n -tfc. -Mt. itWMV4V, .i . . v Vfc fc-a , .., - 0 . -.- . ; -. ta .- -. -vV-.-V .- .!.- :- . j ... : -.-.;'' b" . W. H. KOB4IJGI. OFMSTVRGINU fRAiSESfC-RU-NA, If .fBSB-j-SSSSBSSBjpaaga-VnBSSg f BBaaaH:W-H BBBBBBBBHaWBaacKftEaaBmaafciSBBBBj - "aBaBSBBMiKMafifSKnApj I . v : . -BBBBBSrs-BBBByv" . BBJ BBBBBKcw" jvUBBBBBKiv .BsBl I - ..BBBBBBflggBBBV ., H BBBBBBBBfljBBBBBk7x:' -.- BBJ . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkl' '- Bsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr imt ' '. BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBk' Bal BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHfctBflfl - " bbbbbbbbbHbhI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBml :'-",:'':-bbbbbbHIIbV .- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBcBBBfl .''BBBbHPS -v-"--:,-BBBBBK'".Bb1 - 'bbbbbi -jbb ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBuiBflBBl -':.- iHFfBBBBBBJ f " . - BBBBBBBBBBBBfr- BsBsBsJ : A:: IBBBBBUfr BBH I - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK - BBBBBBBBBBBBJ I BBBBBBBBBBBPT BBBBBBBh & umw:mmmmmm I ; .- fc .- 'BBBBBF.;r 'BBBBBBBj I '' '.'- ;'bbbW ' -maWr "::- BBaaH ' HBkv -r - I " - -' assaaRaL- ','- -Mmmamawmm I V.'V- : " Mm W. H. Kessaafh. Z-.'-yA'CoM at Ahy Time of the Year. Es ":".. j ZfccitiUy ia Hot Weather, is Very De -" ' ' issuing to the System. Pe-ru-na is ,"." j. "- "Uin-Uitxqmtled Tonic For Such Cases. .; .. Kcad. iVhaL Teofe Say About It. Ht. m 4. Hon. W. H. Kelbaugli, Ex-Mcmbcr JV ya. LepLslature. 204 9th .street, i-N.E,-, 'Washington, D. C, writes: ij . Yon can ase v namttmmt word :Mlall tlmtes fer.pemma mm a medi "Xcime and 'tonic vmtaualed. .1 have 1 tried Jt far a stubborn cold and badly run down system. I tried all x.sorts of other medicines and maid several expensive doctor bills. Peruna cured me, strengthened me .mote than ever, and saved me mqmey." ?J -".-Mrs- Clara Littersf, Sea field, Ind., ' . - ". J-L: r.ct foil T i-rtl- a .m At T TVlX; .Vtouk"reruii,lefrantoiraproveandkept " tntci until 1 wat lil t gf YtlXT XViirlf '. . . SA1TH THE OWL. ,.I--v..- .?. -fe-the comic opera of life the chorus . ."-V-v.'-.grrts are cooks. ''-'l:':' One good thing about rainbow jjold ..':;-. -Ms-l?at we can't squander it on bar- ""' -"... pains.. " . i-,- .J.. "Mny a fond young writer's hopes "-.-.". -Jy ' .-rome home -coffined in long white en r -..;'. ylriopeSj "". .." "i.- :.;The only jewels that man should not :- ', '..- "-y.be ashamed to wear are the beads of ' ."..".""jtoEest 'toiL Va ..-""' ..-VGo abroad and Godspeed you, my ,yjt'j'.'. -friends. Biit forget the sights you see v. "-. '.-"before you see me again. ";.-"7-:--":.v.'-A,moilern financier is a youth of to-..--j-i"--day i-ho can marry and make his fa """". v.f.thr-in-Iaw take care of them both. TV"- ."Consider the ways of the popular '"' ."-'"-'-" chaperon. She hath ears that hear :i"':.V-.";no"t"ahdeyes that obsolutely refuse to ;'.c3- "4-Vbehold ansthing. . i'X. FHILOSOPHICAL POINTS. ."' The fattea calf never loves the ; v'."'.;..pr.oVligal son. 'cj: 'I-. -Truth never runs around asking ---people to believe it. -.-Alas, that fools are prosperoas. It . v-"-?"."". it-their penalty or reward? .-V-- '-. -.-."-ildw many of us in listening to the - V'" .".-"tomtoms forget the violins? :'?: ".':vT6""think an original thoucht is to - - m v . y ;-. ". take a step nearer the divine. ."-"'-.- -.people who need to be continually ''. ':'" ptppped up are not worth the prop. s ",.;. -...-.,.When men become suddenly good r .?.".... -Hb'ey, should be executed immediately. ; :";" '..;' y ..' It is easier for some pedple to be- I";.--. v- :--"Jieve .the impossible than the pos . -V-C. ;:tible. ". .-Vi. -":-.. BefoVe it was thrown down, the V '-. : ..",. ;Golden Calf had a son. and it Is still :."-v :-;'-c'm,ooing:around tne vorW . V.-.'-vl-.?- 'l"'Jt-Js- self-evident that to success-y'l'''-' ' . Jully fathom the motives of men one "'"-V:---" -""niust.be a man himself. To an idiot .v;-'-"-"-"": 'to a lunatic all men are .either ' :.: ." z. . idiots or lunatics. PHYSICIAN SAYS ChiFdren Thrive on Grape Nuts and Cream. ,V '. I'-A Mass. physician has found a cure : "for constipation in children citing '.".."firteen cases by feeding them Grape-.--Kilts. " '"'Some time, ago," he writes, "I be- . . came interested in your food. Grape- Nuts, as a cure for constipation in ' i children. Having tried It ia my own . family I have advised it in fifteen - cases in which all suffered with con- r "" st ipation more or less severe. The re- '' Jsult has. been absolute relief in all. .' "I write this that other children ." .inay be benefited." '.:- How much better it is thus to bring ..- about a healthy action in the bowels of growing children by natural means, -.than to feed -them with improper food, "requiring some kind of cathartic at . intervals to overcome constipation. . Grape-Nuts gives 'energy to the en- tire -nervous system including the nerves that -.cause the natural con ..: traction and relaxation of the bowel "' muscles, that propel the food mass ; 'along. It is predigested also, and the blood "' ' easily absorbs the food as it goes ' "..through, the body, -storing up vitality V and. force for the functions of all the organs. : . Children especially, should get the Tight .start as to habits of living.- ... They should grow into bright, strong, . cheerful men and women, Grape-Nuts solve the question of the start; a wholesome appetite will do the rest. Children's teeth, are benefited by chewing Grape-Nuts, also. Your dent ist will tell you that a certain amount of exercise in chewing firm food, 'is necessary to grow strong, beautiful need exercise just the same as muscles, if they are to grow strong aid, firm as nature intended. Grape-Nuts gives the exercise and also gives material from which good teeth are made. ' "There's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," ia ;Dta. UVES'ALOMC IN HOUSE IN THEE. Nvl Maana off Man to Gat Rid of Hay'frevar. Sydney, Cape Breton. Warren Carrol, a coal prospector, who has been operating in the vicinity of the CaeUcaatp river, soath of Grande Etang, tells of meeting a man in the barren lands who has been living in 'a tree for three summers because' he believes it will curebjs hay fever. Carrol- says that the man, who claimed that .his name was Strong, and that he came from St John N. R, "had built himself- a -comfortable cabin of one room in the' branches of a giant hemlock and was thoroughly enjoying life. The house was set about 40 feet from the ground and was reached by several ladders, "which were spiked against the sides of the tree trunk. In the cabin was. a bed made of boughs, a stove, constructed out of sheet iron, three. looking-glasses, "a lamp,- three rustic chairs and 36 cushions stuffed with balsam needles. The place was as neat as though kept by a woman and -was built so that there would be no waste space. 8trong was rather reticent, but Car rol learned enough to convince him that the man was in his right mind and that he really believed the "tree cure" was doing him good. He said he couldn't explain why the hay fever would not attack him as long as he lived in a tree, but that it was a fact and he took advantage of It He lived mostly on fish and game, but he had some -vegetables stowed away in hol low tree trunks near by. CUTS TIME OF SEA TRIPS. Scientific Discovery Will Shorten Ocean Voyages. Washington. One day will be cut off between New York and Europe and three days between San Francisco and Japan by scientific discoveries made by an expedition sent out by the Carnegie institute of Washington. Other very important developments are expected to spring from these dis coveries, which may have a far-reaching effect on all sea navigation. The reduction in transoceanic time will, it is said, be made within one year. These developments arise from the uncompleted cruise of the Galilee, a sailing ship outfitted two years ago for the purpose of making a magnetic survey around the globe. The work of the surveyors has progressed far enough to determine that all the ex isting charts of lines of equal mag netic variation are incorrect, especial ly those of the Pacific ocean. From San Francisco to Honolulu they are systematically off from one to two de grees. The scientists are also deter mining the influence of steel construc tion on the variations of the compass. By means of the table of variations which is being prepared, and the new 'and correct charts which will be is sued, mariners will be able to steer an absolute course during rains and fogs when no observation can be' taken. This absolute course will en able the cutting off of 24 hours be tween New York and Europe. NICKNAME FOR OKLAHOMA. Fappoose, Indian, Lobo, Mistletoe, Squaw-Men, Eagle and Twin State Are Suggestions. Guthrie, Okla. In a sense Okla homa and Indian territory can be likened to a couple engaged to be mar ried, with the wedding date set for July 4, 1907, for then, and not till then, will they become one state, the forty-sixth of the union. Meanwhile the people collectively are thinking up suggestions as to a fitting nickname for the new state. Although numerous catchy names have been mentioned, yet the prevailing opinion seems to be that it should in-some manner refer to the Indian, as this will be the last state carved out of the old Indian country. " Among the suggestions are "Pap-poose,- "Indian." "Eagle," "Mistle toe," "Lobo," "Squaw-men" and Okla homa. According to Green M'Curtain, the Indian' governor of the Choctaw Indian nation, "Oklahoma -is a Choctaw word, meaning red people; okla for people. and hdmma for red.' It was suggest ed by Allen Wright a fullblood Choc taw Indian, one of the framers of the treaty with the United States in 1866. The proper pronunciation of "Okla homa" is "Owe-klah-homa." Three recognized dictionaries differ as to the pronunciation of the word, but as, it is an Indian word, the people of Okla homa prefer the Indian pronunciation, which is above given. Teltphones Installed at Play. London. To enable young married women, if they become anxious, to telephone home and Inquire a.z to the condition of their children, telephones -are fitted in every private box at the Coliseum. It is a common thing at the. opera and many West End the aters to see a group of women await ing their turn at the telephone be tween acts, says London Opinion, just "to have a -word with nurse." Buy More French Goods. ! -Paris.' Statistics collected by the the United States consulates through out France and tabulated by Consul General Mason show that exports from France 'to the United States for the year ending June 30 reached the record-breaking total of $107,240,547, an increase of $18,823,472, or 17 per cent over the previous year. All the .great commercial centers, except Ly omvHavreand Calais increased their shipments to the United States The decrease' at 'Lyons is chiefly due to tbe -"development of the silk industry in the..United States and a corre sponding reduction in the demand for French silk. A Rhode -Island man is said to have been resuscitated after having been under water 23 'minutes, the treat ment lasting nearly two hours. But scientific, experiments based on this 'case should not place too -much reli ance in the figures. v. : An Alabama company has been or- ianized to make paper from -cotton stalks. Nothing remains now but to utilize the boll worm as a by-prod- MM . -vw . J Pri-Aa-ericai! Conf ercnce, at JKo Janeiro, Brazil f:WMmsmammmmmmWSmmmWmam 'f5fgS"&.""TPP?F - &BEb BisWsBBBBi TT IT ilBCT :mmMmmm t V HfsfmtElBlBfHI "? -O .--" JviJdfj3krrilto. Jemt v-mau' .lmmmmtt .-rX3BBBBBBsBBsBBBaHBSBHaHBHttC- w k .jxmtar...v,f -zudbWAV .m. j. jl j . a z-o cm,?- BH...........Ha..B.imDiBV v i . --TOfr ju-j vJtWBRWWC ," ...' ' ). - ..- T&UnUK V R,BraBraMMIK"-WFi ". .-.- Pra&MjpBHSMsv. jmmaaavaaWggmfggKmMaaaWSmf J . iSiuB.XifmmTmmmmmmm-'Bn'- -'"?"' -" . SBBBBBBlBBB9SEHl99BK'E-mBBfHBB?9fr9 " OsBnHrJBBHBEVS i: JMW 'limmmmmmmmmmmmM:WrWB' - PMbbbbhHSHwbF ;V? 5"-"9;t ; BBBBBBBBBBBraB& ?''$8f"S"BBV. &c ' ,,-. bbbbbbbbbE'V' JK4VjfeiiV . jc BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBy-r m !& " fr1 A v fr -y -' -' 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjSS4si?r--BW ww-.-i54"r ''"-mmmmmmmmiMm - ..:b1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1Bb1W -. stkBBBsSs'BB'BB'BflflflflflflflflflflflBJ JjMmmW' HlBlBBlBBlBBlBBlBBlBBlBBftBBtaBBlB SbcS ' JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjULJJS HAbiiS' TbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK bbehbbbabbbbbskjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBVBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9B1BBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BfB ffBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK bI'bV-bWHbW b1bb1bb1bb1bbbbBb1bb1bb maaaaaaaM m mmW Xmam BBBBBBwB9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT.' aaaaaaanmKmmm 4W'Bbm SBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv' BBBBBT-SBI BBw XHPZ3B9LV BB -at B9 BBaVflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHI f mmmamiamnm BIbVSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB i BUBnBvJBvXBFffisSBBBBBBBBXBBBBBBBBBi1 BBBBBBBMfclMsa Ti - --" ' ,llill1WfWPIPJWPJ!PPPBfJa BBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBMMMiBSMaiiajr.h, , - Vc-1:- -; - -y -rr-v.-T"jx$?mwsAtjmjftt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMMMMMMsjMallJv-. vp$?jaam&l&m The third session of the Pan-American conference at which .Secretary -Root is representing this country, met at Rio Janeiro, Brazil. The -.sessions are held in the Brazilian pavilion at the St Louis exposition -which was re moved to Brazil after the close of the great fair. Aside from Secretary Root the mtmbers of the delegation from this country are Edmund J. Jf mes, presi dent of the University of Illinois; Leo S.-Rowe, professor of political economy' in the University of Pennsylvania; Julio Larrinaga, resident commissioner of Porto Rico to the United States, and James 8. Harlan, a lawyer, of Chicago, and son of Associate Justice John. M. Harlan, of the United-Estates supremo court They were officially received on their arrival. CHINA READY FOR WAR Reign of Terror Predicted for. Celes tial Empire Only One Good Army in Country Serious Flawa of Soldiers. Peking. China is a volcano. Close observers not in Peking, because Pe king is not the place to get the real news concerning China; but foreign ers long resident in the interior, in Shantung and Chili, put the explosion nine years hence. Educated Chinese bring it nearer. For the present, however, the American in China is as secure as he would be in his home in the United States. It is well understood in official and other circles that it is useless to kill foreigners. There is a general, run ning after foreign things and foreign ways. Men having foreign training are in demand. The same men had to run for their lives in "Boxer" times. At the same time there is anxiety to shake off foreign control of every thing partly from a new feeling of national pride and partly from a de sire to keep the good things for the Chinese. Misgivings for the future are based on fear of an antidynastic rising, prob ably on the part of the radicals. This Never Saw Cleveland, O. Oelrid Troy, 18 years of age, Carroll county, Virginia, long and lean and as innocent as tall, spent the other night at the Central police station. Until a recent morning Oelrid .had never seen a railroad train. All of the 18 years of his life had been spent on a farm in the back part of Carroll county; but after Oelrid's fa ther died and his mother became ill, four years ago, things began to break bad at the farm and soon there was a heavy mortgage in sight A chance seemed to offer itself in the way of a job proffered to Oelrid by his cousin in Ohio, and it was then that Oelrid made the long journey DOG KEEPS SMILING NOW. Scranton Beagle Has a Gold Tooth, and Is Proud of It Wilkesbarre, Pa. Or. Fred S. Birchard, of Scranton, has a dog with a solid gold tooth. The dog is proud of it The animal is a valuable Eng lish beagle. A few days ago, notic ing that one of its front teeth was very much decayed, Dr. Birchard took the dog to a dentist friend. The dentist suggested that the best thing to do was to insert a gold' tooth. "I'll do it now," said the dentist who is a great lover of animals. The operation took a little more than half an hour. All that time the intelligent animal laid back in his master's arms, submitting with an occasional whine of pain. Now it sports about with its fine gold" tooth, a curiosity for all the small boys of the community. Bruins Take to Stroudsburs, Pa. "Look!" There comes a woman under an umbrella, with two kids, moseying down tho track!" exclaimed Wilson Eilenberg er, who was helping some other -men load cars on the railroad near here.. "Well, that's a funny looking wom an, then!" retorted his nearest com panion, shading his eye's as he scruti nized the distant but approaching trio. The "woman and kids" turned out to be a she bear and her two cubs, which approached near' enough to the workmen to be scared, then took to the woods. Just. over the divide, 'in "Luzerne county, the other day a big black bear appeared in the middle of. the high- way as Charles Maurer .and family were driving over the mountains. Their horses balked and snorted, whereupon Maurer, his wife and chil dren jumped out frightened, with the exception of seven-year-old .Margaret who, before her parents knew what she was doing, ran down the road toward the bear and approached to rFsv-. y c j . &mmv?WSM&BmmmmmmmmimWmKmV&m - wksaiiit&MMEt -S w!SMUmUUBmaUmunmUUUUmianEmUOmBnK?'fWB.-m i would become partly anti-foreign and in any case would mean anarchy. There are a great many "armies" in China, but the only one that counts is Yuan Shi Kai's "northern army." The Chinese are raising big horses somewhere in Mongolia .for the ulti mate use of the army, and hope to remount their cavalry in about four years. Of the other arms the men are smart and the recent spring ma neuvers were most creditable. There are serious flaws in the army. The Chinese soldiers will blaze away blank cartridges in fine style, but they are not trained to shoot Target prac tice is rare. It Is doubtful if the men woud follow their officers except to the rear, and it Is doubtful if the offi cers would go anywhere else. The "American boycott" never se riously affected the interior. A few items of United States imports came into 'the interior in smaller quantities pro tem. It was a question for the ports, particularly those 'in the south. The Shanghai riots were purely local and magnified by Shanghai hysteria. A serious question is the educational one, which gives rise to the "young China" movement. This is founded on conceit, the basis of Chinese stu dent character. They are about one quarter educated and think their edu cation is complete. ' A Railroad from his home to the nearest rail road station, and started on his still longer journey to his cousin's home in Ohio. As near as Oelrid could remember, that cousin lived in a place called Rich Hill, somewhere in Ohio; but he lost the card bearing the address, and is not now sure where his cousin lives. The police gave Oelrid a bed at the station. Oelrid had spent his last, cent on street car fare, and was wandering aimlessly about the streets, his baggage under his arm, when a kind-hearted citizen's attention was attracted to his forlorn appearance. The man brought the boy to the sta tion, and Oelrid was glad to stay there all night Uses Sea Water; Faces Fine. Boulogne. A woman who took two buckets of water from the sea to bathe her child, in accordance with the doctors orders, was astonished to receive an official warning from the customs officers threatening to fine ber for breach of the law. There has been discovered an unrepealed law of Louis XIV. forbidding the taking of sea water lest those taking it extract the salt, 'and thus defraud the govern ment of the salt tax. The woman has written a declaration of the purpose for which the water was obtained in order to secure an official permit to use sea water. Great U. S. Naval Show Planned. Washington. Plans have been; per fected for the grand naval pageant which Acting Secretary of the Navy Newberry has announced will occur in the sound off Oyster Bay Septem ber 3. The president will receive the Atlantic fleet the Highway within ten or fifteen feet of it when it turned and ran. Gold Found at Lowest Depth. Melbourne, Australia. A specimen of gold bearing quartz mined' from the lowest depth on record is to bs seen at the mines department .here. It was obtained from the new Chune railway mine at Bendigo at a depth of 422 feet It is an excellent sample of auriferous stone, and 27 loads taken from the same depth were crushed for a yield of 21 ounce? 14 pennyweights gold. This is a record not only for .Australia,' but for the world. Again has the inalienable right of a mother to spank her daughter been vindicated. Judge Trexler, of Allen town, Pa has decided that a Mrs. Klotz acted clearly within her rights when she chastised her big and pretty 14-year-old daughter because her. lover had written her an improper letter. I Tgf . .--. mmmmmL. . ii . " . NI ... i 'aTJfsmi i W---- ISMBBBBBWP aamOrrr . mrnmrn fl i lli, -ammmmmml4 Ba"Ba"BBBBBBBm 4fls"Bsl-!R. mmmmam. ammkmmm. am mamim ' f' IF BBBBaBk? - sbBVBBBja- BBBBkJV BBBflBv .BBBflBB mm WBm i im Wmmmnaammmaamm lmmaaamm',mmm mnmmmBTmSmr naaaaaammmmmm i BPBBsaVXm ' ' fl - B3BI9BBBk) aaaaaawaa Bsi BBx val vEtrN BBBBFBS& 9BCr Bbb I wmWm i"Mi'mmmm2 '?BB &lCmmf - lA avsmSt mmma& maamw mmmwoaS BklBS I Bpl . . I BBBBtw . JLmamnmm "'"'i f -mVmmmrLymmrrr-- I r Bv. "AmVSfmmwSm' - J i j ; ' "!-JJMi m Rv ZaownBnaum wv sssssmannnnnnnMmmTgmmmgBEKooomaaaaaaaaaaoA nw I f fii Joy hey Bring 1 I ''! To EvtRyHoME ! as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp andplay-wnervin health and how conducive to health 4he games in which 'they, indulge, -the outdoor life they . .enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. . How .tenderly their health should be preserved,- : npt by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of ah injuri ous oncbjectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used ;. remedies which are pure and wholesome and-truly beneficial in effect, .like the pleasant laxative 'remedy Syrup 'of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. . Syrup of Figs has. come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate- . of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. "" . Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally because they know it is wholesome, simple and. gentle in its action. - We inform all-reputa" ble physicians as to the medicinal principles, of Syrup of .F"igs, obtained," by an original method, from certain plants-known tothem to act most beneficially, and ; . presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are . used., to promote. the pleasant taste ;" therefore it is not a'secret remedy a.nd hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not aDprove of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. ." ... . " Please to remember and teach vour children also that the Wimp "vnm of Fio-c always has the full' name of the Company California Fig Syrup Coi-r plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only- If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, "or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do. not accept it. ' If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. , Every family .should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the. "children". wnenever a laxauve remeay is requirea. 60 Bus. Winter Wheat Ver Acre Thmt'a tb yield of alrr Red Cron Hybrid Winter Wbrat. Send 3c in .tamp for free tample of fame. as also catalogue of Winter Wheat, Kye, Barley. CloTers, Timcrhr. Orav.rc. Buiho, Trtef.etc. for fall planting ALZCB SEEB CO.. w.S.LaCi-Me. Wte. aM-aM-Maaa-a-a-a--a-aa StEAL ESTATE. OKLAHOMA Twin Territ.ry Lads ",ll,,,,w,,,,, Cneqnaled. opportunities for nomeseekers and i nvettors. Seed for price list and saps. A. J . Waldock & CO, Oklahoma City. Okla. Shirt If W H k lJ-V I W H"f "V. j 'Mm Dtfiuet Starch Cmpaiy, Onto, Nat. REBELLIOUS STOMACHS It is best for all who are troubled with disorders of 'digestion to adopt a simple, nutritious diet, ignoring those foods which induce irritable conditions, and strictly adhering to the policy of moderation. DR. PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD can be regularly eaten by persons with the most dyspeptic and rebellious stomachs. It is made from, the whole grain of the wheat containing no indigestible matter; regulates the bowels. Caataaam-baL MiaMalaraltsaMrlM;fjrclatofllMBttiaa lit ptCklCta Far Safe ay I A.rjgK'jrt'2U firaears j MpStammtmro Dr. Price, the iumoom feed expert, the creator. T Dr. Price's Cream BekJiw Pewder. DelictoM .FlarariBcKrtrmrta, Ice Cream Sucar mad JeUy Deasefs, baa aerlr beea conpeUeT Botwrtkataadisc atreanoaa Pood laws.ta chaace aar of his amdaeta. -n.. -. SZZZi fc their reyareaaeata, Taia is aaaasalnte caaraatec of their quality aad.pBrirj, Tit lalST FLY KILLER affordcomfort to erery Sojce In dlnlBcr-foof. aletplng-room and places whera' mes are uouDta ome.Clean.neat, wi'lBOCaollorla. Jure anytblnr. Try tbem once, you will never b without them. It aotkept by deal era, sent prepaid forSOe. a-anM Baawm, MtBrKatk aie.,BnaUjaJS.a W.-N. U., OMAHA, NO. 32, 1906. JL'L'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b Bosoms, Collars and Cuffs LAUNDERED WITH Defiance Starch never crack nor be come brittle. Tbey last twice as-long as those laundered with other starches and give the wear er much better satisfaction. If you want your husband, brother or son -to look dressy, to feel comfortable and to be thoroughly happy, use DEFIANCE STARCH in the laundry. It is sold by all good grocers at zoc a pack age 16 ounces, Inferior starches sell at the same price per package but con tain only ii ounces. Aote the difference. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH. Insist en getting it and you will never use any ether brand. wry '.o2t feC . . If MY AFTER ITS FIRST BATH WITH mm SOAP "MTv lbs.!'; Physicians,Pharmacists,and . ,N.urses endorse Cuticuri Soap because of its delicateJ medicinal, emollient; sana-. tive, and antiseptic proper- ties derived from Cuticura; ". the great Skin Cure, united ! with the purest of cleansing ingredients ana most. re freshing of flower odprs.!': For preserving, purifying; and beautifying the skin, as well as for all the purposes- of the toilet and bath, Cuti cura Soap is priceless. Abso lutely pure and may be used from the hour of birth,. SaMtaroacneatttowarM. Corteuia Soap. e Oiat.- . Mat,Mr..Bolat.Me.ia forai of CaocoiatrCoaw HUa, Sir. per vial af),awr be had of all draffuta. -Potter Drac A Ombx Corp.. oJ Prepa, Bilaa?. Mm Valteartt,"AUAatUwBUB,aia,aaaIiair . . Art Ym Jist As Wall As Ym Wish ta Bs ? .... Every suhaeribar to Gaod Health is privilecesl to sufcaaitqueAiawea health topics to the editors: The most interesting of these questions are an-, swered in the Oueslion Boi. a monthly department , of the magazine. Others are answered by letter without 'cost. , This is bat one of many interesting features of. . Good Health, the cldtt health journal in the world , A biz. ha.ndsoir.el) illustrated monthly magazine. . A quarter and this ad. with your name in the pace below will biinjr yo:r this handsome health inacazine for the next three months. Sample) copy ten cents. GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING CO, '. BUTTLE CREEK. MKH. . Name. latMrersi (Absolutely Reliable Ahyays- Scmington Standard Typewrkef ICI9 FARMAM ST. OMAHA, NCBV RKADEBS OP THIS PAPER SKSRI2IGTOBUTATTHISCr. ADTIBTISED M m COLDaUTS 8HOCU UfStST CVOS HATIKCr WHAT THET ASK POK, KEFTJlffitO AIXSCBBTITCTESOSnCIXATIOMa, with I i.aaet tn sL Bis X aT. . VJ T I aTi' . fcl V "Jar m mmW m M at LaP Sfa afaW F M MT M iicC-- A. ff " MM I I 1 9-ii I " : V f . I I tk ksaSa !ndr -u A . t