The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 16, 1906, Image 8
ULej.i3CT3PHH(HI!PH(!BHIiaMKmHHIH ems "T - : . -ft r I IIIIMIHWI i L-T-'T -" s -. rj?'""! -tWiHUW-gMFBBqBgTOWIgj ' ' 1 1 1 i Fr - - . hh - ""' r iPoinipaHHiH ; --sass . w 81 ' aC5 m - wa saw When You are Going to Erect a Monument or Marker at the Grave of Your Lost Ones ....Remember That The... American Granite & Marble Works Of Columbus, Nebraska Will do Your Work Satisfactorily. We will Not Be Undersold by Anyone. Give us a Call Before Placing Your Order. No Order too Large or too Small for us to Handle. E. BERGMAN, Proprietor g The Value of a Suit 8 ..of Clothes.. Depends to a great extent on the manner in which it is MADE and TRIMMED. Al most any reliable house can be depended upon for HONESTY so far as fabrics are concerned. FIT, STYLE and TAILOR ING require ABIL ITY, SKILL. You fcRANOE6ELKcAu)&woooajpnuafra)i9oe; want fabrics of QUALITY to be sure, but, you must have these other things too. You should not judge clothes ONLY by the fabrics. We'd like to show you OUR IDEA OF VALUE you would better understand our argument. Suits from $6.50 to $25 GREISEN BROTHERS, Columbus, Nebraskr.- 3QOQOOOC i I ISg 91 TheKrell Auto-Grand fJ J 73 r. j ...h Ke.1"-0 K rv7.i WTzJ- Irl 14- is an instrument nfromcr interact in every member of the household: music wise or otherwise. The nlaver featnr. wMrfi in nn wav rlptraotc fmm tc Value as a hif1i-m"ni1i rirfi.tnnml TTnricrlit CLnrtA P!ni Q-o- w.. uuu '") hwkis it jxjssiuie ior anyone lopiay ine mscu Auto-urana with infinite effect and sympathy to accompany the most accomplished vocalist. TWO WAYS ARE BETTER THAN ONE The JCrell AutrvOranrl ic 1itinrtK- tint n mmtiinolinn tm single, individual instrument : changed from niano to nlaver hv the turn of a lever. There is, and can be, nothing like it onr broad, basic patents prevent imitation. Fully guaranteed for five years. R. W. SALEY, Agent rJfflSnir 1 WMMi WmB u THE GREAT HEALER HOUSANDS of grateful customers in every , state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL Tht OaiiUtiawt ttat ttols wltlwt a Scar It cores cuts, sprains, bruises, sores, swellings. T lameness, old wounds, lumbago, chapped hands, frost bites, etc., and is the standard remedy totbmrhtt Mr cats on animals, harness and saddle galls, cratches, grease heel, caked ndder. Itch, mange, etc. . It heals a wound from the bottom up and is thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL If sold by druggists In li&,8S&,aad bottles. tf and K decorated cans, or seat prepaid ay the ssanufac turera. OMMKT A MtmAtS. f 1mm, if M!MPOUCK& CO. V ' - m unwAT From the Post. Anton Abelen and two daughters, MiasAbelen and Mrs. Smith with her two children left Friday for Germany. Mr. Abelen will make an extended visit but the others will make their home their. Deputy Sheriff Lachnit was in town Tuesday returning with Kont Muck who was taken before the boards of insanity, and being adjudged insane was taken to Norfolk, Saturday. Mr. T. J. Tucey, formerly of this town, but for the past eight years of Buffalo, N. Y. writes the editor to send the Post to Edmonton, Canada where he has re cently moved to make his permanent home. Godfrey Ramaekers was so unfortu nate as to break a couple of ribs this week. He was out with his grandson getting fence posts when the horses be came frightened and ran away, throw ing Mr. Ramaekers to the ground. Wits Waiting Away. "I had been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years," write. Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost tiesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Fi nally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and lees than two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well" During the summer kidney irregulari ties are often caused by excessive drink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kid ney Cure. McClintock & Carter. Goto. IFrom tne Imkmt. Ellen Sodderland met with a pain ful acoident Monday afternoon while after her father's cow in D. A. Wil lard's pasture. A pony she was rid ing stambled throwing her off and then falling upon her dislocating her shoulder. She climbed back apon the pony, however, and rode as far as the pasture gate where she was met by some boys who assisted her home. Somesone came in to town the last of the week and notified Joe Kranse that several of his cattle, which were in his pastare north of town were dead. Investigation showed that eighteen head had perished from some cause probably poison, from eating some poisonoas weed. They were not only dead bnt were also skinned, someone having taken and appropriat ed their hides. This is hard luck for Joe, who isn't the luckiest man in the world as a rnla. The dailies on Friday last an nounced that Frank Wake had been again named as postmaster to serve another fonr years. While this was expected it is exceedingly good news to the patrons of Genoa postoffice, ninety-five per cent of whom desired to see Wake retained in his present position. Frank has made an excel lent postmaster. 0 Misfortunes never come singly. Two weeks ago we chronicled the sad ending of the life of a resident of our city by sniciide and this week we are called upon to record the ending of a life by accident. Taesday evening at about ten o'clock it was reported that R. E. Horton had accidently shot and killed himself at his residence in the south part of town. How the ac cident happened can only be gleaned from the circumstances surrounding it. At about the hour named the re port of a gun followed by cries of "Help" was heard tn that neighbor hood. When asbistance arrived Mr. Hor ton was found lying in a pool of blood at tbe rear of his buggy. He expired almost immediately. It seems tbat he had taken his gun along and upon at tempting to pull tbe gun from beneath the buggy seat it was discharged, tbe fall charge entering the body jnst above the heart. The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his untime ly death. He waa a member of both tbe Woodman and Workmen carrying $4000 insurance in the two orders, and was also a member of tbe local lodge of Knights of Pythias. PakftUa. JA. G. Rolf had charge of the ser vices at the Baptist church Sunday. After Jane 1st, Rev. Dye of Ponoa will fill the palpit. Henning Bergstrom's visited at John Wiagrens Sunday. Al Stengel came nearly having a ranaway Sanday afternoon, the hones being frightened by bicycle riders. Mrs. A. G. Larson returned from Monroe Thursday last, after a few days visit with her daughters. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson spent Wednesday aftrenoon of last week at tne home of H. N. Ohnstenson Mrs. Andrew Pearson and Mrs. P. Welin were Genoa visitors last Fri day. In the contest given by the Boone County Advance, the Palestine school, district 62, was fortunate in securing the organ, which was given to the district getting the most subscribers. Mrs. John James is dangerously ill with typhoid pneumonia. Miss Maude Simpson closes her school next Friday. A program will be given in the evening. AU are cor dially invited. Martin BWelin and Charles Taylor visited George Anderson Sunday after- lest for Women and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Syrup is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nauseate or grip like pillB and ordinary cathartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids di gestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating them. Re member the name Orino and refuse substitutes. Route 4. Some unknown parties broke the lock on Chas. ShaefFei's barn one night last week but nothing bo far Las been missed and the motive sor the act is not known. Bert Renson was run over by a wagon last Friday night and sustained some wainful but not serious injuries. Miss Maude Barnes was eighteen years old last Wednesday, to help her remem ber tbat date her father, J. J. Barnes presented her with a beautiful gold watch. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleasant, harmless, and effec tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. Superior to all other cough syrups for cold remedies, because it acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy for coughs, colds, croup whooping cough and all curable lung and bron chial affections in ohild or adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by McClin tock & Carter. The tar that is contained in Bee's Laxative Honev and Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, bat is obtained from the pine-trees of onr own na tive forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the beat remedy for colds because it acts on the bowels thus expeling all colds from the , system. Bee's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is best for coughs, colds, croon, whooping, ooogh, lung and bronchial affections. Sold Jtc Otlnock& Carter. OXay. Mrs. Max Miller of Columbus visit ed her aunt. Mm. A. Guiles last week. J. O. Gillan sold a valuable horse last week. Miss Alma Gertsch is visiting her sister Mrs. H. B. Fennimore of Co lumbus. Willie Wullbraadt and Mary and Enma Lambertus are getting ac quainted with the measles. E. B. Daanals is exercising his auto these days. We learn that Will Detmer former ly O'Kay's famous earpeatre is to Te married Taeslay of this week to a yoaag lady ot Albion. We extend best wishes. Jewelry peddlers have been making sales in this neighborhood. Corn planting is the order of the dav, while the lilacs and the apple trees are ia bloom. Sherman Township. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Emil Hoc May 12 a daughter. DArihur Arbacklin visited with Emil Wilke Sundny. Cnrl Hollmnn nnd Miss Lueschen visited at the borne of C. J. Bisson Sun day. Ilerm Cattan nnd John Riemba drove to ColnmbuH Sunday. Joseph Kopotskey bought a fonr year old horse at Columbus Saturday. Gub Lo6okn nnd family visited at the home of Gerd ltosche Sunday after ,noon. A grand dance was givon at the home of Fred Feye Saturday evening and n good time reported by all. FOLEY'S HONEMAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coaghs, colds, throat and lune; troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold every where. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is la a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Feley A Company, Chioage. Sold by McClintock & Carter HAND MADE Spring Wagons Let us build you one. AVc put nothing hut the very best material and workmanship in them. The price is right. FARMERS, Bring in your tools and implements to he sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. The gasu aad resins obtained frost pine trees have loag been recognized as highly beMlcial ia the treatment of backache, kidney aad bladder toables. Pine-ales is the aaaae of a new mtdioiae, the principle ingre dients of wlue cosae frosa the pine forests of oar own native laad. -Bold by MoOiatok A Garter. We keep only the Latest nnd BEST in Buggies & Carriages AllKtnitnor ..Farm Implements.. B$,Onr Horseshoes stick and don't lame your horse try 'em LOUIS SCHREIBER. A Food to Work On Work! Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the nun with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The nun of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energya food to work m. Although some people may not realize it, yet it is i fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda crackers-and this means UlMteda BlSCUlt are richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher per cent of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sate of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of UlftffMfa BlSCUlt 9 the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the-original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to work on. Whoever yon are whatever you are wherever yon work Unaada Biscuit. RATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY It is not difficult to relieve blind, bleeding, itching or protruding pile with Man Zan, the great pile remedy. It is put np in collapsable tubes with nozzle, and may be introduced and applied at the seat of the trouble. Stops pain -instantly. Sold by Mc Clintock & Carter. BURLINGTON BULLETIN... Low Rate Tour to California and Pa get Sonnd: To Puget Sonnd and Portland, direct or via California, very low rate excursion tickets on snlo June 18th to 22nd inclusive. To California, Port!and and Paget Sonnd: Daily low excursion rates commencing Jnne 1st applying via variable routes embracing all western scenery and attractions. To California and Return: Still lower rates June 25th to July 7 inclusive, only 312..r0 additional to include tbe Shasta Route and Paget Sonnd. To Colorado and Return: Daily after June 1st. About half rates. Still lower rates for the Kilt's great meet ing nt Denver. Tickets sold July 10th to 15th inclnsive. To Eastern Resorts: Daily low sum mer tonrist rates commencing June 1st to Chicago nnd St. Souis, St. Paul, Wisconsin and Michigan resorts, also to Niagara Falls. White Mountains and Maine resorts. Special Homeseokers' Rates: 1st nnd and JJrd Tuesdays, low excursion rates to the North Platte Valley, the Dig Horn Basin nnd other frontier terri tory. Personally conducted excur sions on 1st and Jlrd Tuesdays of each month for thoso seeking free home steads of (HO acres of mixed farming and dairying. Write D. Clem Denver. Agnt flomeseekers' Information Kurenu, 10(11 Parnnm St., Omaha, Je hraska. Describe yonr trip to mc and l-t mo ail viso yon how to make it nt the least cost. L. F. RECTOR, Agent C. B. & Q Ry. . L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.. Omaha. t -- u ff '& te-i &! sUi SMA&mGm js$srcftetel ftfcHDJ gX's Cream Balm This Rnmcdy is a Specific, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. CJYE3 RELIEF AT ONCE. Tt claan-ses, soothes, henb.nnd protects tlio licensed niuiulinine. It cures Catarrh ami !riv"away a Cold in tin? Head i:uckly. Uetorcs tho Senses of Taste and Smell. to use. Contains no injurii us drugs. Applied into tho nostrils an absorbed. Large Size, SO cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 coats by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warrtn St.. New York. 500- Hrofalried for BotWfriie? You might be able to think of the very name we want for this new delicious bottled beer of ours and just for putting that idea down on the coupon below and mailing it to us, you may get $500,00 in cold cash. An investment of a postage stamp might bring j-ou this little fortune and think what that could do for you. We want to break away from the brewers' habit of naming their beers "Bavarian," "Pil sener," "Wiener," "Bohemian," ''Muenchner" and the like because this new beer of ours is different it is better than other beers. The names like the ones we mention are meant to in dicate the kind of foreign beer they imitate. "We want a name appropriate for our beer which contains the best qualities of all these beers without their heavy, sticky substance. We have carefully studied the taste of the public during all the fifty years we have been brew ing beer in Omaha and now offer a beer to please the public not a beer that merely pleases us. You Owe It To Yourself To Try. We have put over SO years of brewing experience into this beer, using nothing but the finest Bohemian hops the best barley grown in Wisconsin, the finest rice India produces and our pure, sparkling artesian spring water that gives this beer an individual flavor and tonic effect that no other brewer can imitate. It is light in color, light in weight and full of nutrition. We want a really good name one that will "hit the nail on the head." We make This Liberal Offer of a $500.00 Prize so as' to get the serious consideration of a great many people so let us have your suggestion. Contest Closes May 21st, 1906. Conditions: The names must - tr Contestants may suggest as many names as they desire. MB & . 1 J.' -T . DC snon, easy to pronounce anu suggestive, iso names ending in :ne will be considered. The name must be one that we can register, so no proper name will do and no dictionary names except as descriptive ofa certain quality of beer such as "Velvet" or"Silk" to indicate its smoothness. Suggestions received after May 21, 1906 will not be considered. Open To Every Man, Woman and Child. Name Contest Department. Fred Krug Brewing Co., Omaha, Neb. I submit the following names for your new beer. My name is. Address. State. City County ,..........MMM... COLUMBUS JOURNAL. : 'i J n y . L , r, k Cm2Zt.-ZjCt7rgij XSmtyt. - -w-SSxSS "!K4gggt5 2'1S52?C V-ae.-, 5?sr- -sr ,; BEIKSis: