The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 27, 1906, Image 4

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    Hat U, MM.
Columbus Journal.
Oolombiu, Sfebr
AMs. M
Cilnbis Jtiraal Ct.,
RENEWALS The data ODDoatte voar
yoar paper, or vxapparahows to what tlmeyoar
aabacripnoa la paid. Tbaa janw aaowa that
at baa bam reoMTCd bd to Jan. L IMS.
i to Feb. 1. 186 and ao on. When paj inept
ia BMde.tbe date, which anawara aa a receipt,
will be chanced aceordiacbr.
DIBGONTINUANCES-Benonaible aabaerib
era will eontinne to reeeiTe thfc josraal nntil the
anhliabma are notiled by letter to diacoatiaae,
when all amaraaaa moat be paid. It yon do not
wiah the JonmaTeontiaaed for another year af
ter the time paid for baa expired, yon ahoald
prsvioaaly notify aa to diaeonttnaett.
CHANGE IN ADDBEBB-Wben orderlnc a
-Tinr ---- - - - -to
aiTO their old aa well aa their new addreaa.
lefablic&a Coomty CsareatiM
The Bepnblicans of Platte eoonty are hereby
called to meet in convention at the Court Honae
in Columbus Nebraska, on Thursday, Anjrrot 2.
at 2 o'clock p. nu, for the parpoae of selecting
delegates to the Bepnblican Congressional Con
gressional Convention for the 3d Congressional
Districs; delegates to the Senatorial Convention
between Colfax and Platte counties; derogates
to the Float Bepaeaentative Convention between
Platte and Nance coantie; also to nominote one
member of the State Legislature for Platte
county and one candidate fjr County Attorney;
also to elect for a term of two years, officers and
members of the Bepnbliccn County Ce tral
Committee and for transacting such other busi
ness as may proiierly come before th oonven
The said convention shall be made up of dele?
gates chosen by the republicans of the several
townships and wards of Platte county, appor
tioned one delegate at large for each township
and ward and one for each 20 votes and major
fraction thereof cast at the last general election
for Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, republican nomi
nee for President of the United States.
Ky order of the County Central Conimitteo,
II. M. Nkwvan, Ed Hoauk,
Secretary. Chairman.
Kepablicaa Primaries.
The Republicans of Platte county are hereby
called to meet in primary convention at the usu
al voting places in the several wards and town
ships of said county on Monday, July 'M, at 2
o'clock p. m , for the purpoxe of selecting dele
gates to the county convention and to transact
such other business as may properly come before
The various townships and wards will be en
titled to representation in the county convention
as follows:
Columbus, First Wan! 7
Second Wanl 9
Third Ward U
Columbus Township 6
nismark Township 4
Burrows Townsnip 4
ButlerTownahip 4
Creston Township 7
Grand Prairie Township 3
Granville Township 5
Humphrey Township 4
Joliet Township 5
Lost Creek Township A
Loup Township 3
Monroo Township 7
Sherman Township 4
Kliell Creek Township 4
St. Bernard Township 4
Walker Township 10
Woodville Township ft
By order of tlie County Central Committee.
I. M. Newman, fcu IIoahk,
Secretary. Chairman.
"We deplore the policy of great
railway corporations in not paying
their taxes, and charge that their ac
tion, in not abiding by the decision of
the United States district court, is
unwarranted and unjust"
This is the language of a resolution
passed by the republican convention
of Boone county last week. A simi
lar resolution has been passed by
other county conventions of both po
litical parties.
As a general'rule it is safe to imi
tate Boone county republicanism but
the Journal hopes that Platte county
republicans will make an exception in
the case of this one resolution.
JNot that we believe that the
OsaOTsr.laT smll, noatasa cjnpaM.
Six MOMtfc..
Saturday, June 30, 1906
Colimbus, Nebraska, Mother's Liver, Barn
GOmnciH at I O'cltck P. M.
V .urramyiv,
Expansion 57691 "Great Expansion, the
half-ton hog," the ''King of Western Hogdom." His
get having won eight ribbons at the St Louis worlds
fair- He wins wherever shown at state fairs or expo
sitions. Hogs will be at Clother's barn after the 28th.
Catalogues on application and pedigrees on day of
sale. Hogs shipped will be crated free. Terms cash
or bankable notes.
H. G. Dawson & Sons,
Easkatt, Mmta
Z. S. IIMSOI, AKtiHMr, Limb, Mmta
Used by
L Baking
w mwUm UM OC CVKJ KsBMafakbL
ent railroad assessment in Nebraska
is too hiirh. In feet there is much
evidence which tends to show that it
is too low. And not that we overlook
the inconvenience to which many
counties are subjected by the failure
of the railroads to pay their taxes.
But we believe it is wrong in prin
ciple, unjust and not in harmony with
the spirit of democratic government,
to condemn any person, individual or
corporation for doing a thing which
under our constitution and laws he
not only has a right to do, but which
if denied him by our constitution and
laws, would transform our govern
ment into a despotism.
Our federal constitution has pro
vided courts to test the rights of indi
viduals or corporations under the law.
In order more fully to safeguard
those rights it has provided for ap
peals from lower to higher courts.
The railroads of Nebraska, under the
federal constitution have a right to
test the assessment of their proper
ty under Nebraska statutes in the
United States courts. And if they
are not satisfied with the decrees of
the lower United States courts, they
have the right of appeal to the high
est courts. If the courts fail do dis
pense justice, the courts and not the
railroads should be assailed. If the
railroads employ the bribe to in
fluence the decree of the court, both
the court and the railroad should be
assailed. But 'until it can be shown
that the railroads in carrying the
question of their assessment to the
courts have done something wrong in
morals or contrary to law, is it not
over-reaching the mark to pass such
a resolution as the one quoted above?
There are plenty of positive wrongs
which are practiced by the railroads
in the way of excessive freight rates
and discriminations to attack without
resorting to a "hot air" crusade against
practices which are constitutional and
The right of every citizen or cor
poration to a fair and impartial trial
in court is the first essential to free
government and political organiza
tions should be very careful not to
encourage tne impairment 01 tnat
A few weeks ago this paper con
tained an editorial opposing the adop
tion of the proposed amendment to
the Nebraska constitution providing
for an elective Railroad Commission.
We opposed it on two grounds. First,
because the bill provides that the
commission "regulate rates' not on
its own initiative, ;but under the di
rection of the legislature. And sec
ond, because the bill does not include
express companies the telegraph and
tlie telephone.
We still hold the same views as to
the weak places in the proposed
amendment, but we are convinced
after discussing the provisions of the
bill with several members of the le
gislature who worked for a stronger
measure, that the amendment should
be adopted, pending the time when
Poland China bred
sows and 5 young
herd boars. These sows
range in age from eight
months to two years and
are all bred for summer
and early fall farrow.
They are the large, roomy
prolific type. They are
- all decendants of the
Nebraska can hold a constitutional
convention, to strengthen up many
weak points in our constitution. The
proposed amendment will give Ne
braska a start in the right direction.
And if we have the good sense to elect
broad minded, brainy and honest men
on the commission, they will have it
in their power at least to manufacture
the right kinl of public opinion on
the subject and pave the way to the
extension of their power.
As a matter of fact it is fully as im
portant that we elect a good railrohd
commission as that we elect a good
United States senator, a good gover
nor and a strong legislature.
There is a very general belief that
local freight rates in Nebraska are
too high. It will be the business of
the new commission to see that the
legislature order these rates lowered.
We want on that commission men
who will see that rates are lowered,
but that they are lowered with strict
justice to the railroads. In other
words we want men who are neither
anti-railroad, nor pro-railroad,but just
plain, honest, big men men who be
lieve that transportation is one of the
most important factors in the great
productive system, and that to crip
ple the railroad would cripple pro
duction, but men also who appreciate
the fact that the public interest in the
railroad is greater than that of the
corporation and that railroads to per
form their function in industrial so
ciety, must be operated primarily in
the interest of the public, the corpor
ation to share the profits of the invest
ment, but as a servant and not as a
master of society.
Boone county republicans have a
candidate for State Treasurer in the
person of L. G. Brian, now county
treasurer. At their convention hist
Saturdav they honored Mr. Brian
by permitting him to name the dele
gates to the state convention. Mr.
Brian was a delegate to the last state
convention and helped to adopt the
platform which is so clear cut on the
pass question and direct primary.
Mr. Brian's excellent official record
combined with his high character will
doubtless make him a leader in the
contest from the first.
Beatrice is going to have a packing
plant. Why? Because Beatrice has
a commercial club awake to the in
terests of Beatrice. Columbus is a
more favorable location for a packing
plant than Beatrice. But Columbus
will not have a packing plant till the
"north side" or the "south side" or
the "east end" or the "west end" or
this faction or that faction decides to
issue the invitation. When, O when,
will the business men of Columbus
awake to tho needs of an active Com
mercial Club?
One of the most pitiable objects in
a community is the merchant who be
comes a parasite, refusing to adver
tise his wares and depending for his
existence upon the crumbs that fall
from the table of his brother mer
chants, who by liberal advertising
attract trade to the city.
The democrats and populists of
Platte county will be for P. L. Hall
for governor. The Honorable Berge
must hike to the tall weeds. This is
the edict of the democratic dictator of
Platte county politics and it must be
It is to be hoped that the new men's
club organized at the home of Dr. C.
D. Evans last week will get busy and
build a Y. M. C. A. building this
summer. They will do it if they try.
Columbus needs a packing plant
and a canniug factory. We suggest
that the Columbus Woman's club
take up the matter and see what can
be done.
So P. E. McKillip says he won't be
a candidate for congress. That's
some relief anyhow. Albion Argus.
And the .Argus a democratic paper!
The abundant rains of the last ten
days insure another year of peace,
plenty and prosperity in Platte county-
Omaha Bee: The emphatic and
thoroughgoing endorsement of the atti
tude and distinctive policies of President
Roosevelt by the Vermont state repub
lican convention must be deemed espe
cially significant. For Vermont is one of
the most typical states of New England,
a section in which, because of peculiar
interests and relations, public sentiment
or at least dominant influences have
been generally regarded at least sympa
thetic with the Roosevelt attitude
towards vital issues. As an old settled
community, the relation of New Eng
land, which at the outset had accumu
lated surplus wealth, to the develop
ment of the country and particularly of
the west would naturally incline to ap
prebensioa for vested interests and to
be more backward in joining in the
aVfAASaft. wtnvttllta tnnvAmAnt hiAk m
Ineoooaarily interfere with entrenched
corporation abases and practices. It is,
therefore, gratifying that the Vermont
republicans are found not behind their
brethem in other states, who so far this
year have authoritatively expressed
themselves, id declaring that "we are in
hearty sympathy with the great battle
being fought by the republican party in
behalf of the people against the evil ot
rebating, favoritism and discrimination
in interstate commerce," and that "we
are in favor, by proper state legislation,
of protecting the people of the state
against like evils within the state in
non-interstate commerce." It is one of
the signs that the popular movement
represented by the Roosevelt program
is so deep and broad as to transcend
sectional bound and class interests.
Indeed, it suggests that subordination
of transportation and other great occu
pations public authority is required not
only for the protection of the masses,
but also for the interest - of the great
body of stockholders themselves. The
action of the Vermont republicans only
emphasizes the duty and party interest
of republicans in other states, and most
particularly those of the west, to go to
the front of the line of-Roosevelt repub
licanism and, by placing on guard none
but tried and unmistakably true leaders,
to make sure of the permanency of its
Howells Journal: The university of
the state of Nebraska is short on money,
and knowledge of the fact ought to
bring the crimson blush of shame to the
cheek of every resident of this common
wealth. Our university ranks high with
the-educational institutions of the land
and the good work they are doing
should not be in danger of being crip
pled by a want of necessary fnnds to
carry it forward. The next legislature
should be elected with the explicit
understanding that it deal with our
foremost institution of learning with a
more liberal hand. Economy is all
right in its place, but niggardly treat
ment of our university should not he
tolerated by the people of Nebraska.
Albion News: Music has been found
to be essential to good work among the
laborers on the isthmian canal anil the
superintendents are composing songs u
be sung to the accompaniment of pick
and shovel. It is possible that the big
dredges that are being made for scoop
ing out the channel will be supplied with
pianola attachments and the electric
cranes will be finished oft with the orna
mental brass horn of a talking machine.
It will bean inspiring sight to see the
gangs of Jamaicans starting to work in
the morning to the accompaniment of a
steam piano grinding out "Everybody
Works But Father' or laying down
their tools at night to the soothing
strains of "Uncle Has Stopjted Work
Bixby in State Journal:
Since McKillip says, says he,
"I your candidate can't be."
And McKillip is and was the pride
Since no man on earth could find,
If he searched until he was blind,
Such another true and trusted demo
crat; Since Judge Howard's in the race
For a more exalted place,
And to take a less would simply be ab
surd, This the question everywhere
On the palpitating air
"Whothehell will run for congress in the
"Pat McKillip is my choice"
This has been the people's, voice
(You could hear it if you listened night
or day)
People somehow loved the style
Of his haircut and his smile.
And their faith hung on the things he
had to say
From the Niobrara south
To the Elkhorn's open mouth
Sobs and sighs and lamentations can be
As the men in every crowd
Cry with one accord ont loud,
"Whothehell will run for congress in
the Third?''
The Telegram described two animals
caught in the Swader slough last week
by Otto Knmmer and George Bloedorn,
in the following language: "The head
and body tf the animal is a catfish, the
tail is that of an eel, and the body car
ries the four legs of a lizard. For
breathing apparatus there are several
waving tentacles, curving outward like
a flesh-covered surface. What are they!''
P. J. Barron in the World -Herald
uomes to the rescue in very interest
ing manner. He says: "They are
sea-serpents, dear friends. If yon will
look again yon will no donbt observe
that they have forked tongaes and
that their toe-nails are dark nine. As
they grow older they will sprout chin
whiskers. The species which yon de
scribe is a very common variety in Ken
tucky and Tennesee and is harmless
while young. When full grown it
biteth like a serpent and stingeth
like an adder. The adnlt stage is
usually presaged by plainly visible
signs. The animal bngins to spit fire
aad shows a disposition to get close
to yoa, sometimes affectionately
kicking yon playfully in the ribs
with its hind feet. At that stage of
the development it wonld probably
be well for you to consult a specia
list. Battermilk is a good summer
beverage delicious and nntricions.
Better use it hereafter."
StiMulation Without Irritation.
In case of stomach and liver trouble
the proper treatment is to stimulate
these organs without irritating them.
Oriao Laxative Fruit Syrup aids di
gestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels without irritating these organs
like piils or ordinary cathartics. It
does mot nauseate or gripe and is mild
ild I
aaa pleasant to take. ; Unas.
At Columbus, in the. State of Nebraska
at the. close of business, ,
June 1$, 1!HM;.
Loans anil disconnts $5ii,S7 35
Overdraft, secured and unsecured... tXt 71
U. 8. howls to Kurn circulation XV) 00
Premiums on U. 8. Imndti l.l.Vi Wi
Itonds, eecurities. ptc 21,tUM Ul
Nanking houw fnruiture ami fixtures. S.NUl IX)
Other real etfnto ownixl ."H'.ITS 72
Dae from National Ilnnkt (not rwcrvn
agentx) 10.900 Xi
IJne froni approved reserve nent.... 31.115 Mi
Checks and other cash items 1.(117 M
Fractional paper currency, nickels anil
cents i171
Lawful Money ld-scrve in bank, viz:
i Specie $ 11.B10 t
I Leeal-temler notes 1 1.0UU U) i,fil(l (Vi
iteilemption fund with U. S-Tre.-iMirrr
(5 percent, of circulation) 1.750 00
Total $170,833 hi
Capital stock paid in $ f.0,0fl0 00
Hurplus fund 10.MM 00
Undivided profits, less exenseti and
taxes paid 'J.273 15
National Hank notes outstanding 35.000(0
Individual deixtsits subject
to check $ llli,7.V tSt
Demand certificates of de
posit 2W.WB 11
Total J470.SX1 10
Statk ok Nicbu ska, .
County of Hatte. JHS-
I, O. T. linen, c:uihi.T of the a'.Mive named
bank, do solemnly swenr that tho atiove stat
ment is true to the hett of my knowledge and
O. T. Kokn, Cashier.
Correct Attest i
J. 11. (Jallkv )
Jacob Oueisox, Directors.
A. Andkhson. )
Subscribed and sworn to Ix-fore me this 2L'd
day of June, HW6.
A. F. 1'laokmnx. Notary Public
My commission expires Jan. It, mil.
No. 51S0,
At Columbus, Nebraska, at the Close of
Business, June IS, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, Mcured and uiiMfiircd
U. S. Donds to hecure circulation
Premium on U. S. Kouds
ISouds, Securities, etc
llankinK house, furniture and tixtun-
Due from National It inks (not re
serve agent)
Duo front approved reoertnugents .
Checks and other cah item
Notes of other National Hanks
Fractional imiikt currency, nickels
und rents
Lawful Money lleserve in Hank, viz:
iSjiecie $ 10.
) Legal tender noil's 1'JJSCi Ul
Kedemptiou fund with U. S. Tn-as-urer
(5 r cent, of circulation)....
I,l7i :?.
::i,ooo mi
.urn mi
1,525 Ml
!I,7MI Ml
11I.IH 55
I1.J53 ill
I..V.7 10
720 Ml
25 12
22.71W !C
1.5MI HO
.$itr.,( i7
Capital stock nid in $ 5i,omiMI
Surplus fund ll.MOMl
Undivided profits, lets exitensi- and
taxi's paid 3,711 11
National Rink notes outstanding :hi,mni mi
Individual dMisits subji't to cheek... I25.ttl5 Mi
Demand certificates of deMsit ... Lil.KI "
Time certificates of dMit 22Ti,S?3 17
Total ? $Hi5.H 17
State, of Nebraska, I .
County of Platte. J hH
I, Daniel Schnnu, Cashier of thealtove named
bank, do soh-inuly swear that the alxne state
uiftit is true tit the bst of my knowledge anil
Damf.i, Solium, Cashier.
Correct At test:
(KoitiiKW.tiAl.LKY Directors.
Jonvs Wk.i.oii )
Suliscrilnii and sworn to lsfore me this M
day or Jiiui, 1MM.
W. M. CoitKi.irts.
Notary Public.
Commission expires January 21, P.'ll.
Right Paint
at the Start
Pure White Lead and Pure Lin
seed Oil should always be used for
the first 'or oriminc coat. No other
paint has the same affinity for the
surface marrying and becoming a part
of the wood.
Yellow ochre, barytes, 2inc or any other
substance than Pure White Lead fails to
unite with the wood and serves only to
form a cushion, which will prevent even
Pure White Lead from attaching
itself when finally applied.
Satisfactory results can never
be obtained so long as a surface
is coated with a veneering (for
that is all it is) of yellow
ochre, barytes, zinc, etc.
ouih a coating is bound
to crumble, crack and
P"el, and must be burned ,
or scraped off, down to the wood itself,
1 fure a good job can be done an ex
jvmvc process, and not without danger
of fire.
A house owner can scarcely make a
mure costly mistake than to use a substi
tu c for Pure White Lead in the priming Avoid all risk by using
Collier, Red Seal or Southern
Fan Wfctte Lead
(Mado by tho Old Dutch Process)
!Vnil for a booklet containing several honilanmo
rvHi!iutionH of actual hnux-i. offering valuable
Biii.tiiiiK for a color scheme in tainting our
boUTC. A test for paint purity is alxu tsivcu.
Clark Avcaacaad tetk Street. St- Lento. Mo.
I oarry the bet of everything
in ray line. The drinking pub
lic is invited to corns in find w
for themselves.
JUS. NEVELS. tPreprieter
516 Twelfth Street Tbone No. 1 lf
Shoes That Wear
Look Well and Feel
Right, Go to....
Wm. Schilz Shoe Store
A Full Line Men's
Women's and Child
ren's Shoes at Right
Repairing Neatly Done
I 31 X
sA "aJ9Km
1 r
When You are Going
or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones
Granite & Marble Works
Of Columbus, Nebraska
Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle.
E. BERGMAN, Proprietor
r- -
fig Special Sale this
jr Week. Only a
Few Left.
20 OFF
To save liiovim" all of my hiric stock
eliiimry to my l;irii now sloiv rooms,
:j07 Kast l.'ttli stn:ot, I will ollor
on ovory farm machine and Imtjy in my large
stock for the next two weeks.
Louis Lutjeharms
Spring Wagons
Lot us Imild you one. Wo
put notliiu lint the very best
material and workmanship in
them. J he unco is
FAKXEKK, Uriiijfin ymir
tools ami implt'inentb to no
sharpened and repaired now.
It will save you time when
the spring work open? up.
We keep only the Latest ami
Baggies & Carriages
..Farm Implements..
BgOnr Horseshoes Htiek und
don't lame your iioi tr 'em
Attorney - at - Law
Zinneeker U'ldc, ("oluiiiliiis. vU
Dr. C. A. Swanson
Infirmary at Urowner Ham, l'Jth Street.
I ml. l'hori.' RW.
Ifr'll I'lium- i'V.
Columbus, Nebr.
lain and nrnjmr.nMl PalntlllU ot
Kinds. City or Coiintru
nd.Tol.2112. roLll.MI'tH. NKI
Uf. Alwavs n-luiMf. Liu io.
:tk DrilSElit lot
iii i;l itii'l
fru taTKir.H!
Mlmltt liiftallic hfii, a!t-l with h!u- it!!jri
Talir other. Krfiito 4l:n-in oiiImSI
iBliomanil imitation. Cin.iTi :ir litii:v-..-C,
or seiul . in ManiM for t" TV!i
Mtaial suul "ICeliei for ,;.:;.-.." m W.vr,
ly rr I Mra .Hail. lMM'l-tm..!ii.ili. I1 by
all DnurciotH.
tl aijMliaoa Xmnr. riill PA.
e0l Sfctffl tor
to Erect a Monument
Thai The...
oil. I
of any case of Kidney or
Bladder disease that is not
beyond the reach of medi
cine. Take it at once. Do
not risk having Bright's Dis
ease or Diabetes. There is 1
nothing gained by delay.
50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
Sold by ('has. II. Hack.
Any person having backache,
kidney pains or bladder trouble
who will take two or three
Pine-ules upon retiring at night
shall be relieved before morning.
The medicinal virtues of the
erode gums and resins ob
tained from the Native Pins
have been recognized by the medical pro
fession for centuries. In Pine-ules we offer
all of the virtues of the Native Pino that
are of value in relieving all
Kidney and Bladder Trwllfs
Prepared by
Sold by McCIiutoek & barter.
lys Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It 'leaiLscs, Bnothos, heals, and protects tho
iil"iiis d membrane. It cures Catarrh iuil
drives away a JM in th! Head quickly.
Restores tho Senses of Tasto and SnicIL
idwy to nse. Contains no injurious driitri.
idioil into tho nostrils am alriorbed.
"jitrj;.! Size, no cents at Druggists or by
m.n"l ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
$& IC lx H
-.KV &J
f(fcXavU .
- -
,-fcfl- MtA
. -i
. JS
. , .A. .