'."Vr' ftr"-- -'"'&5n3J2' M ' Columbus Journal By COLUMBUS JOURNAL Ce. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. i The Ostler Fallacy. Dr. Oiler's fatal philosophy regard las the comparative uselessneas of jnea after 40 years of age has been followed by a fearful wave of dis couragement and depression among those who have reached middle life or later without gaining a competence or achieving anything like material success. The extent of the harm which Dr. Osier has done innocently. I believe can hardly be estimated, writes Orison Swett Marden, in Suc cess Magazine. His words have come like a death sentence into thousands pf homes! They have taken away hope and left despair in thousands of aching hearts. "What is the use of trying," these unfortunates say, "when one of the greatest authorities In the world has pronounced the ver dict against us?" Gov. Allen, of Ohio, in commenting upon the edict of some of the railroad companies and other corporations that men over 35 should not be employed, said, "It is not how long a man has lived that counts, it is what's left in him." This is the secret f the whole thing. It depends altogether on how much is left in a man as to whether he is old or young, whether his fires have burned out or are still alive. What the employer wants is vitality, resourcefulness, alertness, freshness and openness of mind. It does not matter so much about the years. It is rather a ques ,tion of energy, of reserve power. It is folish to fix an age at which men become comparatively useless. Some men are young at 70, others are old at 25. One of the worst delusions that ever crept into a middle-aged man's mind is the conviction that he has done his best work, that he is grow ing old and must soon give place to younger men. Do not be discour aged or allow yourself to be influ enced by Dr. Osier's "fixed ideas," for he is himself, at 56, a direct contra diction of his own theory. Carnivorous Diet. Is meat going out of fashion? There has been a twofold conclusion in the results of the recent experiments made that we eat too much meat, and that, generally speaking, we take too much food. The experimenters, led by Prof. Chittenden, of Yale university, jfor several months, and in some in stances for more than a year, reduced their meat diet by one-half, and yet maintained as good or better health jthaa before. The muscular power of the athletes was increased and mental activity undiminished. A banana and a cup of coffee was one bill of fare for breakfast Strictly scientific experi ments carried on in America, Ger many and France have unanimously resulted la the conclusion that health and strength can be maintained with a much less proportion of nitrogenous food than meat eating peoples deem necessary. The distinct teaching of science is that, except the extremely poor, most people eat about twice as much as is needful, and that the su perfluous amount is not merely waste but becomes the fruitful cause of dis ease and suffering. The rice eating Japanese and Chinese practically con firm the scientific doctrine. Occasionally some foreign publica tions assert that there is such an un worthy thing as an "American lan guage." Our slan; phrases and our dialect stories worry them no lit tle. So far as dialect is con cerned, remarks, a wise con temporary, we have no advantage over our British brethren. They have ;novels written in a jargon which no one not initiated into the mysteries can understand. It is not denied that the United States have contributed many "Americanisms" to the language of John Bull. We are a resourceful people, much given to invention, and if we want a word that is not in the dictionary we do not hestltate to coin one. This may be in very bad taste, but we have a great country and are entitled to make occasional innova tions. Theoretically the promotion of universal peace through the mediuu: of international agreements offers an ideal solution of differences arising between nations. The practical re sults have not been such as to arouse any vast degree of enthusiasm, how ever. At The Hague convention Eng land's objection to the Transvaal be ing given a voice in the deliberations was sustained. The provisions relat ing to arbitration proved distasteful to several of the powers represented and it was only on the broader pro posals that the signatures of those present were obtained. Dr. Robert-E. Minahan, mayor of Green Bay, Wis., has declared war on the street masher, or "the ahem man," as he calls that pest. His honor has observed that it is unsafe for an un escorted woman to be about the streets after dark, so he makes this public declaration: "I am going to get rid of the ahem man in Green Bay. They say it can't be done. I do not know positively that the evil can be eradicated. But I know this much I am going to give that fellow the best run for his money he ever had." A man who got among the curb stone brokers in Phlladelphla,.shut -his eyes and prayed for the mob was sent to the asylum. The probate court felt that a man who would shut his eyes In that crowd was, to say the least, mentally nabalanced. If yon are puzzling your brains to think where yon are going to get the accessary supply of. coal next winter, it may eacoarage yon to know that the doctors say that great mental ac tivity is conducive to long Ufa. AGENTS OF SULTAN OF TURKEY; BLAMED FOR CRUEL MURDER Macedonian Refugees in Minneapolis Slaughtered in Hovel They Called Home. ROBBERY CLEARLY NOT MOTIVE FOR CRIME Fact That Currency and Valuables Were Found with Bodies Proves This Inter national Politics at Bottom, Is Theory of Police Officials. Minneapolis. Again the old saying that "murder will out" bids fair to be disproved. In the heart of Minneapolis, busy city of the great Northwest, six ap parently inoffensive men have been cruelly put to death, and all the efforts of men bred to the unraveling of ghastly mysteries have been unavail ing, either to find the murderers or to discover a motive for the crime. The slayers have disapeared as com pletely as if, indeed, they wore the fabled invisible cloaks. Love Revenge At the bidding of a secret order Because the Turkish government wanted them out of the way. These are the various theories formed by the police. And at theories they stop. All that is positively known Is that six men, marked for murder, lie in their graves in Minneapolis all six killed by orders of some one while they slept Xotives Apparently Absent. Everything sems to point to poli tics. It was not money, because the men's money and other valuables were all found intact. It was not revenge. because they knew no one in Minne apolis. It was not love, because they had no women, either as wives or sweethearts, in this country. There is but one explanation they were put out of the way by order of some high political power on the other side of the water. This is what the police believe. What were the intri cacies abroad no one dares surmise. And dead men tell no tales. The six were found lying quite dead la a ramshackle old wooden house, No. 245 South Tenth avenue, Minneapolis. So little known were they thereabouts that the police had a hard time in find ing out the names of the six. Finally it was found that two were father and son, Nicolo and Kirle Demetri, and that the other foud were Kerstan Tovke, Krivie Metie, Nukola Jaless tnd Andri Jaless. Bodies Not All Together. The knives, the blood-stained hatchet, the splashes of blood every- KTR5TAN ttVKE ftCOLO DfHETRl where, the disorder, the signs of a struggle, told the story as plainly as words could tell it Four of the bodies lay about the front room on the second loor; tbe other two those of the De metri lay in a dirty, muddy base ment where they had been dumped by the murderers. Not a thing was found on any of the men to give absolute proof of their identities. Even the landlord. H. Mag nusson, didn't know their names. All he cared about was that the men had paid four months' rent in advance when they came there a week before. The men ate, slept and lived in the little roms on the upper floor. They never drank liquor and were1 appar ently of tbe most peaceable disposition. They went out regularly every day and returned with equal promptitude in the evening. Even the people who lived below heard nothing on the night of the mur der. It was only guessed at because the men didn't appear on the second morning after the murder. Some one notified the landlord and he summoned the police. They broke in. Peter Stuyanoff knew the dead men. He was arrested as a suspect at first bat there was nothing to prove against aim. Ia fact, he gave the police all the lKUe they do know. He said the mem cl c-j Wmmwm. I I mmmfiamrm? lLwL MVHVsa I J mmmW i5 J 3W kw mM n. FbbmbbbV Bibbbbbbbbbbbba i ft. . FrBVBsBHi IHbA eW" -Bbbbbbbs bK" cjw vmt asm. v mmnvKM atBBBft.K.1. .BBBBBBW lTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfcBBl A -BfcBBBBBBBBk W. BBBBlBBBBf . iiM M$ MIbWI. CJale55 iU&F -i'm y . BBT bbhbbmvbbb Nbc . jsm IfE -j9 ,S CbV mwmm bbbbbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbVb) HbriftsBBMBr jft jT TS 1BBV MBBbBbBBbVH I - 7 .AHDRf KfiTKlRLEl W (T JJaLE66 JKMETRll never had a quarrel in their lives and never .carried weapons. He said they were all men who had come over here to make their fortunes, and had no thought of anything else but of mak ing money and of sending for their loved ones on the other side of the world. Pathetic Sight at Morgue. It was a pitiful sight at the morgue when poor Stuyanoff went there to identify his dead friends. The sight of the gaping wounds moved him to tears. He knelt before each body and made the sign of the cross as he breathed a prayer. Then he arose to his feet and kissed each dead man on the brow. When he finally came to the body of his cousin, young Tovke, he was completely over come. Great tears rolled down his swarthy cheeks; his big red handker chief was soon soaked with them. He took the head of the murdered boy in his arms and kissed the still face again and again. Then he left the room shaking with grief. "They would not hurt afly; would not hurt a fly!" he moaned over and over. Fought Hard for Life. When the house of slaughter was searched a lamp was found burning in the rear room upstair. A light had been seen there the night before. It looked, however, as if the bodies found in the cellar had ben dead longer than the others. This only added to the mystery. Both bodies were terribly hewed and hacked. In all, the six bodies between them bore more than 100 wounds, al most any one of them sufficient to kill any able-bodied man. There were great splashes of blood all over the walls and floors, and it seemed as if the dead, aroused from their sleep, had made a desperate fight for life, but in vain. Two big bowle knives were fonnd in the room with the four. Two more lay in another room. A fifth, in Its sheath, lay in the basement beside the De metris. Then there was the hatchet and not another clew. "Robbery!" said the police, as a first guess, but that was knocked in the hRIVIE Mete head when a money belt was found in plain sight, containing $502, besides many other articles of value. Finally the knives were traced by trade marks upon them. Thomas Wil son, clerk of the Kelley Hardware Company, in Duluth, identified them as having been bought at the store by a party of six foreigners a week before the murder. That these were the six murderers, one for each of the intended victims, there can now be no doubt Plainly the dead six had been marked for vengeance. Their trail has been followed from far across the seas to the hidden fast ness of the far Northwest by men who evidently had sworn to kill. They had traced their quarry to Albion, Minn., a tiny town, and from thence to Du luth. When the six came to Minne apolis they were hunted still. Had Fled Far to Find Safety. Adding to the mystery, the vest ments of some order, religious or se cret were found in the house. What had these to do with the strange deaths? But most remarkable of all was the plain proof that the six had fled half-way around the world to es cape their mysterious pursuers. Passports proved this without doubt The papers bore -the earmarks of Turkey, Greece, Italy and the Balkan States. Their asoaey, their foreign coins of gold, several checks and money orders were all found intact. They had not been pursued to be robbed." What was it, then? There had been no drinking bout. Neither wine nor spirits, or empty bottles or glasses were found. There was no love affair, apparently, at the bottom of it The men knew no wo men in this country. It may have been the vendetta, who knows? But every thing to-day points to politics. And now comes the story told by the passports, that seems to point to pollt cal murder. There were two pass ports found among the belongings of the murdered men. One was issued to young Demetri on January 25, 1905. This was a passport from Macedonia. Issued by the Turkish government It bore the seal of the sultan. Half of the document was In French, the other half in Turkish. It described him as smooth-shaven, about 33 years of age, medium size, a native of Macedonia and a subject of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan. The other passports were old and inde chiperable. Strengthens Theory of Politics. And this pointed to the politics of the case. The Macedonian rebellion took at once accepted this theory and went to work on it But the murderers had covered their tracks too well. This much the police believe: That the victims were leaders of the rebellion and fled to this country and that their murderers were agents of fiA 1.1.tef .M...i.Mn.kt 11A IjIa. t. ' that they fled here, well knowing they would be followed, but hoping to escape into the far Northwest, where perhaps they might be safe. They went West in the guise of railway laborers to es cape pursuit But those whose appointed task was to kill were cleverer than they and were always close behind. Though the chase led half way around the world, the Turkish agents found their quarry in an obscure corner of Minneapolis and then went deliberately about the job of killing- They bided their time. When all six were rounded up together and asleep, and when all was quiet and deserted without they stole inside place about two years ago. The police 1BM JBmmmW nfiliiS0B i! ' vhMi XBsfllKMlPF lr9lMw-JSHKHJls9 WmMmWmlafWLr iMammWmis3mamm8?aaammmmWBmmvmmmi,. w -v iMMMAfinisKlill fKi3m HISS SEES SEISMIC PERIL. Chicago. There are slight indica tions that Chicago may? experience an earthquake within a few years, according to Professor J. Paul Goode, of the University of Chicago geology faculty. The presence of certain species of rock in the earth Inside or near the city limits, he believes, is an indication of a condition that might result in the dismantling of a portion of the city. "There is no absolutely geological proof that Chicago may have an earthquake in the next few years," Professor Goode declared. "One can detect slight symptoms, however. Certain .formations of certain kinds of rock underneath Chicago might be taken as an indcation. An earth quake is as simple as the breaking of a timber. "I believe that the seat of the disturbance at San Francisco was about seven miles below the surface of the earth. It was quite probable a slipping of the crust of the earth. Generally one block of the crust slips up while the other slips down. The focus of the disturbance may be noted by the direction of the cracks in the Sierra Madra Mountains are in the wrecked buildings. "The sierra Madra Mountains are young and are growing slowly, and no docbt their growing was tne cause of the earthquake." According to Rollin D. Salisbury, of the university, California has ex perienced close to 1,000 earthquakes, of which number 417 have occurred In San Francisco. "Previous to 1887, 948 earthquake shocks have been recorded in Cali fornia," he stated. "Of these 417 have taken place in San Francisco. Since that date the earthquake rec ord of California, so tar as available, is as follows: 1888, 35; 1889, 40; 1890, 30; 1891, 2t; 189&, 42; 1893. 41; 189, 33; 1815, 36; 1896, 40; 1898, 26. "The majority of this large num ber of earthquakes were the merest tremors. Many of them would have passed annoticed but for the exist ence at various points of seismo ana nnstairs to anisn turn md ror waiea they had come so far. The dead men were not caught en tirely by surprise. There are plenty ot signs that they struggled desperately against overwhelming odds. All the furniture was upset, showing that there was a struggle before the an who had been aroused from their sleep to go to their death had not given ia without a whimper. Every body bom wounds enough to kill a dozen men. Imagine it then the semi-darkness, lighted dimly by one feeble kerosene lamp at the window, the silent en trance of the murderers into the gloom; the sudden awakening of some one of the doomed when his wound did not kill him at the first blow; his cries to the others,, their sudden awakening, too; the clash of the steel, the cries of the unarsssd victims as they vainly tried to fight off the the knives, the grappling, wrestling, biting, scratching of men fighting weapons with only their hands; the thrust at head and heart; the death rattle of one aftei another until there was none left tc die. Then the dragging of two of the bodies to the mouth of the black pit that passed for a cellar, the dumping of them down into the hole, and fin ally the flight into the murky dark ness of the dawn. Evidences of Conflict It was a sight to terrify when thf police broke in. The six were stone dead, but there was plenty of evidence that every one had fought for his life till, weak from loss of blood in tbe un equal contest, he had fallen at the feet of his enemy to receive his coup. After satisfactory identification had been made, and the authorities had made their preliminary inquires, the bodies were buried together. A Minne apolis medical college attempted to get them for dissection, by right of a law allowing them the bodies of all paup ers without kith or kin. but when the $502 was shown the college had to give in. The police have worked hard, but nothing turned up. They have been to Chicago and to Dulutb, where there are other Macedonians, but not a single clew has come to anything. And now, "Who killed the six?" seems to bid fair to go down into his tory as one of the greatest murder mysteries of the century. graphs which record movements much too slight to be sensible. "Practically half of the earthquakes recorded in California have been felt in the vicinity of San Francisco. Only a few, however, were severe enough to be destructive. The most severe was April Id 1902. Others severe enough to be destructive oc curred April 21. 1892. and March 30, 1898. A careful record of earth quakes and of earth tremors has been made at Lick Observatory and on Mount Hamilton." According to Professor Ulysses S. Grant bead of the geology depart ment of Northwestern University, there is no city in the country in wheh a great earthquake could be more destructive than in San Fran cisco, because the western city is built on a solid foundation of rock. "If a shock of equal severity had occurred in Chicago," said he. "it is probable few buildings would have been destroyed, because of the clay and gravel foundation of the city. It is probable there may be smaller shocks in the Western States for a few days, and there may be consid erable danger from tidal waves, for these things are likely to come at once. "In fact it may be that so severe a shock as the recent cne In San Fran- I cisco may bring on a tidal wave that will be large enough to extinguish the flames along the water front "I cannot say that I think there is any connection between the eruption of Vesuvius and the earthquake in California, because the two phe nomena are of different origin. The latter is of the sort that is caused by sliding or slipping in the rocky crust from cooling. Besides this, the line of 'volcanic sympathy,' which causes a chain of earthquakes to oc cur at about the same time, runs from north to south." When Hew York Had Slaves. In Washington's time there were 21,324 negro slaves in New York state. JAPANESE ARMY SUTLERS. The Canteen Follows Closely- ia the Wake of the Kevins; Troops. One who was with the Japanese army ia Maacaarta for six months says: "Old foreign campaigners re marked ia the field that no army prob ably ever had so many canteens ia its wake. When the army was aot marching there was always a canteen or two not far to the rear of every division. When it settled down to recuperate after a battle canteens were quickly established hi Maacha houses. These carried cigarettes, writing paper, postcards, beer, imita tion brandy, imitation whisky, imita tion port, imitation sherry, sake aad sometimes Manila cigars. "Japanese are keen traders. Not 200 feet back of the Nanshan battery one day in the seven-day battle of the Shaho there was a Japanese peddler selling cigarettes, Chinese sweetcakes, rice and beer to the reserves. During the same battle the canteens were never more than three miles back of the front line of trenches. As the Japanese soldier's pay is only $1.36 a month and the army sav ing banks had. considering that phenomenal deposits, there was not much spending money in the army. A bottle of beer cost ten cents and a packet of cigarettes about three cents. "Whenever there was a triing bat tle the commander-in-chief would or der Bake distributed as a ration. On the mikado's birthday a year ago one extra double packet of cigarettes was distributed to each man in the field. This cost the emperor more than $15, 000. Otherwise when the distribution was possible ten cigarettes a day went with the regular ration. "One day in an American periodical received at camp there was a solemn poem celebrating the abstinence of the Japanese from drink. "This caused concern among the Japanese officers, who disliked the emphasis laid upon the difference be tween their army and a European army and the commissary general told the foreign observers: "'Our soldiers like drink as well as any other soldiers. Sometimes they need it when they cannot get it and we send it to them in the trenches.' As a matter of fact, though the peas ant at home has a hard enough time to supply himself with food, he is not more averse than other people to strong liquor once he learns the taste of it. Many a man will go home from the campaign with tastes he never had before. The manufacture of beer is still a young industry in Japan, but from the time the process was import ed it has grown to enormous propor tions. Headquarters, even battalion headquarters in underground bomb proof trenches, were always sapplied with beer or sweet wine. Marshal Oyama liked sweet champagne. The strategist of the war. Gen. Kodema, drank claret with every meal." INCIDENTAL INSOMNIA. Sleep Kay Be Wooed by Taking a Series of Deep Inspir ations. It commonly happens that persons otherwise apparently in good health find a difficulty in sleeping without a break, their night's rest being inter rupted by turns of wakefulness; after falling asleep for an hour or two they awaken a modified or incidental in somnia takes the place of normal re pose, says a correspondent of the Lon don Lancet I believe, and I suggest that this may be due to a disturbance of the equilibrium of the cerebral cir culation. The cause of the disturbance may be various. I do not propose to enter into the question of cause, but I have in many instances successfully counteracted the result by forced in spiratory movements by assisting and encouraging the return flow of blood to the heart; by a rapid and thorough ex pansion of the chest cavity, by tbe vacuity produced, the blood in the great veins of the neck and upper thor ax is sucked in and hastened on to its ultimate destination. The large serrati muscles (costo scapulares) are more especially called on for this duty. The serratus, by its hindermost attchment to the pos terior border of the scapula, as a muscle of "extraordinary" inspiration, requires for its action in this ca pacity that the scapula should be steadily and firmly held to the spine by the muscles allocated to this end in other words, by the shoulders be ing vigorously held backward. Tbe deep breathing thus carried out for 8, 12 or 15 inspirations usually suf fices to induce the wished for somno lence. Anyway, it is an experiment easily tried and without risk. The influence of respiratory move ments is demonstrated by the effect of a prolonged and forced expiratory ac tion. The impediment to the return flow of blood is easily to be observed when a vocalist with an uncovered neck is singing a long-sustained high note; the external jugular veins will be seen in their course across the sterno-mastoid muscle in a state of extreme distension, accompanied by congestion of the veins of the head and face, indicating hindrance to the blood current toward the heart. Dwindling Republic San Marino, the smallest republic in the world, will soon be without voters if its rate of emigration keeps up. It has only 1,700. including widows, but It i3 still a good repunlic. Recently its assembly decided to abolish the oYPnitire council, the members of which have been elected for life. Hereafter members will be elected for three years only. Skippers' Town. Searsport, Me., is a town of many skippers, having been represented on the high seas by 142 captains of full rigged ships. The year 1885 was the best in her history In this respect, for Searsport then had 77 captains in active service. They were not all resi dents of the town, but all either lived there or were born there, so that was the place they hailed from. In the Usual Way. Friend Do thoughts that came to you long ago ever return? Scribbler O. yes if I Inclose a stamped envelope. Stray Stories. UMTEO STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES PE-RU-NA. S) Ex-SeoaterM C. Butler. (3 kSHHSHSS5E5H5E525H5ESeS5Sd Dysfefsia Is Often Caused By Catarrh of the Stomach Peruna Relieves Ca tarrh of the Stomach and Is Tiurefort Remedy For Dyspepsia. ii Hon. M. C. Butler, Ex-U. S. Sen- 1 ' ator from South Carolina for two ' ' , ' terms, in a letter from Washington, ', D. C, writes to the Peruna Medicine 1 ' Co., as follows : ? " cam recommend Peruna fori dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I 1 1 have been using your medicine for ' ' , a short period and I feet very much I 1 relieved. It Is ladeed m wonderful medicine, besides a good tonic. " CATARRH of the stomach is the cor rect name for most cases of dyspep sia. Jnordertocurucatairhof the stomach the catarrh must be eradicated. Only an internal catarrh remedy, such as Peruna. is available. Peruna exactly meets the indications. Bevised Formula. "For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Peruna be given a slight laxative quality. I have bsen experimenting with a laxa tive addition for quite a length of time, and now feel gratified to an nounce to the friends of Peruna that I have incorporated such a quality in the medicine which, in my opinion, can only enhance its well-known bene ficial character. "S. B. Haktiiak. M. D.m CUBES CQHSTIPAT10I It is just about impossible to be sick when the bowels are right and not possible to be veil when they arewrons:. Through its action en the bowels. Lane's Famfly Medicine cleans the body inside and Lives no lodging place for disease. I f for once you wish to know how it feels to be thoroughly well, give this famous laxative tea a trial. Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c. That Delightful Aid to Health Baxtiiit Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Paxtinc possesses extraordinary clcansinir, healimr a::d ccrmi- cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents IAKGK TRIAL PAC.CAG3 FRSB The It. Paxton Co., Boston. Mass. When you btry WET iWEATHER CLOTHINGr you want complete protection and long service. Hies and many other good poHKS' , are combined m TOWER'S FI&M BRAND lOlLED CLOTHING loucairt afford J. to fry y other fi I I AjTQwt CO BOSTON US OWt OMA94RI CO t. Children Taught to Smoke. In the seventeenth century children at Worcester, Eng., took their pipes and tobacco to school, where the mas ter taught them "how to hold their pipes and drawn in their tobacco." Curiosities of Amber. Flies are not the only things found in amber. In a big mass of clear am ber dredged up out of the Baltic sea recently there was visible in Its in terior a small squirrel fur, teeth and claws intact. There are very few women who can look at their husbands without giving the impression inthe glance that they believe they might have taken their eggs to a better market Atchison (Kan.) Globe. The discrimination against the male sex has no end. When a scarecrow is built, ever notice that It is patterned and dressed like a man? If a sword breaks the owner will be stabbed. If a gun breaks the owner will be shot omJtl 'tll Itriiit 'ill I. yM'm u iv a m V f ' II sf I I w 1 1 Sj M 4-ia&J V t . -4 J r i 1 f. ti 1 r i- : -i r X. "U k. -, v -. iiz&: '-,&.' 5239M&S; m,i.hi'wiimki rsaT-jegsa sigggsgOgg7TTigTrw ww 1 Trcrfcy mv Mi iy ??55f3&yf&i W?9?Km(BJ5jpBJB agsnjgi g.F "jg-jgai 5" "1 JJJJ 12? 3aOillisff11sMilSa'" jffi