The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 04, 1906, Image 8

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wan BOUHD. HAIlfUp.
go. Overbad Limited. ..1210 p. m.
Mo. S, Colorado Kxpretts 625 p. m
No. ft, California aad Oregon Kx.... 7JX p. m.
no. 7,14m Angeles Limited......?.... 1:17 p.m.
go. . Mma .'.-... .HB p.m.
Mo. 11, Colo. Special .S.lOtf a. m.
go. IS. North Platte LocaL. 11:23 a. ra.
Mo. 59, Local Fraufit 7:00 a.m.
bast Bornri-. HAiy lim.
No. 2, Overland Limited 5:53p. m.
No. 4. Atlantic Express. BjUO a. m.
No. S, Eastern Kxpreea 225p.m.
No. & Los Angeles Limited 838 p. m.
Mo. 10, FaetMail .....12:55 p. m.
Mo. 12. Chicago Special 5:25 a. m.
No. 14, North Platte Local 1:43 p. m.
No. 60. Local Freight 5:30 p. m.
No. 29. Passenger 730 p. m.
No. 77, Mixed 7301a.m.
No. M, Passenger 12:15p.m.
Mo. 78, Mixed 7:00 p.m.
No. SI, Passenger 245 p. m.
No. 79, Mixed 70 a.m.
No. S2, Passenger 1225 p. m.
BO. Oil, BUXeQ ..... o.l) p. A
Norfolk passenger trains run daily.
No trains oa Albion and Spalding branch
All main line passenger trains dally.
W. H. Bbhbav. Agent.
Special Reduced
Excirsion Kates
To 8t Ptal, Minn., Jnly 24-26, re
tarn limit Aagort 15. one fare pins
To Minneapolis, Minn., August 8
13, retorn limit September SO, one
oent per mile.
To Milwaukee, Wis., August 11-13,
ajusouaod later. One fare plus 12.00.
To Toronto, Canada, September 11
14, return limit October 21. One
fare plus 2.00.
Summer Tourist Bates June 1st to
September 30th to Cnioago. Madison,
Milwaukee, Waukesha, St. Paul, Min
neapolis and other points in Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Michigan, also to Now
England and Canadian points.
Homeseekers Excursion Rates. On
sale every Tuesday from Columbus,
David City and points east to points in
South Dakota (east of Missouri river)
North Dakota, Minnesota, Northern
Wisconson, Michigan Peninsula, Alber
ta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and west
ern Ontario at one fare plus $2.00 for
the round trip good returning twenty
one days from date of sale.
For folders, descriptive circulars, rates
etc., address 8. F. Miller, A. G. F. & P.
A. C. & N; W. Ky., Omaha, Neb.
Pktte Carter.
(From The Signal)
Last week Tom Honre raffled off bis
buggy and Will Hipp won it. Monday
George Burrows raffled his shotgun and
John Byrnes held the lueky number.
Mr. Roberts, agent for the Standard
Bridge Co., has been here this week and
with Supervisor Clother has been look
ing over the work which the company is
to do in this distrist On Wednesday
they went down and took measurements
for the new steel bridge which is to suc
ceed the wooden one across Shell Creek
at the C. J. Carrig farm.
John Moffett took the school census
of this school district last week, lie
found 181 children of school age, of
which number 105 are males and 79 are
females. The last year's census gave us
202, which shows a decrease of 19 this
year. This is accounted for by the fact
that a number of families who had school
children have moved out of the district
and their places are taken by families
with less or no children.
The hitching posts on our main street
are gone. A petition was circulated
among the business men last Friday,
asking the village board to have these
posts moved to side streets and it was
signed by all but one. A special meet
ing of the board was held Monday night
and the petition favorably acted on.
Tuesday, under the supervision of Street
Commissioner Gentleman, the work was
begun and two day's work completed
the job. It is now proposed to require
the telephone companies to remove their
poles from the main street and place
them in the alleys.
and groom.
Tuesday night's rain piayed havoc
with the railroad track and wagon road
bridges between Newman Grove and
Bradkh. About 700 feet of track was
washed ont and the west bound passen
ger was nnable to go farther than New
man Grove until near noon Wednesday.
A liveryman from Newman Grove lost a
valuable team by drowning. In cros
sing a bridge whicn was flooded with
water, the team missed the bridge and
was carried down the stream by the
rushing waters. 1 be driver bad a nar
row escape from drowning.
When applied and covered with a
Hot cloth Pineealve acts like a poul
tice. Best for burns, -bruises, boils,
eczema, skin disease, eto. Sold by
McOlintock & Carter drug store.
From the Democrat
Jos. Cook of St. Bernard and Miss
Celia Bruckner, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Bruckner, who reside east of
town, were united in marriage at St.
Francis church iu Humphrey at 9 a. ra.
on Tuesday of this week. After the cer
emony a large circle ot mends and ac
quaintances gathered at the home of the
bride's parents where an elaborate re
ception was accorded the young couple.
In the evening a dance was given in the
large barn where many young people
danced till the small hours of the morn-
I ing to the future happiness of the bride
7a.CC TA VAILHV C1CTCD Fraa to Yen aad Evwy
BBbbbb IV IUV Bai WIVIM From Wiwirt
lam a woman.
I know woman's sufferings.
I have found the cure.
I will mail, free of any charm. m
swat with fuU instructions to any sufferer from,
women's ailments. I want to tell afef women about
this cure yea. my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to
tell you bow to cure yourselves at borne without
the help of a doctor. Men caaait understand wom
en's sufferings. What we women know from ex
pcrieacc. we know better than any doctor. I kae w
that mv borne treatment is a safe and sure cure for
fjeucotiBoeaorWaltUli dtsca.rgtj.UtoratloaJHc
placeiaeatorFaHiarortheWeaA.Ptfese.Scaaty or Painful Periods. Uterlaa or OvarlaaTaamrs or
Growths: also pates la the Bead, Back aad bowels,
bearing dowa feeltef. m r waiai i ,i. cr ctplat fccN
lac ap the sptee. itlaacbely. desire fa cry. bet
Bashes, weariness, kldaey aad bladder treaties
where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you acaesplete tea days' treatawat
entirely free to prove to you that you can euro
yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely.
Remember, that It wM cast vaaaatMaa to cive the
treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about Is
cents a. week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation.
year aaaw aad address, tell me bow you suffer if you wish, ana I will send you tuo
bbbbbbbbbbbbbvSbu WrVmtB &f
bbbbbbbbbbbbbtIIT $Jbbbbb'I
aaaaaaaaaaaaW '4' aXiaamaG1 - I
bbbbbbbbuSLLJvV FaBBrSaVf
BBaaiaBBBfclCIaaT' naaaaavlaw
nSvSEasaBlr XwKKr
Se mBBsbW
treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return malL I will also send you free
af cost, my book "WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER ith explanatory illustrations show
Ins why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at borne. Every woman should
have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says "You must have an opera
tion.' you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my homo
remedy. It cures . eld or yaaag To Mathers of Daaghters, I will explain a simple boms
treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leocorrhoea, Green Sickness and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from Its use
Wherever you live. I can refer you to lad ies of your own locality who know and will gladly
ten any sufferer that this Hsaie Treatcat really cares all women's diseases, and makes women
welt strong, plump and robust. Just scad ase year address, and the free tea days' treatment is
yours, also the beak. Write today, as yoa may not see this offer again. Address
MBS. M. SUMMERS, Box 414 - Notre Dame, lnd.,11. S. A.
f From the leader. I
The trial of Henry Kretz for selling
booze to minors came off before Judge
Robinson Monday and resulted in a fine
of $40 and costs. We understand the
case was aphealed to the district court.
Mrs. August Olson of this city met
with a serious aceident Monday morn
ing. The entrance to the cellar, which
is through a trap, door in the pantry,
had been left open and on entering the
pantry in a hurry Mrs. Olson walked
into the opening. The fall resulted in
the breaking of her arm near the shoul
der and otherwise bruising her quite
Who says George Hodge isn't lucky?
On Tuesday night at about half-past ten
he was awakened by a crash of thnnder.
The racket also awoke his little boy who
asked for a drink of water. George tried
to put him off, but not succeeding final
ly got up and went for the water. As
he was getting it he noticed a light re
flecting upon John Weltne'e house near
by and upon investigating the matter
discovered his house to be on Are in one
of the upper rooms. With the assist
ance of Mrs. Hodge hesuccbeded in put
ting the fire out without calling assist
ance. The lightning struck the chim
ney and set fire to some clothing. The
damage was small, being principally to
Mrs. Hodge's clothing.
FOB SALE: Improved quarter sec
tion of land in Sheridan county includ
ing house, barn, windmill, household
furniture, 19 head of cattle, 8 horses, 100
chickens. Several acres under cultiva
tion, growing spelts, home grass and
potatoes. A free 040 acre homestead
can be taken adjacent. Cuts 75 tons
native hay. Can be bought for $3750.
A rare bargain. Excursion rates over
Burlington from Columbus nevt Tiies-'
day Juno 10 lit 4 t0 p. in., $11.70 round
trip. Write or inqnire P. H. Abbott,
Columbus, Neb.
NOTICE All ice tickets that
have heen issued during the
months or May ami June must
he paid hy J illy lltli or ice wagon
will not stop at your door next
Monday. O. L. Baker.
O. C. .Shannon, and P. K. Strother of
CoIumliiiR were in town Monday.
Mrs. Lannon and sun of Columbus an
guests of Mrs. A. E. Priest.
Headed by the Operatic Extravaganza
Under Canvas
Parker's Creation
ParKer's Mt. Vesuvius
Parker's Electric Theatre
Parker's $10,000 Carry-Us-All
The White City Military Band in Daily
Big Free Acts: Herr Granado, Alma
Fed era and the Wire Walking
Elephant, Rajah
Something Going on All the Time!
Excursion Rates on All Railroads.
R. B. Thompson was in Monroe Sun
day. Mrs. R. B. Thompson and son Frank
left Monday for Readly, California.
Mr. and Mu. A.E. Priest are the proud
parents of a daughter, born Thursday
R. S. Grimes, formerly of this place
but now of Genoa, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. Conord is driving Route No. 2
while Mrs. Kenyon is taking a vacation.
Everett Mc Williams and wife spent
Sunday in this burg.
Mrs. George Smith of Fill lor ton was
the guest of Miss Anna Smith Friday.
W. A. MoWillinmR, Arthur Watts, Ben
Fellers and Wm. Webster transacted
business in Columbus Saturday.
Mrs Glines and children, arrived the
first of the week to visit n few days with
Mrs. Henry Clayborn.
W. S. Conard came up from Fremont
Monday and visited over night with his
family, returning to Fremont Tuesday
accompanied by his son Paul.
T. W. Blackmore returned Saturday
from a business visit to Omaha.
Geo. Morning and family left Tuesday
for Valley where they will visit for a few
Mrs. A. McDonald and children went
to Stanton Tuesday for a visit with her
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Frank were in
Columbus yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. Webster and children went
to Bennett Monday evening to spend a
few days with her mother.
Will Coffey and family, Mrs. A. E.
Bartholomew, Susie and George Dur
ham went to Fremont Tuesday to spend
the Fourth with C. I). Stevens and fam
ily. Miss Robinson left yesterday for Sil
ver Creek to celebrate.
S. J. Percy transacted business in Col
umbus Tuesday.
John Smith is home to spend the 4th
with his family.
Granite Ware.
For a few days I shall offer special
prices on all granite ware. Preserving
kettles and pans at very low prices.
"Setii BltAUN.
If you will eat more
Uneeda Biscuit
you can do more work, enabling you to earn
more money, so that you can buy more
Uneeda Biscuit
do more work and earn still more money.
Pineules :
Ren btsecferr
put up in a new
waj for the Kid
Mis 3ii Blatter.
JULY, 1!)00
Opening of the Shoshone Reserva
tion: Register at Worland for the
Government drawing entitling you to
draw 100 acres of fine irrigable lauds in
the Shoshone Reservation; (inly $1 50 an
arre, one-third cash. 400,000 acres, or
2500 farms to lie drawn for; Ieside8 this,
there are 800,000 acres of timber and
mineral lands Hint may lie taken in
the usual way; some of these lands are
supposed to lie of great value. Onn Care
for the round trip to Worland, with
maximum of 20 00 from Omaha, Lin
coln and Nebraska pom Is. Tickets sold
July 1 to 20th, final limit August 15th
Take this grand trip through the rich
irrigated lands of the ISig Horn Basin.
This will Iks one of the greatest events
in the history of the distribution of
Uncle Sam's domain.
To Pacific Coast: Daily low excur
sion rates for this tho greatest railroad
journey in the world.
To Colorado and Retnrn: About half
rates daily, and even lower rates for the
Elks big gathering at Denver July 10th
to inth inclusive.
Also daily low rates to Eastern re
sorts; frequent homeseekers' excursions,
in fact tempting excursion rates in all
directions throughout the summer.
Consult nearest Itiirlintton Ticket
Agent O. B. & Q Rv.
G. P. A. Omaha.
THROUGH Standard and
Tourist sleepers, chair
cars and coaches to Union
Passenger Station, Chicago,
every day from all points on the
main line of the Union Pacific
Railroad. These cars are carried
on through trains arriving in the
heart of Chicago at S.35 a. m.,
9.25 a. m. and 9,30 p. m., afford
ing a convenient choice of hours.
Route Union Pacific Railroad
Milwaukee and St. Paul
Any ticket agent of the Union
Pacific will send you East via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway if you ask him to do so.
It is worth your while to insist
that your ticket read this way.
Complete information about
rates, routes and train service
sent on request.
General Western Acent
1524 Fanui Street. Omsk
Spend your Vacation in 0Ionulo which is brimful of attraction
where- the exhilaration of the pure dry air enables you to live the jrcnuine
outdoor life where Eame is plentiful- where the streams are teominn
with trout, ami w here you will see the most famous mountain peaks,
passes and canons in America.
During the tourist season the
Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad -Soenio bine off the World"
will make special low rates from Denver. Colorado Sprimrs. Manitou and
l'uchlptoall the scenic points of interest in Colorado and Utah. Our
liooklct "Vacation Estimates" tells you about the many wonderful places
in Colorado Colorado Springs. Manitou. Pikes Peak. Itoyal Gonre.
Marshall Pass, Ouray and Glcnuood Spring and the cost to see them.
ft Thousand Milos Around tho Circle or a trip to Salt Lake City
and return are unsurpassed in scenic attractions and inexpensive.
Open -Top Observation Gars, SEATS FREE
Through the Canons during the Summer Months
Write for free descriptive literature to
&. K. OOPER. Gen'l Passenger Agent
Denver. Gole.
Opening of the
Location In Nortlnvet Wyoming. iiljtinfn; I ho liij; Horn ii.iMin.
southeast of Vcllowstnntt I'ark Forest K-rv anil n-arlieil !y thn Bur
liiiK'n'ri new Hue to Worland. Wyo.
Dates for Registration -.luiy Kith to:Ust.
Places for Registration - Worianil ami Therm.. pi.lis, Wyo. Wor
land 18 ilireotly reached iy the Burlington; Thermop.ilis liy a tae jour
ney of -i'2 miles south of Worl.iml.
Character Of Lands Of the l,ir0,000 acres of lands to be opened
for Beitlement, about 40O.IKH) acres are agricultural lands to be drawn for.
Such lands can lie finely irrigated, according to snrvejs already made
Excursion Rates From points on the Burlington west of the Mis
souri iti ver the exclusion rate to Worland is but one fare for the round
trip, with a maximum of'20 from Omaha. Lincoln and Nebraska territory.
This unusually low rate yives wry body a rlntncH to draw for the lamN.
Dates Of Sale -July 12th to 2!th. Final limit Auut 1.1th.
Train Service Two daily through trains during tho registration from
the Southeast to Worland. Wo (10 into that ronntry over Uihj Hurlintr
ton throunh the Hip; II'rn Basin, along the Bic Horn Uiver, missing thou
sands of aep-s of irrigated lands under cultivation; you will jet an object
lesson in irrigation and its possibilities.
I'lirlinet .a Audits will he supplied with rate circular anil H'
t fiili!,rs;de-rriiitivt of the Agency. iiH-thod of drawbar, ele
L. W. WIKELY, Gen. Pass. Igf.
1004 Famam St. Omaha, Nebr.
teJ the Same We Paid $500. For
Because it describes so well the unquestionable superiority of
Our New Bottled Beer
We give hearty thanks to all who were kind enough to send
us a suggestion, but there could only be one winner. The iucky
man is Mr. K. Kearney, of Sheridan, Wyo.
He suggested "Luxus, winch is taken from the words
luxury and luxurious, and the committee composed of R H. of H.W. Kastor & Sons Advx-rttstng Co Chicago 111..
A D Mayo, General Advertising Dept. Kecord-Herald. Cni-
caeo'lll .and Samuel S. Sherman, Business Mgr. of the Inter
Ocean, Chicago, 111., who were appointed to pass on all names,
felt that nothing else was quite so good as tins, though there
were thousands of mighty good ones. Some of the names
suggested could not be considered, as they were already in
- u.. .i.n.i,....,r:- others were renented so often that.
had any of them been selected, it would have been impos
sible to determine to whom the prize was to be awarded.
Mr. Kearney says it's easy money, but it's worth
every cent of it to us.
Watch for the appearance of
m Bottled Beer
and as,k for it at your dealer's about July 14th.
It's ready now Pure, Sparkling, Well Aged,
Wholesome, Satisfying, Refreshing but wc
. can't get it on the market until the
jiv labels are ready.
Fred. King Brewing Co.
Omaha, Nebraska
It will be sold everywhere In the West
and we have three shifts in our bottling department work
ing day and-night, getting ready for the enormous demai.d
that is bound to come for
The Best Beer Brewed
It is light in color and is not heavy or sticky but delightful
with meals or for refreshments. It it not only a pure beer
it is not only made right but it is made expressly to
suit your taste. We have brewed beer in Omaha for ;"0 years
long enough to learn what the public wants, and long
enough to learn how to make beer that pleases the public
taste exactly. We are not trying to force or taste upon
you, but are catering entirely to your taste.
We know how good "Luxus" Mottled Beer is now
You will know in a few weeks.
We thank you again for your suggestions, also
for the interest you have taken in our name contest.
'mt& .
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