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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1906)
75j? '"sr- i"' LLMm - '.m -- , M issi It makes you long for dinnertime CALUMET BAKING POWDER Best for flaky pastry, wholesome bread and biscuit best for crisp cookies best for delicious cakes, tooth some muffins, doughnuts that will melt in your mouth. Everything you make irell, it will help to make better, because it's "best by test." Anybody can cook well if they use Calnmet Baking Powder. Failure with It is almost impossible. The food pre pared with it In free from Alum. Rochelle Salts or any injurious substance. Price Is Moderate 'J$: g r L3k When You are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of. Your Lost Ones ....Remember That The.... American Granite & Marble Woi Of Columbus, Nebraska Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Propriei i I The Value of a Suit I ..of Clothes.. I t T Depends to a great ' extent on the manner ) in which it is MADE and TRIMMED. Al- j most any reliable house can be depended upon for HONESTY so far as fabrics are concerned. FIT, ; STYLE and TAILOR- ING require ABIL- j ITY, SKILL. You fcRANDEGELKINCAID & WOOD COrWHTED I90& want fabrics of ' i QUALITY to be sure, but, you must have these other things too. You should not judge clothes ONLY by m the fabrics. We'd like to show you OUR IDEA OF VALUE you would better understand our argument. ' t i Suits from $6.50 to GREISEN BROTHERS J Columbus, Nebraskr. f 0X 5S ""jv $25 g iuf W" pmmmii TheKrell Auto-Grand IS an instrument nfirifrtcr inrcf in every member of the household: music- .- vnse or othcranse. The tllaver featnrp. Wfiinb iti tin mr Aotrorsio r-n... l value as a high-grade, rich-toned Upright Grand Piano, makes it mssihlp frtmnvttir tn nlnr ttin rrv.11 A . .1 with infinite effect and sympathy to accompany the most accomplished vocalist. ' TWO WAYS ARE BETTER THAN ONE . The Krell Auto-Grand is distinctly not a combination, but a the turn of a lever. There i and ran Tw tinitimir i;i- ; .. t,.i t r prevent imitation, fully guaranteed for fiveyears. K. W. SALEY. Agent Richland and Vicinity. Too dry to plow. A number of far mers are waiting for rain before plant- 32d. Yonkic and Burt Stevenson have fields of corn which are up. The Neighborhood Card club were delightfully antortained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.Peto Swanson. Fred Trofholtz is convalescent. Dr. Mr.rtn, sr., of Columbus ie in atten dance. Miss Isabella Kluck entertained Miss Welch of Shell Creek a few days this woek. Mrs. M. C. Stevenson is visiting at her son Will's west of town. The foliage of trees nnd early flowers now make this land like Eden's bowers, with grassy meadows and lawns velvety green, was ever n land more fairer seen? Mr. Samuel Maliood of the Journal staff made professional calls around hero last week. Mrs. John Dischner, northwest of town is under the doctors care, Miss Stella Welch entertained Miss Grady as her guest recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kluck transacted business at Schuyler Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Stevenson, llev. and Mrs. Warfiold were Columbus visi tors. Misses Mary McHride, Nina Cresap, Agnes Smith, Isabello Kluck and Anna Shonka are the young ladies from our city who are nominated as candidates in the Schuyler Sun contest. We wish our ladies good luck. Miss Mary Welch closed a nine months term of school in district 2S Friday with appropriate exercises and mmeiiso treat of ice cream and cako and tropical fruit. Adolph Kluck had two loads of hogs on the Columbus market Monday. Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley Sc Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imita tions hae similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the hest remedy for coughs and colds. McCHnrk & Carter. Humphrey. . From the Democrat The Humphrey ball team wont over to Cornlea last"- Sunday nnd crossed bats with the Cornlca team. An in teresting game was played which ro sultcd in a victory for the Humphrey boys in a score of 10 to 1. ' F. T. Walker, of Columbns was iu Humphrey ovor Sunday visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs John Walker and other relatives. Father Czech, the former priest oi St. Michael's chnrch at Taruov, now located at Clover Bottom, Mo., was one of the many priests who were here yesterday to assist iu tho dedica tory ceremonies at St. Francis paro chial school. Father Czoch has many friends here and at Tarnov who were delighted to see him once more. Having read in the Columbus Jour nal, an account taken from tho Hum phrey Democrat, tho item of Frank German being grandfather of twenty three children which ho thought could not be beat will give an account that will beat his. My grandfather and grandmother, says Mrs. Peter Luch singer, are now near their eightieth years, have twenty-ninn grandchild dren and three great grandchildren, tho two little girls of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Luchsinger and one in east. The grandparents reside in the east and are quite well. Mrs. Luchsinger states thai; she has one grandfather who also felt a shock of the San Francisco earthquake as he and other relatives resido-at San Jose, Califor nia. My own great grandparents lived until a row years ago who would have been great grandparents to my children. They were very old yet their minds were very perfect. It may be that some one can beat .this bnt yet such records do not often oc cur. The beautiful new St. Francis paro chial school building which has just been comleted at a cost of more than $33,000 was yesterday dedicated to tho use of the advancement of edncation iu this community. To father Kur zer, for his ceaeloss labor from tho start to the finish, to tho people of this community who subscribsd to ho liberally to tho building lund, and to thope who centributed so mnch in tho way of labor, is due unlimited praNe and credit for this magnificent educational mounment Tho building is modem in every mspect and the ber in everv particular that money woe Id buy. The main part of the building is 70x10 feet in Rize with an addiiou on the east Fide of abiut 23i0 feet Including a basement nn dpr tho entire . building, thnio are hrpp floor that will be ued advan rngefnsly for educational purposes. la the baspmenr, of course, is located the henting apparatus, which is a compressed steam plant costing about ?:W0O The other part of the base ment, is divided into rooms of various sizes will bo sort of utility rooms and put to any use desirable. The second floor i devided into seven rooms. The thud Hrcr is occupied bv a fine large hall and ono school room. The "hall is equipped with a beautiful large stagp and stage scenery and is equal in size and grandeur to those found in large cities. i St .Edward. From the Advance Ethel Lila, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Roberts was born September 7, 1904, and died May 13, 11K)5, at their home near St. Edward. Tin child had not been feeling weU for several days, bnt nothing serions was thought of it till Thursday, when a doctor wa called, and inflammation of the stomach and bowels was found to be the cause of her sickness. Monday forenoon Mesdames D. K. Weed and E. Krotstrom and their two little daughters, and Miss Nelson were thrown from a buggy near the Krok- strum home. AU escaped injury with the exception of Mrs. Krokstrom who received a deep cut on the forehead., and Miss Nelson whose arm was badly sprained. The horse became frightened soon after the ladies had started for a drive and the party is fortunate that the injuries were not more severe. A dose of Pine-ulos at bed time will uually relieves backache, before morn ing. These beantiful little globulus are soft gelatine coated and when moistened and placed in the month yon can't keep from swallowing them. Pine-ules contain neither sugar nor alcohol just gums and resins obtained from onr own native pine forest, com bined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies Sold by McClintock & Carter. District No 4. Henry Rines sold his fat cattle last week. Simon and John Iossi attended tho danco at W. J. Newman last Saturday night. A good time was reported. Farmers aro dearly done plowing in this neighborhood and corn planters are kept busy. Some of tho boys in this neighbor hood played base ball in Herman Schulty pasture last Sunday. Patrick Puller traded his old buggy for a brand new one last week. 1). Menke drove to Grand Prairie Sun day. War Against Consumption. All nations are eudeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, tho "white plague" that claims so ninny victims each year. Foley's Honey anil Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some un known preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and in sist on having it. McClintock fc Carter. her Palestine. Miss Maude Simpson loft for home at Gnoa Saturday. George Anderson visited his brother l,;n:t at St. Edword over Sunday. Albin Pearson and Carl Swanson at tended the S. S. convention at St. Ed ward Sunday afternoon. Uev. Merritield of Grand Island will occupy tho pulpit at the Palestine church Sunday morning and evening. Anton J. Alfred shipped a car of cat tle to Chicago Saturday. Clarence Watts of near Monroo spent Friday nnd Saturday at tho home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Larson. Wo aro glad to report that Mrs. J. II. James is on tho road to recovery. Nels Johnson nnd Oscar Peterson attended services at tho West Hill M. E. church Sunday. A large crowd was in attondadce at the school entertainment Friday night. Miss Alice Watkins spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Callahan. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Walker and son of Lindsay visited at the Welin home Sun day. Miss Addie Berndt visited Gertie and Mamie Anderson Tnesday of last week. Dr. C. A. Swanson Veterinarian InGrmary at Browner Barn, l"th Street. Columbus, Nebr. Inil. I'hono KM. lk-11 l'iionu 'S,7. Wm. DIETRIGfiS andTarriaae PdilltillQ lain and ornamental Painting of all Kinds. Gitu or Gountru. ml. Tel. 2142. COLUMBUS. NEB It is not difficult to relieve blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles with Man Zan, the great pile remedy. It is put up in collapsable tubes with nozzle, and may be introduced and applied ac the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by Mc Clintock & Carter. C. N. McELFRESH Attorney - at - Law Zinnecker B'ldg, Columbus. Neb. HAND MADE Spring Wagons I Let us build you one. We put nothing hut the very hest material and workmanship in them. The price is right. FAKXEKS, Bring in your tools and implements to he sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. We keep only the Latest nnd BEST in Buggies & Carriages All Kinds of ..Farm Implements.. EgXOnr Horseshoes stick and don't lame yonr horse try 'em The Backbone of a Mighty Nation m food food food for brain, food for Drawn, food that is ttrengtbening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appredatkm of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as ts attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Unda Biscuit, which have come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Unccda BlSCUlt will soon be on every table at wry Tiiltfojpgi;ft hoalth smA strength to the American people, thus in very tnth becoming the backbone of the nation. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY . -ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday, May 29th First authentic scenes of the San Francisco Disaster, the Great Mine Disaster, also the Russian-Japanese War The First Exhibition of its kind on the road Prices, 25c, 35c, 50c iisi For Shoes That Wear Look Well and Feel Right, Go to.... Wm. Schilz Shoe Store A Full Line Men's Women's and Child ren's Shoes at Right Prices. Repairing Neatly Done BURLINGTON BULLETIN... Low Hate Tour to California and Pu Cet Sonnd: To Fiijret Sound and Portland, direct or via California, very low rate excursion tickets on sale June IStli to J2nd inclusive. To California, Portland and Paget Sonnd: Daily low excursion rates commencing June 1st applying via v.'iriabh routes embracing all western scenery and attractions. To California and Return: Still lower rates June 2."jth to July 7 inclusive, only $12.50 additional to include the Shasta liouto and Paget Sound. To Colorado and Keturn.- Daily after June 1st. About half rates. Still lower rates for the Elk's great meet ing at Denver. Tickets sold July 10th to 15th inclusive. To K-itern ICesort. Daily low sum mer tourist rates commencing June 1st to Chicago and St. StmN, St. Paul. Wisconsin and Michigan resorts, also to Niagara Falls. White Mountains and Maine resorts. Special Homeseekirs' 11-ites: 1st and and J!rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates to the North Platte Valley, tho Wig Horn Basin and other frontier terri tory. Personally conducted excur sions on 1st and :!rd Twsdays of each month for thoM seeking free honu-st-ads of (M) :icns or mixed Terming and dairying. Write l. Cl"tn Denver, Agent Homfokors' information ItiirKiu. 1001 Karnam St., Oinah:,. 2o hniska. Di scribe yonr trip to me and let mo ad vNe you how to uviko it at the least cost. L F. RECTOR. Agent C. B. & Q Rv. L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A. Omaha. FOLEY'S HONEMAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and Iunjr troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yellow package. Kef use substitutes. Proparod only by Foley tu Company, Chicago Sold by McClintock & Carter Sold by McClintock A: Carter. 1 1 CHEAP HOMES IN THE g IKINKAID COUNTRY I Wk An Opportunity oi a life-time for men jC& I&S of Limited Means to get homes. fe V - W m n. K !$5 fv5i" H 15 I I LOUIS SCHREIBER. I A Ranch Broken up and the Hay and Alfalfa Land thrown on the flarket in Tracts of from 160 to 1280 acres. Having Removed my fences from Government Land, I hav decided to sell my Ranch, breaking it up into tracts to suit the purchaser. I have Deeded Hay and Alfalfa land which I will sell at from $10 to $25 and will locate purchasers on a free Kinkaid homestead of 640 acres adjoining. A section of Grazing land with a quarter of Hay and Alfalfa land to raise Winter Feed makes an ideal Dairy Ranch ol 800 acres which will keep from 80 to 150 head of cattle. My land is all from 4 to 9 miles from Lakeside, Nebr., on the main line of the Burlington, where there is an excellent market for cream, eggs and other produce. I will sell on easy terms. A man who can raise from $1000 to $2500 can get a ranch of 800 acres which will pro duce larger returns than any quarter section in eastern Nebraska. I HAVE HOMES FOR ABOUT TWELVE FAMILIES If you want one of them it stands you in hand to investigate mi-- . -Ji-- - at once. - Spedal Excursion Rates to fiomeseekers on tlic S. a PA. R. ft. m For description and prices address or F. fl. ABBOTT, J- D. PftTTISON, Columbus, Nebr. Lakeside, Nebr. .vv. m . H. J r - aaM