:" Tf?i.";-T?'' ipf!- '?" ""W ,T ...,; 539W?' j-f- V.-SP-- ---' ij :?- BBIKKlEBBlBKlRnKEBBnKtnBBKKnK& i a QArrDiMr. C3 G2 panuttad SALE I REDUCTION LASTING TEN DAYS Commencing Friday, July 13th, 1906 We have decided to give to the people of Columbus and vicinity the opportunity to purchase Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings at prices that will astonish you. We will have for your inspection a number of odd lots of men's and boys9 suits that will pay you to take a few minutes time and look them over. 100 men's and boy's suits that will be on sale for less than cost. 75 men's Worsted and Cassimere pants from $1 to $3, worth from $2 to $5 a pair. SHOE BARGAINS We are going to place in this sale our entire stock of Low Shoes at cost, con sisting of White canvass. Patent Colt, Gun Metal and Vici Kid and Russia Calf. There will be nothing reserved, and if you are still looking for a nice low shoe now is the opportune time. We will have a number of odd lots of Ladies1 and Children's shoes that will range in price from 50c to $1.50, worth $1.50 to $3.00. Men's and Boys' odd lots to close out at $1.00 to $2.50 worth $2.00 to $4.00. GENTS' FURNISHINGS In men's and boy's Furnishing Goods we will have some odd lots of men's shirts ranging in price from 89c 09c, 79c, worth 50c to $1 50. Some odd lots of underwear to close out at, 39c 50c to 75c. Odd lot straw hats 15c worth up to $1-00. Men's fine hosiery 3 pair for 25c, worth 2 for 25c. Some men's stiff bosom shirts 50c, worth $1.00. x X X X X X X X Come and let us convince you that we mean business, and assure ft you courteous treatment. Thanking you for your past patronage we solicit the same in the future. j X X X SROS.,S IGREISEN X Uth Street - - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA H xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X NOTHING PAYS LIKE PRINTER'S INK If You have Fine Poultry, Thoroughbred Hog's or Fancy Stock for Sale, an Attractive Circular or Pamphlet will bring You Business GET OUR PRICES COLUMBUS PRINTING & SPECIALTY HOUSE Columbus, Nebraska board at the eves Upoa iaTiattaa the their of H. L. ia The oqfrafirt lor the ia jemr wu effect hy etoctiajr mum o&osn mm mppoiatuur 2TSS5 WT "" oUowf: -TrereJH8t beginning to blossom. v . uabsukh, Miim dOH U1BDOB, I the the WUUmmj Washier. 8aapliea, MoWil- liaaaa, Terry. Samith repairs. Olbboa, Terry; ooaapkmta, Weebter, Talbit aer. : text beeke aad ooane ef atady Gibboa, Weebter. MoWilMiaii: teach en. jaaitor aad aohool wage. Talbit r, Saaith; aMHag. Terry, of the aaditia itttee appointed at the aaaaal Af- i of the wiTes eajeyea the i aad their a Sewi Biekwaemt m PetaU Field The writer thinking to keep down the sammer growth of weeds that asually eorine no in ihe potato field after the potatoes are laid by, tried this plan on the 1Kb. of Jane, when the potatoes We proceeded to lay them by. The ground I "being cleaned of weeds we preceded ihe cultivators with buckwheat, eowiag Ixiehelsto the acre. At this writing the potato vines are dryiag op aad the "buckwheat is about six inches high, and ground quite free f roaa weeds. The ob ject is to aww the buckwheat when-ripe and have nice clean grouad to dig the potatoes from. Perhaps) I may be dis appointed. If I am I will BOt think less of my critical brother farmers if tstev nia hm ridia hv. f J H. Triaain. DfcYi TJbe subject for aext 8aaday moraiag attao OoagregaUoaal eharch will be "Obriat the Uaiier." la the eraaiag wfll be-"The FrieadahiD of FOate aad Herod." R. W. 8aley delivered a handsome piano in Schuyler one day last week. The instrament was of the very latest type,, beiag one of the KreU Auto Grand piaaos manufactured in New Castle, Ind.. and played in the usual way or by the automatio device which enables aayone without the least know ledge of snusie to render the most diffi cult selections. Mr. E. W. Simons with the Wells-Abbott k Nieman is the proud poaaessor of this floe piano and speaks of it ia the highest terms. Mr. Saley delivered 18 pianos Isst month, selling them to parties ia North Bend. Schuyler. David City, Humphrey, Platte Ceater, Faltertoa and MoBroe. This speaks very well for Columbus, and the peoples faith in our Home dealer who has certainly sold a large aumber of in atrameats since engaging m the boei- FOB BKNT:-A farniaeed eight room house ia good locatioa. Iaquire Jour- ltp : la the Provideaoe the Ooafereaoe W Society of North Nebraska Ooafereaoe have to assemble ia the bsaati- faleity of Oelambas la the Niath Aaaaal meetlag. Therefore be it, Resolved: First That to oar president, Mr. J. B. Leedom, oar Oonfereaoe Oorres- noadiaa? eeoretanr. Mrs. H. Hirst Millard and oar cor. treararer, Mrs. B. T. George we acknowledge a debt of gratitude for their efficient services aad aatiriag efforts for the Home Miatioaary daring the past years; That we feel grateful to a Graoioas Provideaoe. who has spared them to as ia their work. Resolved: 8eooad That we tender to Mrs. N. W. Baas, oar National or ganiser the thanks of the body for her comprehensive adiresses aad the in spiration her presence has been to as, Resolved. Third: That an expres sion of appreciation of this conference be extended to Miss Goldie Hiokmaa and Sept. Sparlook of the Mothers' Jewells' Home; Mrs. Effie Taylor of Plaiaview; Mrs. L. M. Beeler of Nor folk aad Mrs. M. D. Cameron of Omaha for their instructive papers and addresses along Home Missionary line.- Resolved. Farther, That we con vey to the Queen Esther Circle, voca lists of Columbus, organist Miss Tar ner the thaaks of this oranixatioa for their valaable assistance in the program, Also, Resolved; That we recog nize and value justly the ooarteeies extended to us by the entire local press inoladiag the OolumbuB Journal and Columbus Telegram for the free space given us and Columbus Printing Com pany for the reduced rates given as on programs and badges, Resovled; That to Miss Wiseman for her helpful assistance throughout this entire convention, we express our thank. Finally. Resolved; That we hear tily thank the Columbus people, the pastor and members of the Method fet Episcopal ohuroh, the local Womau's Home Missionary Society Auxiliary and the Qaeen Esther Circle, espe cially the entertainment commttee and Mrs H Hirst Millard as chair man for their generous hospitality and hearty welcome to their beautiful homes. Signed, Mrs. Ella E J. Paton. Mrs. Carl ijindstrom. Mrs. M. D. Cameron. stS ... 3 . C2 a aiii as is s sjajlalaaT Datura ae an - naj i w i him n - - TFin a zwmui 1H.V. JH17 Z4UL wmm urns ft a tr - T m Q X Mog i July 31sL AudHorium Music Co., R. W. Saley, Prtpriettr - North Opera House - "1 -T Hebnuka Epworth Aaseaibly. The tenth nnnual session of the Ne braska Epworth Assembly will be heM at Epworth Lake Park, Lincoln Jnly HI to August 11 inclusive. Kates of om fare pins 55 cents are announced from all stations in Nebraska. The program is exceptionally strong including among the platform speakers: Georgia New York Africa England Iowa Denver Chicago Tennessee Nashville Illiuois Baltimore of Booker T. Washington Newell Dwight Uillis Biahip J. C. Hartzell Dr. William Spurgeon Senator J. P. Dolliver Dr. Lonis Alltert Banks Hon. John G. Wooley Dr. George R. Stnart Dr. George M. Hatnill Miss Marie O. Brehm Mr. A. W. Hawks The entertaining features are varied and attractive including: Martha S. Gielow Reader Columbus Jubillee Chorna Hagenow Prize Band Parland Newball Company, Bell Ring ers and Male Qnartette Pamihaaika tronpe of trained Birds and Dogs American Vitagrapb, Moving Pictures A copy of the handsome "illustrated Prospectcs" may be secured by sending yonr address on a postal to President L. O. Jones, Lincoln. Sherman Township. Everybody is bnsy harvesting. GusLoseke and family visited with Herm Loseke Sunday. Anna Koche returned home from a weeks' visit with friends at Leigh Thusrday. Louis Cattan and Gus Hoessel drove to Leigh Sunday afternoon. A grand time was had at the home of George Handing Sunday evening. Carl Hollman accompanied his sister Emma and Miss Luescben to Riobland Sunday to visit with Louis Dioke. Herman Qattan visited with home folks Sunday. Sunday was the twenty-fifth anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dyke and a large circle of neighbors and friends helped them to celebrate the event. District 44 and Vicinity. At the annual school' meeting Fred Luckey was elected director. $350 is to be collected by levy and nine months school were voted.. Sidewalks are to be built, the coal made stronger, and the school house to be spouted. And at a meeting of the board on Monday Jnly 0th. Miss Mettie Hensley of Co lumbus, who taught the last term, was elected teacher, with an increase in in wsges of five dollars per month. The Improved New Erie Grader for road work, which was purchased some time ago for Columbus township, has arrived and was hauled out near the school house where it will undergo a test trial, as soon as the harvest is far enough along that the teams can be procured to haul the huge machine. J. A. Warren, agent of United States Department of Agriculture, Washing ton D. O. spent part of the day at this place last Thursday investigating farm machinery. He will do much good to the farming community in general if those with whom be seeks an interview will but get interested in his work. WANTED: Young lady able to speak German to act as Saleswoman. Call at Columbus Bargain Store 11th Street Combined Manufacturer's Sale of Price & Teeple and Tryler Piaaos A large shipment of these excellently constructed instruments have been shipped to Columbus and selling prices have been, sufficiently reduced so as to enable quick selling of the entire ship-, ment Thus you are accorded a Piano buying opportunity which comes but seldom even in larger cities. X WW' X X X X X X X X X X X X X IS X X X X The Price & Teeple and Tryber are artistic Pianos and high artistic results are to be obtained only from instruments produced by men of life long training just such men as are continually employ ed at these factories. The 1906 Fall styles, such as compe this shipment are marvels of lieauty in woods adapted to match up with the finish of any residence interior. i " " aaaa- BBIILIBELbIIQVvbbbbbI FBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBaS-'' ' V bTTCbBBbI ffiBasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssjBssssssssamiaassssssssj BBBBBBMjIFJiPT7PV?VSjB9lSSSSSSSSSSJBJBSSSSSSJBBB2Baa:T'sc a BBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBwSBBBBBBLESSnaaBBS VlB JBBBBBBBBBMnBBSJBBBBffBBBBBJgiBBBWBB" VbHH BBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBflvSBBBBBBBBi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBBSl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa .BBWeBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBWBWBn .-BiBBBBBBBBBSBaBlrSffly?iwT P1'TitMTiSiT'Jf fF k-fcfiiiaBBBlBSBK BBBBh jBBBBtaBBBBBBBBBBaMBBBBSSlSCtW' f - - ' -- BHIK-BBBVaPt KsKSfBSf'mBMl'' HilKBBBBav aHMgpr!- f liiSSHHaaaaPS7 'S'aaBBaBaCj"- ..." Jjjpr jStpS j- MtSfiw1 jr " iiilBBBBBP9fej'' Every Instrument Thorouahlu Guaranteed One may purchase n Price and Teeple orTrylier Piano with every feeling of confidence. You . will be offered a guarantee in regard to perfect tonal power, another guarantee in regard to sialiilP ty of action, a thinl guarantee in regard to workmanship and finish of ease. You are buying -of a. home dealer who will vouch for any claim made by the salesman. if am 8 X. X X X X X X X X X X MERELY $10 WILL SERVE TO SEND A PIANO TO YOUR HOME fl SAVING OF $75.00 TO 4150.00 ON EVERY PMNO -' A REAL OPPORTUNITY We want everyone to see this fine display of Pianos. Come X and secure first choice. We take old instruments in exchange. X Come and hear the music. Store open evenings until 1 0 o'clock. X TViio oftlA will Tia in nhArera nf the fantorv's renresentative. S You owe it to yourself to attend this sale if you have the slight- X est idea of buying a piano. REMEMBER THE PLACE x x X AUDITORIUM MUSIC CO., R. W. SALEY, Proprietor - - - 3SI hiHlA X Soexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STATtiMENT Or the Condition or the Columbus lanI, Iakui and ttuildiiig Aaaociation of ColunilMis Nebraska, on the HOlh day ol' Juno lOOtf. Asat:rs Fimt mortKnge loans HtnckloaaH Itaaltwtato Knrnitore and station rey Canh : y-- Dnlinqnent intenwt, premiums ami hum Kxin anil taxes paitl Other aaHeta ' Total ..... LIAItll.ITIKH Capital stock paiilnp Ibwnrvn fund Undivided profit. l)n BharehoIderB on incomplete loanH Advance laen... - Advance interest awl preimnnw 1IIUU il7'.,:9K Wi fl.;tHM NllIH Nn; , . .. :'-"'l ."..'"' 3 .... Norn- Silu.lZ'i r, fl'.Hi IW Non' Now it.'.o; w 4I 1.1 7.r. BKCK1PT8 AND EXrEMIMTUUKM FOR TJIK YKAK KNIMNK JUNK ). I'M KXrK.MPITi;UKH ,, 257 !5 Ijoant. ... .. 48.3X! mi Kinn ..15,718 65 Htx-k rMlwmed .. 2I,3WH 1'uilion linnd 'Mi : I'remiuin iviurni.. 1.1M55 Total $M7."Ki 15 75,IHM i.mw """"". ... ! 'i :i i)i 7.IW1 15 BKCHITS Balance on hand Jnly 1. IMS Dues ; ; .: Interest, premiOBiB and fine Loans repaid v; Membership and transfer fees... .. Mortjnuiw foreclose re Xitjd ..... ......-......- OTATK OF NEBKAHKA. l'LATTE COUNTY J""- 1 Henry Hockenbewr, rrtary f tliealirve na;nl Assnriation. do solemnly r.rtr llu.t . fren?aifegS Ji . said --Hj knowledge anil belief. tVcn-larj Hnhritmi anil sworn to before me this lh ilay of Joly VJUi. Approveil: 1- Ar 3S3-. C O1- Notary Public. L. W. Wkatkb ) Jodge Batterman iwued marriage lieeosMthifl week to Thomati CraiK. Council BhuTa aad Ailma Nelson oT LAitrh. Frank A. Baker of Omaha aad Mabel Sayder of Columbus; Martin W. Swaaaoaot SL Edward and IHnmer Haaaea of Liadsay. Mra. Marie Wright of Monroe died of paralyaia last Monday at the age of seventy yean and was brought to Co lumbus Tueaday for burial, tbe funeral bring conducted from the Baptist church. She leaves two sons, Lee and John Bennett and a daughter, Mrs Cook of this city. Special Sunday Biaaer Opeaiag. I hnvo complttttM the repairing ami remodelling of the "Old Home Itataur 1101" anil am prepared in every way to meet the demand for a lira? cIhsr, mo dern np-t)-date cafe in Columbus. I have not only private tablet in the lunch room hut have spent a lot of money in arranging a private dining room for the tiro of families and private parties. CleanlincttH ami up to-date catering are my HpeeiallieH, and my kiichent are tlway.s open to impectinn. I shall give two IihIi dinners each wee1ct on WednesdnyH and Fridays. And Hhall make a .specialty of familv Sunday dinners. Next Sunday I will have my lirt spe cial Sunday dinner in the nev private dining riMin and I wifli to invite the Itent people in this city and vicinity to irdl and try my fjrbt "Sunday Special." .1. W. Wi(teutine. The Old Home ISestaurant. Dr. A. T. IVternof the University of Nebraska arrived in olumluis this uiort.ing where he wa met by John GrnHHiiicslaus of Platte Center who took the veterinarian to inspect a numlter of herds of diseased bogs in tbe neighbor hood of Platte Center. Dr. Peters and other university experts have been mak ing a careful study of bog diseases for the benefit of Nebraska farmers, and if on this visit he makes discoveries that will be of benefit to Platte county far mers, his report will be published ia fnll in the Journal next week. .. I -& :? gx. --a? ;.T;