- ' -afeiMBMMBgB FF7T " "P"ipl V" i Columbus Journal y COLUMBUS JOURNAL C. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Education a Gift. . la the common schools of the United States are now enrolled more than 16,000,000 children, or about one-fifth of the population, under nearly half a mil lion teachers. As this education Is 'given to the children free it is at the .bottom, says the New Tork Sun, and -very truly, of the nature of a charity. The state takes them under its guar jdianship so far as concerns their ele mentary instruction and bestows on .them its bounty. The state exercises .1 function in behalf of its citizens in this matter of education of very much the same kind as it employs in their sani tary regulation, now carried to so great an extreme of expense and of detail. -XJke school instruction, this sanitary regulation is a measure of self-protection for the state, since unsanitary con ditions in a particular district affect in juriously the whole community in :which the region i3 situated. Hospit als, also, are maintained for a like rea son, or not merely for the particular ibenefit of the sick in them but that the (general public health may be protect ed. From the cradle to the grave the jpoorest citizen is looked after by the '.municipal authorities. The whole ma chinery of society is organized for his ibenefit The defective and the delin quent and even the vicious are looked after without regard to any share they may have in paying the cost or in in creasing it The spirit of charity ex pends its wings over the whole com Imunity. So also the college and uni versity may be called a benevolent in stitution, wholly or in great part The llatest statistics of the United States 'bureau of education enumerates 443 of 'these, in which the students number jl39,157 young men and 41.97T young women, who contribute in tuition fees 'less than one-half of the total income. jto say nothing of the interest on the (cost of plant, appliances, etc. More than half of the education of these (students is purely gratuitous. To that extent they are the recipients of char ity. Besides about $90,000,000 of pro ductive funds, these institutions have 'invested in grounds and buildings, in 'libraries and apparatus, nearly as much more. Except for this endow .ment in productive funds, a gratuity o the students, most of the institu tions would have to go out of business. Munificent gifts to the3e endowment funds have distinguished this country for many years past, yet there is not now a single university or college which is not in need of more. Appli cations for still further benefactions are urgently made by the oldest and most famous universities in the union. These facts cast no reflection on the pupils and students, but prove simply that the educational advantages these enjoy are largely of the nature of a free gift by society or by indi viduals of wealth. Hennery Phonography. A Stockport (N. Y.) poultry farmer has had great trouble of late because his hens were not producing the proper number of eggs. A nearby neighbor has a fine flock of hens which were working overtime to produce eggs. While hanging over the back fence .listening to the triumphant cackle of his neighbor's hens, says a local in formant an idea struck the luckless owner of bens. He went into the house and brought out his pnonograph, in serted a blank record and succeeded in getting a fine imitation of the cackling of the laying hens. He then installed the phonograph in his own hen house and started it going. The first day the hens were greatly amazed, but the sec ond day they got down to business and ground out an egg every time the phonograph cackled. The hens have stopped cackling themselves, however, and when the phonograph stops ihey stop laying and the originator of the Idea has to sit in his coop all day long to keep the phonograph going. "Misrepresented Men" might be the title of a volume of sad biographies. Whenever a university professor cays 'something which may be reasonable enough in the way he puts it and in its relation to his whole discourse, but which is capable of sensational distor tion, it is next to impossible, says Youth's Companion, to put him right with the public. Dr. Ira Remsen, pres ident of Johns Hopkins university, said at a meeting of graduates that he did not dare tell what Dr. Osier really said that has given rise to the absurd "Osier theory;" if he did he might be come notorious and have to travel In cognito, like Dr. Osier himself, whf has several times taken refuge la an assumed name in order to journey in peace. King Edward VII. is the royal uncle of Europe for he is the uncle of the em peror of Germany, will soon be the uncle of the queen of Spain, is already the uncle of the crown prince of Roumania, the czarina, the crown prin cess of Greece and the crown princess of Sweden and is the father of the queen of Norway. ' The senate is not alone in its troubles. With the rapid approach of the vacation reason there are lots of other people figuring on their railroad rate bills. As a result of numerous bank de falcations it is reported that a move ment is. on foot in the Wall street dis trict to induce all the banks and trust companies in New York to change their regulations so that every em ploye shall be compelled to take at least two weeks' continuous vacation every year, so that his books will be gone over by other employes. The new Russian parliament votes by pusaiag the button. The czar does the OF HID TO HOSTESS SUGGESTIONS FOR SOME SEA SOKABLE ENTERTAINMENTS. Decorations and Menu for an April Ituncheon Old May-Day Customs Prettily Revived Keep the Holidays. An April Ituncheon. ''April showers bring May flowers," so for the centerpiece have a small sized Japanese umbrella, or a doll's parasol; underneath put a low mound of spring blossoms, such as crocus, trailing arbutus or tulips. Tiny ub brellas, opened at each place, may have the name written on a card tied to the handle. If the house has electric lights, open a good-sized Japanese umbrella and tie it to the gas or light fixture that is over the table; then to each rib fasten a very small electric light; when the room is darkened and the lights turned on the effect is most pleasing. Serve either a fruit salpicon of or anges, pineapple and bananas, in glasses, or clam bouillon; a good brand of the canned bouillon will be found satisfactory. Sweetbreads or chicken with peas and potatoes in some form come next, then a lettuce and tomato salad with cheese wafers and a frozen dessert If coffee has not been served with the repast it is a pretty English custom to serve it in the drawing room, the tray being brought in and the hostess pouring. Small cups are used. This luncheon could precede a card party or an afternoon musicale. May Day Doings. The old custom of keeping the first day of May is being revived, especially by people who live in the country, who make a practice of sending baskets filled with wild flowers to their friends who are so unfortunate as to be de barred from gathering them personal ly. The city people observe the aay by sending baskets of fruit and flow ers to the sick, or to their friends who may be in sorrow, and the children have revived the English method of hanging "May" baskets on the door knobs of their friends and then run ning away before the ring is answered. These baskets may be made at home or may be of an inexpensive kind pur chased for a trifle. They should con tain preferably wild flowers, fruit a simple gift: and one young hostess de livered her invitations in this novel way, hanging the baskets to the door by a loop of ribbon. For a center piece at a May party, have a pole some 30 inches high, sup ported on a firm, flat base about 12 inches across. Fasten inch-wide rib bon of the delicate pastel shades at the top of the pole. Give these a few twists and then carry them to each place, where they are tied to the han dle of miniature baskets bearing the name of the guest, also holding the salted nuts. To ihoose partners for any enter tainment scheme the hostess may have .in mind, or for cards, make a "tulip bed." Fill a shallow wooden box with sawdust or sand, covered with green crepe paper and place It on a tabouret or stand. Then realistic tulips can be made from crepe tissue paper, if real ones cannot be procured. On the end of each stem wire a half of some well known quotation, or the title of a book; the other half of the quotation and the name of the author of the book must be wired to other tulips. Each guest pulls a flower and proceeds to hunt his partner. The end of one of the tulips will have a drawing of a crown on it; the person gathering that one must be "crowned" with a garland of flowers, either real or artificial, and have some one read Tennyson's "I Am to be Queen of the May, Mother." Intimate friends and sweethearts often exchange gifts on May day, the little tokens being concealed in a box or basket of flowers. In this busy workaday world, it is a good thing to remember all these special days that will vary the monotony of the com monplace; sentiment is in danger of beaTig crowded out and the revival of theec old world festivals is one of the most hopeful signs of the times. Ma dame Merri trusts that every -mother and home-maker will take the trouble to look up the history and romance that Is connected with all the "special" days that are mentioned from time to time in the department Children enter heartily into the spirit of such oc casions, and whatsoever serves to make them happy also serves to make them good. Sulphur and Molasses. Don't hope to cure red nose by daub ing a lotion on it Red nose is caused by some obstruction in the circulation. Take plenty of exercise, practice deep breathing, avoid tea and coffee and be careful of your diet In general. Pre haps you notice your nose gets red der after a meal. If so, you have eaten too much, or have taken some thing indigestible into your system. The remedy lies with you. Glove Etiquette. A lady does not remove her glove to shake hands, and it is not necessary that she should remove them at all. unless she is spending the day. For a large dinner, where the long gloves are worn, covering the arm, a lady takes off only the hand of the glove and slips it into the wrist A lady is never well dressed for the street, for receptions, for any evening enter tainment without gloves. Popular Colors in Hats. Spring green, mauve, violet, ash gray, red, corinth and burnt straw are the colors most in demand. Few hats are one-colored, the tendency being to harmonize several colors. Almost any colors can be combined, if artistically managed. One Paris mods combines must beautifully shades of deep red, pink, violet and blue. The Corselet Skirt A great many corselet skirts are seen at present This mode lends it self best to fabrics which hang grace fully and with elegance, such as the ever popular faced doth. A short corselet skirt rarely looks well, one of its essentials being the long, graceful, sweeping lines. A SEASON OF LACE. Such Charming Little Jackets Ar Offered To-Day The Various Styles and Laces. As this Is a season of lace, the lacs department is of particular interest Among the many charming novelties shown are the little lace jackets which promise to form an important feature of the season's toilets. These ars shown in real French and Irish lace, combined with batiste and hand em broidery, with graceful little quarter sleeves. Others are in baby Irish and heavy crochet, with half sleeves and slashed up the back. The same style of jacket Is shown in their batiste and "Val" combinations. Collars and chemisettes, with cuffs and half sleeves to match, in all the fashionable laces, are another feature of this department and there are some beautiful speci mens of the new Point d'Auvergne. One may select from a large variety of beautiful white waists here and practically all waists are white this season. One attractive model was of accordion plaited chiffon, with handmade German "Val" insertion, three large German medallions form ing the yope. The short sleeves and a girdle were of white satin. Another model was fo all-over net, with imi tation Irish insertion and perpendicu lar tucks, forming a pointed -yoke. The short sleeves were finished with a ruffle of net and the high neck with a niching of German "Val." A charm ing china silk waist had tucks and German "Val." insertion simulating a bolero jacket The sleeves were trimmed with bands of perpendicular insertion, with -a cuff of insertion, and small ruffles of china silk. The summer suits and dress fabrics show a striking predominance of gray bride's gray, princess gray and small black and white stripes, checks and figures, giving tlje gray effect In the foulards and figured India silks, which they make a specialty of here, this color seems to be particularly at tractive. Gray also appears in hosiery, but white is the predominating color in this department, as elsewhere. Lace hosiery is a leader again, but the em broidered hosiery that was in such demand last season is seen no more, except in a few special designs. In the same way, the highly colored stripes and plaids that were consid ered correct In men's hosiery last sea son have disappeared, being replaced by the plain colors and black. HANDSOME FERN STAND. The Upper Part May Be Used for a Plant, the Lower for Mag azines or Books. The note of "living green" that adds so decidedly to the attractiveness of sitting-room, library or other apart ment, is introduced oftentimes in the most satisfactory way by a lernery. In a room where the coloring is very PRETTY FURNISHING FOR A SITTING ROOM. bright or ornate, an ornamental stand for the soft green plants is a desirable addition. And it may be as handsome as taste and purse will permit An example of such a stand is here illus trated, the lower shelf serving as an excellent resting place for tanks or magazines. Hedebo Embroidery. I fear it would not be practicable to put in the pattern as you suggest Hedebo embroidery has a close but tonhole stitch worked around the large figures which are to be cut out, the buttonhole edge always being worked toward the center of the figure. The linen is cut away and fancy lace stitches are Introduced. Among those most used are the Maltese cross and the spider stitch. Mercerized cotton from 25 to 30 is used for the work, ac cording to the weight of the material you are embroidering upon. If you will get a sheet of red Impression paper, lay your pattern upon it and the black pongee underneath it you can take off the design by drawing over each line with a hard, sharp pencil. Hat3 and Coiffures. Paris milliners deserve to be com plimented on the success of their ef forts this season, for the new shapes are not only prettier but promise to be more generally becoming than those of last season. But the hat is still identified with the coiffure, and the latter must absolutely conform to the hat if the tout ensemble is to be suc cessful. FINANCIAL NOTE. "A lone shark." vSs?BBsssssssssBssLsB!9nassnaX S1 fSJ BASEBALL IN MIDWINTER. Oams Was Played at Medicine Hat, Alberta, in the Month of February. Baseball in Canada in midwinter! When the professional ball teams be gin their practice for the season they go south ; but, apparently, it would not be unreasonable for them also to So north. On February 2, this year, reports the New York Tribune, the machine shop hands and pretty nearly everybody else in Medicine Hat Al berta, Canada, went to see a ball game without wearing overcoats. It was such a day as one might expect to experience in May in the latitude of New York. Medicine Hat, situated many miles north of Montreal, is rec ognized by the United States weather bureau as the birthplace of blizzards and ordinarily one of the coldest places on the continent For nearly half of the fall and winter the date line "Med icine Hat" on the bulletin is followed by "40 below zero." New Yorkers who complain of the changeableness of the weather ought to go to Medicine Hat, if they would get a first-class specimen of change able weather. Prepared to brave the chilly blasts, they would arise one morning to find the chinook had ar rived and the temperature like that LEADER OF THE REVOLT AGAINST DOWIE (ELIJAH III). Deputy General Overseer Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who has made serious charges against the aged head of Zion City and is engaged in struggle to oust him from control of affairs. of southern California. The chinook Is a peculiar wind which is expe rienced frequently on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains. It is caused by a high atmospheric pressure in the upper heavens. This creates a down ward current of air through compres sion. The compression heats the air at the rate of one degree Fahrenneit for every 183 feet of descent A arop of 5,500 feet, which is common on the Rocky mountain slope, would mean a rise in temperature of about 30 de grees. Owing to its dryness as well as warmth the chinook quickly melts snow and absorbs any moisture that may be on the ground. Reciprocity. Picking up a paper, the caller asked: "Are you a subscriber to this journal?" "Not exactly," replied the would-be poet "The editor has placed my name on the free list, however, with the understanding that I am not to send him any more contributions." Chicago Daily News. Old Barrel Organ. The parish church at Tobbing, Eng land, which dates back to the thir :eenth century, and was recently re stored, possesses a remarkable ancient instrument a barrel organ, which has three barrels and can play 26 tunes. It is turned by the usual handle. Easier. Some men would rather cuses than make good. make ex- WILL REPRESENT UNCLE SAM WBBmimLJW ' if Frederick Wallingford Whitridge, of New York City, who has been se lected by President Roosevelt as special ambassador to the marriage of tae king of Spaia to Princess Ena. HE WAS COOLNESS ITSELF. Philosopher Gives Practical Demon stration of the Value of His Pet Theory. Perhaps there never was a man who so thoroughly believed in taking things coolly as Mr.'Bulteel. The disadvan tages of worry, and the foolishness of rush, no matter what circumstance might arise, was the never falling text upon which he hung many and many an improving discourse, says London Answer. But, as so often happens, Mr. Bui teel's opportunities for putting his fa vorite theory into practice had been few, until one fateful night when he and his wife were aroused from their midnight slumber by the dread cry, "Fire!" He was coolness itself. "My dear," he said calmly to his wife, "the time has come when we will find in practice the value of what I have always preached. Dress yourself quickly, but keep ccol." In tense silence they busied them selves in the operation of quick but unhurried dressing. Then Mr. Bulteel slipped his watch into his waistcoat pocket, and they walked safely out of the burning building. "There, my dear," he said to his wife, when the danger was over, "you see the great value of my philosophy of coolness. Now, if we had lost our beads" His wife glanced at him for the first time since the alarm had been given. "Yes, William," she said, sweetly, "your philosophy is both charming and useful; but really, dear, if I hid been you I would have put on a pair of trousers!" New Nomenclature. It is the opinion of the London Daily News that with "All-of-a-sud-den Peggy" we may be entering upon a new era of nomenclature, and that critics may shortly expect in vitations to "More-or-less William," "Day-after-to-morrow Dolly," "Delib erately-and-of - malice aforethought Julia," and so forth. He Was Real Rude. "Just to show you that I am not ashamed to have my age known," said the bachelor girl, "I'll bring the family Bible and you can see for yourself." "All right," rejoined the giddy young man. "What chapter and what verse, please?" Chicago Dally News. No Wonder. "What makes Arctic Feathertop have such a strange, preoccupied look about him lately?" "Preoccupied is the right word for it. He's engaged to a girl, but he has found another girl that he likes bet ter." Chicago Tribune. AT ALFONSO'S WEDDING. PARABLE OP THE SOWER SwisjScBslUsMteAstii29.19M Specially Prepared for This Paper. LESSON TEXT. Mark 4:1-20; Memory verse. 20. GOLDEN TEXT: "The Seed is the Word ef God." Luke 8:11. TIME. Autumn A. D. 28. at close of Christ's second tour of Galilee, soon after events of oar last lesson. PLACE. On shore of Lake of Galilee, probably near Capernaum. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES.-Parallel passages on parable: Matt 13:1-23 and Luke 8:4-15. Word "parable" as used in Scripture: Ezek. 20:49; Num. 23:7; Psa. 78:2; Mark 13:28. Six occasions of the use of the words, "he that hath ears to hear." etc.. as spoken by Christ: Matt 11:15; 13:; Mark 4:9; 4:23; 7:16 (Auth. Ver.);Luke 14:35. See also Rev. 2:7. 11. 17. 29; 3:6. 13. 22; 13:9. Compare also Matt 13:12; 25:29; Luke 8:18; 19:26. References to thorns, thistles, and briers. Isa. 55:13; Ezek. 28:24; Hos. 10:S; Psa. 118:12; Prov. 24:31; Keel. 7:6; Jer. 4:3; 12:13; Matt. 7:16; 27:29; 2 Cor. 12:7 Comment and Suggestive Thought V. 1. "Again ... by the sea." J.ros frequently taught by the Sea of Galilee. "Very great multitude." "Out of every city." (Luke). "Entered into a snip (boat) . . . sea." Seated himself, as a Jewish rabbi would have done, at the prow of the boat, nearest the shore. V. 2. "Many things by parables." Matthew records seven parables spoken on this occasion, and Mark adds one more. All related to aspects of Christ's kingdom, or its growth. V. 3. "Behold." An exclamation to attract attention; quite possibly, also, Jesus pointed to the adjoining hillside, where that of which he told was being enacted. "A sower ... to sow." "His basket of seed slung under his left arm, with steady, measured pace he marched up and down his portion of the open field, jerking his handful of corn before him at every step." Tris tram. V. 4. "By the wayside." Upon the trodden pathway running through or by the side of the field. "The fowls came and devoured it." Great flocks of rock-pigeons and crows dwell in the hills and valleys surrounding the Sea of Galilee. V. 5, 6. "Stony grounds." Places where a thin layer of earth covered an underlying slab of rock. This rock, becoming warm by the sun, causes the seeds which fall upon it to sprout quickly, but also prevents their roots from striking downward and finding sustenance In the soil. V. 7. "Among thorns." Thorn-bearing plants, of which there are many varieties in Palestine. "Choked it" The thorns, being stronger, soon over top the grain and rob it of the sun light; their roots also rob the g-ain roots of moisture, and perhaps twine around and actually "choke" it. V. 8. Read this according to the Re vised rendering. "Thirtyfold. . . sixty fold ... an hundredfold." It is not uncommon that, from one grain of wheat sown upon the fertile soil of Palestine, heads bearing 30, 60 or even 100 grains are produced. V. 9. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." Jesus' call to all His hearers, inviting them to pay earnest heed that they might understand and truly profit from what they had heard. V. 10. "When alone ... the twelve." When the crowd had dispersed after all the parables spoken on this occa sion had been given, a little company truly desirous of understanding, gath ered about Jesus, and asked Him to Interpret them. V. 11. "Unto you is given." Be cause yon are sincere in heart and re ceptive in mind. "The mystery of the kingdom or God." The secret religious rites .of the Greeks were called "mys teries." The Gospel of Christ is a ravs tery In that it can be clearly under stood only by those whose hearts re ceive It V. 12. "Seeing not perceive," etc. A free quotation from Isa. 6: 9. 10, bet ter rendered in Matt 13:13; where it is clearly shown that the failure to see Is because of willfully shutting the eyes that is, hardening the heart V. 14. "The sower soweth the word." Jesus knows that His hearers will from this understand that He, at the time of speaking, is the Sower. The seed Is the "Word of God." the proc lamation of God's love which He was continually teaching by gracious words and kindly deeds. The field, as a sub sequent parable tells, is "the world." V. 15. "They by the wayside." Tney whose hearts, like the wayside, have been hardened by being made "a com mon mad for every evil influence. V. IB. The second class of hearers "hear the Word, immediately receive It with gladness." Their emotions are stirred; tbey are pleased, exhilarated, made happy, and without any deep thought, decide hastily that they will be followers of Jesus. Prompt decision is not condemned, but the lack of sin cerity and deep purpose. V. 17. "Have no root In themselves." Their hearts do not really take hold of Jesus. They think themselves Chris tians, because, at the moment, that seems to be the most attractive life. "When tribulation or persecution ariseth." The rock-bed of selfishness lies under these emotions. Practical Points. V. 3. It becomes us to hearken at tentively to every message of God. Hab. 2:1. V. 9. We are without excuse if the Gospel message which comes to our ears is not permitted to find lodgment In our hearts. Rom. 1: 20. 21 . V. 14-. Jesus representatives udod earth to-day are commissioned to sow the Word of God beside all wa;ers. John 17:18; Matt. 28:19. V. 17. Personal faith in the living Saviour is the root which does tot wither in the furnace of affliction. Job 13:15. The Scotch Domine's Reply. A Scottish minister who has served hgh English government officials in his congregation was asked whether he was not "put about" by having his audience so great a thinker and speaker as Mr. Balfour. He answered: "No, I know Mr. Balfour, and If I have a real conviction, and am to express it plainly without any aim at orna ment, I feel, when he is present, I shall have an interested, discriminat ing, and sympathetic listener." Tab Is true everywhere. B"aBsBsfe:t"K bsbIbssssssssssV eHfl EN B9feStZ'rWv9H I sBlH CALUMET is the only MfiH GRADE POWDEI offered to the consumer at a Moderate Price It should not be confused with he cheap, low grade powders on the one hand, nor the high priced trust powders on the other. HOLD UP! and conicei- POMMEL UKE ALL fOWG WKTERrnQFl U0THING.I bmadroftiiebesr mttakBbktorHffrl ulyauieabciMtt'i! muNtdKkfs t7 STKKTB-reC SIGN OFTHE FISH I r vcotkji Muunmn3jumm ajtbwir col - n. -.. TPHCMT3. CMI. CTC.nM.U3i Native Police and Soldiers. There are no white soldiers or po lice in British New Guinea, where the natives number 300,000. The govern ment consists of a British adminis trator, an executive council and the magistrates stationed at centers near the coast There are 500 non-official white residents. Engineers Protect Village. The Swiss federal engineers, it is said, have succeeded with great difficulty in arresting the movement of two miles of debris, which threat ened to destroy the villages or Gru quay and Chamoson, situated in the canton of Valais. WAS WEAK AND DIZZY Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored the Patient to Perfect Health And Strength. Mrs. Mary Gagner, of No. 576 South Summer street, Holjoke, Muss., has passed through an experience which proves that some of the greatest bless ings of life may lie within easy reach awl yet be fouud only by mere chance. A few years ago while she was employed in the mills she was suddenly seized with dizziness and great weakness. " I was so weak at times," bhe says, "that I could hardly stand, and my heart 1: came so dizzy that it seemed as if the floor was moving around. "My condition at last became so bad that I was obliged to give up work in the mill, and later still I became so feebly that I could not even attend to me household duties. After the slightest exertion I had to lie dowu and rest uutil I refrained strength. "A friend who had used Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People urged me to try them. I bought a box aur! began to take them. The benefit wu-i positive and so quickly evident tlca i continued to use the pills nutil I had r.iken alto gether six boxes. By that time I was entirely cured, and for two vars I have had no return of my tronble. I am now in the best of health and ablo to attend to all ray duties. I am glad to acknowl edge the benefit I received and I hope that my statement may be the meaus of inducing others who may suffer iu this way to try this wonderful medicine." The secret of the power of Dr. Wil liams Pink Pills in cases of debility, such as Mrs. Gagner's lies in the fact that they make new blood, and every or gan and even every tiny nervo in the body feels the stir of a new tide of strength. Or. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will be sent, postpaid, nn receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. You don't have to pump the orgaa to find out all the church gossip. Cream Separators in Nebraska. There are now nearly 35,000 cream separators in use In Nebraska, which makes it the greatest cream separator state in the union. This universal use of the cream separator speaks elo quently of its money making qualities and thousands of farmers In tho corn and wheat belts who formerly en gaged In grain raising and general farming now find it infinitely more profitable to engage in dairying. The Nebraska Experiment Station authori ties estimate that from 85 to 90 per cent of the 35,000 separators in use In Nebraska are the farmers' De Laval machines. This is not surpris ing, as their excellent efficiency and the general satisfaction they give have made a market for them la all of the world. The wise one writes love and mails them in the grate. letters Lewis' Single Binder the famous straight 5c cigar, always best quality. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, In. Many a cheerful looking slipper covers an aching sole. Garfield flsU Tea Tea psrifies the hind. WS4 FMSM "JrJaS 2 V Xi c I "f r 4 ftsv w V