to mis fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box ' W. N. U- OMAHA, NO. 35, ISML Burma are wnwor aoi a, aaa a. am eearerr CBBBBwa aafeav that yon will be better satisfied with it thaa with any starch yoat 1 have ever used. I claim that it has no superior lor hot or cold starching, and It Will Not Stick to the Iron No eheappremiums are riven with DEFIANCE STARCH, hat von ear obe-tbjbd bobb voa vooa mobbt than ef any other brand. DEFIANCE STARCH coats lie for a It-os. package, aad I will refund year meaey if it sticks te the Uoa. Trslyyoara, BoinarrJoanr, I Saw IBBj uuw ww ai waa aw life Is ahardoa la the amrafawan, . vieveiiaa Leader. to the TV I Iirrallvine,-tepkgs. tTasrasa . v. - ." 1 -L"l . . -r?- J?Ca-' jjJZr J-, . . caa leave am oat of the lag eJee ta.K bat sawdast! Y 7 r 4aL?3 . . , , P sKamtaaaaBBt . I lllin