The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 27, 1906, Image 8

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    Jj,r'-,r V
No. I, Overland Limited. 12:10 p.m.
No. J, Colorado Kxiiiwh B-.S5 p. in.
No. 5. California and OrceonKx.... 72W1 p. m.
Ho. 7, Ijo Ansnlee Limited l:17p.ra.
No. . Fast Mail 4AB p. m.
No. 11, Colo. Becial HMO a. in.
No. 13. North l'latto LocaL 11:28 a. in.
Ho.M. Local Freight 7:00 a.m.
No. 2, Overland Limited 5A3p. m.
No. 4, Atlantic Kxpraae tHK a. m.
No. 6, Eastern Kxpmw. 2iip. m.
No. 8. Los Angeles Limitod 838 p. in.
No. 10, VaHt Mail 12:55 p. in.
ho. 12, Chicaeo Special 5:25 a. m.
No. II. North Platte Local 1:43 p. m.
No. SO. Local Freight 5:30 p. m.
No. 20. Passenger JflOp.m.
No. 77, Mixed 71 a. m.
No. 30, Passenger 12:4. p.m.
No. 78. Mixed 7:U0p. n.
No. SI, FaMonjrer 2:2. p. m.
No. 79. Mixed 7:00 a.m.
No. 32, Passenger 12:55 p. m.
No. 80, Mixed 8:irip. m.
Norfolk passengnr trains rnn daily.
No trains on Albion and Spalding branch
All main line passenger trains dally.
W. H. Benhah. Agent.
Special Seduced
Excnrsion Rates
To St. Paul, Minn., July 24-20, re
turn limit August 15, one fare pluB
To Minneapolis, Minn., August 8
13, return limit September 30, one
cent per mile.
To Milwaukee, Wis., August 11-13,
announod later. One fare plus 12.00.
To Toronto, Canada, September 11
14, return limit October 24. One
fare plus 2.00.
Summer Tourist Rates June 1st to
September 30th to Cnicago. Madison,
Milwaukee, Waukesha, St. Paul, Min
neapolis and other points in Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Michigan, also to Now
England and Canadian points.
Homeseekers Excursion Kates. On
sale every Tuesday from Columbus,
David City and points east to points in
South Dakota (east of Missouri river)
North Dakota, Minnesota, Northern
Wisconson, Michigan Peninsula, Alber
ta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and west
ern Ontario at one faro plus 62.00 for
the round trip good returning twenty
one days from date of sale.
For folders, descriptive circulars, rates
etc., address S. F. Miller, A. G. F. .t P.
A. C. & N; W. Uy., Omaha, Neb.
Parker's White Oity on wheels will
furnish a weeks entertainment at Co
lumbus beegiBning Monday JbIt 9.
It is Headed by the comic opera Beau
tiful Bagdad employing 40 preformera
and musicians including the prima
donna soprano, Clara Marie Adams.
The unetous comedian, J. F. MoGabn,
the Peerless Qaarttet ; De Vera Bros,
comedy acrobats and Bio & Jano ex
perts. Besides the features mentioned
there are now in operation Electro
Theatre, the San Francisco disaster
and eruption of Mount Vesuvius,
Creation and the Carry-as-alL Hale's
Tours of the world will be added
later in the week. In Eleotric Thea
ter one's attention is intensely absorbed
by the doings of a band of train wreck
ore. Behind the front directing one to
the Siancisco Disaster, one gets a realis
tic glimpse of the horrors of earthquake
and Gre in the city by tho Golden Gate.
1 hese tire guaranteed to be pictures ac
tually taken on the spot and anyone
who is familiar with San Francisco can
easily see this. The films show San
Francisco burning in the mission, below
Market street. Most or the buildings
are of wood and they are seen to burn
rapidly. Blocks of solid masonry are
also seen to crumble before the devour
ing iiamc. In an instant everything is
blotted out by the black, impenetrable
clouds of smoke through which here
and there lurid tongues of ilame dart
out and in. Then the scene of disola
tion, the following day, is shown and
startling evidences of the earthquake
shock are seen in leaning buildings,
shattered columns, and inclining porch
ways. No one should fail to see these
realistic and thrilling scenes of illfated
San Francisco. The beautiful Biblical
production offered in "Creation" is en
joyed by everyone. This is not a spec
tacle only. A lecture full of instruc
tion and interest accompanies the mag
nificent and gorgeous scenes. This at
traction is entirely new, as are al.' the
others, and wholly unlike anything of
the kind presented here. Granada, Fe
dora, and Rajah give two performances
daily, at 3:00 o'clock and at 10:45 p. m
Beautiful Bagdad will give two perfor
muuees daily, at 3:30 and 8:45 p. m. All
the other attractions give continuous
performances from 1:30 until 5:30 p. in.
and from 7:00 until 11:00 p. in.
Free to You uni Every Sister
From Woman's AHiMNts.
I am a woman.
I know woman's sufferings.
I have found tho cure.
I will mail, free of an? charm. tn
ncnt with full instructions to any sufferer from.
omcnsaiimi'Dis. a warn to ten an women about
this cure yo, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to
tell you bow to cure yourselves at borne without
the belp of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom
en's sufferings. What we women know fren ex
perience, via know better than any doctor. I know
that bt borne treatment is a safe and sure cure for
Leucorrboeaor Wbitish discharKes.UIceratiea.Dis
placement or Falllag; of tho Womb, Preface. Scanty
or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tamers or
Growths: also pains la the head, back and bowels,
bearing down feelings, aenmuaess. creeping feel
ing op the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot
Hashes, weariness, kidney and Madder troaMes
where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our aex.
I want to send you a complete tea days' treatment
entirely free to prove to you that you can euro
yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely.
Remember, that it will cost yew aetata to ei ve tho
treatment a complete trial; and It you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about IS
cents a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation.
Jnst send me your name and address, tell me bow you suffer if you wish, and I will send you tho
treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper. tv return mail. I will also send you free
f cost, my book "WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL. ADVISER itb explanatory illustrations show
ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at borne. Every woman should
bave it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says "You must have an opera
tion.' you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my borne
remedy. It cures all. old or yome. To Mothers or Daughters. I will explain a simple home
treatment which siecdily and effectually cures Tucucorrhoca, Green Sickness and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Pluinpucss and health always result from its use.
Wherever you live. 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality wbo know and will gladly
ten any sufferer that this Home Treatment redly cures all women's diseases, and makes women
well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten days treatment is
yours, also the book. Write today, as you may not sec this offer, again. Address
MM. M. SUMMERS, Box 4 1 4 - - - ' Notre Dame. lnd..U. S. A.
aBMHHHHHHMl aaw laVaxastnVtatB H '''
&&&&"- ''Sri, u74sTa"aXn - i
From the Times.
MiasHable Carpenter of Colombo
arrived in this city the first of the week
and is a gneet of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Between fonr and five hundred dol
lars have boen subscribed by our busi
ness men for the purpose of celebrating
the 4th of July and the committees are
all working to make it one of the best
celebrations ever held in this city, and
Genoa has put up some pretty good
ones in the past. Come to Genoa to
Constance Anderson of the Looking
Glass is surely married good and hard
this time if reports are true. The first
time he was married was five years ago
last week, but his neighbors, fearing
that it might not bave been done up
properly, turned out to the number of
one hundred Friday night last and did
it all over again. The affair was a com
plete surprise an J a splendid time is re
ported by those present. The self in
vited guests presented their host and
hostess with a beautiful lounge as a
token of their respect. Constance says
they can all come again in five years, if
they desire.
A Thousand Dollars Werth tf (food.
"I have been afflicted with
kidney and bladder tromble
for years. paseinjc frrarel or stones
with excruciating pain," says A H.
Thames, a well known coal operator
of Bufflo, O." I got no relief from
mediciae until I began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure, then the result was smr
prising. A few doces started the
brick-dust like substance and now I
have have no pain across my kidneys
and I feel like a new man. It has
done me f 1000 worth of good. Foleys
Kidney Cure will cure every form of
kidney or disease. Ohas. H. Daok.
From the Advance.
Wednesday evening, June 20, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Finch,
occurred a pretty home wedding when
their daughter, Miss Jennie J., was
united in marriage to Mr. George O
Deines Miss Myrtle Crouch presided
at the piano which was placed on
the broad veranda and played, the
beautiful selection of Theo. Tobani,
"Hearts and Flowers, "as the wed
ding party marched to their stations
under an arch over the main entrance
to the voranda. First to appear un
der tho arch was the groom attended
by Mr. Earl Blackburn. They were
followed by Miss Sadie Finch, a sis
ter to the bride, as bridesmaid, and
Miss Heita Sharp as lady of honor.
Llitte Iva Shaffer, a niece of the
bride, followed bearing the wedding
ring in an American beauty rose.
The bride approached the alter from
another entrance upon the arm of her
father. The ceremony was the beau
tiful ring ceremony of the Methodist
Episcopal church and Rev. Edward
Beaumont King of North Bend, a
former pastor of the church here,
was the officiating clergyman. The
bribe's drew was of oream Etoline,
trimmed in Gluney lace. She carried
cream roBes. After the ceremony the
bridal party marched to the banquet
tables which were arranged in a
Headed by the Operatic Extravaganza
AGDAD tU Under Canvas
Parker's Creation
ParKer's Mt. Vesuvius
Parker's Electric Theatre
Parker's $10,000 Carry-Us-All
The White City Military Band in Daily
Big Free Acts: Herr Granado, Alma
Federa and the Wire Walking'
Elephant, Rajah
Something Going on All the Time!
Excursion Rates on All Railroads.
large teat oa taa lawn.
Harley and Joatpaiae McAlister of
Oolambaaare spending the week at
the horn of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Gib-
Si. Edward -friends of Mian Georgia
Wait reoeired cards last week aa
aoaaoia her marriage at her home
at Iadepeadence. Mo., to Mr. Milo
G. Landes. Mr. and Mrs. Landes
will be at home after July 10, at
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Balhv of Stor
ing, Colo., are spending the week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Disher. Mr. Bulla hail held a posi
tion as saparintendent of a beet su
gar factory at Sterling for the hist
two years and after his visit here he
goes to Owesso, Mich., to accept a
like position at an advance in1 salary.
Fly Nets at cost at K use lie's
Eleventh street. 13M
Tom Hill of Monroe took dinner at
A. G. Larson's Saturday.
Hannah Wingren has been finite
sick the past few days.
P. N. Bane of Genoa was in this
viointy Friday.
Mrs. J. M. Anderson and daughters
Mamie and Gertie visited at Peter
Welin's Tharsday last.
The Baptist church is being cleaned
and repapered this week.
Harry Larson was a Genoa visitor
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. N. Alfred is on the sick list.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hartvig An
derson Friday, April 32nd, a daugh
ter. Ernest Bechtel spent Sunday at W.
B. Jones'.
John N. Berlin from Genoa is do
ing some carpenter work for J. M.
Misses Eva Larson and Mamie An
derson are spending the week at Ge
noa and Monroe,, visiting friends.
The ball game between Palestine
and Mt. Pleasant resulted in a victory
for Palestine as usual There will
be a game on the Palestine diamond
next Saturday.
Mrs. John James was out to church
Sunday for the first since her sickness.
Will Care Consumption.
A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes:
"Foleys Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs, colds and lung
trouble. I know that it has cured
consumption in the first Btages. You
never Heard of any one using Foleys
Honev and Tar and not being satisfied.
Ohas. H. Dack.
Boute 4.
The children of Will Barnes of
Broken Bow are visiting this week
at the home of their cousin, J. J.
Barnes. Will Barnes is expected
here in a few days.
Mary Angel 1 of Monroe and lona
Hall of Columbus visited three days
last week at the home of A. E.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Fennimore.
Mr. and Mra. John Quinn are re
ceiving a visit from Mr. Quinn's
niece of Denver.
Sheldon & Son have put in some
new hydraulic wells on their farm
occupied by Dodd brothers.
Sheldon & Son shipped three cars
of stock from the Winslow siding
Monday night.
Charles Jeffrey, who has been work
ing in the B. M. yards at Alliance for
some time, is helping J. C. Dineen
enclose hi pasture with a woven wire
Charles Mayberger, Dick Brngger
man and John Qitmn jr., of this
route went to Omaha Snnday.
Ftrtland and the Horthwest.
To acommodate delegates and others
to meeting oi the Hotel Men's Mutual
Benefit Association, at Portland, June
25-29 1906, the Union Pacific ' has
placed in effect the remarkably low
rate of one fare for the round trip to
Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Belling
ham, Everitt, Vancouver, Victoria
and New Westminister. Tioktep on
sale Jnn 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 190G, with
final return limit sixty days from date
of sale.
This route affords yon a view of
200 miles along the matchless Colum
bia river and an opportunity to visit
Yellowstone Pars: by a side trip from
Ogdea or Pocatello at rate of $49 50
which includes all rail and stage fare,
also hotel accommodations beyond
Yellowston, Mont., for five and half
days trip.
W. H. Benham.
District Ho 4.
Herman Kluver has bonght a
talking machine.
Pat Gleasen and Tom Lynch shipped
their fat steers last Thursday. Tom
Lynch got top price. "
Simon Iossi and the P F Lnchinger
family drove to Oldenbush to visit M.
Hoesley Sunday.
Small grain and corn are looking
Unien Pacific Bulletin.
One fare for the round trip to the
Northwest: To Paget Sound
and Portland, direct. Returning via
California, $12.50 additional. Tickets
on sale June 18 to 22, inclusive. Limit
60 days.
To California, Portland Puget Sound:
Daily low excursion rates June 1 to
September 15, applying via variable
routes, limit Octotier 31.
To California and Return: Still low
er rates Jnne 25 to July 7, inclusive! re
turning direct or via Portland.
To Colorado and Return: Daily from
June 1 to September 30, one fare plus
50 cents. Still lower rates for the Elks'
great meeting at Denver. Tickets sold
July 10 to 16, inclusive.
Soda Crackers
anything yon chooae nflk for instance or alone,
At every meal or for a munch between meals, whea
yon feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner, in the morning when you wake hungry, or at
night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when yon could not think of eating anything else.
But as in all other things, there is a difference in sod
crackers, the superlative being
U need a Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you.
WE ARE GOING to give the people of Columbus and surround
ing country a chance to buy New, Up-To-Date Men's, Young
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Shoos, Shirts and Underwear
and Dry Goods, Dress Goods and Groceries at prices never heard of
belore Everything nearly cut in two.
The Greatest, Biggest Cut Price Sale!
For 30 Days
Friday, June 29
One Lot of Mon's Suits worth
15.00 now on sale it $9.48
Olio Lot of Men's Suits worth
11.00 now on sale at $6.98
One Lot of Boy's Knee pants
Suits worth 4.00 & 3. 50, now $1.98
"One Lot of Boy's Knee Pant
Suits 1.75 and $2 value at. .$1.25
300 Sample Shirts worth from
75c to 1 50
One Lot now on sale at 59c :
One Lot now on sale at 49c
SHOES 30 Discount on every
pair of shoes in the house.
Boy's shoes worth 1.75, now.. $1.1 5
Men's best Balbriggan Underwear
worth 50c each. Going in this
sale at each 37c
Laces worth everywhere from 15c
to 25c on sale from 8c to 10c
4 Cans Sugar Corn 25c
3 Cans Sardines 10c
2 Pounds Good Coffee 25c
Ladies' Dep'tment
Iest Dress Calico, wortli 7c to Sc
per yd, going at this sale at 5c
L-iwns wortli 15c going at 7ic
Fine Batistes and i )rgandies wortli
18c to 25c going now at 15c
Muslin Petticoats worth 1.00 go
ing in this salt j at 50c
Muslin Night Gowns wortli 1 .00
sale price 50c
Muslin Night Gowns worth 1.50
sale price 75c
Summer union Suits worth 50c
sale price 25c
One line Kihhed Drawers worth
25c sale price 1 5c
One lot Ladies' Sam pit; Gauze
worth 25c to 50c on salt; at 1 5c
500 Ladies' Handkerchiefs worth
from 15c to 25c at this salt; 5c
75 Ladies' Handbags, sample
lint;, worth 75c to 2.00 going at
this salt; at one price 59c
Ladies' French Percale Wrappers
worth everywhere 1.25 at... .85c
50 Ladies' Dress Skirts worth
$5 to 0 to be closet I out at. .$2.50
Ladies' Slippers wortli 1.75 at. $1.15
Now is your time to Save Money. This is no Fake Sale, it's
straight goods. Don't miss this opportunity. It is a chance of a life
time. Sale Commences Friday, June 29, 1906
SIMON BORDY, Prop, lift St. Columbus, Nebraska
' jMejfclri I'Miir