5: mm Jr 1 i. r Allen S. Olmsted Wins in Court The Toot-Ease Trade-Mark Sustained. Buffalo, X. Y. The Supreme Court hat pranted a permanent injunction Tvith costs :i?amstPaul B. Hudson and others of New "iork City, restrambig them from nuking or selling a foot powder -nhich the court declares is an imitation and in fringement on "Foot-Ease," now so large ly adrertised and Fold over the country. The owner of the trade-mark "Foot-Ease," 1 Allen S. Olmhted, of Lc Rov. X. Y., and the decision of this suit upholds his trade, mark and rcrders all parties liable who fraudulently attempt to profit by the ex tensive "Foot-Ease" advertising, in plac 'ing on the market the spurious and sim ilar appearing preparation involved in the tase. This the court declares was de signed in imitation and infringement of the genuine "Foot-Ease' trade-mark rights, llich package of the genuine Allen's Fnot Eae has the facsimile signature of Allen S. Olmsted on its jellow label. Safe Deposit. Of Marshal Field III. an amusing story was lecently told at LakewDod. The boy, according to the story, ap proached an old lady in a Lakewood hotel and said to her: "Can you crack nuts?" "No, my t 3ar, I can't," the old lady eplied. "I lost all my teeth years ago." "Then," said the little boy, extend ing two hands full of walnuts, "please hold these while I go and get some more." Denver Times. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m mercury will sorely destroy the aente of nel and completely derange the whole system waea entering it through the mucous surfaces. Sack articles should never he ased except on prescrip tion from reputable physicians, as the damage they will dots ten fold to the rood yon can possibly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and is taken Internally, acting directly npoa the blood and mucosa surfaces of the system. I curing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you ret tbe niioc ii is UKen internal J r ana made m To: Oblo, byt.j Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Bold by ItrniRlsts. Price. 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. Women Want Muck. Skoller Of course, the generic term "man" includes the women Maryat Not always. Skoller O! yes. You see Maryat Nonsense! For instance, the sentence, "Man wants but little here below," would be ridiculous in that case. Washington Star. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great Im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stlff ener makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Modern Love. Anxious Father But do you feel sure that 3011 can make mv daughter happy? Cairn Youth I haven't thought about that. But I have finally de cided thai she can make me happy. Somerville Journal By following the directions, which arc plainly printed on each package of Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired, with either gloss or domestic finish. Try it. 16 oz. for 10c, sold by all good grocers. Her Beason. "All the while she's on the ocean Gladys doesn't eat any meat," "Why?" "So she won't lose flesh." Ixnis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar : good quality all the time. Your dealer or Lew's Factory, Peoria, 111. There isn't much fun in making love to a girl if she knows you really mean it Mra. Window Boothia Strap. For children teethras;. softens the (rums, reduces a sTsinistloa. allays pan. cares wind colic 2Sca bottle. Many a man's experience in a buck et shop has caused him to turn pale. Good, Hot or Cold Defiance Starch, 16 oz. for 10c. Flattery should always be diluted with tact. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PUKE FN A FIMOBS MEMCME re. WHIassea Tells Haw She TrM Lydia E. Piakhmta's VesetaMe Cinpwai Jsst iaTiae. Mrs. T. C. Willadscn. of Manning, Iowa, -writes to Mrs. Pinkham; Pear Mrs. Pinkham : " I can truly say that you hare saved mv life, and I cannot express my gratitude to vou in words. jaf JJaayaaamBFlJaBSavVam anus kmr aaaaaVssnaBpja. aw IWaT'-'aaap ESs:'aVaVL Hmaaa -anaaafall BBBn BBB -as-!. " tmatm r - " --ESS ESf II iA J&&MM 11 va " ax-T Jy wAaw ai II mi jFvte Jym m lVwli linaf fr tSAfrsTCWilladsm hi 22&2a . teCSd ' Before I wrote to you, telling you how I felt. I had doctored for over two years steady and spent lots of money on medicines besides, but it all failed to help me. My monthly pe riod'; bad ceased and I suffered much pain, j with fainting spells, headache, backache and bearinc-down pains, and I was so weak I could nardlv keep around. As a las resort I decided to write yora and try Lydia E. Pink . ham's Vegetable 'Compound, and I am so .1 thankful that I did, for after following vour instructions, which you sent me free of all charge, I became regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be in my grave to-dav. " f sincerely trust that this letter may lead every suffering woman in the country to write you for help as I did." When women are troubled with ir regular or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of an organ, that bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion, backache, flatulence, general de bility, indigestion or nervous prostra tion, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. xkhamsVegetableCompoundatonce removes such troubles. No other female Hdidne in the world has received each widespread and un qualified eadoraeaaeat. Befuse all sub stitutes. For 25 rears Ifas-Pinkhana. daughter- in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under - Wer direction, and siace her decease. been advising sick women frea of cuarge. Address, iyaa, LETTED FROM THE WML CAPITAL The Presidential Booms Beginning in Good Season "Peerless Leader" Possible Presidents George Cortelyou Considered. BaSaaavSaBaWIIISl BaaaaaaBayBamV Congress affoids ouiie a list of the distin guished Democrats who have their lightning rods erected for the electrical dis turbance two years hence. There is youug Senator Baiiey, who is mentioned as the beau ideal of young Democracy and aZ Judge Partcer bar suggested that the Democrats go south of Mason and Dixon's lin-3 for a candidate, Mr. Bailey has been put well to the forefront. There is William R. Hearst of the house who is actively In the field, while Gov. Folk, of Missouri, atin Mayor McClellan, of New York city, are having their booms. On the Republican side there is no dearth of candidates at the present writing. Vice President Fairbanks is in it very strongly and 5f, for any reason he should drop out, his state of Indiana may push her Loy otatcr, Senator Al bert J. Beveridge. Then there are Secretaries Taft. Root and Shaw in the cabi net and Speaker Cannon up in the house, not to say ajiythhig about the per sistent La Follette of Wisconsin. Senator Foraker, of Ohio, has his boosters as has also Gov. Cummins, of Iowa. FROM STENOGRAPHER TO IMPORTANT PORTFOLIO IN CABINET. The three secretaries in the cabinet are not all the preside.al probabilities now in Mr. Roosevelt's official family. Tncrc is a quiet, con servative but forceful young man at the head of the great post, office department who is making somewhat of a record and attracting no little at tention. This is the able and successful chair man of the Republican national committee, Hon. George Bruce Cortelyou whose public record reads like a romance and is ?n inspiration to every American youth. To rise from the humble position of stenograpner to tho fourth assistant postmaster general to ona of ;hc most important portfolios in the cabinet shows the possibilities of American public life and tie ability of an American young m-m to accomplish that great progression. Mr. Cortelyou is "attending to his knitting' ery industriously and con scientiously. He is striving to make on of the best postmasters general the country has had just as earlier in his career he made one of the best sten ographers in the service and later one of the best secretaries '-o the president that was ever in the White House. The presidential bee is ;iot distracting George Cortelyou's attention from the manifold duties that test upon his shoulders as a real, actual director of UnJe nam's stupendous postal system. There are a great many men in the Republican party wr.o believe that the policy two years hence will be to nominate a man of conservatism and ability. They will want a man who is thoroughly acquainted with the machinery of government and who ha; had experience under administraticas of widely dif fering character. They say they want a man who caa perpetuate the best ideas of the Roosevelt administration and carry .beni out with the suavity and force of William McKinley. They say they want a man not :,o strenuous as Mr. Roosevelt, but one who will be as determined and they are lo -King to George Cortelyou as that man. CONGRESS AND THE REPORT OF THE KEEP COMMISSION. IMYBOSYI jatK 4 DAV . fcTR) Mil aaaa J that much discussed topic of a civic pension Hot, on the ictinuncnt of clerks after their efficiency has been impaired. The findings of this commission are all very interesting and the members of it can prove the great advantage their new .-ystems would Le to the govern ment, but unfortunately for them congress has something en say and legisla tion is needed to reconstruct circumlocution offices and tj dislocate the Tite Barnacles of the service. THE AIRSHIP WAS A NINE-DAYS' WONDER, Washington had a genuine sensation a few days ago when an ariship pa'd a visit to -the city and its operator tailed around the monu ment, alighted 'u the backyard of the White House, arose and flew up to the ccpltel where, he circled around the great dome' rta .hen settled to the earth on tii east f-ont as gently and as crefniiy as a butterfly on flower. Other cities have witnesr-ed these exhibitions and are somewhat blase on the subject of airships, but old, conservative Washington h?d tot before ex perienced the thril! cf this new 'nvtnticn. Wash ington does not cvnsider it good form, anyway, to take up with cew ileas uni! they have been tried out in other localities. TLc airship, there fore, was a nine lay wonder to the inhabitants fo this dignified capital. It was at the capitol that the airship caiiscr! thz greatest cx'-Itcment The grave and reverend senators and members of the nouse became os curious and excited as schoolboys. Thej tumbled over each ether to get a view of the strange visitor. The fact that the machine was to attempt the flight over the city had been well advertised and keen-eyed page boys had been stationed on the lookout for it. When they caught a glimpse of it circling aro::nd the monu ment they rushed in to the house and senate and the word was passed around in an instant "The ariship is coming." Old Senator Cullom and Hc-nator Pettus, of Alabama, fairly ran a foot race to reach the balcony outside the senate chamber and they were joined shortly by ail but five of the gray beards and the younger members of the senate. All the senators, but three or four, nastencd to watch the maneuvers of this queer "bird." One of those who refused to .leave the chamber was Mr. Benson, of Kansas, who had just been sworn in to fill '.he vacan.y caused by the resignation of Senator Burton of that state. His colleague. Mr. Long, went up to him and said: "Senator Benson don't you want to see the airihip?" "Long," replied the new senator, "I know I am lust from Kansas, but you can't see any green in my eye. I know enough not to blow out the gas and, by gum, you can't fool me with an ariship," and :hu nil man nik-sed the most' in teresting sight that has occurred in the national capital for years. NO CONEY ISLAND ATTRACTIONS corn KBjaiSEvO aKQlaBaaaaaVaaaaaaaaav BV1 " In manufacturing towns where the skilled workmen and even the laborers have a pocketful of money on Saturday evsning they want to spend it on them selves and families and consequently they patronize these merry-go-rounds and tent shows to the liaiit In the last half dozen years several popular amuse ment scheaMS have come to grief in the suburbs of Washington. This year a courageous syndicate established a "Luna park," but judging from tha Indif ference of the government employes, that enterprise seems likely to follow the wake of its several predecessors. WASHINGTON. Seldom in the history of the country have there ieen more presidential booms two years In advance of the nominating convention that there aio at the present time. As one star differelh from another star in glory, so one boom outshines anothi-r in the prepara tory race. For the past two or three weeks the Bryan boom has eclipsed in interest and atten tion nearly every other one in cipher party. The suddenness with which it again sprang into bloom and the r.ro;:ii;cice th cne time "Peer less Leader" of Democracy is achieving in his tour around the vorld hve given the mention of his name unusual interest, b!t -here are more than William J. Bryan in training for the Dem ocratic nominatiou in 1 90S. Congress has net much use fo. a commission created by itself and has a great deal less for a commission established by some ether branch of the government. Thre has besr. at work for many months a g'oup o veiy earnest consci entious young ni'.r. in the government service known as the 'K;p ontnissicn."' These young gentlemen have txen studving tr.j system of do ing business in tr.e various departments and have been formulating row idts as to the con duct of this business. They aov? examined into the personel of the jroternment employes with a view to increasing ike (.ffie'enry ot the latter, they hare disru:-sr" the hours tLat government clerks shculd work ar.d the number of days they hould have as ana:l leave -juJ as sick leave and they have brought their mta'ls to bear upon m&9w aaaaaaaaaaaaaav AT WASHINGTON There is probably no other city in the United States of the same population as Wash ington where popuTai an-.user.ients are less pat ronized than right here. While roller coasters, shoot-the-chute, side shows and all forms of amusements mak-i their proprietors rich at Coney Island, Atlantic City, Pittsburg and at every popular re:-rt, they are dismal failures when established In the suburbs of Washing ton. Most of the wage earners of this city are government employes and compared to the workers in other ciUes. particularly in manu facturing centers, they are mighty poor spend ers. Out of curiosity the government clerk may take a trolley ride to the suburb and spend aa much as half a dollar in 3ome of these forms of amusement, but he dots not eo rerv often. Kidnaped the Wrong Person "Well," resumed the man from Mis souri, thus encoureftad, "according tc the way they tell it up at Sitka, there were two Eskimo villages somewhere above the circle, but not very far apart) and for some reason or other that doesn't figure in the tale, these two vil lages were not on speaking terms wit! each other. In fact, there was a sort of an east Kentucky feud on between them, and whenever a man from one village met a man from the other there was some kind of trouble between Jhem. I don't know whether it was a battle with snowballs or a blubber eating contest, but anyhow it nearly always ended fatally for somebody piaybe an innocent bystander. Well, in one ot these villages there was a beau teous maiden. Now, gentlemen, yon understand I am simply repeating what they told me up there, and they didn't crack a smile when they said it. There was a beauteous maiden in one, and in the ether there was a young man who could outrun, outspear or lick any oth er man in that section of the ice box, according to claims of his fellow-citi-r.ens, and, of course, they set great .-.tore by him. This here mighty man of valor was scootin' around one day, when he happened to meet the beaute ous maiden aforesaid, who had inad vertently strayed from her 'parents' Christmas castle. The result was the same as usual. The Eskimo man was smitten sore and the Eskimo maid was clean gone on him before the aurora borealis could give warning. Well. : young feller made all kinds of over tures to the girl's pa; offered him wal rus tusks and husky dogs, and the Lord only knows what else, for the young woman, but the old man laughed him to scorn. Then the youngster played what he thought was a winning card rolled in a barrel of Standard oil, enough to feed the family all winter, and offered to swap even. This stag gered the stern parent and he came pretty near makin' a deal, but the neighbors butted in about that time and the whole party chased the lover out of the city limits. He went back home, swearin. by jiggers, he'd have that maiden if he got his feet wet in the at tempt, and that, they say, is a terrible oath for an Eskimo. "Well, after considerable flggerin' and nosin' around he decided the only way to get her was to sneak in at night, or when they was all asleep, and carry her off by force. Now, according to what they told me up there, these Eskimos don't sleep in feather beds like civilized people, but they crawl into bags, pull the draw string tight over their heads and snooze until the alarm clock rings. Young Lochnivar he puts out Irorr. town along about ten o'clock in the evening, accordin to our reck onin', and, after trampin' miles over the ice, climbin' a mounain. slidin down a glacier and crossin' a great chasm on a log, he reaches the land ot the foe and the home of the girl. He bribes the night watchman with a bot 'tle of hair oil and then slips into the snow palace of the obdurate sire. Of course, the whole family was sleepin' in the reception hall. That's a way the Eskimos have, they told me up there. They say it's warmer and more sociable. But when they're all sleepin' in sacks and the 'lumination is poof this congregatin together adds to the difficulties of making a selection. But Lochnivar didn't hesitate. Could his dieart be mistaken about which sack contained his beloved? Gosh! No. He picked up the likeliest bundle, threw it over his shoulder and hiked for the subut os. It was a pretty hefty package and there was evidently somp objec tions from the inside of it. but our hero toiled steadily homeward. It was a risky job to skin across that chasm on a sMppery log with such a load, but he did it, and he climbed the glacier and he scaled the mountains. 'Long about get tin' up time he staggered'into his own village and up to his own hut, tired out, but safe and victorious. Now, hy jiggers, the beauteous maiden was in his possession. Now he would feast his eyes upon her shining countenance Now tor one long, fond embrace: Trembling with impatience, he tore open the sack. 'Gentlemen," said the Missourian, as he paused to relight his cigar, "if what they told me up there is true, the shock must have been terrible." "Well, don't keep us in suspense." exclaimed the red-headed man, "what was ir the sack?" 'The Missourian blew three smoke rings and then calmly replied: "His heart was mistaken. It was the old man he had carried off." Cincin nati Enquirer. "Where the Treasure Is;' Etc. "Harold," said the heiress, "I have been thinking." "Thinking of me, precious?" asked Harold. "Indirectly, yes. I have been think ing that, were you to marry me, every body would say you only did so in or der to get my money." "What care I for the unthinking world?" "But, oh, Harold! I will marry you." "My own dar " "And I will not have the people say unkind things about you, as I have ar ranged to give all my fortune to the missionaries. Why, Harold! where are you going?" Harold pauped long enough on his way to the door to look back and mut ter: I'm going to be a missionary!" Judge. New One to Mark. Talking of Americans, I met at din ner ;hc other evening, for the first time in my life, the great Mark Twain. A droll-iooking and droll-mannered gen tleman, who did not, however, waste any very good things on his company. Oddly enough, I told him a very an cient American jest which I remem bered from the time I was in jackets .He had never heard it, and laughed so loud that the other end of the dinner-table insisted upon knowing the xeason. It was a very fast-trott'ng mare that an American gentleman drove, with a friend by his side. Attoi awhile the friend inquired what cem etery it was they were passing through the milestones came so quick that he was misled. From the Life of Caaoa Ainger. - - TORTURED WITH GRAVEL. Knee Using Doan's Kidney Pills, Not a Stone Has Formed. Capf. S. L. Crute, Adjt Watts Camp, U. C. V., Roanoke, Va., says: "I suf fered a long, long time with my back, and felt draggy and listless and all the time. I lost from my usual vv.tortaar-A-r ... welzht. 225. to 170. Urinary passages were too frequent and I had to get up often at night I had headaches and dizzv Knells 3 also, hut my worst suffering was from renal colic. After I began using Doan's Kidney Pills I passed a gravel stone as big as a bean. Since then I have never had an attack of gravel, and have picked up to my former health and weight. I am a well man, and give Doan's Kidney Pills credit for it." Sold by all dealers. 0 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A woman's idea of a stingy man is oae who never pays her compliments. The com: et'.tlve system may cause a great deal or waste, but it develops many fine human qualities. Lewis Single Binder cigar richest, most satisfying smoke on the market. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Thin. Boarding House Keeper Will you have soup to-night? Lodger No, thanks. I'm off the water wagon. Smart Set. Important fa Mothers. carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a Mfe and rare reaxdy for infanta aad children, aadaeetbatU Bean the Signature of la USi For Over SO Years. Tae Knd Yob Bare Always fioasat. Up to Her. hear you are contemplating mat rimony, old man," said Green. "How about it?" "It's a fact," replied Brown, "but fhe outcome of my contemplation de pends on the widow's might." "How's that?" queried Green. "She might decide to marry me, and then on the other hand she might not," answered Brown. Chicago Daily News. TRADE AND TRAFFIC. The trade of Chili is almost eatlre ly In the bands of Europeans. France imported $300,000 worth of apples from Canada last summer and fall. In 1904 Denmark sent to England over 5,000 tons of butter, valued at 145.000.000. It Is thtimated that 1,000,000 tons of steel rails for 1907 delivery are under negotiation, and that fully half that tonnage has already been placed. It is said that the hides of American live cattle sent to England to be killed and eaten aro by prearrangement all sent back across the Atlantic, there to be tanned, and, mayhap, reshipped to England as leather or in boots and shoes. Shipments of anthracite coal during May amounted to 3,254,320 tons, against (,005,158 tons in May last year. For 'the year, to' date, the shipments aggre gate 19,709,783 tons, contrasted with 24,872,954 tons in the corresponding period last year. PASSING PERSONALS. Mrs. Bellamy Storer, whose hus band recently retired from his posi tion as ambassador to Austria, is the originator of the famous Rookwood pottery. John W. Foster, formerly secretary of state, has been designated by the .Chinese, government as its representa tive at the approaching Hague con ference. Prof. Rinaldo Lotbrop Perkins, one af the most scholarly men of Boston, at the age of 80 lives a simple life la a small attic room surrounded by his books. Rev. J. R. Mouer, of Monessen. Pa., has seven sons, all of them clergy men, in five different denominations. They have one sister, who is married to a minister. John Redmond, leader of the Irish parliamentary party, makes a prac tice of being within the precincts of the house of commons from the mo ment the speaker takes the chair un til the proceedings terminate at night. Thomas Nelson Page, who recently returned from abroad, says he visited the pope, the king of Italy, and the king of Portugal; saw two incipient revolutions and learned that Euro peans generally look upon Americans as a nation of grafters. CLEVER DOCTOR. Cured a 20 Years' Trouble Without Any Medicine. A wise Indiana physician cured 20 years' stomach disease without any medicine as his patient tells: "I had stomach trouble for 20 years, tried allopathic medicines, patent medicines and all the simple remedies suggested by my friends, but grew worse all the time. "Finally a doctor who is the most prominent physician in this part of the state told me medicine would do me no good, only irritating my stom ach and making it worse that I must look to diet and quit drinking coffee. "I cried out in alarm, 'Quit drink ing coffee!' why, 'What will I drink? "'Try Postum,' said the doctor, 'I drink it and you will like it when it is made according to directions, with cream, for it is delicious and has none of the bad effects coffee has.' "Well, that was two years ago, and I am still drinking Postum. My stom ach is right again and I know doctor hit the nail on the head when he de cided coffee was the cause of all my trouble. I only wish I had quit it years ago and drank Postum In its place." Name given by Postum Co., Battle .Creek, Mich. Never too late to mend. Ten days trial of Postum in place of coffee works wonders. There's a reason. Look la pkgs. for the famous lit tls book, The Road to Wellville." fl IsBl lABTaVt - w KU(araaSl 1ZS )sjP Ca$fffl&J&te NEW HOMES IN THE NORTHWEST. Shoshone Reservation to Be Opened to Settlement Chicago at North western R"y Announces Bound Trip Excursion Bates from All Points July 12 to 29. Less than one fare for the round trip to Shoshoni, Wyoming, the res ervation border. The only all rail route to the res ervation border. Dates of registration July lGth to 31st at Sh03honi and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlets, telling how to take up one of these attractive home steads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request to S. F. Miller, A. G. F. & P. A.. Omaha. Neb. TWICE TOLD TALES. In an English court, recently, a man was fined 2 for contempt cf court. He offered a note in pay ment, but was told by the clerk that he had no change. "Oh, keep the change," was the reply; "I'll take it out in contempt." A Frenchwoman was complaining to her husband that he was too much of a bookworm, that he retired too often to his study, leaving her to spend many evenings alone. "I wish," she ended, plaintively, "that I were a book. Then I might always have your company." "In that case, my dear." the Frenchman answered, "I'd wish you were an almanac. Then I could change you once a year." BRIGHT BITS BY T2B WTX1. Will A Must hold a mortgage oa success. The busybody butts in without any its or buts. Charity begins at home, but if it is the real brand it soon outgrows its native place. It is hard to work much confidence in a man who wears a ring on his middle finger. A man's' knowledge cannot be judged by the fool things he says when in love. The golden calf will always be wor shiped, though it wear the tail of a monkey or the ears of an ass. EDUCATIONAL. tftas The Greatest Bear; CoBest iathcWavM University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA We guarantee two feints: Our studtntt itudr and eur ttudtnts behave themselves Mtanaagi 75htee aWStaeaas Coursm In Anatent and Kodern laifam. Tmm. lish, BtstorT.aod Economics. Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy. Olvll. Electrical, and Mechanical Kagl nccrlnir. Architecture, Law, aoortasad.Dookteep. log; Type-writing. SPECIAL nETARTMEKT FOR BOTS CXDKK TUIUTEKX 1ZKMS: laari. TaWta. aa. LaaaaVy. fSJa. Sea lea ceata la tha Bttistrar isr Cslalia LOW RATES COLORADO VIA GRAND ISLAND ROUTE. Account Annual Slcetlnft. Benevolent and Protective Order of Kika. at Denver, tbe Ht. Joseph a brand Island Hallway will sell on July 1U-18. inclnMre. round-trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo at exceedingly low rates. Tickets good to returnanUIAuft-nsia. For further information call on nearest agent or address S. M. ADS1T. C. P. A-, St. ALLEYS FOOT-EASE cu a Cartels Cars far TlrW, Mat, Adawf rest. NAUVSCaAa DO MOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. ea erary has. Shirt I Vs4 ESmaaBBK. 'aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaax aimsMaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm eT h7t7 W BW aV aC' assart aWaaawaaaaV M C i kr'c i Ej EESS twa"BaajaaaaESa y iiEEwaaaw m m Sai s Dtfitict Starts CMafasy, (Saabs, Neb. FACTS GUARANTEED t Neuralgia and Anaemia mn Cured Hy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For nearly a generation the people of this country have known Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, dnriug which time proof of thousands of cures by this remedj has been published and confirmed and not one person has beeu harmed iu the slight est degree by their nse. The pills con tain no opiate, narcotic or stimulant, nor any drag which conld iujere the most delicate const i tut iou. "For over a year," says Miss Charlotte Van Salisbury, of Cnstleton, N.Y., "I suffered from neuralgia and palpitation of the heart. Sly skin was pale and sal low and I was troubled with dizziness, fainting spells nud fits of indigestion. I was very nervous and would start at the slightest sound. At times a great weak ness would come over me and on one oc casion my limbs gave way under me and I fell to the sidewalk. " Of course I was treated by our local physicians and abo consulted a noted doctor at Albany, bnt nothing they gave me seemed to benefit me. One day I read in n newspaper about Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and I imme diately gave them a trial. I soon felt mnchbetterand my color had begun to return. I continued using the pills and by the time I had taken eight boxes I was entirely cured. Hy sister, Sarah Van Salisbury, suf fered terribly from anemia. She was pale and thin and we feared that ska would become a victim of consumption. She tried Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and in a short time she be gan to gain in strength and weight. She is now strong and well and we both heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Piak Pills to all who are in ill health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for f2.50, by the Ur. wiuiams aseaicine v.. Sclienectatiy, n.x. ieacnpuve volets free on request. $ Yeast That Raises 2 Every woman likes quick yeast 41 that will make light good tasting g bread. On Time Yeast is made S fresh every day and guaranteed to jgi your grocer to give you satisfaction or money refunded. I On Time I Yeast 2 is put up Ten Cakes in a package, instaadot 2 seven, and sells at Five Cents. Two pack- 3 ses of On Time Yeast that will cost S you Ten Cents will weigh more than three ST packages of any other yeast that costs yoo .V Fifteen Cents. Why submit to be robbed out 2 ot Rve Cents? Use On Tame Yat $ and get the most good yeast for your money. $ Ask Yht tour fir Oi Hm Yeast ft a veceec&eet You Cannot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as aUssalcatatrh.ateriae catarrh cause! by feaalalae His sore throat sera BMMith or iaflaaaed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely caa care these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gcrms,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for femiaiae ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify ' to this fact, 50 cents af druggists. Send for Free Trial Box ' H1X WL PAXTOM COt. --rl aaasaV WANTED Men to work ia saw anils aad shingle Bail la ia the state of Washington. MMM WAOESI Steady employment. No aaow or cold weather, mills ran every month ia the year. Cheap living. For fall particulars address Pacific Coast lum ber Manufacturers Association, Seattle, oroa ar rival call oa Crawford & Pratt, lie Main Street. PIT A PITUSS SCALES. For Steel aad Wood Frames, J2S aad as. Write as before yoabay. We save yea Also Peswps and What Mills, lawt. RUSSIAN aS HEAVK A amaraa teed ran f or sstm Couki J Mstcaprr. iBAspsUosLWIadTroaitssl I uesueraseeeawu aallMccata. rCTamiBjKTTCo.. gT.Rnny.Mnnr. Wheat. aaihtas per acre. Catalogue and samples sues. .-..-.- .-. TllTy i,rrM, ira. W. N. TJ., OMAHA, NO. 27, 1906. Far ? a? Trial Package, Address. Ailea 8. Olmsted, LeBey.H.Y. - Bosoms, Collars and Cafe LAUNDERED WITH Defiance Starch never crack nor be come brittle. They last twice as lone as those laundered with other starches and give the wear er much better satisfaction. If you want your husband, brother or son to look dressy, to feel comfortable and to be thoroughly happy use DEFIANCE STARCH in the laundry. It is sold by all good grocers at 10c a pack age 16 ounces. Inferior starches sell at the same price per package but con tain only-12 ounces. Note the difference. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH. Insist oa getting it aad you will never ate aay other brand.