The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 04, 1906, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
I )
Any Item
of Paint
There is nothing you ever need
in the paint line hut what you can
get ami insure getting the most
.satisfactory grailc of it hy coming
here. Our stock is complete in as
sortment, unusually large in quan
tity, high in quality and on no
item of paint can you leat our
Leads, Linseed Oil, Colofe,
Mixed Paints, Interior Finishes
Zinc, Turientine, Varnishes
Brushes of all kinds
6has. H. Dack
(From files of Journal April 3, 1872)
The B..tM. will be randy in a few
days to transfer goods at Plattsmouth
at $2 a car. Tlie charge is $10 a car at
Heavy snows are reported in Missouri
and several eastern stages.
The Soldiers' Homestead bill has
passed the senate.
Dispatches from the volcinicjjdistrict,
Tyno county, OaliforniH, four hundred
miles southeast of San Francisco, give
details of the earthquake disaster last
Tuesday. The shocks continne though
with decreassng violence. Col. Whipple
who was in tin- second story of an adobe
utilise, stales thai he hail just time to
jump from his ld and get to the door
way, when the house appeared to
crumble in pieces, ile was buried
anions the ruins but succeeded in extri
cating himself The scene beware des
cription. Sri cams and groans rent the
air iu all direction. Nearly the whole
populace was buried iu the ruins of the
town of Lone Pine, the center of the
great disturbance. Over three hundred
distinct shocks were felt between half
p'ist two oVIntsk and sunrise. In fact
theotrth was iu a o instant, shake and
tremble fur over three hours. A chasm
was upem-d. tending ibirty-live miles
down the vn'ley, ranging from three
inches to forty fet in width. I locks
were torn from their places and rolled
into the valley.
At tue meeting of the Nebraska con
ference of the M-Mhodist church llev.
Whitehead h-is Wren appointed pastor of
the Columbus and Osceola cburches.
Hon. II. .1. Hudson, who attended the
convention held at Lincoln to consider.
the transfer iie-tion letwcen Omaha
and Council IlIulTs, was elected vice-
president, and was also chosen one of
the committee on resolutions.
Rev. .1. 12. Klliott performed the cere
mony March 30. uniting S. V. Smith and
Miss Uittie L Mullen, lmth of Colum
bus. Adney E. Hurlbnt and Miss Apphia
J. Aveiy both of Platte county were
mimed by Judge Higgins March 25.
On March 28, at the Clot her House,
by Judge Higgins , John A.
(riffin of Polk county and Miss Harriet
Reed of Platte county, were united in
Sherman Township.
Fred Feye and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Wurneman Sunday.
Gus Hoessel has been breaking a
young driving horse this week.
Louis Hallman visited friends near
Creston Sunday.
Ego Kapetzkey is the possessor of a
new top buggy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lneschen drove to
Columbus Monday.
Frank Hade drove to Columbus Sat
urday to take his danghter home from
the hospital where she has been for
Carl HoIIman had a very sore eye the
past week.
Alvin Harnapp marketed corn at
Creston r nday.
R. H. Wurdeman has put up a new
scale at his place.
Clearing Sale.
Having purchased the Fillman Milli
nery store I propose to close out all
summer h-tia at once, regardless of cost.
Come in and see these bargains. Be
gins July rih. H. U. Stiiies. It
Has one of the best dental offices
in the state.
Fully equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Class manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
All work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in Co
lumbus. Dr. LI.
WillWillard was in St. Edward last
Miss Dorothy Post is visiting Marcia
Perkins in Fremont.
Attorney G. W. Wertz of Schuyler
was in Columbus Monday.
Miss Helen Brugger is a guest at the
bomeofOlaf Johnson in Omaha this
Mrs. Coleman Andrews of Omaha is
visiting a few days with Mrs. Geo. J
Hagel this week.
Grace Murphy of Omaha retnrnad
home today after a ten days visit with
Mrs. Howard Clarke.
Miss Mettie Hens!ey went to Omaha
yesterday to spend her vacation with
her sister Mrs. Browne.
Charles Johnson of 17th and Hayes
street, has been adding some nice im
provements to his home.
llev. L. R. DeWolf and children have
been taking a mnch needed rest and
outing for the past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Clarke and son
Junior leave today for Kimball and
Denver, for a two weeks trip.
Prof, and Mrs. Weaver and daughter
Jane are in Columbus to spend the sum
mer with Mrs. Weaver's mother Mis.
Mrs. E. J. Curry, wife of the Rev. E.
J. Curry of the Calvary Baptist church
of Omaha is visiting her cousin R. W.
Mrs. P6ter Munter went to Oconee
Tuesday where she will visit a few days
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Beck with.
Miss Georgia Stone of Logan Iowaj
iB a guest at the home of Mrs. William
Sloan. Miss Stone was a schoolmate of
Miss Nellie Sloan.
The Misses Marjorie and Edith Wil
liams of Rochester; Intl., are expected
this week to spend the summer with
Columbus friends.
Mrs. Marty returned Friday after a
ten days visit in Oklahoma, Miss Kmma
Nenmarker who accompanied her is still
at Kl Reno, but expects to return this
Bev. Monro will go to Milford next Sun
day to conduct the communion service.
His pulpit here will be occupied morn
ing and evening by Bev. Harmon of
Mrs. P. McPheison who has been
visiting her brother W. A. McAllister
and her sister, Mrs. Hensley for the
past two weeks returned to her home in
llaigler Monday.
Edward Sheehan and Miss Elizabeth
Sheehan start tonight for Rawlins,
Wyo. From there they go by stage for
seventy miles where they will visit at
the ranch of friends.
A jolly crowd of young people gather
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Sloan on West 1 1th Street last Friday
evening, in honor of M,ias Georgia Stone
of Logan, la., who was a guest at the
Sloan residence.
The Congregational church was crowd
ed to overflowing last Sunday morning
at the communion service. Thirty-one
persons were received into church
membership and three or four others
who wete absent were favorably voted
llev. William Gorst, presiding elder of
the Omaha district, Rev. D. K. Tyndall
of the Norfolk district and Rev- Britnell
of the Neligh district met with Rev.
Millard in this city last week on com
mittee work relative to the next meet
ing of the North Nebraska conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craun of Mon
roe entertained a large crowd of young
folks from Genoa Friday evening in
honor of Roy Preston on his ISth birth
day. A fine midnight luncheon was
served. When the crowd left Roy and
Miss Gohlie his sister accompanied the
crowd to Genoa and left next morning
for Osceola where they visit their sister
Mrs. Sylvia Fillman.
' Mrs. M. K. Turner. Miss Glady Tur
ner and Ralph started Monday on a trip
east. They will visit relatives at Perry,
la., for a while going from there to their
old home in Cadiz, Ohio for a longer
visit. From there Ralph will go to
Pittsburg to enter the employ of the
great Westinghonee company for which
his university course has given him
such excellent preparation.
Two vacancies in the Columbus schools
have been created by the resignations of
Miss Bertha Henderson, science teacher
and Miss Ada Graham, language teach-
teacher. Miss Henderson was elected
to a better position in the Son th Omaha
high school and Miss Graham resigned
to spend a year at her home in Lincoln
at stndy in the university. The Board
of Education last night met and elected
Miss Ashton of Sloan, la., to fill Miss
Henderson's position and several good
applicants are being considered for the
other position.
The ordination service at Grace Epis
copal church last Sunday was beautiful
in all its details. The decorations and
music were in perfect harmony with the
spirit of the occasion, and the Rev.
Arthur Cash proved himself to be not
only a most graceful candidate through
out the ordination service bnt be dis
played unusual ability in the prepara
tion and delivery of his sermon in the
evening. Bishop Williams was so well
impressed with the service that be took
occasion to pay special compliment to
those responsible for ttm pleasing and
Is a very delicate business.
It requires experience, a knowledge
of optics, and the necessary t
We are fully equipped in all these
particulars, and can determine with
the utmost accuracy when a person
should wear glasses, what sort of
glasses they should be, and we will
supply them at the lowest possible
When these advantages are so
handy, don't you think it would be
a mistake to do without glasses?
Any error of vision is altogether
too important to he neglected.
Let us give you the advantage of
our facilities.
Ed. J. Niewohner
Jeweler and Optician
The Congregational church and Sun
day school will hold a Fourth of July
picnic at Steven's Lake, in honor of the
Rev. Hunt, a former pastor of the
The Misses Hannah, Madge and Sadie
Harris, of Seattle, Washington sister of
Mrs. J. B. Geitzen and Miss Nell Har
ris are expected today to visit their
mother Mrs. Thomas Harris.
Katie Mat ay a, aged 19 years, died at
her home in this city Saturday from n
bowel trouble of long standing. The
funeral occurred Monday. Her mother
is Mrs. Peter Urius.
Lieutenant Hensley returned to Ft.
Sill, Okla., Friday, after a ten days fur
lonL'h spent at home. He came quite
unexpectedly, the furlough being given
by the commander as a prize for the
best shooting mark.
Tillie A. Munter, of Monroe, has filed.
a petition in district court asking to
have the marriage contract between
herself -and John H. Munter declared
null and void. Habitual drnnkennesa
and cruelty are alleged as grounds for
the divorce. The marriage occurred in
Miss Martha Cline and Miss Edith
Bobbins of Lincoln who have lieen the
guest of Miss Martha Post since Satnr
dry left for Genoa yesterday to spend
the Fourth with Mrs. Arthur Anderson.
Miss Post joins them today. The visit
ing ladies will return for a more ex
reuded visit later.
As wc are going to press we heard a
rumor to the effect that Dr. Leach had
decided to leave Columbus in the 'near
future anil enter into a partnership with
his brother. Dr. T. A. Leach, of Broken
Bow. We asked the doctor about it and
he says it is true that he will leave some
time this fall, but is not ready to say for
a certainty yet just where he will locate.
The doctor says be does not like to
leave Columbus as he has found it great
ly to his liking for a place to live but he
feels he can do better in his profession
elsewhere. Dr. Leach is one of Colum
bus best young business men.
Mr. and Mrs. Derrington were called
to Omaha last Saturday by a telegram
from Mrs. Edwards, Supt. of the Child
Saving Institute, announcing the death
of their adopted infant child. The
sympathy of the community goes out to
these worthy people in their loss. They
took, the little one to their hearts and
loved it as if it had been their own.
The child was never strong and had
been under the daily care of doctors
ever since its adoption, every possible
effort being made in its behalf but with
out avail. A week before the death of
the child, Mrs. Edwards, according to the
unvarying rule of the Institute, came
and took the baby to Omaha that it
might have the treatment of specialists.
Mid-Summer Wear in Shoes
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords 4 1 50
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, Ribbon tie I-J6
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, Ribbon tie 2.00
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, Ribbon tie, welt sole 2.00
Ladies' Gray Duck Oxfords, Ribbon tie 2.00
Misses' Children's and Infant's White Canvas Oxfords
from GOc per pair to i.SO
Barefoot Sandals from Infants at 05c to Men's at 2.00
Just received another lot of Ladies Patent Oxfords in Button
and Ribbon ties. The swellest yet this season.
Men's flats and Furnishings
Men'sStrawsin Yachts $1.50 Men's 8traws in Yachts $1 25
Men's Straws in Dip Fronts 1.50 Men's Straws in Dip Fronts 1.25
Bey's Straws in Telescope 50 Boy's Straws in Dip Fronts 50
la Shirts the Soft Collars are very popular this season. We have
them in prices ranging from 50c to S2.60
Men's Net Sleeveless Undershirts 50c Men's Plain Ralbriggans 25c and 50c
Men's Munsing Union Suits $1.25 Men's Mnnsing Union Suits. . . .$1.50
Men's Munsinir Union Snits $2.50
The Costless Suspender, very popular
au ue new Uungs in Fancy Hose.
Dr. Edward Hoeaea. .
Another of the old timers of Colum
bus has passed' to his final rest. Dr.
Edward iloehen died at l ho home of his
daughter, Mrs. S. A. Banmgart in Dan
ville, Illinois, after a short illness. H a
Imdy wos brought to Columbus Sunday
and lrid to ret in the Columbus ceme
tery where Mrs Hot-hen was buried
thirteen years ago, the funeral being
held at the Gorman Reform church.
Edwnrd Iloehen was born in Zurich,
Switzerland, in 18, and came to this
country in 1857. He had lived in Col
ntnbiis for nbout forty years, and was
the last survivor of the first group of
Columbus physicians.
'.' He leaves five children; Mrs. F. L.
Gottschalk, of this city; Mrs. Schimel of
Scribner; Mrs. S. A. Banmgart of Dan
ville, III.; Carl Hoehen of Randolph; and
Emil Hoehen of California.
Mr. William Bacon and Miss. Altierta
Weddell, both of Platte Center were
married quietly Monday afernoon at the
Congregational parsonage by Rev.
Monro. They were unattended, only
Mr. nnd Mrs J. W.C.Craun and younger
sister of the bride, witnessed the cere
mony. The bride is a sister of Mrs.
Craun. The groom is engaged in the
pump and windmill business at Platte
The many Columbus families who have
volunteered to entertain delegates to
the meeting of the Woman's Home Mis
sionary Society, from July 6 to 9, are
reminded that the visitors are expected
Friday. Beginning Friday afternoon
there will be interesting sessions morn
ing, afternoon and ovening, at the
Methodist church till Sunday nightthe
business session closing Monday. Every
phase of. home missionary work will lie
discussed ml papers read by the bright
est women in the 'North Nebraska Con
ference. This is an event in the church
life of Columbus and the public gener
ally will find the sessions interesting.
Mrs. J. It. lelom,of Wood River will
preside. Mr?. H. II. Millard of this city
is corresponding secretary.
Best in
Successor to McAllister fetudio
Columbus. Nebr.
I have closed out my business in Co
lumbus. All accounts due me may lie
paid at the 3tore during July. J. C.
Fillman. u
James Butler, a stranger, claiming to
be a railroad employe, was forced to
contribute $1 and costs to the school
fund Tuesday bceause he was drunk.
George Uenggelor. jr., was arrested
last Saturday and brought before Jus
tice O'Brien on the charge of obstruct
ing the public highway by digging n
ditch across it nnd diverting the water
to croi on adjoining land. The defend
ant gave bond for future appearance and
was released, This arrest grows ont of
the long continued trouble over the so
called "Boettcher road."
Joseph F. Wells started suit in dis
trict conrt last Wednesday to recover
possession of a valuable half section of
land near Columbus, which he assigned
to his half-brother, O, L. Baker last
fall while a criminal snit was pending
against Wells for shooting Ezra Ma
haffey and Wells sets out in his petition
that Baker by threatening to assist in
the prosecution which Wells feared
wonld send him to the penitentiary, in
duced him to assign land worth $20,000
Tor the sum of $15,000. Wells' petition
also declares that there was no other
consideration in the assignment and that
C. H. Sheldon.had full knowledge of the
facts. Wells offers to pay the money
neccessary to redeem the land and asks
to have the Baker assignment cancelled
on ihe ground of fraud and to have
Sheldon required to deed the property
to Wells. Wm. Eisemann is a tenant
on the property, and he is joined as de
fendant because Wells also wants an
accounting of his share in the rent and
profits of the farm during the past year.
Hummer Neckwear ana rancy v w
li-m-fi Uk
BaT nTs) aa I a II i -r-
ll,' fcslv.
In Real Estate Matters
at this time may prove of interest. Nev
er before has realty touched the price it
is now hovering around: never befoe
has sa many choice pieces been looking
for buyers with a little ready cash, and
never liefore has the buyer with a little
ready cash had so many choice bits of
Mother Earth to select from for his buy
ing. On iIib other hand, looking forward
instead of backward, every indication
points to a steady increase in trade, the
continuance of prosperity and with it
a continual advance nntil the top notch
iB reached in realty prices. Considering
these points, now is the time tobny, and
our list will show yon where to buy.
Itcktr, Hockenbergcr
ft Chambers
18th 8t.. Oolnmbup, Nebr
Miss Florence Hagel is visiting in
Schuyler this week.
Dr. Nanmann wont to Sherman coun
ty Tuesday to spend two or three days
looking over bis farm.
I have only a few sets left of those
12 cent English Porcelain dishes. Call
and buy while they lust.
Sktii Bkaiik.
Victor Kranse of Albion has been
visiting a few days with his aunt Miss
Krausc and with some of his young
friends in this city.
Ed. Weaver and John Skorupa bought
the Palace Cafe business this weuk, re
taining in their emoloy Mrs. Chatfield
and Miss Georgia Chatfield.
Mrs. J. 1). Siire last Thursday liought
the Fillman rnillinaryBlock. Mis Scl
zer, who has been the successful mana
ger of the business, has had to retire on
account of her health. Miss Horowiak,
her assistant, has accepted a position in
Chicago to which she will go soon. Mrs.
Stires has acquired a good business and
brings experience to the management
of it.
The Monstor Specialty Company is
the name of a concern incorporated last
Wednesday at Lindsay. The incorpora
tors are Dr. 1). G. Walker, M J. Ramao
kers, Poter Welin. Wm. Lewijohnnn
Wm. Lewijohnnn, jr. The company is
capitalized Tor $100,000 and its chief
business will lo tho manufacture and
sale of a self-bast ing roaster recently
patented by Dr. Walker.
The German National Bank is to be
the name of the new Commons banking
institution organized by G. W. Phillipps
and others; and the doors of the new
bank wdl open about August 15. At a
meeting of the stockholders in this, city
Monday the name was selected and tho
following nnmed directors chosen: G.
W. Phillipps, H. S. Elliott, Theodore
Friedhof, J. F. Siems and P. E. Mc
Killip. The bank officers were not
elected but it is understood that G. W
Phillipps will be made preBi.tent, Ber
riard Schroeder cashier and Henry
Wilckens, assistant cashier. The new
bank is cuptalized at 850,000.
Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Benhnm of this
city were shocked last Thursday morn
ing by the receipt of a telegram from
Omaha, announcing the death by sui
cide of Mrs. O. A. Snmption. Mrs. Ben
ham's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Benbam
left at once for Omaha and accompanied
the remains to Salina, Kansas for burial.
Mrs. Snmption had been in business
here a few months, handling a stock of
infant's wear and fancy goods in
the Kelso millinery store and
bad enjoyed a profitable trade.
About June 1 she went to Omaha, pre
sumably to order goods, but when ehe
did not return some fears were felt by
Mrs. Benham, and it was learned that
she had drawn out her bank account,
indicating that she left Colnmbus with
no intention of returning. She had
taken n room in a private lwarding
house in Omaha under the name of Mrs.
Howard. Suspicion was aroused when
on Wednesday morning Mrs. Sumption
did not leave her room as usual. Break
ing open the door, Mrs. Snmption wns
found dead. She wnB clothed in a black
burial robe and had her haniN clasped
above her breast. The gas had been
turned on and the key-hole packed to
prevent the escape of the gas. She had
also drunk a large quantity or landa
nnm. She had written n letter direct
ing that her son, Roy Sumption, of
Salina, Kansas, and her danghter, Mrp.
Benham, be notified. Mrs. Sumption
was forty-five years old. Domestic
trouble was the cause of the deed.
Soparriatr'a Proceedings.
For the reason the same is assessed
aannally by the Platte Board of Equali-1
cation and are not subject to local aa-1
sesBment. The Union Preific R. R. Co
By O. H. Swingley. Aast. Tax. Com.
On motion same was referred to thi
committee on clnims. On motion ol
supervisor Schure the board of snpervi
sors now adjourned until 2 o'clock thu
p. m.
Colnmbas. Neb , June 15, 1000
Pursuant to adjournment the board of
supervisors reconvened at 2 o'clock,
Hon. John Swanson chairman, John
Graf dork and all members present.
The following bills were on motion
allowed ami the clerk directed to iasae
warrants in payment of aame on the
County General f nnd :
F A Hagel, juror district court
1,10 10; Frank Valasek, same $10 10;
Jos Gutzmer sr., same $10 10; Tom
Knsn same $10 10; J F Belford namr
$10 40; Charles Morgan same $10 40
Walter Graves same $10 10; Edward
Luescnensame$13 50;D B Gorman
same $15 0; Mike Abta same $10 10;
William Arndt same $10 GO; George
Mohlman same $13 20 Carl Yenzer
same $10 10; A Palmateer same $15 30;
William Meedel same $10 80; Morns
Langan same $12 00 A E Campbell
same au; josepn nuw; ti
10 20; J G Kummer same $tl 50;
Frank Mills same $0 20; John Wink
elman same $10 10; Harry Graves
same $10 10; Andrew G Larson same
$14 10; D O Kavanangn same 92 50;
Bert hold Engelman same $10 10; Jona
Welch same $10 10; Orin Breese same
$10 10; Rudolph Kort same $3 30;
Charles Math same $3 30; John Brnn.
ken same $11 20; C W Freeman same
$14 00 ; Peter Discnner same $10 70 ; M
E Cooney same $14 10; F A Fisse
same Viz ikj; jonn ai dijhu dmuc
$14 00; O L Crawford same $14 10; A
T Watts same $ti 50; Joseph Cady
amn 14 ): Math Diedericb same
$11 00; C P Nelson same $0 00; Roy
Clark same $15. 50 ; John Hendrickson
same $12 50. County Treasurer a c
del per tax, D O Kavanangh $7 U) J
S Freeman Special Venire district
conrt $2 10; G O Burns same $2 10;
A O Boone same $2 10; Ike Brock
same $4 10; J II Miles same $2 10; J
J Lisko. same $2 10 James Haney
same $4 10; J F Siems same $2 10;
Geo. Willard same $2 10: Kndolph
Mller same $2 70; J L Dodds same
$G'.M3; Si Rapp same $4 10; W W
Witakor same $4 10; Mark Bnrke
same $2 10 r Peter Dischner same
$2 70 E H Jemkins same $2 10; Sie-
bert Heibel same $3 (X); Jacob A Ernst
same $2 10 ; Fred Geiser same $4 10 ;
J J Burke same $K 10; Owen Quinn
same $8 10; J R Carter same $3 10;
Adam Smith same $S30; Edward
Zvbaoh same $1 00 : August Boetcher
same $8 10;Robert Lewis same $S 10;
Edward Brannigan same $S 10;
George Winslow Talesman, district
conrt $2 10: H isrnnnoer same
$2 10; Joseph Lisko same $2 10; Wil
liam Knrt same $2 10; John Burns
same $2 10; Mike Abts samo $2 10;
August Runge same $2 10; Herman
Herring same $2 10; Tony Schfoik
same $2 10; Ed. Rossiter Bali ft district
court $3100; John R Brock same
fit 00; John Freeman same $10 00;
John Burk Witness, state vs. John F
Goodman $3 00: James Nelson same
$2 10; Anton Fisse same state vs
Uharles Ziemba $4 fiO; Joseph Ziemba
same $1 00: Peter Koziel same $4 00;
H C Lachnit same $2 10; Andrew
Paprocki. jr., same $15 20; John L
Pierce state vs. Nick Koppock $10 10;
Ira Gates same $2 20: Frank Caller
same $2 20; William J Welch same
$4 00; w H PogBley same $4 00; John
W Tulleys same $2 10; G B Spiece
same $2 10; Sheriff Lancaster Co.
Subpoena state vs. Nick Koppock,
$1 00; August Schack witness, state
vs. Herbert Lowery $0 10; Marshall
S Newkirk witness, state vs. Henry
Haffner $13 00; Louis Horst man same
to 00; Edward Wanek same $6 00;
Henry Lachnit same $2 10; Adolpb
Marty same $5 00 ; John Hoessel same
$5 80; William O'Brien same $2 10;
Mrs. Nick Haffner same $4 10 Airs.
Louis Neid, same $7 0 ; Hugo Neid
same $7 50 ; August Runge same $4 70 ;
Nick Haffner same $4 10 : Gus Hoessel
same $5 0 ; William Cornelius Com'r.
insanity oasees $27 00; Dr. B Tiesing
same $(2 00 ; Dennie Dngan witness,
insanity of Anna Dngan $3 50 ; Dr.
David Martyn same $2 10; C J Carrig
same $2 10 ; William Browner same
$2 10 - Chris Li Martenson witnses. in
sanity of Diederich Eickmejer $4 00 :
Michael Cooney same $4 00; W K Lay
witness, insanity of Carrie K Lav
$2 i0:Mrs. E M Sparhaw k same $2 10;
Henry Mabonev witness insanity of
Xmer Seott $3 50 ; Edward Lnsienski
same $3 50: William Cosmirt same
$3 50: C J Carrig same $2 10: Math
Ramaekers witness, insanity of Con
stance Mueca $0 00 : Joe Neiman same
$0 00: Dr. Westphal same to 00: John
Frescbaof fame $0 00; John Mneck
same $0 K); J S Nichols witness, in
sanity of Adolph Henning $2 10;
Gostaf Trofholz same $2 30; W N
Cornelius Counsel Deft., state vs.
C H Nelson $40 00; W N Hensley sane
Counsel Deft., state vs Nica Hop
DOik$25 00; Louis Lighrner Coaasel
Def t , urate vs. Nick Hoppock James
Porter $0 00; F A Hagel Gaardiag
prisonera $50 00; W A Cossairt Gaard
ing Xmer Scentt. insane $4 00: D A
Becber Co Trean.. Cash advanced
insane case $120 00.
DA Becher Co. Treasurer cash ad-
Bbbbb "TTE
realize the necessity and advantage of
keeping n bank account. Yet, white
aware of the benefits, many men hesi
tate to open account teoause they think
their transactions are not large enough.
They are in error. The banking system
is for the man of small as well aa large
The First National Bank
is at the service of every one. It will
open an account with the laborer jast
as willingly as with the largest merchant
Start an acconnt today, even if it is only
with a small amount.
vanced inebriate case $45 00; D M New
man type writiag for Co. Atty. $13 40;
August Marz meals for jurors $9 75; C
H Buschman same $9 25; P H Mats
coroner inquest of O T Weber $13 22;
John C Dawson juror inquest of O T
Weber $1 10; Ed Mayberger same $1 10;
W D Wilson same $1 10; Ceas E Chapia
same $1 10; L M Emerson same $1 10; F
J Beck with same $1 10; J C Joknaoa
witneas, inquest of O T Weber $1 10; L
C Welter witness inqnest of O T Weber
1 10; F A Wills same $1 10; J C Dineea
same $1 10; Wm O'Brien J r costs va
Frank Micek $9 20; Wm O'Brien coats
vs Robert Elston $0 35: Wm O'Brien
6 35;
J V same vs Nick
Koppock $9 45; Wm
O'Brien J P same
vs Henry Manner
10 7r; Wm O'Brien J P same vs Edward
Tsehudin 40; Gus Falbaum J P costs
state vs Schmadeke St Boe $14 90; Gas
Falbaum J v same vs Frank Hough et
al $8 90; Gns Falbaum J p same vs
Frank Micek $2 90; Fred Housing
house rent for sheriff $37 50; C MGrnen
ther c i ; commissioner, insanity cases
$72 55; C M Grnenther cue costs dis
trict court $193 30; C M Grnenther c DC
cots Felony cases $187 45; C J Oarrig
jailer rtes $124 50; C J Carrig sheriff
boarding prisoners $107 50; C J Carrig
sheriff costs state cases $205 00; C J
Carrig sheriff costs insanity cases $74 20;
C J Carrig costs district courts $56 40;
C J Carrig sheriff costs insanity caaea
$15 70; : J Carrig serving jurors $61 75;
C J Carrig sheriff cash advanced $28 25.
The following bills were on motion
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants in payment thereof on the
County Poor fund':
J F Seitjecareof Caroline Neumann
$84 00; St. Mary's Hospital care of coun
ty inmates $22 50; Jos Schaecher over
seer cash nd vanced $840; D A Becher
Co Treas samo $3 95; J F Schure Sapr
same $0 05; Keating & Schram Mdse for
poor $39.41; Peter Kozlowski same
$34 50;M A TwardowBki same $3000;
Max Bruckner same $5 00; Gray Mer
cantile Co same $1 75; Henry Ragatz &
Co same $17 90; II P H Oehlrich mater
ial for poor form $9 90; F J Smith cofln
for poor $20 00; I) II Harrington coal for
poor $5 24; James II Galley Mdse for
poor $2 75; Mrs Katherine Berge care of
Manty Seiler $11 00.
(To be continued,)
NOTICE All ice teekets that
hare heen issued duriitg the
month of May and June mast he
paid hy July 9th or ice wages
will not stop at your door next
Monday. 0. L. Baker.
Wheat 66
Corn 38
Oats V bushel 30
Rye V bushel 50
Barley, :)
Potatoes, new f bu 90
Butter $t t 13 to
Eggs dozen 11
Springs it)
Bens J 7
Roosters 3
Hogs 605
Tailir-Mawt Clitfcts EUSftf
lngaxnan a genteel anrjearancethait
any othar one thing. If your clothes
are made by Linstrum they're rfeht
in every particular.There is a distinc
tive difference between the tailored
suits and the ready-made. To wear
one of our suits is to appreciate the
4Lyf l ". x Hr varans a
9BB sa
Uaatftr S" .a&iafeafrr
. fi& kat -SJSfcC-