u J&; .J&. .. . -l . -. . - - VOLUMEiXXXVIL NUMBER 21. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1906. WHOLE NUMBER 1,812. " -t ! k . . ant bbbb H H 'By . . H. IbJ1 JBWiiBMxHf, H-'Bb..w"BB -it'tB-ciBK'Ji-BB'iBB ?& "-Ts'aBamwa-aarBaf .BfBEF-H'BBBB-BB'Bj -jr v IB bbbb' ' amv' x ' -? bbbbT i i va-HHBfj7flJhC'VflBtfjflKirflBJ&, . "bbIbbI !"' I H 'bbk anf -bbb- H' v "r 't JIL I f L M ynnv ". l"amayVBmy JJS aVaan wayamar KjBkyflaJf 'z- flfTVhflftyk av BBftA ' ' - . . .' . - ' : -f X -'. 4. - K'C :-1 - -.-'- " " . -'' '. r . , " " S . - r..: :- :: V :.'.i--s. - -. -u . . - ' f . -t : . '-- r- -'- - V:-V- '- :-:- ; -:.-""; '''V . i- -- .'- --- --: .-;-- , . .- r . -.- . i . ;- --. : : : r 4BBBaBBBrBBBBBBB7'"BBBBV AtM SBBfennnBnnnnBBB) . . Sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt bbbt bbwH bbbbbbbbbbVbbbbi " Baaaawy bbbbbbV wm bbbbtbbbbbVbb' r SSSB BBBWBfl -5 bbbbbbV B Bk W M V "':-'lBc H tl Iff j H B - ' VsmJ BX 1 B J!- - VKF :-.".- -P ' Just drop in and let ns explain to yon wby'-you -Bbould keep a . bank account. Some of 'the 'beet reasons are; your money .will .be perfectly safe, and ready for your instant' nee at any time; when you pay- by cbeck yon have a receipt when the check in returned to you , properly endorsed; a friend in. a bank, is a valuable friend at timeev Let us get in touch with yon and be your friend. 6ywfcus &ut Bank I f11? I ! I & ears II HMIMHHMa1lawMiMB .- (From files or Journal May 29, 1872) - Two hmtdn-d Otoe Indians are en C camiwd. mar the' Loup. --L "J'ralrie ScboonerH" pass our office j -". nearly every day ", ' Mnrried, May 14. by Judge liiggins, ; John tauffer aud Miis Eliza Blazer. 1 .-both of Platte county. " Horace Greely, the presidential candi date of the -liitarala, has written a letter : of acceptance. Ijocal Retail Market: tea $123 to $1.26; coffee 28 Ui 3c; chewing tobacco -85 to il.25; eggs 10; potatoes 25 to 40; .dry apples 11 to 15c; corn meal $1.50 per - .hundred; coal oil 40c; floor $425.- -ii ' .l- - K-". ' -. From files of Jiine .5;-1872) " " 'Mr. lteed,s residenoe on Paoific Are- -"- sue w completed. - HuKh Compton'e gothic residence on Olive street is near completion. One nhrht last week George and Jas. - Galley found two men in their school boaee and succeeded in arresting one of them. The town council is to lie praised for . 'aatablishing a grade for onr streets and .-have given the work of-grading to - Charlea Brindley. - The following expenditures are'lo be .made by the general government . for -oar state: Building a court house and " jwst office at Omaha, $100,000; for rent .of oQoe etc of surveyor general of Iowa u - and Nebraska, $0,300; for the survey of : -- the northern boundary of Nebraska, 8,800. . ' 1'Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Snow returned .' 7-hoaie Saturday after a month's trip ?.imek east be. visited Niagara Falls spent '.' a "week, at Lake George, took atrip down : -the Hudson, they also '-visited New ' .Tork, Pbilaileldhia, Washington and .'-"-oUier large cities. Mr. Snow informs .-"the reporter that Nebraska looked good . . to him. - ..; .H..C. Carrig left Sunday for the west 'i -era part of the state. Nl NICKLE .-and the alow 'sailling are com'-' -'parable to. the man who has ; -moByfortavestment andwoaH seixre !:". opportunity -we ."are" .-..offeriftg. -Like. the nickel, if he . " apeaks qilick be snaps. ap-the -. 'bargain',: bat if, like the slow, abilling, laecomes later to bay . it'll cost hiar'tfae shilliag where " ; aow; the jjiekeiwill do the Irk . : .aaataaaaw s, sawasaawaiaaB L AkMaarasaVa . . a "aWaaaaH'laajaj - : . v -. - :' -" -- -r."V - " " BbaaaVBr - ' '- aJShv' Jmaaw; aaam aaaaafiPSPBaCBaPaaaBa? - V ' Jfc.aaaaaaaaaaFyiCaaaaaaaaalJP aafT - - aaaaaaaaaaaaar3aawkBaaaaaBawHaSalaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mary Hunrins is visiting" at the Kyle home m-Dancan for a few days. - ." The. County' Supervisors, have rented two - office, rooms in the basement of the new bank building for Judge RaUerman. Loufs McMullen returned Wednesday from' Omaha wherebe has been working, for the Western - Union Telegraph' 43o. He-went overland on his wheel. -. -, Friday J afternoon Mrs: Geo. -'Scott slipped and broke a' bone in the left limb jost-abbve the ankle except for- the fex- treaw heat she. is doing nicely. - - Miss Marie Zinnecker. returned Mon day for -a' two weeks trip to Osceola. Miss .Louise Echols who-accompanied ner stopnea at auver ureea u vistu j Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Karr enjoyed a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Jaliaa Olseen of Omaha. and little son, Myron jr; also Miss Tnyra Karr or Omana, j . ProL W.'E. Weaver left last week 'for Morrison, Illinois, on a "business trip, "but will return in time to 'accompany Jut. Weaver and daughter home in..-Septem-! 1 Miss Letitia Speice-left, for Colorado Springs Saturday -night where 'she will meet her brother .Milton Speice and family of Kingfisher, OkUv, for a" ten days visit. - Mrs. H. G. Fricke spent Sunday with Mr. Fricke in Madison.' Mrs. Fricke re tarded home with Miss Sadie MoFetters, of Madison, who has been -vjsiting'.her for several weeks. Saturday Geo. Schwanteot Humphrey township was adjndged' insane by the insanity board and will be taken to Nor folk as soon as the proper papers are received from the asylum. W. H. Kaieor of Council Bluffs with his wife and daughter have moved to Columbus. Mr. Kaisor expects- to en gage in some business here bnt for some time will take a much needed rest. Miss Norine Heins and her sister, Helen '""Lnitnor, neices of Mrs. Hans Elliott, who have been visiting here for past two weeks, returned Sunday to their home in Sacramento', California. Mr. J. C. Eckols and son Dan returned Thursday night from their Minnesota trip. Phil Echols stopped on his return in Omaha to visit Albert and Gilbert Anderson. He returned Friday night, Charles Borgs brought suit oh the 18th against Win. J. Voss, to obtain an execu tion which Voss resists, claims .he. is ex etoption proof and is not possessor of over $2,000 worth of property allowed by law. Mrs. W. W.' Musgrave of Council Bluffs, Iowa formerly of Columbus was in the city Friday. Mrs. Musgrave has been up to Madison to visit her parents and help celebrate their Golden wedding anniversary. . A suit was brought on Saturday by Frank Willier and others against James Cummings and 'others, the suit is brought to obtain possession of certain lands which plaintiff "claims Cummings held unlawfully. Mrs. George DeFord who has been the guest of her Bister Mrs. Brngger left for her home in National City California Monday night. Another sister.'- Mrs. Ernst Stonger returned from Denver Sunday, and after a day's visit with Mia. Brugger accompanied Mrs. DeFord to California. The Ancient Order of United Work men held a union meeting of the neigh boring lodges Friday night, for the pur pose of forming plans to hold a general rally of all the A. O. U. W. lodges in this part of the state. The meeting will, oc cur September the ?th and will be open to all the friends of Fraternal . Societies. Mr. Tate, the Supreme Representative, will be present. Mr. Tate has a national reputation as an orator and it will pay anyone to .go miles to bear him. Excursions will probably be run on all the branches out of Colutnbaa and a grand time is promised to all who come. The funeral of Mr. Adolph Berger Sr. hld here last Sunday was an exception ally large one. A very large number of people from the city and the coantry participated in the ceremony and .wit nessed his burial Although special sittings were provided for in the Baptist church a large number had to stand outside. The procession contained thirty-two vehicles, headed by the fire men. Even in the home, more thana mile, west of town, more friendr gathered thaa ' the house, could hold. 'r. Berger was a. well known! and -well liked man. Thirty-four yean ago he came to this part- ot Nebraska. At the age of eighteen he left Friedland his birthplace in Germany, where he was born in 1849, and .for -five -yean made Detroit his home. ;Mr. Berger has had his 'share of the hardships' ao'd physical sufferings of this life, more than thrice .-he has been oa the oporator's, table. -.From, bis 'last operation" he 'never- quite 'fully rallied- aad-taedaysof'the last seven -.months of.bJ8iife.were'very.few in which he.did not safer iatease pain.. " His 'death, was hastened at the last by. -a bemorage.'of. the braia. Mr. .Berger died Tharsday eveaia,. Aagast.lt, with., his.' wife' and eight children and other' near .relatives gathered about his death-bed. .; Ltttan; ." . W. S. -Darley. .'Fred Banes; Alvine Oaleman; L. D.'. Persons; Fred Porter; Bertha' Bomiager, Effie ttadok; Carl Sehalte; Wells 8aeeloa; Al Swiggart; J..B. Tebias; H. HL Wilaoa. . ' Cam. KnaaTBB, Pat Master. Blue Blazes a If you do sot own aa alcohol .stove 'yob altoald get oae, for they are a most coaveaient arti-' cle inaa eaaergeacy. .The blue flame from, alcohol never smote' things, for there s no smoke, and the intense heatrom it allows a great saving of tinie in heating water or anything lse that is to . be used hot. . ,- We have a splendid line. of. - ALCOHOL STOVES at- prices ranging -allthe. way from 25c io . $1.00. There are . several styles of .them all safe' and reliable. ": 91S W-W-W aV-B-B. Glias. H. Dack :" DraffUilu.. . Miss Anna' Becker is- spending, the week visiting Mrs. Fox of Norfolk. Mr. 8. Connelly of'. Bear. Humphrey, transacted hnhin sm in the city Monday. Mias Julia Millard "of Omaha is a guest at the home of her uncle, Geo. E: Willard. Bert Galley left Monday .for the east to attend the encampment of the Sons of Veterans. Miss Mary Pataeh left last Satarday for a few .weeks--visit -'with- friends at Ravenna. Monday the insanity board committed Geo. Bradshaw to the asylum at Lincoln for dipeosaaaiac. ' .'..,' J. N. Umlaad '. accompanied by bis family left for Fort Dodge Iowa Monday to spend his vacation. -J. A. KilboTB wishes to announce that watermelons are free. to euerybody that comes oat to eat them. 8uperrntendeat ' Sherman, '- will meet all the teachers at the High School at 3 p. m. Satarday, Sept. 1. Miss Alice Quinn. left for Chicago Sunday to enter the hospital . there to stady for a traiaed narse.. . Mrs. Carrie Goodrich of Cedar Rapids, spent Sunday with Miss Florence. Whit reoyeroo her retarn from Denver. May McGray, the three year old daugh ter ot Robert McCray, while playing fell and broke her limb above the ankle. Mr. L U. Bnttell and family returned last week from St. Edwards' where they have been visiting' for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jacob Zinnecker left Monday to spend a week with their daughter Mrs. Isaac JaaiBg .at Geneva. Mr. Frank Miles, now working at the carpenter trade at Humphrey, visited over Sunday with his parents in this city. ., Miss Lizzie Hoffman left last Satarday evening for Ewing. Nebraska, for a two weeks visit amongst relatives and friends. The many friends of Captain and Mrs. Hate, will be delighted to know that they are expected hem about the tenth of September on a visit. Mrs. Howard Clark has been confined to the house with a severe cold for a few days, bat has now retained to the Clark farm where they are camping. A pert? of twenty-four of the German Lutherau Society of .the German Luth eran charch held an enjoyable picnic at Julias Kluck's place tea -miles east of town. The' Christian Endeavor Society of the Congregational church will give an ice cream social on the lawn at thehome of H. E. Babeock. Everybody invited to come. - Mrs. C.8. Raaey entertained this week in honor of Mrs. C. W. Barkett and oaaghter, Mrs. C. F.Keelie and daaghter from Lincoln and Mrs.' A. K. Waldron from Schayler. - A little three year old- sob of Adam Minnick. was shot in the' 'head by -the twelve year old sob of Mr. Allison. The ball has not. bean extracted' but the doctors thiak he will live. The shooting was eatireb accidental; the Allison .boy was ahootisg some chiekeaa and did not see the Mhiniek boy. LOW PRICES ON LOW SHOES .1 -H a nJ xl m .- i bias oJnct-qJ. All $3.50 low All $2.50 low . All $2.00 low .All $1.75 low These are all New, We are also making a still greater reduction on all t ; tan shoes and oxfords gi.t 60LUMBW. so Miss JaliaKoahaal visited over Saa day with relatives at St. Edward. " Mm. Sarah Briadtey retaraed Satar day from Arapahoe, where she "has been doing institute work. . Mr. Mia' Gillispie of "Monroe, drove down last Friday with a wagon load .of farm machinery for Earnest Cole, -west of town. ftP. TodMhoft, has treated the Men- dan hotel to some naiahiag. toackes in the way of exterior paintiagaad decorat ing that addmach to its appearance. ." - Mrs. J. H. Randall aad son Eddie' re tained Saturday after a ajoaths visit to her sister, Mrs. ' C H. Ssodgrass.. at. BarliagtoB, Iowa, aad to relat i ves aad friends at Oquawka, HL .'' i '.. Professor F. C. French and O. J. Fee. superintendent of grounds and bn'ild i'ngs of the state nniveraity were 1b Col. imbus last Wednesday .on business connected with the' nniveraity. ' . . -. -Max Gottberg: bought a new gasoline traction engine last week to'.raa "hia threshing machine.-' He-.traded .his steam engine for iC This is the 'first gasoline traction ' engine- .in -v Platte county. . "...- .."..,. '--." S. J. Kennedy and Aubrey Smith .of St. Edward were is." Columbus i last Wed nesday night on their way to to the Con gressional convention -.at ." FresaoBt. Aubrey Smith is the republican. .candi date for representative in Boone cbiiaty. On Tuesday afternoon' of. hut-week Mrs. A. Anderson 'entertained several lady friends who- were the happy mothers of little ones, somewhere-near the age of oae year, the .'occasion belBg the first birthday .of little .Mary Eliza beth Anderson. ! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dack have been spending a few days with friends Monroe and Platte Center. -Mr. and Mrs. Dack have recently returned from ,i California, and are delighting their Neb raska friends with the realisation that they still have a longing for Nebraska and its people. They retaraed. to -Columbus on Friday. . '. . . Mrs. J. Frederick Kirkpatrick one of the earnest workers of "Leroy Lodge" Degree of Honor of Columbus has) an nounced her candidacy for the Grand Receiver of Nebraska of. the Degree of Honor. ' Mrs. Kirkpatrick received jtae hearty endorsement of Leroy Lodge' jaad her jfaaay f riendsaereand throagh Neb raska where she has hosts of friends are using every effort to land the oalce for her. Mrs. Kirkpatrick is tboroaghly. competent to fill the honored position! :- The value of printers ink- has been demonstrated very often in Columbus: The last -demonstration was seen last week at the Columbus Bargain Store. A specialist was brought here to conduct a sale. He distributed 10,000 cironlars and used the columns of the Journal. The sale continued for one-week and the crowds were such that 4& clerks were unable at times to handle "the people and the doors had to be locked oa several occasions to keep the crowds oat while the clerks went to meals. This demon- strats what printers ink judiciously ased will do. - -. Mrs. Hans Elliott entertained sixteen young ladies Friday afteraooa .for iaer. niece, Miss Helen Leitner. The girls were each asked to write a poem. - Miss Helen Brugger won the. prize, a spoon; a three course luncheon was served... -In the evening the Misses Ethel Elliott and Metta Hensley entertained sixty- youBg people for Mrs. Elliott's cousin; Miss Norine Heins. The porch and lawn were decorated with lanterns. Poach was served during the evening. - In 'oae room a number of article were spread about and as the guests passed throagh' the room they were to see who coald remember the greatest number of articles Miss Eloise Roen won the ladies prize, a picture, and Mr. Gns Beeher . the' man's prize a stein. Later sherbet and cake were served. OuiafTJuuilDi To neighbors and frieada and to members of the varioas orders who Were present and participated .in-the obse quies of our son and brother, Samnel M. Rector, we desire to exprsss onr sincere thanks for floral coatributioac, for the sympathy manifested 'and for many deeds of kindness. - Mr. and Mrs..E. O. Rbctob and Sons. - - .-" shoes now$3.00 7. shoes now $2.00 shoes now $1.75 shoes now $1:50 ; Snappy Late Styles. Nfftrasft. i tr i -" --JW : " n a a Ml. ' Ml s W tfp S 8" tit : s- THE best assort nient you ever saw in Columbus, for cash or. "easy ..payment Your- m6ney":back" . .less 10' per. cent'; - .when'' ybu'.buy".-. " .."-:"for cash.. -'- ": Ed.J. Niewohner Jewolor and Optician L - .Fifty years ago Mr. Meeker in the prune of his. youth .covered the old Oregon trail.. He is now going, over. the same route-in the same style as then.' ' Ezra Meeker, one of the few surviving phmeers who went to Oregon by way of the old overland trail, who is now mak ing the return journey with an ox and cow team over the same route, arrived ia Kearney this . morning. Mr. Meeker started on his trip to Oregon, where he hoped, to find a new home for himself aad his yoaag wife," from Indianapolis, IbjL, in October, 1851. He was then. 22 years of age. The return journey is taken for the 'purpose of perpetuating the memory of the "Old Oregon ' Trail." aad erecting monuments,-wherever pos sible to the memory of the pioneers who orossed the plains and built an empire out of the wild Bad. boundless West, and keep fresh the memory 'of. their privation aad hardships.. .- - Mr. Masker has stopped- at several places along the way and erected eighteen' monnments np to this day. -Amoug the places at- which the' monuments have basa-erected are Baker City, Ore., Boise City, Idaho, and one at -the summit of the Rocky monntains in Wyoming nt what ia known as the South pass. It' is at an altitade of 7,450 feet above seaf level, and within a short distance of when the waters of the Sweetwater river will be lead across the mountains through the psas to be used in- irrigating lands on the western side as a result of gov ernment enterprise. . The region is a wild now as when Mr. Meeker first passed over the trail, only 'a few sheep herders living in the vicinity. There is a little poatoMce called Pacific- and. the next nearest postoffice is ' eighty-four miles distant Mr. Meeker hopes to erect a monu ment in this city to the memory of the old Oregon trail. He has nothing to do with getting funds,' ,the collection . nnd disbursement of the fund being gener ally done by a local committee. He ex pects to find the exact location of the old trail near this city. Tuesday helozated it just west of Overton. ' On his first journey- Mr, Meeker and his yoang wife wintered at Eddyville, Iowa,- There their'first child, Marion J ' Meeker was born. He was. seven weeks old when they started out on the trip in the spriBg and stood the journey in ex cellent shape, lie ii nir' ruudfatber and resides near bia father at Puyallup. Wash. In Io'-va-nleo, they traded-off their horses' for an ox and cow bum, anil made tbeir.trip the rest of the' distance with these animals. TheMissoari river'was crossed about six miles soulh-of where Omaha' is-aow located, on May 19, 1852. Thirty or forty miles -further they- struck the Platte river, and continued to travel atoag the north side of this stream af ter wards, aad.lator the Sweetwater river, which is 'the headwater of the Platte, uatil they reached the South pass. -.Mr. 'Meeker ..-was- unfortunate .'last meek, having lost one .of . " his oxen by death;',he has heard that there -are some ia Platte eoanty and ia anxious to pur chase "one" .and continue -his. journey. He will be in Columbus about .August 98th. He is -'collecting material -for a book on the overland trail which he ex pects' to publish next winter and. on account' of . hia interviews with, old pioaeers atoag the old . route! tbe'.book will uadoabtedly be of- great historical valne. . - - ' . The races at the State Fair, the : 'first weak in September, are well filled aad will he hotly contested. There are sev eral features which will be new, some of which' are a Derby in which .a. goodly nnmner of the beat running horses of the state are already catered. -A .guidless pacer," aamad ."Emma," from Evansville, lad, will go twice, as also will another gaideleas pacsr, "Dr. Tom"ofTecumeh,. and aguidlesstrotter.-SBreea." of St. Ed ward. These last two will be the con s' guidless 'race,- wnicbi is new- ia the racing line. Marnhy, the maa who stags to beat the bead, wfll slag before the grand stand W, K IatarsstiBg Letter fram Mini Blaa Rome, Augast S, 19U6 Pear Mama and Helen'; - I was so glad, to get letters here in Rome,, but I am always lookiBg for more. - We have been here ia Rome since last Thursday night. The weeks fairly fly and I cannot realize that my trip is half over. .1 suppose you-wonder how my clothes have been holdinkaut In tbefirst place I'm-glad I broaght.no more than I did. I have all that I coald want,' the- people who have- more -ar.e only bothered with.the care of them.' I wear a blue veil to protect my eyes now. I've had laundry .done .three, times and will probably not' need, any ''again. They do things beautifully but they are 'hard on them. Some., people have such elaborate things but they do look so-out of place.- - - ' '. .. -;" ':' ':i- .1 haven't .done any .shopping herein Rome but -I have gone to' all. the pro grams. '- They 'have-been- having- four lectures a day and I can't, keep; up with that. Some days when we are out both morningand afternoon I cutout all the lectures: .But 'as long as I do-that -I keep feeling perfectly well and I'm glad to do that, so many people are underthe weather in this southern climate. -, " ."".. .--".". ' . .We leave.. for -Naples this afternoon and there the different parties' separate again,-some to-. sail, home;-some for Greece and some for.Egypt.- One of the Barber party, Miss.-Jones,' has derided upon the Oreeke cruise. '-'We 'hate -so much to see her go,-she is such a splen did girl, I'll miss her most-because, she and I stood together -on so many: things and stood alone. She 'was Breta's niom" mate.' .-.-"" '.- ' -"-- 'l Mr. Findley. one of the men we came across with", Ls 'giiing to 'Egypt, so last night we 'bad a'-sort of a farewell flour ish. . He" took Breta'and Mrs.. Heyl'and me oyer to the Piazza Thermae and there we sat'on'tbe balcony eating ."coseaHas" and ices. - The orchestra was- playing and the big' fountain 'was beautiful in the moonlight!" It was great fun.-- That is .the-way- Romans spend their even, ings, thore arccrowd&atr these- restaur ants until way after midnight. .They' turn night. into -day here. The moon is full now and ttie'-'other evening we .Went over to the Colleseuin to see it by moon light. It is the. romnnitic spot of Rome for visiting Americans and we saw inter esting things beside the beauty 'of that mighty structure in 'the dim yellow light. -- ' Sunday afternoon nil the'" Barbarians" took carriages arid drove on t on c the Appine Way. It was a- beautiful day and the Alban.-Hills were splendid. in the sunlight.. It was strange"' but de:: lightful to drive along . that old road .lined with the ruins of once- beautiful tombs. The same road along. which Paul came in chains to Rome, tlieMittle church "Quo Vmlfs'. is '-'along 'the way and we went in, I can't realize that those old prophets once looked-on some of these walls that are standing today.' It is interesting to read here in' Rome the epiBtles Paul wrote from Rome when he was in prison here.- There is a National C. . Convention in Geneva now and last-Sunday we had a'C. E. Convention here at the hotel. We sent the Convention a telegram of greeting In the'morning we. went to high mass at the world famous St. Peters. I love to wander around in thoae big cnurcheS and I was there for- almost three hours. There is a bronze statue of St. Peter there and all devont Catholics who have visited St. Peter's for the last six cen turies have' kissed bis' toe and. said -a prayer; until-, now '-there isn't mnch of the toes left, 'I 'stood 'and watched' the people doing' this for a long -' time. ! . We drove around in the Vatican yards and saw- the Vatican galleries, that huge building of 11,000. rooms representing a state by itself and a big machine. I tell yon it makes one stop aud wonder. - There have been "dozens of- other things to see here; and' when I get-home I can tell you bettor all about it., . The following taken from the State Journal will be of interest to the Colnm bus friends Of Mr. andIrs. Hunt: - Rev. and. Mrs. W. S. Hunt and three" children" met with a serious accident this -afternoon, while enrouto-with 'the "'family horse - and carriage for Clay - Center. "When about a mile south of the cemetery Mrs. .Hunt raised -'her parasol,-.which frightened the' horse, causing it to" over turn the buggy. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and the baby were .thrown out, landing' ' in. a ditch partially filled' -With' water. The horse started on-the home stretch,- with the two. little' boys in the -back seat. After about half a mile they were thrown out, and 'a little farther on' -the horse' came in contact with a' telephone pole and was released from the -.buggy. Mr. Hunt' was quite severely .bruised about the -head and - shoulders. 'Mrs, 'Hunt received quite severe' bruises -about, the body, hut no' bones- were .broken. The little boys escaped . with only slight bruixes and the baby was uninjured. Neighbors gathered the' family' up. -and brought them home, whjle. medical as- swlanre.- whs dispatched to the ' scene, Mr. Hunt being for . some; .time t in a semi-conscious condition. . He is in bed, but it is hoped no. complications.- will arise. . George H. Metheny of Shelby.-' Neb., wbohao been visiting relatives the past week at Graad Island aad Central City, stopped ofToa his retara home for aa over 8uaday visit with hm brother Dan. stVJt bt'"" m aa wtBa aW jCmaam I mm I VvBB " m .'BmiM t& aw I wUpyfk " ataTgBBBBBaaa?- WmllU Awf BaaannBBBBC''- 4aBBBBBBBBBBBaP THE LI0HT OF OUR BANK - " : shines'on the pathway, that leads np to the (J ate f Sneeess- Our liank and depositors are .a haratoa-: ions group. 'They have oar coaideace' and we theirs.. Success for as ia ewecess to you.' That's why we are popular. BankiBg'with -us' means sharing oar prosperity.- .."..". ..."-.. ; . " The Firs. Nawfeiiai Bank At a recent meeting of the Smith Col- lege' Club, in' New Vork,' Mark-Twaia.. was the chief Sneaker. . andtold "the.. audience of:la memory of- my -youth.', that haV.remaineri with me all this time. -' . When I. was living-in St. Louis with my. mother,' ninety-five years ago. when 't was comparatively young, a lovely young.. cren'tnre of sixteen came to pay us a'viait. ' WhcnsbcasiJred.'.a' room,- a geaeral- .-. sweetnesBwas diffused.- I was -aaralyz- ed. "-I wasn't really -myself. .I was; dif.-";-. fident then.' My mother suggested that" """. I, .being seventeen,-show the 'sweet girl." some attention, lint I hadn't the. oar-' age... -Take her to the theater,-said mj ' mother. ' So I took' her thirteen- blocks' down-town on.'f oot; I never hail prase aes"' . of mind in": life until next day. ' Then "I -.-realize that I should bave-goae-'aroaad tWenty-si-cblttcks. .;" We were wedged i.k the niidle of a row 'of seata as loBg.'ae' -' this... Diirin'g the first act' I:.' was". com.-', fortable .withthe jo of being there' with. -". her. Knt' the '-Becondr act' was. not mi : comfortable '$1 had. my Sunday boots. -on. '-' They .were lip. ft, bbcI my. .'size' wan . "' No. '9. -Tlins the' boots'. Itegan to get very. -".' tight.' At last I had to find pome relief, 1" and pushed one off a little. The heavea-, ly change .was so blfssful that the- other' foot got more urgent .As obo-eaaBot' .' linger on 'the verge -of al solute perfec- tion,.I pushed boi h off nntil they were, dangling." . Then there was nothing ia ' the .way "of" hapinesB,'- until, -the -eartaia . went dowii for the'-last time, aad the ' . people rose and wanted to go. right ..off. I wts trying' to get my boots, oa.- -I . couldn't have gota hand in. . I couldn't affordto leave, the boots,, anil so' I toek -'. them along the boots" on one arm" aad- .. the girl on .the other." "' - .' " : ..-" -. "GALLAGHER SMOKE HOUSE5 ' . -- '.' . - - -' Opposite "of U1-" P.-'Depot-. raJ Leing-." Brands;- in-C-- eluding'' the" famous "NlCAr RAGUA V "N E W .Y O RK SpecialsT; and thevPATHr;- FINDERL-- S- : ."'-'.. V. --""- ' "- ".". ."- "' For a good; cool smoked call .oh .hiiri.' He will guar-;-' antee -to please:, you. of;.; money refunded.;-..:-.1."- .!; pOLUMBOS MARKETS. (.. Potatoes, new ba. :...';' - 40.-1.:;;; i?to is:.- . 10 to" -14 -' V '.- - 8". - .-: ...3- ' : -.- aw;.-j :..-. Batter fr ...-; Eggs ydoaea.. Springs-1-.-;-.....-. uvtlB v Itoosters Hogs ... ::yv-- -r.'.-. :-. Tate-Ma Clitawl 8 farther inwwi as wsjiw toward giv ing a man a genteel appearance than any othor one thing.- If your clothes are made "by Linstrum they're right in every part icuIar.There isadistiac tive difference between the tailored suits and the ready-made. To wear one of our suits is to appreciate the difference. C. LUBllN ;iaim . y..'jfsi !. aawaBwaawaBwaBBnaBBBB BBBBBTBBBBWBBWaBBw7 -. TtSBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBH Bk Eawl '-'" Vataf awam Lannaaa) .'Jafr . I y c2i a- &? i I . i..'Z3SP.7J -ty. tt i ?5t?t-s3 JN . ViTi- r2t? -U F'T TfsffS V v Hmfs ,. ri & X. , JJ m