The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 25, 1906, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
VO I .UMK XXtf VU. NUMB Ett 17
Kjh4 afT'av r;T JW B ; ;'? I?y , "KIM
mM aarIav mi ia mTCtsw nut sS SilStlSI? J i ft HI
JRH av-iav w"'M ninr .awT ?H - ss HnHHiwm ! stl
'Advantages resulUhg-from.hayf.--'
ihifa good- teiiikinjr connection," '.
. . : .- ""--. '
.- -Safety ip. Imsiness ti-ansac'tion's, ",
- " .- -- - '.".. . "
-.. .freedom -Xrom worry- -and- ipssj.--.
'financial aid', and nil vice! -When
-"most", needed, are.' some of the .'
advantage- offered by. the .- .
Cil fcit. Statt la
.-.-.. -..--- -. -
".' YfHir.anoourit'-Tespectf p!ly soli;
.. cited. . interest -"on "time'certifi--; .
." ca'tes. --Iraffe" on "all .'barts -jf-."
-. . . . - - - -.--.-' . --
- the-world. . . '.- :.. --'--"
Gay Slaughter., a yoaag awn -from
Geaoa who 'tea teea in .the. Phiili-pihes-for
eight feurs;returned-,.for:..a
Yew months - Visit- ".last" weekf"- "Gut
nrved-.wi'th the 'First; Nekraika and-,
ait the clone oKthe; war. '.he - wilered
tesiness as a' ' cmer6ial traveler;
Later he eaiered . .'the auditor's" "office
bat was tempted togQ "back. -to. nom
.ateroial life after .one "year by' higher.
.'Gay has soma very -pro'-
iaceil views on soate. phases 'of 'the
Pbilllpine qaestioa. Fin of . f 11 . he
vpeiats With' pride to the i'mipovejaeiit
. ta the fiaaactal and social coaditioa of.
-the .'aader. A'n.iencaB'''ralfr-
He'aara-that they .are better.-clottrwl,
batter, hoased: aad 'better 'fed ajid' bet'.
tar edacted:aBl tbat saaita.cadl-
tiaaa have siaplv''beea- transformed:
- He aavs'that the-.street car service i.a
" Maaila is better 'than.. is -anjr city 'oh.
the Uaited States .that he kap'wa aay
thiacaboat; -Inthe aaatter. -of." trade
he sava. ihat he ;Oiitsd.ahitf- is
Wag a. irreat.nistaice aof to -place
Phillipiae proda'ets tm'..:the' free 'list
the saae as iR doae. in -Porto", -Rico
aad that their- is' eaeral -.complaint
"aatoag the aaatvtr-s.on this ;qiestiob:;
; .He aavs'that- Aawricaa .proilacts-are
favored' by the-aatiyes'-aad-taai-'thej
are rapidly grpwiag in- favor." He
' displavecl a? Stetson hat :wbich.;.:he
' boairht ia Manila for, .$7 .aad a!- 4
pairof shoes which'"objit'.:hiW . ; la
the auae place He thiakB-tnat tbe
aooideat of aairiaif ihe-PhilUpihes
is 'the lackieet thmR.tteVevertenpii
ed to' the" Oaited Stoiaview of :flie
' opeaiai; trde with; the-Orient. -'And.
'.he declares that' "this 'Kovrameat :' is
wnariaga irrave. error', itt exdading
Ohiaeeo sta'denrs as they are the. best!
' coataiercial agents thiB.-"jQtrjr'--oQnl(I
have whea they retara home. -
Jfraakfort "Prt..:ia".'"sboV..'to;:be
adorned by: a "flac staff ' that I will
. reach - far-, above.' the Ttops of the" aigh
eat trees, ia.'the park; -'-Tne'" piwey -to'
" bay it raised" by A:.Q?Bhg
the prooeedjR or .a fiae. horse.' hair!
' bridle which fee wiU selt by: tickets.
The bridle is to be sold for lOtt- -.Of
this amoaat ti.VwiU go to the
who made' the "bridle Jaad $75 to , the
'park faad. The: bridle wai jaade'-bj.
. aa iamateof tbeaitatiitfy who de-.
voted the work." -Theartia.
tie' is' paM. -deisoription."
'The side pieces and reins are as -.-fine
-aad closely jBtixen- cord" and
elaborate, and. delicate coloring of.;the
'4iffereat- stiand'adds'a''most''ariitkfo
iaish. The bridle ie exhibitel ia
- Mr. Stephaa's froatwiadow oaa ."cb'.-;
mhcal wooden horse made.for. the-par-pore
aad the. bridle ireias are--held by
a wopdea man. '.Two tancltrM -ticket
will ba'issapd oathjs .bridle-the" lacky
aamber dVawiag it"- :-.-""-.-.
O A: : Shaaaba-. reraraed. Saaday .
fitaat Oanon City." where-Ir'wasTcalfod.
mat week by the serioas. illness .of hiB
little irraadspa The .child-.was better
wheta he left " His daaghter. 'Misa
Helen aad MrB. F. . VStrother; waoJ
it with him, remaiaed. for-a. few
.- -.-....-
visit.- -r . -.-; . -'-,:
Dr. Neumann
one of the best dental '-offrccs-
ia the state. .-". V:.-:
Fully- equipped to do. ;all -den--'
tal work in First-Class maimer "'.
Always reasonable -in charges."' . :
AH work guaranteed'. " ". ? .
Over 14, years practice in .Co-.
lnmmis. .
... SBgUeer Killed. la Wreck. '"."
Frt d .Riciiarde", a .young . enginoer.of
North "Piatto yfa. - killed Jas-t' Friday
mbrning jtist wesLof; the Ubion-'Pacific.
yards in thiscity in a ' collision Jin. which"
.three 'engines Were" smjihed'-andfonr
lwx'CArn iav!rt'ed' jtCU)' kinrliinir .wood.
Riebanls wuh driving tlie'rear engine qm
.a,donb.Ie--header, fteigli't. .extra .'"which
.snia8her- into as witch entrwie. inst ae it
was backing from -the main- track-on- lo
a aiding. - '.' '.. - - "-,. .--.- ..;";.
'-'The .-'freight'-going at the rate of. J
fifteen milpa an bou.and .wad. pulling
sixty-five cars.. '"The :.s witch; engine -was
carrying- a- short jrtring" of cars. .. The
accident was" -caused- by. a. hwvy. "iQgN
1 The enineera of the colliding trains did
uun pou. obuu oiuer. nil- ine iraina.were
within -ten car": 'length?' of : each'other.
The- -engineer" -on -.-.the frdnt" -'engine
whistled a wacnihg .turned 'on the air
and jumped a& di'd'-.tlie crew on
'.the-. switch engine .and "hi? . fire.-,
man 'atkl 'brakeman 'who "were "riding
wkh li'iip-on the.engine.-. Itichartfe'-fire-raan
vino. heard (he warning;-looked out
ouu nnw-um uauj;r:.-nnir .caueu .W
-lUchardsto jnmp as t)e'.mnde'his -'escape
pnt ot'the cab.- - ' " "" ":: .!" '. ":-." :
- .Richards: -hiiwever, stopped an instant'
o.tnrn; on Ke'.air::An"d ibis "instant
was just long enough .to jcbst . Richards
his' life. -With ohe arm and'. one"-leg
clear from- the cab his "body" -was caught
i between the edge of . the cab.' and the'
iVifftl flBTr nnrl liia KfA woo. WaK;1 .;.
Qb'al car and bis life was- crushed out' in
an install t, and e .was lief t -pinionwl in"
this manner for . f o.ur hours . before thb'
.wrrokag couhl be-wmoWl-.'fo.extnca
his body. "It.was". nearly. n'ootKwhVn hi";
body .was taken. .t.t he -Herrrok mtdeH
taking rooms andtpfepareil ff)r.nturi! -ti
Jtfrth Pratte'-. S ' ".:." .-V .-'?-:.
. iticilardswas a' years".
11 -WW. ti -i- .- .
iu. ueen -recent! j---promoted
from", the- ri witkin-.;'or fifHiiiiih "urid.lia"il" hiobtha; .A.m'
RaKe was eeh't; to- liis wife- at oni "and
r - -iv-' --- " -"!- "" . - v -.
ii4niniM-uHiiii p. nie. nrsi- i,rain,.Hnu a
cnfnpaniiHt the -body; to' Brojfth":.Platte. on
n'uihUeE. three.-:'..-"". -V .- ::;. "" .,"..' T ".";.
A.Tbc-cnjitluoWr Jn 'tjie wrecVedCtjrain
W aa'e. caboiie "whoiV: the": lniiris
strUck.and' the jar'was-so' slighttliat .he:'
Uionght his train bad only "stopped . "for
water.:"."-TbTp.was dne::to" -;tlie;fact:4hat'
thp- cars. whicli"werH.-" telescoped--" werfe'
. w'itlriafivd car' length's' of-thedni'mc; ...,.'
reached; hee;h?foi'6;-iwon "and .A teforU
Bix.o;cIockr had the last. -.piece ofjwfeck-
.age.''removed.-- Tntrie". evening: "flre-VvJiB.! .".;. ."' -,r.. -... r:
.C:-WT.Bramlt,: lUcb'ariFe. frfeiiian; cdiv
clamV.tliiUthiM.waa-tHe.jieca.nd-. jump he-
had made for";his" Hfe. .intbe;lait;tfirPO'.
weeks .and- that ':h$ Was.gfiuig; .to-. "quit.
.--?r"J'J.y "f.- -"-mhaf w'engiheer.'qii'!
iue iroai engine oi me ire.igbt and Ki-A.
Holmes., was his'' .fireman 'i"Thi -IrtoriV
switch engine-was -hi 4hfi'f-CiinrmeTV
enirinceV-..antfKnii5"5'Vfir.mbw..-:l-" ".-"- "
v .- --.--- . . " . -- . . .
.Mrs. "H...O. -Stndiey. of Uriestori "rment
"- . ' .- - - F ' . ' - - - "
uaouaj iu IUIB.,UHJ.V.; -......--.
-mr. aon.aire. t;;. a. Hawk, who J
live: in rWest" Oolumlinsiiaye beeh'disi
tarrjed. a.nHWriQttiiavBS by chicken
thieves; - Last week MrV-HawkAibok".
aatteiK iarhis. own. tends 'and', when
he. caaght two .Pohih map apprbacb:
iag the heaF coop; took' down hiVahot
jpia :and-;shot at .the 'dismay'. Of : -shoe'
soles preseated": by the feUbws as they
bot-footed it throagbthe. back , -fard.
Miss Aaaa Cdgfl -principal. for . sevy
Inst.week-to'enjber. school, next ".year.
MiMvDarrow,' whqtaaght inMissboV
giP-s.bnild'inglast yearilhaabeeii.pTO-.
moted to', the.princi palahip;! and '. Miss
Nashot-Monroe'-has r'been elected ::"t pi'
M iai'. parrpws-form'er pction." KMUs
Oogil .i.theseyeiitn "tlainiias '.-teach :.
er'wiohas resigned this iVear." "v -"-'"'
" .- -.v -".- "- "-.-.- - r. - - . "..--
.' the'1Joal"-!alli';atten.t o"0lc;
Lhad; -Building '-"aibciatibri
pablisheid. Art this issne, '. The fcrjittf
daring the met jear and it is not -ere-'
dited. with Weingle If pfeclosare. "" 'Thiij '
loc:ooaapay- has- belped many Fa
Tim'ily' In '"Oblnmbas'to i j 'home.'and. its
jconditioa u.stroaKsr. alrld-better' today-'
ban-it ever has;rhfbefoti-j."",.v ". .:.
"-" Mr.'jtnil'sirs;' A. F.OiIrich.-aiiil little.'
-Vlangbter'OIga of this "ciyleft laei.'-wek:
fo'c'a'onr'. month's "trip .to "the-, west;
.TheyV--.wiri-' . vDen; -O-Coloradb
bpririgs.. and- other; Colorado- -points.
measure' foCtbe faiuirc'-of their-.'.Yellrtw--"
-stbner'Park frip-Jas"t""'s'u"ninjer"..""-On -."that-
trip it-wjlr be: retn'enibered. they.'- were
victims -oc a. stage. aecrueAt -wliep they
first. en tered,tBe'P'rk in jwliWi', one .of
little .Olga'sJegs wai lri)tfin.and-'.'iiicti
? " .
'prevented, the .completion of -their, jour-
"-.-". '.".- - :.:"-:- " -".
:."?. -...- ....-.; - ...-.. -:"
-. The.Oity" Ooaacil met'-in:;regnlur
seanoa last Frioiy.Bjght and trans
acted basiaeaB ohiela'v vofc tontine
character. A Fifteenh street.
was vacated aad ' dedicated to -abat-,
tiag'piopery -owners -aad- thejjuaioe'
Pacifc-railroad'waaiastracied to.' ea't
huge .its calverta in . yrest' Oolambas
to aoooaaaMdate the, drainage of the
streets ia that locality aad" preveat
damage to ptepeitj there chased by
aa overflow of the draiaage ditches.
Jaeeh KarUa. Sim aT aager, M. Lo
daaherger aad .- Dtofkea .were ia'
raeced to. remove okatractioBs from
the aireet, which paams their! prop-
frfrs?:. '
JT5l-.' V
W. Jr T
:--'jj k
" Czi
r - ' '
3 -
; If ly oa .were a druggist a most- "
- 'competent 'and. critical oneanU .
were", to "make., a -thorough-'in-'
Jpecti"on of our store, .we" are -snrt ;
: :yo'n 'would be pleased, with what
-..Vou found... ..-...-..
..-.--" - - .
V" -In .the '.'quality of 'drugs,- the
' assortment," the methodsof caring
for stock, and the" -facilities" 'of-"
every kind,. you "wouldfin'd'noth '
; ing you ;could not -.commend:- '-. .-".
- .
,: If- "oi"welJ . equipped". a drug "
vstoreappeals' "to, you,, we hope -
...I'd have:-your. trade.
6has. Hi Daok
The .Hisses. Pearl and "Floreaoe
. ? , -
Heiklejohn are-here from Omaha visit-
ing friend.- ;--.. ... .
".Mrs..M: D Oiuneron of Omaha
Mrs. "" Fred Oalver of- Albion were
guests last- week-'at the' - borne of -Mr.
and Mr . F: H; Abbott. -'
."-. . . .'" - -
During the heavy. - stornx. Wednesday
lightiiing:killeij the beet. cow in W.'. 0
Pugsley i Son'; herd '-of' 'thoroughbred!
Galfoway'cdttle". .-Monroe Republican. .
-!' J. fl.- Dawson' of Kaiua)9 .City' -spent
last "week here visiting'. his"' brothers"
.Vqnn.and'6ovd'-iCla'wRoh:aa'(l ' Mr. 'and
-Mrs George. Scott." -. He returned 8a-
-. . .- ..-'-. - - . - -:
W?.:";-"-V - .-i; .V-"-.'I V:
.": ;Mrs;--J. -""S. . Ajiaias and children : Te-
frnel this "Week tp. lakeside. '.Neb.'
after al.Vifiit ff. wv'eral "weeks-" with
'relativea-in -: Oplanibus ;arid -St.-- Ed-
ward. &h:.;.ir.y :J. FiroQeld, .-Mrs
"Adamsf gmnrknotheV; 'returned1 with
thwn.-' - .;--... -.- -. . -
- -. --.-.-- - - -r- -. - -
,"'. Dr. "DTi'Martyn", ad- sbn'Home'r
lef t.lAfit week' on:n'we'(itern .trip. ;--Dr.
Martyn went'to Catliforai'a:fof a -few J
..weeas .viHu anu. m .-accompany Mrs;
MartyVatia')i ' their Vre-'
JtnrhV'hbhje,-" Jriomor- shopped '..o"ff'.-. at.
Denver oh basinet's.;' --". .. ;.-' .:. -.
r" Mfsj "Jv-.F:. 'riarrig' left- -the i fst . of
this wefik.f or ayisit of -several months
"witli.-her .'.parenta in- Blaine, VWash
She. will- aljso; yisii other, -jrelatlyetr 'in
Spok'anjn.'".' .Onrner -'"retarn.- hoaie.-'nhe
Kate" Oentiemah'af Rearnev.V r '' ';,-
,;Tbreshing has. commenced '.-this
locality and. the yield.,-"is .exceptionally
good; . twenty-five acre ' field .of", -ifiv
ter wheat qn isauLyihtner's ifann
yiiBhlodvcrl.000: bushels. "or';iotty:on'e
J biishels'tOitlieacre,' tested -sixty-"'
;fonti;p.oiinds jtb.-.the. .binshellMcmroe.
.Republican.'.'- .- ".'.'"; .!"-'-"" """ '--" .--";:Mt".F'J.aet"sh"ell
anil son:df "T3il
yer;gieek:weiiB Irabns.-Visi'to-ni' iasib
Sarty.-';' .W.Mleeiethev. called ht
the Journal officev-Mrl" Qebichell ":&'
interested In thie conditions in Pb'tte
CQin: ty juua;is,evjdently anraoted hefo
freiaently'b the erpeUent '..Qolnrnhns
stores; ;;jLhe Jonrial is awlays . prond
tdadd' the nankesof 'sncbvaieaas the'
r'Ge'isohells'.to its enbscription litrt.- '?
.-"-. "-" - " ''.:.''.- --, ,.' ..- ' "."":..
'- Jacob Sohniid "of : Danean' called . mt
the Jparnii '.6fflce.tast SJatapiay:.. ".'Mri-:
$phid:rpbrte crops.exclieiit in" hli'
neighborhood and. declares hbit the!
faraers generally, are . 'satisfied- with
ie rond.itio'ns:aader'ji , rapnolican'. adf
mtmstration and that with.-Roosevelt;
priniples- dontdnaat in'-.tbe .repabli
can party there, will be larger V re-'
ifHo.wwLvoTpejn. natw-'.coanty
nut .than.-ever.-, .r".;,. "-.-., j..
. -.- . " - c - r ------ - -- "- ."
' -, xapmas -wanigan.,. retarned ' ..laB.'t:
weeic -from.; -his; rancbrat KimbalL
Wh'Pa.hsked abont', (he prospects for- a
ppntinuation of the h'oi-se: sales'- in ;Co-:
lnmbus .Mr. Bmaigaa said: -.The-prpspects
arebetter for' aaaotiye
fadrse jtnarket thaa.'they -were UtnVvear
HfiraeflMvebeea marketed in .Omaha
all -snianier; at good ' prices... -".tisaallv
the 'horse market clotosjn the Kiiiaraer
and w hoi igoodtiU December. - Ano'at
N:9yemhek :i, T expect to 'begtn hold-.
.inK..-wes:and.BnaU. bold:. them
t.weeka..'-"-1'.."' .V"- - ":-
- -, .: .. -. . -. ... -
tain shoes
T- .
Brave is the man that ahmaa the ones
That slander woaaaa's name ;
Whose manly face was aever known.
.To wear the blaah'bf shame.
Wnose honor gmides his every act "
"And .never knows' to fear;-'
Who aids. the aged in distreis '
And brings .the poor good' cheer.
.,"-.... -':.'''.''" P.P. Dntfy. -'
in Oklahoma-A'grity-iltarist. -.
Mrs. W. Mr Ladd," of . -Omaha - is
visting Mris." O. Ji-.Oarlow.thia week.
. . -. -.-. -1" - . .
Mr. and. 'Mrs. E. -R -Jarmin -"re-
tarned' home -from; ..Osceola last Fri-
W.8. Postle who Uyes six miles
east of Oolnmbai tea been serioasly
ill siaoe the 5th inst.
Mrs. Claude Rife is vuiting this
week' at the home. of her parents,. Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ql Beoher. '
-. '"
. Mrs. George Sooti and Mrs.' George
Willard. were guests last Friday at the
home of. Mr. and Mrs. J.. 0. Dawson
of Oconee.
;. Mrs: Jenkins of Fairbqrv,' who. lias
been the guest of Mrs.' O. D. Evaas
dariagthe past week .left for- her
home yesterday.
-The Misses Hazel -and. Olarimcr
Kldemanof Lincoln are gaasta this
weekfat the home of. Mr., and. Mrs."
Henry, Ragatz, -jr. .-'
Mr -F, H. - Woodland a prominent
lawyer of Omahn nnd..a member of
State 'Board of; law examiaers has
been'viBitihg U." J.-.Garlow-for a few.
days.' .-.-.. .. ...... -
;")ttp" Heuer" -the ;6id trnsty'l- in
Treasurer .Becher s office' left" .Friday.
fo'rja weeks -vacation. ..'He went .-to'-"Leigh
.to be.the guest-of.. Gerhard
:. 'Mr., and Mrs. J. -C. .Byrnes'.returned
last '"..lurda'y . . from Appletbh';'" -Wisi-and
other-eastern.. cities 'where- they:
hays' .visited since... 'their. ''-'"'nwfTiage
about one month- ago'."' ."' """. . z -' :
' A- bahy-girl arrived, at thrt home of
Mr and' -Mnr'--O." H-- Lindberg of
StrpmKhnrg last 'Wednesday:' ' Mr. and
"Mrs. Lindberg: lived' -"in" th'is-.coaiity
Until a few years age V" a.'" . ..;" i-
-- ."-"-.- : . - - - - - ; . .
' B". H.".Mntirwbey. of. Albion,-,
speclor-.f small. -.tlrm's practice', for the
-Nebraska. ' National- - Gimr j-,": ..".waB ": i n
ColnrnbUe one.lay.laflt..week inspecting
Company K. with .rhferonce -to hiBTdef
partmen't of tJie.Bervic"o.- -He.h'as'-n good
-' - . - .'.-.---.. . r ..
Htiiti. nn..LMB iinys -jiere.. - . - -
j &u06essar $p McrlllistQr .ftukliir- .'-
; .'.MTA-.'rJ-'hiUip'psV'mother vi't
PhillippVis yiBiting itiBlaif this week
. -Hirs.- W-r" A. . McAllister is visiting in
Haigler -this wee.. "'Next; week! ;he
WilicQ. to Denver -for a: two, weeks
-. ' Theyoung;Tpie:of.-.the :
Leagne-ted a.fine. -time.. -Jast" Fridays
night at their. eocial' oh: Mt&oi. Phil
their, asury;" ::: "-'" ;-. '''?" i.:.-
'. Mr. and Mrs John F.- Jahihg of
Three Rivers.-'-Micfe. -"arrived-: in: 06-
Iambus Jast week to-maice.their borne
Wih their. Boh John JiuiihgV '' ,
'.;:Mrs.'- Er- ;H. .. Ohunbers- 'entertained,
about fy ' dbluWbus' ladie,last 8a
thrday ai. eachre; in v honor 6t her
guests,"' itrs." Bennett of Denver;;Mrs.
.rner ofrNiobi-ara andJMrsl David-'
'sbn.a'f- Niobrara.. "v. '. "". "-.. . :. '-.-,;.'
Over, fifty;., neighbors ' and "friends
holped' Str. aad.Mre.:'. Albert; GigeV. to
eeiebrato-their; .tweBty-fif th weeding
abnivoTsary! ;ust Wednefiday... -night.-'
Some' beaatifni silverware, and.' -other
present "of.'-'valne 'wero:"ieft..hy. .the
n'.'i"1-. v'-'3S 'ic-f' "'
- Miss .Flpre'tace Kramer"" 'acompjuited
by; Mr. and. Mrt.. M.:;'J; KeHey rja
turned .home 8aturday"-u'ight' roin a
Week's "trip: -to-.:"Den.Ver;-;" Colorado
SpfirJs;anci -other '..Oolorado points.-Mr.'-
and .MrsKeltey left Monday; for
their-home iri'Chicago...'-" ".: ';:' ;.
. . . 7- .-. . - -, - - .
on all
and oxfords
?i iil
l xjk- - 3zrwz A-r-,-"
That' an "
, .
J. Expensive
":"'i- '" Watch ,y:". ;"'.
" .- "'.. - ". ." " ,
- No matter how little' it-cost 'yon, .
." if it .doesn't .tell you.. the- right'
time... ' . That ' -kind of a. watch , .
would be dear -if yon" gofit' for
" 'nothing. "
' -'; :- .. ; - ' is desirable -
'bntan'accurate inside mechanism
' isabsolutciy INDISPENSABLE "
"."'.' ' :
-if you -'like yon may put. one of :'
. our .work's in to. a -tin case, and
. you will have an .'excellent time-.-.
' piece..' ;. ..- -..;
. -What we. wish-' to'.poibt- out is
. that the works are the watch, -the. .
'-, case is the adornment.. '
And another thing" we. 'with. to "
; point-out is that'if eer there was .
' a 'JeW&lry store-that was" prepared
; to please you .in Watches, this is
the place and we-'include our
'"guarantee for your "protection.
, "....- . '
Call it and hear our arguments. :
Ed. J. Niewohner
Joweier and OptlGlan
' . Miss Ada Barter pf Champaign 111,
is expected n'ett.Sa'tarday night -to-- be
a gaest 'during, the.- rest" of thV summer
of MissEloise Roeo.-' '.'..-.-
" ""- " 'i .. . ' " "'--.. - '.
The christian Endeavorof the' Oon-
gregational charch- -.will .-. serve - ice
: cream,.. next : Friday ".night." on Mrs:
:BTOgger.s.'lawJi. .' Everybpdy-ihvitiBd.- .-
" Mr and. Mrs.-'L'.- W-reth',.pareri'u.or
MrtL-L. R.'-Latham, -jiho have'--spent'
most of. the rammer hero.-. -left" .-Monday:
to;" visit- relatiyes in" 'Rochester',
-"-Y-" ."' " - -""- -.'"'"-""-
David. Pnlyer 6t Louisiana ' jarrivmV
Saturday.- to visit; "his "'sister; -Mrs.'
Jarmeaui Polk county .who"' is. ser
iotisly ilL-'He is 'aisp-'.a ' brother'. 'of
Mrs: Soott Garlner:."". -'; ': :'.,..
.-- A. :lL Koon b trjirtg his hkni this
week at. making things-: his, i Mother
Used to. make! MrKinon is attend
ing chataaVpa't-DayidOity.and visitr
itag. friends and". relatives there; ."' "" ;
.. Miss' Margaret Zinnecker." is -'eajoy-lng,i'
.few weeks.-v-acatibn""frbm,". rnr
position viri. Rag-it x.; store.- She ..has;
been.; visiting. JTriends and relatives in
Polk- bounty
nhrey'. - ---.- -.- " -,
- Mr., and Mrs.' iv-K.. Priest. of ; Mprir
roe came totbis city-last Saturday, on
a sad niisston. They -came: to. bary;
their: three weeks old baby- The little
one strangled on sjeme .medicine which
theyCgave it for k.stomacii. trouble
and -if W irriteticn in - t?e throat result
ingrbdaced anjnnamhmtioh .which
resulted. fatally.; This.was the -iarst
child and the . shock.1 to; Mrs.. Priest!
great as. she war'very weak:pbyicaliy
at the time: -
.Dr. and.Mrs. U. A- Allenberger "re
.rhed ; last ;' Wednesday from. their
;irreddin;Wp .and v. will '.sopnV be. .at.
home.tb -their .'Oolumbus; '.friends:'-They.-.visiKi;.
hot- phly 4he . ehstern
citierof the ntt'ed. States'- but-spent,
i-eyeral days in Quebec' 'and Toronto
They made I the '.Hudson -River;, trip
indnlso went by; boat down ;.the. St.'
toirreiicV. - The;Forih of Julr they
spent -in old Independence '.Hail.-' 'Alt'
the .'great'-' hospitals in Philadelphia
ami New XorkV" and.-. Toronto we're
visited by.:Dr.. and Mrs: . Allenberger
this;: part 'of their' trip bjfiing;: cqpsider
ed especially valteble from a profeij
siboal standpoint;. ; ." : -
."a"nd..ihe"si'iw sii'illihg'";-i.uTic- "'.
' parable." to -the man. "who has . "
. .money (ocihveetmeht and w.cin-!t '-
.seize the opportunity We itre ".'
.oflerinf. -'Like .the" nickel," if -he- .;
-' speaks ifu'ick he. snaps up '"the-. '.
: hargain, but- If; lite. the slbw."
" ; shilling, ' be comes later ' to . buy .."" "
'.s iVJl cost Kin) the shilling where- -.
. bow,-the nicketwill'do'tbe trick';- .
sjsa-yBjsaj( alwwmsjsaaW asj
t fhtaaauiri
Wit WsWPaBsMPTsv
'.'-."-':''' '..:'.- .. "Vv-iL, '-H """
.- i . . v - ' m -
rrrSi ..'.-.- -3- ' e ' , fecv- .J
mm-.4i C---- ' M--.ti , J-lMe. .-, .3-1
IitfTtBtiaf Letter Awm Mini Uiat
Peasioaet Hetal Perey. Parte.
. Jtu-y t; IfMt;
Dearest Mother: " ,
31 can only write till the light
oat. whioa.-teimetae . at eleven. We
landed in Boalefae at 10 -fatter-
day aad after having oar baggage ex
amined at the oaitom aotue we went
to laach.- The old dty with its cab
blestoaes," atraage aoases aad straag
e'r .people were lota .of fan. Ton know
that is the' targeat . iaaiag- city in
Finance aad. each a lot of boats as we
saw in the harbor. Oar- boat. Pots
dam went onto- Rotterdam an a ten
der' came oat into the ooeaa to take
the pameagers off who landed at
Boalogne. After- laaoh we went' to
the station, where a sueolal train was
ready to. take as. to Parte, and we
reached here at 6:30. '-The ride
through the coaatry was lovely. Th
laadaoape is so. beaatifni the hoases
aad little lelds are so fasclaatiag.
We are at a Pensioa here, not the St. .
James as we were told. Bat it b
pleasant here, Very .quiet, only a block
from tte-famoua Madelene charoa." so
that even if there tea's a bath tab ia
the hoaserm nappy. Last night we
walked aroaad the Place de la-Ooa-corde
and the garden of the Tnilierte.
i;he Froach'' women- wear beaatifai
clothes bat'-O," mob, shoes. . Ton oaa
"spot" Americans and there are- loto
of them by their shoes. ..Tate morn
ing' we went! 'tpth largest 'Greek
oharch in -the. olty"- .sitid heard sack
wonderful m'asib:: la ..the .afternoon
we spent two hoars : in, the Loavre.
Saw the .Winged--' Victory and Venus
de Milo aad ao.saaay of those beaati
fai old '. pi'ctaree " by. the' BMsters." ' i
wish I ooald Uve;in'' that place "for
awbile.7jSa.oh a lot'-to' see"-" and can
one-Over "eachthe lall-.depth of enjoy-'
meat :ip .those' piutares. " "Thlreveaiag
weJiaileda cah aad rode ail; over '.to
the Luxeraberg gardeaa ,Mrdss the
Triumph-Bridge m.the-Seiae. : where
the old exposition wasv to-' PMtteoaV
Paris . University, '- Napoteoa'B - tomb
ami down .the ioag'brilUaatly -lighted
Boalevards and the .'large Pexas. .-TO
finisn.Uto we took some ices ln'Ta. cafe
ttet-tes its tables .out' on., the -street.
AUthePaxisljmsdolhat.. The lights
teve-blinked. .tHx ahf dear.'. -. :-:-.:.':.V.
Darling Mother:-' . . " ." '" ':':
' This is my ntaeteanth; birthday
nrh n memorable -one has
We climbed up - to the tops of Napo--
.leon's'trfumpnal arch and looked, out
over . beautiful, oleaa. Parisv; 'it sarely
is a woBderfalcity, .ill the.- massive
piiea' ol ;;.8mVtimt.'are' teemlag .with
sutdV straJage ;.and;' . ;WiWi;history
Then we saw the -Ferrte wheel ' d
tbeEiet ToWr'ahdthe 'TrooaderoC
Everywhere -oBe' oaa' lad beaatifai
things," trees" and. gnrdeiu. .We "eall
them ; breathing'; places." But -every.
thing ;"is different from Aaierioa. "Af
ter the .Trocadero"we:: bad h ride, oi
the Seine "in -a "tenaoa;-. aader -these
wonderful mMsivexbridges . and " vlar'
ducta.. A evewaera'you go-it-is
Napoieoi's rtam Itteto. oVdtectecii
.Napoleon's city.' - la' the- aftoraooa
we had along cub ride- to: the. Le-
Hotel LAaglalse.. Napoleon's tomb. :'I
cannot tell you about that it is too
-beautiful "and awe. inspiring.. Ioeuld
stand; theife; -for- hours.. After' that
came; the i -.Notre ';Oaine: cllarok; .and
tnat.tooie.. beyond word. until z-jtm
have ' seen:' something vttka .'it'; AU
Phris is'fMcinatiag to : 'me.-..I. oould
'stand before, these' buildings "aadXlei
my imagination run riot, ---Ton' aaow
menU to;raaoey eighi Urgest; cities
and one to Strambarg is in mourning'
bbeensinoe4873.-' -' . .' .':''
'-" Your letters all came .today as- a
sort . -of ..birday present. .-. They';-were
the yery-.flrst'.' hews:" Ihad :'nad ' f-esm'
home. -1 sbali write -. to : Cousin .Fre
derique in, .the' .mornlBgt.. My.
flans I
How.uire;jo; leUvefbr Strassbarg. . Weil
nesdhy night, .travel .'all ; night :aad
reach there' jtbe jaoraiag: :-l
shall telegraph; too " ;- j '. ' ' J-'r .". ...
. -I bAve .. attempted r . diary,". bat j
hiivn't itoe'so'if.yoa.Will kehoW
letters. 'hey"-li ptmbly-'doj' ;atsost
as well.;. I shall try to write a little
every -.oigbV .as yet:I hayn't found
time to write, to Albert -and i did
want :him to have - a. .'letter on" " htf
biHhday.-I.waatai.B MdreU as soon
as you can send It.- -..:" - :. 5 .--r
. We did double tiaty today, beraise
we missed Atardjay, am dread-:
fully-.sleepy." ".Thelre'were-" two'" jeo.
tares. . Loradp Taft, the great-'Ameri
iM.scaljitbr'.if to", take'; as throagh
tne'. Loavre.'. --"" ..'.-'. ;.".:- -.- .""-"'.
':": ;: -);' .-fFourtli,6f;ily,.liior..-.-CkW-Mnaiaiand
"Paph;:-f- ". .:.":"
- The Fourth, the. glorioas Fourth I
I-am wearraga little. siUr . nag that
Bret gave aieaad away more ia the.
"party have -flags- of 'red. white and
biaeribrSoat of as have re
crackers.' -We shall let-Beopte'.know;
wtero we come 'from today.- '-;'.-"
.' Everythiag thus far has gene. -well.
By aext Mpn-lfty.I ean.say AU is Well.
andthealshaiUhaageWMi to Prof
Barber. " . ":'. . -.
, .Did I Majam.'that the oao
colare we. get here far ereakrasc amies
and looks just like, yours! And seup
w'm - hMiMM bfA. ttk.. r
make too. Seme of tan 'uaapit art I
eomalsmlag ateut the meaLTtei J f lllTTauanall
OseanueMehxl V. rl v-g--rw--wPi
During the 21 years that the- First
National Bank has been in business it
has served all classes of depositors well
and faithfully. The management has
considered thur.interests identical with
its own and paramount in many cases.
Investments are made only when close
investigation has proved that' they are
absolutely safe and profitable. .-
Tit Firs. NatlwRal Baik
Solicits Tour AccoaaL
lad that things eattefy me quite weU."
Their butter is strange though, so
sticky line. -The school children- are -lots
of fun. too; and the nurses with -"
the babies ia the parks: And the '-'
markeu'.;. Caa it be that we eat the
things-they: teve -there,' the funny
way they, sell things. ";--.-
Today we are-going to the Louvre .'.-
with Lorado' Taft' -aad. -perhaps to. -yersailles
.again, .-this aftoraooa. l" --.
have had hi cat some lectares here ia.
Paris because' lam using every'-min-Ufe
to Boethiags.-. .- - . -.
V'-Yesterday we weatoat to St. Cloud. -'.-We
took the boat.oa the.Seiae and-it "-
was oer'taialy beaatifuL.' saw women -.
waahiagia the river, -pouadnu: the;'. .
olotheswith wbeden naihlles. ..-Won-. .";
Iderif the clothes 1 seat - are ' beiag '
washed that way ?"; After "see'iag 'the .Vj.
betifat'gardeas, '.-the barracka'ami'''
the soldiers at St, Cloadwe ,weat on -'
ra..VersaUlea; Here ..we had, only .-ax-'
few- minutes because-- .we missed Viae :
ftrst train." . If I go this : aYterjaoon f
shaU see it all.1 gnepii: y -,...' ; -.- ;
i -W bought a iuncieM:4t..yeraiUes !:
end at 1 o;cick took tae train for St. '
Germain -That laaheonoa. the traia':. -I'soaRueyer
forget. -'At'sti Germain'..'
we had aUafteraoon and Prof, Barber ,; : hiaelemeats." among jihoea - old ;
'Bnaian.ycaste'.and "relicsv. -The.; tide- .
home on the traia was . beaatifai and -
juet.before uix j. had an', opportaaisy 7
to cash the frst ip; Traveler's check. '.,
got face yalae at Cooks'oV Son."- -".
. ;! Jeumal Sibearihert.
Beginning- -August' T,'f .' statements.
will rje seat not. only to deliaaaeat
9ubBcribers.'Dat; all' Mbhera
withia U oysof th:e-Tlratio
of their subsenptioa that they may .
teve ample time .to." jky their sub:
sortptioa -in .aovaaoeV ... A little attea-,
noaV on the part et each . sibscriher
to the iittle yellow laher oh ypnr'pav'
per wit save -'maca... booUeeping- rfor
s aad enable as to. give; you: n : bet-,
toi-tewspaner.; - ":- ,:' "- -.". .;: ::. -". "
Mr. and Mrs. John Peters of Albion
were ia this cityJastweekoa their
rMurn from flam brWge,MW, where
they went early la June to witness;
the gradaatioiof' their aoa Gay from
Harwd Law. SchooL . Gay mnde. 'a"
record which not baly gives his .ter-.
eats jasf .caase. to feel, proud, -nut.'
whion" fOso-aohoca Nebraska and our'
StatoUai varsity irom which he gra-.
daated four, years'- .ago.; -Ia- -that' colV
lege, which' nttracts'tte-cream of - the:
ypungmen-from all the .eastern sdites.'.- of .the three. to .receive.;
honorable, meation -if or " caohushix
r OOoMiJUS MAKAiS'tb : - .-.-'
Potatoes,'. rjeubuiC..-.-:"45 ;-..:.".;'-Butter
y. ;..'.;: .-.,'. :,-;'.'- .12" to vl5"
Eggn-r.-dmieni'.'J.-i ,-;. .. :- ;...-& "'-: C ..
Springs r.rf.". ".';-.'.,. .?.-.-; :12 "" '
liana .--..- - - ;7 : -. '
'Rnnatf,- - -"' ir --.---..: Q -.- " i-.-
HogS -. f.i', j ltt ; . . ..." i ....,-. ;--C"J 5 C.
Tste-Mawt laWhtt'S0 fartter
.lawwi man uunrnmn toward giv
ing a man. a genteel appearance than
any othar one tlranr. If your eletaes
are made by Linatrum they're right
mevery rjarticuhu-.There. is admtme
tr2 nfference between the tailored
stats-and tne ready-nwde. To wear
ecoureuitSMito antm-eeiate -the
TnannnnnuV-nnL.'X V ""nwSBBp
aa jsaw?' t-rw'mnsEfSa
amTsaX . aV5:mnttjr
.---.- ".-.'- : """-" ''-'.-mR- ";"
-,-.-. m f -tSb
tH-lnurBunuusV " C -Wau.C anBnnnul
BKTwaauKwl fsV T1 HnuuuuP
avnwaB m IW uuuuuuul -ubuI
m auaaaaPauuw'
"" - aw
aiC- I
:j.v"i- .-!
awnluutsliBUUunul ' '-. l;-fw:;:?ai--amaBaummmff
gy g j g-- -JZZZmJ'if-:'.?2X.'-'t'-r ' f -7-fyy fe-