?. Ii let -f '-' m Sfsr - ' ",.- - , ""iTU' """"" ' '' ' ,L wiiiiiinii mwirwi.innniii.i n. ii.iir.Mi ....... ..... . mi . ,,. ,. .,. .; ...... . . ... niiiiiw i n ih.iiimiiiiUiUJi 1 1 lull tlillllMMUMfilMMaMBillW : : bs-J) J if I I H i ftflj B vVVVVVVVV SbbbbbbbV BsTsTfTfTfTfTfTfBr' H H 'JyVVVVVVVP SBbbbbbbVf b yAfAfAfAfAfAm iH H H IF YOU ATTEND THE LAST WEEK OF OUR 13 DAY NOVELTY SALE pniiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMKBHaMaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bigger, Brighter, Better Bargains for the Last Week of Our a 13 Day Novelty Sale which Ends Wednesday, July, 25th. DRESS GOODS Prices for the Last Week of Our Sale One lot of Dress goods worth up to 50c last week of sale 25c COc wool goods last week of sale 39c 50 Mohairs in any color worth 75c last week of sale. ..... 55c 50 inch panama in black and Colors worth $1.00 last week of sale 79c $1.25 Fancy Panama 50-in wide last week of sale 89c $1.25 Mohair 40-in any color you want last week of sale. -90c GUT PRIGES ON FANCY DR&SS SILKS Fancy Dress Silks worth up to 00c last week of sale 58c $1.00 36-in black Taffeta Guaranteed last week of sale 79c $1.25 36-in Black Taffeta Guaranteed last week of sale $1.05 36-in white Jap. silk worth 00c last week of sale 42c Black MoneyBak Taffeta worth $1.75 last week of sale at $1.59 $2.00 MoneyBak Taffeta last week of sale at $1.79 PRIGBS IN WftStt GOODS FOR THE LAST WEEK OF SALE One lot of lawns last week of sale at 2 l-2c Organdies and Batist worth 10 and 12 12 l-2c to close last week of sale at 7 l-2c Batiste worth up to 8c last week of sale at '. 5c 20c wash goods last week of sale at 12 l-2c 50c wash goods last week of sale at 35c COc wash goods last week of sale at 39c 25c wash goods last " of sale at 17c 35c wash goods last " of sale at 23c BIG GUTS IN LADIES' AND GHILDR&NS' SUMMER HOSE 4 prs. Children's Hose last week of sale for , 25c 20c hose for Boys and Misses last week of sale at 15c 25c hose for Misses and Boys last week of sale at . .'. 19c 20c Ladies hose last week of sale at 15c 25c lace and plain hose last week of sale 21c 35c lace and plain hose last week of sale at 27c 30c plain and Fancy hose last week of sale at 25c 40c plain and Fancy Hose last week of sale 32c 45c plain and Fancy Hose last week of sale 38c 50c all colors plain and fancy hose last week of sale 42c 00c plain and fancy hose last week of sale 50c 05c fancy hose last week of sale - 55c 75c fancy hose last " of sale 63c 85c fancy hose last " of sale 72c 90c fancy hose last " of sale 79c $1.00 fancy hose last " of sale 89c I MEAT OmMTNITY TO HY TULE UIEIS IT CUT MICES Household bleached table linen last week of sale 17c 40c table linen at 29c 50c bleached and unbleached table damask at 39c MTTiTJNERY All hats worth up to $2.00 close out the last week of sale at $ .45 All 3.50 hats the last week of sale at 1 . 50 Allf.00 " " " " " " " 2.50 All 6.00 " " " ' " " " 2.98 All Muslin Underwear at Cut TkMe Apply to All Styles of Gmrmem to 25c muslin underwear last week of sale at $ .17 30c 35c 40c 50c 60c 7ic 1.00 1.25 1.50i 2.0 12.50. 3.00 t t .a u it it it It it c ii tc ' ii i ii ii i( U ii tt tt it u i . " it it i ti ti ii . .23 .. .29 .. .32 . .42 . .49 . .69 . .85 . 1.05 . 1.39 . 1.69 . 2.19 . 2.69 00c bleached table damask at 75c table damask in bleached and unbleached ;it. $1.00 Irish bleached last week of sale $1.15 Pure linen table damask last wc:k of sale . $1 .25 bleached table damask last week of sale . . . $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.75 It It 14 ii it t t tt ti tt t t t t t t tt t t t I it 14 42c 59c 79c 85c 98c $1.29 $1.49 $1.75 $2.35 19c 07c 10c 0 One lot of colored damask worth up to 40c last week of sale at All embroideries worth up to 1 5c last week ol sale at All embroideries worth up to 20c last week ol sale at All embroideries worth up to 35c last week of sale at 1 7c LADIES SUMMER VESTS Jersey ribbed vests at 4c, 10c ribbed vests last week of sale 7c 12 l-2c vests last week of sale 9c 15c vestslast week of sale lie 0 20c vests last 25c vests last 30c vests last 35c vests last 50c vests last tt tt i of sale 15c of sale 18c of sale 25c of sale ;.-29c of sale 42c NOTIONS AT A VERY LOW PRICE LAST WEEK OF SALE Kings-200yds sewing cotton at N lc 50 mourning pabs at. lc 1 doz. pearl buttons at lc 1 doz. safety pins at lc Velvet skirt binding per yd lc 4 spools Coats darning cotton at 5c Cotton tape black ana white lc Tooth brush at fc Hinge handle curling iron at i . . tc Shelf paper at 3jc One lot of laces at 3jc 1 doz. horn hair pins at 5c 25c German make clothes brush at 15c Rubber Complexion brush worth 35c at 15c Talcum powder at 10c 20c Japanese fans at 10c 2ic ladies embroidered collars at 12c White and Black Parasols at Novelty Prices J .Jii parasols black and white at .89 ' " 1.19 60c blankets at AT 75c " " M 1.00 " " 75 4.00 " " 3-0 ft fcKt a List tf Triftkrs Saaplis i CtttM art Waal llaakaft at 25 par caat iiacaaaff. Wa vast fa gift Yaa tfca laaafit af this iargaia 1.25 Bed Spreads last week of sale at 98 1 50 " " " " " " " 1 ' 2 00 " " " " " " 1 2!50 " " " u ,' " " 2.19 off on all blankets during the last week of this sale. 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 " ti u tt tt u u it 1.45 1.79 2.19 2.59 3.15 3.55 2.50 Special Cltred ParastU at 41.59 Bed Spreads, Special values last week of sale at $ . 69 25 per cent discount en Ladles SHlts and skirts. 1-4 off on all shirt waists. 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.50 9x12 40.00 9x12 Big Values on Smith 8x11 Royal Axminister Rugs last week of sale at W- 9x12 Smith Axminister Rugs last wrek of sale at 21 . 00 9x12 Smith Velvet Rug last week of sale at. . . 21 .(Hi 9x12 Brussels Rugs last week of sale at 13. 98 Wool art square last week of sale at 7.50 Calcutta Axminister iasi ween oi saie ai '"" I Wilton Velvet last week of sale at 37 . 50 I GROCERY DEPARTMENT 2400 parlor matches at 12k 4 cans Rex Lye at 25e Swan Down Cake Flour at 19c 3 pkgs. best Clothes Pins at 10c 3 lb. cau Castle brand Fears at 10c i gallon Fancy Stone Water Pitchers at l!c 3 bars Cne Perfumed Toilet Soap at 10c Bishop's Tomato Catsup, Pint Bottle at 19c Red Band Brand Caudy during this sale per 11) 10c HARDWARE DEPARTMENT 7 quart Granite Berlin Kettle at 49c 17 quart Granite Dish Pan at (9c 10 quart Granite Pail at .-....-10c 6 quart Duchess Kettle at -19c 8 quart Turquoise Granite Tea Kettle at 79c 3 quart Turquoise Granite Collee Pot at '19c Star Iron Frame Clothes Wringer at SI. 25 .S0c 99c 2 burner & Step Quick Meal (IitsolineStoveH and oven at $9.9$ 6 hole Gem Steel Range with I Jigh Clo.-et & Reservoir at S2:i.00 Garment Hangers made of heavy wire at 7c 50 IF. flour bin at K9c Trouser Holders at 10c Loom ends of Percales, Dimities, Batistes and Lawns worth up to 15c last week of sale 3 l-2c. - - - CJ 9 arm Adjustable Wall Clothes Rack at. r !.:..:.... t..k .....I w..:.w... I -.!, ... voiiimuiitiiiM iuu mm iiiii;i juiin in. B DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY DURING THE LAST H OF IS SALE 1 . g .BflBSSSW SSSflBiBlH .BSSSl HB VflH.., .hhb. IBSSSSSSSSSsV BSSSSSSSSSSSSlV BSSSSlV IsSSSSBSsVBSsB BSSSSSSSSSflL BfsfSfSfJH'BSfSS' TSSfSSf'SSfSSSfSf BYSfSfSfSfSSl BSfSfSfSfSfSr r ''slH .BSfSfSVTTBBBB ' BSfBSfsl BSSSSVSl SfSSfSSfSSSSfSSfST BsVTBSfBSm' BSSSfSsF' BSfSSfSSSfSsW fsSSfSK "fsSSSsl lsSSsV"SSSim BYSSSSBSSfSSfSi' BSfSV ' BSSSSSfSSfsV BSfBMBSSfBSfsl SSfBSfSrBSSIBM BBSIBSfBSfBSfBS. BSfSSfi T'BSfBsl 1'' ABBBBB - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBk'" BBBBBw ' vBBBBBBBBBf BSSSSSSSvJBBSl' -BSSSSST BSSSSvJ .BVAVSBHBBSSSSSSSk, B8SSSSSSSSSSSw VBSMWrr SJsWni vJBSflB..SSSW JHBSm PPf BSSSlBSBF'' 1 BIG NINE DEPARTMENT STORE COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA ;: 0 0 0 0. w ;: 0. 0' 0 0 0. M0 0 0 0. X X X X X X x 0 0 :; X 0 0 0 a I i ii s. . "tr s ?y V - t "mi X X - 41 h l xs&xxqxxsoQsxsaaoaGiixsaassas - vtl & p. j-. imiirmfimirmmcwiirvmM-00M n j-r wwamyiiHaijme, jiMwwii- ,at-