The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 09, 1906, Image 4

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    . . r ; j .i " T7
Columbus, Nebr.
aftmiattae Pootogoe. Colaibw, Kobe.
ftlurims Journal Co.,
noon ovBOBflOBinio:
OMfwr.krMil,p(Mtaa pwpald tLM
nxsmcx i. amott, utt.
BENEWAIfl The date opporitoroor naaae ob
onr paper, or wrapper shows to what time jam
abscHftioii is paiT ThM J05 shorn tfiat
Mjmeat has been reeeired np to Jan. 1, W06,
Kb05 to Feb. 1,1906 and bo on. When payment
Is made, the date, which answers as a reoeipt,
will be changed aooorduucly.
ere wiU continne to receive this journal unta the
SBblisbers are notified by letter to discontinue,
when all arrearages most be paid. If yon do not
wish the Journal continued for another year af
ter the time paid for has expired, yon should
prerioosly notify us to discontinue it.
CHANGE IN ADDBE8S-When ordering a
ehance in the address, subscribers should be sure
lo give their old as well as tneir new address.
State of Nebraska,
County of Platte, r
Frederick H. Abbott being fint duly
sworn, on oath deposes and says that
he is the editor of the Columbus Journal
and that the average weekly circulation
of the Columbus Journal from January
1, 1906 to March 7, 1906 was 1860 copies,
T.366 of said circulation being within
Platte county.
Frederick H. Abbott,
Editor of the Columbus Journal
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this 13th day of March,
1906. C. N. McElfresh,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Two years ago when the Journal
told the taxpayers of Platte county
that they were paying interest on a
treasury deficit of about $5000 and
their money was being wasted in ille
gal salaries, unlawful printing fees
and extravagant expenditure for
court business and bridges, the oppo
sition press crowded its columns with
6uch charges as "infamous liar" and
for a while people believed the Jour
nal was mistaken.
One by one our charges were
proved to be correct The treasury
deficit turned out to be $20,000 in
stead of $5000. The salary steal
turned out to be several hundred
more than we had charged and the
Standard Bridge Company was showil
to have an effective lobby on our
board of supervisors.
Conditions are different today in
Platte county. Last Saturday Coun
ty Treasurer Becher called in $7700 in
warrants and withia two weeks he
predicts that Platte county for a few
months at least, will be on a cash ba
sis. Giving Mr. Becher full credit
for careful management in his office,
the chief causes of this improved fi
nancial condition are to be found in
the new revenue law passed by a re
publican administration and in the
retrenchment which has resulted from
the "squrredeal" agitation on the part
of the republican organization in this
county, an agitation which hasjwiped
from the slate the printing trust -and
the illegal salaries.
Taxes have increased materially in
this county. But it will be gratifying
to taxpayers to kuow that the money
has been u?ed to wipe out the deficit
created by an inadequate revenue law
and extravagant democratic adminis
tration, and that the future promises
a -eduction in taxes if the voters are
wise enough to elect some republican
officials to watch things.
"Last week a cheap politician called
upon the writer and grew very wroth
because he had been asked to pay for
the publication of a signed article in
which he had attempted to defend
some of his political actions. As the
politician did not belong to Boone
county, was airing a personal grie
vance, was simply endeavoring to de
fend himself and gain popularity, we
explained to him on the start that he
would be treated as any other adver
tiser. He paid the coin all right, but
let lose of it mighty hard, and dealt
us a stunning blow by ordering his
paper discontinued. We believe
there are very few people who do not
understaad the difference between
news "and advertising, therefore we
shall not waste time attempting an
explanation. We welcome all cor
respondence of interest to the public,
but when a Cheap-John politician
can't get enough support from his
own county paper to defend his poli
tical methods, we sincerely believe he
should pay for the privilege of hav
ing bis signed statements, published
outside bis own county boundry line."
Boone County Advance.
Journal readers will recognize the
fellow whom Editor Kennedy very
aptly calls "cheap John." They will
recognize in "cheap John" the fellow
who was elected as a republican and
then bartered awy "anything you
want if you will wake me chairman."
New Line of .. ..
" Picture and Room Moulding
1 and Wood, Gilt and Colors
1 ' to match all paper.
They will also congratulate Editor
Kennedy on collecting the fee for
printing that letter prepared for
"John" by his chief adviser, the chair
man of the democratic central com
mittee. The most conservative must admit
that the revival meetings are making
an impression upon the spiritual and
ethical life of Columbus which cannot
help but result in good.
The decision of W. A. McAllister,
president of tne Commercial Club, to
call a meeting soon for the purpose of
reorganizing, should meet with gen
eral approval. Columbus needs better
railroad facilities and better roads and
Mr. McAllister has decided to get the
Commercial Club in a position to look
after those needs.
Those Jacksonian statesmen of Ne
braska who- have been dishonest
enough to assert that Roosevelt has
surrendered to the railroads might as
well resume their pastime of fondling
the Jacksonian "kitty." Nebraskans
are not quite ready to turn this state
over to the cheap calumniators of the
truest and strongest friend the Ameri
can people have had in the president's
chair since Lincoln.
"The Doliiver-Hepburn bill, with
the Allison amendment, contains prac
tically what I have both originally and
since asked for, and if enacted into law
it will represent the longest step ever
taken yet in the direction of solving
the railway rate question."
This is President Roosevelt's frank
statement of his position on the rail
road rate bill. The fact is the Allison
amendment is simply declaratory of
what Roosevelt, held was assumed in
the original Hepburn bill. The con
stitution gives the courts the right to
review laws and they would have had
the same right to review the Hepburn
bill as they will under the Allison
amendment. The law will pass and
it will prove that Roosevelt republi
canism still reigns in Washington.
May with showers and flowers and
balmy air is here. Now is the time
that young people feel the call to
the wild. Consequently it behooves
teachers and parents and truant officers
to look out for "hookey" players.
The shrewd young American is suc
cessful more times than we know in
deceiving both teachers and parents
in the matter of truancy. The teach
er accepts a crooked excuse or a
plausible explanation, and the parent
knows notMnc about it. Many
youngsters would come to grief it the
father and mother made careful ex
amination of the "Days Absent"
column in the monthly report card.
This monthly report is the priencipal
medinm between home and school,
and ought to have careful examina
tion every time it comes home.
The political demagogue is having
his inning just now as he always does
during a wave of reform. In the
stress of excitement the sham passes
readily for the genuine. The ghoul,
carrying the physician's medicine
case, stoops over the. earthquake vic
tim and he rises with the jewelled
fingers of the victim in his pocket.
The pickpocket, dressed in the garb
of a gentleman cries "pickpocket" to
create the panic essential to his voca
tion. The agents of the trusts which
just now are undergoing the "square
deal" treatment of a republican ad
ministration, are abroad in the land.
They profess to have a two-cent-gov
ernment-owner ship-free-trade-anti-im
perialism-trust-busting panacea which
will double discount the "square deal"
remedy. But the people should not
be fooled. It is the same old panacea
that Cleveland administered when the
farmers raised ten cent corn and the
same that the Holcomb administra
tion dosed out to the Nebraska rail
roads to reduce their taxation to a rec
ord-breaking minimum.
. 8alre! Salve! 8pnad the mire, bt
let it be Piaa s1y, aatwea reaaedy
for cmte, bmrae, ona, eta Sold fcj
MoOliBtoek Carter.
Q What is the difference between
the lumber trust and the Platte coun
ty printing trust?
Z A The lumber dealers may charge 10
per cent more than a reasonable price.
The Platte county printing trust
charged 300 per cent more.
Q Is that the only difference?
A No. The lumber dealers work
their trust on the brotherly-love
theory. They help each other to live.
The manager of the Platte county
printing trust worked its craft on the
"whole hog" theory of monoply. con
spiring to shut out all competition.
Q What is a republican adminis
tration doing about the lumber trust" ?
A Prosecuting it..
Q What are the democrats doing
about the printing trust."?
A Trying to name its manager for
some high office.
We rise to dissent from the opinion of
that Ohio judge who recently decreed
that the wife's eating green onions was
not a sufficient ground for granting the
husband s divorce.
With due apology to the medical fra
ternity of Columbus, we take the liberty
to suggest lolly-co-pop to Judge Hensley
as a cure for jiggers.
Lincoln Star. When our Western
farmers learn how to cultivate the soil
as well as do the French, what wealth
will come to the country. It is reported
that a little tract of ground of less than
three acres near Paris is annually rais
ing 25,000 pounds of vegetables, and the
ground rents for $500.
Fremont Tribune: The democrats
are the more pleased with their Omaha
victory because it seems to prove the
God given nature of their doctrine of 16
to 1. It has been just sixteen years
since they elected a mayor.
From the Democrat
There is nothing left of tbe old Gran
ville hotel only a kindly remembrance
of its long life of usefulness. The old
structure was rased to the ground yes
terday evening. Mr. Diers will use as
much of the lumber as possible in erect
ing bis new residence in the south part
of ton n, and there will still be enongh
lumber left to build another good sized
Mrs. Angeline Fisher, probably the
oldest person in Platte county at the
time of her death, died last Sunday
evening at 8:45 at the home of her ton,
Jacob, in this city, at tbe ripe old age of
95 years, 3 months and 24 days. The
ciiuse of her dtath nas'ohl age, and tbe
end came fencefully as though she bad
fallen Hi-lcip. Grandma Fisher, us she
was calkd by all who knew her, was a
familiar figure in Humphrey for many
years, and notwithstanding her ad
vanced age, up to about a week before
her death, she was able to get around as
easily as many of tbe younger ones.
She was a devout christian and until
about a week before her death she was
regularly seen going to and from St.
Francis church.
The mairiage of John Wemhoff and
Miss Marie Brockhaus occurred Tues
eay morning at 9 o'clock in St. Francis
church, Rev. Father Kurzer officiating.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Brockhaus who live south
of town. The groom is the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wemhoff who live
southeast of town. The bridesmaids
were Misses Victoria Wemhoff and
Anna Brockhaus and the groomsmen
were Frank Weiser snd Alois Wemhoff.
A reception was tendered the young
couple ot the home of tbe bride's par
ents at which a large number of ac
quaintances were present.
lest for Women and Children.
On account of its mild action and
pleasant taste Orino Laxative Syrup
is especially recommended for women
and children. It does not nauseate or
grip like pills and ordinary oatharties.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids di
gestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels without irritating them. Re
member the name Orino and refuse
rFrom tae umamt. I
The teachers of the Indian school
made up a purse of twenty-three dolj
Jars which was forwarded to Mrs.
MacMnrty of Oakland. California to
help in the work o clothing and pro
Tiding neemaries In destitute oases
malting from the earthqnalre, The
work of oaring for the San Francisco
refugees has fallen heavily on those
living in that immediate vicinity as
all supplies sent from outside points
went direct to San Francisco.
The young people of the American
Baptist church together with the Pal
estine young people met at the parson
age at that place on Tuesday evening
last in a farewell gathering to their
pastor. Rev. Benjamin, who departs
this week for Norfolk, Nebraska,
where he will preach the coming
year. Mr. Bejamin was presented
with a $40 gold watch and Mrs. Ben
jamin's Sunday school clam presented
her witn 915 in cash. Those in at
tendance report a delightful affair.
Just after the noon hour on Friday
last the fire bell called our citizens
out to assist in putting out a fire in
Albert Alfred house. The fire was
caused by a defective chimney on the
south end of the building. When dis
covered the fire had burned through
the siding and was slowly eating its
way through the attic. Tne fire com
pany soon had some holes cut -through
the roof and the fire under control.
The damage to the building from fire
and water was about $250 fully covered-by
insurance. A most remarkable
thing was the removal of the furni
ture from tbe buidling without a dol
lars worth of damage thereto.
From the Post.
John MoDermott of Gregory. S. D .
and Miss Kate Daiey of Colon were
married Wednesday at the latter
plac The bride is well known to
even one around Lindsay, having
taught in the public schools here for
fiva years.
Mondav night witnessed one of the
heaviest rain storms here for some
time. The rain was a perfect deluge
for several minutes, the sharp lightn
ing and heavy explosions of thunder
roused many from their bed. John
Purtzer's foot bridge was partly de
stroyed, and a few sidewalks were
found washed into the park.
For bloating, belching. Indigestion,
etc. eat a Ring's DyBpesia Tablet
after meals. Sold by McUlintock &
Special Homeseekers Rates: 1st and
3rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates ta
the North Platte Valley, tbe Big Horn
Basin and other frontier territory.
Personally conducted excursions on
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
for those seeking free homesteads of
640 acres of mixed farming and dairy
ing. Write D. Clem Denver, Agent
Homeseekers' Information Burean,
1004 Farnatn St.. Omaha, Nebraska.
Irrigated Lands: If yon have any sur
plus money, you can do nothing better
with it than to get hold of an irrigated
farm now. If this appeals to yon,
send for irrigation literature.
Low Vacation Tours to Colorado, Cali
fornia and Pnget Sound: The Snm
mer of 1906 will bring a great variety
attractive low rate excursion tours.
The greatest railroad journey in the
world, to California and Pnget Sound
is within your reach at about half
rates daily from April 25th to May 5th,
also after Jnne 1st. Ask about excur
sion rates to San Francisco for tbe
teachers' big meeting; also about the
cheap rates to Colorado for tbe Elks'
great gathering early in July
To Western Resorts: Low rate excur
sion tickets to tbe Black Hills, Hot
Springs, South Dakota, Sheridan.
Wyoming, (Eaton's Ranch, Big Horn
Mountain) and Yellowstone Park; ask
abont special camping tour of 21 days
from Cody through the Yellowstone
Go Somewhere: Life is short; set
America. Think over the kind of a
trip you would like to m:ike, ami ask
tbe undersigned to help ou plan the
most interebting trip at the lowest
possible cost.
Agpnt C. B & Q Rv.
G. P. A. Omaha.
A Snap
In Land...
Good 160 Acre Farm
Belongs to non - resident.
Two miles northeast of Oco
nee. Present price
$40 per acre
One-half cash, balance on
time. This is good level
land and a bargain.
Apply to...
Oconee. Nebr.,
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
r&Si". Painting
lata and msmeittal ralnttat et all
Mats. GltvarCeiMitm.
Attorney - at - Law
ZuuMcker B'ldg, Columbus, Neb..
Spend your vacation in Colorado which is brimful of attractions
where the exhilaration of the pure dry air enables you to live the genuine
outdoor life where same is plentiful where the streams are teeminjr
with trout, and where you will see the most famous mountain peaks,
passes and canons in America.
During the tourist season the
Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad "Scenic Line off the World
will make special low rates from Denver. Colorado Springs. Manitou and
Pueblo to all the scenic points of interest in Colorado and Utah. Our
booklet ."Vacation Estimates" tells you about the many wonderful places
in Colorado Colorado Springs, Manitou. Pikes Peak, Royal Gorge,
Marshall Pass, Ouray and Glenwood Springs and the cost to see them.
A Thousand Miles flreund she Circle or a trip to Salt Lake City
and return are unsurpassed in scenic attractions and inexpensive-
Open -Top Observation Oars, SEATS FREE
Through the Canons during the Summer Months
' Write for free descriptive literature to
S. K. HOOPER. Gen'l rassensjer Agent
Denver, Cl.
Destinations San Francisco, Los Angeles.
Via Portland and Puget Sound $62.50 round trip, one
way via Shasta Route.
Dates of Sale April 25 to May 5. Return limit July 31.
Stopovers Points between the Missouri River and the
Pacific Coast.
Routes Good v'a direct routes; for instance, to San Fran
cisco or Los Angelee, via Denver, Scenic Colorado,
Salt Lake City.
To San Francisco via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake
Route through Los Angeles.
No tour of the coast is complete unless it includes the
Puget Sound.
Train Service Daily through Pullman Standard and
Tourist sleepers to San Francisco via Denver, Rio
Grande Route, Salt Lake City; Tourist Sleepers Thurs
days and Frikays, personally conducted.
Daily through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Los Angeles, uia Denver,
Rio Grande Route, Salt Lake City, thence Salt Lake Route; Tourist
Sleepers Tuesdays and Saturdays personally conducted.
Write or call for California descriptive matter, "racihc
Coast Tours." folders, berths, information. Describe
your proposeatnp ana let us advise you now to matce it at
least cost.
L. F. RECTOR, Agt. Columbus, Nebr
IOC 25CM m nSTOMACM Aia uvea TASLrra, fT m
5Qc A mm.5?Zl. ak m m
They reach the seat of the trouble and assist nature to remove the cause
and resume natural functions. Purely Vegetable. Contain no injurious
ingredients. Highly recommended and endorsed. A trial will convince
you of their merit.
THE ncKNIdHT-CRAPSER REflEDY CO.. CeloraJ Sfrtogs. Ceto.
Going East
Five fast daily trains via the Union Pacific R. R.
and the North-Western Line take you through
to Chicago without change of cars over
The Only Double Track Railway Between
the Missouri River and Chicago
Pullman standard drawing-room and tourist sleeping
Cars.composite observation cars, buffet
smoking and library cars, parlor cars,
dining cars, free reclining chair cars
and day coaches.
Direct connection in Omaha Union
Depot with fast daily trains to Sioux
City, Mankato, St. Paul, Minneapolis
and Duluth.
For rates, tickets and full information apply to
Agents of the Union Pacific R. R. or address
S. F. MNIER, Asst. GmI Fit Panr-
Chicago A. North-western y.
Columbia River
With its incomparable
scenery is best reached via the
Union Pacific
Whose fast through daily trains run 200 miles
in brord daylight along thismatchless
river. An opportunity of visiting
Yellowstone Park en Ronte
The Short Line to
and the Northwest
Inquire of
W. H. BENHAM, Agent.
Office with Dr. Lueschen
Arnold's Old Stand
Teeth Painlessly Extracted
Crown and Bridge Work
Gold, Silver and Cement
Filling '
Examination and Estimates
Free of Charge
Attorney - at - Law
Rooms 10 and 11 New Columbus State
Bank Building.
Attorney -at -Law
Office over
Old State Hank 111.1k. COLUMBUH, NEBU
fl. M. POST
Attorney : at : Law
Gelumbus. Neb.
D. STIttEb.
OJ6r. Olive St, fourth door north of Flint
NMonnl R'.cfe.
Carnage taunt
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Work Guaranteed
-t--t V-
kiuiiuu iu
I iVl se committee orA. .
i , & grange. TIwi
I carry tlio bt-st of. everything
in ray line. The drinking pnb
lie is invited to come in and ee
for themselves.
JflS. NEVELS. rrepr!ctr
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. 1 It
A Home School
The Standard Square Inch
Tailoring System of Chicago.
Sewing taught, free to each
pupil. We teach to cut and
tit by actual measurement
without change or alteration
Sirs. A. Or Boone
First door north of Drs. Martyn
it Evans' ollice.
To make good bread, you
must have good yeast. It's
the first requisite. You
never saw a sweet, well
raised loaf without it.
Every loaf made with Yeast
Foam is sweet and well
raised, good to look at and
better to taste.
The root of indigestion is
sour, 'heavy bread which
forms acid in the stomach.
The cure is light, digest
ible bread raised with
"VlSfiSO--AND FmarkS
Bread made with thi3
wholesome, vegetable yeast
retains its moisture, fresh
ness and wheaty flavor
until the last of the batch
is gone.
The reason is simple:
Yeast Foam leavens per
fectly, expandingand burst
ing tbe starch cells and
permeating every particle
of dough.
The secret is in the yeast
Each package contains
enough for 40 loaves, and
sells for 5c at all grocers.
Try a package. Our fa
mous book, "How to Make
Bread," mailedr.
$, 4B