M S sfo $C tv.? v v ' T- aVcwrT iHfS WuTsfw 'Vc'ejssnl jr'Waap MnllWIS 01 CALUMET It is put up under the supervision of a competent chemist, from the finest materials possible to select. insuring the user light, wholesome, easily digested food.l Therefore, CALUMET is recommended by leading' physicians and chemists. Perfect in Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price M s c is u uuciuuj aim ih irmiiH any ygywip mv . Benxrauzauon 01 we mKicumus is suraoiwerr pence., men fore, food prepared with ! is free from Roctaelle Salts. Alum, or any injurious substance. uFr y.ar nt. nnflsn Mite" aae CalUMt, For ecoaomy's sake boy Call SI ,000.00 siven for any substance in jurious to neaun touna m ' j The Value of a Suit 8 8 ..of Clothes.. x Depends to a great extent on the manner in which it is MADE and TRIMMED. Al most any reliable house can be depended upon for HONESTY so far as fabrics are concerned. FIT, STYLE and TAILOR ING require ABIL ITY, SKILL. You 6RANDEGELKiNCAa)&wooDCDPfRjCHTa)i90fii want fabrics of QUALITY to be sure, but, you must have these other things too. You should not judge clothes ONLY by the fabries. We'd like to show you OUR IDEA OF VALUE you would better understand our argument. Suits from $6.50 to $25 GREISEN BROTHERS, Q Columbus, Nebraskr. S xxxxxxxxxxsoeHaoaoaoQQQQQodc M BS MS - vj bts brother SJmtmui Ttwuhif . Henry Oattaa Tinitod with folks Sradaj. Dr. A. G. Laaeohea of O0I1 Tiaited with bia nareata aad 8mnday. G. Bocohe aad Gaa Loaake were at Greaton on basiaeat Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Boohe Tiaited with her mother at Platte Center Saaday after noon. Born to Mr. aad Mr. Ed. Hollman Thanday May 3 a boy. Oaoarand Lneia Liaeeohea Tiaited in Oolfax Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newman were Uolnmbni shoppers Saturday. Miss Anna Rooahe spent part of last week risiting with her sister, Mrs. Loeeke. Frank Wurdeman is setting ont aa orchard of several handred fruit trees. Adolf Keanoke was a visitor at the Hollman home Sunday evening. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleasant, harmless, aad effec tive is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. Superior to all other ooagh syrups for oold remedies, because it acts on the bowels. An ideal remedy for coughs, colds, oroup whooping cough and all curable lung and bron chial affections in child or adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by McOlin took & Garter. District Ho 4. Shell creek was the highest last Tues day it has been since last summer. Carrig & Joesi lost a young colt last waek. C. J. Carrig was ont on his farm Sun day. William Bohrich and wife from across the river from Columbus were visiting at the wife's parents in this neighbor hood last week. Jack frost was here Sunday. The school in this district closed last week, Delia Price teacher. The gums and resins obtained from pine treeB nave long been recognized as highly beneficial in the treatment of backache, kidney and bladder tonbles. Pine-alee is the name cf a new medicine, the prinoiple ingre- aients of which come from the pine forests of our own native land. Sold by MoOlintok & Garter. Bichlaad aad Vicinity. Quite a frost Satuiday night. Hark! hear dem wedding bells. J. Di-chner delivered grain here Sat urday. Otto Schmid paid a recent visit to Columbus. AdolDh Kluck's head is in a whirl all on account of a sweet baby girl which arrived Sunday, April 29. Mrs. Huffman, of Bloomfield, Iowa, is here gladening the heart of her sister, Mrs. Eliza Brocklesby. Mrs. M. E. Eckleberry returned to North Bend, Friday. Miss Isabelle Klnck entertains a lady friend from Schnyler this week. Quite a number of onr citizens attend ed the funeral of Miss Mary Heibel on E5aMlsaaafcsaa8jiBavamJ!JiaiBsVa IN CHEAP HOMES KINKAID COUNTRY An Opportunity of a life-time for men of Limited Means to get homes. A Ranch Broken up and the Hay and Alfalfa Land thrown on the Harket in Tracts of from 160 to 1280 acres. Having Removed my fences from Government Land, I have decided to sell my Ranch, breaking it up into tracts to suit the purchaser. I have Deeded Hay and Alfalfa land which I will sell at from $10 to $25 and will locate purchasers on a free Kinkaid homestead of 640 acres adjoining. A section of Grazing land with a quarter of Hay and Alfalfa land to raise Winter Feed makes an ideal Dairy Ranch of 800 acres which will keep from 80 to 150 head of cattle. My land is all from 4 to 9 miles from Lakeside, Nebr., on the main line of the Burlington, where there is an excellent market for cream, eggs and other produce. . I will sell on easy terms. A man who can raise from $1000 to $250O can get a ranch of 800 acres which will pro duce larger returns than any quarter section in eastern Nebraska. I HAVE HOMES FOR ABOUT TWELVE FAMILIES If you want one of them it stands you in hand to investigate at once. . Special Excursion Rates to Homeseekers on the B. & M. R. R. For description and prices address 0r F. H. ABBOTT, J. D. PflTTISON, Columbus, Nebr. Lakeside, Nebr. Shall creek last Thursday at 3 p. m. Mrs. Woo. Koch and Mrs. Philip Kritchkie of Platte were out here calling on friends last Friday. Adam Schmid, jr.. is hauling material for a new house on Shell oreek, and Adam declares he is not going to batch. Tune the violin, boys. Dr. W. S. Evans made a professional trip to our village Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Klutk and daugh ter Mary were sightseeing in Columbus Friday. Mrs. Anna Rickert, Mrs. Eliza Steven son and son Jiertie wtre combining busi ness with pleasure at Columbus Friday Fred Yonkie's many friends here .were surprised to receive a telephone message Sunday, April 29, saying he had been married that afternoon to a Miss Rena Cole of Schuyler. May they have fair sailing with no clouded skies. Was Watting Away. "I had been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years," write. Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies snggested without relief. Fi nally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cnred me and I am now sound anil well." During the summer kidney irregulari ties are often caused by excessive drink ing or being orerheited. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kid ney Cure. McClintock & Carter. aih HAND MADE Spring IQS fkttt nu a IMS -, I ' Let us build you one. 'e put nothing but (lie very bcs-t material ami vorknuiiilii m "them. I he price i- njrlit. FARMERS, Briii" in your tools and implement to be sharpened and repaired now. It will save you time when the spring work opens up. We keep only the Latest and BEST in Buggies & Carriages -All Kinds of- ..Farin Implements.. ftf&,Onr Horseshoes stick and don't lame your horse try 'em LOUIS SCHREIBER. i h y n m THROUGH Standard and Tourist sleepers, chair cars and coaches to Union Passenger Station, Chicago, every day from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. These cars are carried on through trains arriving in the heart of Chicago at 8.35 a. m.f 9.25 a. m. and 9.30 p. m., afford ing a convenient choice of hours. Route Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago. Milwaukee St, Paul Railway Any ticket agent of the Union Pacific will send you East via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway if you ask him to do so. It is worth your while to insist that your ticket read this way. Complete information about rates, routes and train seivice sent on request. F. A. NASH General Western Agent 1124 Faraam Street. Oasafca Wr?al! PatternasoTd intti Unitrd St.tM thaa of mv other nuke of oaiterr.s. 1 his u oil account of their style, accuracy and simplicity. MeCaH'n MatnCTheQ.ir-nof Fa-MonVhis ore subscribers than any other Ladic' Map i e. Ore year's subscription (12 numbers) cit50cri!i-. I-attt amber, A ecntsv Every ubscriber gets a ilcCall rat tan Fra. Subscribe today. jMkAj Agenta Wnntesl. Handsome premiums or Vral cash commission. Patten Catalogue , cf 6ro de. aas) and rxsmhim Catalogue (showing 400 premiums) If you will eat more Uneeda Biscuit you can do more work, enabling you to earn more money, so that you can buy more Uneeda Biscuit do more work-and earn still more money. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Afl Jalnssssaflki amsm C M nHL p 3- sr f - B sV HJJeiuco uMon Mrcnr fiH Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets CURE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES. A New biscomj put dp in a ne waj for the Kid ne?s and Bladder. "! THE GREAT HEALER B3H0USANDS of grateful customers in U every state attest the WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES of the WORLD'S BEST LINIMENT DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL The OnlvLiHiiUCit that Htals withft a Scar J It cures cuts, sprains, bruises, sores, swellings. lameness, old wounds, lumbago, chapped bands, frost lk bites, etc., and is tbe standard remedy for barbed F Vire cuts on animals, harness and saddle Kails, scratches, grease heel, caked udder, itch, mange, etc. It heals a wound from the bottom up and is thoroughly antiseptic. KING CACTUS OIL Is sold by druggists in 15c.. 50c.. and fl bottles, S3 and $5 decorated cans, or sent prepaid by the manuf ac- v turers, OLflEY O McVAlV. Clinton. loVa. if not obtainable at your druggists'. T POLLOCKS CO. J rvW CK!CJi3TERS Eli&LiSH PENNYROYAL PILLS Best tor Couehs. Colds. Crotrn, Wboooint Cough. Etc. Tb r! letter "B'lion arerj bottl. rraMrHW rbraUBtAlckss) C.,UIcag k(iti .tti't'ltiitm'k v rartiT. Pineulss WZ.v FOB TOTOO OK OtD TBS BE8T FILL BOLD Dade's Little Liver Pills FFSlAXATll'FSBlEST i 'Ui.it.ii u . ii- i.gst nolle II i SrfiibiC-'01 ill'' . ftm '' 1 V BT" latl w ." 1 L kU I " w e . 9f "ft ?S tfe. Alwa ! n-tintile. Lr.i!lr. j.n: Dmcsist lot 'H it'll emtc:r-m t;i.!:;;: i-, k.,i anJ Uold nu-tallic f.oxes, st!t.il a i i btu ,-ibrxn TaUf tta oilier. JE-rii- daiizt-roii. nri 2utiont;ant imj:ntion. !: our OnisKist, 'ir seti'l lo. i:i -Unir .ir Iarliv '-tr. T-H-aioniaU ar.l "Itolirl lor J.nl ." m Utter, by return Tfail. MMMtOTfMi :i n.t. r-olil bjr ill DruesiMh. CHICnESTKK CHPMICAI. C". ! Kladisna !tqn::rr. ViS?Jt, JPA. FOLEY'S H0NEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lunjj troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Good for every body. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is In a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Feley fc Company, Chicago. Sold by McClintock & Carter Hw Pafc fIr IfYou W WW 00.- " MOl for a Name May Win This Prize Costs Yon Nothing to Try. We want a good, distinctive name for a new bottled beer, we have brewed and stored in our cellars. We believe it is the best beer ever brewed and we want the best name for it a name as appropriate as the beer is satisfactory. It is a distinctive beer, brewed to meet the present day taste ot tne great American puDiic, and ue want the public to name it. Therefore, we will give $500. in gold, to the person who submits to us, before May 21, 1906, the name that most neatly meets our requirements. This contest is open .to every man, woman and child in the whole country. It costs you nothing to try. All you have to do is to send m the name. Somebody will get S500. for just one idea. Why not you? Put on your thinking cap and get busy. Use the coupon, and mail promptly. You can send in as many suggestions as you like. 1st. Wliat It Is For. The name b for a new bottled, pale beer that has been aging in our vats for several months -a beer which we are sure will meet popular taste as no other beer has since the art of brewing was discovered. When oa drink it you will sa : "Well, that's the best gi siofl.r I ever drank in my life!' An 1 it wi-l he, because: !t is a jinrr beer, made from the best Wisconsin b.irlev-mai , the finest Bohemian hops, high quality Indian n t-, all carefullv selected bv experts for this spccitl t . .v, together with yeast in absolutelv per fect to; n and pure, sparkling water from our own artesian spring. 2nd. It is a carefully made beer brewed by one of the best br u .iMsters in the world, with every facility at h:- cuiihiidiid that modern science can supply. 3rd. A. id tiii is most important of all. It is not onlv a PL' L beer; it is not only MADE RIGHT; but ft is iik'o .? eciany to s :i iuuk tasie. we iii.-q bicw jd l r ui Omaha for 50 vears long enough to 1-trn 'v' -t the public wants, and long enough to b-tni iiuV to make the beer that lJLiAiES the ptioJic'-i U. te EXACTLY. We are not trying to force Ot'K taste upon you, but are catering entirely to the public's taste. vYftlwav 8Hffl Tiie Kind of Name We Want. We want a name that will express as nearly as pos sible in a single word all the chief characteristics of our beer: absolute purity, selected ingredients, the perfection of the brewer's art, the body, color and TASTE that pleases the public Remember it is an American beer made for Amer ican tastes. We do not want to use as so many brew ers do such names as "Pilsener," "Bavarian," "Bo hemian," "Hofbrau," "Muenchner," "Old German," "Werner," "Wurtzburger." etc., showing what foreign beer they have tried to imitate; for our beer is NOT made in imitation of ANY foreign beer; it is a BETTER beer than any of them made for the American palate combining all the best qualities of all the foreign beers, without their heavy, sticky substance. It is light, easily digested, highl nutritious, and of a flavor to make you smack your lips. I ill fj Ol 9Hf ! "'' name 'lwe select must h one that we csn copyright or register, and therefore no rroi"r names miv be ued. No rfictionarr names Rill do either eicpt as de scriptive of a certain quality of this beer such as "Velvet" or "bilk" to indicate its smoothness. The name must be short, easily pro nounced and suggestive. No names ending in "ine" will be considered. It Costs You Nothing To H 3 e a S u a v fa s . a 2 5e o v as Ba w m 3 1 eu v v'Z 5" 35 fcs fa 9 n Name Contest Department. Fred Krug Brewing Co.. Omaha. Neb. I submit the following names for your new beer. My name is. Address. A K 4"j v? V V a City .. ..-... County.......... ....Stale. COLUMBUS JOURNAL AMMO TH JICCAU. CO., . s3ara5eauaivgiftwcigrga-.iM jr M- ''mmmjtjmJ! j;2j'jrfrTT:l sssssssm -Jj5?iyw.!?a.a-.BnssJT'