The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 25, 1906, Image 6

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    B"1 ytBH
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:::;rptt'-0vW prices
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t l L. mBwamunwawaasumm
a. .r -m aaai x
Opening of the
-In Northwest Wyoming, adjoining the Big Horn Basin.
southeast of Yellowstone Park Forest Reserve; and reached by the. Bur-,
lington'a new line to bVafiand, Was.
. DaMsffr RsiiMratton -July ICth' to hist.
Places far ReiUtratisa Worland aud. Thermopoiis, Wyb. Wor
land is directly reached by the Burlington; Thermbpolis by a stage-jour- '
ney of 32 miles south of Worland.
Character at Lands-Ofthe 1,150,00) acres of lands to be opened
for settlement, about 400,000 acres are agricultural lands to. be drawn for.
Such lands can be finely irrigated, according to surveys already made.
ExGWStan Rates From points on the Burlington west of the Mis- '
Roari River the excursion rate to Worland is but one fare' for the round
trip, with a maximum of $20 from Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska territory.
This unusually low rate gives everybody, a chance to-draw for thejands.
Date sf Sato July 12th to 29lh. Final limit August 15th.
Trata Service Two daily through trains during the registration from "
the Southeast to Worland. Wyo. Go into that country over the Burling
ton through the Big Horn Basin, along the Big Horn River, Dassing thou
sands of acres of irrigated lands under cultivation; you will get an object .
lesson in irrigation and its possibilities.. .
( a
. Rnrlinrfon Af-rnm will bn rapplietl with-rate circnlnrs and Rpocial
"follern; ilcNcriittivi) of Uio Agency', method .of drawing, etc.
L. W. WMELY, 8m. Pass. Igt. ,.
1004 Faraaa St. Oaasa, Rak.
". " Spend your vacation in Colorado which is .brimful of attractions
where the exhilaration of .the pure dry air enables yon to live the'scnuinc " . .
outdoor- life where game is plentiful where the streams are teemimr
';.". with trout, and where you will. pee thejnost famous 'mountain peaks .
passes and canons in America.
"--"-. . '. ' ', '
"..During the tourist season the. : '
;. -V-" .-Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad ''Scenic Line the warld" ;.
. .... V '
will make special low rates from Denver. Colorado Springs, Manitou and"
: Pueblo to all the scenic points of interest in Colorado and Utah.'; Our'
' booklet "Vacation Estimates' tells you. about the many wonderful places . '- Colorado-Colorado Springs, Manitou. Pikes. Peak. Royal Gorge." - -
Marshall Pass. Ouray and Glenwood Springs and the cost to Bee them. ' .
'.'.' ,--, ft TMniauS Stile flrewne the Circle era trip to Salt Ljce City.....
and return are unsurpassed in scenic attractions and inexpensive. . .
Opm -TP Observation Car. SEATS FRBB
Thraah the Canons during tho Summer Months
Write for freedescriptive literature to
. K. MOOPEII..OM1 PaiSMHr ft
. IaerOaa.
Attorney - at - Law
Ziaaecker B'Idg, Columbus, -Neb.
Ob Sunday, "July 29th, 'the Union
Pacific will run a special excursion train
to Omaha, leaving Columbus at 7:00 a.
m. returaiag from Omaha same day at
8.-00 p. m., at the low rate of $1.75 for
the round trip.
On this trip, Omaha's Beautiful Parks
nan be seen at their beet. Two base ball
lames. Omaha vs. Denver, will be played
at Vinton Street Park, and special
attractions are also announced at Hans
cost Park, Krags Park. Lake Manawa
and other pleasure resorts in Omaha
and vicinity; Grand Concerts, Balloon
Ascensions. Monster Roller Coaster.
Scenic Grottos, Japanese Bazaars,
Row Boats, Bathing, etc
Co. Inquire of W. H. Bkrhak,
LAuaehea. Row Boats, Bathing, etc a .,.-, . ....
- nwociatto- oouveutioai today. Fraak
J. H. Dawssa of Wnmm City spsat Kknu is to be nhalri c mm
mm wwk hwi rUuic his hraihsrs eouvesaisst. Jaaaas Greic It cavii
JataaaiBoru" OiwmmhI Mr. aad for nnsiissulallin Savall
Mas, Gmtsj 8eaM. Be nlmratd 8a- Clark k holdag dwwu a positttm mm
taaukw- J Joha Galla7sssaJr of assassstm.
nr -
If You Have. Fine Poultry,
Thoroughbred Hogs or
Fancy Stock for Sale, an
Attractive Circular, or
Pamphlet will bring'
You Business..
: The magazine for the woman wbeJ
sews, "Style and American Dressmaker"
has 'a beautiful' evening ecene-'on the
front cover of the August number.
There are several designs of The PeterJ
Pan Dress, which has already t roven so
popular. -There are also many good sug
gestions for fashions for the late sum
mer and early fall. The children's
'fashions are unique and original and can
not be duplicated anywhere, and through
their agency alone, the magazine should
find favor with women ' who make child
ren's clothes. The young girls will find
anew departaient which will intarMt
them; Embroidery designs. ' In fact.
the whole 'magazine is replete with
clever ideas, for the woman who sews.
aend lun. for sample copy, or $1.00 for
year's subscription to Style and Ameri
can Dressmaker .228 Fast 2lst Street
New York.
. awuavu W CTCOUM with the
saoat coswpiouous delegatiaa to the
JULY, 190G
Opening of the Shoshone Reservar
tin: Register at Worland.' for the
Government drawing entitling you to
draw 1G0 acres of fine irrigable lands in
the Shoshone Reservation; only $1.50 an
acre, one-third cash. 400,000 acres, or
3600 farms to be drawn for; besides this,
there are 800,000 acres of timber and
mineral lands that may be taken in
the usual way; some of these lands are
supposed to be of great value. One fare
for the round trip to Worland, with
maximum of $30.00 from' Omaha, Lin-'
coin and Nebraska points. Tickets sold
July 13 to 29th, final limit August 15th.
Take this grand trip .through the rich
irrigated.lands of the :Big Horn Basin.
This will be one of 'the greatest events
in the history of the distribution -of
Uncle Sam's domain.
To Pacific Coast i Daily low excur
sion rates for'this the greatest railroad
journey in the world!'
To Colorado and Return: About half
rates daily,' and even lower rates for the
Elks' big 'gathering at Denver July 10th
to1 15th inclusive.
- Also daily low rates to Eastern -.resorts;
frequent homeseekers' excursions,
in fact tempting excursion rates in all
directions throughout the summer.
Consult- nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent O. Bv&Q'Ry. '.
. G. P. A.. Omaha; '
Will Imtmrnt Maay.
Every person should know that good
health isimposaible'if the .kidneys are
deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure kidney and bladder disease in every'
form, and will build up and strengthen
these organs so they will perform their
functions properly. No danger of
Bright's disease or .diabetes if Foley's
Kidney Cure is taken in time. Cnas. II.
WAT UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent 'flour.; The Co-'
Iambus roller siiUs makes it.
For weMiMg stationery, Tis
itiag cards mud Iho stationery
call oa tbe CoIhmb.s Priatiig
ii Specialty Honse . tf
O. J. Vandyke, Grand
of the Ancient -Order of
.Master Work
United Work-
man was here Friday.'
"WANTED: Young lady able to speak
German to act as Saleswoman. Gall at
Columbus Bargain Store 11th Street.
FOR RENT: A furniseed eight room
house in good .location.' Inquire Jour
nal. . ltn
- This is the grand tourist resort of the
people and one, of the most beautiful
parts of the American Continent. -
Only by a trip to this region can the
tourist comprehend the endless variety
and stupendous grandeur of the features
embraced in Una tract of country.
Very low round-trip rates to this resort
have been nut in effect thia aammap i
tk TT nj! j -- ..
uo vgwu x-nduio uu lie connections.
For full information in mmh! far.
raws, and Yellowstone Park folder,
address,- w. H. Bekhax,
You caa sss tas poisoa Piaulss olsars
oat of tas kidasys aad Uadosr. A
stag is doss at bedtlaM wiU show
bs uxpsUsd
Uaayotaar way.
us tmauritiaa.
umu, tas KMusys, ctoaass tas
nUava aala aad da away with bank.
aaua auaaalilv. - I
HatU Caster,
Mrs. Robert Wilson aid Mas Kittie
Maker returned home Monday from
Carroll, where they had been the past
three weeks, the guests of their brother,
Dan Maher, and family.
Miss Margaret McTaggart of Colum
bus accompanied' Miss Kittie Perkinson
home Thursday evening. Miss McTag
gart will visit with friends in our town.
Monday last Tom Hoare closed a deal
with Jim Sullivan whereby he became
owner of SulUvana livery stock, taking
possession at once. Mr. Hoare will add
several nfore horses and new buggies to
the stock, and promises to give Platte
Center a better 'equipped livery stable
than we have ever had.
Married, at St. Joseph's church, Tuee
day morning, at 830, Rev. F. Hyacinth
oilciating, Mr. John Rogan. of Platte
Center, and Miss Margaret Meyer, of
Wood River. The bride was attended
by Miss Ida Soulliere and the groom by
Mr. Ernest Soulliere, both attendants
being oousins of the bride. After the
ceremony the wedding party, consisting
of relatives only, repaired to the home
of the groom where a wedding breakfast
was served. John "Rogan is the eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rogan. He is
.an industrious, prosperous young farmer;
baa lived here nearly all his life. The
bride -is' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Meyer, of Wood River, who
moved front this neighborhood a .few
years ago. They will go to house keep
ing on the Rogan farm.
'MmGhas. Herrgutb, who was called
to Humphrey last' week by the serious
illness of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Walters,
returned home Tuesday and reports .her
sister slightly, improved. She is afflicted
with 'appendicitis, but is too 'weak. to.
undergo an operation at present.' Mrs.
Walters was formerly Miss' -Minnie
Schroeder, and. is a bride of buti three
weeks. "
Charley Sandberg went to Genoa the
fore part. of last week.and on Friday;,
.evening' surprised .many of his friends,
here by returning, with a wife. He .was
married .Thursday to Miss. Peveren Genoa. Tuesday' evening
of .this week 'he gave a dancing party-in
the opera house to the young people,
where they were given the pleasure of
meeting Mrs. Sandberg and ehjoying.a
pleasant evening.
'Platte Center is going to have a band
sure. The matter has been under advise-.ment-for
some time, but now an organi
zation has been' perfected and the insrn
ments ordered. In base ball, language,'
the line up is: D. J. Cronin, cornet;
Louis Bruckner, .cornet; Henry. Siems,
clarinet; Hugh Wilk, alto; Frank
Bruckner, alto; F. J. Goering; slide
trombonej'E. F. Liusienski, valve trom
bone; U. P. Stone, baritone; Fred Ripp,
tuba; J. M. Maher, bass drum; Clint
Wilber, tenor drum. Several of the
boys are already -familiar" with their
instruments. H.P.Stone is' to be leader.
Martin Schilz of Columbus .will instruct..
The band room 'will be over Carraher
Bros.' store. As soon as the instru
ments arrive' the trouble will begin.
lieUamiaad Yieioity.
Mid-saauaer time. -'.
Watermeloss. dog days and
nigh at hand.
' The recent . rains awsumw us. of. a
bumper crop of corn. . We do not want
to see Mr. Grasshopper this war.
'. Several parties expect to.
take ia a few of the bargains offered
by Columbus merchants this .week. .
The little daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.
Frad Trofholts is; not .well these
warm days. ;',
Mrs. Maggie 8tetenson -expects to
visit her friend, Mrs. Minnie Hansen
at. Oaths soon. . : - .
Henry Schroeder and son attended
divine service at Coambas Sunday..
.- Will Hoaner bad corn oa the Schuy
ler market Friday.
Frank and Clint Stevenson have re
cently purchased single top buggies.
flearv Smitn and Jake Wacha enter
tained friends hut Saturday at a eo-.
cial hop. Refreshments were served.,
-.. Mr. Jonas Blust and sister, Miss
Laura arrived last week from Love,
land. la... to .visit relatives sad frieads
here and st Schuyler.
Sam Mueller announces a pew heir
at his house on schedule time. But'
alai ! the youngster can .never vote the
the republican ticket girL.
Mrs. Adolph Riokert is sojoumiag
with'relaiives ia Illinois.
Miss Isabella kluok and brother
Earl visited, oa Shell Creek last Sun
day., Miss Bertha Smith of Schuyler .has'
beea engaged to teach in dutrlct"23
aortbwest of town:
Bart Stevenacu traaaaoted business
ia Columbus Monday.
' Fired and Nellie Trof boltz served toe"
eream to a' party of friends Sunday
Harry and Maud Larson, -' Godfrey
Peterson, Ruth and Judith
WiBsjrea, Willis Wlisoa aad Ed Bera;
strom speat Sunday ia'Liadsay.' guests
of Mr. aad Mrs. Headricksoa. .
Misses Mae Burrows of St. .'Edward
aad UssJe Lewis of Oolumbus attead
adssrvioss at the Palestiae church
ftaadav eveaias;.
Mr. aasT Mrs. Charles Porter and bob
aad Miss Balds Nelaoa from. Omaha
arrivsi Saturday for aa sxteaded visit
wth relatives aad frieads.
J. Petersoa's visited at the home of
Aadrew Pesrsoa Suaday afteraooa.'
Ksls JohasoB speat Sunday at Boad
Taylor played bail with.
Humphrey at New-
Orova Friday last. Lindsay
wiaaiac tas aaaae by the score of 9 to
wa parties eatersd the
l O. Lsrsoa's bad
their smoked meat stored sad helped
to the satire lot. It is
Walla aai Mm. Walkar f riaisay
Haisi ts rfflwsssm'a
Grove Friday.
Oasar Ptior w la plswif;
Goarge ABdenosi tlaia.waak.
The sew baas baU suits far the Pa
lestine nis arrivod last weak. V
doaMtheywiU look teat aad play
Frmb ma Aavaaea,
A. Jokasoa, soa af J. P.
died Wedairiay fotaaoaa at
is home east of 8. Edward at. the
ag of 83 yearr. FmastalaarriatawiU
ba held from, the hoa thia
at 1 o'oloak aad froam the
ana oharob as o'olook, the Bar.
8. Becklmmd ornokOiag. Mr. J
has beeu sufferag frosa Ul health for
the laas abma yaara aad dmriac a
greater pottioa of the time baa
ad at Colorado Striata. Ha
to Nebraska about six mouths ago aad
for a brief time it aaaaaad the
to thUolimate would givs
relief. The oaaaa of death
Alfred Palme returned aoaaa to
Uehlimc; yesterday attar spaadiag a
weak Ja 81. Edward. Mr. Palme had
returned to St. Ewdard to Basra his
kouseaold goods to Uehling where he
baa aooeptsd a position.! a hardware
Mr. aad Mrs. . L H. Britell aid
daughter Faaay of Columbus drove
up to St. Edward last Tuesday om a
visit to Mr. aad Mrs. O. BriteU
Mr. aad Mrs. O. A. BritalL -The
infant daughter of Mr.
Mrs. O. B. Yoaacsr died Sunday
morniBg July 15. 1906.; aad the fun
eral services ' were held . Monday
BBoraiac at. 10 o'clock' at tb'a bbaas'
Rer J." Losbery Phillips officiating.
v Mr. aad Mm Mr. A. B. Raad' aad
child Miaa Emma Read aad Mrs.
Richa'dflon all- of Des . Moines, la.,
were guests of John aad srd Read
several days last-week. A. B.
family returned hoaie on Moaday.
' W. W. Ladd'ezdovsd ' a visit
his brother from St.. Joseph. Mo., last
.H. Jl HUl weaf. to . Dennlaon, laf,
oa Saturday, he is expected' hesse" to
morrow: .. x-
. ...
.'Mrs. A. McDonald aad children re
turned yesterday from Stanton where
they have beea viaitin since July 1. '
' F. K. Strother of Columbus was. in
towayesterday. ; ' .. V-.'
Mrs. TiUie Maeatsr. rataraed- Sat
arday from ' Booneviille, lad . aeoaat
pained. by bsr.' mpther. father aad
sister..-" ' . - . ." S
.John .BrysJiwruraed-froBa'Arbaa--sss,
Saturday: '. He .'says- oropa look
better la PUtteoonaty cbsa any ptoe
he has: bea. .;..
. Ed. Hoare.-urssJn towayesterday oa
business .-"-"". '.." -,
- Rpbert;"oiyborB'returBWl;''Satarda
from his' two weeks vacation, which,
he speat in and around Chicago.
. Dr. M E.. Gleasoa retarned vester
day from a visit with hia. home folks
at Robert.' ML , E. VanAllen of :Wal-.
bach is i visiting his parents Mrs.
' Lester KeUey has .beea ia Primrose
on business since Saturday.
Miss Inez Nash, has resigned her po
sitioa in the public schools here having
beea elected to a BisiUar position in
Columbus.' -," .-- .-
irttmt . .. -
A. daughter was', bom to Mr. . aad
Mrs:' Anton-Alfred Taarsday, July 19
Mrs. McMullaa aad little bob .from
Macedonia, la., came J3atarday for a
short visit at the boms of Mrs. Me
Mullaa's brother, Mr. Beaaett: ...
Mr. and Mrs.. Joe' Nelaoa drove ' to
their old home ia Polk county Satur
day to visit relatives aad also to bring
backtheir two boys who have keea'
spending several, weeks .with -their
graadsBOther. : - ,
' Mrs. DoW'hss so-fsr reooversd as
to be'able to yistt'her aiater living
ia the- O'Kay neighborhood.: ' From
here she expects to go : to 8ohayler
for a few' weeks.-
Mr. aad' Mrs. .Ottis Faruaworth
were inspecting the country south aad
west of St Edward Thursday. While
there, they rented the. John Cab ill
farm for the coming year.
Mrs. N. Alfred is visiting .frieads
ia Saelby.'
-. District 44 sad Vidaity .
Dnnnsr the rata aad thunder
last Wednesday, llahtaias; struck
burned a shock of wheat ia the, at o
Gaaa field at' 11 o'olook -a. .am. One
aad oae eighth laches sf water feu
hers daring the forenoon.
Honey bees have pat up
plus honey this year ap to
thaa they collected ia the
of 1904-sad 1905 togetaer.
laly aist,
W leant that Joaa
been employed by J. J. Galley A Oa,
as wsterasaa aad assistant eaiagear
for the latter'r new threshiag oatlt.
Ohlaibaseh. '
Everybody is busy in the field cutting,
stacking and threshing.
Mr. sad Mrs. Peter Micaslsaa speat
Sunday with Mr. aad Mrs, H. W.
Heary Hsriilmr- sad family visited
with Mr. aad Mrs. Willie Braakea
Mohlmaa is gettiag his
threshing oatfit ia
Joaa P. Stoehr
H W. Ostea visited
his stek
Miss May Bi
left for Hi
she will
or um
ay r JaaMv 1908.
'Wawi awayfEammw auaaaVw .....,.., 91 i9B& 99
HOtmifliua.......' .. . 44,700 v9
amnaa msmsauBy ss JtmIsk
Mmwmmmww awawa anwswSiBisjvy AObsA
Uw.iMti. i. -. ...;. 9.867 6K
YWlteaBaaac. lsB4sVwam. aafwMssaaaaaal aaul fimsa Vi Ia
lufiflanwsM sawn aattWBasld ........ taat Jal
oSSZSrr. ::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: "
XeaU ;
Oaeftal stock BaUap $mjsa w
Heater taad Nuae
UadiTided pwata.... ..;.. .".V.V.V.'.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV..".".".".". :
yMMOWtal Gtt taWOtnsfftMW JOaaw... ........... . .. .....,. ..NoBCr
"baWs QaiY". "" .. 4W W
sf4lTaw8a aaWjWBE sasM pCMasmstsB. ,. ....................., ........ . .. 'i 7S
-.. . .. 9wwatSS IS
aacawrs KXPaxDitcans
Balaaceoakiad Jalrl,t9...... S 7 Lona $5,4Ce e
Daea 48JC H8 KxiwawM 1 4Ti u
latere, pwadaaw aad aaa 15,748 IC
I............... s,Sxl
awttfaaaferfeaa. 217 50
i. ........ ........ 1.UM So
I, Haw HockaalMiaer. Ufcretary of the ahoTe wuwd Asaociatioa. ilo solemnly dwpw that th
fowaoiaa atatnawiwt of the coadittoeor aaiil Aaaociatioa. Im trae aail corrwt to iwbratif my
kaovledenawlbeUeC. Hbnkt Hockkmbvhubk
. Mtviv-tanr
BaaMriacd aad awora to before me Ma Wth ttay of Jalj 1SSS.
O.A.80OTT fDireetora. W. H. Wkaykk
L.W.WBAVBa) Notary INihlic.
david city ;.;.
JULY 22 and .29
9 -A. !&"
Right Paint
at the Start
r Pure White Lead and Pure Lw
seed OU should always be used for,
the first' or nriariac coat. No other
? paint has the same afiaity for the
sarfcee marryMg aad becoauag a part'
:.of'the wood.
XYellowochre.barytes. zinc or any other
Substance than Pure White Lead finis to
unite with the wood aad serves only to
form a cushion; which will prevent even
I'ure White Lead trow anacaiag
.itself when anally applied.
Satisfactory results can never
he obtained so wag as a sarftce
is coated with a venterimg (for
that ii all it rs) of yellow
ochre, barytesvziac, etc
Ivach' a coatingis bouad
to crumble, crack. and
tK.-H,-andrnnst be burned . .
.'r scrapeil nu. dawn to ike wood itself, a good job can be done aa ex
fvasive process, and not without danger'
of fire. . '-".
. A 'house -owner caw scarcely 'make 'a
more costly mistake than to use a substi
tute for Pure White Lead- in the priming
coat. Avoid an nsa by
Collier, Red Seal tr Soalhcra
. (Kate r Bw OH .Dates. Prma
HmhI for a beoalet ewuiaiaa
rprIai-tiaaa of actaal . oSsriac vabwbto
WKcmtinna for a color Kkraie la aalatiaa joar
Shoe Thai Wear
i Look Well and Eeel
Wpl.Schilz Shte Store
- . -
. A Full line. Men's'
. : Women's, and Child--"
ren's Shoes at Right ".;.
. .- Prices.
Ropaliiiif Ntatl. Dw-c
- . -
musL BtmW
Mr aBasaaT
M m
Sfc . awesaw
aavuuutsaBassuVS aiw.-"
.as.maaa) s. -a: VsV-
Feeling Nature's
''. Pulse ;:;-
. .. . -
Throw aside the cares- of every, day life and hide yourself
amid the eetenal bills' of .the
The .Midland Route "Hits the frail's Eye of the World'H
Seeenery.' Special Rates' all-Summer. Best line to Salt
Lake aad Pacific - Coast points. Elegant Dining Care,
Service a la cartel .'.Through Pullman Observation Can-.
' ' Send 15e ia stamps and get a handsome 9xl2J color
reproduction of Charles II. Harmon's famous painting
of the Sevea Castles. "''Fine enough for a wedding
preseeL" All Midland- Agents or '
P. L. FEAKENS, Oea. Agt.
914 So. 14th St,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Laaa Lmaa anal BiMia
Nebraska, sm Um SOtk
Stock mleeme! SMW
"" Baau...... t.Mt7ie
lVenuaairatBraetl. 3 H
votal.. ....... . s 7 I1H 15
faa. Always ratable. Ealf.ak Dru'oriat lo
CmiCStSMTTEBm KBil.mai in llml aad
awlaUieboies. waiMl wllh bMe t.Hbon.
nr'arad 4. in stampn fur Sawlralara. Tndl
Hit.' tf -. . 1 tnti(
!! aad "BtoHrT tmr I ! .' in tttttr.
bjrmaraUaU. Mi.aeeTmtiBioiiji. Hukltoy
aUlMuasuta, -
ruint, ta.
of any case of Kidney off
Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medi
cine. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Bright's Dis
ease or Diabetes. There is
nothing gained by delay. -.
50c. and $1.00 Bottlas
aip-wac awaarrnrrca.
Said hy Chas. H. Dark.
Any person having backache
kidney pains or bladder trouble
who will' take, two or three
Pine-ules.upqn retiring at night
shall be relieved before morning.
Tis SMiidaal vktaes sf tas
tbs VaUvs Pias
isescaiscc by tbs medical pr s
caatarhs. la Pins alas waaiar
allsf tbs vktaM sf tbs Hativa Piss that,
srs sf valatia nlisvias all
Rafshaaj aajs MaaUaf TMbuuIAS
PhimiliI by .
20tk atitirj Drif Store, Platte CtiUr
lys Cream Balm
This Ramadyjis a Specific, "
Sura fo Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanse, soothes, heab, and protects the
diseased tuemLrane. I It'cares Catarrh and
drives aw:iy a Cold In the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SraelL '
Easy to use. Contaias no injurious drugs.-
Applieil into the Boutrila ant absorbed. ."
LarKe Size, 50 cents at Druggista or by
mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by maiL
LY aaariKRS. SS arrsa SL. blew Ysrb, -.
O. P. A.
Denver, Colorado.
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