msmmmmmmssmmmms z " i pi ? -; 3 I- . CNAS. L. SAUEt, 6tAN SCIWE SnsssssssssssniftrBffissTaffisSk AS , . t HiBPInsBBBBBBSpl PERU-MA STRENGTHENS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Mr. Chas. L. Saner, Grand Scribe,, Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of Texas, and Assistant City Auditor, writes from the City Hall, San Antonio, Tex.: "Nearly two years ago I accepted a position as secretary and treasurer with one of the leading dry goods establishments of Galveston, Tex. " The sudden change from a high and dry altitude to sea level proved too much for me and I became afflicted with catarrh and cold in the head, and general debility to such an extent as to almost incapacitate me for attending to my duties. "I was induced to try Peruna, mud utter taking several bottles lu small doses I am pleased to say that I was entirely restored to my normal condi tion and have ever sines recommended the use ofPeruua to my friends." Glittering generalities are the rhlne stones of speech. Lewis' Single Binder tniij;ht 5c cigar made of rich, mellow totweco. Your dealer or Lewis Factor-, reoria. 111. Fundamental Difference. Teach "In what why do the Quakers speak differently from us, Johnny?" Johnny "They don't swear." Evidently He Had Two. Little Tommy was very quiet dur ing the first courses, and everyone for got he was there. As the dessert was being served', however, the host told a funny story. When he had finished, and the laughter had died away, his little son exclaimed, delightedly: "Now, papa, tell the other one." Exchange. Best in Billville. "Bill," said the man in the ox cart to the Billville postmaster, "ain't you goin' to open the office to-day?" "No, I ain't; what do you take me fer?" "The postmaster." "No. you don't. You take me fer one o these erpetual motion machines that kin run the government fer you six days out the week, an no rest on Sunday that's what you take me fer!" "Bill." said the other, "I've come .five miles and better to git my mail!" "Well, ef 'I open up fer you all the res' '11 want their'n, an' I've done noti fied the postmaster ginrul that it's my week off; 'sides that, thar ain't no mail fer you 'cept a letter from a lumber man sayin' that if you dont pay up he'll sue, an another from your wife tellin' you to send her money to come home. So go 'long an enjoy yer honeymoon." Atlanta Constitution. Save the Pennies You Can Buy the Big Ten Cake Packas of On Time Yeast for 5 cents, warranted by the On Time Yeast Company to give satis faction or money refunded. ' Two packages of "On Time" will cost you 10 cents and are equal in weight to three packages of any other brand for which you will pay 15 cents. The extra nickel is worth as much to you as to the manufacturer of the seven cake package. Use On Time Yeast and get Ten Cakes for 5 cents instead of seven. AskYenr6racerfir0iTiiiiYeast LOW RATES TO COLORADO VIA GRAND ISLAND ROUTE. Account Annul Meeting-. Benevolent ana Protective oieer-of Kiln, at Denver, tae 8V Joseph a Grand Island Railway will sell oa Jaly IMC inclusive, round-trip ticket to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo at exceedingly low rates. Tickets rood to retarnaoUl Augustas. For farther information call oa nearrit aces S. U. ADSsT. C. T. JL. Si. CO Bat- Wiatcr Wheat That's tae yWd ef Salasr's Bed Cress Hybrid Winter Wheat. esd In stsaspji for free iili of sean.aa sdsocasaloneof Wtater Wheats, Rye. Barter, Cieveia, icasaloneofW, oaky. Aassc&J Ss7, nKnYSfS2SswSftSL99s9lb?nsBrstBnsssB! FABMAWfflAHKOAfifiEN J , f - 'jssissssnwff R 7 I BnflflkV asssssssssssssl jflE-allHfiH WEEDS THETJt NATUKE AND DESTRUCTION. A good definition for a weed is a plant growing out of place. A tomato plant, for instance, coming up in a radish bed would be considered a weed to that crop, as it is not the place for it. But more generally the name is most used when applied to such plants which seem to persist in growing where they are not wanted, and are never cultivated for any useful pur pose. To keep a ,place clear of weeds means continual warfare. But this will be useless unless the neigh bors agree to put the same amount o labor on their own places. During a iate visit of the editor to a large farm in the east, this weed question was brought up. The farm we visited was carefully and continually cultivated, but the crop of weeds could not be conquered. There was a reason for it, and that reason we subsequently learned was owing to the fact that the neighbors, a wealthy retired gentle man, with a palace for a home, and spacious lawns and flower-beds al lowed his fields to overrun with wild carrot and other weeds. He did not care, and the winds carried the seeds far and wide. A very little money spent would have kept down these weeds and made the place all the bet ter, besides being a God-send to his neighbor. There should be strong leg islation against such shiftlessness. There are two rules which will hold good in the prevention and destruction of weeds, which we quote from the "illustrated Annual Register," as fol lows: The first, from the well-known fact that no plant can first grow without starting from a seed, indicates the general caution to destroy all weeds lefore they can ripen their seed, and to sow for crops nothing but perfectly clean seed. If weeds have already gone to seed, they should be carefully re moved and burned. Some of the most pernicious intruders have been widely spread through hay or grass used for packing goods every careful man will never allow such packing mate rial to be scattered over his land either in manure or otherwise. The second rule is founded on the principle that no plant can live any considerable length of time without breathing through its lungs, the leaves. Hence, all perennial-rooted plants, that creep and extend beneath the surface like the Canada thistle and milk-weed,' and tnus form formidable patches may be destroyed completely and totally, if the leaves are never allowed to appear above ground. Of the SO.000 different species of plants which grow upon the face of the earth, only a few thousands have ever had an opportunity to grow in culti vated fields. Of these few thousands, a very small number have become dis tinguished for their vigor of growth under neglect, for their tenacity of life, and rapidity of increase. These few have become troublesome weeds. Neglected cultivation and careless management have tested them thor oughly for their bad qualities, and have been the means of selecting them from their thousands of harmless as sociates, and introducing them into the fields of the farmer. Annual and biennial weeds mostly Increase by seeds, and include wild mustard, shepherd's purse, false flax or bitter weed, cockle-bur, marigold, sticktight or Spanish needles, may weed or hound's tongue, Jamestown weed oi stink weed, lamb's quarter, goose-foot or pig weed, green amaranth, wild teasel, chess, chear, or broom grass, and foxtail grass. The simple perennial weeds are tall crowfoot or butter-cup. John's-wort, plantain, pokeweed, water hemlock, poison hemlock, ox-eye daisy, mallow, sour dock, sorrel, garlic, nettle, sweet Cag or calamus and cat-tail flag. THE ORIENTAL POPPY. This variety of poppy, taken as a family, is remarkably attractive and shows plants capable of being utilized in gardens and lawns to a much great er extent than they arc at the present time.. The above variety gives grand color and effect. There are two varie ties which should have special atten tion. They are the Braceteatum and the Oriental. The first above variety has the advantage of being a perennial, with its long seasons of bloom in early summer, glorious color and large size. With its full and bold effect, its rich green foliage, the plaut is well worthy of a place in any collection of her baceous plants. The flower, as we grow them on our place, ranges from six to eight inches in diameter, and a dark and deep scar let, and generally show deep purple spots on each petal. We want to urge on our readers to try, if possible, to procure a plant of the above species. Some writer in speaking of the great beauty of the flower garden of Ann Hathaway's cottage, the home of Shakespeare at Stratford-on-Avon, dwelt largely on the poppies and lark spear that grew there, stating that they combined to create a wonderful "color picture, dazzling yet harmoni ously beautiful." The poppy alluded to here is one which we have tried to describe to our readers. So in writing any of your nurserymen or seedsmen, ask for the above varieties, and we will wager our reputation that you will never regret the money spent. For field culture for the canneries good strong tomato plants should be ready for the field from the middle to the latter part of June, the time which they are usually set in. Keep cows away from weedy, low and wild pastures. It pays to milk carefully. The cows will give more and the milk will be richer for it Then go about it as if you had something at stake, and not as if it was a job that you hated. The cow that will give a good flow im hot weather when flies are thick is tha ob. that cam be hanked anon. LIVE STOCK NOTES. Growing pigs should, be provided with a good dry bed kept clean and free from dust. Remember that filth breeds disease. It is a mistake to think that hogs or any other animal can shift for themselves while they are young, and then expect that you can make up for such a neglect in the end. Do not think that good cows are pro duced accidentally. They are man's improvement, and it is up to you as a breeder to understand how far traits and tendencies can be counted ;i:on for transmission in offspring. Pedi grees do not make butter or beef, but oftentimes makes sales. It is the in dividual that counts. The growing pigs may be helped along in two ways; one is by feeding sows liberally on those feeds thai tend to produce milk; and the other Is by giving the pigs clean food of the right kind, such as clover and alfalfa. A pedigree is a good thing to refer to but the individuality of the aniiml must not be lost sight of. The story is told of a dude who went in his auto mobile to call on a country lass. Dur ing the conversation with the young lady he said. "I can trace my fore fathers for seven generations." The reply came from the girl: "Why that is a remarkable performance. What else can you doV" May is a good month to buy pigs and shoats for feeding for the fall market, provided there is plenty of pasture on the farm. It will lequire only three or four weeks of strong feeding at the end to produce a good animal. A flock or sheep will get more sub stance on poor land and at the same time do it more good than ary other stock on the farm. If the farmer is looking for quick re turns in live stock and for a large per centage on the money invested there are no animals on the farm that will beat the sow and the ewe. One of the causes for weak Iambs is the result of compelling the ewes to live on coarse food. Much lameness in horses is due to improper shoeing. Horses should be shod by competent blacksmiths. Is yours one? A wide range in summer feeding mar be used at the start of the feeding period with profit, but it must get nar row as the feeding period advances. There is no stock about the farm that will not eat good silage. If care is exercised working horses may be fed on silage. CULTIVATING CORN. I think the cultivation of corn should commence before it is up, by running over it with a fine tooth har row:, writes an Indiana correspondent. This will kill all weeds that have com menced to sprout. Then harrow once after the corn is up. Just go ahead and pay no attention to the corn. You may scartch out a hill once in awhile, but not enough to notice them. It may seem like you are covering it all up, but it will be o,c again the next day. Don't cultivate too deeply. I think shallow cultivation is the thing. If the weather permits we should cul tivate every week, especially if the weather is dry. By shallow cultivation we form a dust mulch which prevents evaporation. Wc should continue our work with the cultivator until the corn gets too large to get through it, and then if we "lay it by," don't put on large shovels and ridge up the ground, because you will break the roots of the corn and allow the ground to dry out more by exposing more of its sur face to the air. besides leaving the ground in poor condition for sowing wheat. The last plowing should be shallow and leave the ground level. I beiieve it would be better to continue goin through the corn with a one horse harrow or drag until the first of August. This is something that not very many people do on account of other work crowding just at this time. POULTRY NOTES. Select your stock of pullets as soon as they are well developed; select more than you expect to use. so you can re ject those that develop objectionable features. Chickens should never lie allowed to roost till ten or twelve weeks old. If allowed to perch too young their breasts often get crooked and their growth and appearance at the table spoiled. With laying hens it is a compara tively easy matter to overdo the feed ing when given too much whole grain, especially of corn and fat producing food. If the hens become too fat they will cease laying. While it may be possible that old hens are too fat to lay, it is rarely so with pullets. Feed them abundantly. Even with old hens in a majority of cases less laying goes on as a result of under than over feeding; unless well fed, ihens cannot lay well. Never refuse a fair price for a bird you do not want to keep for breeding purposes. At the same time never sell a good bird that you need yourself. To be most successful you must keep the best and do not be tempted to sell even at a fancy price. PLANNING AND PLANTING THE GARDEN. In the winter I make out a plan of my next season's garden, shifting from year to year each variety of vegetable to a place it has not occupied for sev eral years. I am persuaded that how ever much you may fertilize, few plants do well in the same place year after year. Some, like cabbage and cauliflower, must have new t ground every year. When planting time comes, with my plan before me, I measure off the spaces between the tows and drive a short stake at the end of each row ready for the garden line when the time comes to plant each particular row. As I plant the rows I check off on the plan ao as to avoid mistakes. CULTIVATING ORCHARD. An old fruit grower says it is the safest plan to cultivate an orchard at least five years after it is planted. "But," says the general fanner, whose main interests are in other crops. "I do not raise fruit for sale except inci dentally, and I cannot afford the time from my more important money crops to regularly cultivate my orchard, un less there is some crops besides the fruit which will pay me for the time and labor." While cultivating the or chard per se, is the ideal plan, there are certain minor crops, which might be denominated orchard crops, whose cultivation does not interfere with the development of the trees, and under the above conditions which the farm er urges, it is highly advisable to plant them between the tree rows rath er than leave the orchard entirely without cultivation. Deep plowing too near the trees should be avoided, but until they attain their full develop ment, there is ample space in the mid dle of the rows for corn, cotton, ground peas, sweet or Irish potatoes, melons any crop in fact which requires con stant cultivation. Grain of any kind should never be sown in an orchard, on penalty of permanent injury to the trees, not only because these crops pre vent cultivation just at' the season the trees most need it, but because they take from the soil Ihe very elements most needed for their proper develop ment. Any of the crops named may be cultivated without injury to the trees, provided always that the young tree roots are protected against injury from deep plowing; the plowing near the trees should always be shallow, and the limbs protected, as far as pos sible from mutilation or other injury. After the trees have attained their growth, a crop of late cow peas is an excellent enricher of the soil. When the trees reach the bearing stage, the orchard may be sown in grass or clover, if the sod is not allowed to stand more than three or four years. Hogs and poultry are good scavengers in an orchard, as they destroy many of the insect enemies, and also the fallen fruit, which is often a harbor for pro tecting and developing myriads of these pests. Cattle and horses should never be allowed to run in an orchard. We have seen one horse destroy in a few moments enough in value to pay for his food for a month. "These beautiful days should be an. inspiration to every one, and especial ly to those of us who are fortunate in' living them out of doors and having, an opportunity of taking in their de licious air and rich color. We have always found it hard to be patient with those who could not enjoy farm life. "The work is hard." Oh, yes and so is any work that a man or woman has a right to be satisfied with. "Lonely," with the companionship of wife or husband and children and with the In finite variety of life that represents, the mind of God all about us? What bet ter company? Of course there is wretchedness in the country as well as in the city and it is mostly of our own making in both cases. The writer lived in town till he was "of age" and on a farm since that time. He has not yet had a moment's regret for his choice, nor had a wish that his chil dren might enter a higher calling. There is no higher. It is now the busiest time or the year for the farmer and his horses and the care of the horse should not be neglect ed. A proper currying and brushing daily pays. It removes the filth from the surface of the skin, and improves the coat; and most of all the horse needs is proper food. Com, when fed exclusively, is unfit for a work horce. There is nothing better than good oats. When the farmers learn the t'Ifferenee in the values of different grains, this country will have better horses. For horse hay, timothy with a little clover is just what is wanted. The horse should be watered regularly and not worked to excess. Do not try to do three days' work in one, for it aever pays. May is the best month for com planting in this latitude. It is best not to be in too much of a hurry, as the earlier, the damper the ground will be, the corn is liable to rot and will grow more slowly. But if planted when the gtound is thoroughly warm and warm weather presides it will grow very rapidly. The ground for corn should be very finely cultivated. Corn is our main crop-anil any point of cultivation should not be neglected. Do not be in too much of a hurry. It does not pay to plow the ground when too wet, as it injures the land and slow progress is made. There is no profit in work ing in the mud. Many farmers fail to realize how much easier and cheaper it would be to do more of the required cultivation before the crop is planted. Begin your preparations early enough so that when you have land ready to plant you can leave it alone for a week or more, and then harrow 'and cultivate the sur face over again. One crop of weeds will thus be dstroyed at a light ex pense and the surface will be brought into finer tilth and better prepared to receive the seed. On lands liable tc suffer from drought this process may be profitably extended for weeks or months before planting the crop. Nothing wastes so much time on a farm as a lack of system. No matter what sort of work is to be done it pays to plan it all beforehand and make provision for everything that may arise. Don't wait till the last minute to know that machines or tools or har ness or -whatever else is needed, are ready. Get ready before you are about to start, and no time will be lo6t. The "harrow cart" is becoming, and deservedly so, a very popular tool. Why walk and wear yourself out when it is possible to ride? Horse muscle is cheaper than man muscle. Harrow carts are made with almost any sort of wheels. A reader says that prior to getting a separator it took 20 pounds or milk to make a pound of bbutter. With a cream separator he made a poand of butter from 17 pounds of milkk. Young farmers almost universally make the mistake not to set out trees and shrubbery, and when they are old and it is too late they see wherein they failed of- doing their duty. gmammam'muMMU. asfBMasfBsPnsfasPnsPJasfasfasfasfasfasfasfas" " nW r5Jrr sssaiahasaihnnisamnmsanaft -aw tWMH? wSftsassB iWttftfti. WC7 Pfe?i 4m WW rv. (mWuKuV U1&1 & TBssssssNnsssHESnSansV- - l&ianaJllam 1 urnWS fSwWl VK PSP Ji am rEawft y iM vlP XwmkWmwmkaf v.v-.-vi-::xr, mmuuSIXSSawXmuW 0$kwSWumuuWumWkWS i?5??? lv7?-''.v-'-v.-;- -vis V. "saw- umw'-'-jrsfMarJ. 2 'tSt.t ry j aumzuwJr JuT .rr lunr luT d&?mwz lrmrr-if'tr' uuumrLuW'' 7&'Jm ?i-a ltm&um'm9mK!mmfS TiauwmT&vuakmmumuuunmmuuw Food Products enjoyable by autisg to canr: eaaer tosenre: aadnst qnht for eating aa they come from the can. Libby's cooks have first pick el the beat sea obtainable aad they know how to cook Own. as well as pack tbenu if yoa're not going to a picnic soon you cm sake one tomorrow at yonr own table by eernag some sliced Luncheon Loaf, kit a revelations the bbK&g of good eat and good spices. BooUrtfr."HowtoMU Good TLiantloEaL" Was IJhbf, HcMeUl Libby, CUcaga ForPrcscrviiis:,Poriyinf and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. !!raa'MaMMieBUe1nalaadem(,!. iSS'Z&df Br!i enlstaTedieats.aad tlw ymnmmTmvnam fhiliil ii . 5rjailed Free, - How to Preserve, PurUy; Satify taaX",iip. Hair. and Hands." 100 G00D.CIGMIS 9 9 CENTS Bny of the ffrnes aa snvn naif: it Sm bny of the ataker yon pay only one sssall proit. niotwtfennoaalathnanteoat.end uMeean ftLffftST we will asaU yon prepaid a MM4 lew Ti slew York city. M. V. TJ.t OMAHA, VO. 28c 1906. I XsFood I llu UX I 1VWS MITf jj nny Kits ida la Pais; Boatoa. HI - " """" mr,mnmwmw SfVUUUU. 41 rops. and The Laxative or Known There are two classes of remedies: those of knows 41! ity and which are permanently beneficial in elect, aetinr gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations ef unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting? tempo rarily, but injarioasly, as a result of forcing" the natural functions unnecessarily.' One of the most exceptional of the remedies cf known, quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrap of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig" Syrup Co, which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Cnlifornian bine figs are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies tc sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overconiuur consti pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. Wc do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but rceonuueiHl it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States he it amid that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the GenuineSyrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to bny the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed oa the front of every package Price, BOc per bottle. All Blffi EAflT-ClCC A Certain Cm far Tirei, Hst, AcMaf FmL W&$Cte DO MOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. nay box. InMlHMi jBBiamBHn'0 JnnPsPsPnPsPssPsPsPsPassBM "SrS&r JU mmWMmWmmmWU imlmmu9um g B aflBal SHHBBBannnnV I "fiJOmmmKummmmmmmmmX EansS9KnJH W J n" II I I I I I I I I s a ( 1 Make your boys food tasty Mother for it has to do some big things. It has to make flesh, blood, bone and muscle and supply boundless Energy. R mr iber, the boy of today k the nan of tomorrow. Don't injnre indigestible nnOjere Is tenant acd hell be year fcesrflt You want have to coax ban to eat ft ettaer, and sugar is lost what be craves asset for. Egf-O-See keeps the blood H7l"affflnfesw UW H tI 'SS'HaH Juy siiuii Give hta some tornonow there won't be bo leavnVs.1 Prepared under conditions of scrupulous cleanliness. Kvery giucer in the country sells EGG-O-SEE the wheic wheat cereal. TryoBreroterBasnetrecerfnf MS supply, mail us 10 cents and his came 115 cents a package of EGG-O-SEE and a copy of the book, FREE "-back to nature" book Cn32-TageboMfcncfcteBanw."cqtlfaefapbacrightllvteg.aehsi-fag menus for 7 days and recipes for preparing the necessary ditto, based on a wholewheat diet, with suzzestoas for bathing, eating and exercfee, illustrated from life, exceedingly staple and attractive. y following the precepts, abounding and vigorous health is sure to result. Published to sell at 25 cents a copy.tMs handsomely illustxate-J bock will be Bailed FREZ to anyone who writes, as long as this cdiiicu lasts. jM- EGG-O-SEE CEREAL COMPANY C No. 10, First Street Qmacy, BEnci 1 wannsnnnnnssnsssssssaBssssESMssssswMBsaaniaw'wwr'ivii This Is What Catches Me! I I6w. OnwTh!rd More Starch. I " ? ty S Starch UUmSXtifiJl J 1 I IV ST3 FCKittFOR- ,'A Af7x THli. nfi5fifcg MXmmmW x.- .wmmmttwrnr w mm "WWMW AVsW HE taOWi" 1 1 'I " KFUME STUM M! Quaut kuown quality and excellence. One size only. Fl Trial I-ackassL Address. AUea S. Olmsted, LeBej.H.. him physically and mentally with meats, pastries, rich paddings, etc., that act as a dram on his nervous energy. But feed him plenty of i?, healthy, bright, smart and quick at his , for Us delicious rich flavor. wbea eaten with cool aavd is the ideal food. west of the Kosty Mountains; afidwawiu nck to nature." Isar-n-trr JrrjKA o uvee ieMiycr 'oAftfAtPr- SfqrcA FULL POUND isniyoa WlVTiAvSpffnBnsI JUlw'qwKFassni 'Zg&S&ffiMaum . jtr- m- nasi "" "" "' !"' "1"' W MACZrjJUVCMT No premiums, but onclhird more starch than you get of other brands. Try it now. for hot or cold starching It has no equal and will not stick to the iron, V IWttBl itfas,asar 1 && ..TjUJr- .1- - '.., liAr rtrt - - j--y 'rM' ti mi flfc ' .iuA i-rfr5i&lfc&W. . B&&S .. "t'-