Tp j--- -n ., -- Tj. SOS' ,'WI r-v -- fmmtftfj - !. Trj".' ' V i Aw r- 7 p. BL-- 1 BW A kr ipMBw CASH STORE 4 Expansion Sale! BEGINS rxclay , June X, AND ENDS d.y , Ju.n.e 16 The rapid growth of our business during the past year has made the demand tor more room imperative. For months past our pat rons have been patiently overlooking many inconveniences and we ieel confident they will show their appreciation of the arrange ments we have provided to meet the call tor more room. We have fitted up our entire second floor, thereby doubling our floor space and will fit tingly celebrate the opening bfi our Expansion Sale Friday, June I to Saturday, Jine 16 Grape Juice ii Gleason's" It's Pure Unfermented Government Reports ILLINOIS STATE FOOD COMMISSIONER'S Third Annual Report says that Gleason's Grape Juice is Pure. 27 Brands analyzed and only 6 found pilre. GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletin No. 57, Fargo, N. D., states that Gleason's Grape Juice is pure. SO. DAK. FOOD AND DAIRY DEPT. Bulletin dated June, 1904, states that Gleason's Grape Juice is pure. PENNSYLVANIA DRP'TOF AGRICULTURE Bulletins for April and May 1904 states that Gleason's Grape Juice is pure. MINNESOTA DAIRY AND FOOD DEPT Bulletin dated May, 1904, states that Gleason's Grape Juice is pure. Reward $100 will be given for every bottle ol Gleason's Grape Juice found to contain any drug, preservative, anti-ferment or adultera tion of any kind. Of any fruit juice not sold on a money guarantee of purity. Our juices never con demned. Others have been. 15c, 30c and 50c per Bottle aBBBBBnBBBBj hkbvC ab B K 9Bi Hl& BBBBBBL-BBBBB BBnBY BnBnBnBk BbbbbFBbbbb! navsBBBBB aBBBBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbI 2l5Bbbbb1 BHB"aiaBBBl .BHP bbbbjB HbbbI vBbbb Dt.P l.katirt. Haniak for fwnitmre. Oaaata wliolti yonr ant trade. Dr. Mark T. Mnafah . dantiat FroL 8ika,toanfcr mmaa. Barber bldg. vOaaawteed watoh rapairiag by llth StJawalar. ftf Get joar atllk paila aad cream cans at Sat Bramaa. Teader.oate aad protpt delivery at rnrn bbswbVabV k Coal aad baled bay awlays on top at Nomas Weloa. tf Try a Journal "want ad" if you have anything to bay or sell. See the mew lime of school SMBalies at Bmschaiam's. Dr. D. T. Martya, jr., offloe new Ooiaatbme State Bank baildimg. Bread, biggest loaves and best quality at Poesch's. Sabbar booti aMaded with; tbI oaaUiax aabatftate at Garl Schabert'e. Try our Bex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smith Go. Both tel. No. 8. Dom't hay joar water set till yoa see the aew liae at Bnseh maa's. Mr. Everritt Biggs and Miss Nellie Crouae of Schuyler were in this city Sunday. 9S ceats willbay a aice street hat at Kelso's Friday and Sat mrday. Tbe Competitor $3.00 Fountain Pen special at fl.OO. Ed. J. Niewohner, the Jeweler. Peter Schmitt, the good natured Ger man Miller, spent two or three days in Omaha last week. When yon want baled hay that is brif at aad coal that la clean order from Newataa Weloa. tf The $1.00 Shamate aaaranteed Ka aor, the best aaoney oaa buy. Ed. J. Niewokner, the jeweler. Mrs. Wm. Bengler brought her little girl to Columbus last Friday for treat ment in St. Mary's hospital. John G. Becher attended the annual meeting of the state building and loan association last Thursday at Seward. Mrs J. P. Landemann of St Edward, came down Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Henry Zinneoker, of Bellwood who is ill. It is a unique way Druggist Chas. H. Dack has of selling Hyomei, a guaran teed cure for catarrh. Complete treat ment, SI. Money back if it fails. Do yon want to make your rooms look new this spring? Then see 6. B. Prieb. He baa the latest designs in wall paper aad will do yoa an ar tistio job. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis who reside near the court house died last Thursday. The funeral was conducted at the home Friday morning by Rev. Munro. Miss Anna Parry of Wymore was a guest last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas. She was on her way to Joliet township, her former home, for a visit. For wedding stationery, vis iting cards aad fine stationery call on the Colanlms Printing & Specialty Honse tf IB.8. Palmer, the tailor, deans, dyea and repairs ladies, and gents clothing. Hats oleaaed aad reblooked. Agent for Geraaaaia eteam dye works, Olive St Between 12th and 13th St. L. J. Vanhoosen of Osceola, put in a good share of one day here last week. He came to trade and on business. It's wonderful, how many of the good Polk eounty fellows come to Columbus to trade. Mrs. Jud Gogan of Lindsay, daughter of Mc and Mrs. Simon Burrows, died last Wednesday night after an illness of of two or three weeks. Tom Burrows, a clerk in the Pollock drag store is a brother of the deceased. There were quite a number of people in Columbus along the last of the week and beginning of this that were sorry that they had sent sheir stoves to be stored, and were willing to put up with any old thing if it brought a little warmth. The petition circulated last week by Mayor Phillips in which the business men of Columbus asked General Mana ger Mohler of tbe Union Pacific for a new passenger station in this city, pro mises to bear fruit Mr. Mohler cannot promise anything this year but declares that he has the matter in mind for next year. Columbus and Platte county stand eleventh on the list for the state appor tionment of school moneys, and we get the nice little sum of $7,32085. Our people, the majority of them are good democrats, yet they are taking the ad vice of President Roosevelt, and be lieve in big families. The Board of Education met Satur day night and filled all vacancies in tbe the oorps of teachers. Miss E. A. Cole man of Humphrey was elected principal of the Second ward, in charge of the Seventh grade. Mies Bertha Schup bach waa elected for the third and fourth grades in the Second ward, and Miss Lida Turner for the fifth grade in the Third ward. Miss Rnby Bickly was transferred from the third and fourth grades to the eth grade in the high school building and Miss Ida E. Kanff man waa elected for the third and fourth grades. Principal L H. Britell of the high aehoorhad his salary raised to $900 and Miss Estella Boas waa raised to $60 a month. POSTPONED The Coacert of Prof. Cart F. Stoekelberaj will take place Thandar. Mat 31. ln- sCea at Friday, May 85, as pre- at the Coa- jfL 9UU cins TAUIT IV onnv PETER SCHMITT r COLUMIUS NEB. 88 Lbs Sft SCHMITT 5 fnTIHT L vmaz' Ladies ask your grocers for this flour. It will give you perfect satisfaction. For Sale or Rent by Owner. The two story brick store building located at 519 West llth St. Very re.i6onnblo price. For particulars call at Journal oflice. Inquire of Herrick. Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Casein's market for fresh meats. Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Kodaks and supplies at Newohner's. Carl Schubert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf The Journal wants all the news. Phone or write it in. Dr. 0. A. Allenburger, oflice in new State Bank building. If your eyes, cars, nose or throat give ou trouble see Dr. Lueschen. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con sultation in German and English. All street liats go Friday and Saturday at 1)8 cents at Kelso's Mrs. E. K. .Tannin is visiting her brother H. B. Saunders of Norfolk this week. WANTED: A girl for general house-work, three in family. Inquire Journal. How is your Lawn Mower? If not all right take it to Person. Carl Schubert has a nice line of Zonophones, and Talking machines and records. FOR SALE: -A sixteen inch riding plow at less than half-price. Fred Halm, Columbus Neb. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Str.itton of Fort Collins, Col , who have boon at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson for a cou ple of weekp, returned home lust Satur day. If you neglect to attend the Stockel berg concert at the Congregational church tomorrow (Thursday) evening you will miss hoariug thu best violinist west of the Alleghany mountains. K. A. Mills of Osreoln. who hue boon on the road for several months, has re signed s job and :s now assisting his brother Charlie Mills in the painting business here. Columbus can furnish a work for all that apply. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hums are among the happiest person in Columbus thtse days, for they have the whole family around their hearth stone except the sons-in-law Prof. Poole and Mr. Byllesby and they will be homo soon. Mrs. J. B. Geitzen, Mrs. J. G. Reedcr, Mrs. Carl Kramer and Miss Florence Kramer wont to Grand Island Saturday afternoon to be the guests of Mrs. A. J. Baker, formerly of this city and to lie present at a number of social function". They expect to return Wednesday. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of MisB Olga Katherine Ilagol daughter of PanlUagel, to William Finch Hall of Norfolk, on Wednesday June (5. The wedding will occur at the home of the bride's father and the bride and groom after a wedding trip to Denvor will reside in Norfolk where Mr. Hall manages a book store. Joseph Kopetzky an old resident of this county died last Thursday morn ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Mnth, twelve miles north of Columbus. He was a native of Au stria and seventy-eight years old when he died. The funeral was conducted from St. Mary's church at Humphrey Saturday at ten o'clock. Columbus men held a conspicuous place in the last meeting of the grand lodge of the Sons of Herman and they brought honor to our city. For the next two years the lodge will meet in Columbus. August Boettcher was elec ted chairman of the board of trustees and J. H. Johannes was elected grand secretary. Carl Iiohde who retired from the board of trustees received recogni tion for his valuablo services in the form of a fine gold watch. flllat& awSt "o IlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwOt rWaMwSrc Ar Artistic Pictun Is alwas to be . had when you lo cate the best stu dio. We have an artist to pose and secure the best lights and shadows also the very best camera in town and a re-toucher famous for giving the last deft touch to a finally perfect photo. Our prices are no higher than others ask for in ferior work. McAllister Mo OLIVE ST., Columbus, Nebr. Over Phillipps Store I Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Equipped Optical Offiiees In The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Herrick for baby go-carts. " Dr. W. II. Slater, veterinarian, phone A new line of glassware at Ituscli man's. A window full of 10 cent bargains at Seth Brauns. Steckelbcrg at the Congregational church tomorrow (Thursday) evening. FOB SALE: Typewriter of Standard make and nearly new. Inquire at Jour nal oflice. FOR SALE A set of the Internation al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the Journal oflice. Any street hat in the house for tlS cents Friday ami Satur; day at Kelso's. WAN! ED : Good farm loans atjj 5 per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Poesch guarantees his loaves to he full weight. Itest bakery line in the city. Among the prominent Polk county farmers that came here io trade last was Col. William McBeth of Shelby. Min Deland has been keeping bache lors hall for several days, the lady of tho hoiiFo taking a vacation among her relatives in Polk county. Miss Nellie Sloan entertained a num ber of her school friends at the home of her paaeuts Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan on W 1 Ith St., one afternoon last week. FOUND: Watch charm displaying the letters R. T. H. and T. F. V. and u cross. Owner may recover same by calling at the Journal office and pay ing for this ad. Cethemane Commandery of Knights Templar No. 18 Celebrated Ascension day last Thursday evening. They bad a very interesting meeting, and in stalled their officers for the ensuing masonic year. The amount of money necessary, as estimated by Mayor Phillips and the city council, to continue to make Co lumbus the cleanest and prettiest city in the state for the municipal year just begun will be SH,720 and is $4,000 less than was necessary last year. ISense Hester, is working night and day to get ready for business in his business house on llth street, nnd has gone to Omaha to purchase a stock of merchandise, and he has his new home almost completed, to house his family. They come from Polk connty, Mrs. C. J. Garlow, president of the Columbus Womans Club went to St. Paul yesterday to attend a meeting of the State Federation of Womans Clubs. She was accompanied by Mrs. F. W, Farrand who went to visit friends. The ladies will be absent about ten days. Evangelist Kev. M. II. Lyon finished up his work here on Suncb y night and took tho early train for Wheaton. 111., on Monday morning, where he will rest with his wife and children for a week, and will then return to Schuyler. Co lumbus sent him on his way rejoicing with a thank-offering of nearly five hundred dollars. Hugh Hughes wdl leave tomorrow for a two months visit with relatives in North Wales. It has been nearly forty years since Mr. Hughes left Wales. For a year he had been planning a visit to his brother Charles Hughes who came to Columbus in 1870 and resided here two years. But he delayed the visit too long. About a month ago the sad announcement of his brother's death reached him. This almost dis heartened Mr. HuL'hes, but ho finally has decided to make the trip and visit other relatives. The return game of ball between the Columbus and Albion high schools whb placed in this city last Saturhay before a very fair sized crowd. The Columbus boys come up with the determinatian to win the game but were up against too good a team to carry off any honors. The game was not nearly as good as the game ot a week before, being tilled with errors nnd the sore was also allowed to run up to 0 to ID. The Columbus boys are a very nice sot of fellows and be haved themselves becoming high school students. The one feature of the game was the four base hit by Farris. Albion Argus. The gums and resins obtained from pine trees nave long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidney and bladder tonbles. Pine-nles is the name of a new medicine, the principle ingre dients of which come from the pine forests of oar own native land. Sold by McClintck & Garter. HENRY RAGATZ & 09MPANY GROCERIES, CROCKERY, LAMPS AhO 6LASSWARE We have a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades ol Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. A Large Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Prices Always Bight. We Bespectfully Solicit aJ3hareoffyour Trade. HENRY RAGATZ & CO PANY Nebraska Phone 29. Independent Pipes 29 ani 229. FRIEND CLOTHES ajTJs?J!PJ As to the Good Qualities of any Clothes you intend to wear before you put- your money into them. If they are 'TBIEND MADE" the merchant who shows you these garments will guarantee to fit you perfectly. 3 SB 1 o IS r V - . i aaaillilli3afe ' St - w tyfiHsaaaaaaaaaana- -L f rQBBBEPak. ataal 'o JH IS : : ;M&aW Sf m -wnfln III tim IPS jBK BBBBBBBBBK Lv "' laWt IbbEs ' BXa SBBBtL "I bbbx bbbbt " i T BBBBBa BBBM eh . bbbbbb -naaa --.I '7::BBBBBH bbbs " '..:, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb" k, ;bbb m I . tBBBBBT, I SbI 1 ?" BBBBBw 'f jBBl 1 JL !LLaBBSe ' 9 IPiwlrll Pfc-Jr emm 1 ? I v V Jrfl f f M 5 f : COryRlCHT I90G FRIEND BROS CLOTHINQ CO. MILWAUKEE ?s Very often slight changes made in the styles are not easily distinguished. Our purpose is to point out these changes so that you may know them at a glance. J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska The Improved U. S. CBEAM SEPARATOR Won Gold Medal The Highest Award Lewis & Clark Exposi tion, Portland, Oregon. 500 lb. Capacity, $75.00 Sold by W. F. DODDS, . Columbus; Nebraska. TT BBBBBBK. JW?"Ljy LBBBBBBBBBBBBJ V j it BfT i m v 2 i !