SMS8!ae3ffigSSSSJESg! i?KS3C3-XSE I J v.- W 1 r .- 1: ,Bm The Backbone Mighty The ? Kinnan Fruit Farm for Bent. To tin right party we will rent ciur farm 10 miles south of Columbus. It indiitlnfi about 8n acres of orcbnnl and the rest farm land, well improved. Mrs. M. J. Kinnan, Shelby, Neb. Surprise Indepent Telephone No. 20 A. 2tp Inquire ot Herrick. Seal Etsate Loans. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of rea' estate at the lowest rates on easy terms Becher. Houken berger & Chambers. Ice and Coal -Business for Sale. A large and profitable ice and coal business in one of the lest small cities in Nebraska. Inquire of Journal for particulars Robber boots mended with 'a vnl- oanizing rabstitute at Carl Schubert's. A hundred rears aso. the lieat physician would give yon a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day congh and cold medicines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Beezs Laxative Syrup with Honey . and Tar acts on the bowels drives out the cold clears the head, relieves jail coughs, cleanses and strengthen the munouK membranes of the throat chert, lungs and bronchial tabes. 20th Century Drugstore. Platte Center Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th St. Jeweler tf 1 Dr. W II. Slater, veterinarian, phone !.' 640 Acre Homesteads. Mr. 1 Clem Denver, agent in charge of the Burlington's IIomescekerH Infor mation Ibireau, will be at the Thurston llotfl, Columbus, Neb , the afternoon of Wcdnneday, August 1, UKW, ami will havo with bun full and complete infor . ination about the 010 acre homesteads that am now open to settlement in western Nebraska. All persons interested are invited to call and vimine the maps and charts showing lb" location of these lands. The information is free to those inter ested For bloating, belching, sour stom ach, bail breath malassimilation of food, and all symptons of indigestion. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by 20th Century Drugstore, Platte Center Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Blight's disease and dialietes has been changed to. thank fulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure incipient Bright' disease and diabetes and even in the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight disor ders are cured in a few days. "I had diabetes in its worst form," writes Marion lee of Dunreath, Ind. I "tried eiglit physicians without relief. Only three lottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Chas. H. Dack, FOR SALE: One 18 horse power uauble cylinder engine and Niagara Separator O. J. Lueechen, Creston, Neb. KRYPTOKS NOW IS THE TIME. Do you know there Is a wonderful power in the little word "now." If we make It our motto through life? It is really the secret of success in any thing we undertake. Little defects In the eyes increase daily, and delay is frequently serious. You have only one pair of eyes; If they are defective, glasses will usual ly restore the sight to its normal con dition, but if you wait too long, even the greatest skill may be powerless to help you. If you are in doubt as to the kind of glasses to secure, let us lit you with a pair of "Toriscus Kryntoks." Toriscus glasses are so constructed that they give the eye a larger rcope of vision than is possible in ordinary lenses, and. fitting more closely to the face, protect the eyes from dust particles and reflections from light. Krypioks are made in Toriscus 'shape, combining the qualities of the two, making it the most perfect lens in existence. To know more about the Kryptoks write to the Columbian Bi focal Co., Temple Court, Denver, Colo., the sole makers and distributors of these lenses in the West. A booklet giving full information will be sent free of charge. Or call on Dr. J. W. Terry, in Colum bus, our exclnsive t representative for Platte . county, Nebraska. Dr. Terry will be in his Columbus offices Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Nation k good food food for brain, tood for fxawn, food Hurt fc trentheaing, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper apprcciatiom of tins great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatnesa. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Unda Biscuit which have come to be recog aiacd as the moat perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Umjsjdsl BlSCUlt wQl soon be on every table at mrjmt-mpwipy,fmt hH am4 strength to the American people, thus in very tram brooming the backbone of the nation. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Platte Center. (From The Signal.) Miobael Oronin arrived home Tues day noon from a three weeks visit with his daughters on their home steads in south Dakota. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Cody and Miss j Mame Oady, of Postville, were trans acting bmsness at the county seat last Monday. Misses Ansie Cronin and Agnes Bruckner took in the sights at Colum bus. Thursday, making the trio over land. Mrs. B. Melliger and Mrs K. Wal ter of Columbus, were guests of Mr. P. F. Lnchsinger the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Regan, Mrs. Jerry Flaherty and Mrs. Fox visited with the Dennis Regan family last Saturday. Mr. Jasper Lamb rame np from Lincoln Wednesday evening to look after his property interests here. Mr. Lamb was accompanied by his son Fred, of Ouray, Colorado, where he has a Incerativo position as elcetri cian. Mr. Fred Lamb tells ns that while he will enjoy a visit with his many relatives and friends here, he is already becoming homesick and is anxious to get back to the mountains. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office Columbus State Bank building. new LINDSAY Tho Opinion. A smalt blaze ocenrred in the kitchen of O. E. Oharnqnist's rosi dence Wednesday morning but was soon extingnihed by the timely aid of neighbors. Died: At the home of her son, Alfred Olson in Lindsay sunday morning July Sth, Mr. John Olson, after an illness of several months dnratiou. Funeral services were held from the M. E. chnrch at Looking Glass Monday and intermeut at the cemetery at that place. The de ceased waB an old settler of the Looking Glass commnnit y and moved to Lindsay to live with her son shortly after the death of her hand several years ago. The sorrowing ones have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this their sad bereavement. The body of Mads Anderson, who died in Oregon in Jnne 20, did not arrive nntil yesterday morning. His daughters, Mesdames. S. S. Sorenson and Chris Hendrickson are here and will give their father a burial service at the Danish chnrch and then the body will be laid aside his wife who died ten years ago. Mr. Anderson was about sixty years of age and lived here for fifteen years nntil three years ago when he went to Oregon to live. A letter was received from him oa the 24th saying he was well and hearty, and the daughters were very much surprised to learn of his death, bv telegram two days later. Genoa. f From tn uwuter. i James Pearsall of Columbus was in the city the first of the week renewing his old acquaintances. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, while sitting in her yard listening to the address on the 4th. was taken suddenly ill, from which she has not recovered at this writing. The attack was caused from a combina tion of physical troubles. Ralph Pngsley moved with his family last week to his new home at Monroe where he will keep books for a mercan tile firm of which he has become a mem ler. Mr. and Mrs. Pngsley have a host of friends in our city who will miss them exceedingly The death of Mrs. N. J. Skoog on Sat urday last, though expected, cast a shadow of gloom over the entire com munity. Mrs Skoog ha leen gradually wasting away, from a cancer, for the pant year. Everything that medical skill could do wa done to arrest the dread disease but without results, and she passed away the last of the week after weeks of suffering. The deceased was one of Genoa's most highly i8erted ladies hiving been a resident for many years. Besides tin aged father a d mother and several brothers and sisters she leaves two small children, a husband and two stepchildren to mourn her pre mature death. The funend services were held at the residence on Monday afternoon and the remains laid to rest in the Genoa cemetery. For wedding stationery, vis itiHS cards and fine stationerv -" .- i ...... -J can oa vmv vwiumuus inuiiHg i I & Specialty House tf 8t.Edward. I From the Advance. 1 William Vincent arrived Monday from Nisbet. N. D.. where he has been since hut October on his Dakota farm. He reports that crops are look ing fine in Dakota and that his fath er will not return to Nekraska nntil later in the fall. At a meeting of the Commercial clnb Monday night by-laws and a constitution were adopted and the organization was made permanent. One feature of the constitution was to allow anyone living within the ter ritory of St. Edward to become a member of the olnb. Mr. Bert Tay lorhad contributed a quarter's dues to the secretary of the clnb and has the honor of being the first farmer to join the clnb. The dues are f4.U0 a year, payable quarterly in advance. After once joining the clnb, one is considered a member so long as he is not in arrears for dues. A committee consisting of Dr. O. A. Britell, W. F. Flo'ry anil S. J. Kennedy were ap pointed to investigate the probable cost of building an opera house and are to report at the next meeting whioh will be held in about two weeks. The proposition is to build the opera honse by stoclc subscription. After the cost of the hnilding and lo cation has been determined, it is pro posed that a number of the substantial business men and a nnmber of the substantial farmers fila articles of in oorpartion and open tho stock books for subscrptions. Very little difficul ty is anticipated in making such a proposition carry as a nnmber of far mers have already expressed a desire to assist in such an enternrize. Dr O. H. Flory, J B. Carter and A. P Peterson were appointed a committee to investigate the probable cost of a waterworks system. After their re- part if in the opinion of the Clnb a system of waterworks seems to be within the possibilities for St. Ed ward, an effort wiil be made to hold a special election to determine the sentiment of the people upon the mat ter. A. P. Peterson. P. F. Cahill and S. J. Kennedy were appointed a commititee to request the village board to make a small appropriation to test the efficiency of the King road drag on certain streets in St. Edward. This move was prompted by the good reports which are coming from Hugh Smith who using a drag on the road runuing along the west side of his farm. President E. W. MoFarland was tendered a vote of thanks for the prompt train service and numerous improvements recently made by the Union Pacific railroad company, both of which are directly resitant from his visit to the railroad officials at Omaha. This community was shocked to learn this morning by cablegram that Steve Rich had died at his mother's home in Oopbenhagen, Denmark, on July 2nd, 1D0G. of inflamation of the liver, aged 38 years, ( months and 12 days. In April of this year accom panied by his wife, he left for Den mark to spend the summer with his mother, but shortly after arriving over there he caught cold which settled en his lungs and afterward his old tronble developed, which resulted in his death. He leaves, beside a wife and mother, three brothers and a sis ter. Louritz manager of a large dry goods store in Oophenhagen, George and Oarl of this place, and Mrs. Dorthra Harpotb. wife of a banker in Oophenhagen She was oflicial court interpreter for a number of years for the King of Denmark. St. Edward Sun. Gay, J the six year old boy of Nels Berlin, had one of his arms broken Thursday morning in a runaway. In company with older brothers they started in from the field, and iu going down a hill the tongue came down and the team started, the boys jump ing, but the little fellow did not get out successfully St. Edward Sun. The old time method of purging the system with Cathartics that tear, gripe grind and break down the walls of the stomach intestines is supersed ed by Dades Little Liver Pills. They oleanse the liver, and instead of weak ening build up aad strengthen the whole system. Believe headache, bilousneas. constipation etc Sold by 20th Gentary Drugstore, Platte Center Acre Proaerty. We have lf0 acres of choice land one-bair mile from city limits for -! 10 ,. tlBct- Elliott. Speioa & Oo. .fBP Dr. J. VY. Terry OF OMAHA l- EYE SPECIALIST , EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Eqaipped Optical OflicM In The West in the front rooms over Pollock &Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday , on? day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Monroe '(From The Republican.) The Wells-Abbott-Neiman -Jo. of Sobnyler have sold four of their ele vatorst to the T. B. Hord Grain Co., of Central City, the elevator at Mon roe being inoluded in the sale. The deal was completed the fiist of the week and representatives of both com panies were here making the trans fer. John Gibbon is returned by the new firm as manager of the elevator, and as tho Wells-Abbott-Nieman peo ple will continue their flour depot here, he will also have charge of that. From now on exchaage and retailing grain will be discontinued Leigh From tho Last Saturday morning the Onicago & North Western passenger train ran Into a wagon and a span of males near John Guidinger's faros three and one-half miles east of town. The wagon was occupied bj a Mrs. More feld and fifteen year ran. The team had sot across the track, but the wagon was still on the tra dc The occupants were hurled out, the box thrown three hundred feet and the wheels two hundied. It was truly marvelous that Mrs. Morefeld and son were not instantly killed. When they were picked up Mrs. Morefeld was found to be suffering from inter nal injuries ami bruises to such an extent that she was unable to stand. The son was Buffering from a dislo cated arm and several sprains and brniKes. On I he train from Leigh aa pawwngors were Dr. J. 11. Lowery, John Tally and Mrs. Oarson and daughter. Dr. Lowerv rendered pro fessional services and assisted in get ting the injured parties to Howelbj wiere they were turned over to the company phvsician. Dr. Preston. The train was held at Howelbj for more than a half an hour to see that the patients were cared for and that it would not be necessary to take them to a city hospital. The More feliln livo near Orlean and were on their way from that place to Cornlea where Mrs. Morefeld has a married wbom they were going to visit. The last reports Rtate that the parties are getting along nicely and will be well in dne time. Walter Gnidinger, who has been at tending Medical College in Chicago for the past two years arrived home the latter part of last week. He was summoned here aocount of the severe illness of his mother. Mrs. John Gnidinger, who was taken with an attack of paralysis oa the night of July 3rd. Dre. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con nultation in German and English. Cheap Ranch. 320 acres of deeded land with plenty of grazing land. Cnts 200 tons of hay. All well fenced and good hoase. Price $3500. Hayinc machinery goes with ranch Adresa J. S. Adams, Lakeside, Neb. FOR SALEr-Chartere Hotel, one of the lending hotels in Alliance, Neb. A bargain. Write S Care of Columbus Journal, ColmnbuH, Neb. Tender cuts and prompt delivery Gassin's market. at Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the tronble is in side. ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medioine can be applied where it - will do the most good, and do it quickly. If you are suffering with piles yon owe your self the duty of trying ManZan. Sold 20th Century Drug store. Platte Center Opening of the Shoshonl Reservation. Kcifltration for the drawing of tbe land of the Sliohoui ltiervntion will Infill at ijhoshoM mid Lunder V)o, July Kith., mid continue to July 3lstt inr.lnsive. Drawing for the land will take place at Lander Wyn., beginning Angut 4th , ami continue until the land is disjiosed of. The land will be opened for Rottli'inent Aligns) 13tb, 1906 There will he ntxmt 1,140,(100 acres thrown njM'ii to settlement. The Engi neering Department of the State of Wyoming has completed final arrange ments for the irrigation of a large part of these lands hy use of the abundant water supply of the Big Wind liver, making it one of the finest and cheapest irrigation projects in the west. TicRets will be on nale hy tbe Chicago and Northw-western Railway. Jnly 12th., to 2!Hli inclusive good returning until Antrust 15th on which stopovers may he had in both directions at points in regu lar hnmeoeekers territory within the limit of the ticket The RtJWMI Trff) Rate between Omaha and llmlnwi Wue. will be 20.00. For circulars, maps or other informa tion telling how to reach tha reservation and register, address 8. F. MniiKK Asst. Genl. Frt and Pass. Agent Chicago k Northwestern Ry., 1201 Farnam St, Omaha, Nebr., or any North-wastern Line Ticket Agent. HIM PACIFIC TIIET1ILE WEST BOOTH), MAIN LINK. 1, Overbad Limited I2:lii p. u. i, Colorado Kxprraa MAS p. m Mo No No. . California aad (hvwooKx ... 71 p. ... 1:47 p. Ha. 7, UMABMiMijimitml., No. B, Put aiku , No. U.tTolo. Special No. IS. .irtli Matte Local... No.a. Local rraicnt 4.ia p, m. HUM a. . II Sin . liUOm. BAST BOUMl ai: No. No. No. t.Ororlaad Limited... 4. Atlnatio Kzpmaa... .. . 523 p. m . . a. m. . tte p. s. . 838 p. m. .124. p. ai . 52a a. n. . 1:13 p. m. . 5 JO p. m. Depart . 730 p. m. . 71)1 a. m Arrive .1?:&p.a. . i.U0p.r. 8. Kaatorn Kxpreaa.. No. 8. . LmsAnxelei mited No. 10. Past Mail fco 12. Chiasm Hmeial . Ho. 14. North Plattn Lonl No. K. Loral fraicfat OBTOLK BBAHOB. Ho. 29. No. 77, Mixed No. ss. No. 78. ALBION AMD 8PAL1UNO BBAMOB. Depart laanr 2:25 p. a. Mixed 7:00a.m. No. SI. No.7. Arrive No. 82, PMeaajier 125 p. m. No. 80 Mixed 8:15p. m. Norfolk paemmec traiaa ran daily. No traiae oa Albion aad BpaMiac braaeb Madera. All mala liae panenger traiae dally. W.H.BxRBAH.Aceat. Humfhrey. From the Democrat Miss Mary Diaeen and Mary Scnaef - er went to Oolambas Wednesday nooa for a couple of weeks visit with rela tive. Fred Myers, who for several years was a barber in Humphrey, died at his home in Cornlea. Wednesday afternoon of this week. Deceased had' been in poor health for some time bat he was not considered in a serious ooaditioa aatil a short time before his death, Funeral services will be held from St. Francis chnrch torrow morning aad the remains will be placed in St. Franols cemetery. Mrs. Mary Morfield and son form erly of Oorsdea were run down by the east bound northwestern passen ger last Saturday morning on across ing four miles southwest of Olarkson. Mrs Morfield aooompanied by her son were on their way from their home at Olean to Cornlea to visit her daughter, Mrs. Anton Sohad, when the aooident happened. It is not known whether the mules balked at the critical moments of crossing or whether the engineer failed to signal in time The crossing is said to be a dangerous one as there is sharp carves on both the railroad and wag on road. Mrs. Morfield sustained in ternal injuries and the boy had one arm dislocated but it is thought both will recover. Loatsa, wife of Gotlieb Fisoher, died at the family home south of town y on Tnursday, July 5, after an illnei of only a few- weeks with sciatf rheumatism and neuralgia. The deV ceased, whose maiden name was Louisa Ealinger. was born in Witten- berg. Germany, April 2, 1849. In 1869 she came to America and settled in Illinois where in January, 1870, he was united in marriage to Got lieb Fkher. In 188G they came to Platte uouuty and located near Hum phrey where they have since resided. The deceased was a Christian woman, a devoted wife and mother. Her ab sence will be sadly missed. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband. and three sons and two .daughters, all of whom were present at the funeral. They are: William, Charles, and John, and Mrs. Charles Schroeder and Miss Mary. The funeral was held from the residence last Sunday after noon and the remains were laid to rest in the Humphrey oemetery. Makes the LiTtr Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives per manent relief in cases of habitnal con stipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. Chas. II. Dack. Laka Tahoe One of the most beautiful lakes in the world lies in the heart of the Sierras on "The Overland Route," 6,220 feet aliove the sea level, and is completely hemmed in by mountain walls, whose rugged peaks rise in many places to an addi tional height of from 2.000 to 4,000 feet. It is twenty-three miles wide and from 100 to 2,000 feet deep. The entire region surrounding tbe lake is picturesque al most beyond description, and a never ending delight to the eye. This region is reached only over the Union Pacific and its connections, the fast trains via this route reach California many hours ahead of all competitors. Inquire of W. H. Benham. Asthma Sufferers Should Know This. Foley's Honey and Tar has enred many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Buesing, 701 West Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The lest medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley ' Honey and Tar was recommended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had bt-cn growing on me for twelve years. If I had tnken it at the start I would have saved years of suffering. Chas. H. Dack. Kodaks and sapplies at NewohnerV. Carl Schabert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf Waaa yoa want baled hay that is bright aad coal that is clan order frost Nawsaaa Welch. tf Try The Bew Grocery. Every aoaaewife knows the advan tages of trash gooeries. Everything ia say store is fresh, and say prices are clear at the bottom. B. Heater. B. 8. Palater. the tailor, clean, dyes aad repairs ladies aad gea ts olotaiag. Hats cleaaed aad rebloeked. Agaat for Gerasaaia eteasa dye works, Olive St. Batwaaa lath and lSth 8ft. SISTER! READ MY FREE OFFER it. m. neelflea Bavaelf aav em TO MOTHERS OP DAUGHTERS aad eftaetumllT enres Ltueorrkta. ladles. ItwillMVfyowaaziefyaBdczpmMaBd her troables to others. Plumimesa and health WeWeWeWeWeVeWeWf "bbWcVbbbbbbbi BbbbbbbbbbbbtbbV eKmmmmmmaa amamamamammmmm. " Baaaaaaawj bbbbbbbbbbbbbtBbm. Bbbbbbbbbk&I VewMaHaHaHaBNaWe PHmI vssssssssssssssSBy BBsssssssssF 8BBBBBBBBBw SWBbW ""'ama Taiimili betides" araelf have eared Wherever yew Ure I eaa refer yoa to wen-known ladies of yoar own state or county who know aaSmilili Hi ai ii i ii iiii HiiTiniiiiiriaBr iraritallilliiiiririBilltlnif ef oar delicate female organism, tnoronrhiy attwatheaa rceaaed awjacteaawdHaBBawts which eaase dlitrlimmrnt. W tit i r M Writs rrnliT m tTiti irlrrr-"' t - r' '" " MRS. n. SUMMERS, Bern Notre Dame, Ind., U. S. A. VACATION SEASON ii SEE AMERICA FIRS Spend your vacation in Colorado which is brimful of attractions ; whetpthe exhilaration of the pure dry air enables you to live the genuine outdoor life where same is plentiful where the streams are teemini; with trout, aad where yoa will see the most famous mountain peaks. passes and canons in America. During the tourist season the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad ''&. una fthtwtrur -i will make special low rates from Denver. Colorado Springs. Manitou ami Pueblo to all the scenic points of interest in Colorado and Utah. Our booklet "Vacation Estimates" tells you about the many wonderful places in Colorado Colorado Springs. Manitou. Pikes Peak, Royal Gorge. Marshall Pass, Ouray and Glenwood Springs and the cost to see them. ft TheuaasMl MUea ArwUSMl ftk QhrCM or a trip to Salt Lake City and return are unsurpassed in scenic attractions and inexpensive. Open -Top Observation Gars, SEATS FRBt Through the Canons during the Summer Months Wrib for free descriptive literature to . K. HOOPER. Ganl FaaMRfjer rlejant Danvar. Gala. I ANOTHER EVENT I Opening of the 10SH0NE INDAIN RESERVATION r .cation In Northwest Wyoming, adjoining the Big Horn Basin, ntbeast of Yellowstone Turk Forest Reserve, and r cache I by the Bur ngttm's new line to WaiiaSMl, Mf. J Dates far Resjistratlafi -July 16th to :tist. Places far RefJlStratian -Worland aud Thermopolis, Wyo. Wor land is directly reached by the Burlington; Thermopolis by a stage jour ney of 32 miles south of Worland. GharaCMr f LandS-Of the 1,150,000 acres of lands to be opened for settlement, nbout 400,000 acres are agricultural lands to be drawn for. Such lands can be finely irrigated, according to surveys already mnde. Excursion Rates From points on the Burlington west of the Mis souri River the excursion rate to Worland is but one fare for the round trip, with a maximum of $20 from Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska territory. This unusually low rate gives every body a chance to draw- for the lands. Dates Of Sale July 12th to 2i)Lh. Final limit Angust 15th. Train Service Two daily throngh trains during the registration from the Southeast to Worland. Wyo Go into that country over the Bnrling ton through the Big Horn Basin, along tbe Big Horn River, passing thou sands of acres of irrigated lands under cultivation; you will get an object lesson in irrigation and its possibilities. 99 Advertising Will Pay You YORK COLLEGE One of Nebraska's Standard Institutions. Seventeen eminent teachers. Two splendid buildings. Thorough Collegiate and Academy courses. Normal Courses leading to StatG Certificates. Superior Commercial, Shorthand, typewriting and Telegraphy Depart ment. Best advantages iu Music, Expression and Art. Tuition Iov. Board 81.75 per week. Room .r0c per week. TtXt BOtkft FrCC Delighted patrons. Growing attendance.' Students hold good jMwitions. Catalogue free. Correspondence invited. Fall term opens September 17. "" WM. E. SCHBLL, D. D. President, YORK, NEBRASKA THE mm i WORLD'S 'lasUSaWattsVl LSsaaaMiaMU H2S?3E59R9Era'H afJQNfiMfi UCflfi ftH mmmimmmOmZmmWM Wim Wins It SnfftfOT iff Miff I will nail, tree efaa? chare, this Home Treat, cat with fall iostractions and toe history ef mr own ease to any lady aaterina from female treahl You eaa cave yewiMa home wlthiat the set at aagrpaymoaav ti wmrcew y ami tonre taa treatment a trial, and if yoa decide to eoatiaae to will only cost you about twelve etata weak. It will aot Interfere with roar work or occupation. I have time; arM. Tell ether sufferers eCtt that la all I ash. It cures all. youne or old. twfyoafcelabearinrowp sensation aeBeeef Impending evil, pain in the hack or bowels, eraew lnir feeling up the spine, a desire to cry freoweatly. hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to armate. or If yoa have Leu corrhcat Whites), Displacement or Falling or tne Womb. Profuse, Scanty or Famral Periods. Tumors or Growths, address MRS. M. SUMMERS. NOTRE DAME. IXD.. U. S. A. for the rasa Tbiatmzht ar.d Feu. Iwtobmatkw. with it. 1 send it in plain wrappers. BRS I will explain a simple Bon -" Treatment which speedily OrtmHudtmrttMBFaimul or JrrtgtUar Mentfniatto in young svei wour aaughur u Atmuuoiton of explaining alwaylrresalt from Its use. "" il Burlinstna Akphps will he supplied with mta rircnlitrH anil npecial folders; diwcriptive of the Agency, method of drawine. etc L. W. WIIELY, Gm. Pass. Agt. 1004 Fanum St. Onaha, Nthr. Whether it is on your business stationery or in the columns of the Journal. If you don't think so, call and let us convince you. It will be dollars in your pocket. GREAT HEALER B9HOUSAKDS of grateful customers in Jfc every state attest the WONDERFUL W luusaoua oi grateiui customers in every state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the BEST LINIMENT nFAN'Q viMGOinTiicnii? ThMithiaHtttalHtalswitfcHtaSMr J It corps cnts. sprains, brutes, sorea. swellings. T lameaeas. old wounds. lumbaKo. chapped hands. fro-t kj . bltea,etc and Is the standard ronu-dy for bmrbrd fa Wr tmts cm animals, ham and saddle trail. v cratches, grease heel, caked udder. Itch, mange, etc. B It heals & wound from the bottom np and Is Wr thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL Is . sold by druggists in lc...vw-.. and ft bottles. S3 and BBV wtiui aim runs, or wni prepaiu oy no nm--taren. OLNEY 6 Mc1AI9. CUmtem, Ma. If aot obtainable at yoar drugalata. POLXOCK& CO. 1l i i .