The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 30, 1906, Image 8

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From the car window on tbelCOLORADO MIDLAND
you can see Pike's Peak, the Collegiate Range, ML Mas
sive, Hell Gate, Hagerman Paas, Red Rook Oaaon all
Colorado beauty spots. v
Plan your Colorado or California trip so as to include a
trip between Denver and Salt Lake City via the MID
LAND the route through the Republic's play ground.
Write for Illustrated Colrado Literature
F. L. FEAKENS, Gen. Agt.
214 So. 14th St,
Omaha, Nebraska.
G. P. A.
Denver, Colorado.
When You are Going to Erect a Monument
or Marker at the Grave 'of Your Lost Ones
....Remember That The,
Granite ft Marble Works
Of Columbus, Nebraska
Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will
Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a
Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order
too Large or too Small for us to Handle. -
E. BERGMAN, Proprietor
The Value of a Suit
..of Clothes..
Depends to a great Q
extent on the manner
in which it is MADE
most any reliable
house can be depended
upon for HONESTY
so far as fabrics are
concerned. FIT,
ING require ABIL
WEKwcAiDwoooaJrTOinED6t want fabrics of
QUALITY to be sure, but, you must have these other
things too. You should not judge clothes ONLY by
the fabrics. We'd like to show you OUR IDEA OF
VALUE you would better understand our argument.
Suits from $6.50 to $25
Columbus, Nebraskr.
is an instrument nflintntr intnt in
every member of the household: music
wise or otherwise.
The player feature, which in no way detracts from ita V
value as a high-grade, rich-toned Upright Grand Pianol
makes it tmssible far anion tonlavtft vMn in j
It. :;.. tr i j "1 .r J . -uryii q
Miiiuwusywpxinj to accompany ae most iTCjiy
r9Wfm,i yymmi.
ttv wAia AKts UbllliK THAN ONE V'MV
wgle, individual instrument; changed from piano to player by i li
There is, and can be, nothing like it omr broad, bade patents 1
ttnrat imitation. W M.l JV ZTL jmnKmm i
K r- . , JWW..HH Jw jnm. MLMMA.
it. w. saley, Agent
From the Poet
Gertie, dangtiter of Mr. and Mis. Win.
Bamaekers is convalescing from a ser
ious illness.
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elon
Swanson Saturday morning.
The marriage bans of .Will Arthur
and Miss Josephine Sand were published
from the St. Bernard church last Sun
day, the wedding taking place June 6th.
The young men'a Sodality will give
an entertainment either this Sunday or
the next, for the benefit, of the new
school, when will also occur the laying
of the corner stone for the new build
ing. The ladies of the Holy Family
church will serve supper the same even
ing. Strangers passing through here Thurs
day on their way to the sand hills, with
a bunch of cattle to pasture tbroagh the
summer, corralled them in the stock
yards for the night. Their ponies they
hobbled, and let them roam on the
right of way. When the evening pas
senger came in, two of them were on
the track, one of them was killed in
stantly and the other injured so badly
as to necessitate shooting the next morn
ing. Pirating Peley's Heaey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine. These worthless imita
tions have similar sounding names.
Beware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It
is the best remedy for coughs and colds.
Chas. H. Dack.
herd of young cattle to Columbaa Sat
urday. Alvin Harnapp drove to Creston Sat
urday to get.the necessaries to celebrate
his birthday Sunday.
Aiost key to the school house Mon
day morning compelled the pupils to
get a step ladder and go through the
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wurdeman drove
to Columbus Monday.
From the Adranoe.
Dr. Geo. A. Ireland was called to
Papillion Wednesday by a telegram an
nouncing the death of a sister, Mrs.
Thomas E. Harman, of Salt Lake City.
The funeral services will be held from
the Ireland home near Papillion today.
Tuesday forenoon the fire department
was cafled to southeast St. Edward and
upon their arrival found J B. Cartel's
barn in flames. No attempt was made
to save the barn, but immediate atten
tion was given the surrounding build
ings which were saved. The loss is sup
posed to be about $200: no insurance.
The Are was started by little Robert
Carter, and two little playmates. The
children lit a match, threw it in the
hay, and then tried to put the fire nut.
When they began to realize what they
han done they ran to a good hiding
place and waited until the fire was over.
Little Robert told his brother Cecil
about it with the strict understanding
that Cecil wasn't to tell his mother.
The children were only four and five
years old and wereentirely irresponsible
for their mistake.
Mrs. John Koop died Monday fore
noon at St. Mary's hospital, Columbus,
after a long illness. Funeral services
were held Tuesday afternoon; the Rev.
J. Lousbery Phillips officiating. Rev.
and Mrs. Phillips sang a beautiful dnet
at the services. Burial was had at the
Evergreen cemetery. Miss Eliza Brook
man was born in Germany 28th of Au
gust, 1838. She came to America in
I860 and located at Davenport. la. She
was married to John Koop in 18G1 and
moved with her husbaud to St. Edward
in 1875. To this union nine children
were born, five of whom are living. Mr.
Koop preceded his wife to the Great
Beyond January 12, 181)5. The deceased
joined the Lutheran church in girlhood
and has always been a faithful com
municant. She had always enjoyed the
highest confidence and esteem of her
many friends and acquaintances who
join in extending heartfelt sympathy to
the bereaved family.
Salve! Salve! Spread the salve, but
let it be Pine salve, natures remedy
for outs, burns, sores, eto. Sold by
MoOlintock & Carter.
f From the liesaer. I
A couple fellows from over in Pairie
Creek drifted into town Tuesday after
noon and proceeded to fill up on booze
after which they went out hunting a
horse race and to demonstrate that they
possessed a horse that could out run
anything on earth one of the fellows
mounted the animal and with nothing
but a halter to guide it with, took a spin
down through main street. This was
time for Marshal Resier to get bnsy and
he soon had the fellow landed in jail.
He was later brought before Justice
Bratt who fined him 810 and costs but
was liberated upon- payment of the
We understand that the Irrigator
saloon people were caught in the act of
selling an Indian boy booze. It seems
that the Indians have been getting con
siderable whiskey somewhere of late
and the school authorities have been
laying for the parties selling them the
stuff. The story goes that Monday
evening an Indian boy entered the
Irrigator and called for a glass Jof beer
which he received and drank. He then
called for a half pint of whiskey and as
he was in the act of putting it in his
pocket the engineer and disciplinarian
at the school stepped in and took it
from him. We have not yet learned
what SupU Winslow proposes to do in
the matter.
For bloating, belching. Indigestion,
eto.. eat a Ring's Dyspasia Tablet
after meals. Sold by McUlintock &
Shemaa Towashif.
John Hoessel and son drove to Colum
bus Friday returning Saturday.
Willie Catten and Gus Loseke were
each breaking young horses Thursday.
O. L. Baker of Columbus was seen in
these parts Friday.
Gerd Bosche and Gus Loseke drove a
A little daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. August Bargenbruch last week.
Alvin Harnapp celebrated his birth
day last Sunday. There was quite a
crowd and a general good time had by
Henry Moeller nought a new hay
stacker in Leigh last week.
Alvin Harnapp was in Creston last
Saturday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goedigan were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock last
Mr. and Mrs. John Brock and family
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Moeller last Thursday.
Carl Rosche celebrated his birthday
on Sunday, which was a very joyous oc
casion August Wahl shipped a car load of
goods to Republican City, to where his
daughter lives.
There was a grand dance at Daniel
Jenny's last Saturday.
'Henry Siefken and Herman Incleman,
bought a brand new threshing outfit
which cost them $2600,
Dedrich Schroeder built a new chim
ney at Carl Bosches this meek.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dversch moved to
Columbnslast week, where they expest
to live.
Sold by McClintoek & Carter.
Die original
LAXATIVE cougb remedy.
For coaghs, colds, throat and Iras
troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic.
Good for everybody. Sold everywhere
The ganolna
aYallowpackage. Refuse substitutes).
Prepared only by
Pelay Company, Ohloaaje
Sold by Chas. H. Dack.
Dr. C. A. Swanson
infirmary at Browner Barn, 13th Street
CiIhiihs, Nibr.
Ind. Phone FS6.
Bell Phone 2.77.
S&5 Painting
lain and ernamenul Pennine el all
Kinds. Gimer Gauntry.
nd. Tel. 2142. COLUMBUS. NEB
Attorney - at - Law
Zinnecker B'ldcr, Colnmbus. Neb.
Spring Wagons
Let us build you one. We
put nothing but the very best
material and workmanship in
them. The price is right.
FARMERS, Bring in your
tools and implements to be
sharpened and repaired now.
It will save you time when
the spring work opens up.
We keep only the Latest and
Buggies & Carriages
-All Kind of-
..Farm Implements..
BA.Onr Horseshoes stick and
don't lame your horse try 'em
Niece and Nephew
of Uncle Sam
should be deeply interested ia what he hat sail about soda
. crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures shown; that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from four.
This u saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for UlMOtfa BlSCIlIt, because they are
' soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked bettei
" more scientifically. They are pecked better mere cleanly.
''' 9 The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good-
"J ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best
baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
rt ., Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have shown that they think
Unteda BfSCUlt the best of that food, nearly
400,000,000 packages having already been consumed.
Uneeda Biscuit
A liquid cold" cure for ehildren
that is pleasant, harmless, and effec
tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and
Tar. Superior to all other congh
syrups for cold remedies, because it
acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy
for coughs, colds, croup whooping
cough and all curable lung and bron
chial affections in child or adult.
Pleasant to take. Sold by McOlin
took& Garter.
Shoes That Wear
Look Well and Feel
Right, Go to....
Wm. Schilz Shoe Store
A Full Line Men's
Women's and Child
ren's Shoes at Right
Repairing Neatly Done
Was Wasting Away.
'I had been troubled with kidney
disease for the last five years, writer
Robert E. Watt, of Salem, Mo. "I lost
lleb and never felt well and doctored
with leading physicians and tried all
remedies suggested without relief. Fi
nally I tried Foley's Kidney Cnre and
less than two bottles completely cured
me and I am now sound and well."
During the summer kidney irregulari
ties are often caused by excessive drink
ing or being overheated. Attend to the
kidneys at once by using Foley's Kid
ney Cnre. Cbas. H. Dack.
Low Rite Tour to California and Pu
get Sound: To Puget Sunl and
I'ortiritid. direct or via California, very
low rate excursion tickets on sale
June IStli to 22nd inclusive.
To California, Portland and Puget
Sound: Daily low excursion rates
commencing June 1st applying via
variable routes embracing nil western
scenery and attractions.
To California and Return: -Still lower
rates June 25th to July 7 inclusive,
only $12.50 additional to include the
Shasta Route and Pnget Sonnd.
To Colorado and Return: Daily aft
June 1st. About half rates. Still
lower rates for the Elk's great meet
ing at Denver. Tickets sold July 10th
to 15th inclusive.
To Eastern Resorts: Daily low sum
mer tourist rates commencing June
1st to Chicago and St. Souis, St. Paul,
Wisconsin and Michigan resorts, also
to Niagara Falls. White Mountains
and Maine resorts.
Special llomeeeekers' Rates: -let and
and 3rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates
to the North Platte Valley, the Rig
Horn Basin and other frontier terri
tory. Personally conducted excur
sions on 1st and 3rd Tnesd.iys of each
month for those seeking free home
steads of WO acres of mixed farming
and dairying. Write l. Clem Denver,
Agent Homeseekers' Information
Bureau. 1004 Farnam St., Omahr., Ne
braska. Describe your trip to me and let me ad
vine you how to make it at the least,
Agent O. B. & Q Ry.
O. P. A., Plana ik
An Opportunity of a life-time for men
ol Limited Means to get homes.
A Ranch Broken up and the Hay and Alfalfa
Land thrown on the Harket in Tracts
of from 160 to 1280 acres.
Having Removed my fences from Government Land, I have
decided to sell my Ranch, breaking it up into tracts to suit
the purchaser. I have Deeded Hay and Alfalfa land which I
will sell at from $10 to $25 and will locate purchasers on a
free Kinkaid homestead of 640 acres adjoining. A section of
Grazing land with a quarter of Hay and Alfalfa land to raise
Winter Feed makes an ideal Dairy Ranch ol 800 acres which
will keep lrom 80 to 150 head of cattle. My land is all from
4 to 9 miles from Lakeside, Nebr., on the main line of the
Burlington, where there is an excellent market for cream,
eggs and other produce.
I will sell on easy terms. A man who can raise from
$1000 to $2500 can get a ranch of 800 acres which will pro
duce larger returns than any quarter section in eastern
If you want one of them it stands you in hand to investigate
at once. 1
Special Excursion Rates to Homcieekeri n the B. & M. R. R.
For description and prices address
Columbus, Nebr. Lakeside, Nebr.
"v- i.i K.rji7n u i .L-fMaawnLuar