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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1906)
sfT "???-iv,fc- "" r ii-TT g:e?y w? ?3S.wfi V -r - :? - Supplement to Gfre . f " Journal v-. " t-. "k r Volume 37., No. 15. Columbus, Nebraska, July 11, 1906. Whole No. 1,812. '& - - ColumutiG f I HIM PMIHC TIIETAILE WEST BOCVD, MAW LIKE. No. 1, Overland Limited. 12:10 p. an Mo. S, Colorado Kxpreae 6:55 p. m No. California and Oregon Ex.... 7:30p.m. No. 7, Los Angelas Limited 1:17 p.m. No. ,Pat Mail 4.B p. m. No. II, Colo. Special 1048 a. m. No. U, North Watte LneaL. 11:28a. m. Mo., Local Freight 7:00 a. m. BAST BOOH I J Alf IIH No. 2, Overland Limited 553 p. m. No. 4, Atlaatic Kxpreas. 6:0U a. m. No. 6, Kaetarn Kxrnee 225 p. m. No. 8. Loa Angel Limited 8.38 p.m. No. M. Vast Mail 1255 p. m. ho. IX Chicago Bpecial 52 a. u No. 14, North Platte Local .. 1:S p. m. No. S8. Local Freight 530 p. m. MOBPOMC BBABOB. Depart No. 29. Pnaenager 730p. m. No. 77, Mixed 71 a. m Arrive No. SB, P nnniir 12:15 p. m. No. 78, Mixed 73UOp. n. ALBION AMD HPAMtlNO BBAMOH. Depart No. SI, Faaaenger 2:25 p.m. No.7W, Mixed Arrive No. S2, Paaeeager 125 p. m. No.SU, Mixed 8:15p.m. Norfolk paaeeager trains ran daily. No traina on Alhina and Spalding branch Baadaya. All mala line paannnger trains ctalljr. W. H. Hknhab. Agent. Special Reduced Excirsioi lates To St. Paal, Minn.. July 24-26, re tmra limit August 15. one fare pine $2.00. To Minneapolis, Minn., August 8- 13, return limit September 30, one oeat per mile. To Milwaukee. Wis., August 11-13, aaaoaaod later. One fare pins $2.00. To Toronto, Canada, September 11 14, retarn limit October 24. One fare plan $2.00 Sammer Tourist Rates June 1st to September 30th to Cnicago. Madison, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Su Paul, Min neapolis and other points in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, also to Now England and Canadian points Homeseekere Excursion Kites. On sale every Tuesday from Columbus, David City and points east to points in South Dakota (east of Missouri river) North Dakota, Minnesota, Northern Wisconson, Michigan Peninsula, Alber ta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and west ern Ontario at one faro plus $200 for the round trip good returning twenty one days from date of wile. For folders, descriptive circulars, fates etc., address S. F. Miller, A. G. F. & P. A. C. & N; W. Ry.. Omaha, Neb. Makes the Liver Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives per manent relief in cases of habitual con stipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartic. Does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitute- Chas. II. Dack. Through TO Chicago THROUGH Standard and Tourist sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago, every day from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars arc carried on through trains arriving in the heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m., 9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago, MilwaikeiudSt.Pa.l Railway Any ticket agent of the Union Pacific will send you East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if you ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist that your ticket read this way. Complete information about rates, routes and train service sent on request. F. A. HASH 1 wPMrstent Asnvt ISM Famaam Street, am. anaBrWa9lnmJ I Bn k BJmwH H 8BSTPkHMaBW Sunemmt's Precoeiligt. . The request of the Union Pacific R R Co. to have stricken from the assess ment rolls the taxes for the year 1905 on certain lots in the city of Columbus, for the reason that same are assessed usual ly by the State Board of Equalization, therefore not subject to local assess ment, was returned with following re port: "Your committee on claim after investigating the within commuication find that the statements made therein are correct, therefore recommend that the request be granted and the county treasurer directed to cancel said taxes accordingly. J. Goetz. On motion same was adopted. The requests of George Henggeler II. Miessler Adtna, Bernard McTaggart, John Kotler, Anna Sohuldt, G. H. Davis, Fred G. Stenger, C E Chapin, Wm. J. Newman, Patrick Foley, Jacob Louis. Jos. II Smith, Pins Poeffel, jr , and J M Dawson to cause to have re funded to them certain taxes paid for the year 1005 under protest, for the rea son that said taxes are charged on the tax list under item "Proposed Drainage Ditch Fund," were returned by the committee on claims with following re port: "Your committee recommend that the requests be not granted. J. Goetz. On motion recommendation was adopted. Moved by supervisor Goetz that whereas the requests of all parsons to cause to have refunded to tlieiu certain taxes paid by them for the year 1905 under protest on account of "Proposed Drainage Ditch Fund" have been denied by this board, that therefore the county treasurer be and hereby is directed to dispose of said money in manner as pro vided by law. Motion carried. The following was presented: To the County Board of Platte county, Nebraska Gentlemen: During the year 1905 your honorable board caused a special lax to be levied against the Omaha & Republican Valley R. R. Co. on acsount of special tax for the proposed drainage ditch, amounting to $109,00 and interest. I have to report that the said railroad company has failed to pay said tax to date and therefore would ask your lion. Board to advise me what to do in this matter. Respectifnlly, D. A. Becher, Co. Tress. Moved by supervisor Sahnre that the county treasurer lie directed to notify the said railroad company relative to this special tax and request same to re mit amonnt of taxes with accrued in terest. Motion carried. Upon recoramendatioa of the 00m mitee on roads and bridges the fol lowing bills were on motion allowed and the olerk directed to issae war rants in payment thereof on the conn ty road and county bridge fanda as follows: Ed Zybach aocoaat Oolambus city $23 32 ; Otto Ernst accoaat Columbus township $15 75; JohnSchram account Oolarabas township $2 00; H D Olaus sen account Shell Creek tqwnship 12 00; Q J Braeaig account Hum phrey township $9 50; Albert Gerber account Butler township $5 00; J P Sokol acooant same $11 00 Charles Sokolsame $1100; J E Kaafmaan same $20 48; Geo. A Hoagland same $ 21 10 Christ Griesea acooant Lost Creek $20 50; Wm. Greisensame$22 50 T H Gleason same $19 00; H W Gen tleman asme $0 00; Walrath & Sher wood Lbr. Co. aocoaat Monroe town ship $78 55 ; Augast Hahlberg aocoaat Walker township $25 50; O J Dafal mansame $13 00; JN MaUmann ac count Hamphrey township $$19 25 ; Edwards & Brdford Lbr Go. acooant Shell Creek township $4 50; Albert Born accoaat Batler twoaahip $2 00; Mike Farmaa same $3 00; Frank Flakas same $9 55; Frank Radat same $11 00: Wm Rammer aocoaat Loap township $26 25; Albert Haraer same $3 00 ; James Sallivaa aocoaat Bismark township $2 50 James Sallivan ac count Lost Creek township $4 50: Frank Sullivan same 3 00; Wm. Glea son same $9 50; Henry Dress same 15 00; Loais Held same $20 00; Aastia Westera Co same 75 00; G N Mackie same $12 00; Christ Boss accoaat Loap township $21 00; John Hammer same $11 50; Alvin Boss same $13 00; John Eiseman same $27 50; Albert Haraer same $8 00; Christ Boss same $9 00; Arnold Letup same $1 50; Jacob Eise man same $10 50; Frank ondra aame $1 50; Joseph Lassek same $3 00; Sam Boas same $.75. The bill of George A. Hoagland $124.80 for lumber famished was re turned with following report :"' oar committee on roads and bridges rec ommend that $50 00 of this claim be allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrant in payment of same on the Consolidated County Bridge faad, aoooaat Loup township, anal that the of the bll be referred to the board of Loap township for payment. M. E. Olother. On motion saaae was adopted. The following bills were on motion referred back to the respeetve town ship boards for payment: J. E. rTsufmsnn aoooaat Columbus township $21 07; N JHemmerbooout Granville township $16 00. The petl- tion of Christ Hillmer and others for the vacation of part of the "Hoppen Road", was granted and the road declared vacated and the clerk directed to enter said vacation upon the road plat of the county. The petition of H N Ziagg and others for the vacation and relocation of the publio road, commencing at the southwest corner of the n w J of s w i or section 18, twp 18, range 1 west and running thence south and terminating at the southwest corner of said section 18, and the olerk directed to proceed according to law. The petition of Peter Larson and others for the location of a public road, commencing at the northwest corner of the s w i of n w i of section 9, twp 17, range 3 west and running thence due east about 80 rods and terminating at the northwest corner of the s e J of n w i of said section 9, was granted and the clerk directed to proceed in accordance with law. iHwiu?e mi me esiaDiisnment or a public road on the line between Madi son and Platte counties, the following report was submitted: "Your special committee appointed to examine into the expediency of locating a public road petitioned for by Fred Melcher and others, commencing at the northeast corner of section 3, twp 20, range 2 west and running thence west two miles on county line between Madison and Platte counties would report, that together with a committee appointed by the Madison county board, we have care fully examined the proposed line of road and find that about 20 rods east of the east line of section 4 the 'con struction of a bridge about 45 feet long, over the south branch of Union Creek is required and that about 20 rods east of that point the bank of the creek comes olose to the county line in the length otta few rods, therefore would recommend that the proposed line of road turn to the south suffi ciently to be located along the south bank of the creek, and we further find that the establishment of said said public necessity, therefore rec ommend that the prayer of the peti tioners be granted and the olerk di rected to proceed in accordance with law. John Swanson, and J. F. Schure. On motion same was adopted. The petition of Joseph S. Syslow and other for the location of a public Of the many big hits seen this week at the Beautiful Bagdad theatre, none are more favorably received or more loudly applauded than the dancing and specialty act of the Gilden Sisters. These girls are the neatest, daintiest trio of young lady performers ever seen in Columbus. Their cl g dancing is exceptionally clever. Admiration is compell ed for these handsome girls and they are surely entitled to the storm or spontaneous applause, bestowed by an enthusiastic audience. road is Joliet township, commencing at the noilheast corner of section 24, twp-19, range 3 west and running thence west one mile on section line ; petition of John T. Evans and others for the location of a publio road, commencing at the northeast corner of section 36, twp 19, range 3 west Jnnd running thence south on section line one mile, and the petition of John M. Jostes and others for the lo cation of a public road in Joliet town ship, commencing at the southeast corner of section )2, twp 19, range 3 west and running thence west one mile on section line, were upon rec ommendation of the committee on roads and bridges on motion referred back to petitioners for fee right of way. owing to lack in Joliet town ship. Acting upon the petition of Wol helm Loeeke and others for the loca tion of a public road commencing at the northwest corner of the n e of H section 9, twp 18, range 2 west and running thence west on section line to oonneut with the "Thurston Road " ; the petition of Martin Karges and others for vacation and relocation of part of the "Eby Road" in Butler twn ship: the petition of John Maslonka and others for the location of a publio road commencing at the northeast cor ner of section 32 twp 17, range 2 west and running thence on secton line one mile, and upon the petition of W. E. Beckwith and others for the location of a publio road, commencing at waters edge of the Loup river at a point on section line between sections 10 and 15, twp 17, range ? west and running thence east on said section line to the northeast corner of section 18, twp 17, range 1 west and running thence south on section line and ter minating at waters edge of Loup river, was upon recommendation of the respective commttees on motion deferred by the board. Acting upon the report of the ap praisers appointed to assess the dam ages caused by the location of the "Syslow Road" on the township line between Burrows ana Joliet town ships, was on motion deferred until the levy for the year liKX! is available. The communicatnn of John M. Jostes wherein he represents that a legally established road in Joliet township, commencing at the south west corner of sectoin 11, twp 19, range 3 west and running thence north two miles is obstructed by fences was returned with report as follows : "Abb committee of one appointed to investigate and report my findings relative to tho complaint of John M. Jostes would report, that I find the Ill I II I III lilt!! Ill I Yam MHHHHHHHHHB B-B-B-B-h 'BBBBB',4)MBMmTt BHHHHj w9BBs hs mmmr" . mmYf 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllllllllllll 111 1 mm BBBBHHKL BHJHS " " mJ' BHk B v BBJLX t BBBJr BBV 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllllllllllll 111 lit y2'sMfwMBK. " U vmmkiL Br Hfc-. viy " K Bv 1 1 1 1 1 llliflllll isL I I BmnVBBmVBBV ' vw. fSjanmmVvL B?" $ Bammmv. "" wtif .BBBBBbT 1 1 1 1 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmwammmTBa ammmmmnmnaimW. "-&LMP!fc''v-v "" - c 1 1 . .mmmammmamavi mvM . aavn .- - an Feeling Nature's Pulse Throw aside the cares of every day life and hide yourself amid the entenal hills of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS The Midland Ronte "Hits the Bull's Eye or the World's Secenery." Spcoial Rates all Summer. Best line to Salt Lake and Paoilic Const points. Elegant Dining Cars, Service a la carte. Through Pullman Observation Cars. Send 15c in stamps and get a handsome 9xl2 color reproduction of Charles II. Ilarmoti'a famous painting of the Seven Castles. "Fine enough for a wedding present." All Midland Agents or F. L. FEAKENS, Gen. Agt. 214 So. 14th St, Omaha, Nebraska. DIRI described line of road to be a nublic highway and that same obstructed by fences, and would recommend that the clerk be directed to notify the road overseer in whose district he same is located to cause to have all obstructions removed. A. E. Priest. On motion same was adopted. The following was submitted : Whereas complaints have been made to the members of the County Board of Platte county. Neb., to the practice of individuals upon the pub lic highways of excavating and re moving earth therefrom for commer cial and personal use, and Whereas, sach practices are unlaw ful and bad in that they are injurious to the publio highwavs and dangerous to the publio travel and are a public nuisance, therefore Be it Resovled. By the County Board of supervisors of Platte county, Neb., that the practice of indviduals going upon the public highways of said county, for the purpose set forth be prohibited by this Ixmrd and that the road overseers of the various road districts be directed to see that the order of this board be enforced. Wm. J. Newman. On motion same was adopted The following bills were on motion allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrants in payment of same on the County General fund : O J Carrig, sheriff attending dis trict court iC2 00 ; O J Carrig. sheriff inquest of O T Weber SOftS; Louis Held, supr services as supervisor C. H. SPEERS, G. P. A. Denver, Colorado. $19 80; J V Schure. supr same $40 40; John Goets supr same $47 00; A B Priest; supr same $tO 30; M Olother npr same $f4 50; Wm J Newman supr. same $5u 60; and John Swain, supr same $78 00. Moved by Maarviaar Held that the board of superviasn now adjourn. Motion carried. Ton can see the poison Pinnies dears oat of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bedtime will show yon more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine alee dissolve the imparities, labri caU the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do away with hack- ache speedily, pleasantly, parmammt- 20th CenturyDrngstore. Platte Center OKay. (Too late for last week.) W. M. Pollard accompanied a car load of hogs to Omaha Thursday. Mr. nntl Mrs. William Beoklem of Boone, have been visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Nels Nelson for a few days. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Gibb and son, and Miss Frissie Gibb returned from Cedar Rapids, where they have been visiting relatives. J. O. Gillan drives a new carriage. S. A. Mahood of Columbus was in O'Kny visiting last week. Mrs. A. Guiles is visiting her daugh ter Mrs. M. Fish of Monroe. Mr. A. Hanson of Lindsay was an O'Kay caller Tuesday. Dr. Bentback of Platte Center was on our streets Tuesday. I e- '- 1&L-. U.v.Vw, A-AaS jamfBrfaliSakj vi?itillitferrig'iifBL-fcg&sa flnfwjgfc