V5$ "-. vfets- jXaJnsJvc&A -v . ? " j .i f-- pv, .? v s5ts.',!TJrJv- -" , -? .'"cVl J rwJr - 41 - y v j. ,--' .' -.. J.? 5f i GoftsoUdated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Areas January lPWf. ;3Sfc. tt. r.T 3S .frVyQVr VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBER 22. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 29. 1906. WHOLE NUMBER 1,81a. f . ' f . ; -f A' Cmttmras .adsnfi I 11 IF I I If 1(I fm II II I M3r2m ' I fj ill XJIiriww O ' -i a ? s. -ti " - --Ti-Z7iJ " " - , SiMbl i i fc l-V . : s. l- . fe B " "NrnVvSmT NSS bTCB $fcm as vv W oH .-""--, fm. "-. "''-v'.flB ""! numm that tills tiank feWlitled to the -confidence and" patronage of thw. community; because it is the" oldest hnnk,-and has stood .'the..tost.tbel6ngestof any bank west of the Missouri River; be cause'fhoee bAlilnd.it are men f:;Qf."meanB. -who are .safe and -.conservative in ."their invest- ; intents; arid among many other 'reasonB.'.iM'canBB we: offer you very convenience for the trans action of yotirTnsiness," " Bank drafts are clieaper und . more .convenient than money "orders. Try. one. : .: Cwlumbus State Bank ';r'Mr''aud-Mrs Dan. Poudon of Wa-ftrtownVN."-Y:tarrived Saturday to -.-Vint Jlr.; QoucToa'a sister, Mrs. Jen ie;,W&ker' and bin brother Gene !-v iiiss EHzabetn Sheeban retained Satarday-night .from Pawnee City .wnere ahehaa been engaxed in insti ;.tpte work.- -Her sister. Miss Mary :Sheeaaa stenofrraphnr for Jadge Al-.hirt,-who."iB viRitiae in Daarille III., . is expected noma aboat September 1. '.The German National Bank of 'Columbus -will ojtcn its doors for busuie&s - on "Saturday, Scp- .tejnber-V.' . .Having spared no expense in jirovi(lHi5''.tb"e" most modern and I latest improve! bank eiuipmont, witha.view to securing altsolute ,protebtu)n to our patrons, the officers --of this institution take pleasure-Jri extending to all a cordial invitation to visit- us on --opening day, whether you fejrpect.-to'.-hc a iwitron or not. Ye"asure-you that we will be nleaaedtpnieet you, -and will jtake.'pleasure'in showing you our new and ujv.tb date, quarters. - 'Very respectlu lly you rs, 6. W. NlLLIPS, PnsiwHt, "; N: SCHROEOER. Cashier. Announcement i , Bmawnn .:-" ii r- CRtr.-is' disabled' this we rem snxinn. the resnlt-of' aa accident last week wbicb lacked little or proving to be ser ioasi While helping to switch a car of brick-in "tne KarrNicholr yards he lipped and wan thrown into the ditch receiving a severe sprain in bis back. ' THE NIMBLE NICKLE .; ". 'and the .slow shilling are com-" :"- 'parable- to the man .who has 7."-Vnjoney.-for investment and won't -.- seize tbe- opportunity we are ';"i; Offerig. -Likethe nickel; if. he .,:"-BpP!iks-iiiick he. snaps np the .v:-arnun, . bn -"if, like the- slow : :- -shilliBff, Jhe" comes", later to ' bay . ".-..v-'"t.11:co8thTm-ihe shilling where ' "- Bow.-the nickel will do the trick IksW, iKktsfcirgsr . ;; .J OalwaWa. N "1&. ' "Sarah Sheffordfkadson wm bom November 1st, 182fi, iB'oadoa, Eng land, and' died, at Colalsibma; Neb., Attract 22ad.' 1906. .- ' " Npreaiber 10, 1844 she was aaarried to fL J. Hadsoa. with whom she en joyed more thiut 59 years of loving fellowship, natil death interposed a brief separation.. She spent the early years of her active christian . life i in tho Episoopal charch. In 1847 both she and her aasbaad believed it to be their, daty to. leave, the oharch of their early choice and- they nnited with the charch. of latter Day Saints, never, however, acknowledae- inar the leadership of Briajham Tonng and scoraing the doctrine for which bis .name distinctively stands. On Jannary 1st. -.1851, the family left Liverpool for America, landing at New Orleans and coming ap.'the river to -St. Loais. They settled at Alto. lit. which was the famUy home antil 1S75. hewith, a company of colonists iaclading 110 heads of families, they came to Nebraska. The company, which .Mr. Hadsoa was the leading spirit, settled aboat a mile east or where ueaoa is now. sitaated, where' Mr. Hudson bailt the fimt log hoase and started a store. A few years later, the family moved to Colambns where the deceased con- tinned to reside antil her death. The history of Elder Hadsoa is also the history of his life In an extra ordinary and most beantifal way their lives were introduced. They shared each others thorn and feelings, hopes and aspirations, joys and sor rows saocessea and reverses. Togeth er they straggled. The victory that came to one came to both. Together they took np the practical questions of material means Together they planned ways of nsefataesB. of bless iag to their 'commuaity. Together they bore the hardens and responsibi ties of parenthood, oonnoiling togeth er.and praying for wisdom that their ohildren might be trained np in the wav they shonld go. Together they rejoiced in the good of their children, and in perfect sympathy, with aching hearts and falling tears they laid away those whom God called from. them. Theirs was no easy life, the life of no pioneer is easy. They were not carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease. Bnt theirs was a good liie an eminently satisfactory one- "Something attempted, something done, has earned a night's repose." The greatest trial of her life came to her whom we have all learned in love to call Grandma Hudson when, on the 15th of February 1903, her beloved husband was called from her. The separation was not for long. Since then she has been waiting for the welcome eammoas that -was the end of all toil and suffering for her. I doubt not she has been reanited with the pare and kindly soul in whom she round rest and protection here below, and with in whose naae they wrought, who had prepared a home for them. The surviving children are: Mrs. J. H. Galley. Mrs. J. O. Echols, Mrs. Richard Jenkiasoa. Mrs. a E. Pol lock, and Oharles S. Hadsoa all of Columbus; Mrs. V. H. Winterbothas, of D.' CL,. and Horace H. Hudson of ver Greek. There have passed be children who died in in fancy. Joh, Mary and Florence, Also n betovar-Aa-ighter who died in Oolambns eight years ago.. Mrs. G. W. PhiUippsUnd a son James D. Hudson, wlM 'ied. iaBakrBeld.. Oalif. There remainth therefore a rest for the. people of God and she has foand her rest." -v The funeral was conducted from the Pollock home on West Fourteenth street on Friday morning, August 24th by Rev, Munro. Dr. W. S. Evans reports a unique case of effective firet. aid. treatment where a loaf of. bread and a few strips from an old shirt saved a. boy's life after all the arteries of one of his lege had been severed by a . mowing .ma chine. Fraak.Smmta, a Polish lad of thirteen years whose home ia Ohicago was the victim. 'He was visiting his uncle. Frank Zceok of Duncan and had gone with him south of the Loup five' miles to help out hay. -Knowing . no thiag about mowing machines he hid in the tail grass to await the approach of the machine, and jumped up just ai the sickle reached him. It was too late for Mr. Zceok to stop the nuf ehina. The sickle caught one leg just above-the ankle and' cat it through juat hack of "the large bone of -the tower leg, severing the smaller bene and nil the htoud vessels. The boy was tarried to the wagon and a loaf of bread taken from the lunch basket packed into the wound which bandaged tightly with strips torn from an old shirt. Then the boy wan driven five miles to the Zoeck home one mile north of Duncan and Doctors D T. Martyaaad W. S. Eraas called. They brought the boy to the hospital and Monday. morning, amputated his leg between the knee and ankle.-' Dr. Evans says that the boy' would have bled hi death lane before his arrival hue nee C aha lent of bread. CLOSING OUT m Half Prise Our entire stock of Jap a lac, Roger, s Stain floor finish. Locqueret, Davies Vanio floor stain and Campbell Varnish Stain, to make room for CHINA-LAC nnmmw m i Ghas.fl.DdCk i..Druiflst '. 1.H Ed. Jenkins is dead. The man who was always first' to minister aid to s neighbor, in sickness or distress is 'gone The voice that carried nought but .cheer and sunshine wherever -heard is stilled' forever. . On Thursday mbrniag Ed. Jenkins was joking with his friends on the streets of Columbus, apparently .in the best oY health. At eleven o'clock Thursday night he was dead. His death was canned by hemorrhage of the brain, resulting probably 'from heat prostration, He had over-worked, the day before' and complained 'in ..the morning of headache although he kept at' work and bad almost finished black ing a stove in the wood-house when his wife found him in a state of partial eol lapse. His head was drooping to one side and he had'sank to the ground, his legs refusing to support, him. When Mrs. Jenkins asked him what . waa the matter he said: '-Mamma I'm just about all in." 8be called in neighbors who carried him to the house and sum moned the family physician. Hie con dition improved for awhile and it was thought he would recover. 'But at seven o'clock he was attacked by severe pains in the head and at ten o'clock lapsed .into .unconsciousness, passing away forty minutes later. E. H. Jenkins was born at Elkhart, Indiana, April 19, 1851. When twenty years old he came to Columbus with his parents and engaged at his trade as tin smith. On August 31, 1876 he married Miss-Elizabeth Turner and went to live on his Madison county homestead. In 1894 he returcd to Columbus with his family and has lived here since. Mr Jenkins was senior vice-commander of the Nebraska Division Sons of Veter ans camp and a member of Columbia Lodge A. O. U. W. In all these organ izations he was active and no member would be missed more than he. He is survived by hia widow one son Levi. A. Jenkins and brother, O. D. Jenkins of Norfolk. The funeral was held at the family residence on West Thirteeeata street Sunday afternoon at 'three o'olock. Rev. L. R. DeWolf of the Methodist church officiating. Members, of the Grand Army, Sane of Veterans, and A. o. U. W. attended in n body and marched to the cemetery. - Among the relatives and frlenda from a distance who attended eht funeral were:' ,'Mx'. and Mia. O. D. daughter Gladys, of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs: Carl Jenkins and Joseph and Fred Jenkins of zoo. Neb., Mr. d Mrs. B H.' Moore and Mrs. Lake Henna and son George; Perry. Ia.; Bart. MoKianie and George Turner, Loup City. Neb. ; Mr. and Mm Richard Ballard, Mr. Mrs Joseph Stibley,. Mr. and William Will. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teasel, and John Horat. of A. B. Cramer, Platte Canter. Mrs. R. A. Mills and ohildren of of Osceola who -have Charles B. Mills have gone to to visit with relatives. LOW PRICES ON LOW SHOES All $3.50 low shoes now $3.00 All $2.50 low shoes now $2.00 . All $2.00 low shoes now $1.75 . , All $1.75 low shoes now $1.50. These are all New, Snappy Late Styles. We are also making a still greater reduction on all tan shoes and oxfords COLUMBUS, - Nefu-aska Kn. OharlM Brindlsy, one of earliest settlers in this part of stela, died at her home in Creigaton. Neb., 8unday afternoon, at the ad vanced age of eighty-two years. 8he was brought to this oity nam buried beaUe" her hushand who ' died several veara ago. The funeral waa held at the Methodist ohareh in thi4 oity Rev. DeWelf Mrs. Brindley waa well known by all the old settlers having settled in Nana county with her parents In 1857. Her maiden name waaAmy Gater. She was mother of Mrs. Galley who died n - few the ago and of Mrs. O. A. New- She leaves three sons Hiram and Charles of this oity and Frank Brindley of Rocketer. N. Y.. .'who was present at the funeral. ' . The Loup and Elkhorn Association met Tuesday and Wednesday and. Thursday of last week with the Pales tine Baptist charch. This church is an aggressive country churoh n few nUhw north of Genoa. 8ome of the delegates from the various charches in the aasooiation drove across theeouu toy, the others were met' at St. Ed ward. The session began Tuesday mmIu bv a song service oonducted by Rev. A. A. Dye, pastor of the en SartalalM charch. Then followed the annual sermon delivered by Rev. K J nimer of Golambua.- One other mtxii was niveau and that at the dose of the sessions on Thursday evening. 'Rev. Beorge H. Starring of Battle Greek delivered tnia one Hia subject was ."The Philosophy of Kduontio" " All the churches in the asBOoiaton bat one were well repre sented by delegates. . The sessions were well attended also by the people of the Palestine neighborhood in spite of the fact that taree.or four thresh ing crew kept the farmers busy all day long.' .Dr. D. D. Proper or Dee Moines, la. , presented the work of the Home Missionary Society of the Bap., tist denomination. Dr. Hearv Wil- of Des Moines presented -the work of the Baptist. Foreign Mission ary Union, and Rev. Pope of Grand Island presented the state of affairs ia the state. Rev. L. O. Biggs of Oma ha delivered an abb? address on San day 8ohool work and oonducted an interesting and helpful round table important Sanday Sohool pro blems. The Woman a Home and For eign Missionary work -also received their due proportion of the program. Misa Amy Manood ably presented the latter.' The first half hoar of each i was devoted to a series of Bible study conducted by the Revs. Dye and Starring. Amooiational mis atone were well.discussed and the con viction prevailed that work in Ne- must be largely rural. It is the plan to reach out into the oountry as nob as possible. For the current year Mr. Rolf of Palestine church was erected ifrwl""" and Rev. H. O. King clerk and treasurer. The peo ple of Palestine had a novel end pi ant arrangement for eutei A tent had been erected joining the churoh building on the north. This waa the dining room. Dinners and suppers were served in the tent. Every one who attended the aasooia tion were glad to be there. From Co lumbus Mrs. H G. PoeoaeLs Miss Amy Manood, Miss Olive Mahond, and Rev. E.. J. Olmer were ia atten dance upon theassociation. The next ion will be held next August with Baptist charch at.Tildeu. Services next Sunday will be held in Grace church as follows:' Eight 'a. m. Holy Communion; 11 a. m. Holy Com munion and sermon; 8 p.m. evening ser mon. Preacher at both services the Rev. Dr. Weslcott; Sunday School si 10a.m. All welcome. Arthur J. Westcott Ph. D., Reetor.' -Word was reoieved here bv tele phone Monday morning that Mia. Nela J. Jarmin of Osceola waa oead She had been siokn long time. .Mr. and Mrs. Jarmin of this city over to Osceola Tuesdav to attend the over to usceoia Tuesday to attend the funeral . Rev. Munro of' the First Congrega tional oburch will preach next Sunday morning the theme: "Canst thou by searching find out God?" After1 you have suffered from eye aches For a while you will appreciate the immeaar relief that comes from the wearing of properly fitted gli All the burning sensations cease. And all the aches and pains. Aad where discomfort formerly Was ia aow absolate eye comfort. Thia change can be brought about' in a very short time, indeed and we are ready to undertake it at any time you say. No charge for anything but' the ' -glasses. Ed. J. Nlewohner eJeweler and Optician IatarestiBf Letter frem Mini Klise Integer. . London " -.".' August 13 1906 Dearest Mama and Papa: " This is the last letter I shall write home because in another week 1'11'lte on the steamer headed for New York. It is about eight thirty now and we have just come in-from the station. .We took the boat at Antwerp last mght'at seven and reached Harwick ataix thirty where we took the train, for old London, I enjoyed the night on the boat, I believe I am a good sailor, I'm always happier on a boat than in a train. Wc had breakfast on the train this morning as we flew oyer the pretty- fields of- Merry England. That was something we never' did on the oontinent. England is a beautiful country and the. clover meadows and hedges look very inviting.. .We had 'the strawberry jam ever for breakfast. Eng land the land of tea and jam. I'm .'not sure but I think we leave London. Sat urday night, we expect to reach - New York Tuesday August 28 but we cannot tell, I have been wondering about com ing home by Niagara. The Barbers don't care to, but" two of the others of our party would like to. It would make me one day later at home. When I wrote last we were just leav ing Rome. We went down to Naples for three days and then were' back in Rome again. Naples is- a dirty ill smelling place bnt the bay is beautiful. I didn't get to the museum but I got a long . needed rest' that morping so I didn't care. Saturday night our pro prietor had a garden party for us with typical Neapolitan music, the' men were in cosUiaie, the moon -was full, the garden was beautiful and everything together made a never-to-be-forgotten southern scene. .Sunday morning we look the early boat for Capri across the bay, it was a superb- morning, old Vesuvius looked dull and brown in 'the sunlight and all over the cone bung a cloud of dust and ashes On the other sideof.the.bay was Avernus and off in the distance beautiful little rocky Capri. There were little naked boys swimming near the boat and it was lots of fun to see them dive for coppers'we threw out into the water. The water of the bay is the bluest of blue and it the Blue Grotto it seemed as if snirnt ono must have poured in a lot of .blueing. We ate out on 1 he balcony at a little hotel' ia anony Capri, bought m .lot of coral! said good-by to the people we bad grown to think so mnch of and who are going on the Greek cruise, anil then took the boat back to Naples. - U MM,dy moimiB we smt wndOTinK rbmt qW pg. j m not nMze Pompeii. that I 'was ia Pompeii that place we read, about but never expect to see. Taey didn't take us up to Vesuvinaand I wasat sorry. While we were in Pompeii clouds of smoke- poured out' and we only wanted a little red flames to make us satisfied. . Everything around, the country there is dried up aad covered with ashes, one or our J leaders waa there during the eruption last spring and he told us all about it Monday afternoon we started north again and spent that .night in Rome. Tuesday morniBg at eight we. were on oar way again, this time following a route right along tfaie coast, a succession of tunnels aad glimpses of the blue Mediterranian. We passed the Carara Marble wprka that day and spent the night ia.Piaa. t ia just a' dirty little Italiaa town but the leaning towers are beautiful. By the way, I was weighed there aad now I've gained fifteen pounds. Von wont know me when I get back.' Wednesday we left Pisa early 'and that day we took luncheon at Genoa, saw the statue of Columbus and started1 on agaie for Milan. It was midnight be fore we reached there but the weather was cooler and we were a happy crowd. The next day, Thursday, was a double starred day, we came back around the northern Italian lakes with their blue blue waters, went through St. Gothard'a Pass and out into beautiful, aubKsie Switzerland. If I didn't have Si blood in me as 1 went through that country I should wish most heartily I had. Those grand old mountains touch a cord that you never knew of before. First I wanted to shout with delight; then a great sadness came over me,-1 cant see how people born among those mountains could live anywhere elan, We reached Fluelen on the yierwaM stater at five o'clock and there we took the boat for Brunnen. The waters of the Italian lakes are. blue but the green of lake Lucerne ia more beautiful than any blue. We came quietlv down bv the Rntle aad Tells Chapel and the Rigi and Pilatue loomed up in the distance-I thought my soul would burst-there can't be anything more beautiful than that country, there. We stopped at Brunner for the night and the next morning Harry Hunter aad I got up at five-thirty and walked to Tells Chapel, O! that morning in the mountains with the sun lighting np the peaks and the bells in the distance, we even heard some yodeling. Harry H said he wanted to hng everything, then yon became quiet and wanted to sing hymna and that's just the way I felt We did"! sit down ip one meadow and. rolled on the grass and picked pears along the road, and bought etdelweise.and violets from little Swiss girls and stood aad stood and imagined things as we saw the Rutle below the little chateau -on the other side of the lake. The cities we have seen can be forgotten bnt not that morning. " At-noon we took the boat for Lucerne I sat at the forcastle and watched every thing It seemed I wasn't big enough to hold all my '.feelings. We seemed beaded straight for Pilatus and at fonr we reached Lucerne, it 'is a -beautiful little place but I just wanted to stand at the water's edge and look at the mountains. We were only tnere two hours and we saw the lion, the old bridge, had supper and left that night at Basel, off again early the next morning to Heidelberg, there we spent all of Saturday afternoon saw the castle -and 'the university, bought steins and left for Bingen on the Rhine. The trip down the Rhine Sunday was beautiful. All the Ger mans sang as we passed the Lorelei and we talked old castles all day. We spent Sunday night at Cologne, saw that wonderfull Cathedral Monday morning and then came to. Antwerp where we took the boat for London and slid god-by to the' continent The ride through Belgium was charm ing. ' -Now we are seeing London. .The State Team Ch -The contest in markmamhip" which was to determine -what fifteen .men should represent the Nebraska National Guards at Sea Girt next- month in 'the national shoot closed last Friday night and the sentiment of the contestants was unanimous not only in approving the markings of the judges and the management of the contest by Lieut. E. H. Mulloney of Albion', .but also in expressing appreciation of the courtesies shown the contestants by Columbus citizens. The markings of the fifteen winners, were as. follows Total-Score Sergt. B. E. Bridges,' Alma . . . .222 Private Wm. Duffy, Stanton 210 Sergt- Jacob Bnlderson, Wither -. .204 Capt J. B. Hungate, Weeping Water. 190 Priv." F. Mobr, Schuyler .185 .185 Sergt. G. S. Joyce, Alma. .---'; Lieut J. B. Brock, Columbus Privl E. J. Lane, Albion Lieut. H. B. Heath, Albion ....'.. Priv. A. F. Felsch, Stanton Priv. John Gibson,- Alma Capt. M. C. Shaljenberger, Alma I Lieut. Col. Fred Gegner, Madison.. Priv. Bert Meuenbach. Wilber..'. .182 .181 .181 .181 .179 .179 .176 .175 .175 Sergt. F. F. Willot, Albion ' The scores made by the other testants were as follows: . . Total Score Lieut. Jas. F. Hashburger, Schuyler. 128 Priv. R. A. Wellington, York 138 Priv. Jas. A. McCloud,-Columbus.... 104 Lieut Walter Snyder, Weeping - w ator j. i Priv. Frank Allington, Alma. . .' 160 Lieut. H. B.' Hobbe, Madison . -. 169 Priv.; Winfred Gaboon, .Stanton 125 Lieut W. E. Osborne, York . . called home Priv. N. P.'.Wyckoff, Wilber.'. . . Priv. H. .C. Slonecker, York", ...... Artif. Fred Gunlock, York Priv. C. A. Geiger, York -. . Capt August Wagner, Columbus. Mus. L Zander, Stanton Capt. C. E. Fraser, Madison.- Priv. Will H.H. Davis, Albion... t128 ..149 ..161 ..140 ..168 ..121 ..129 ..109 Capt E. Ambert,Rushville(droppedoat) Priv. E. E. Dale, Rushville 156 Priv.' J. De Wolf, Weeping Water. . .168 Sergt. Bert J. Brian, -Columbus 135 Capt S. D. Davis, Lincoln, (did not shoot skirmish run)-. 144 Columbus got only one place on the state team Lieut. Brock winning that with a score of 182 placing him seventh on the list. Captain Wagner was well ap on the ifct till the last day when he fell -down to seventh place lackiag two,' places of making the' team. ' Large crowds of Columbus citizens frequented the grounds during the shoot and Adjutant General Culver and' Captain Workizer of the University were present a part of the time to offer eaooumgemeat ' jtm ihsnsMrmlnlBllsnnnnnnnnB tysnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjjswannnnnj ' Bunnnnnnnnnnnnntnnsfcm? sal ITS EASY TO GET IT - . OUT If. you need money and hYa in a la our charge k'a always safe. Our vaults, time looks and other make it so that MONEY IS ABSOLUTELY SECURE when we have received your deposit Fire nor thieves can get at it, It's mfe antil such tuna as yen re quire it Then ow cashier hands it ant to yon on your nstmmal check. Give usyouraeeauat. We will help yon. Tat First NatleMl Baak Duringall thia weak the team haa continued nractlee aad Lieut Mullowney declare that nearly all the conteetante have eeatjanedtn improve. -Tomorrow the team will leave for Saa Girt .Lieut Mullowney will go as Captaia of the team, Captain as coach aad Captain Davie of as. "spotter," to .see that the scores are accredited to the Nebraska boya. . . v- v . The . dance given in honor of the marksmen last Friday eight by Com pany K. waa a success eseially but it fell about $25 short of payiag the expeaess incurred for the meetiag here. The deficit will fall upon the sBoakJers ef Captaia Wagaer aad Col. a D. Evsna who are responsible for briagiag the shoot here. A COOL - SMOKE IT THE ...-. "GALliGHEfi aKE HONE" Opposite of U. P. Depot Only the best grades and Leading brands sold. Have yon tried the famous Nicaragua, New York Specials and the . Pathfinder. Call and let us con vince yon.-'. Because the pony "double" Julia ef the nark f by the fait The early harsebaek ride one of the harass cidedtoride the doable' Besides mental faculties far n Miss Sengar lost n geld few The girls both declare, they will i apply for n position in the basting deonrtment ef BaffaleBUl'i Wlid COLUMBUS MARKETS. Potatoes,- new 45 14 to .14 9 8' 3 -5.40 Butter fj 16 Spriage . unn ...... Roosters.. Hoge "' 4 T2trM4a Mahhee ge farther ISZL4SLSSS5S toward iaga man a genteel anoearaa anv other one tamer. If vour are made by Lmstrum they're right in every particabu.There ianasntmr tive difference between the tailored suits and-Oe ready-ansie. Te wear one of our suits is to appreciate the difference. ' av - ' yavanuununenum nuununv-"ulnnm wvusiX V"x: nmnsT MX- i " -nuwunwsnmr 1 - 4 ? .'- f sS?S'l J y 4l . r-s -& .- v-"- l --i-'VS A l J V"i atfatos- llJ&lSSl&Pd jtec Ovj?, -ssetsy ijrf-t -J4--, vj-2 rvfc-."-- Ai-Va-.- .