' 'ffjpri -?--?',? fLl I m &m v .m 3 b 4 vsr 1 av MP5 .. Every Niece and Nephew of Uncle Sam afcould be deeply Interested in what he has said about sod crackers, becaase they are die. one food, with which all of .them are iamiltar. ' . : ". Unck Sm" has. pyen' out figures showing that soda crackers, aft richer uj. nutriment and 'body-building elements, .properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. .. -.- '.This is 'saying much for cornmon soda crackers, and' much more for. Uneeda.BSlllt, because they, an . ' soda-crackers of -the best' quality. They are baked better- more scientifically. They -are packed betterr-more cleanly. The damp,'-dust and. odor proof packages-retains alljthe. good-" . ness .'and nutriment of the wheat; all the freshness of .the best. ." baking, all the'purity of -the cleanest bakeries. " -Your.tJncIe Sam has shown what food he thinks best .'for' his'-people. His -'people have shown that they think' 'JJlieetfa SfSCUlt the best of that. food,-, nearly. .W.000,60Q package having already been consumed, '. -..; Uneeda Biscuit 1MTIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY .- - 'Bed -Etsate' -Loans' .- ; ,.-" We are -pcepared to 'make loans 'on' all' kinds :of real estate at' the -lowest - rates' on easy-terms. Becher.-Hotfroh' berger &"-Chambers. .' .. '.-.-.. " f Ice and Coal. Business for Sale";.' . - A-liiri:e unir.nnHiUihlo. icfe -ami coal - . Iiiininrs8-in-one.of the" best' email cities in Nebnifilui: -Inquire, of -Journal for particulars. -... "-.. -.. ;""." . . ..- -. ."- '.. Rubber boots' meiided -with; a val- . oanizins subirtitate at Ctal "Schubert's". A hundred -year's' agp; the .'best physician, would give .yotf.a" medicine for" your heart -withqulfc" stopping, .to consider. w"hjt effect.' it' ..might hare on the liver: .. Kven'to-'this'oodAday cough andjcold medicines invariably b"ind"th - bowels. -This - iH wrong,. Siker. Creek'-and ' Clarks ' . Farmers' s .-";; . -insttiiute. -' : " .- '-'Tho-- farmers' institute' ' of : Silver 'Greek, and .Olarks "'will together .hold an institute in 'the "grovj 'of :H.". O. Znockrize'at:Hav'ns,-a Union Pacific" Bide'track midway.- between the two' places.on Tuesday an Wednesday-.'Aii:: gust-28 and . -1900.. ..":' ' - "Professor E A.'-" Burnett, -stiperin. tendent -'-of Farmec's"; Institute's, .-Dr.". LA..T.1 Pe'ters'and Professor V A., ti.. Danimoa all of .ftie .University, of '".Ne tiraska. and Hon! A., E. ' Shallerii?erger of Aliba, -Neb.." will deliver", addresses duridg the tw'o'davfi.---" ., -."".'." ": In" aildition'-to the Tegular- ipBtitute work,"-There will ht an exhibit-.of live tock'ahd. farm products. .""-"- A large- tent'.capable of. seating'.. 500 to'-T6oo p"ebple.twill.bo.put jap on the oat -the cold' clears' the head;.. relieves .. - . - -- . . - j -.-.- - all coughs,- cleanses .arid srreugtben the .'mucous meriibranes of: the" throat.? cheat. - lufigft"- aiid . bronchial tubes.- iKlth Gehlur'v Drugstore, Platte Center " - ....... . Gkarantjiwl .watch' repairing by1 l.th .St.l"Jftw'ftlVr. - .'.".' . .-;" tf.r . ".-.,640 Acre Homesteads.- .'-'" Mr D ClciiflJiVer njent in c!inrgo of the Riirlingt oil's" Iiineseek"erj8 Infr mntion' i;iire,iii,--wi'U be at tlieTbiirsto Hotel, Cidu'iiibiiB," Neb ; the afternoon -of j '- Wclniibiv-'A't:ust -l,,TiK.V J"d V .have, with iiun'-fiiltrinU Poin'plote-'.'iijfoV" Diation-iilHtiil 4.he"-t40 "np're.lfmuyBteiuls ..that are "now open-"to Bcttlement-rin "wjtern-N.!n-a8ka ... .. ' .; ..- . . Alllpersons interested are .in3nlel-"Jo Farm .Beezs'.Lwxativo Syrup .- with" .HoUey . and Jl'ar.ai-.ts'.'on-. the rxwebjri'vesronSid8.."'.JI here will be a. ball game; . - .I"! ..!- -. 1 .1 -' i. . M l. u. ptmc dinners, ana .-meion ibhhi o lor.alh'-'.w.ith- various thor. features 'for Che -entertainment of i.he.- crowds .con:ed'eBtly.-expected to '.be ..in atten dance.-.:. ..-":-. .''.-'.. ; :-.'-"-"-" qoricessions' will'be'sold at. .HayenV Xugust Land those interested should address .Dana.Little' o't TJlarksv "Those desiring. o make' .-'eihi bits, of .live s'tock,-,'in- which'-all "are 'thvited'to par tic, pa'te should "aildress J. O. - Lawson of Clarks,' phon&.nambert.C4lr 434 Z . h. "-Charles Wooster;. Silver Creek .' .. ; :. presvienr.. - Charles-Beardsley, -Clarks, . V Secretary- - .".".-. The iaforniation" is'Tree. .ested. ti" tlioso- inters ; For bloating, 'belching: . sour slom nh. liiul breath nalassimilation' of food;' and all symptom df.indigestion. Ring's' Dys'pepbia-Tabreta are a.p'rbnipt anil -e'flicient .'corrective " Sold "by. aftth'Ontu'rv Drugstore. Platte Center The Platte'.Valley District" Reunion lor l"90fi.-wiil te"aieldin. Central City. -" - . J . a . ."- - call and eviiniiie. the- jpajis. and--ctiart! Neb.. .July 30;..31tAugqt 1,-2 sliowfiii: the lociition. of ..these ' lands, xhe business meeting 'of 'the ' ' -Feel Impendime Doom. - ... '. . Tbe.fHhivgbf iinpending doom-in" tb ' .minili--'of- many-.vjctims-Or .lJnghLs diseaw :i.d"lialetes' has been; changed . to thaiTurnlness by .the benefit, "deiriyed -.from taking Koieyva Kidney" Cure". lIt -will cure.incipi'eiit Bright!s "ili'sease'-'and " diabetes and even .m the-.' worst- cases. " eives conifift-and- relief, hiigtit disor- ders are cured in a few -days: "l naa- diabetes in its -.worst formV "writes Munun Lee of Dunreatli. Ind..'I "tried" , .- - . . . . ..- eight physicians without .relief... Only "three botiles of ""Foley's" Kidney .Cure .'made me a wH man" 'Chas. IL-Dack, FOR SAtiEr-rCharlere Hotel," one 'of the leading hotels in Alliance'Ncb : A liargain. Write' S Care, of Columbus Journal, Columbus, Neb. - .-.'.".". 2 and -3. associa.r tion will be'neld at 10-a. m.-; on Wed- nestlay, . August l- All Posts -will' make .requisition on- Quartermaster,- -Central City, "for.sn'ch tents, .-as 'tjiey ssay need for their respective- posts. July. blst. will be Children-' s Day. August 1st has.been set aside for the sole use -of the W.'R. .a.":an"l .they, will have' full .charge, of the exercises on .that"".day.. Comrades: Turn our ana make' this'.tae most .profitable and pleasant reunion ever held .in this dis-. trick. Tw.enty.-Bix years "ago in -Au-gusv the' first regular ". reunion -"".ever, held in the state of - Nebraska "took pbice in -Central. City. "" We -want to eclipse thatieveflt: A beautiful- para, a well organized' camp and a oou -time are 'promised to sill oomradrf and - .- KAir-'fmiliMu Bv order of .b. -O- "Evans, jOo'mmander. .C.'S. .-Lucas, Ad'- jatant ".- .".-'. . : " .."'-" The -Sis Kinnaa Fruit - .'Beat. .-'.To the right party we will rent our farm 10 miles south of Columbus. . It includes about 8n acres of 'orchard and. the rest farm land, well improved. . '-.-.". Mrs. M. .J..Kinnan,"8helhy, Neb. Surprise Indepent Telephone No. 20 A." -.-. ". :: - 2tp The old time method of purging the c.vs.tem with Cathartics that - tear,-, gripe, grind and break down the walls of tne stomach intestines is supersede ed: by Dades Little Liyer Pills; They cleanse the liver, and instead of weak- Leniiig. nuild up ana strongmen ue whole system. Relieve, headache, hilbuBnem.- constipation, etc Sold by 20th;Century Drugstore, Platte Center Acre Frooerty. .... "' We have 10. acres of . choice land one .half .mile from city limits for sale in" 10 acre tracts.. "'; Elliott, Speice& Co. . . THE. HIDDEflEYE. -'This- is -the meaning of the wofd Cryptok," taken' from the." Greek and Latin':';. ; ". . -:'--" ".Everyone,: nearly, knows the 'bifocal. It attracts attention- and' comment wherever seen 'and' .is distinctly recos nized ai""the badge 'of: age." ' But no -matVer. what effect .it has on" the ob server tho.wcarer.is. the real sufferer. Bifocals, as nott; known, are a gourte of .continual annoyance to' .tho owner. no.' matter What style ,is worn. Tho "stuek-on segrnonts- cause disturbing re flexes" of; iight" prismatic;---effects. "These -are .injurious. .-.Dir-' accural lates.in.'tUe crevices, they "."chip; and the"'ceracnt'lrilns. ..." " . '- " "-. - Kryptoks do-away. with the annoy ing"" fbatur.es- of- tho old-style' bifocals, as" ..they" are." so- constructed that the reading disc is. encased in the dis- t&nte lens, and. the dividing .line, .go prominent, in oiper- unocais, i i...i. ible.' ir-interes'ted write lo-.the C.olum bliin Bifocal Co.,."Tcmpl'e Court, Den- - Dm. Martya, Eraae & Evans. iultatkn ia German . id English. Cob Kodaks and supplies at Newohaer'a. Teader outs and prompt delivery at Cassia's market. Every form of dfatresriug ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is la side. MauZan is pat up ia collapsible tabes with nozzle", so the saedieiae eaa be applied where it will do the most good, and do it quickly. If you are suffering with piles you owe your self the duty of trying ManZa. Sold 20th Century Draft store, Platte Center The barn oa the place where Frank Kimig resides, one and, a half mile north of town, wasxxweamed av fire Saturday morning at about six o dock. sir. Kimig had jast left the" ban for the field when he heard km wife call ing and torned aroaad to find tae barn all ablaze. He says he cannot aooomat for the fire as be does not smoke aad bad ao matches at the barn aad being then at the ban such a short time before and not a slga of fire. Mr. Kimig bunt his haads quite severely in trying to save some, of his imple ments. Hm lorn wiU.be. ia the neigh borhood of about $300 wiU ao insur ance. This is certainly hard lack as it is his first year farming 'for him self. Lindsay Post. Makes the Liver Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives per manent relief in cases of habitual con stipation as it stimulates the river and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating tbeee organs like pills I or ordinary cathartics.. Does not nau seate or gnpe ana is muu ana pieasani. to take. Remember the name .Orino and refuse substitutes. Chas. H. Dack.. BsmsammsamaasmammmaammmmuBasausauamamaammauaa -Geonre Tisnmaa returned from several weaas visit at ExeeUior Springs, Mo. Several other Oolambas itea aave been there recently partak ing of the medicinal waters of that vicinity F. T. Walker, returned! Tuesday from Excelsior Snriagsl where he sacoeeded in redaeiag aiail weight eoisiaerably. ' He expects to return in September for a few weeks. Mr. Walker says taafr society people become very democratic in their so ciety way" soon after they' reach Ex celsior Springs, bat he refuses to give illustrations for publication. Opening off tho Shtshwni . Reservation. Registration for the drawing of tbe land of the Shoshoni Reservation will begin at Shoshoni and Lander Wyo.l July 16th., and continue to July 81st, inclusive. Drawing for the land will take place at Lander Wyo beginning August 4th, and continue until titer land is disposed of. The land will- be opened for settlement August 13th, 1906. There will be about 1.140.UUU acres thrown open to settlement. Tbe Engi neering Department of the State of Wyoming has completed final arrange ments for tbe irrigation of a large part of these lands by use of thcabundant water supply of the Big-Wind river: making it one of the finest and cheapest irrigation projects in the west. TicKets will be on sale by the Chicago and Northw-weslern Railway. July 12th, to Hh inclusive good returning until August 15th on which stopovers may be had in both directions at points in regu lar homeseekere territory within the limit of tbe ticket. Th Rawnd Trip Rata between Omaha and Swashes Wire, will be S20.00. . For circulars, maps or other informa tion telling how to reach the reservation and register, address 8. F. MiiiiiKii Asst. Genl. Frt and Pass. Agent Chicago k Northwestern Ry., 1201 Fsrnam St, Omaha, Nehr., or any Northwestern Line Ticket Agent. The first new wheat brought .to town was delivered at Fonda's elevator If on day morning and tested CA pounds. Ts there any state or county on earth that ! raises better wheat t ban tbal?-r-Geiioa Leader. .Lake Tahoe .One of the most beautiful lakes in the wbrld lies in the heart of the Sierras on "The Overland Route," 6,220 feet above the sea level, and.is completely .hemmed-! in by mountain walls, whose rugged peaks rise in many places to an addi tional height of from 2.000 to 4,000 feet. .ft is twentV-three miles wide and -from' 100 to 2,000 feet deep. The entire region surrounding the lake is picturesque al most" beyond description, vand 'a .never ending delight .to the eye, y This region is reached only over the Union' Pacific and its connections, the' fast trains' via this roue. reach California many".hours ahead of all competitors. . Inquire of W. II. Benham. .Dr. Marlyn of Columbus was in Linrf sayjast Saturday in "consultation with Prs. McKinley and Westfall-on account of the serious illness of the- hitter's in fant -son. Lindsay Opinion - "R.- S. : Palmer; the tailor, cleans dyes and-repairs ladies, and .gents clothing.' "Haiacreanedan'dreblocked Agent, for Grmania rteam'-dye work's, Olive St. Between 12th and-13th St. r ver Corq., for tneir'. descriptive doou- let,. which' gives -.full information. Or call on.br.-J." W.Terry, in 'Colum bus, our . exolusiye representative for Platte conniv, Nebraska.' Dr. Terry, will "be in his 'Columbus offices Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and 'Wednesday, of "each week;...-. ' . ' . -. "' :7 : ! .-' - -" -.- -. -.-FOR SALE: Improved quarter sec- ricn-.of landin Sheridart.tjonnty includ-. .ing' house, .barn' .-windmill,' household .furniture, K hjsad of cattle," 8 horses", 100 chickens! Several acres 'under cultiv.ai tion, growing spelts, houie-. grass, and potatoes. A 'free 640 aero homestead -can-be taken adjacent... Cnls ' 75 tons native hav.. Can be -.bought for "$2750.. A 'rare bargain-.' Excursion rates over Burlington from- Columbus. -next.'Tues-day June 19 at 4-30 p. m., $11.70 round trip.- Write or" inquire F: H. Abbott; Columbus, Neb.' .. jSKtKfSjfS IfUIflUHKOVs P I H wUemmmmmWaW HW W. Sm m-ieV "9 H I! ' 1 wv THE GREAT HEALER BHOUSANDS of grateful customers in every state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the' WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT DEAN'S KINS CACTUS OIL TWMilJiiaWi. tlM. HmIs wlftwt a Scar Asthma Sufferers Should Know Th:s. Foley's Honey and -Tar "has cured many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. A'dolph Ituesing, 701 West Third St., Davenport, Iowu, writvs: - "A 'severe"' cold contracted t.wclvo years ao. .was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The- best medical skill available, could not give "me more-.thari.temporary-relief. Foley's Honey add Tar was recommended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of-asthma which bad been growing on me for.twelve years.. If I had taken it" at the start .1 would have saved years of suffering. Chas. H. Dack, . Cheap Ranch. -. 320 acres of deeded land "with" plenty of ffrazins land. -Outs 300 tons of bay. All well-fenced andgood house. -Price S3500. Hay inc machinery goes with ranch Ad'ress J. S. Adams, Lakeside, Neb. Through TO Chicago T1 'HROUGH Standard and Tourist .sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago, every day from all points on the main line' of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars are carried on through trains arriving-in the heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m., 9.25 a. in. and 9.30 p. m.,'-afford-Ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago, Milwaukee aid St. Pul Railway Any ticket .agent of the Union Pacific wili send you East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if you ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist, that your ticket read this way. Complete -information about rates, routes and. train service sent-on request. F. A. NASH Cmeral Wetterm Aceat IC24 Fam StoMt. BHJ asm " mmmmmmVlll I'm) 1 mmmmmmW I I awUlKsPvlk I SSL flTsrSSiBmJi I bblI amuH 'H VBSaiTifcB"" - fYORK COLLEGE One of NebrasteV Standard Institutions.. ; .- " Seventeen eminent ''teachers. Two splendid buildings. ' Thorough Collegiate and" Academy-courses. . Normal Courses leading to S.aC Ger.lfiGa.r3S. Superipr.Conimercial, Shorthand, typewriUng and Telegraphy Depart ments. -Best advantages in Music, Expression and Art. Tuition low. Board $1.75 per week. " Room 50c per week. TX4 B0t)k6 Fr66- " Delighted patrons. Growing attendance: Students 'hold good positions. Catalogue free. tJorrespondence. invited. Fall term opens September. .1.7. fwdross: WM. E: 86HBLL, D. D. President, ;-., YORK, NEBRASKA ssflVmlw Special le.iced Excirsioi lates It lmWWW. sprains, bruises, sores, swtiunjra. I mm tt mmW lumbaco. ciispped bauds, frost bites, etc sd the standard roniedy forfrf Wr emu tm animals, harness 'and saddlo iralla, cratches: ereaselMel, caked udder, itch, mange, etc. It heals wound from the liottom up ana Is thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUfOIL te sold by -drBREists in 15c, 50v. and 21 bottles. S3 and SS decorated cans, or sent prepnid'by tbe ataaHiac turers. OLfiET d MctAIV. CMmtmm, Stm. U BOtubUtBable at your dragtetr POLCOCR& GO. To St. Paul,' Minn.. July 24-2C .re turn limit August 15, one fare plus 2.00. " To Minneapolis, Mian., August 8 13, return limit September -30, one cent per mile. To Milwaukee, Wis., August 11-13, announod later. One fare plus $2.00. To Toronto. Canada, September 11- 14. return limit October 24. One fare plus $3.00 Summer Tourist Kates June 1st to September 30th to Gaioago. Madison, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Su Paul, Min neapolis and other points in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, also to Now England and Canadian points. HoBMseekers Excursion Rates. On sale every Tuesday from Columbus, David City and points east to points in Sonth Dakota (east of Missouri river) North ltakota, Minnesota, Northers Wiscoason, Michigan Peninsula,' Alber ta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and west ern Ontario at one fare plus 12.00 for the round trip goad, returning twenty one days from date of sale. For folders, descriptive eireulsrni rates etc, address & F. Miller, A. G. F k P. A. a AN; W.By.. Oumha,Kab. N 6 H OT N I G H TS . . . . . J -. . . In. trie Rockies-. The air.-i8 pure" without '-. . " undue moisture. There.is.no excessive . . ' beat'-in summer. There are rio. con-. tinu'nus satnratinjr rainfalls. . . ' . in Colorado; .the summer 'nights are invariably -cool, in ducing rest and refreshing sleep.-. . Very fow rates of $15.00 $15.75 UNION in eBVet from July 10 to 16, mclnmvo. and Heiit. 19 to 22, inclooive. to l?uvtr, Colorado Spring, Pueblo, nil return. ALSO .' Be points. Tickets on pale ewrjr day torn to Scptemhsr 30th, 190C. VIA SpMaarFaionj PIANOS Now On At CONDON & WALKER Columbus, BY THE HATTiWS FUHO CO., Mfffrss, WHleMle ai tttsali DtiUfi Largest. Handlers of Pianos In Nebraska. te r r "f. , PACIFIC v, fit .Vlrjwa?fertt SC9TIKaBilBL I 7u - Acnt I S:4T"0RDAT IS THE LAST DAY OUR LINE OF PIANOS Wel-rer Plants Today it ia coaceded that Aaiericaa Pianofortes have ao superior The Wkbeb Piaao haa sot only held a distinctive place in its own eoaatry. but is a world standard. -It has no peer in sysapatbetic, resoaaat, carry-: in .tone, in responsive actios, ia-reserve power, is solidity aad hoof &:; of workmanship, in correct construction, in enduring quality. Stock Plants - Known as "The Old lb-liable?. For a half century this firm haa stood anions; tbe leaders in tbe piaao industry in tbe world. Tbe foandatnm of tbe business wits its tkorogliiiea'and soundness. All people can rety..o Sleek Piaqne. It is what it presenile to be -strictly reliable, 1 fl. & S. G. Llndeman Plants One of. the oldest'ssakes in Asaerica, established in Dresden Saxony in 1821. There has bsea a constant aad steady effort on the part of the generations of Lindemaas who- have followed to make only Piaaos of the highest quality. Therefore, it is through these generations of experience extending-over eighty yearaV that the purchaser of a Henry & S. O. Linrie man Piano tt assured the instrument has received the approval of experts in Piano building. brnest GaMtr Plants '. jGable'r Pianos have been, made for three generations by one -family of Artisan&- Througbout the, half century that Ernest Gabler & Bros, have made Pianos, nothing-less than the embodiment of tbe highest ideals pos sible to human 'creative -ability has aatisned, with the iresalt, that the genius of these master workmen as 'displayed in their product, haa com manded .Tthe .'admiration. ,of musicians-of all lauds where artistic Piauoa are known. -..- ' ',v- Sthaff'Brts. Plants ' Solidity of construeiion, beautiful case design's, rich, resonant tone, quality and a quick respi'in?ive. action, are the qualities that .go to make the Schaff Bros. Piano a great favorite among exacting Piano purchasers, r-1 Mfihlln & Stns Plants All. Mehlin Pianoi are -manufactured under the personal supervision of Mr Paiil O. Mehlin, -whosir-reputationj as'' an authority in Piano con struction is well known both in 'tide country and Europe. He has spent his whole life in making a' practical and theoretical study of the Art, and aaarefinlt has' invented-numerous improvements-which has canned bis name-to become widely known, "and acquired for him and his Piano uni versal. renown. "';."" '" r Ludwlf & Gt. Plants . The 'Lnd wig. Piano" has a character of its own. Tone is its chief" characteristic so reined and sympathetic; so wonderful in its sweetness and purity that' you marvel at its source. From -the beginning the princi pal was fixed .to give the utmott quality at a certain price high enough -.to allow the. best of everything; low enough to only yield a reasonable pro fit without any additional charge for reputation.', . . : Foster ft. Gtj Plants '. . A name does not' make a good Piano, and' it is valuable to the pur chaser only as' it has-the reputation of turning but uniformly good pro duds. Tbe high repatation.of the 'Foster. Piano, especially for musical ''excellence, has been won by" making .uniformly High Grade Instruments this factory making only-OBe-grade. " ' Winter ft Gt. Plants 'APiuno'essentiaHy-for the 'home, sweet mellow tone, elastic action--elegant.case designs, and withal durable. .-Never fails to pleasethe most exacting. -,-.. - .Also such standard makes' as Julius Bauer, Wheelock, Shaw, Wegman. .Schiller, Lakeeido,-Rudolf, Thuretori and many others. ... - :! Thfe Pieerless Matthews Piano Oiir own manufacture, a Piano' good enough for a King a Piano -.intrinsicly; good. Its. merit -alone sells it highest ' quality materials throughout.' A tone that is unsurpassed in upright Pianos-case design i and finish leaves nothing to be desired A ParfMt PtaM. See and hear these beautiful Pianos at our display room with Condon .t. Walk kk, New-Bank Bld'gA South of Park, during this Special Factory Advertising Sale now in progress. It is an opportunity to save 100 big dollars besides securing a Strictly" dependable Piano which may not come 'again to .Columbus people" for years perhsps never. If you would secure ' choice, call at.onoe. Ussy terms if. desired ss low sa $5.00 monthly pay ments accepted. MATEEWS PIAHO COMPANY .- , Salesrooms at Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice, Grand Island and North Platte . . - ' Sale now on at CONDON & WALKER'S Columbus, Nebi 0. R. Fetter Faeterjr ReKse"tlTes, W. R. Sage. J Advertising nt. WinPaiiYeu Whether it is on your business stationery or in the columns of t$e Journal. If you don't think 'PO, cailland let us convince your. It will be dollars in your pocket. w- -J m- I .1 ' i S t i & L ; :.i & & A t '-'i l& ?. mm 4 immsmsmmm pBWj ?. ..--. J.2. ?&?$ ZZrzrr-7-TZ77rgZZBG tL C -.w , " J MPKiSiaaBdaBBBBlBBMaBnBa!M uSif: orfucisiTi.' "'m , Jl , ',- IkJi- vSi.Sv', T...., t , . JZJfr'ZSi -15S .. . ' i - 1 T ., fe; .3S a.' Atf-S(3Mr,iB-JKAiSXS !ST;yiy"J-.''1?' ' V.'; T.'-t 1Va-.-'.w -1a. " -xt-i''---- .-.-' a: