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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
lww'-i 6 I 1 It I A, 1 4- CASH STORE 4 RESOLVED! 1T5 A PICNIC TO BW VHEfcE 5TYLET AND QUALITY CAN BE RELIED UPON. WELL VE ARE THE PEOPLE. EVERY THlKlG YOU NEED. BUSTER, BRoWM. 4Ti; I li iT V x v w -i .. ..,-- style, quality, prige---the three gra ce j that should attach to every gar ment, go to a party. look at the 5ejt drejjed woman. them'where they got their clothej. we will take chan cer on their .saying: "at gray'3." ask a friend whom you have jeen wearing a dress (that always looked well) a long time, where -she got it. we'll take chancers on her -saying: '-at gray's. take aside a friend allowance s -small. ask her where -she got her pretty clothe-s. we'll take chance on her -saying: "at gray's." we alway-s aim to give -style and qual ity, we -seldom cut the price. we make that right in the beginning. but we now are .spreading a pricepicnic on the following thjng-s which are jvst in .sea son for you &vt which we wi-sh to clo-se. Fruit and Vegetables Our Grocery Department receives Fresh Shipments every day. Don't wait lor your garden to produce look over what we offer and you will surely be satisfied. That "Jewel" Gasoline tStoves -j jtwnJ F-wtt have been made for twenty-five years is a fact of some interest to us but of the great est importance to the public, tor the excel lence of the Jewel Stoves is the result of twenty-five years of honest effort to make them the best in the world. You cannot afford to buy a poor gaso line stove. Fortunately, you do not need to pay a high price to get a good one, but it must be good. A poor one is dear even as a gift. Jewels are thoroughly good. Let us show and demonstrate this line to you before buying a stove. Jewel Gasoline Stoves are constructed according to the safety requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Price $2.75 and up. Gasoline We can furnish you now with Gasoline. Talephone us your orders and we will deliver promptly. Jap-a-lac Have you used JAP-A-LAC on your floors? Nothing better made. Dr. Paul, dentist Herrick for faraitwre. Journal ada briag raaalta, Oaarin aolidfai yoar meat trade. Dr. Mark T. MnMafcna. daattat Prof. Sike, teacher mvmo. Barber bldg. J3aaranteedjratch repairiag by 11th St. Jeweler. tf Get yoar milk pails and cream cans at Seth Branaa. Coal and baled hay awlays on top at Newman A Welch. tf Try a Journal "want ad" if you have buy or eell. Mrs. Edgar Broward epent Sunday with her husband in Fremont. See the new line of school supplies at Buschnaa's. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office Jnew Columbus State Bank building. Rubber boots mended with a ral oanizimr sabstitate at Carl Schubert's. Try our Bex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smith Co. BothteLNo. a Don't bny yoar water set till you see the new line at Buseh man's. The Competitor $3.00 Fountain Pen special at $1.00. Ed. J. Niewohner, the jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scott were gnests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dawson of Ooonee last Sunday. Mr. Louis Uorton of Omaha was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Stevenson Sunday. SMr. and Mrs. Mark Rathbnrn are the proud parents of a large baby boy. born to them lost Monday. When yoa want baled hay that is bright and coal that is olean order from Newman Welch. tf The $1 00 Shumate guaranteed Ra zor, the best money can bny. Ed. J. Niewohner, the jeweler. LOST A pair of frameless spectacles with gold trimmings. Finder please leave at Clother hotel and receive reward Theodore Wolf secured jmlqment in county court last week against Tina Pil ling and Ephraim Pilling on a promis sory note for $385. Win. Mattson and daughter. Miss Anna Mattson arrived Satnrday from South Omaha to visit Mr. Mattson's daughter, Mrs. O. M. Hall. Do yon want to make your rooms look new this spring? Then see 6. R. Prieb. He has the latest designs in wall paper and will do yoa an ar tistic job. . For wedding stationery, vis iting cards and fine stationery call on the Columbus Printing & Specialty House tf Mrs. Will Schram and little daughter Marie, returned Friday from Grand island where they had visited for ten days with Mrs. Sch ram's sister, Mrs. Veit. 1. R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans, dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts clothing. Hats oleaned and reblocked. Agent for Germania iteam dye works, Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St. The beautiful baptismal fonnt, donat ed to St. Bonaventura church by Mrs. Josefa Watka, was put in place last Friday. The fount is of marble beauti fully carved. It represents perhaps the best workmanship in marble that has over been seen in this city. The last evidenee of smallpox in this city pisappeared last Thursday when the quarantine was raised from the home of A. Berger, just west of Columbus. The disease has been mild, no serions consequences resulting in any one of the six cases which have been under qunrantine. O. C. Shannon returned last Friday from Canon City, Colo., where he spent a week looking into some land pro positions. Mrs. Shannon, who accom panied her husband will remain several weeks longer in the west and will be accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Kenney. Mrs. L. IL Latham was thrown from a horse one day last week at her father's ranch near Bayard in Cheyenne county, and sustained a fracture of one of her hips. She was brought to Columbus Wednesday and is recovering rapidly. Sunday Mr. Latham, accompanied by Miss Dorothy Wyatt, Mrs. Latham's sis ter, left for Bayard where Mr. Latham will recuperate for two weeks. John Grosnickslans began suit in Jus tice O'Brien's court last Thursday against his son Charles, a boy sixteen years old, charging htm with assault and battery. When Deputy Sheriff Lachnit appeared at the home with a warrant, however, the father relented and drop ped the prosecution. The boy is said to be large and well matured for his age. He committed the offense complained of when in a state of extreme anger. Arthur E. Cash, who will graduate in two weeks from Nashota Seminary, Mil waukee, has been appointed to the rec to rate of the Episcopal church at Albion which includes the charges at Genoa and Monroe. Rev. Cash will reside in Albion. His mother and two sisters of this city will make their home with him. Their numerous Columbus friends will regret to learn that they expect to leave here next month. Dr. D. T. Martyn is enjoying a visit from Dr. U. H. Deming, of Chicago, an old boyhood friend and college room mate Dr. Deming says he has been planning this visit for twenty years and that be came at this time for the sole purpose of visiting the man who has been bis closest friend for nearly balf a century. Dr. Deming and Dr. Martyn were born the same year and roomed to gether while they were working for their degrees from the Chicago Medical School, now Northwestern University Medical school. I'Jk nucinfAiUila.Ti M8&8 mm- PETER SCHMITT columius un. ee t.ta scntirrs patemt 3 Ladies ask your grocers for this flour. It will give you perfect satisfaction. For Sale or Rent by Owner. The two story brick store building located at 519 West 11th St. Very reasonable price. For particulars call at Journal office. Inquire of Herrick. Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Oasdin's market for fresh meats. Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Kodaks and supplies at Newohner's. Carl Schubert has complete camping outfits for rent. tf The Journal wants all the news. Phone or write it in. Dr. O. A. Allenburger, office in new .State Bank bnilding. Bee fixtures for sale cheap for cash. J. W. C. Craun, Route 1. If yonr eyes, cars, nose or throat give iCon trouble see Dr. Lueschcn. Dre. Martyn, Evans & Evans. Con sultation in German and English. How is your Lawn Mower? If not all right take it to Person. Carl Schubert has a nice line of Zonophones, and Talking machines and records. 31. T. Garlow, brother of C. J. Garlow of this city was in Columbus on legal business last Saturday, FOR SALE: A sixteen inch riding plow at less than half-price. Fred Halm, Columbus Neb. Columbus has never had any thing in Pics, Cakes and other Bakery Hoods equal to Foaseh's Try a sample order and he con vinced. Will Lehman returned home last ThnrBilny after an absence of" about a year in Salt Luke City and will resume his duties in the management of the Thurston Hotel. The approaching marriage of Jos. Tieskoatter and Miss Freda Scbarwarth and Henry Priester ami Miss Celia Fangmnn was announced in St. Francis church Sunday. The former will occur May 23d and the latter on May 22d. Humphrey Democrat. Mr. Stockelberg is without a doubt the finest volinist ever heard in this city. He has a caressing touch and expression, and brings music out of the instrnment in a manner worthy of some of the masters. Oreston Ga zette. At Congregational church, Friday night, May 25. Pet haps the largest and most diffi cult piece of job work ever turned ont in a Colnmbns printing office was fin ished last week in the Colnmbns Printing and Specialty House under the management of Richard Ramey and B. B. Green. It was a book of proceedings of the last meeting of the Interstate 'National Guards association of which Col. Carrol D. Evans is secretary. The book contains 140 pages and the mechanical work was done by Will H. King who has been with the Journal nearly two years. Tuesday night fire destroyed one of the large barns and implement houses on the Pierson D. Smith ranch, one mile west of St. Edward. Two valuable thoroughbred mares. Ida C and Virginia May, fivo head of Hereford cows, eight or nine calves, an immense amount of farm machinery, a half ton of paint and about $1500 worth of fine finishing lum ber besides numerous miscellaneous arti cles were also lost in the flames. The total loss is estimated at about $5000, none of which was covered by insurance. The fire was supposed to have started by spontaneous combustion. The fire was first seen at 0:00 o'clock and had then reached such proportions that there was no hope of saving the bnilding. Some of the live stock, including several valuable stallions, were hustled from the barn, but it was impossible to reach all the stock. Boone County Advance. ;-?Wsfe. .-aeJKiF f.TT'MHH&XHH ''s I Dr. J. W. Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN Best Equipped Optical Oflices la The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE auuuuuuwnuuuVnufnV LuT aBSawYI Yeawv aur HaSaaB2atr7V Ai Artistic Pictin Is always to be had when you lo cate the best .stu dio. We have an artist to pose and secure the best lights and shadows also the very best camora in town and .a re-toucher famous for giving the last deft touch to a finally perfect photo. Our prices are no higher than others ask for in ferior work. McAllister Studio OIilVK ST., Columbus, Nebr. Over Phillipps Store Dr. Campbell, Dentist. Herrick for baby go-carts. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. A new line of glassware at Busehman's. Tender oats and prompt delivery at Cassin's market. J A window fnU of 10 cent bargains at Seth Branns. Neil Conrtwright of Genoa is in the city for medical treatment. FOR SALE: Typewriter of Standard make and nearly new. Inquire at Jour nal office. Have yon tried any thing in the new Bakery Line at Poesch's? FOR SALE A set of the Internation al cyclopedia, 15 volumes, cheap at the Journal office. WAN! ED: Good farm loans atj 5 per cent. No commissions, W. L. May, Omaha, Neb. WAY UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Miss Anna Wnrdeman of Oreston is at the home of Charles Wnrdeman of this city undergoing treatment for an ear trouble. The five-year old son of Henry Littleman was brought to Columbus this week to have a sliver removed from his eye. FOR SALE Cottonwood lumber, wood and sawdust. Also a No. 1 Chicago cottage organ, price f 20 cash. Clear Creek Mill. A good many people are using Hyo mei these days. It is the only guaran teed cure for catarrh, where you get your money back unless it cures. Drug gist Chas. H. Dack has the local agency. At a meeting of Lebanon lodge A. F. and A. M. last Wednesday evening the following officers were elected lor the coming year: W. I. Speice, W. M.; Geo. A. Scott, S. W'.; J. H. Johannes, J. W.: J. R. Meagher, Secretary; H. A. Clarke, Treasurer. The weekly band concerts in the park will commence this evening (Wednes day) the weather permitting. The band boys have received a lot of new music and will undoubtedly entertain large crowds every Wednesday evening dur ing the next four months. The writer knows little of music, but years ago we heard Ole Boll, and since listening to O. F. Steckelberg we have no hesitancy in saying that his playing, in our opinion is equal to the great Swede violinist. W. V. Allen. At Congregational chnrch, Friday night. May 25. Rex Jeffords who has had charge of the news service for L. W. Snow for some time has purchased the shining business of the Park Barber shop, which has been conducted by George Zinnecker and will assume possession next Friday. George has been forced by poor health to seek out-door em ployment for a while. J. W. Wisentine is making exten sive improvements to accommodate his patrons. The bnilding now occu pied by his lunch counters has been extended back making room for a large kitchen. The room now used for a kitben will be converted into a neat private dining room and the room now occupied by the lunch counters will be used for a lunch room, small tables occupying one side and one neat lunch counter the other. Mr. Wiseastines purpose is to make a first cuss cafe, up eo the standard found only in the larger cities. Lovers of music enjoyed a pleasant treat at the musicale given last Friday night by Mrs. Sullivan's "Ten" of the Episcopal Guild at the home of Mrs. Hockenberger. Vocal numbers were given by Mrs. C. D. Evans, Mrs. Cham bers, Miss Henderson and Mr. Fred Saff ron. Mrs. C. E. Adams played several piano numbers and Miss Gertrude Elias contributed violin selection. Mrs. George Whaley delighted the audience with a reading from Anthony Hope. Every number on ihe program was en cored. Sandwiches and coffee and cake were served. About fifty people were present, and a substantial sum was added to the guild treasury. War Agaiart Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perectly and you are in no danger of consumption. . Do not risk your health by taking some un known preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and in sist on haying it. McCUntoek & Carter. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY GROCERIES, CROCKERY, UMPS AND . 6LASSWARE We have a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES We handle only the very best brands in COFFEE AND TEA We can please you. All Grades of Flour, the best Cider Vinegar, Strictly Pure Spices. For the Summer Season we have WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE A Delightful Beverage. We are Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. A Large .Stock of Nov elties in CHINA and GLASS Prices Always i Right. We Respectfully Solicit a Share of your Trade. HENRY RAGATZ & COMPANY Nebraska Phut 29. iMkpiritiit Pfctiis 29 ail 229. Spring and Summer Goods We announce to the neonle of Colum bus that our new line of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS is now open for your inspection. We are now showing one of the most complete lines of Summer Wash Dress Goods.. in the city, in all the latest novelties, consisting of Figured Linen, "D. E. Soie," Arnold's Silks, Chiffon Ombre, Print ed Silk Mulls, Dotted Swiss Mull, Queen Batiste, Tokio Brilliants, "Henely" Serges, Donzelle OrgandieQueen Percales and Madras Cloths. White Goods... India linens, White WaistlGoodsJMercerized Suiting, Silkized Poplin, Persian Lawns, White Organdies, Batiste and White Linen Suiting. This promises to be a big sea son for White Goods. New line of Zion Laces, Insertions and Allover Lace. Also a new assortment of Swiss and Hamburg Embroid eries and Insertions. F.T.S.6C. sgm We sell the Francis T. Sim mons Kid Gloves; also their Silk and Fabric Gloves. A new line just received. mings to match. NEW LINE OF DRESS SILKS... For Silk Waists, and Suits. Silk Ribbons and Dress Trim- Also a New Stock of Rain Proof Suitings, Broadhead Dress Goods and Waist Patterns. New Table linens, Napkins, Stamped Linens and Dresser Scarfs. Lace Curtains and Bed Spreads. Also a complete lime of Staple Dry Goods which we offer for sale ot the lowest cash prices. Agents for the "Standard Fashions" and "The De signer. Subscriptions to the Designer reduced to 50c a year. J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh Street, Columbus, Nebraska 'aaB aatvjiWi 'v Sv The Improved.... SJ. S. CREAM SEPARATOR Won Gold Medal-The Highest Award-Lewis & Clark Exposi tion, Portland, Oregon. 500 lb. Capacity, $75.00 Sold by W. P. DODDS, Columbus, Nebraska. 3.