iiyy!a!wirt(4 . . t C iPMiAMVt'fti(.AM? yMry-Vt fr AVwttrft- -tSSflUf SnUrtXMfr4 -f -s -, 4- -m . -V 4 J i- -ri "- J -" !- TS f t Dr. .4. 1 4 -: a t - - " " lv"- .. "- -i . . f -. -"--. ? V - BBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBa tBBBBBB m Greta, CASH STORE 4 VULCANITE BOBBER wk wm 99lp Universally used for Factories, Found ries, Freighthouses, Machine Shops, Farm Buildings, Freight-Car Roofs, etc. FIRE PROOF AGAINST ORDI NARY ROOF EXPOSURE AS A MATTER OF FACT VULGANITt RUBBER ROOF ING stands for the very best in the art of roof coverings. -Long experience enables us to fully realize the necessity of a roofing that is absolutely durable and not affected by heat or cold. VULCANITE RUBBER ROOF ING is made of the finest grade of wool felt, is extremely pliable, doesn't stick together in the rolls and can be applied by ANYONE. No annual painting required over Vulcanite Rubber Roofing. (This is a decided point in economy.) Besides these facts Vulcanite Rubber Roofing doesn't absorb moisture, is not therefore, affected by frost, is thoroughly damp-proof and cannot evapor ate. Investigation will prove that the "Vulcanite" wau Is the best way. MM SDB ROOM 5WK Is put up in rolls containing 108 sq. ft, 40 ft., 6 in. long and 32 in. wide, with sufficient nails and cement for laying,. either put in the core of the roll or in any size package required. Directions fqr use are' placed; inside each roll. Rerrick for faraitare. HaMMttto Saw'ft. Herriok for baby jrs-aarta. Dr. Caipbell,Dratiflt Satoke the Lum 6 oaat cigar. Mm. U. F. Maee Md daegatar arc visiting at Oedar Rapids. Ueaala'a aaarfcet f Robert Diekiasoa who apeat a week in Omaha with the Anderaon boya, re turned home Saturday aigat Boek Sprhgs slack far threshiae at P. D. Saritfc Cw. ' Mum Ethel Elliott and her eonaina INorine Heiaa and Helen Leitaer, viaited in Cedar Rapids Friday and Saturday. Tender oata aad proaipt daUTery at Oaaria'e aaarkefc Juetaa we goto preea we learn of the death of lire. H. J. Hudson at 530 thia morning. Oaaraatead watch repalriag by 11th 8t. Jeweler. tf Miss Gertrude Keating of Lincoln, ar rived Thursday night for a two, weeka visit with her Bister, Mrs. P. J. Hart. Doa't forget the haadeowe aoaveair offer to paid in advaaoe aabeoribera. K. W. Hobart went to the western part of the state Friday, returning Sun day. Remember all Joaraal aabeoribera paying oae year in advaaoe will re ceive a handsome aoaverair worth SO cents. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dnasell are spending a few days in Chicago. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Oon miltatioa in German and English. Miss Mildred Davis of Silver Creek was the gnest of Miss Oarlow a few days last week. Dr. D. T. Martya, jr., office aew Oolambaa State Bank baildiag. Miss Bess Halloway of New York is the guest of Mrs. C. D. Evans. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it Editor Abbott has gone to Michigan on a business and pleasure trip com bined. Mrs. Swygart who has been visiting Mrs. Woods, returned to her home in Albion. Monday. . Miss Nell Evans entertained at a seven o'clock dinner in honor of Miaa Ada Barter who is the euest of Miss Eloise Roen Smoke the Lamo 5 oeat cigar. Misses Violet Woosley, Martha Wooa ley and Adella Ramey are visiting Mrs. Charles Woosley at Genoa. For a square meal or lunch call at the Smith Lunch Counter, opposite Union depot. Master Frank Echols informs the re porter that if the train is not late Friday he will leave for Omaha on a visit. Journal ada bring reealta. Try a Journal waat ad" if you have anything to bay or sell. Dr. W, H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. Try a game at MaIoneya. Sunday School service at ll o'clock. Preaching Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the U. B. church. Rev. P. Lohr, pastor. FOR SALE: Nearly new typewriter Call at Journal office. Rev. Munro announces as the subject of his sermon for next Sunday morning. "The Power of Thought," Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul returned from Chicago Friday where the doctor had spent a few days visiting the colleges and attending clinics getting some, of the newer ideas in dentistry. Dr. O. A.. AUeofcarger, office ia aew State Bank baildiag. Rev. Miss Alice Palmer who is in tho employ of the W. a T. U. held union services list Sunday morning in the Congregational church and in the Methodist ohurch in the evening. The Journal wishes to inform its readers that the college will enter upon its new term on Sept. 3. We know from a personal knowledge that the prestige of this school is on the npwaad trend. Many are taking advantage of its help ful training and are very sncoessful. The Loup and Elkhorn Valley Baptist association, will hold a re-union at Palestine Baptist church for three days the week commencing Wednesday. The following delegates from the Columbus Baptist church left for there. today; Rev. E. J. Ulmer, J. It. Hettin, Mrs. h! A. Poesohel and the Misses, Ajna and OllieMahood. The State Rifle Gamp are to give a dance at Orpheus Hail Friday August' 84, to help make up shortage in the ex penses incurred during the rifle range practice here this week. They deserve a liberal patronage and the Journal would liKe to see everybody turn out and help the boys make up their short age which amounts to about $50. The tickets will be $1.00 each! Don't forget the date. Dr. Nauinann, Dentist 19 St. Lieutenant Heoaley was one out of ejghty-eight Contestants ia a recent shoot at Ft. Sill to make up a division team for the shoot at Fort Sheridan where he went thia week. Ueatonant Qensley ia the youngest eommissioaed officer on the 'team. The successful contestants in this shoot will enter the National shoot at Seigirt New Jersey. Mr. Ralf Swartzley retarned home hut Saturday night, from Fairbury, where he has been visiting his niece, Mrs. Billesby. His aister Mn. Oscar Barna metjiim at Lincoln and made the rest of the journey more pleasant- for him. Ralph's host of frieaila regret extremely to know that he ia suffering intensely from inflamatory rheumatism, and hope that he may soon be abje to be about, again. .w i iirir aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai js --w .aaaaaaaaaaaa-HaHLaaaaaaaaaW " "jBmBmamB??9l&aaaaaaBa- JSaaaaaKHaafk' afrBacsaaaaaaaaaSSaBBSaV mm''- Dr. J. W. Term or (MAMA. EYE SPECIALIST, . EXPERT OPTICIAN Beal Etaiaaea" Optical Oaficn la Tie Weal in the front rooms over PoUoek & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be hi Columbus offices Sunday, on- day. Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectaclea and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Sahastaae Hoealy, drove to Greatoa to BMethai aiater, Bandayaad retarned John loaai,. retarned hut Thursday treat Fart Riley, franaas, where he went with Oampaay K, of Columbas, to the Frank Hillmaa. jaufed hogs Friday. Doaehna brothers, shelled corn for Henry Heater, Friday. , G. Bwaearaehed last Saturday. West Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Swaatv Peorse and daaghter Rath, weat to Minneapolis Moaday. Miaa Hazel Anderaon from Dea Moines, la., is vieitiag Miaa Lillie Pearse. O. E. Faraaworth ia on the sick list. Fred Werner ia suffering from an at tack of quiaay, and Henry Weidoer is raaaiag the engine in his place. Mrs. Ilnrp rntninArl trnm StahnvlAr llMt I week. I Peter Pelzer, a former resident of this neighborhood, had the misfortune to fall and break bis ankle last Tuesday. ! -S HENRY RMTI & GaMNT 6R0CBHES, eiKKHYj LMffS AM 8UBCTft Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Oassin aolicita yoar meat trade. Kodaks and annpHea at Newohner'a. A handsome aonvenir worth 60 oaata aenttoall paid in advance Joaraal aabecribera. Dr. Mark T. MoMahea. daatUt FOR SALE: Nine thoroughbred Duroo-Jersey shoats. . Wm. Hippie. Mr. M Brugger, was called to Wayne last week on account of the sickness of his Bister. A handsome aonvenir worth SOcenta seat to all paid in advaaoe Joaraal sabscribers. J. J. Conelly sues Geo. Bols, both of Lindsay.. Conelly sues to enjoin Bolz from disposing of his property which he claims Bolz is doing and that he intends leaving the country. The suit ia on cash rental due Conelly. Jesse Rector and his wife who came to attend the funeral ot Samuel Rector who was drowned last week,- returned to their home in North Platte today. Ford Rector will remain for a few days longer. TheEiler's Rip Vaa Winkle arrived in town early this morning in their two special cars. The band carried by thia company gave a very creditable concert at noon, and the bicycle rider was cer tainly a cracker-jack. They will show tonight at 1.1th and Sickly at 8:20. Mark L. Felber. editor of the Omaha Trade Exhibit, was in Columbus Tues day on hie way to Albion and other towns in the northern part of the state, in the interest of the movement for a state organization of retail merchants Mr. Felber says that he is receiving much encouragement. 'along the line. The meeting is to be held at Fremont on September 11 and 12. The railroads have been asked to grant reduced rates fox thia meeting, and it is believed that not less than 250 of the leading retail merchants of Nebraska will.be in atten-' dance. The Fremont Commercial dab is making arrangements to entertain the merchants in a royal manner, and it is believed that the convention will be the most interesting and entertaining ever held by the merchants of the state Many topics of importance are to be dis cussed. The various evils that are con fronting the retail fraternity will be taken up for consideration. Toe cata logue house evil is the main issue to be delt with and it is the general opinion among the merchants that much good will be accomplished through the pro posed organization. Threshing Caal Rock Springs slack, Kemmerer slack and all other good coals. Newman & Wklch Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who so lovingly assisted ns in our late bereavement, the death ot our husband and father. Also the Fire Department for attending the funeral in a body. Mrs. Emily Bkrokr and family. The Journal wanta Phone or write it in. all the newa. For bloating, belching. ach. bad breath malassimilatioa of food, and all symptona of indignation. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. 8old by 30th Century Drugstore, Platte Canter FOR SALE: Charters Hotel, oae of the leading hotels in Alliance, Neb. A bargain. Write S Care ot Columbus Journal, Columbas, Neb. TO REPUBLICANS: We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch, and work ing in harmony with the Republic National Congressional Caaunittet ill favor of the election of a ReaahKcaa Congress The Congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's personality must be a central figure. and his achievements a central thought in the campaign, We desire; to SQaintain the work of this, campaign with popular aubacrip tions of One Dollar each front Repub licans. To each subscriber we win send the Republican National Cam paign Text Book and all doaunents issued by the Coaunittee. Help ws achieve a great victory. James S. Shbbmak, Chairman, - P O. Box aooj, New York. 5c f Si POESCH'5 CREAM ROLLS 1 are the the talk of the town. Si St May Zinrler returned from her viait to her aunt in Chicago on Thurs day. Miss Edna Jenka returned home from an extended trip with friends and rela tives in Springfield South Dakota on Shnrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pack of Los Angeles, Calif, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Daok on Thursday nnd Friday. Bert Clayborn was overcome by heat while threshing for O. E. Colo on Thursday. H. 8. Dnnlap is receiving a visit from hia mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram of Cuba, Kansas are visiting their grand daughter Mrs. A. E. Priest. Mrs. Inge of Chickasn. Indian Ty. ia also a guest of Mrs. Priest. O. E. Stienbaugh and some friends from Council Bluffs, Iowa, were stranded here in an automobile yesterday. O.E.Cole returned to his home in Broken Bow on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Haughawont of Genoa, were Sunday visitors in Monroe. We have a large ami well lelected stock of- v V I BJ rr ,A " laatao. Four horses died on our route last week. Wm. McQuown, lost one; Joe Evaaa lost one; 8. A. Bell, one and John Coffee one. Mrs. Julia Leonbard of Polk county, went to Cody, Wyo., yesterday the 21st, to'vieit her. daughter Emma, and son-in. law, Ed. Manning. Mr. Wm. McQuown finished putting up bay for Mr. Harry Newman the mid dle cf last week and then finished put ting up Mr. Henry Housers hay, Friday and Saturday and is now putting up hay for H. S. Kinnan. Things are going some on our route. Miss C. M. Habn went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hahn. yesterday near Osce ola, and go to the Modern Woodman picnic at Osceola today. Miaa Bertha Gerhold was' mowing hny yesterday. Some of the young people on our route had a fishing party last Saturday and they had a good time and besides caught about 40 lbs. of fish, one fish weighing 20 lbs. Mr. Ed. Hahn is on the sick list. Mr. Frank Olcott's baby bss been quite sick the past week and they had to bring it in to the doctors at Columbus. Mike Konporitz. the blacksmith at Kochnn, ia getting to be quite industri ous as he cannot work enough in the day time so we nnderstanb he worked all night fixing a threshing engine. Bert Thomas is back to visit his brother Frank, for about a month. laute 3 Miaa Lena Berends returned home last Wednesday from Lincoln. MiasCallie Fremmel. who has lieen spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Euternuer left for her home in Maringo Iowa Monday afternoon. Miaa Ollie Deyke celebrated hor thirteenth birthday aniversary last week Sunday by inviting a number of her young friends in to refreshments. Doc Schmidt of the Sohmidl Milling Co. on thia route was delivering flour to Columbas Merchants Monday. Taesday morning Mr. Fred Bargmann emigrant agent for thf It & M ruilroud started to Cambridge, .Nebraska with a party of land seekers, among whom were Mr. abd Mm. J. P. Uagenuann, Otto Herring, A. J. and Chester Mason and Samuel Gentleman from Monroe. Merv Kuntzelman, had the misfortune to loose hia valuable dappled gray mare Monday, she wan sick about a week and was under a veterinary's care who was unable to give ber relief. Merv was recently offered $200.00 for ber, but did not' wish to sell her, he feels the loss very keenly. GerKmmland in company with his aon Adolph and his wife and little ones. started Tuesday afternoon for a visit with E. M. Mueller ih Oklahoma. Congress, at its laat session, granted the Rural Latter Carriers fifteen days annual vacation without loss of pay. Daring thia time the mail will lie carried by the substitute, who will be paid at the rate of 150.00 per month. Miaa May Beed, having completed ber term at the Normal in Fremont, ia epeeding a few days visiting friends at Laavitt. Nebr. before returning home. A few of the Shell Creek boya assisted the Oldeahush team in a ball game Sun day with theTarnov team, the score be ing 2 to 5 in (a?o of the Ohlenbush boya. Qae at the drawing cards-of the day waa a boxing match between Harry Iewmaa Jr. and a Tarnov gentleman. It was fast aad furious from start to faishweare told. Jerry Carrig, Doc Bixby or the reporter of Grand Prairie woald have blushed had they been Biaaeat. After some vigorous bouts lasting forty-five minutes, the refferee called it a draw with favon for Mr. He GROCERIES Ml , . . .. We handle only the very best brands ip COFFEE AND TEA X We can please you. All Grades of Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Prices Always Right We Respectfully Solicit aShare of your Trade. j HENRY RAGATZ & CIDPANY Ntkratb PkMM 29. Mipiriwt ham 29 art 221 nooooaoooaoaaej: HORSE mm s I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT IT BARN IN COLUMBUS, MEBR. ON ' - SATURDAY, AMI, 25 Rill HEAD IIF B Consisting of 75 head of good young farm mares and geldings. All weighing from 1200 to 1500 pounds all broke, and in good condition. Also 25 head of all purpose horses weighing from 1000 to 1200 pounds. These horses can be seen at my barn by Thursday, August 23 1906. Gome In and See Them Terms Six Months 01 Bukahle Nitis at M s 8 Per Ceit if THOMAS BRflNIGflN II. A, GLftRKb, . . Clerk X W. I. BLfllN. X Auctioneer ra fceap.' Fullertaa. Chautauqua Aag. 24 to Seat. 8, 1906. ' Ob Sandaya. Aogaat G aad Sepieai ber 2. the Uaioa Pacific has omagra, ta rnnnpecial triiuia Co Paltortaa; leaving ColmnbaB it 8 a. a. aa ar rive Falktrtoa 9:35 a. m. Reraraiar leave Fallertoa at 10:30 pl at. Tick-!" ' Tacaaaia; Caal eta oa. aale for this oceanic at fl.0i Rock Spriaga alaea. Keaai for the roaad trip. Iaqaireof - j aad all other goad coala. W. H. Beafeaav Agea. J Nawxax WaLcw Freak Thiafi to Bat: That la the ewly kiad Every thuvr' aaw aaa aad fraah at the Mew .Grocery. . Try: aaoruer. B. Heater. Fine door wept Baeher'a l'3t'J j vrr,;- - -,, .:r.V-?rt.. , ,-. rL..:.r. wvii! .- 5i- --r- "'..r" - V,?"W7fr;'J''.t, "rTiWfc tK'jur (T- . r r " .X.M, wfmiiii4ii tMffwi m n aaaajfc in-v t s&s s2jJ Tt-teS