The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 01, 1906, Image 1

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Consolidated With the Columbus Times April 1, 1904 with the Platte County Argus January 1, 190ft.
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.anmj anam .nananv aw. .anmv .aaam . .aaam naBanay .napam .jbbbb.4bV' aav .anaaaar' anam
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h . -.
an. opportunity to have a talk
with ton fa order that we. 'may.
-'how why we. can serve oa to
.yuur profit- and our own.
. . .
- - -
v With a .thorough . banking
"-.-.-. .:
ftrxNiuzaUont we are .in a post-
'tin to offer evry convenience
. for the transaction ;-of your
b'umjMwuL ,' ..
- - -. " .. ".
' '. ' '
IK j 6a drafts
ai-r cheaper-' OiHn jnonvy orders
ainJ -jaHVnKt'sMre?
filaatt State laak
at ' -
-.-(lrni fikw of Journal April 17. 1672.)
- Omaha bta voteil $4,000 to bore for
"'..Schuyler is aroused for the immigra-'tio'a.-'quastiou.
- Mr. Greenman goes to
.Omaha, .armed with 10,000 circulars
' describing Colfax ooanty.
- Role of honor, district No. 13, .Mary
.Lawrence, teacher: "Tenie Warren, Oor
.nelja Matthews, Eva Coffey, Mary Tur
ner, Maria" Sutton, Dora Taylor. Lizzie
McNew, Lillie Smith. George Smith.
Claud Coffey, George Matthews, John
. Coffey. .
.For' -several weeks past some Pawnee
, Indiaas have lieen in camp south of the
' river.- Ib a quanel one day last week
.-one of-the. men killed his squaw, and he
4s aow being held'' for triaL
" iiarried, April IB by Judge J. & Hig-
gtaii; Thoawa H. Raxsell and Miss Ada
LN. Taylor. secreUry of the State
Board'of Immigration, resident of our
- city.'has'beea employed by the county
- cduauasiouer to prepare and publish a
-number of pamphlets describing the
(Prom files April 21. 1872)
;." Mr. Kuiumers store, to be occupied by
-MrMorrissey as a dry goods store is ia
line of consi ruction on 11th street.
. President' White of Cornell University,
'who has -been -giving atUntion to the
subject of oo-educatlon of the sexes, has
-lately-been -visiting nearly all the col-
- Jees in' the country where the experi
.'ment.has been tried, and has closed his
Jouruf observation fully confirmed in
'the belief that the system may be adopted
'.'with safety .and with a fair prospect of
' extended 'usefalness.'1
"At the republican ooanty convention,
' George". Hulst and H. P. CooJidge were
': selected as delegetee to the state con -rvenUoa,
and renolations were passed
' ananimously instructing them to
'favor -only such men as would in the
' national' convention vote for Grant as
-""the Republican candidate for President.
- -.Chas:.A..Speice ooanty saperintend-
" eat,. has! permitted as to examine bis
report ".to .the state superintendent.
' From it we quote the followiag: There
-are -twenty-one districts, with 744 chil-
drenin all. -The two Columbus districts
,- have together, 165 There is one adobe
- -school Boase, two log-and twelve frame.
..-TheaaaMS of -.the qualified teachers are:
.- Sarah JVKeat, Apphia 3. Avery, Mary
' Weaver. Sarah' Blodgett, Elizabeth Mc-
'' Gath.- Rose Tsbudin, Anna A. Kelley,
Mary MeCaiilcy Mary liawrence. Emily
. Jackson, Chas. W. Stuart. S. L. Barrett,
Benj.Speelman, James Lynch, George
' W.-Newbary, Allen JiHson; Wm. Pres
colt, James Bell. Ed.'. Bartlett, John G.
Bou'tson,' .F.W. Ellis, Thoa. Douglass,
-Fraak JL McLaghlia and .E. A. Blod-
- -
Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Millenz are happy
over the arrival of a little daughter at
their home on Tuesday Bight of last
'.week. The little oae was christened
" Rozana Marjorie.' -
Dr. E.H. Neumann
Has' oae of ike beat deatal offices
ia the state,
. Fally. equipped to do ' all dea-.
til work ia Rrat-Claa auaner.
Always reasnaable ia charges.
All work gaaraateed. -Ofer
14' yean practice ia Co-
Bat M array.
Patrick Munj one of the oldest
settlers la Platte ooaaty died at his
heme three aiilea northwest of this
city last Tharaday afteraooa' at foar
o'clock of a aoate bowel eompmiet
after aa Illness of oae day aad wns
hmried Sntarday la ta Oatholio ceme
tery, the faaetal being held from the
Oathoho charoh at tea o'clock.
Mr. M array came to Platte eoaaty
la 1856, walkiag the eatire distance
froai Peaasylvaata ia company with
Patriot Mc-
Mr Marray worked hard aad saved
hisaaoaey aad althoagh he had no
edaeatioa, beiac aaable to read or
write, ae had the good jadgateat to
iavewt his savlagsja land when laad
was cheap. Goaarqaeatly at the time
of hia death he owned aboat 9000 acres
of the BBoet valaable laad ia the Loap
valley besides a vast aaaoaat of city
aad neraoaal property. His posses
sioas are roaghly valaed at a qaarter
of a laiUioa
Mr Marray was married first on
Jaly 4. 1856 to Miaa Bridget Hennas
aey. She died in 1892 and oa Jaly 4
of that year he married Mia Beka
Scholz. To this aaioa were bora
sevea ohUdrea all of whom are living.
Mr Marray leaves besides his wife
oae Mister, Mrs. 8. B. Cashiag of this
city aad a sister ia a coaveat at
Wheeliag. West Virgiaia whom he
had plaaaed to visit aezt fall
. Bvery old settler ia this part of Ne
braska who ased to drive 'to Oolam
buforsappUeskaew"Fat" Murray
aad will be iaterested ia this bit of
pioaasr hsitory for which the Joarnai
is iadehted to Baa Taraer.
"Patrick Marray was bora in Kings
ooaaty, IreUad, ia Aagast 1829. He
emigrated to Aaaerioa when 18 years
old locating la Chester eoaaty. Pa.(
where he remaiaert aatU J856. He
thea caate to Nebraska, locatiag at
his pressat resideaoe ia Platte ooaa
ty. Oa the 4th of Jaly. 1856. he mar
ried Miss Bridget Hennessey. He be
gan faratiag aad atook-raisiag. He
raised his 'first crop of wheat the next
year. It being baokwaeat he had to
take it 160 miles to get it groand.
Before he proved ap oa his boaMstead
he bailt abara 100 feat sqaare, paying
$75 per 1.000 for his fauaber at Oauv
ha, aad haaliag it to his farm with
oxea. Ia 1866 he took a ooatraet to
pat ap a large qaaatity of hay for the
goverasMat forces. While patting it
apheweatto Omaha to attend the
lettiag of a ooatraet to faraish asvat
to the soldiers, teaviag his wife aad
haadsat work at the hay. Daring
Mia ahseace the Arapahoe Indians at
tacked his wife aad the hands in the
field, after having takea sapper with
them aad pretending friendship.
They killed his brother aad woaaded
several others, amoag whom was his
wife, whom they shot. They then
destroyed ais teat, bedding, harness,
eta, and took away with them his
males aad each other articles as took
their fancy. As soon as he received
the news at Omaha, he started home
and wish a sqaad of soldiers went in
parsait of the Indiaas. The oom
naaading officer promised to retain
his property, bat the government
sent commissioners who atade a trea
ty with the Indiana, permitted them
to retain the stolen property, propos
ing to pay the owners their valae.
Mr. Marray filed his claim for the
valae of the males and property takea
by them, bat has never recieved any
thiag. thoagh when he took the eon
tract to pat ap the hay he had been
gaaraateed assistance and porteotion
from the soldiers. However, he soon
recovered from his losses, aad has
siace been prosperoas. Starting with
a hoaaestead of 160 acres and a pre
emtioa for a similar amoaat. he has
steadily added to it, aatil he aow
owns over 1,800 acres ia the Platte
valley. His home farm comprises 600
acres with exceUeat improvements.
He has 75 acres ia pastare eaolosed'
with a hoard fence. Ia all his farms
he has 800 acres ia caltivatioa. which
he farms himself, ranniag sevea teams.
He is a very extensive dealer ia live
stock, keeping a herd of 900. head of
nattte and feeding 100 for the' market
ear He has also nearly 1000
of Ootswold and Soatadown
aaaep.aad'a large namber of hogs.
At the first railroad land sale at Omaha,
he paieaased $1,000 worth -of laad,
borrowing the asoaey at the bank
in Omaha to aaakatae first payment.
iVaarflBMT fnar years' tisse oa the
He retaraed home aad started
nam to work to break the' prai
rie, cdnttaaiag foar weeks aad break
ing 100 acres. The next year he sowed
this land to wheat. He sold nearly
1,600 entasis at f 1.02 per'bashel, oa
the track at Oolambas. That year he
hcake the remafafag 60 acres of that
notion, harvesting 1.400 bash
it tie next season. This'
in the foar years
the whole
Mr: Marray is a
aha Oataalio oharch which was the
in Oolambas
the lamher
free of
C.E. Rickley of 'Omaha, an old-time
Oelamaas boy, was ia the city several
daya last week visitiag relatives aad
If you were a druggist a stoat
competent and critical one and
were to make a thorough in
spection of oar store, we are sare
yon would be pleased with what
yon found.
In the quality of drugs, the
assortment, the methods of caring
for stock, and the facilities of
every tkind, you would find noth
ing you could not commend.
If so well equippedi a drag
store appeals to yon, we hope
to have your tiale.
g I tM
Chas. A. Daok
DeaMeratie CeaTaatiam.
It was 'great, considered from a dra-
tic staadpoiat, the democrtio eon-
veation last Wednesday which marked
the political death of Edgar' Howard
in Platte ooanty. which asat John
Bender home to his Hamphrev cave
while hia political scalp waa left to
adorn the belt of J. Grain, the "fan
ny farmer" from Woodvilla. and
which looked on while in one, two
three order, Chris Graenther, the
yoaag price of Platte coantr demo
cracy, flayed aad hung ap to ' dry the
skin of Hon. P E. McKiUip. Hon.
G. W. Phillips an Hob. Edgar How
ard. The pabllo had bean prepared for
weeks for a convention fight.
Howard ia the Oolambas
had broaght oat P !. Hall of uiaoala
for aoveraor r.:d P. B. McKiUip
throagh the World-Herald had second
ed the nomination, and given his
word on his dignity as aoongreatinnal
candidate that Piatte eoaatr desao
crate were ranniag foot races with
each other to get aader the Hall ban
ner. On the other hand Chris Graen
ther in his Platte Center Signal, sap
ported by Fred Pratt ia the Ham
phrey Demooiat, had rallied to the
standard of George W. Beige, Chris
ataintatning that the ataases of the
democrats were' with Berge.
Edgar Howard quickly saatched ap
the gaantlet thrown down by Chris,
and deo'ared that Platte eoaaty demo
crats shoald not sarrender demooraoy
to a popalist leader like Berge aad he
very condescendingly said that Chris
might go to the conveatioa, so
confident was he of saocess. From
that momeat the contest in Platte
ooanty was a trial of personal politi
oal strength between Edgar Howard
and Chris Graenther in which it was
thought Howard woald wia beoaase
he had the backing of P. E. McKillip
aad G. W. Phillipps.
There was also a contest for the
ooanty attoroaeyshiD between Jadga
Hensley. Aagast Wagner aad Loais
Lightner and a oontest for raprassnta
cive between John Bender aad Jim
Greig. either of which woald have
been exciting bat for the all
ing oontest between Howard
While the issae of this
one sided, told briefly by the
108 to 20, still there were sreworks ia
the convention to more than satisfy
the stoat exacting. For McKillip.
Phillipps aad Howard died hard, and
forced Chris to hold them ap repeat
edly before the eyes of the conveatioa
and spank them.
The delegates mat at Orphean Hall
2 at o'clock-, bat they were not alone.
The galleries aad boxes were crowded
with eager spectators, amen and wo
men. And the spectators were no
leas impatient than the delegates to
get oyer the work of formal orgaaisa
tioa aad iato the real battle. -
Frank Kieraaa was elected chair
man and Matt Ransackers aad George
Bender secretaries. OoatmittOM on'
resolutions and delegations ware
qaiekly appointed aad jthe recess
taken to give them time to stake their
I . . . ,
'All $3.50 low shoes now $3.00
. All $2.50 low shoec now $2.00
All $2.00 low shoes now $1.75
. All' $1.75 low shoes'- now $1.50 . . .
-These are all New, Snappy Late Styles. '
. . - . .
. . .
We are also making a still
greater reduction on all
tan sKoes and oxfords .
by has fighters
to pat the final
ef their battle axes.
Whan the gavel soaadsd a death like
fell over the oaaveatiea and
the galleries
irery word
af the corn
ad Howard,
leaned forward to eatoh
with a farced smile of
confidence stepped forth to read the ra-
selatioas A majority of the oommittee
ware far Berge and the oaaveation ex
pected to hear a Berge rawlatioa.
Bat they were dfamppoiated. It is not
BiiniBBij to pabUah the resolatioas
Everybody in Platte ooanty is fami
liar with their eoaleate far Howard
a them. First came a donancta-
tkm of .the Roosevelt aamiaistrstloa.
finally the anti-pass waelarlaa. aad aa
Howard read thU last recolatioa his
travelled anconaoioasly ro his
eoataiaiag aUIaage on. tha
varioas railroads, and ha stopped long
towiakat the six dssaooraHo
pass holders in the oonveation, while
the visitors ia the gaUertes marmared.
"Trae, trae! Oemaoratie platforau
are amde to ran oa not to stead oa "
Than waa applaase. than the oartain
fall on the first act. 3
Bat before the appalase had died
act had begaa aad Ohirs
Graenther had the stage. It was a
simple act, jest the readiag of a short
raotiag the state dele-
to vote for G. W. Berge for
. . -.
governor, and uarie looaaa as moaeet
and innoeent as a Mashing school
girl when he read it. Bat it
to toaoh a spring concealai
where aader the oonventoin chairs
for fally five oat of six of the dele-
to their feet and fairly
their "sesoads" to the
resolatoias. Bat the flowiag looks of
Howard aad McKiUip aad the kmg
black maataohe of PiUipps got tangled
ap ia the famitare aad they eoalda't
MoKilUlp was the first to get en
tangled and when he arose he deliv
ered 'a broad-aider at Chris that
broaght tears to the eyes of strong
man. (He instated that ii waa'aa-
demoroatio for the common people to
Best in
ttjcctttar ts) McAHUtor Mndta
Columbus, : Nebr.
iastraot their representatives aad in
dalged ia soma eow-boy stetaphors
aboat Vhogtying" democrata that
were anderstood oaly by those who
had heard the calf story which amde
McKiUip faatoas daring his aasannam
f el race with McCarthy.
Chris aaswered in a thirty miaatea
speech which jarred oat several wia
dowsla the galleries. All that is
bared of his speeoh is somethlag
he said aboat Jefferson aad the corn-
people aad law tactions belag at
the foaataia head of democracy. His
seatisteats ware vary maoh Roomvelt
and the repebUosns pressat Joiaad la
the apwisw when ha sat down.
Then PhUiipps took a hand. He
spoke so earnestly aad so load
oraokedhis voice and there waeao
democratic oUtmeat at hand to repair
it. He declared that ha was not aati
Berge bat contended that Hail and
8haUenberger and Billy .Thopmeoa.
thote old-time democrats, shoald not
be slapped la the face with Berge ia
stractiag. And rising on his tip-toss
he aaoated that iastraotkms were eon
trary to precedent in PHtto ooanty.
Then Chris took a hand again and
dag ap a pile of masty records sissimr
to those that drove Howard and Erast
ami Bener to the taU timber, and read
where Phillipps hisssslf had written
Jonas' Welch
Bobtasea sad Jadaa
Paillipas likewise
took towhe toll timber.
'Howard like ever
saw that the killiag
aad that ha hiameU woadd stand oat
to nciin'
wnrcn tilk
Toa aad we will have it when
yoa strike this store on your
wslch-parcassiag trip.
Ton are welcome to" all oar watch
knowledge and experience.
Tell oa about how. much you
woald like to speed; aad ia oae
stiaute we oaa show yoa the
watch that means the most to
yoa for that amoaat of mosey.
Aad it doeea't'take very much
money,. either, to get a pretty
good watch. A 20-year, guaran
teed movement in a filled ease
will cost yoa but 912 This case
it practically at good as solid
gold, aad will last as long aa the
works. , u
Call in and let aa talk watch
together. .
Ed. J. Nlewohrier
JowGlor and Optician
in the political history of Pmtto
ity aa the chief victim. . Bat
he looked to the galleries aad
at of bsaatifal women, ha
coald not resist, even as ha stepped
iato his poUtloal grave. He evidently
wanted his grave strewn with flowers
from the hands of woman, as befits
the knight of soeibera ohivalry. so
his appeal was atade ia the direotiOB
of the naileries. And as ha died that
captivatiag aaUle oharaoteristto of the
knight of old who died with his head
In the lap of his lady-love, settled up
on his feataree. Ilia last words ware:
"It's all a austake, bovs. I'm ready
ria-take.!" The end had
JoaaByraes was the first to
it was tiate for the vote. He
ssoared the floor and demanded a vote,
saying: "Boys, let's oat oat this hot
air. Coses down of the bleachers, gat
into the diamond and play ball."
When the vote was taken it stood 108
to 90 for the Berge resolation. Only
ana Incident in the vote is worth ra-
Whea the Platte Oeater del
voted. Delegate Hlggias
1 voted against the reaolatioo
althoagh the whole delegation was
by Berge iastraotkmt from their
foUowsd the haUotiag for
ity attorney, Jadge Hensley win-
Aagast Wagaer aad Loais
Lightner. after severe 1 ballote.
In the ballot for rsprsseatative,
James Greig of Wooodvttle won over
John Bender of Hamphrev by a amaU
Jadga Heaeley acd Jaraes Greig
short aad appropriate
the oonveation ad-
L G. Ziaaeoker,
G. W.-PhlUipa, Edgar Howard, J. C.
D. A Beoaar, J. H Joaan-
D.D. Roberts, D. L Braea,
Charles Schaeth, J. G. Beober, O. M.
Qraeathsr. H. a Oarrig, P. E. Mo-,
Killipp, A.E FeUarr, Jerey Oarrig,
James Gragg and Hen Bicaaecae,
Aboat thirty Oolambas ladies
to Daaoaa last lharsday to attend a
meeting of the Gerataa Women's
Missioaary society. Mrs. John Meyer
of thlsoty is prerideat of the society
aad Mrs Jaooh Ziaaeoker,
aad the slow shilling are com
parable 'to the man .who has
stoaey foriavestmeat aad won't
seine the opportunity 'we are
offeriag. Like the aickel. if he
apeaka quick he eaaps ap' the
hargaia, 'bat if, like the slow
tshffliag, hecomes later to bay
it'll coat him the phflliagwhere
aow, the aickel wiU do the trick
anrBwsBeBeTM aanfwtnnVaamfnfal .
Vtl WwnaSaaawVTssfaV
BsaBv7 rf igaar - gssmswwWl -
Jaly 19, 1999,
I stmll sssnatenee to write aanln to-
left Paris at 10:90. far 8rrsshsarg.
Mr. Heyl task see to the train aad. 1
tsaveled ail eight la a ahalr ear with.
all my ttgatgw with ste aad ia aa
with aU Uads af iatareat-
bm aad ate Peter's
the rest of the while. It
8:90 Timrsaay atoraing whan 1
palled Into UUasaoarg. Jast hsfore
baa throagh Naacv (I dlda't
hsfore that I was geiag that
way) and then throagh the eastern
hoase at Avrleeart. Whan I got aff
thetraiaat Strataoarg a "
; ate, I gave
in ratam aad wi
ether hsantlfaUy.
Bat I ooalan't asp aayune that
to helaokiBsT far an, aatil
L there Was Aaat
Oslia. We pat ap at a
the rest of x Tsmraiay.
Tillle fiaaUy
lata la the afteraooa. I was so
gkd to sseTillie, and how those girls
did talk Frsneh'togethsr. .-
Friday aU the asople from Ploas
heim casse in. Katie oaaw aad Taato
Basette aad wa had another family
diaaer.. Wa girls want throagh the
big cathedral aad nllmstd way ap
the tower. It is a woaderfai and
aaaiaUaf pile of stone aad Btrasaaarg
is a straage old town seen from the
oatlmaral spire. That evsalag I went
oat to Ptohahsim and saw how psaale
Uva la a ooaatry village. The
' Abeadgloeke.'' the aid asaau
older laiaaas aad the asaosfal qaito of
it all is ao plsasing.
Saiarday Bftoraiag I went in oa the
train with Hslena, She gaasto school
in 8trasaoarg and rsaohm there everv
ssoraiag at 8 o'oloek. Wa passed
throagh ao assay little villages on the
way. - That sasse atoraiaf befere we
left for Barr they took ate over to the
deeaoaam hoase where Maria Bar
saelie, the rteaoonem is. She waa so
plsassd to aa ate and showed me ail
throagh the plce. "so I woald taU
atama aboat it " Everythiag I saw
was prefaosdwith that. Theyhava't
forgottan'yoa aad I heard lots of
stories aboat the little brown eyed
school girl "who was so good". Dear
mother yoa mast come over end ate
themalL They were ao good to ate
Wa reached, Barr 8ataroay
aad how glad ooasia Freaoriqae
to see as. 8ae Is a "perfect dear.'
I woald love to stay there awhile.
The funny aid hoase with all the
bsaatifal aid famitare soate of it
over two haadred years old. and
head carved. It was all so Uterest-
lag and so fSemaatiag. That evening
wa oUmhed ap the atoaataia aad had
a bsaatifal view of Alsaoa, The
Vosges aad the Sohwarswald. Alsace
IsaeaatifaL bsaatifal aad Switasr sabllsae. Toa aad papa coald
not have cease from hatter places, I
saw. the old grand stot her, too. She
is 101. By. the way my
proved passably goad. I coald
all their French sac
and ooald Bathe myself aa
Aaatie and 'Bon
aid aad.I left the ooasias aad "Barr
adie.' far Oolatar. There we walked
the towa aad O how atony iaterestiag
thiags I saw. The charoh where yoa
were baptised, the place where 50a
it to private sohool and the old
sad Taato Birasslles hoase. We
saw their old Meads, that l'U taU
yoa aboat at hosts. I hare their
we got on the
train aaaia. this time far Si. Ladwig
where the BlraseUsa Uve. Wa ware
there for diaaer aad thea Aamie went
oa to .Basel with ate to help ate
through the oastosa aoase. She did
everythiag for ate aad at one o'clock
I ww gone, alone aaaia an n traia
spssdlag toward Loasaane It was so
good af Aaatie to cosse clear dowa
to Basel with ate. Land the
Had af a time. .
.The soiasry ia Switasrlaad
tween Basal aad Loamaae is
derfnL Saoh ooaatry aa this Swim
erlaadis. I sam't describe it, only
how I woald love to Uve there J
Jams between taare aad Inamaaal
I reached 1 oamaae at sto-talrty jast
sa hoar befere the rest of the party
came ia from Parte. We had a beaati
fal hotel to atav la there and' oar
mom faced oa the lake. My soul wa.
fairly steeped ia heaaty ia that pleoe
Tawaaoantafas,thamkaaad the .sky
axe beyoed deaoriptioa. Iaaatedaat
the place wham the girls had been at
wa took' the traia at -one
o'clock aad weat oat past the castle
af Chilian aad on oat iato the moaa
atlmaadtkroaghiheSiatm tasnel
Thatoaaalie twelve atilas three ga
hat them am six a a
called my ansae
Amy am
walkntg throagh f i
lookiagia shop wi
traias aatU EstUa
tarn aaat aarsas the lake Than lav II m: n iiatrnwanamn
Ihmltoamllllhmmiiamaataaiaav1! "
'bbT ananaflrWw"3aB
To oae'a credit la always
able. It eaablet ita owner, to
take advantage of the oppor-
cMMej Wteelj luitmtt"
will briagits iaveetor hand-
Oar bank steete resjaJTemsata .
of those who. deake aheolate
safety, coapled with wise eoaa
ael of its osaoala. Wa will '
appreciate your aocoaat.
tlrt First N4laMl stoaA
I never drsastt of
Taeaiay eight at
Imgaao. It Is ia Raima 9 witn-
erlaad aad to often ealled Paradise.
It isn't mlmafsmi In
Ing we waadsred araand
that bsaatifal lane and In
ay little
ed, took the train
then down this beaalfa! .Lake
to Coato. Wa had tiate to. dress far
diaaer aad saoh a big family diaaer.
There wa seventy-two af as ia the
dialag roam aad ia'the 'eveaiag we.
listened to .the aalivas singiag la
hotel we've besa in sines we- left
Paris has been aarfsstly bsaatifal
and always on the lake front. Jast
ideal spots. This morning,
day. we left Ooato at 7 JO ft
where we spent the any in piotare
having aa ezpostioa an there now
oolebratiag the completion of
Simploa taaael and the oity
orowded wa eaase hack o this
of Eden for tonight (Ooato).
row amtaiag wa Isave far-Veaio by
way af Mima. That asanas 'taster
raw night in Vaaioe. .Taaay wa'aaw
the origiaal of LsoaaraVViaeto Last
ad the charoh of St. Am-
white asarbla Mima cathedral. An
other big piotare gallery, an eld-place'
dating from 1900, the saptmliun aad
a cathedral hem la Cease (1600). The
one hem has Pliay'e skatae anna it.
It has been n fail day aad aow
MimThreaaGlack went to 'Omaha
last week to visit her stater, Mrs. D. M."
isiareeeiat af-.a
aa to he held at Jllertea Ai
81th, to Ssptsmhsr 9ad iaolasive. A
ptpjeetoossaa, im
Cedar river, which
park ia which' the
fnraishes good
swiasn pat ap aad aU
for. Write the
UILUllBDB'alABlanTRft. .
Potatoes, new ba 45
19 to 15
12 .
12 . .
r 1
nOCVaWsCasp m p m o
Hogs...... :...... aw
Taar-llaia Mhis
waaayamyw aaawnmwm wswannanyaw - -a
i toward grv-
"JC5 & "IftoraBmanni
anyotharonethmg. If your clothes
it? DTi2?te2? "eyre tifU
a every rartiralar.There maoawme-
trve difference hiiaeaa the taiaanal
a aaanemte tim
taias. On the other side af Lake Ma
giara (at Tram) wa. task the amis
aoromeoaaary again to Lake T aaana
atLagaao. Here we took the aaat
again and, O anon a bsaatifal ariae aa
taias aad the the wator waa waadar
faL Bach eoleriag aa ana sass in that
rtsaary I never drsastt of hafare. Wa
spent Taeaiay night at Lagans, an
aad after
a splsndid
aaaBBBBasBBai aaaaavaa
1 otaauy and
psrseentor etsi The
ssrts af spsrto
vJBshI k l B "nsnnmB
4 11
,4fe .
iTVVt Jt
1ST tr.LI-