sHS-vsl w i r Y t CASH STORE 4 DDX37- G-oocLs ep't. 1 -rifiwM 3 - y M ' ill 1 ii I n i ' ci I 4ravAG7 fL JU 17 JfcJT i rmm Kmnuwm That if you have a Po.5i77on W -SOCIETY YoUfWST DRESS VEUL IFYoU have to PosiTorf IN JocjETY You CflriftfcVER HOPE To GET ONE UNLZSS YOU DRESS WELL. IFYOU AKE CoiflG AFTER APOSITOrt IN BUSINESS DWTYotf puToN Your best clothes To lAKEfl GboD IMPRESSON? So E SORE AND HAVE GOOD CLOTHES BU5TCR BRoVN. WHEtf You PLEASC A CUSTOMER IT IS AffcATHEHlNTbtfR, CAR X-S-.O t ft Cr.itTni Tmhv,171HHicwnCo CHlOCO No. 20. what mother doej not w,sh for her--self: for her daughters and for her little ohes even to jtand well in their community. iti-5 the duty and should it not 5e the pleasure of h17-s&andj and fathers to provide good glothe5 for their wivej and daugher-s. the wife dejervej it and the daughter cannot go in the circle you would have her move in unle-5.5 .she wear.s good clothe-s. for thoje who have no time to make their own clothed we have garments ready to wear. we have looked out the eco nomical .side for you. For Friday aund Saturday. Ladies' beautiful lawu shirt waist the $1.25 kind at. ..'JSc S1.50 kin.l at $1.20. $2 lawn waist $1.(6. $5 ladies' walking- skirts at $3.')S. $( ladie's walking" skirts $4.85. $7.50 ladies' walking skirts at $6.50. Black Sateen Skirts. $1 black sateen skirts at 79c. $1.25 black sateen skirts at 'JSc. $1.50 blaclc sateen skirts at $1.2'). $2 blade sat een skirts at $1.7"). $2-75 black sateen skirts at $2.29. FOR THE MOTHER OR THE DAUGHTER WHO JEW.S WE HAVE PROVIDED MATERIAR.S ON WHICH .SHE WILL NOT WASTE HER TIME. For Friday aund Saturday. Nice lawns at 5c. Beautiful jyinjfhaiiis at 10c and 12c. 3S inch percales at 7 l-2c. Organdies in a beautiful line of patterns at 10c. Primrose batiste at 15c. HsixcL-wsLxe ep't. Oils Excellent grade of Heavy Castor 35c per gal. Hand Separator Oil, Gasoline Engine Oil, Cyl ander Oil, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil (Woodman Brand) All ol the best grades. Gasoline Telephone us and we will fill your can promptly. Rope There is a great difference in rope, both in its wearing and ten si i strength. The kinds mostly used are Sisal, Standard Manilla, (a mixture of Sisal and Manilla Fibre) and PURE MANILLA. For heavy wear on Stackers or Hay Car riers the Pure Manilla is the most economical as it will resist a tensil strength of from 6,000 to 9,000 pounds in sizes of 7-8 to 1 1-6 inches. We can furnish you any size from 3-8 of an inch to 1 1-4 inch in PURE MANILLA. Hay and Bundle Forks We have exclusive sale for the Otsego Brand, and for finish, strength and lightness they have no equal. Hay Rack Fixtures Are last taking the' place of long bolts' which not only weakens the timbers of a hay rack but are much easier put in, leaving all the timbers clamped securely together with out boring any holes. Dr. PaaL, dentist. Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Herrick for furaitare. Journal ad briag retails. Hani mocks Snow's. Herrick for baby jco-oarts. Oassin solicit! yoar meat trade. Dr. Hark T. MoMahoa. deatiat Dr. W. 11. Slater, Yeterinarian, phone 95. Guaranteed watch repairing by 11th St. Jeweler. .tf Tender cats and prompt delivery at Casein's market. For Sale A good, gentle family cow. Inquire of A. Berger. 12-2p Coal and baled hay awlays on top at Newman & Welch. tf Try a Journal "want ad" if you have Anything to liny or sell. Maloney's pool and billiard tables are the best in the citr. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new Oolnmbns State Bank building. WANTED: A girl for general house work. Good wages. H. 8 Elliott Rubber boots mended with .a vnl oanizing substitnte at Carl Schubert's. Try our Bex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smith Co. Bothtel. No.& WANTED: Good farm loans atj 5 per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. Wnnn yon want baled hay that is bright and coal that is. clean order from Newman Welch. tf Miss Katberine Haecker left last Wednesday for Spokane to live with her sister, Mrs. Miller. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co Inmbns roller mills makes it. A large quantity of bee hives and fix tures for sale at reduction from whole sale price. Mrs. Fobes, Columbus. FOR' SALE: One 18 horse power ueuble cylinder engine and Niagara Separator. O. J. Lneschen, Creston, Neb. Miss Ella Kersenbrock returned home last week from Texas, where she has been employed in a millinery store. Mr. anil Mrs. W. E. DeVore of St. Ed ward were gurats at tho Willanl home Tim i si lay night, reluming from a wed ding trip to Des Moines. MisR Alma HasHellmch and Miss Meta Sismin of St. Edward, were guests of Miss Marguerite Willanl last Thursday. They went from here to Leigh to visit relatives. For wedding stationery, vis it iui; curds and fine stationery cull on the ol u nihil s Printing & Specialty House tf R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans. dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts clothing. Hats cleaned and reblooked. Agent for Germania rteam dye works, Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St. A petition was circulated this week and almost unanimously signed by the bueiness men of Commons, closing all stores on the evening of the 3rd of July and remaining closed nntil the morning of the 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Thelen of Shelby, newly married, departed from this city last Wednesday afternoon on a wedding trip. They were treated to a shower of rice at the station bv a small group of friends. FOR SALE: 160 acres fenced pas ture Boone county clay land, two and one half miles from railroad, 20. Quarter section Boone county. A good farm near town. Half in crop. Good soil no sand, $40. Half section Boone county. A good stock farm, near Petersburg, $30.50. Yon take no risk in buying Boone county clay land, at these prices. Terms one fourth down. Enquire of J. D. Stires, Columbus, Neb. Nearly two hundred members and friends of Lebanon Lodge. A. F. and A. M. and Harmony Chapter, order of the Eastern Star, were present hut Thursday night at Masonic Hall to witness the joint installation of officers of the two orders and to participate in the pleasant festivities attendant thereto. J. E. North acted as install ing officer for Lebanon Lodge and Dr. O. D. Evans for Harmony Chapter. The beautiful floral drill of the East ern Star was executed by the Mes dames. J. E. Erskine, Ernest Dnssell, Will H. King, L M. Geitzen, Fred Davis, Henry Ragatz, jr, Frank Schram and the Misses Lillian Ragatz, Edna Beardsley and Lillian Hagel At the close of the ceremonies ice cream and cake were served on small tables lighted with red candles and decorated with red roses. J. O. Echols presided as toastmsster. Re sponses were made xby Mrs. J. D. Stires, J. H. Johannes. W. L Speice, L. W. Snow, L. R. DeWolf. G. A. Scott aud L. G Zinnecker The fol lowing new officers were elected for Lebanon lodge : W. L Speioe, wor Bhipfulmaster;Geo., A. Scott, senior warden; J. H. Johannes, junior war den ;L. W. Snow, senior deacon; William Zinnecker. junior deacon; J. R. Meagher, secretary; Howard Clarke treasurer; Rev. L. R. .DeWolf, chaplain; J. O. Echols, trier. The new officers for the Order of' the East ern star are; Mrs. J. D. Stires, worrhv matron- J. O. Echols, worthy natron : Mi. O. A. Beardsley. asso ciate matron; Mrs. ,F. W. Herrick. conductress: Mrs. O. 8. Raaey. asso ciate conductress; Mrs. frank Schram chaplain: Mr. Julia Kasmmasen, marshal; Mrs. C. J. Garlow, organist; Mrs. Will Murray, warder: J. R. Maegher, sentinel; Mrs C. D. Evans, Ada; Mrs. J. O. Echols, Rath; Miss Lillian Ragatz, Esther; Mrs. Edgar Howard. Martha; Mrs Sherman. Electa. 'anTajfeJJMMMPa5ttaw $?39anavMaw '.Sass?? Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Equipped Optical Offices li.The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday , on day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Inquire of Herrick. Dr. Cttmpbell, Dentist. Fire Works Snow's. Casein's market for fresh meats. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Kodaks and supplies at Newohner's. Carl Schubert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf The Journal wants all the news. Phone or write it in. Dr. O. A. Allenbnrger, office in new State Bank building. If your eyes, cars, nose or throat give yon trouble see Dr. Lueschen. Drs. Martyn, EvanB & Evans. Con Hultation in German and English. How is your Lawn Mower? If not all right take it to Person. Carl Schubert has a nice line of Zonophones. and Talking machines and records. If you play billiards or pool. Ma loney's pool and billiard hall will please yon. Friends of Miss Florence Whitmoyer have received letters announcing her return to Columbus alMintJuly 1. FOR SALE: -Charters Hotel, one of the lending hotels in Alliance, Neb. A bargain. Wrilo S Care of Columbus Journal, Columbus, Neb. Mies Josie Relford after two years employment as stenogapher in a large clothing house in St Louis, returned home last Wednesday for a two weeks' vacation. Mr. Thomas Ludwig and Miss Rosa Lewis of Creston were married last Thursday in this city by Judge Rat terman Miss Leona Harbert and Mr. Earl Weaver witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Arnold Oehlrioh barely escaped serious injury in a runaway last Wednesday night near Frankfort Park. Mrs. Oehlrioh was driving past the park when her horse became unmanageable. Sh was thrown from the buggy but was not hnrt. The orowded condition of the street pro bably prevented more serious results. The funeral of Carl May berger. of Oconoe occurred at the Catholic church in this city last Wednesday. Mr. May bergcr died Tuesday and was seventy three years old. He came tothiscouuty in IBM and was woll known by all the older sottlers. He had been in failing health for a long time. Mr. May berger was the father of twelve children, ten of whom are living. Besides his children he leaves a wife. The Women's Home Missionary soci ety of the Methodist church in the North Nebraska conference, will hold their annual meeting from July G to 9. An unusually interesting program has been prepared by the ladies, one of the chief attractions of which is to be an ad dress by Mrs. Clarke, the noted lecturer of Cambridge, Mass. Many delegates from other cities and towns will be here to enjoy some of that sort of hospitality for which Columbus people are noted. Ales McQueen of Silver Creek was in Columbus one day last week. Mr. Mc Queen is one of Nebraska's enterprising fanners and one of the lttrgest and most successful sheep feeders in the country. He has just purchased a fine section of land in Canada for the sum of $10,000. Mr. McQueen also has a section of land within a mile of Silver Creek, on which he has one of the finest residences in Merrick county. He came to Silver Creek about twenty years ago without a dollar. WHY SO MANY GLASSES? Forty people in every hundred should wear spectacles or eyeglasses. Why? Becauso a greater demand Is made upon eyesight in theso modern times than ever before, our eyes are used more constantly, and are subject ed to the most severe strains. While It Is true that a large per cent of people should wear glasses, it Is amazing to sec the number who, from simple neglect, do not do so. Of course, it is also an important matter as to the kind of glasses that should be worn. "We cad your attention to the Kryp tok lenses as the latest scientific achievement in the optical field. We invite you who are in search of clear vision to investigate the merits oi this attractive, perfect fitting lens. Though in appearance It is a single focus lens. It has two separate and distinct focal powers, which does away with the necessity of two pairs of glasses and the continual changing from one to the other. For further in formation address the Columbian Bi focal Co., Temple Court. Denver, Colo., who are the sole makers and distrib utors in the West. Or call on Dr. J. W. Terry, in Colum bus, our exclusive representative for Platte county, Nebraska. Dr. Terry will be in his Columbus offices Sunday, (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. The old time method of pmrging the system with Cathartics , that tear, gripe grind and break down the' walls of the' stomach intestines is supersed ed by Dades Little Liver Pills. Tney cleanse the liver, and instead of weak ening bnild np and strengthen the whole system. Relieve headache, bilonsness. constipation etc. Sold by MoClintock & Carter drag store. Dressmaking. Having opened a dressmaking shop we are prepared to do all kinds of sewing 422 Corner 8th & Fulton. Phone 1413. Mrs W. E. Reitzel and Miss Julia FlaxeL Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is in side. ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied where it will do the most good, and do it quickly. If you are suffering with piles yon owe your self the duty of trying ManZan. Sold by McOlintock and Carter drag store. Ice and Coal Business for Sale. A large and profitable ice and coal business in one of the best Binall cities in Nebraska. Inquire of Journal for particulars. The cleansing, antiseptic and heal ing properties of Pinesalve make it superior to family salves. Sold by McOlintock & Carter Drug store. For Sale lfSO acres land within three and a half miles of this city, land all under culti vation and entire farm fenced hog tight. Good buildings including house, barn, hog house and milk house all ot brick or stone foundation. Price SK0. per acre. Call on or address L. J. Yanlloosen or E. L. King, Osceola, Nehr. For bloating, belching, sour stom ach, bad breath malassimilation of food, and all symptons of indigestion. Ring's Dyspepfeia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by McOlintock & Carter drugstore. Seal Etsate Loans. We are prepared to make loans on all kinds of real estate at the lowest rates on easy terms. Becher Houken berger & Chambers. Yon can see the poison Pinnies clears ont of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bedtime will show yon more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine ules dissolve the impurities, lubri cate the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do away with back ache speedily, pleasantly, permanent ly. Sold by McOlintock & Carter drug store. A Hew Grocery Store. I have established a new grocery store at SOS East Eleventh Street, first door west of Bucher's saloon and 1 invite the patronage of the public. My groceries are all fresh and first class. Give me a trial order. Inde pendent telephone liU, Nebraska tele phone, 180. B. R. Hester. A hundred years ago, the best physician would give you a medicine for your heart withont stopping to consider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good dav cough and cold medicines invariably bind th bowels. This is wrong. Beezs Laxative Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels drives out the cold clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthen the mucous membranes of -the throat chest, lnngs and bronchial tubes. Sold by McOlintock & Carter drug store. Fifty (lollarH a month ami oxtrax 1 will t;ivi for a man of km1 diameter :ih iiiy:wiit. Eith-r tuileaman or fanner, merchant or hunker may apply. Write Lock Mox l-i, Lincoln, Nehr. When applied and covered with a hot oloth Pinesalve acts like a poul tice. Best for burns, bruises, boils, eczema, skin disease, etc. Sold by McOlintock & Carter drug store. Dishes Cheao. I am offering some big bargains in diBhes. For a short time I will sell 50 and 100 piece sets at 12 cents a piece. Seth Braun. Eat one of Rings Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal and you will not staffer with indigestion. Sold by Mc Olintock & Carter, drug store. FOR SALE: Improved quarter sec tion of land in Sheridan county includ ing house, barn, windmill, household furniture, 1!) head of cattle, S horses, 100 chickens. Several acres under cultiva tion, growing spelts, home grass and potatoes. A free 010 acre homestead can be taken adjacent. Cuts 7.1 tons native hay. Can he liought for 2?.r0. A rare bargain. Excursion rate-, over Burlington from Columbus next Tues day Juno 1! at l-:t0p. m., $11.70 round trip. Write or inquire F. II. Ahliott, Columbus, Neb. Cored of Bnht's Disease. Geo. A. Snermau, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y. writes: "I had kidney disease for many years and had been treated by hpysicians for twelve years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no reilef nntil I began Uhing Fo ley's Kidney. Oure. The first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of tnis terrible disease. Before I began taking Foleys Kidney Oure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes, day and night" and passed a brick-dust substance, and sometimes a climy substance. I believe I woald have died if I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure. Chas. H. Dack. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY GROCERIES, CROCKERY, LAMPS AND GLASSWARE We have a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES We handle' only the -very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades ot Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Prices Always Right. We Respectfully Solicit a Share 'of Jyour Trade. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY Nebraska Phme 29. Independent Pines 29 aN 229. R- W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State Bank Building. C. J. GARLOW Attorney -at -Law Offiro nvr OM Statilank RIiIr. COLUMHUS. NKIilt. A. M. POST Attorney : at :'Law v9HHvWMaVt IWnv T o. annua. ATTORN BT AT L4! Oflln. Olivn tit., foartfc doer aorta of First ' NvboBftlBuk. COLDMRDH. HEBRAHK4. FRIEND MADE CLOTHES JL B'TISFYWWB, W4 wv As to the Good Qualities ot any Clothes you intend to wear before you put your money into them. It they are "FRIEND MADE" the merchant who shows you these garments will guarantee to fit you perfectly. STTJ : O 5 & 10 o IS w o IB f ' "aABssssaC "jr " "bbbb ajasssa ' t. "kBBBBBBBBBBBr 'aH XH mBBBBBBBBBBm flBBBmBB m MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBsV BBBBH U iw IsbbH - isssH UH I ' 4aBBBBl BV BBBBBBsBBaaf sbbbbbbbB, sbbbbbbbbUF ' SBBBBBBBBBBsl 4SBBBBBBBBBB7 y? : pnnnn) ""( w -SBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl 'BBBBBBsV t M "" - vw-ti SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa jSBBBBbTb li VI ?sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"-'T"',sbbbbbJ 1 j - K "tB W KR ' sbbV 7 Wt V V W" jfjawT W 'I COFyRlGHT 1906 fRIEMD BROS ClOTHINQ CO, MILWAUKEE 0GQ rt-p . p. . p a o S3 in O w IS o Very often slight changes made in the styles are not easily distinguished. Our purpose is to point out these changes so mat you may Know them at a glance. i J. H. GALLEY1 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska I sJSriiitilsli iiiliftiii1i'ii;ir"Jtiiiiilrii tV-Ti!! i- iimMttfkiflfi&it S.r